Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Eighth Poem
Most Loving Queen of Heaven and Earth,
at Your humble feet, we place our lives and hearts,
as a sincere offering of all our love for You.
Most Beloved Mother of the Universe,
great Mirror of God's Mercy,
help us to be deserving of Heaven's Graces.
Establish within us
the Divine Purpose of Creation
so that our consciousnesses may represent
at least a small part of the Infinite
and of the great Plan of humanity's Rescue.
We are Your servants, Most Holy Virgin.
We are those who, in prayer, offer themselves
to be in vigil beside You
so that the promises of Christ may be fulfilled
in as many hearts as possible.
Mother, quench the thirst
of those who are thirsty for the Light and Love of Christ.
Mother, alleviate the hearts of those who despair.
Bring to each one of us
the universe of God's Love
so that we may feel filled
by the strength and power of Divine Mercy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Although you are purifying yourself, and the planet is intensely purifying itself, never cease to see the beauty within you.
Although all inner resistance is being removed and the elements of Nature are cleaning the spaces, never cease to see the beauty within you.
Although everything within you is moving and you no longer know how to begin again, and in the world only wars exist, never cease to see the beauty within you.
Because that faith in what is real and found in each being will allow humanity to be something rescuable, and in this way, more doorways of light will open so that lost and distracted souls may receive the intervention of that which is Higher and is Divine.
In these times of great movements may you never cease to see the beauty within you because this will make each moment more sublime and gentle, you will learn from each life experience and you will enrich your spirit with new instructions.
So never cease to see the beauty within you; thus, you will make room for the healing of humanity on deeper levels of consciousness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Attain the serenity of your soul, by surrendering more each day to the Divine Will, which conceives all and transforms all.
Attain the serenity of your soul, by trusting that everything will be well and that your heart will receive the spiritual guidance, necessary for these times.
Attain the serenity of your soul, by knowing and affirming that you will be taking steps in Christ, because His Divine Blessing will always be close to you.
Attain the serenity of your soul, by confirming within you the fulfillment of this Plan of Love and Light, which will have to reach all the possible souls and corners of the world, so that the Work of Mercy may be fulfilled.
Attain the serenity of your soul, by having an absolute and inextinguishable love for all that must be concretized.
Attain the serenity of your soul, by knowing that in each phase God will triumph, beyond everything.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The internal counterpart of the Pilgrimages, what not all eyes can see
Dear children:
When a Pilgrimage is materialized, and, through the resources and donations of everyone, this Pilgrimage is carried out, when the whole purpose of the Pilgrimage is fulfilled and there are no material debts pending, when the adhesion, the consideration and the support are true, such a Pilgrimage acquires an indescribable result little considered by the world.
Since materializing a Pilgrimage for Peace in humanity means, for these times, facing and overcoming many obstacles; and the first obstacles are those of its very manifestation and of the patient waiting that the Pilgrimage will be fulfilled as it was thought from Above.
The Pilgrimages do not mean nor represent only the prayer encounters that are realized in the different nations of the world; the Pilgrimage itself, in the spiritual and mental planes of the planet, mobilizes many events, which take place in the inner planes.
Among these, the closing of an innumerable hells, the reunion and the congregation of new souls to respond to the call, the awakening of the sleeping consciousness, as the Discovery of the Truth within the inner being of each being, as well as the liberation of negative bonds of the souls that had been spiritually imprisoned.
A Pilgrimage, which can be projected to develop at some moment, will never be equal or similar to the previous one, although the same prayer encounters are realized.
The Pilgrimage is under the command of your Heavenly Mother and this means many things for the planet and its humanity.
Each Pilgrimage is a great planetary rescue operation that embraces not only the planet as a whole, its humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature. But also each Pilgrimage for Peace, lovingly concretized with the help and the donation of humanity, not only represents an evolutionary response on the part of souls, but also the possibility that the Spiritual Universe has to be able to penetrate certain human projects that, permeated by a great ambition and ignorance, intend to conquer the world.
Each Pilgrimage for Peace that is concretized is a new plan that is strategically carried out, overcoming and facing a sea of difficulties during its development.
When collaborating souls place themselves as available to donate and concretize the next Pilgrimage, this is a mature response of a consciousness that loves the Plan of God, beyond its difficulties and its tests, and which will always do the impossible for this planetary rescue Plan that the Pilgrimage will carry out to be fulfilled, absolutely trusting in its principles and the objectives that must be realized.
For this reason, the possibility of greater or lesser help that the planet and humanity could receive in this critical time, will depend on the awakened consciousness that the souls that will donate for the mission to be fulfilled may have; and this will always be so, because humanity throughout the centuries has wasted the resources, from every point of view, and in this cycle, for humanity be worthy of a Greater Grace that is intangible, it will need to learn to donate what it has always kept for itself, as personal profit.
In this time, the spiritual expansion of the Pilgrimages and the divine assistance that humanity can receive will depend on the love and the donation that the beings of the Earth will place, in order to keep this beloved and wounded planet standing.
For this reason, in this cycle, the non-concretization of the Pilgrimages for lack of resources will not be an act of disregard or lack of interest on the part of the souls for the Mother of God, but it will be a reflection of great indifference and of unconsciousness for the Plan of God.
In your hands and above all in your hearts, My children, is the decision of the continuity of this humanity and of the next one that will come.
Today, and after ten years of being beside each child of Mine, I must tell you the truth: the decision is in you.
I thank you for listening with the heart and for responding to My heavenly call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If in truth My Presence amongst you were only visions, it would never have been possible to build the Work through the human beings of the world.
A work is real when it is sustained by the Divine Presence itself and that Work persists because the Divine Presence so wishes and thus manifests it all.
Sometimes, certain religious people and priests offend more with their comments on the Work that God carries out in the world and please less with their liturgical activities.
In truth, when certain priests, religious people or even bishops offend the Work that God carries out within souls, far from the control and the authority of the Church, this is more serious than all the faults committed by poor sinners.
One must be careful with everything that a representative of Christ on Earth says or manifests to the people of God, causing hearts to dissent, filling them with more and more doubts.
This is much more serious because with their word, they could be condemning the salvation of all of these souls that hear them.
The Celestial Father has the only Truth and before everything that He does with His Work, separate from the power of the people of the Church, we must bow our head and be respectful; because the human being will never be able to deeply understand everything that God wants to do.
For this reason, I ask all priests, the religious ones and representatives of Christian churches to hold their tongues to not continue to offend the Work of God, which is infinite and eternal, and with their ironic comments, to not stain the souls that place their faith in Christ.
Each one fulfills their part in this mission of evangelizing in the Presence of the Lord, through example, love, and truth more than with words.
Do not forget the fraternity and the ecumenism which have not yet been understood by you, since the true alliance that must be established between the different beliefs is based on love and transparency.
Let priests be true intercessors of Christ between Heaven and Earth and not executioners dressed as saints who condemn their fellow beings and do not look within themselves, forgetting penance.
The one who thinks they will survive alone will be lost. Unity and respect among peoples and religions are what will defeat the beast that will come out of the abyss.
Faith is not measured by acts or judgments.
Faith is the balm of light in simple hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As a Bird of Light, I penetrate the deepest spaces of the human consciousness in order to transform it. In that place, I pour out Grace that emanates from the Rays of My Wings so that My children can re-encounter the Celestial Father.
There, everything is removed so that souls may be free from captivity and from the prisons of life.
The Bird of Light enters into the depths of consciousness to show the human being the time and the moment of their purification. Throughout this path, the Bird of Light dissipates and dissolves the abysses of the consciousness so that the beings from the surface can again find the spiritual path that leads them into peace.
It could be painful to banish and break old structures; that is why the Bird of Light enters into the spaces of the deep consciousness so as to not leave any hidden corner inside of the being, but rather that everything be revealed so it may go through the transformation.
While you pray, the Bird of Light can reach the greatest and most unknown depths; while you pray and have faith, the task of your Heavenly Mother can be expanded.
In that way, the day will arrive in which there will no longer exist all the atavisms in My children and the sacred divine energy of Love will reign, which will nourish the spirit with an eternal gladness, in a splendid life united with the Creator.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Star of Bethlehem shone in the highest and deepest Skies, announcing to the world the arrival of a new and last opportunity of redemption.
Those who looked to the firmament and found it, like a heart that pulsates in Infinity, followed its steps and arrived where the Voice and the Will of the Celestial Father called them.
The silence of the Star of Bethlehem keeps its profound and unfathomable mystery.
The hearts can follow it, because it reflects in the Sky, as within those who open to its signs.
By following the Star of Bethlehem, reach the Portal of humility, of poverty of self, of mystery, of emptiness. There you will be able to find what I have been gestating for each one of My children.
Follow to the Portal of the humility of Bethlehem, which you keep within. There, I will wait for you with the whole Universe, in the Presence of your Creator Father, to give birth to a new being, to a new time.
Infinite Grace, My children, is to open up to the Mystery of the Nativity of your Lord, when the memory of the forgiveness of human sins once again forgives and cleans the hearts of the human beings who open, at least a little bit, to the Path of Redemption.
Infinite Grace is the Nativity of your Lord, when the memory of the surrender and of the humility of God gives the human beings the possibility of surrendering and of treading a new path, where vanities, lies and pride will be left outside, for the Cave of Bethlehem is so small and simple, that nothing but the Humility of God and of His servants fits in.
Unfathomable Grace is the Mystery of the Nativity of your Lord, when before the living memory of the moment in which the whole Creation stopped to contemplate the Earth, once again the Creator detains the attention of Infinity, so that, no matter how small the opening of souls may be, His Mercy can flood the hearts.
Few know the true Grace of the Nativity of the Lord.
Few know everything that their God and Creator realizes in the invisible of this world and in the depth of souls, when the hearts let themselves be touched by the purity of this moment.
The Birth of Christ, just as his eternal memory, My children, is still an unfathomable mystery for the hearts of the world, but in order to live it it suffices that you allow your hearts to be touched by His Purity, washed by His Mercy and renewed by the sacred humility that is kept in this moment, so holy and unique, for the whole of Creation.
Heavens and the Earth detain themselves to contemplate the Nativity of the Lord, because since God became flesh among humans, an unknown Grace is lived in the whole of Creation.
There, children, God began a Plan of redemption that is still to be fulfilled and that, year after year, is renewed for the Earth, through the hearts that believe in this mystery and who, without understanding it, open to receive its Graces.
Today I will ask you to pray.
Pray for those who do not believe in the essence of Christmas, who forget the true meaning of humanity uniting to celebrate.
Pray for those who are lonely, abandoned and unhappy, for not knowing God, for not opening to His infinite Love and, more than that, My children, for not having anyone on Earth to give them the gift of being truly loved.
Pray for the wars that do not stop before this celestial event, and let the Graces that you receive today, for opening the doors to God, reach the four corners of this world.
Pray so that the ones who made a commitment with Christ since the beginning can strengthen and renew themselves in His humility and in His surrender, through the merits of the Birth of the Lord among the human beings.
And pray, My children, so that just as you celebrate the joy of the Birth of Christ, you one day celebrate the Greater Grace of His Return, and be ready for this moment, because it will arrive soon.
I love and bless you
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
May the Light of Aurora shine again today, within you; may the warriorlike fire of redemption again emerge from your spirits.
May the blazing flame of Healing of Aurora become activated in your souls so that, through your surrender and sacrifice, the nation of Uruguay may again be considered a rescuable nation.
May the soldiers of Aurora, who return together with their Heavenly Mother, awaken today to celebrate the victory of the Plan of God.
May the doors to planetary healing open and may the divine breath of the Fire of Aurora illuminate the spaces.
Today, may all the swords be given up for respite and may the banners of the Peace of Aurora declare the moment of peace, because everything will be reconfigured, everything will be transformed.
May the disciples of Aurora enter the Kingdom of Love, free of themselves and divested of their forms, so that the Stellar Aurora may completely impregnate them and bring them renovation and peace.
Hail, Aurora of My Heart, because in your invisible silence you redeem all things!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
On this 1st of December, at the beginning of the inner preparation for the Nativity of your Master and Lord, I would like that, through the presence of each manger in the homes of the world, the inner Christ could definitely awaken within you.
This will help that all human consciousness be redeemed and receive a Grace from the Universe in order to reverse all the mistakes committed through the division of families, the exploitation of boys and girls, of all the perversion of current youth.
Dear children, with the sweetness of your hearts and having responded to My call for the manifestation of the mangers, you have allowed your Sacred Mother to work within the family nuclei that are being corrupted due to the lack of true love and sincere peace.
Dear children, My Rays of Mercy have today penetrated the darkest layers of the black market of humanity, where My adversary laughs and plays with millions of human lives.
From that lost and dark place, your Celestial Mother, with the help of all the saints in Heaven and on Earth, rescued and prevented the essence of many human hearts from getting lost.
I would like, My dear children, that you could understand today the meaning and the victory generated through the loving and sincere adhesion of all of My children who dedicated their day to building the Sacred Manger.
The presence of the Sacred Family, in these times and in current humanity, will avoid many events, most of them by means of the intercession of the Three Sacred Hearts.
On this night of Grace, I leave you this reflection and this message for you to meditate upon so that you may believe that your lives and your hands are useful to God and for the concretion of His Divine Plan.
Lastly, I send all the Love of My Heart to My small children of Angola, telling them that My victorious visit to the African lands of Ruanda, Angola and Kenya is still valid and present.
From now on, I will be grateful that you prepare your hearts to respond to this call and to accompany your Celestial Mother.
I thank you for being with Me today!
For the triumph of the Plan of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Son comes in this end time to establish His Divine Purpose in humanity. But, for this to be possible, it will be necessary that souls be able to transform into the spiritual and inner model that He needs in order to carry forward His redemptive Work.
If it is not this way, and souls resist changing what they consciously know is not part of the Plan of My beloved Son, for their own protection they will not be able to participate in this Work, in the part that is theirs to do.
It is important to keep in mind that My beloved Son seeks allies and devotees of His Sacred Heart so that souls may serve as precious receptacles for Him, into which He can pour His Codes of life to renew them, time and again. Thus, the process of inner transformation is not only restricted to just one consciousness but rather it influences all that surrounds it, in a permanent way.
Christ expects to find, each day more, within His followers and servers, the possibility of carrying out His Supreme Work in them in a true and crystalline way. Thus, the transparency of your hearts and minds will determine, at this time, the chance you will give the Sacred King for transforming you into new vessels, into His transformed instruments.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Celestial Commander
Here is the Celestial Commander, who carries stamped on Her Maternal Heart the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who commands armies of angels and souls in this Universe to be able to establish long periods of Peace.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who together with Her Beloved Son carries forward the Rescue Plan, the one Who builds the bridges of light and the fraternal bonds of love through the prayers of all Her children.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who silently works in this Universe, the one Who ignites the Mirrors of hearts so that souls feel the ardor of the Love of Christ.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who seeks the good in Her children, the one Who promotes the redeeming prayer, the Mother Who will always bring you closer to God.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who descends from the Kingdom of the Heavens to grant hearts a Grace, the one Who accompanies, helps, and understands Her fellow beings.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who carries with Her the Sword of Light of the Archangels of Heaven, in order to expel the invading spirits, to separate souls from the path of perdition.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who carries between Her Hands the Shield of the Archangel Michael, to be able to defend Her children during the battles, the one Who protects and supports the innocent souls.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who intercedes for the impossible causes, the one Who defends the souls during their judgement, the one Who grants hearts moments of Peace.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who raises the consciousnesses towards what is true, the one Who prevents destruction in this world, Who guides and accompanies the inner awakening of souls.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who brings from the Universe the Gifts of God, to pour them upon the world as infinite Graces, the Mother Who presents the offerings of Her children to God.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who interrelates the Universes so that the Rays may transfigure the planet from time to time, the Commander Who, transmutes from cycle to cycle, the chaos of humanity.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who gestates in Her Most Pure Womb the emergence of a new humanity, the one Who will show the world the door through which Christ will return.
Here is the tireless Celestial Commander, the one Who baptizes Her children with the Holy Spirit, the Mother who grants the inner reconciliation.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who today descends in Glory upon this Marian Center, to be able to open the eyes of Her children and show them the true path of the spirit, the path of perpetual prayer.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the Patroness of Brazil, the Lady Aparecida, the Kind Mother Who protects the spirit of the nations.
That today, on the day of Her celestial celebration, the souls receive from the Lady Aparecida sufficient strength of love to be able to live the changes that will come.
Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who prepares the souls for the return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I shall come with the Scepter of the Light of God on one hand and with the mighty Sword of fire of the Archangels on the other to separate light from darkness, to rescue the souls lost in the abysses and the illusion of spiritual mysticism.
I shall come with the Sword of fire of the Holy Archangels so that some darkness may be dissipated, so as to ensure that the spirits that wander around this part of the world be expelled and led to other spaces of the universe.
I shall come in these days with the Sword of fire of the Archangels to close with My own hands the spiritual abysses opened by the excessive search for a spirituality based on the benefit of very few.
I shall come with the Sword of fire of the Archangels to gather the self-summoned of the Plan and to create the future foundations of a new Ark of God, where not only the Kingdoms will be helped, but also the consciousnesses which must be removed from a constant spiritual and mystical illusion.
I shall come with the Sword of fire of the Archangels of God to bring you peace once again.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Although the deepest wounds of the planet are at this moment being shown through the chaos in this world, My Immaculate Heart protects and safeguards all the children that cry out to God in heartfelt sincerity.
Thus, your Heavenly Mother is interceding, at this moment, for all the innocent souls and for the most sinful souls who draw the violence of the elements of nature to the world.
Today, I am placing each one of them in My Arms of a Mother, so that their deepest nuclei may be safeguarded by the Love of My Motherly Heart.
Although the world is collapsing, I will always be with you.
Although the world seems to be falling apart, I will always be with you.
Although catastrophes, wars, unjustly spilled blood exist, I will always be with you.
Although the violence of the end of these times is unleashed overnight, even during the three days of great darkness, I will always, always be with you. For I came and come to this world to recover what is lost, what nobody wants to take care of in this humanity.
I am determined, at least, to allow My Heart to triumph in the inner worlds of the inhabitants of North America.
It is My mission and My destiny that the most imperfect and lost souls, that the peoples, cities and nations broken by the wave of the intense purification may have an opportunity and gain a Grace from My Heart.
There will be no element, catastrophe or physical or inner disaster that will stop Me; because I Am the Mother of your Master and Lord, I Am the untiring seeker of the love and prayers of souls.
When that alliance is consummated between you, My children, and your Universal Mother, when you live the same love and the same service that your Celestial Mother lives, I assure you that the planet may shake or sway, but the love between us will be inextinguishable; and I will receive your love and service in each moment to present it as an offering of sacrifice of humanity.
Do not hesitate, do not waver, the Lord is merciful and consoling with everything that is happening today in this world.
Believe and reaffirm the Coming of Christ in yourselves, for it will happen in spite of what takes place.
I leave you in My Motherly Arms, now and always.
Who blesses you, with the holy sword of the Archangel Saint Michael,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In these critical and definitive times, hold on to faith in God so that you may be strengthened in everything, and in that strength learn how to overcome limits and transcend great challenges.
May this faith in God help you to take decisive steps in the fulfillment of the Plan of Love and in the redemptive Work of Christ.
Dear children, I would like that this inextinguishable faith be the path for learning to transcend the events and all the obstacles that these times present to humanity.
It is time to have faith as a powerful shield so that peace, love and good may be established for all created things.
As you are determined to be bearers of this faith, your Heavenly Mother teaches you to walk among these times, maintaining an aspiration to always rekindle the Love of the Father, a Love that will rescue you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children:
Know that through the fraternal union of this Work with international organisms that provide humanitarian services of health and equity, Fraternidade will be considered one of the most noteworthy hands in the service of healing pain through love.
That will come about, first of all, through the spiritual formation acquired in the last thirty years. Secondly, through the integration and the experience of the community life and the group life in its different phases of work. Thirdly, through the inner and intuitive capacity of spiritually understanding the reality of the planet and of its humanity, principles given by the Spiritual Hierarchy in these times.
These three characteristics, which through the years have formed the Fraternidade -International Humanitarian Federation, are the future standards that international organisms will need, in the end of these times, to establish new humanitarian and social foundations that may help in the rebalancing of humanity through love, service, and equality towards those most in need.
The mission of the Fraternidade is to represent, on the surface of the Earth, a cultural, social, environmental, and global model that helps humanity to become aware about the importance of reversing certain worldwide factors that lead to the self-destruction of the race itself.
Disinterested and true service will be the spirit of peace of the Fraternidade, and it will seek no benefits, but rather world collaborators who sincerely support the causes and the needs of the different human groups that experience wars, hunger, exile and homelessness generated by the different nations in conflict.
Through a universal alliance with international organisms, the Fraternidade will be able to acquire a way of discharging the social and philosophical values given by the Hierarchy, seeking to teach and to establish the archetype of a new humanity.
It will be the constant exercising of unconditional service on the part of each server that will build an opportunity for each people, culture and society of this planet, for finding a path of hope to reverse the global imbalance and inequality among the different races and nations.
In this way, the humanitarian and philosophical contributions of the Fraternidade, without reference to a religion or creed, will help international organisms to eradicate the spiritual and physical poverty at a planetary level, and thus, the Spiritual Hierarchy may convey healing and relief to the millions of souls of humanity that are in inner and outer danger.
For that reason, the consciousness of this Work of love for the redemption of humanity must be very open in order to be able to accept work of a planetary scope, which will shift each server from their habitual setting, and will be called on to be an operative branch in the Inner Plan of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
The official declaration is hereby made that the Work of Peace of the Divine Messengers, in an ecumenical, autonomous, and fraternal way, will provide its humanitarian services to the different peoples and nations of the world for the purpose of spiritually establishing a longer period of peace.
It is thus that the missionaries of Fraternidade and those consecrated from the Order of My Son, as from the impulse given by international organizations, are assembled, gathered together, and twinned in the two bases that will be permanently established in the north of Brazil.
This means, dear children, that for your Heavenly Mother, the permanent mission of Greece will be temporarily closed and will be taken over by the representatives and members of the Network-of-Light of Europe.
Regarding the mission of permanent service at the pheriphery of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, it will also be temporarily closed, and will be taken over under My call by the Light Network of Minas Gerais and São Paulo.
Therefore, under the Will of Our Father, all principal and in-formation missionaries will be transferred to the north of Brazil in order to respond to the request made by international organizations, which seek peace, justice, and equity among races and peoples.
In this sense, the Spiritual Hierarchy is calling all of the planetary Network-of-Light to undertake the humanitarian service, the objective of which is that the principal and consecrated servants who belong to the Communities-of-Light and reside in them be able to extensively develop a fraternal service in the quest for establishing healing, redemption, and love in the souls that, because of conflicts, wars, and disorder among nations, have lost the essence of faith and of love.
It is important to emphasize that the spiritual shield of protection of the missionaries and those consecrated who will undertake the operative phase of service in the international organizations under the principle of fraternity, will have as an inner foundation the presence of the Sacred Hearts. But under no circumstance or reason will some religious or spiritual principle be disseminated, since the cause of the current conflicts comes from the social and humanitarian misunderstandings among the religions.
In this new phase of taking up world tasks and of those of a universal order, the Fraternidade will only seek the good and the benefit for fellow human beings, so that values and human rights may be recovered.
We will be guiding this new phase step by step, which will have the consciousness of all those who serve sacrifice many things in their lives so that a worse situation than already exists may not be precipitated in South America.
I thank you for responding to this operation of world rescue for peace and the good of the world.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Raise your consciousness up like the mountains and feel part of a great mystery.
Before your eyes all the secrets of the Universe are being unveiled.
The safest keys are given into the hands of the humble.
The Portals into infinity open so that the most simple are able to pass into the innermost spaces of universal life.
In a cyclic and harmonious way, the most sacred treasures are shown to those who want to see them so they can recognize within themselves the greatest treasure of Creation, Love.
The sojourners in faith light their torches in the Great Fire of the whole of existence and illuminate the dark paths of those who still cannot recognize their own inner light. They never separate, because, in their depths, they know a purpose must be fulfilled.
Because of this, little by little, the veils of consciousness fall away so that each spirit, as well as each heart, may become aware of the effect of its deeds and experiences of yesteryear.
But, in the face of the sign of Truth, the travelers bow down because they know that upon their path there has always been the infinite hand of Love that guided and safeguarded everything.
The eyes of those who have not surrendered fill with intense tears, at last, they can feel that it is only love that transforms, elevates and heals all things.
The time has come for the seekers of the path to place all swords at the foot of the Temple so that the surrender of all mistakes may be accomplished.
While the mirrors light up before the gaze of the pure, the first moments of an unforgettable peace are reflected within the scenario of life.
Each step the pilgrim takes is a step that the sleeping humanity takes.
Each unconditional surrender is the Cross of the redeeming victory that is shaped on some part of the surface.
Thus, what is far from hearts begins to draw closer, and the Source of Love returns with an unknown momentum.
The Work is done in the name of the indifference of the majority, and the arches of light open, beyond everything, to those who did not deserve to see them.
The apostles feel within themselves the action of Mercy, and nobody remains without knowing that the time of redemption approaches.
The gardens of souls are prepared, a place where the Master, among masters and sages, will place His humble Feet.
In the meantime, everything is purified within and outside of consciousnesses in order that the majority may be free from old mistakes.
A light of renewed hope emerges on the horizon and everyone can see it.
Thus, you are again called to the living of true love.
Those fallen into darkness are removed from those spaces.
Love becomes Mercy to save whoever wants to be saved.
The time of the clock is showing the promised hour.
May the followers of the Light and of the storms wash their feet in the Fount so that, cleansed, they may sit at the table, awaiting the Great Master.
An inexplicable wisdom descends into even the most foolish minds. The purpose is that the hardest of heart may open to the coming of the universal Truth.
The paths of old and heavy histories are modified.
Justice and its severity are changed by the action of Love and its eternal power.
Everyone is gathered together, in spite of their differences and histories. All, without exception, are placed for a moment in the Arms of the Divine Father.
All perceive that there have never been winners or losers, but rather souls that experienced various paths of redemption.
Thus, the new sun rises in the universe of those who were in the shadows, and the Light begins to blossom like the roses in a winter garden.
Everything is transformed. Grace, as a greater principle, makes everything possible.
The soldiers, holding hands, unite to concretize the last phase of the Plan of Redemption.
In the Books of the Universe these moments are written.
May the inner ears be attentive to hear the sacred word of the Light that transfigures all things.
In unity, the banner of redemption is raised.
In love, the Return of Christ is fulfilled.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With the love of My children, I will always be able to carry forward the Works of the Creator.
With the love of My children, I will finally be able to bring peace to the world.
With the love of My children, although imperfect and immature, I will be able to carry forward all that God asks of me.
With the love of My children, I can gestate the New Humanity within Me, and thus see it born in a near future.
With the love of My children, I can redeem the world and pour out My Graces over those hearts and lives that need it the most.
With the love of My children, I can help the divine essence of the Kingdoms of Nature so that the restoration and the healing may be carried forward of all the repercussions caused to them since the beginning of Creation.
With the love of My children, I have permission to enter the hells of this wounded world subjected to war, indifference and omission.
With the love of My children, I can welcome into My maternal Heart the souls of the nations and everything that dwells in them. In this way, your Heavenly Mother can carry forward the Rescue Operation.
With the love of My children, in simple hearts, I can experience the existence of the Project of God, and in humble hearts, I can every day re-experience the merciful Presence of My Son.
It no longer matters how many times you fall or make mistakes; what matters, My children, is that you learn every day to be persevering and good. This will help Me to continue availing Myself of the love of My children because what must be redeemed in you will be transformed by the love you have for Me.
In the love of My children, I see the Promised Land.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and consecrates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The closure of a cycle of Graces
The Source of Healing through sound and song remained open, during this last time, through those who adhered and made an effort so that the meetings of music could be carried forward.
After the last blessings received during the Sacred Week, the souls, in general, committed themselves to collaborate more and to contribute for the fulfillment of the Work of the Divine Messengers.
The meetings of music held in the last months showed the Universe the possibility that the human being of surface has to reverse and to spiritually heal certain serious situations of the planet, to the point of becoming a conscious cooperator of the Evolving Plan.
As time went by, the production of the meetings of music became characterized by an intense demand of work and of material dedication so that in every following 23rd, as it is today, it might be possible to concretize the fundamental task among the choirs and your Heavenly Mother: the mission of attracting, monthly, the actuation of new Laws that could modify the chaotic reality of the planet.
Such was the practical demand in the technical production during the last months, that your Heavenly Mother explicitly summoned selfless servers to collaborate immediately, with the aim of continuing the mission that was being carried out through the meetings of music.
This meant, from the human point of view, a great demand and an extreme requirement in order to be possible to carry out in the last three months such meetings.
For this reason and for lack of immediate response, your Heavenly Mother has requested these days, the recess for six months of the live program: Meeting of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity, so that all servers of the Plan of Love, both those that actively participate, as well as those who witness these meetings on the 23rd, may perceive that the Work which the Divine Messengers have placed in humanity to generate a greater state of healing, of grace and of mercy, is responsibility of all those that are united to it from the heart.
With this, I am inviting My servers to leave the constant point of wanting to receive, to wait or to supplicate so that, definitively, you may act, work, protect and take care of the Work that was entrusted to you with so much love.
The recess of music for healing will mean the silence of humanity, which which will not be able to cry out for mercy, which it needs with urgency.
I hope that after this Sacred Week, just as My Beloved Son has asked you, your actions and thoughts may no longer be the same.
The Spiritual Hierarchy calls you to participate in a plan of rescue and of planetary emergency; we are already in another cycle and it is time to act with readiness and not with slowness or inertia.
I invite you again to awaken from this possible worldly dream in which you may entered.
The whole Universe waits for the step of the servers of the Plan of Redemption of Christ.
Who makes you aware,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
At each new step you take, the Divine and universal Hierarchy can move forward with Its Work of the salvation of humanity and rescue of the planet. For this reason, when eyes are opened to the Plans that God shows the world, the different phases of the work can be done in souls and thus attract to the planet, especially to humanity, the opportunity for spiritual ascension.
The elevation of each molecule, of each cell, as well as of each consciousness of this planet, greatly helps the Work of the Divine Hierarchy to reach other fields of consciousness that are still in need of a certain type of impulse to be able to evolve and grow.
In this sense, dear children, at each step you take, souls of the world are able to receive certain opportunities that were previously unforeseen. This is possible because of something that is fundamental, that which we call adherence to the Divine Work, adherence to Celestial Principles that descend in these times to concretize the redemptive Work of Christ in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more