May peace be in this house and in those who have lost it.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Companions, those who can, kneel before Me to revere Adonai.

Pray inwardly with Me the prayer Sacred Mercy, while I deliver My Message of Peace for the world.

Blessed are those who believe without seeing Me or hearing Me. Their faith will be invincible in the face of all evil, because My Heart chooses those I have gathered for this sacred task.

While I speak to you, listen to My unmistakable inner Voice. Feel My Love, which is what is most important.

Thus, after this prayer, you will have confessed to Me. The Rays of My Mercy will have participated in your lives, bringing renewal and forgiveness for you and for the whole world.

In My celestial Presence, which congregates you to walk in love, I bless these elements that God provided for you; through the wheat to make the bread that becomes My Glorified and Living Body; through the grape of the sacred vine that becomes wine to give you to drink of My Blood; and in all this mystery, I reveal My Love to you.

Let us pray.

Our Father (in Aramaic).

In August I will show Myself to the world, in Mercy and Redemption, to hearts that open to receive Me, through this renewal that is the Communion with My divine Principles.

I thank you. May peace reign here.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us listen to "Supreme Son of God," at the request of Christ.

Let the bells ring, as My Divinity rises to radiate Graces to a world deserving of Justice, but invaded by the ocean of My Mercy.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

In this way, after the Presence of Christ and before sharing this message, we want to tell you how He came here today as the Glorified Jesus, that glorious Face that presented Itself on January 5, 2013, here in Aurora.

The Master came very joyfully; there was a spiritual happiness that filled Him and we didn't know why. But in spite of that inner happiness that He expressed to us, He showed several images at His Feet of what was happening in the world, mainly with the unborn and all that is done through those who are not born. What He was showing us was pain. In a matter of seconds, He came with a golden and brilliant mantle that covered His tunic with light. He was surrounded by various angels that came before He arrived, prostrating on the ground, here on the heights of this House of Prayer.

Also, at the moment when He began to transmit the Message, the Master indicated that we write His Message here, on the altar, because He has done that task with many saints, with all those He says He addresses through inner speech, to give an important message. He asked that we do it this way, because He would reveal an inner aspiration to us, that we will share with everybody.

The Message transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón can be seen at the link: July 17, 2015.