Enter into My Heart and you will find your home, your origin and your principle, your path and your truth.

Enter into My Heart and you will find the new, what you most seek, what your soul and spirit most need, so that in this acute cycle you experience the Plan of God.

Enter into My Heart and empty yourself of everything, up to the point of knowing who you are and all that you should lose so that I can work in you.

Enter into my heart and calm yourself. I have already seen your tears and your weeping, because I come with My Mercy to heal the impenetrable.

Enter into my heart and be silent. Seek within Me the great refuge of God, the dwelling that many do not seek because of their preferences, desires, and their external life.

Enter into my heart and satiate me. I thirst for your love and your truth, so that you finally merge in Me.

Enter into my heart and do not worry. There, a treasure is stored that was thought for you by the Father; the principle of your essence, at the moment you were created in the womb of your mother.

I come with My Mercy to erase the past, not only in your consciousnesses, but also in Spain and beyond.

Enter into my heart and commune with Me. I already know your imperfections, your trials, your miseries and your difficulties. I smile at each one of them because you think you cannot overcome them.

Enter into My Heart and surrender, because in this way I will teach you to find meaning for life, the spiritual path, the goal of your soul and your spirit.

Enter into My Heart and you will take refuge in God, because there, in My Heart, nothing else matters but that you only unite with God, the Creator, because you will be doing it for those who do not, for those who do not experience Him and also for those who do not seek Him.

Enter into My Heart and you will find the way out, the liberation from your hell, the surrender of your fetters, the elevation of your spirit and the redemption of your whole being.

Just enter into My Heart and let Me act for a moment, because that way you will not know your life from now on.

As many times as you enter My Heart, I can be in you, I will govern your consciousness, your feelings, your thoughts and all your senses. And you will perceive in each moment what is not good for Me, and united with Me, you will transform each aspect of your being, until the point of not being able, in a short time, to recognize yourself.

If you just enter My Heart, you will know your virtues; you will also know your miseries so that you can transcend them one by one.

If I achieve with certitude that many more enter into My Heart, the whole planet will not be lost. I will find instruments and servants totally surrendered to Me so that I can act through their lives and make of each stage a new path and a new opportunity that you have not experienced in this life yet.

Enter into My Heart, because there is the Door toward God.

In the Heart there is a living love, in the mind there are only empty ideas. If you enter into My Heart, I will be able to give you wisdom and fullness.

My Heart was pierced by the spear of humanity, by sin, by impunity, by false power, and My Heart poured water and blood, virtues of mercy and divinity for all souls.

When souls do not enter into My Heart, I can do nothing, only contemplate them, pray for them so that they can find the way to the temple of My Heart.

Today the flocks are scattered. Few want to know who they really are and what they came to fulfill in the name of My Father.

If you enter into My Heart, all this knowledge will be revealed and you will be free from ignorance, illusion and all that is not real. You will perceive a different life, you will find meaning in your paths and you will be able to experience the Gift of Fear of God, because you will be able to feel when you are moving away from Him and when soon you will have to return to His Divine Heart.

If you enter into My Heart and empty yourself completely, I will be able reach more hearts that are troubled, sick and that feel lost with a great lack of love and with no mercy.

Today I come to deliver, as My Holy Mother said, the last keys to the salvation of humanity, because the portals of My Divine Mercy are still open. And it will be in this Source that your sins will be dissolved, that your faults will be forgiven and that all mistakes you have made against love and unity can be liberated. And you will attain the atonement you need to take new steps in this work, which I am decreeing for the end of times.

You can enter more easily into My Heart if you are humble, if your souls resign themselves to the Will that I bring to you and that until now you never experienced.

With all of this message, today I want to tell you that once again today a cycle is over. Today the doors must be closed to the planetary difficulty, to all that is debt on the spiritual level, inside and outside the beings.

Thus today I implement a new, more demanding and more risky cycle, for the victory of My Sacred Heart in the fallen ones of humanity, in the lost stars, in the suns that have extinguished, in the spirits that have not reached the Heart of the Creator.

The souls that are here today, before My Celestial Presence, all of them are precious to me.

I want you to seek your virtues, because in truth you will need them for the times that will come. You will be very much needed and urgent for your brothers and sisters on the path and for all the beings that are around you in this life that you live today.

The virtue of strength, the virtue of faith, the virtue of unity, the virtue of wisdom, the virtue of discernment, the virtue of science and especially the virtue of love, which unites all others through My Merciful Heart.

Practice them with effort and determination, because if you enter into My Heart, you can know them one by one and they will be close to your lives in the moments when you will have to make great decisions that could change forever the course of your lives.

With these virtues, souls of My Heart, I invite you not to make hurried decisions, asking your inner world what you truly must do to be able to follow the path that My Hand is indicating in this final stretch, in this last part of the transition, in the last five years.

At the most crucial time of the world, you must remember these words and how many times I have invited you to enter into My Heart of Light. For if you do not do this now, in the next time you will regret it for yourselves, for your families and your acquaintances. Bring everyone to My Heart.

I do not want to have thorns in My Spirit anymore. The horrors of the world anguish me, the blood that falls upon the planet as well. The Sacrifice to the Kingdoms and to Creation, all this distresses My Heart.

If you enter into My Heart, despite what may happen, I will feel fulfilled to be closer to you and your brothers and sisters. Because if you are in my heart, you will realize how far you are from me, many times.

I do not come here to claim anything, I come to reestablish the covenant of your souls with My Soul, the union of your hearts with My Heart.

Do not lose the sense of what I am saying.

Enter into My Heart and you will be on the right path. You will not lose the school that I come to present to you, so that at this moment you can live it.

If many more enter into My Heart, the world should not suffer so much.

Today humanity provokes the wrath of God; from the most insignificant things to the most grave situations, such as war, refugees, the blood that flows in the world and the sacrifice of animals.

As long as the world does not change these attitudes, do penance and truly repent, peace will be lacking very much, and I will be alone in the consequences, until what I desire is fulfilled.

Times have changed very much and souls do not want to see it. Many think that everything remains the same: in society, in nations and even in religions.

When I return, as soon as My Father asks, I will have to break many structures, from human life to religions.

God is found in what is simple and not powerful.

You may have built many churches to Me, but I am in just one and it is in the hearts of My companions.

Take care of this true Church. May your feelings become more and more fraternal, your attitudes become more and more peaceful, so that I can count on you anytime, anywhere, no matter what or how much it may cost.

The Work of God, through the Sacred Hearts, is the most difficult to materialize on this surface. That is why, in this last time, we came to meet that which is in flames, which burns in the fire of friction and which is impure and unjust.

In this way, I come to deliver the last treasure I have left, the most precious for My Father: it is My Heart that suffered for you, that was pierced by you and that resurrected to demonstrate to the world the eternal life.

Repentance is born out of true honesty, of a transparency that has no limits in this material life.

I come to deliver these words to those who lovingly want to receive them, meditate on them and reflect on each decree that I have given to you today.

Now, with your meek hearts and your more open consciousnesses, on this day we celebrate Communion with My Body and with My Blood; an act of reparation, penitence and surrender to My Merciful Heart.

In these simple elements is the renewal of life, what nourishes the spirit and makes the essence of My Divinity show in you.

Today I come to renew the Church all over the Earth and all those who join it under My Heavenly Universe.

May the angels now descend and purify the elements, which will be converted into My Body and My Blood, for all beings of good will.

Find in this Sacrament what is simple, humble and pure to the eyes of the Creator.

As in Jerusalem and Emmaus, before and after I was resurrected, I met with the apostles and later with the pastors, so that they would feel and see My true Being, who was the living God in each particle of My Consciousness and in every earthy and human being that would live the Passion for you, in order to redeem humanity and liberate evil from the planet.

After two thousand years, My enemy has seized the world, but his scepter will be broken by the stroke of the sword of Saint Michael.

All that he holds in his hand, through the ages and times, will be defeated by the power of the love of the Source, when I return to the world and when I return to collect all those who belong to Me, through the centuries and ages.

Then you will see those who will resurrect from nothing. Everyone will be amazed at what they will see around them. In that hour nothing will be hidden, everything will be evident to all and there will no longer be white and dark, but when I return there will be the eternal, God.

At that time, I took the bread and thanked the Father for this sacrifice. He blessed it and I decreed to My apostles: "All take and eat of It, for this is My Body that will be delivered for you for the forgiveness of sins."

In the same way I took the cup in My Hands, I thanked God for this sacrifice, He blessed it with the light of His angels and I gave it to My apostles decreeing: "All take and drink of it, for this is My Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, the Blood that will be shed for all humanity for the remission of sins. Never forget to do this in My Memory. "

This is the Sacrament of Renewal. Happy are those called to live it. Blessed are those who receive it to experience their redemption and conversion, until My return to the world is fulfilled. Amen

So, take My Words to the heart and may the Father, through His Son and the Holy Spirit, always bless you, so that you can find in your path My Path of Light, which I show you today, inviting you to return to My Heart, and this way we can be one forever.

Spain vivifies My Mystery. May the wounded hearts of My Church be open and feel in their interior the truth that I bring to you, because what is alive is what is inside the beings and is called love of the heart. May this love emerge in those who do not have it and may many more be encouraged to attain it, healing their wounds of incomprehension.

May faith, unity and fraternity enlighten you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for being with Me and all those who have been with me through this means of communication.

Today I emit an irradiation to all my friends.

Believe that it is possible that the Kingdom of God approaches a sick humanity that needs so much love, forgiveness and reconciliation.

May your sincere hearts sing today and may they join this Work that must embrace all of humanity, all languages, all peoples and all beliefs that seek to live love and solidarity. So be it. Amen

Song: "Sincere Heart"


For some, I have not returned to Earth yet; for others, I was not the Great Messiah, but there are others who believe in My Return.

Come to Me and take My Heart, My Heart of Gold, My Heart of Light.

On this day, experience My Passion with joy and rejoicing, and no matter how difficult it is to remember My flogging, see in all of this principle a great mystery, a great liberation that was realized for the world, a great burden that was relieved from the heart of humans.

Come to Me and take My Heart, thus you will be able to quench your thirst of love.

No one but I can offer you the Great Love of God. Seek Love in the Divine and the Supreme. Do not be with the love of this world which is poor and weak. But may your hearts, through My Heart of Gold, be forerunners of that Christic Love that humanity seeks so much. Be peacemakers, be evangelists. Bear witness to My Message about what you have seen, so that others will be able to awaken in time in this difficult age.

The organs of Heaven today play a new melody. The angels announce with their seven trumpets a new time.

The Son of God is returning for the second time to the spirit of humankind. And whoever believes in it will live. Poor those who do not believe in My Return! How can they be in My pastoral lap?

I long to hug you and kiss you, to bless you with My paternal and merciful love. This is what I seek in this difficult time.

But few will see the signs of the one who returns from Heaven. Therefore you, who are awake at this moment, come to Me and take My Heart. May My Heart be your heart. May My shed Blood be the transfiguration of your blood. May My Water, which has poured from My Side, be the water that flows through your bodies, that sanctifies your cells and atoms so that the new redeemed consciousness is born.

But I only ask you in this age a permission, a permission that is very difficult to be granted by everyone, because they fear the greatness of My Love, the maddening power of My merciful fire, My embracing and healing Soul, My Spirit and My Divinity, which will elevate you completely to the Kingdom of My Father. Therefore, unite with Me in this most merciful hour. May your cross be My Cross forever.

Today I will not come to carry your cross in this century, but I will come to liberate it and remove the tethers from your hearts. That is why I need your sincere permission. I know you asked Me how to do it, but everything was already said and written. Has anyone ever experienced the Word of Life? Has anyone encouraged themselves to incarnate it in their heart?

Therefore, I need true disciples, souls who are simple and willing to respond to My call.

What I look for in this time are your spirits, your higher spirits that come from Heaven and the Universe, that signed a commitment to Me at that time and that sought, after a long time, the right path. That is why My Father sends me to correct your paths.

Humanity has forgotten My Word of Life and this has impeded them from experiencing the Divine Word, so that it became Spirit in their spirits, Soul in their souls and Heart in their hearts.

I need you to live within My Kingdom. May you seek It every day, despite the differences and all that this world offers in this difficult time.

Yesterday I told you that many will seek what I gave you in these days. But do not fear what will happen. Protect My Words in your hearts, they are already creating a new temple. They are elevating your spirits to God.

Therefore, I tell you on this day: the organs of Heaven are playing a new melody. Unite yourselves to the divine vibration of the Cosmos. Listen attentively to the signs that come within you. Do not interpret them, just listen to them so that you can experience them and the gifts that God expects can be manifested. I repeat a gift, because it is an important gift, a gift that many do not experience yet, which is the virtue of love and humility, of charity and hope among Mine.

And thus, just as well I gathered the apostles at that time and celebrated the Table with many men and women, today I return again to celebrate the encounter with you.

After so many instructions that you have received for so long, the King of kings comes to give you a great Instruction: Do not forget to love, to love with your heart and soul, because those who do not love at this time cannot live in the Kingdom of My Father.

Today I give you My promises and My aspirations, My great Truth that descends upon the world and is again spoken to humanity.

Do not forget about Me when things get difficult. Enter into My Spirit, My Heart, and My Soul, and strength and firmness will emerge from your consciousnesses so that you may you continue. Even though the impious and idolaters want to pull down what I am building, hold yourselves firmly to My Hands, hold yourselves firmly to My sacred mantle, and thus you will not lose the path of Light.

My Heart visits your hearts, just as I visited many hearts in the world after My Ascension towards Heaven. I returned to Earth several times, seeking the new shepherds, the flocks that have been scattered far from Me.

But that long-awaited time, the one pronounced in the Apocalypse, is coming to the world and the new beginners will become the formers of those who will come late. And you will be able to transmit the Teachings I have given you.

It will not be through the word, but through the heart. I need your lives to be an example of life. Remember that I am beside all My companions.

This Cross that I carried on My Shoulders converted and redeemed humanity on all levels of consciousness.

In all the hells of this world, My Calvary was releasing spirits who were committed to evil and My Light redeemed the darkness. My Mercy has released the wrath of the hearts. In My Passion, the passion for many souls was experienced, and many came to My Heart, resurrected to the life of the spirit and began to experience the Will of God.

On this day, where I am in reclusion, I offer you My Heart of Gold so that you commune with It. May it be your eternal communion today.

Feel My Heart in your hearts. My merciful fire promises great works in free hearts, because it transforms and redeems all that it touches.

Today I come to bring you hope and set aside My Passion. Although it was an important event for the Cosmos, I left imprinted, important keys to the world. My signs stayed recorded in the hearts of all of those who were with Me or those who were against Me. No one was excluded from feeling My Divine Mercy. My Divine Mercy is a powerful source.

Today I see with compassion and mercy the new little souls that are in the arms of their parents, spirits prepared by Myself so that they sow the New Earth. And to the flowers that have died in many hearts, those that represent the Spirit of Divine Life; May these flowers resurrect and resurface.

That is why I send souls from all places of the Cosmos so that they sow the New Earth; that land that Moses sought with his people and to which I took all those who were with Me at that time. That is why I return to seek all those who have yet to enter into what is the Kingdom of the heart, the Kingdom of the soul, where God lives eternally and is present.

I seek in each of My disciples to remember the forgotten path, to return to it because they are still in time. This is My great aspiration on this day of Passion, liberation, redemption and rebirth for the consciousness of this age.

Then you will not see Me, after a long time. But you will remember in your memories these passages you had with Me.

Keep this Light very precious that I have given you these days, may it not be erased from your hearts. So that does not happen, My friends, may all listen to Me well.

Come to Me and take My Heart of Gold. I give you My Heart as a great offering, so that the words will not be scattered, will not be replaced by other words in the world.

The Divine Word must incarnate again in humanity. That is why My Mother works tirelessly with you. Because, as She was by my side quietly, experiencing the inner passion and surrendering Her Son in the arms of the Creator, She comes in this cycle to seek all Her children, and mainly those who have forgotten God.

Remember this moment and bear witness of life. Thus you will rejoice My Heart, in this world that hurts My Heart and makes it suffer for the things it does, without conscience, without love, without humility, without simplicity, without being united to God.

I am the bridge to My Father. You must walk upon Me, cross the great bridge of My Heart, pass through My Soul, My Spirit and My Divinity with joy, with rejoicing, without suffering and without disturbance, and the time of suffering and pain must end.

May your hearts rejoice, because as the prophets announced at that time, the living Christ, the Christ of Love, the Universal Christ, will put His Feet upon the Earth and all, or despite all, who believe or do not believe, will recognize him. Because I will come as the poor of the night seeking food and water, knocking on the door of its beings, asking for reclusion, rest, prayer, and vigil.

Get ready! Get ready! Just get ready!, thus you will be with Me.

We will hear thirty-three chimes, says the Lord, announcing the reclusion of My Spirit in the tomb, the tomb that restores you and  unites you again to God; death that turns into life, life that turns into the spirit, the spirit that joins the Greater Source.

This is the Mystery of My Resurrection.

I thank you!

Consecrated brothers and sisters, elevate your crosses for blessing, the Cross that redeems the world, that releases evil, that heals souls, that opens hearts toward God.

My Heart unites to your hearts, always.

Thank you for being with Me on this day.

Now and forever I will thank you.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
