Souls that thirst for God seek the consoling love of the Father. The bridge for those souls is the religious and priestly life, which is offered in communion with Me to be a witness of the Love of the Redeemer.
Thirsty souls do not seek the perfection of the consecrated one or of the priest because their own spiritual thirst allows them to recognize that the consecrated life is the mystical home that souls need in order to be able to find God.
In this case, the priest is capable of taking care of and protecting their own temple so that the Consciousness of Christ may dwell within it, a place from where their Lord will perform all the necessary wonders and blessings.
The most thirsty souls will always need that bridge offered by the priestly life so they may awaken to the gifts necessary for walking in the spiritual life.
Without the presence of consecrated priests, the Plan of Rescue would not make sense.
That same existence that comes from each priest, which is divine, allows them to carry out their office and thus fulfill Divine Will.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Second Message
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today My Words must resound in the depths of beings, so that beings may understand what is happening.
From the Great Council of the Hierarchy, today I come to visit you and to emit My message to you for the world, for all those who follow My Steps and also for those who have stopped following me.
Today I do not come to talk about anyone in particular or about any specific situation that corresponds to the planet or to humanity.
Today I come to talk about the Project of God that must be fulfilled through all those who are self-called by the Hierarchy.
As in other moments, I come from a special place where the Great Council of the Hierarchy is gathered together at this moment and for the evolution of this planet and this humanity.
We are at the doorway of a new cycle, we are at the doorway of a next August 8th, in which Heaven, the Universe, descends to Earth and to humanity to do its synthesis again and meditate upon the next steps to be taken.
Humanity has changed the events, so meditation is necessary to perceive what is really happening.
Today I come from a place in the Desert of Chilca, in Peru, where the great Councilors of the Universe are gathered to prepare for that moment.
As Master among masters, as a Guide among guides, as a Messenger among messengers of the Hierarchy, I come to announce this important moment to you, so that you may not only be aware, but also responsible before the Plan.
Each one knows what they can give Me. Each one knows what they can contribute for the manifestation to take place.
I do not look for the perfect, nor the imperfect. I do not look for what is advanced, or modern.
I seek the truth of every human heart, of each servant of this Earth, of each of the self-summoned who has been called through the ages to serve and unite with the Hierarchy.
You must keep on the path of the next events. You must not allow leaving the Hierarchy, because the Hierarchy needs to be in these events in order to accompany humanity and the planet.
Today's times are not the same times that took place yesterday.
Day by day events change, within and outside of beings.
Day by day you face a new definition, a new step.
The spiritual Hierarchy does not ask for what is possible. The spiritual Hierarchy asks everyone for what is simple, and what is birthed by the heart, which is what helps to manifest the Work; the pillars of that manifestation must be supported by the collaboration of all.
As in the coming 8th of August, so important and decisive, the self-summoned must be where the Hierarchy is, where the Universe has chosen, the place for giving the impulses so necessary for humanity through Instruction and Grace, through Mercy and healing for all souls.
I would like to know where the attention is of those who say they are with Me.
I would like to be able to understand, beyond all things, the feeling of the human beings of this period.
You know, companions, that My Consciousness has no limits, but still, after all I have experienced on this planet and with this humanity, I am learning with you, time and again.
You must embrace the Truth that reveals the Plan of God to you; you must be sustained by this Truth in order to be able to move forward.
You must not deceive yourselves, you must not create mirages with yourselves. You must come to know that each new cycle that begins on August 8th is an opportunity for renewal rather than inertia.
The instability of these times will be transmuted by the responsibility of all, by obedience, and especially by adherence.
These are the reflections that the Councilors of the Hierarchy are studying and meditating upon, because if the knowledge in the essence of human beings is not clear, it will not be so in the manifestation.
You must learn to live as the Hierarchy lives.
The Graces of Heaven have already been given. Undeserved merits were devised for many hearts.
Now it is time to reconsider and truly know what you are participating in together with the Hierarchy.
Purification is not just a moment of pain or discomfort.
Purification forges a definition and a constant transformation in human beings.
Remember that the scale of this planet must always be in balance, who will support it?
Do not just make the effort to seek the good. Do not make the effort to seek your own convenience or your own satisfaction.
The ministry of the New Christs should be as crystalline as water and as pure as sunlight.
You must build in yourselves what the Universe needs in order to create the new race, to be able to manifest the New Humanity.
The need for consciousness is a concern of the entire Hierarchy, on the part of the human beings of these times.
The Plan of God is not something one can use because it is convenient or only as long as one needs it.
I came to teach that to My Apostles and to all those who ever listened to Me.
The legacy of the Project of God is immaculate and sublime, and we owe everything to Him, because it was He Who created us and manifested us to be present in these times.
You must forge in yourselves the determination to persist.
Many human beings in these times are surviving, but those who are with the Hierarchy do not need to survive, they need to persist, they need to build and to sustain together with the Brotherhood.
Thus, sacred knowledge will not be lacking and divine impulses will not cease to descend; because each being receives what they need, according to their moment and their time.
For this reason, companions, we are gathered together as Counselors of the Hierarchy to reflect, learn, and meditate.
The Plan must continue to manifest as foreseen, through the adherence of all, through the constancy of all, and mainly, through the love of all.
The Plan of God cannot be lived with tepidity or coolness.
You must seek in yourselves that fire that once awaken you and called upon you to serve, and in that fire you must always renew yourselves.
After all that has happened in Europe, the time has come for you to clearly hear what I have always wanted to tell you; I have waited for sixty meetings to be able to say it, so that in you could mature that seed that I once placed there when all this began.
You must place your love in what really exists, beyond all of this, of all that is physical or material.
The Universe waits for a true response to be reflected in you that is in accordance with what you have received and experienced through the intervention of the Hierarchy.
Thus, the legacy will not be in vain and there will be simple but true receptacles that will hold the essence of the Plan within themselves.
Be supported by the words I am giving you today, fortify your faith in the vibration that I bring you today, and let your hearts live temperance, just as I lived it to carry out what My Father needed to occur, when I was once present, here on Earth, together with you and for you.
The Plan of God is not a passing emotion, nor is It something that souls can reject on their own; around you there are examples of this and see how much you are unnecessarily suffering.
The consciousnesses of this world have no notion of what the Plan is, not only because of their ignorance, but also because they do not know, even though they sometimes think they know.
The Councils of the Hierarchy need your maturity and your adherence so that many more positive events that have been foreseen can occur and will not be interfered with by anyone.
My Merciful Heart waited until now to be able to tell you.
My Merciful Heart expects reflection from you rather than chaos.
Now the time has come for each one to assume their part, with transparency and maturity, without blaming anyone.
Each of you are precious pieces within this Plan and even though you do not know what that means, believe in what I tell you, because it has value and fidelity.
Know that everything that occurs is to mature consciousnesses and souls, to have them someday experience the sovereignty that exists in the Universe and in all the Brotherhood. This causes Creation to be recreated, this always leads to awareness and responsibility in the face of events.
In this Marathon, may all think about the step that is necessary to take in this time, without waiting for this to occur a long time later, because the hour has come to take that step.
I encourage you to live the Plan with greater consciousness and responsibility.
I encourage you to be part of a Spiritual Hierarchy that up to now humanity has never been a part of because of always remaining immature.
I tell you again, I do not need perfect beings, I need conscious beings who will always dare to transform everything and experience everything out of a love for God.
That will take the Plan up another step and to another level; that will bring down to Earth the treasures that have been kept for so long in the Universe and that wait to be revealed by the Hierarchy.
From the Great Council of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the Desert of Chilca, we bless you and we await, as guides and masters, for your correspondence and loyalty; this will cause the Universe to entrust you with new things.
Take My Words as an opportunity for inner growth and not as a complaint, because My time among you is already ending, just as My time with My Apostles ended at some point.
Listen to My Words as many times as is necessary and extract from them all the impulses you need in order to be able to change, before everything is about to happen in humanity.
Be Mirrors of the Light of the Plan for these times.
Be what the Universe needs you to be in this cycle, because thus, everything will change.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The more tired and exhausted My disciples become for permanently working for Me, it is a sign that with these offerings I can save many lives and rescue thousands of souls from daily downfalls.
Each effort and sacrifice offered to the Lord, no matter how small it seems, is recognized by the Universe, because the value is not in the big or the small, but in the authenticity and in how each service to God is offered with love.
Thus, I encourage you to love sacrifice and make it a part of the apostolic consciousness of each being, because this balances significant situations that are unbalanced on the planet.
Dare to follow this path because you will never lack rest, repose, and recuperation.
Each loving action offered to Heaven has incalculable value for humanity.
In this way, your peacemaking spirits will be present at each step, and once again the world will be granted a greater time of mercy and of peace.
I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My Most Holy Mother, in this time, gathers together those who are self-called to serve the Plan of God.
On the other hand, My Mother seeks the redemption of the greatest possible number of consciousnesses, which have not yet taken any step, but which are within the time and in the energy to be able to do so.
Thus, through the Work of redemption of the divine Son, the one who is not able to do so will be given the impulse to take a significant leap in their life.
The time has come to embrace the call and to make it part of yourself, every day. That will help uplift the consciousness of the servers, so that in the end, they may be unconditional collaborators, and demonstrate it to the world as part of the Victory of Christ.
In this time all will be guided so that the new Christs may be born on Earth, who will populate the planet with new teachings and experiences of love.
I thank you for placing my words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master Christ Jesus
I return in this period to finish preparing My apostles of the end of times.
I come, in this cycle, with the definite intention of finishing enclosing the last group of My flocks so that they may accompany Me to the end, until the preparation for the glorious return of your Master and Lord is finished.
Meanwhile, I come to ask My companions for an immediate disposition, capable of responding to the urgent needs of these times, in which everything will be unleashed to define the last pieces of the Plan.
In this cycle, this immediate disposition will help in the rapid elevation of the human consciousness, and above all, will lead souls to realize that the times have changed and that the time has come to open the eyes to what will come from the firmament and will be marked as a sign.
It is time for the last soldiers to finish awakening.
I come with that purpose because it will be urgent and essential that everyone become aware, ahead of time, that the planet and its present humanity will experience a great shift.
I wait for you always in communion with the attributes of the Eucharist, of prayer, of service, and of confession before My Glorified Heart.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Most dear pilgrims of mine,
For the first time in the history of My inner Encounters with you My Heart is pleased to open new doors of Light and of Peace for more souls.
For this in joy and gratefulness the Son of God will be present praying with you, for you and for the whole world so that most of the world may reach the state of My Divine Mercy.
The Lord of the Universe has especially sent Me to Londrina so that the original groups of prayer, those that were born in the Community of Figueira many years ago, may be able to renovate themselves and to enter into the path of the heart because in this time all that you do must be done through the true love of the serving heart.
I want you to contemplate the sincere expression of this love through the faithful example of work, of dedication and of absolute surrender to the Plan of God that occurred through the groups of prayer of San Jose do Rio Preto and of the region of San Paulo. Then you will be able to see that the souls can be helped and receive the Graces of Heaven when the servers of the Hierarchy open doors in the correct way. This, in this time, will determine the fulfillment of the Plan of Rescue.
Heaven, through My Heart, wants to show you that there exists one only path to traverse. A path that is called love of donation and of dedication. Love that many of you have once radiated towards My Heart even though in other times I may not have been so present in your lives as I Am now.
But all that has been learned by the spiritual instruction of the past has generated the possibility that now Heaven is giving you the fruit of faith and of peace for your sincere efforts. You know that the whole world is full of emergencies and of needs to respond to. For this the universe, in its infinite science and intelligence, has conjugated the different groups of souls so that through affinity and attunement they can serve the Greater Plan.
Now it is up to each server and person of prayer person to fulfill a part of the mission so that at the end of this whole journey may be fulfilled the important purpose of God.
Londrina was a city chosen by God so that the groups of prayer is this region could be able to retreat and meditate and pray, two important exercises to strengthen service.
Spiritually Londrina, due to its hills and farms, reminds Me much of My first house in Nazareth. In Londrina exists the air of simplicity and of withdrawal. For this it may be a point of meeting and of meditation for whenever the servers may need to be in retreat to pray and to study with the heart.
The fifth Marathon of the Divine Mercy in Londrina shall bring the fruit of the unity between groups of souls, because the region of South of Brazil must prepare itself to serve in the coming time in a task of rescue and of regional service.
For this the Divine Messengers, after having been during the previous year in Porto Alegre, return with the goal of reminding you all about the need of renewing oneself and of keeping alive the mission that the Father offers to you.
This will be the mission of unity between all of the regions of the South, concentrating themselves as one only spiritual column of fraternity and of brotherhood. Today the South of Brazil, within a time of definitions, has the opportunity to manifest this for the Plan of God.
May the fifth Marathon of the Divine Mercy represent not only a meeting of prayer necessary for the Mercy for the world. May it synthetize the reunion of servers and of hearts in Christ with the hope of collaborating, out of love, with the Plan and its materialization upon the Earth.
The fifth Marathon of the Divine Mercy, that which is open for the first time to all, has the aim of gathering new people of prayer and, in consequence new flocks that may be able to begin the path of return to the Heart of God. My unconditional Presence will be for you the confirmation for your tasks of prayer and of service in this part of the world.
Today I leave to those present My Paternal Hug, that hug of a Master to a disciple, of a Companion to a friend, a hug that nourishes the soul with life and with hope. I wish all a good work of prayer and of peace for your hearts and for the whole world.
That the Divine Mercy may be the unquenchable flame that always burns in light and in love.
Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My Teachings in the heart!
Christ Jesus, Your Lord of Love
Who truly and without rush prays the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy will be able to receive the precious and glorified codes of light that My Consciousness achieved on the Mount of the Olives in My agony. It also achieved them during the flagellation and with the Blood poured during the painful crowning of thorns and when I carried your cross to the Calvary and also during My Crucifixion on the Cross.
All those codes will enter in the soul that at three in the afternoon may use correctly and with devotion to the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, because at this hour it will not only pray with the heart but I will let it know the power of My Sublime Grace and in this way your hearts will get to know the passages of My Passion step by step such as I lived it.
Enter from this moment on in the science of My Mercy and be thankful for being able to understand in these times of chaos each one of the infinite mysteries that guards My Sacred Heart. If you accept, with consciousness, to learn to live the life of prayer your superior consciousness will be available to help in My Plan of Salvation and, consequently, your more earthly beings will count on the aid of the greater spirit of your true beings.
In this way I prepare hearts so that they may be workers of the Plan and consciousnesses that may be servers of My Eternal Father. Today I pour to you the wisdom that guards My Christified Consciousness so that you may understand that it is possible to be consecrated to My Lord when you simply say yes, because in this way your will will be surrendered so that may awaken in your hearts the Divine Will.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for understanding My words with the spirit of the heart!
Christ Jesus.
At each step taken by each one of My Companions I, as Son of God the All Powerful, conquer many souls, those that through My Redeemer Love find the path of Reconciliation with My Eternal Father.
Today I want that you open to Me the door of your consciousnesses to be able to enter and, through each one of you, to arrive to more souls, above all those which lose themselves in the midst of illusion.
I want that those who already let Me inhabit their inner worlds follow Me in all, without fear, without vacillating, because it is in them that I am depositing the inner strength that will give the sign so that other children of My Flock may be encouraged to walk with Me through the paths of this world.
I need those who do not aspire to anything else but to live of My Love in this Celestial Fire that My Father ignited in Me and that burns eternally in the Universe.
I want that you learn to serve this Fire that redeems, that forgives, that transcends all of the barriers of the minds and finds real space inside of the essences of humans.
I want that you burn in this Fire that is My Fire of Love which comes from My Father.
I do not offer you tranquility, only the infinite and glorious security of My Love.
I do not offer you a future, only the eternal present to eternally serve together with Me the Universe and the Plan of My Father.
I offer you sacrifice, renunciation, surrender, so that in this way you may help Me to save this, our humanity.
I only offer you My Eternal Love, My Love of the Master, of the Elder Brother, of the Friend, of the Companion in this sidereal task.
Here I am, present before all of you so that you may feel Me, so that you may surrender to Me what you are, so that you may follow Me for all Eternity.
I believe in you because I love you and I call today those who want to be My Companions.
I wait for you in My Sacred Heart.
Thank you for listening to My Words and to guard them in the heart.
Your Master, Christ Jesus.
I rejoice by seeing that My followers make an effort to be united and gathered in My name.
For those who in these times are losing the faith and the trust in My Plan of Rescue I say: may each one of you take your own cross and follow me through the path that I am silently tracing for the souls.
Now some of My followers are found almost on the top of the Calvary, prepared to transcend the last stretch of the battle that overwhelms them, that tires them and that takes out from them the necessary force, wanting to make them give up following Me until the end.
The path of Glory will not be for many yet, but My Mercy is so kind that I will be able to advance those who are many steps behind. I come today to you to give you My Encouragement, My Aspiration, My Comfort. By now there is nothing more important, My dears, than to move on without looking backwards, leaving to the side the mistakes, the anger and the misunderstandings.
Allow one more time that My universal rays transform you and purify you so that shining like a new pearl I may give you crystalline and pure to the hands of My Father. There is nothing to do anymore, there is nothing to look backwards to. I know you so much that I know what it is that you need in each second of your lives.
It is not the moment to allow yourself to lower the arms nor to rest, as if it were normal times, because the battle still has not begun. Be transparent like water and crystalline like rain so that nothing may dirty you, nothing that comes from this world. Try to be united to My purpose, leave behind the ideas that exalt you, it is the moment of being as empty as a new wineskin, so that My New and Transfiguring Blood may consecrate you as servers of My message.
Dears, it is time to sustain with fervor the torch of faith and of light, do not allow the enemy to awaken astute disagreements between your hearts, and be attentive to the only and lasts signs that My Heart will pronounce in a short time. Above all things My Paternal Spirit sustains you in impossible times and in irreversible situations.
Those who are willing to follow me, that follow me and renovate themselves with Me day by day in the infinite faith of the heart, I am at your side without rest, I wait ardently for the new Apostles.
Under the Glory of God, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding and meditating My words from the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more