I know that by the next year of 2014 many families and hearts will have been able to guard Me in the interior of their dwellings.  Before My uninterrupted Presence during a year with you is fulfilled I wish that all consecrate themselves to the eternal light of My Sacred Heart.

For this I ask that from the first day of January of 2014 until the ninth day of January of 2014 all of the hearts glorify Me by means of the Powerful Novena of Jesus Christ.

I ask that you gather in group with the aim of materializing in the spiritual levels the consecration of the Americas to the Immaculate Heart.  If this novena is done with care, love and dedication I promise that on the ninth day I will realize as a closing of this cycle a last public apparition to reveal to the world the secret of conversion, of liberation and of redemption.

Those that, during the nine days in a row after the prayer to My Divine Mercy, surrender themselves like a child in the arms of its mother, will be restoring My Most Sacred Heart.  In this way, before the end of the times, all of the Americas will receive a special Intercessory Grace.

I ask you to pray the powerful novena as it is a precious and spiritual complement to the Chaplet of My Divine Mercy.  I promised Saint Faustina that the souls that adored and venerated Me through the Face of My Mercy would know what to do and where to be in the final times.

I wish to say of this promise, that I Am already fulfilling it through My daily Instructions.  I will need that soon you give to the world the book of the 365 daily messages of Jesus Christ.  It will serve as a spiritual key and of inner support to face the great spiritual crisis.

After fulfilling a year of My Presence among you I promise to return to confirm My Presence in your hearts.

I will now give thanks for the warm answer that your hearts may give Me.  In this way I will be able to conduct you towards the path of the Truth and of the Good.  When I ask you for something so great it is because My Divine Mercy is opening a door of opportunities for all. 

May the next year of 2014 be for all the time of the great harvest.  It is time to be able to see manifested the fruits of the instruction received as a precious experience of life.

I leave My special paternal blessing for all.  I send a ray of love from My Sacred Heart to your hearts.

Blissful be those who in truth live in God because from them is the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Under the Infinite Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for sincerely answering during a whole year to My Call!

Christ Jesus, Your Faithful Beloved 


When you surrender all to Me I will give you the goods that are guarded in Heaven.

Now that you find yourself before the doors of donation and surrender, walk without delay for that which your heart must realize.  But you know that I Am there to help you to cross the bridges that are broken and to help you to climb the lofty mountains towards your spirit.

This time is the time of all for the whole.  Nothing compared with your possibility of serving Me will overcome your expectations because now the Lord is building in your dwelling the path of ascension.  

That nothing more important than your life may afflict your thought or feeling because in all this journey God will accompany you in the inner silence.  I want to be in your life the one that no one has been able to be because I will never disappoint you.  My Inner Love does not belong to this world, My Christic Love, that which comes from the universe, is like a resplendent star that sends you its rays of salvation in every hour of the day so that you may perceive that My Presence is in all places.

To the extent that the disciple takes steps towards the Plan of God, greater will be the efforts to live the inner transformation, but your indestructible fortress is found in My Heart.  My Heart is the great wall that sustains the battles of all of the fires.

May you now be able to look at Me in the eyes and tell Me: “Yes Lord, here I am in spite of my falls and doubts”.

My Heart rejoices in the souls that only confess to Me the truth because My Love is infinite and It heals any inner wound.

Stay in Me and you will recognize in truth who you are for God.

Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


My Source that is endless and prodigious for all of the souls tries every day to be poured over the hearts that do not live even in the belief that the Lord of Universe exists and that He is real in all of the spaces of the infinite cosmos.

For this, through your union with Me at three in the afternoon many doors that the souls open by their actions and attitudes are closed when the source of My Divine Mercy descends.

Now the Divine Opportunity and the Merciful Grace of My Heart is opened for all, even for those that may seem to be the greatest sin or the sinner. My Love achieved on the Cross banished the evil upon the Earth and now that the love of God is invincible it can remediate and repair the most serious offences that all of the souls commit.

Through the life of sanctity and prayer Heaven intercedes and the Divine Messengers descend to pour Graces upon those who would not deserve them. It is time to live through My Source because only by means of My Blood and of My Water will all be able to achieve the Christic transformation.

I Am everywhere at the same time. For this be attentive to My spontaneous presence among the most simple ones because My Heart will make Itself be felt.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words with devotion and love!

Christ Jesus, the Master and Guide of souls


To all of the marathoners of My Mercy I only ask you to realize the same task that was accomplished in the first Marathon of the Divine Mercy at the Marian Center of Aurora.

This time the Marian Center of Figueira will have the opportunity to prepare the dwelling that will receive the visit of the Celestial Redeemer and the warm and loving arrival of the pilgrims, those who will carry forward this Marathon of the heart.

For this the preparatory details will make the difference, so that the fruits of the Marathon may be able to be collected and carried in the heart of all of the pilgrims.

This impulse of merciful prayer will be united to the beginning of the Mercy Mary TV that will open the doors so that the souls may enter into My Kingdom of Mercy. All of the members of the Marian Center of Figueira will be those who will prepare the path of this Marathon so that the souls may, during these days of September, make use of what they will truly need, such as strengthening faith, reaffirming the commitment with Me and being partakers of My Unfathomable Mercy.

Now the Marian Center of Figueira has been chosen to begin this new cycle in which the divine message that comes from Heaven may be spread to the four cardinal points of the Earth. So that this may be possible the Marathon of Mercy of the month of September must be an inner encounter for the relief of the souls and of their sufferings. In this way My Presence will make Itself present, as in Aurora, in all of the details that may be realized with love and for love.

This new Marathon of the Divine Mercy promises a special and spiritual help for Brazil and its inner situation as a Nation. It also anticipates that by means of merciful prayer, situations that would be inexplicable for the consciousnesses may be able to be reorganized and receive the necessary peace for these times.

In this way Uruguay and Brazil will end up being blessed by My Mercy, but in order for the sacred triangulation of the Holy Spirit to be finished, this task must be completed by the Nation of Argentina.

For this I mention the city of Buenos Aires so that in the coming 5th and 6th days of October of 2013 it may receive the Divine Universal Mercy and so that It may arrive to the heart of My Argentine children because the three nations must re-consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart.

All will be especially accompanied by My Spirit.

Good and fraternal preparation for all of the pilgrims, marathoners of My Mercy!

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for responding to My call of Universal Mercy!

Christ Jesus, the King of kings


In any circumstance, concentrate your gaze on My Heart so that in your heart will open the eternal Fountain of My Grace. Leave the past in the past and allow that the present be the new moment for your life. 

Attempt to concentrate all the time in My Presence so that you will be able to see in the path the footsteps that I am going to leave for your transformation.

Blessed are those who will be sacrificed for My Cause, working for My Father without pause and without delay, because they will be called servants of God the Most High, crystalline mirrors of My Mercy.

Now gather your being in My Arms and rest in My Peace, so that your consciousness is may restored. 

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed. 

Thank you for keeping My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Love.


My company by your side is perpetual, as My Love is unfathomable for all those who live Me from the heart. I Am here in Spirit in the Cenacle of Love so that My ones may learn to live under the laws of redemption.

Always guard a moment for the encounter with Me, either in quietness or amongst the souls and in this way you will allow that My rays always permeate and you will encounter a true rest in the depths of My Sacred Heart.

Today I bring to you renovating words that may be able to reignite your hearts and to mature your consciousnesses. I Am the One who renovates all from epoch to epoch and who permeates all the universes with mercy and love because My Spirit comes from the Father and the one who comes to Me will directly encounter the Kingdom of Love and Peace.

The one who seeks the law will find it, because in the law one will be able to live in order to thus be in the balance and in the harmony of the universe. For this seek Me above all things, above all, whenever you do not feel the strengths and the vigor to call Me. I Am the One who gives you the impulse to follow through the path of liberation and of transcendence. I Am with you in spite of all.

Under the Spiritual Unity of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My commandments in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
