In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Sun of God that was created in the Cosmos to illuminate all consciousnesses and creatures. This is the infinite and cosmic Sun that never extinguishes, that always comes to assist those who need It and those who cry out for Its inner presence.

However, I Am not alone here today but rather accompanied by hundreds of other Suns, which know the infinite trajectory of this universe and Creation. They are the sacred consciousnesses of old, those consciousnesses that have been walking throughout time, throughout the events of the universe and the planet.

For this reason, today the infinite Suns that respond to the Creator are present here to radiate their codes of Light, not only to your consciousnesses but also to all of humanity, which, as you know, is going through its dark night.

Behold the Sun of the Reliquary of God, which spiritually presents itself so that souls may venerate and recognize it within themselves.

This is the eternal communion that you and your brothers and sisters must achieve in this time to be able to endure the last events so that your consciousnesses may be transformed inside and outside, so that your lives may be completely different, just as God expects in His silence and in the infinity of His Love.

Receive the presence of the Hierarchical Suns of God today, those consciousnesses that respond to His Original Project, to His Will and His Design, those consciousnesses that know the origin of each being and accompany the trajectory of each soul and each spirit on the planet, even of those who are in errors and perdition.

However, through the Sun of Our Hearts, We illuminate the dark spaces of the consciousness and of the being so that they may be redeemed; We bring the peace that many seek in this time but cannot find it. Yet, by simply placing your consciousnesses before these Suns of the universe, which know your origins and trajectories, you will enter into communion with the Heights and with Divine Life because I, as your Master, and all the Hierarchies, have learned from humanity, from its errors and successes, from its triumphs, but also from its failures.

But today, may your spirits rise through this Center of Love, which is so silent and hidden, so mysterious and unknown, which will only be revealed to the pure of heart, to the pure of intention, to those who do not want anything else for themselves, to those who aspire to live the void and surrender to God, Our Creator.

This is where the Suns of the Hierarchies will deposit their treasures in trust and faith. It is within the heart of each being who surrenders to God and to His Plan that His Work will be able to be reflected and mirrored on Earth in these critical times.

How infinite is the wealth of the inner life of this universe! How vast are its dimensions and planes, and all its existence!

Therefore, look at your beings today as spirits, rather than just as human beings. It is this spirit in each being, created by the Solar Consciousnesses, that will give you the strength of perfection and transformation, of peace and the conviction of serving God despite everything, at every moment of life and throughout time; because, in this way, a part of humanity is being prepared by Our Solar Consciousnesses to awaken the new code of God, the one that was thought of by the Eternal Father in your origin, before everything existed, before everything was life in matter and in the universe.

Now, companions, you can see and contemplate that life does not end here.

What is the dimension of your inner universe?

How much can your inner universe offer to the Eternal Father in this time?

It is not in that which is great that you will attain perfection but rather in that which is small, in that which is the simplest, in everything that is done out of love. This is what makes the consciousness evolve and awaken, without ambitions, without flaunting, without expectations.

Imagine if the Son of God had wanted all power for Himself; He could not have been the Christ. For this reason, from the first moment, the powerful Spirit of God, through the incarnation of His Son on Earth, was born in a humble manger, preached, healed and brought all those who needed Him close to His Heart. I was just one more among so many, although I knew that God had sent Me on a mission.

This is how God sends you to Earth, after many experiences, to live a mission and fulfill an irrefutable Will, a Will that cannot be erased or disappear from the consciousness although it may seem it can.

Your lives must be a pencil in the Hands of God in this time. Will you allow Him to write? Will you allow Him to decide the destiny and the path?

Many are the treasures that are still kept in the universe and in inner life. This Center of Love, which gathers and congregates you today, offers to you this sacred and blessed, sacrificed and silent opportunity.

The life of the spirit is the balm of simplicity, the life of the spirit is the balm of humility, the life of the spirit is the balm of inner divestment; because those who wish to be free from themselves forever, may they renounce, and then, through their lives, God in His Wisdom will be able to write the future and what is to come.

After the last year when I was here with you, only now can I tell you that I Am fulfilling what I had foreseen, until now I had not been able to for other circumstances.

I feel joy and bliss for the effort of the brave, of those who persist in faith, and those who do not step back despite everything. Because God shows His Fortitude in those who respond and say yes to Him at each moment and stage of life. God blesses, with His Light, those who persist and those who truly strive, without anything in return, without conditions or forms.

A Spiritual Light is born again today through this Center of Love, which congregates and unites you. Today you will not understand it but you will indeed know it as time goes by. It is this Sacred Light that will radiate upon you, as from this cycle, to prepare the New Humanity and the New Time before My physical Return to the world.

Do not forget this and keep it in mind, because at the hardest moment of humanity, you will need it as a strength of faith and effort in your lives, as My apostles, as servants of the Plan, as collaborators of this Work of Love, which belongs to Christ alone, and through Christ, belongs to all souls.

Today, the Sun of My Heart expands and becomes illuminated to encourage you to move on, to achieve and concretize the projects of the Hierarchy in this place and others. Because I will count on those who are truly with Me, regardless of their imperfection or the moment of their lives.

Thus, receive My Spiritual Anointing so that, once initiated by My Spirit, you may begin this new stage with joy and bliss, with the absolute certainty of responding to My Merciful Heart.

May the Spirit, which unites the Most Holy Trinity, bless and renew you, inside and outside. 

The steps of the disciples are now marked and assigned, it is enough to take them in order to live and fulfill them as My Eternal Father determines.  

May the sun of the heart be ignited in you so that love and peace may radiate to the world, to your families and brothers and sisters, so that there may no longer be conflict or division but rather unity and brotherhood, a spirit of cooperation and collaboration among your fellow beings.

Just as I taught My first apostles in that time, in the same way I teach you today; because Love is the first rule, and it will never change. Happy will be those who live of the Love that I impart to the world and especially to souls and to this place today, which I cherish so much.

May Argentina fulfill its spiritual mission so that its people may prepare My Return in the hearts of the simple and those who are free from themselves.

Just as Peter and My apostles saw the Lord come, walking upon the waters in the Sea of Galilee, in the same way, I hope you can recognize Me in My Return; for I will not come as a King but rather as a humble worker and servant of the Father, just as I was when came to this world, preaching and healing souls.

May the advent of the New Time be fulfilled now and always. Amen.

I thank you for being here by My side, in simplicity of heart and life. This is how I feel you at each moment.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You will not achieve purity of heart through your skills, nor through the most sublime virtues, although these help on the spiritual path of consecration.

You will achieve the purity of heart that will always lead you to inner innocence through the truth of what you are, by manifesting and reflecting the loyalty that will always show that each one of you are transparent and crystalline like water, that there is nothing that you have to hide or pretend, because this is part of the human condition. But purity of heart will always free you from yourselves, liberate you from this cruel world, and always lead you to understand the Will of the Father.

For this reason, My children, remain in this incessant quest for inner purity. A purity which, in humanity, is conditioned and buried today by influences, interferences and modernity.

This is why, once again, I bring you the Purity of My Immaculate Heart, which is not the Purity of the Heavenly Mother, properly speaking; it is rather the Purity that emanates from the Unfathomable Fountain of God and is radiated and shared by the holy angels, even by the guardian angels themselves.

Although I know, My children, that we are in a time of spiritual battle, I tell you not to lose heart, but rather to continue on. Because few, very few, are the souls in the world that have the Grace of knowing their inner purity or even of remembering it every day. The rest of the souls in the world are far from their spiritual purity and, because they are far from their own inner purity, they distance themselves from the Love of the Father and lose the innocence that always guards them in goodness and peace.

As Mother of Immaculate Purity, I remind all My children of this Message again, because life becomes superficial day by day, and often unreasonable, cold or indifferent, to the point that most of My children do not care about any situation. And this cannot be so, My children, because you will be within an illusory appearance that will blind your eyes, block your perceptions, and distance you from the truth.

Therefore, every life situation, every situation of the planet or even of the Kingdoms of Nature must be met with attention, because everything, absolutely everything, is important to God.

For this reason, on this special day, when I bless Estonia and the whole world again, I come accompanied by the Angels of God’s Purity, because He entrusts the whole world to you so that more souls, in these times of definition and transition, may find again their inner purity and thus contact their inner innocence.

If this does not happen, My children, souls in the world will not be able to endure the end of times. Because now, in this end time, many souls live in depression, and people also feel it strongly. The cause for this depression is not living the Will of God; it is not being able to know Higher Laws, not as a spiritual rule or imposition, but rather as the opportunity to be redeemed and liberated from oneself.

Do you now understand, My children, the importance of an inner contact with Purity? For  it is one of the most important gifts of the Eternal Father.

Just for a moment, visualize that God, without His Original Purity, could not be God; because the primordial essence of purity is humility, it is emptiness of self, it is self-giving and constant, permanent selflessness.

In truth I tell you, My children, there is no mystery in all that, because this is the master key that opens all doors, not only on the material level, but also on the spiritual level.

The gift of the Purity of God is so simple and true, that souls many times cannot perceive it, because His Original Purity is in Creation, it is in nature, in its beauty, at each dawn, it is within you, so near that sometimes many cannot see it.

What is the reason, My children, for not contemplating this Greatness of God, which is authentic and original in His Children?

Do not forget that you come from the Source, because from the Source you once emerged, from the Primordial Source you were manifested through the essence of God’s Purity, His Original Purity, an incalculable mystery, inexhaustible gift, infinite Grace that reflects itself through the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima.

It was the gift of the Original Purity of God that, through the Message of your Lady of Heaven in Fatima, was able to dispel the cruelty and wickedness of war and of all contrary forces that opposed the expression of the innocence and purity of humanity.

The lack of Original Purity in My children not only separates souls from the truth and the good; it also places souls into conflict and war, in personal ideas, in all that is parallel to God, but which, in its essence, does not unite to the Father.

In this crucial time, I ask for the world to seek purity within itself day and night, because you will see for yourselves that the transformation will be different, that redemption will not be heavy, that the human condition will not enslave you, if you simply look inwards, if you look to the center of your inner universe, where the Original Purity of God dwells, and if you commune with this gift internally.

Thus, I assure you, My beloved children, that you will help the world in its great moment of redemption and conversion. This is my yearning; this is My perpetual prayer.

This is why I come here, to the world. I descend from the Heavens through the doorways of the universe and the Earth to share with My children, with My most dear children, the Purity that God has deposited in Me, even though I am a human being, even though I am the Slave of the Lord, even though I am the Mother of Jesus.

The mystery of the gift of the Original Purity of God can deter weapons and wars, close uncertain doors and deter evil, by dissipating and dissolving it from the human consciousness.

The power of the gift of the Original Purity of God is still unknown. Because it is not just a gift, it is also a spontaneous and true law; because it is an impulse of His Immaterial Source among so many gifts, virtues and graces, which is contemplated and adored by the angels.

Just as today, the angels who accompany Me contemplate the Original Purity of God in the Heart of the Heavenly Mother, venerably exposed as a gift of atonement for souls, for the redemption of the world, for the establishment of peace and good among souls.

This is why I tirelessly pray night and day so that all those who have decided to attain inner purity in these times of tribulations may remain steadfast in their quest for this aspiration, and thus achieve it without retrogressing one single step, but rather moving forward, following the Footprints of Christ; because He knows it and is aware of it.

His Gaze is turned to the truth that exists within you; the truth that must be blessed by God, because God is Truth itself, and His Truth is the revelation of His Mystery for all the universe, for all Creation. This is why My Son once told you that the Truth will make you free.

Where is the Truth in My children?

Where is liberation from yourselves?

Because God has foreseen everything, everything is already written. The only thing missing is for My children to take one more step, because consecration is infinite, the flight towards the Source is eternal, the union with the Heart of the Father is permanent, until someday you are nothing, and the Presence of the Father may dwell within you, just as you may dwell within Christ through His Holy Communion with His Glorious Body and His Precious Blood.

It is in His Divine Sacrament of the Altar that you will find the truth that you seek so much, you will find the answer that you expect so much. Because the Kingdom of God is on the other side of the threshold, waiting for you, and it is the door of the purity of heart that will allow you to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, even while living on the surface of the Earth.

Thus, I give continuity to My Message of yesterday, Words that bring a synthesis for all.

Between yesterday and today, I have given and delivered to you an impulse that must not go unnoticed. Remember, and do not forget, these are Our last impulses of Light and Love.

The time will come, My children, when you must be the living word itself and the very example of Our Instructions. In this way, the promise will be fulfilled, which We made to God on that first day when We committed, as Sacred Hearts, for Our Message to touch souls and absolutely convert them into God’s Love, to leave in hearts an indelible mark, the spiritual mark of Our transverberation, the luminous sign of the Love of God.

Embrace this Message as your own, so that it may be cultivated in your inner worlds, because I assure you that you will need it to know how to proceed in a correct way in the end of times, to continue learning to accompany the steps of Light of My Beloved Son, and thus continue to build and manifest His Most Holy Will.

Thus, I bless you again, like the rain that falls today upon this nature and washes the surface of this world from the stains of cruelty, war and the innocent blood that has been shed. May this blessing impel you to continue moving forward.

Once again, I am grateful to you.

Let us spiritually commune with the Purity of God. My Immaculate Heart is the door that opens so that you may enter the universe of the Original Purity of God.

May Estonia and the whole world receive My blessing, which is the Blessing of God, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us pray:


May the advent of the New Race be fulfilled.
May humanity express its archetype.
May the Word be alive and build Your Temple.
May Your mystery expand in us
and may true existence be revealed to the world,
so that we may gather in Your Name,
and glorify perfect unity.



In the face of tiredness, I will strengthen you.

In the face of despair, I will support you.

In the face of darkness, I will always be the Light.

Before sincere surrender, I will rejoice.

In silence, I will make Myself felt.

In love, you will see Me made manifest.

Beneath those pure in heart will be the sacred soil of My Kingdom.

Upon the merciful will be the dome of My Celestial Church.

From the persevering, I will make infinite impulses spring.

From those who never become tired, My Fire of overcoming and transcendence will emerge.

My Hand will always be upon the just.

My Breath of the Spirit will guide the boat of your souls, and I will always show you the way out in the face of what seems to be a stormy sea.

From those who are surrendered, I will make the Inexhaustible Source of My Love emerge.

My Peace will embrace the simple.

Like the stars, Light will guide the path of the consecrated.

My Priesthood will be protecting those who sincerely said ‘yes’ to My Son, despite the battles.

I will never stop, regardless of what may happen in My Creation, because My Love is inexhaustible, My Mercy wishes to be the door to the redemption of all My Children.

Time and again, I renew Myself in those who are adoring Me through My Son at the altar, for in this way I will show My Victory in those who walk by My side.

Child, you can rest peacefully today, because if you seek Me, you will find Me, because if you call Me, I will always be there. Because if you trust in Me, you must fear nothing.

I made you free so that you might grow in Me. I made you pure so that you might be a testimony of My Presence.

Rest in My Arms.

Keep taking steps in mature love.

My Son is your only school.

Your Celestial Mother will embrace you with Her Mantle.

You receive a sacrament whenever you listen to Me.

You are healed whenever you are in communion with Me.

In this way, you are strengthened to learn how to be humble.

Move forward, I Am here with you.

I Am that I Am.

I Am Adonai.




To have a pure life, you must have a pure heart; having the heart pure, you will have a pure mind, and having a pure mind, you will attain pure intentions.

In order for this to happen, you must not forget the spiritual essence that you are, and not look so much at appearances.

The pure heart is attained with an absolute determination to live the Love of God and to not lose sight of that.

Beyond imperfections or even traumas, the pure heart does not lose or dissolve that which it has truly learned.

For this reason, only the pure heart is a noble heart, capable of understanding life and its situation, beyond what is concrete or material.

Thus, the pure heart will be the regent of life and not of the mind. The mind must act as a facilitator of the actions that the heart decides; in this way, your life will be in harmony and not in conflict.

A pure heart is a confident heart, selfless and service-oriented, capable of stepping out of itself to make room and space for the fellow being.

The pure heart does not fear detachment, sacrifice, giving of itself a little more, although it may seemingly believe that it will not manage to do so.

The pure heart recognizes its errors, but does not blame itself for them; it works silently until it is able to transform the deepest aspects of its being.

A pure heart is a peacemaker.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Lord, give My children the experience of a pure heart so that their feelings may be pure and they can have pure minds.

Lord, give My children noble hearts so that their works may be true and their ideas may be of wisdom.

Lord, give My children pure vision, so that the purpose of their lives may be healthy, capable of promoting Your wills and aspirations.

Lord, give My children redeemed consciousnesses, so that their lives may be a victory, capable of pleasing and recognizing You.

Lord, give My children a true synthesis, capable of helping them take the last great step so that, with faith, they can represent the Work of My Son, and thus, the designs may be fulfilled.

Lord, before I return to Your Kingdom, give My children the opportunity to love, to live Your Commandments and Laws, so that Your Purpose of Peace and Mercy may be established.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


XXVI - The Key to Unveil the Celestial Mysteries

A soul that aspired to live and express the purity of the heart but felt this attribute to be corrupt within them, prayed to God, asking Him for purity to again emerge, and questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, I know that there is the attribute of purity within me, because I know that when You created me, You placed this purity within me, but throughout this lifetime, I believe that I have lost it, and I am unable to find it. How do I recover purity within my heart? How do I love purity and express it more than all the capital energies that surround our beings?"

And with love, the Lord responded:  "Little soul, yes, since the beginning of life, purity has dwelled within your being; a purity that comes from the Immaculate Womb that created you in the infinite universe of My Creation. This purity is not lost, but it is indeed hidden by all the human experiences that do not allow it to be expressed within the hearts of My Children.

So that it may again emerge and gain space throughout your consciousness, what you must transform within you is your concept of love, and love itself within your heart; that is to say, little soul, you must love Me, My Plan and My Kingdom, more than humankind and the things of the world. But this love must be true, genuine and unconditional. There must be no condition that you set for loving Me, and gradually this love will make you see life and each being in a different way.

It is the love for God that transforms creatures. My Love in you changes your thoughts and feelings, changes your way of acting, changes your needs and aspirations, cleanses your eyes and the stains within your hearts, causing them to recover purity.

This is how, beloved soul, you must not seek to defeat the energies of the world so as to express this purity, because if it is so, you will be in a constant battle and you will not come to know peace. Rather, just strive to love Me, with truth and wholeness, and may My Love grow within you. In this way, you will find purity within you."

May this dialogue, children, teach you that all the celestial mysteries and the pure expressions of beings are held only in the Love of God.  You just have to love the Creator with all your being, with truth and unconditionally.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Since the birth of your Lord, up to His ascension to Heaven, as it was the moment for manifesting His Redeeming Work and awakening souls to love and truth, the Creator sent all those consciousnesses to the world that needed to learn with His Son.

And so it was that, year after year, souls shared with Christ His life on Earth.

Some experiences were quicker, others longer; some found Him only once, others many times, because God Himself, profound knower of the souls He created, was Who knew the real need of each being.

And so it was that, since the childhood of Christ, there were souls that shared in his fragility, the awakening and the manifestation of His childhood purity, the growth of His humanity and the expansion of His Divinity within that fragile body.

Each being learned something with God through His Son; something that the Creator, with His own Hands, built within souls, through Christ.

There were those souls that needed to live the glory of Christ, the revelation of the Kingdom of God in His miracles, in His Words, in His Presence. Others needed to awaken a deep, fertile and eternal love through His Passion, to carry to the world the legacy of His Love, not only in that time, but through the centuries to come. Other souls, in spite of not having looked into the Eyes of Christ, experienced His spiritual Presence and, in the silence, they were able to find Him within themselves.

I tell you this because this is the moment for turning inward and remembering.

Remembering the Child full of God that awakened purity within your hearts.

Remembering the silent and humble Youth that learned with His father in a carpentry shop while teaching him about the transformation of souls.

Remembering the Prophet of Nazareth, the one called the Nazarene, Who walked upon the hills and, with the same simplicity, did so on the waters, revealing the mysteries of God held within His Heart, as well as in the heart of each being.

The moment has come to remember the Gaze that redeemed you, the Hands that reached out toward you, to lead you into a new life, a new human being, with a simple phrase: follow Me.

To remember He who called you to leave the ship of human desires and aspirations in the sea in order to go with Him to rescue souls.

To remember He who forgave your sins and, seeing the truth within you, called you by name so that you never again turn away from His Love.

To remember each drop of Blood that spilled from His Face and His Gaze always fixed on God.

To remember His Heart, elevated above the suffering, pleading for humanity and for each being with the same love.

To remember the empty sepulcher.

To remember His Words and His Face in resplendent vestments.

To remember His body rising up among the incandescent brilliance of the clouds and, in the light, the power of His Voice promising you He would bring the Kingdom of God to the world.

To see the promises of Christ fulfilled, you need to remember; and to remember, you need to enter into yourself and lovingly contemplate what He left in your hearts, because His impulses are eternal.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Universe within you does not hide, it merely keeps silent, waiting for its beings to turn inward to find it.

Mysteries only remain mysteries in the hearts of humankind when they do not seek them or are indifferent to spiritual life. All sciences may be revealed to you, because the Wisdom of God Himself is to be found within you. Your essence is a bridge to the Heart of the Father, to everything that He is.

There are no limits or boundaries for the spirit that untiringly treads the path of return to God. Ignorance is the self-condemnation of those who choose to remain in illusion, in the darkness of their consciousness. Wisdom is not a gift for the few; Wisdom is a virtue that is asleep in the essence of all human beings who can awaken through a sincere and pure search for the Truth.

Be pure of heart and begin to walk. Be sincere and ask the Father for the grace of being in His Heart and of living what you were created to live.

Aspire to go through the school of the Earth and to experience it fully. Aspire to express all the potential that you hold within you. God manifested each being according to His Perfection. All of you have unique virtues to express. Aspire, children, to fully manifest this truth.

Empty of human concepts, of vanity and pride that keep you attached to material concepts of evolution, you will be able to find the truth about yourselves. Divine Grace can reveal these and all things to you; it is enough that you wholeheartedly cry out and open up with your whole being.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In all things, look for the inner and spiritual presence of your Most Holy Mother.

Wherever you may go, let your heart lean more toward the mysteries of the spirit than toward material things.

Seek the essence of the Purpose of God in the mission that He entrusted to you and always, child, go deeper into the spiritual meaning of all things.

Seek the Will of God in silence. Find His guidance in inner stillness so that your consciousness may move beyond appearances and find what is true, and so that the example of your pure heart speaks to the world about how to face the things of God, without confusing them with the things of humankind.

My blessing is upon you, as it is upon the world, because a new time is spiritually beginning for all of humanity.

Each day that goes by, the contact with higher life becomes more inner, deeper, because it is there, where superficiality does not exist, where your heart will be safe to find God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I Am the Mother of Pity, of Compassion, the Mother of Hope, the Mother who, silently, prays for Her children, watches over them in Her Heart and intercedes before God so that they may learn to love and to forgive.

My Children, I am here to call you toward repentance of the heart so that you may allow your past to be healed, your present to be transformed and your future to be written with the Hands of Divine Will, and not with the hands of human and superficial will.

I come to call you to recognize the Graces and warnings that, repeatedly, your Lord and Creator sends to this nation in order to clean your sins and make you truly return to the path of the Heart of God.

I come as Mother and Guardian of the Holy Eucharist so that, with the Body and the Blood of Christ, consecrated in My Hands and in My Heart, I can repair all stains caused by those who raised the elements for the consecration, but their hearts were not consecrated to God; and those who communed of the Living Eucharist and did not allow it to enter into their heart, although it was in their mouth.

I come, children, in the name of God and of My Son, to grant the Grace of forgiveness, to those who repent from the heart, and show you the path toward purity.

I do not come to judge you, but rather to show your faults because the Heart of God is wounded by the outrages committed against Him, and I am here to awaken hearts to sanctity, to call you to love the purpose of your existence, to reveal to you that there are higher truths which wait for you to surrender your own ignorance before God so that they may then be revealed.

My Heart is firm, but Pitying, because I cannot fail to warn the world about its faults. The Justice of God now precipitates over the Earth, and it is urgent that you repent from the heart and straighten your paths within Divine Will.

The time of illusion will give place to the time of the Justice of God, and all the mud that was previously hidden in the consciousness of humanity and of nations will emerge, and by itself will suffocate. It will be what is within you, children, that will make you perish, or will save you, according to that which you cultivate in your own hearts.

Therefore, do not only fear God, but fear yourselves, because the Divine Justice will touch that which is hidden within you, and it will be the very weight of human beings which will make them sink into the abysses, and then all will reveal itself, and there will be no difference amongst religions, social status, culture, nations. It will be the purity in the hearts of humanity that will make you rise amongst those who have lost themselves. The wheat will be separated from the chaff, not by the Hands of God, but by human actions, by what is in their own heart.

Today, children, I do not come to place fear in your hearts, but I come to awaken your consciousness so that you may cultivate a pure heart, even though you are imperfect; so that you may try to balance the evils of the world, every day, through prayer; so that you may transform your consciousness and hearts into true instruments of God; so that you may perceive that you are not only here for your own salvation, but for a greater purpose, universal and divine, which seeks the awakening of a new love in the hearts of all beings.

I know that you feel distant from the realization of this Plan, but today I extend My hands and show you the path of the Grace and of the Mercy of My Son, so that you do not corrupt your hearts, but so that you find peace, in service and in the true love for God and for your fellow beings.

I bless you and thank you for being here, responding to My call.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received in the Commune of Castel Volturno, Campania, Italy, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Seek the purity of your heart through silence and prayer to restore this world from so many sins and illusions.

Offer a sincere reparation to God through the small renunciations of life so that, through these offerings, the Lord can intercede for those who are ignorant and indifferent in this world, in spite of having a commitment with God and with His Love.

Each day live a true religion and love being united with God for those who deceive themselves with false spiritual lives.

Repair the Heart of the Father for those outrages, praying and adoring with the heart. Be an instrument for the miracle of God, allowing yourself to be transformed. Be a source of His Grace, allowing Him to be within you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


For the Kingdom of God to reach Earth, it will first have to live inside of beings. Open the path toward this Kingdom through your prayers, moments in which the purity of your hearts emerges and makes you know the real feelings and thoughts that a human being came to express in the world.

Pray, children, attracting peace inside of you and toward your consciousness, and afterwards let this peace expand throughout this world.

As creatures similar to God, human beings keep within themselves the potential to radiate for all of life that which is within them. The universe of their bodies, the micro-cosmos that is kept in the composition of their beings, from the consciousness to the smallest atoms, are a mirror of the infinite Cosmos.

You, children, are mirrors of the Heart of God. That which inhabits within you radiates to the world, even if you are not conscious of it.

To have a world of peace, you need to let peace install itself in your consciousnesses and establish itself in all of your cells. Pacify yourselves consciously and this way you will bring peace into life.

All that you cry out for, you can attract to the world through the transformation of your own consciousness. In prayer, you can find in yourselves the door to the Kingdom of God, and when you are able to let Him express Himself within your interior, then, children, this Kingdom will begin to expand throughout the world.

Do you understand the science of human existence?

The Creator manifested human beings to transform all of His Creation through them. The love that can be born within you, when it encompasses its genetics and expresses itself in all its atoms, can transform galaxies and universes. In the same way, when you do not live in peace, the darkness that inhabits within the beings also resonates in all of life.

So recognize the potential of your hearts, of your bodies, of your lives, and become instruments of peace and Mercy for this world.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Confess to God in order to reach the path of His Heart, and find the answers full of wisdom that He has for you.

Allow your heart to be transparent before the Father, to find the path to enter into His Truth and His Love.

The Creator wants you to be a partaker of His infinite Wisdom, the knowledge of His sublime Laws, of His celestial Truth, but for this, child, you must begin by opening yourself, by knowing yourself deeply, without layers, without masks, without resistances, to find that which is most hidden within your human consciousness.

It is only through unveiling the illusion that you will know the truth. Being true before God, you will find that which is most pure within you, and it is within your own essence that everything will be revealed to you, because there you will find the path toward God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Meditate on the essence of life. Close your eyes and, with deep breaths, enter into the depth of your being, within your heart. Imagine your physical body, your cells and atoms, the systems that, with perfection, give you life.

Enter into what you are, starting with the expression of your soul in the matter of your body. Begin to penetrate more deeply into your heart and discover that, beyond matter, there is life.

Find within you the door to your own soul, to your spirit, to your essence. Contemplate, in the deepest level of your heart, a bright and pure light, a divine essence, and remain silent before it. Feel its purity and its crystalline light, which shines independently of what is around it.

Enter into this light inside of you and see how it is formed by many other small and similar lights, but of an unknown purity. Its brightness does not have a color that you can distinguish because there is nothing in nature or in the imagination of men that resembles it.

Enter more deeply into this light, made of little lights, and see your consciousness submerged in it, as if you were immersed into a deep light that dazzles your eyes, but fills your heart.

Enter this endless light and perceive that the little lights which form it gradually become large when compared to your consciousness. See that between them a space of a deep blue color, like the sky at night,  gradually opens. The little lights that form your essence begin to spread throughout this infinity. Contemplate the suns, galaxies, and planets that appear before your interior.

See, child, this is what you are: a principle of an infinite Creation. Within your interior is kept the door to the Cosmos. You dwell in God, and He dwells in you. And if you find this truth, you will feel no more emptiness or loneliness, because nothing will be separate.

Life is within you and you are within life.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When God, the Almighty and Powerful, made Himself small and fragile within the Womb of the Most Holy Mary, He was not only paving the way to seal a new and eternal covenant with humanity, the Creator was revealing a mystery and making Truth alive, which had always been spiritual and that, at that moment, manifested as something physical and palpable for humanity.

God was revealing His presence within humanity. He was revealing that, through His Spirit, He could awaken within beings a new human being, which renews and revives humanity, which had died, even though it was alive. God was revealing the possibility of a second birth, a spiritual birth, in which those who are aware of the presence of His Spirit allow Him to manifest Himself.

Through the Birth of Jesus, the Creator awakened, revealed and gave humanity the possibility of experiencing Truth. Those who are pure of heart, humble and willing to be instruments of God, willing to fulfill His Will, above all things, are worthy of expressing within themselves the presence of the Holy Spirit and, this way, they may little by little reach the true potential of humankind.

The Creator did not create you to express what you live on Earth today. This life is the faithful mirror of the ignorance of human beings, but those who open themselves to Truth and are willing to be reborn in spirit, expressing in life the perfection of the Spirit of God, will be able to receive and live the revelation of the Truth about themselves, even if they never know for sure what it is that lives within them. 

Children, open to rebirth in the Spirit of God, that you may be reborn in Him, and He, as a divine response, may awaken within you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages

May the Purity that springs from the Fount of the Heart of God inundate souls and renew them. 

May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God permeate beings and awaken them.

May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God fill hearts and reveal Peace to them, reveal Love to them, and reveal Grace to them.

May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God reach all souls and lead them to the Truth, hidden until today, of the perfect union between their Celestial Mother and God.

May Purity, children, dissolve ignorance from the human consciousness, and above all, the pride that prevents it from reaching Divine Mysteries for believing that in its smallness all knowledge, all wisdo.m, and all truth can be kept.

May Purity open your eyes and cleanse them so that they may see the world and life always as if for the first time, like someone who is facing something that is completely unknown to them.

May Purity allow you to see everything as if for the first time and may the interest for that which is new open the doors to the Mysteries of God for you

Blessed is the heart that contemplating its Divine and Celestial Mother, discovers Divine Motherhood in Her.

Contemplate the Son of God, but also contemplate the First Tabernacle that held Him, and discover that as it is on Earth, so it is in Heaven.

Know and recognize the Greatness of your Divine Mother every day, with the simple gratitude of being before Her Immaculate Heart, for Her silence talks greatly to the heart that knows how to listen beyond words.

Contemplate the first and eternal Tabernacle of Creation, which is the Womb and the Heart of Mary, that held within Herself not only the Son of God, but also everything that was created by the Father.

May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God reveal to you this and many other mysteries that are in Heaven as on Earth.

Be eternally grateful, and in simple gratitude, you will see the Heavens open before your hearts for revelations that humanity must know and that are not to be found in the Sacred Books.

This is the time of the new revelations.

May hearts open to the Truth and may the Purity that springs from the Heart of God grant you the Grace of Awakening.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear child:

Let the voice of the heart come from the depths of the soul, so that you may always recognize the Grace of being united with God.

The voice of the heart is peaceful, it is the fire that comes from the spirit, which repairs all things.

Allow, My child, the voice of the heart to always emerge from you, so that in this way, the communion with God is established between you and the Universe.

Live every day through the voice of the heart so that from cycle to cycle you learn to overcome your fears and all uncertainties.

Allow, My child, the voice of your heart to guide you in seeking the pure and the real, so that you can always find again the sure path that will lead you towards the Arms of My Beloved Son.

May the voice of the heart be able to show you the new steps towards an encounter with the innermost spirit of each being.

May the voice of the heart awaken in My children so that the wounded world may be healed!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Time to step out of the world illusion

The time has come, My children, to step out of the world illusion and to begin to face reality, first within you, and then to recognize it outside.

The world will not wait for you to mature so that it lives its purification and the transition of the times, which will mark the before and after between the old and the new man. The changes are already precipitating over the Earth and are expressed through the imbalance of the elements of nature, through men, through young people, through wars between nations, races and religions. Thus, children, the “end”, that many do not want to see because they believe that everything is where it should be, is shaped.

Today, as yesterday, I come as the Mother of Truth, the Lady of Divine Sincerity, so that nothing more may be hidden from your eyes and all warnings may be given to you in time, so that you may transform your lives and your souls awaken.

My beloved, amidst a world that is lost in its own ignorance, I come to build an example of transformation in this place. If you open the door to Me and say “yes” to Me, I will demonstrate to the world that it is possible to convert ignorance into wisdom and naivety into a true purity of heart.

I would like all My children of this town to come to meet Me, so that I may awaken them to the will that God has for this people.

Children, I want to build here a model of respect, equality and hope; a place where souls come to find again the dignity they have lost because of surrendering to illusion.

I know that the enemy of God will do everything to prevent this Plan from being fulfilled and souls from uniting to build this purpose. But today I ask you, beloved children, to just place your hearts on the goal of expressing to the world a hope of life, which it has lost.

I want to help you rebuild your families; I want to teach you to grow and respect the different expressions of the human heart. I want religions here to unite in service and prayer, for a world of peace. May respect and the consciousness that only One God exists, He Who gathers you, make it possible to erase from your hearts the prejudice and the feelings of superiority with respect to your brothers and sisters. I want you to see one another as unique essences of God, deeply loved by He Who created them. And, in this way, you may open to learn one with each other.

It is not much that I ask of you, My children. I want to root out violence through the awakening of the spirit. Because a heart that yields to darkness, is one which does not truly know God and has not found a meaning for its life. I come to give you this meaning and to open in your hearts that space which the Creator must occupy, so that one day, My beloved, you may express the likeness to the Father.

For the nations of the world, this is a distant and nearly impossible goal, but to the one who is in Me and allows himself to be guided by My Heart, nothing is impossible. Allow Me, children, to establish peace through your hearts. Allow Me to build the impossible in your lives.

I just want you to respect one another, to serve one another and to collaborate in the building of a world in greater peace. For the planet agonizes and the wars outrage the hearts of My children, due to the inability of men to live true love and conscious respect.

For this reason, children, I will ask you to accompany Me and to allow Me to transform this place into an example of a new life, where it is possible to respect, collaborate, admire the best of one’s fellow being, and thus live in communion.

If you allow Me to do it, and if you let yourselves be guided by Me, in a short while you will see My words manifested in the transformation of your lives.

Carry this message of Mine to the four corners of this town and let it echo in the hearts. Call My children to come and meet Me. It is time to awaken and to step out of the world illusion.

I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Santarém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Each time you pray from the heart, a thorn of pain is removed from the Heart of God and a flower of light opens in His Kingdom.

Therefore, continue praying the Rosary every day so that peace and the end of wars may be established.

Continue praying with the purity of your hearts, so that the situations of the planet may reverse, and thus more souls may achieve the Mercy of God.

Continue praying with the purity of your hearts, so that the situations of the planet may reverse, and thus more souls achieve the Mercy of God.

Each prayer that is pronounced with love, opens doors so that souls may submerge in the ocean of forgiveness and thus receive reconciliation with the Universe.

On this afternoon, the prayer of the heart reached vast celestial spheres, and help came to assist the most simple.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

My Words reach the heart so that the Gifts that God placed in each soul may blossom.

My Words reach the heart to transform what is impure into pure, that which is stained into something crystalline.

My Words reach the heart to heal inner and spiritual wounds, to make each heart a balm of love.

My Words reach the heart to touch the depths of the essence of each soul, so that each being may become aware of their mission on this planet.

My Words reach the heart so that souls may feel God, and thus vivify Him as the Lord of Love and of Peace.

My Words reach the heart to have you believe in humility and in the truth, in the profound trust of knowing that everything will follow its course until, finally, the Plan of Love in each being is fulfilled.

My Words reach the heart to make of each consciousness a temple of love and of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
