Weekly Messages

Receive My blessing and My Peace, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the gift of life, precious and sacred, always find worth in your little hearts.

May the gift of life, precious and sacred, always be praised in your inner world.

May the gift of life, precious and sacred, always find meaning and purpose in your consciousnesses.

Never feel that it is too late to experience something, to expand your consciousness, to experience greater degrees of Higher Love. Never think that it is too late to take another step toward the Heart of God and serve through your own surrender.

Let each new day bring the aspiration to live in gratitude: gratitude for all the limitations of the body, the mind, the emotions, and gratitude for the expansion of spirit; gratitude for all the difficulties, for all the times you feel incapable, but where the Creator can reveal that within you, He is capable of doing all things; gratitude for each new deprivation of autonomy and false freedom, for it is in this way, children, that you discover that freedom is found within yourselves, in your inner world, in your consciousness.

This is why I come to this sacred place, before this sacred valley, so that in contemplating its sunrise and its sunset, your consciousnesses may perceive that expansion happens from the inside out, that it does not depend on your feet, nor your hands, only on your heart. I come to this sacred place, in this Sacred Kingdom, not only so that you may learn to be grateful, but also to express My Divine Gratitude.

I have accompanied serving souls from the beginning of their lives, and like a father who watches each step of their children, I watch your small steps. I know you are not perfect and that many times, it is difficult to deal with you, but today I want to bring you, children, an awareness of the reality of your small essences, an awareness of the gratitude for your small lives.

Each one of you, through your sincere steps, has generated and is generating merits for the salvation of souls. The personal persistence of remembering and praying each new day, in spite of pain and illnesses, in spite of the limitations and the loneliness, all that generates the salvation of souls.

And I know you are not conscious of what you experience, I know that pain sometimes takes over your whole consciousness, and the need to be in God causes your souls to be even more alone. But today I come to tell you to receive My paternal embrace, that you recognize My Presence and that you be with Me, because I will lead you by the hand to the Heart of the Redeemer, I will teach you where to go and where not to go, and I will help you at each fall, at each step, so that you may learn to return to the Heart of God whenever you deviate from the path.

I have come here as your father and teacher, as your friend and companion of all times, so you may walk with Me to the Sacred Kingdom which dwells in the inner worlds of this place.

Today I give you the key of gratitude, so you may have it always in your heart as a master key which will always show you the correct path. At each difficulty, be grateful; on each new day, be grateful; on each new night, be grateful, and the gratitude itself will open the doors of Heaven to you, it will expand your consciousness, it will show you a greater path to follow within yourselves.

Today I come with simple words, with a simple Heart, simply to consecrate your souls and welcome them into My Heart, thus releasing the ties to the past, thus opening the way to a new future. I give you the gift of being grateful and thus open the doors to Heaven through prayer and surrender.

Bring water, incense and oil here for the blessing.

I consecrate this water to cleanse you of the past, of your limiting errors, of your deepest resistances, and reveal to you the purity that dwells within you.

I consecrate this incense to purify your souls, your minds, your bodies and your hearts, and purified, that you may live the consecration of your spirit and consciousness for a new step.

And with this oil, I anoint you, so that through My blessing, your souls may enter into this Temple of Love of which I spoke today. May you receive healing, peace and the gift of gratitude from these Greater Temples of wisdom and love.

May My Peace dwell within you and lead you to a greater peace.

My Heart of a father and intercessor only waits to lead you to God and to the Heart of Christ. As a knower of the profound mysteries of the human consciousness, I come to guide you on the path of the impossible, so you may discover that it is possible to live the potential which dwells hidden with you, that it is never too late to learn more and more about that Greater Love, and to always experience a new expansion of consciousness each new day.

Thus I bless you, I consecrate you and I thank you for being here with Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Give thanks to God for each moment of your life, for each word received from His Sacred Heart.

Give thanks to God for each blessing and each trial, for each experience lived on Earth, which makes you grow and give new steps on the way of evolution and of return to the Heart of the Father.

Give thanks to God for the cycles experienced as well as for the present moment, and always build with Him the steps of the future; not just your future, but the future of the whole humanity, the future of this planet with its Kingdoms and its life.

Be thankful, at each moment, because gratitude will open the correct door toward the evolutionary path for you.

Gratitude will convert the growing adversities into love, and even the harassments that come your way will, under the spirit of gratitude, be transmuted.

May your thoughts and your heart be constantly in God, in an eternal movement of gratitude toward Him. This way, child, you will find the way back to the Heart of the Father.

Your Father and Friend

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To heal the present and to prepare a new life for the future, you must forgive the past.

It is only love, children, that enters the depths of the human consciousness and erases the record of the mistakes committed. Words, actions and even acts of charity and of service are only vehicles to experience this love that must emerge from the depths of the heart.

Prayer is the language of love, it is the door that opens within each being so that this love flows from God to every consciousness and from your consciousnesses to the planetary needs.

To search for an external result for your own actions is to close the doors to love, because the return is not something sought by the one who really loves. Whoever loves only gives and does not seek, in anything, to receive.

For you to be vehicles of a divine and higher love for the planetary consciousness, you should be a little more humble and simple, but not want to be one of those who transform and redeem all things, because what transforms and what redeems is love, such love that does not come from you, but from God.

Children, when you serve, know that the most important is not the service in itself, it is the love with which you serve. When you are in contact with someone and you offer them a word of relief and of hope, know that what is important is not what you say or how well you express yourselves, but rather the degree of love and of union with God with which you do so.

Before serving and even in your daily life, as the first exercise of your day, unite yourself with God and say, “Lord, make me a vehicle of Your Love.” If you are sincere and true when pronouncing these words and letting the word be the vehicle of a pure intention for it to reach the Father, this will be sufficient for the Creator to bring meaning to your lives and to make every moment of it worthwhile for the triumph of His Plan.

That your actions, thoughts, feelings and words be impregnated with something more than yourselves. That everything be for the manifestation of love and that love, by itself, be the result of your service and of your life.

For the healing of the human and planetary consciousness, launch yourselves into the discovery of the divine love and allow the Creator to make you bearers of this love.

I bless you and lead you to the true service that you already know that does not start and does not end in your actions, but that has its true acting in the life of the spirit and there should have its essence and its principle.

Your Father and Companion, in service and in prayer,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Meditate on this day about your return to the Origin and do not seek the mental concepts, that inside of your consciousnesses, become confused by the distance that exists between what humanity knows about the Truth and the Truth itself.

You are in a time in which you will receive many keys, in order that, in a harmonious way, the being may find the unity with the Creation and recognize itself inserted into it, inside of its laws and in obedience to the course of its evolution.

I know that many feel without the inner and outer resources to meditate concerning something so sublime and apparently so distant from you. But the Origin, as well as the whole history of your spirits, can be found inside of your own hearts. What happens is that you occupy yourselves much more in thinking of the non-existence of all these things, or even thinking of how they are inaccessible to you, tan of seeking them and to follow the instructions that I deliver to you.

I only ask you to be humble, so that you do not confuse and interpret, with the mind, what only the heart can understand. Because in the same way that the mind takes many resolutions that the heart does not understand and does not accept, the heart also has within it truths that only it can understand.

The time of this world, marked by the hands of the clock, is already ceasing to exist, in order to give way to an eternal time, in which only the present is the reality and everything else is kept as an experience in the consciousness.

Hence, you must start, from now on, to deconstruct the concepts of the human existence of life upon Earth and also the concepts that you have formulated in your minds about God, His Plan and all of the Creation, because the Truth will come to light and It resembles nothing of what you know.

The human consciousness has mixed principles of truth with fantasies in all means of communication of the world and, thus, has given a sign to itself that the only truth that existed was a great illusion in which you were living in matter.

I ask you, once more, that you listen to Me with the heart. Contemplate your own interior and seek there the truth about yourselves and the unity that exists between what is alive in your own essence and everything that I tell you.

I love you and because of this I give you small keys and impulses to the awakening of your consciousness.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


For these times of transition between the old and the new human being, the original human being, you must know a divine universal attribute: the Ray of Omnipresence.

The Ray of Omnipresence is the one that allows the Consciousness of God to be alive and present within all things.  The Ray of Omnipresence is the vehicle of God Himself in His Creation.

And why must you know it?

Because when humanity is very far from God and when the Divine Messengers are no longer among humanity as now, you will need to know that the Creator is in everything, and not just know it, but you will also have to experience and live this.  In this way, you will never feel alone nor helpless, because the Ray of Omnipresence will be visible and palpable to the heart.

In order to know the Omnipresence of God, you must seek it from now on, and I will tell you how.

In the concentration of the mind, of the heart, of the soul and of the spirit, silence, and only be in the present, without thinking of the past or of the future.  Feel the present moment, feel the elements of nature, such as the air for example, because regardless of where you are, the air will be present.  Feel the air as the bearer of the Ray of Omnipresence and perceive that the same God fosters life by means of the air and animates the universes with it, within the center of the entire Creation.

Discover the Presence of God within the life that sustains you, inside of your own body, giving movement to the elements that compose the being.  The God that inhabits the perfection of matter and conducts the functioning of an organism is the same one that inhabits the Cosmos, conducting the Plan to the different galaxies.

The Omnipresence of God is discovered when the same God is perceived in the small and in the great proportions of life.

The Creator is alive in all that was created by Him.  Find Him within each one of you as in the center of the Creation.  Find Him within your neighbor, as in all things.  In this way, you will be able to feel guided, even when alone and, if in a moment of need you listen to Him, the God that is in everything will be able to lead you to the fulfillment of His Will.

The Divine Messengers speak directly to you and with such human words so that you may learn, someday, to speak with the language of the heart and to listen to the voice that is pronounced in the silence of your own inner world.

I love you and I lead you to the times of transition.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
