My dear children,

While in the world the elements of nature demonstrate the tragic reality of the end of times, the Divinity intervenes in all possible situations so that the Law of Divine Justice not be concretized in the material space of this planet.

This is why with urgency and readiness the Hierarchy works without delay to try to relieve the different realities that, moved by the action of silent uncertain doors, unite to the imbalanced planetary mental plane, aggravating the state of consciousness of the planet.

In this sense, dear children, prayer at this moment should be the priority of all, because while consciousness are not under the spirit of prayer, many more of them will be dragged by these uncertain doors, until souls become completely lost.

It is really necessary and urgent that My children recognize and perceive how the situation of the world is so that, decidedly and like mature apostles, you may walk throughout the world together with the Spiritual Hierarchy, to deter that which at this moment is becoming irreversible.

Be attentive and do not be distracted. You must offer each minute of your lives as a state of permanent prayer and elevation so that the legionaries of Christ may also be invisible and yet active through service for the redemption and healing of this humanity.

For this reason, do not be surprised when the Hierarchy changes the destiny of its pilgrimage. When this happens, as it did a few days ago, you must realize by yourselves that there is something that is not well in the region or country where the Hierarchy goes on pilgrimage with you.

The Divinity, My children, will always decidedly and attentively do all that is possible, and what is within the reach of each reality, to fulfill and concretize the spiritual and inner assistance that each space of the planet needs.

With this preamble, we will now prepare for the following stage, which is the most important, as the Three Sacred Hearts will intervene, once again, for Argentina and South America.

I thank you all in advance for your strict observance, at this very definitive moment for the coming destiny of the Argentine nation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come here as the Lady of Kibeho. Feel the freshness of that continent, the love that is given to Me by the most suffering hearts of Africa.

After almost a year of work in My beloved Africa, the Lady of Kibeho closes a cycle in order to begin a new one, in the coming months, for today I ardently desire My children to know that I have not left Africa. My Heart is Africa, the Heart of the Mother of the Seven Sorrows.

But today, My children, I want you to know that I am present there and that, just like in Kibeho, I count the days and the months in the calm of this planetary moment in order to be able to go there, just as I went to Rwanda.

My children of Angola are already consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, as are all those who pray and all the pilgrims who have placed their faith in the Rosaries of Light.

Each bead placed by your hands over My image has, for your Heavenly Mother and, above all for God, meant a great liberation on the inner planes of the African continent. And although I know that many souls still suffer in that place and only those souls know what suffering and pain really are, today the Seven Swords of the agony of humanity are being withdrawn from the Lady of the Seven Sorrows, the Lady of the Word, so that She may receive in Her Heart the spheres of light, turned into shining and luminous roses in the prayerful hearts of Africa.

I want you to know, My children, that My Plan for going to Africa is still in place. And in some way I will get there and we will celebrate that important meeting, that important meeting in which South America and Africa will unite, with one heart and one consciousness, to be able to sublimate the sin of humankind and the suffering that still exist in that place.

The entryway that I have chosen for returning is Angola, because it is there where I need you to be, not only serving and praying as you have done in these recent times, but so that more consciousnesses of the world may understand what is happening there and what sub-human life means.

I bring, My children, the possibility and the opportunity that, through the merits achieved by My Son, Africa may again be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, and that which they did not hear from the Lady of the Word in Rwanda, which was a maternal warning in this final cycle, may be heard in the words of the Mother of God, so that the results of the change and redemption may be accomplished.

So that all this may be possible, My children, I come to ask the world to focus its prayer on that purpose and its loving collaboration, so that the Sacred Hearts may touch African soil once again.

Today, at My right and My left, My children, are the innocent souls of the genocide of Rwanda. And I want, I desire and I ask that, at this moment, in the name of all of humanity, because of what that meant and represented for God, that you silently offer a penitence for the reparation of Our Lady of Kibeho.

I listen to you inwardly.

While you make this offering to Me, My children, I can continue to penetrate the darkest places of the world, where suffering continues to occur and hearts cannot free themselves.

At this moment and at this hour, in which your Heavenly Mother comes from Heaven as the Lady of the Word, Our Lady of Kibeho, as the Mother of all Africa, is when I open My Immaculate Heart even further to the whole world and all souls, to receive the offering of reparation and forgiveness.

Because even though you did not have a direct responsibility for the events, humanity is one, and will always be one in the Eyes of God. This will make you grow in consciousness and in maturity so that the assaults and indifference are not repeated.

Africa learned this lesson in life, but Africa is still waiting for the coming of the Messengers of God, one last time, as a preparation for the Return of Christ.

Today I am not only here with you, but also at this moment I am in Africa pouring out the Love of God and the Grace of reconciliation and healing upon those peoples.

My silence works even more deeply in souls in need. Do not forget that I Am also the Mother of the Silence, and in light of the events of the world in these crucial times for humanity, I return here so that My children may not feel alone or defenseless, so that you may know that I am here in the same way that I was with My Son at the foot of the Cross, up to the last second of His life, up to the last second in which He expired, the last and great surrender for the whole human race up to today's times.

This is a great mystery, the mystery of the Love of the Son of God. With this Love, He sends Me to the world to announce His petition and the ardent desire of the Mother of God to return to Africa, once again, just as I went to Kibeho to bring awareness and discernment to My children, to once again save as many souls as possible, the majority of which were not possible to save.

And that is one of my principal sorrows for Africa because it is not the peoples that agitate each other or confront one another; it is those who are above those peoples, who provoke evil in the world and despair in many hearts.

But even though that happens, My children, the faith of the most innocent, humble and simple will never be lost, because that faith will not only be a strength for My children of Africa, but will also be the bridge down that I will use to come from Heaven to meet with each of your souls.

The task done through this Work in Angola was a first step, but will not be the last. Many more steps must be taken and many more will be called to take up alleviating the suffering, the healing of the immorality, the hope of those who suffer in My beloved continent of Africa, because only love can heal the pain.

Today I celebrate everything that happened in Angola through this Work, because the true inner results are placed at the feet of the Creator by the Lady of Kibeho. And that offering, that profound offering, was accepted by your Celestial Father, the merits of the effort, the service, the healing, the love, the renunciation, the fraternity, the generosity, the detachment and, mainly, the transmutation.

For this reason, I return here today so that the world may know and be aware of how, with so little, much can be done in the world; because the real tools that you need, My children, are inner, and when properly used, Divine Providence miraculously comes forward. This is how the Sacred Family experienced it, and today you experience it with Me.

Thus, you must be thankful each day that you wake up, each day that you rest on a clean and comfortable bed, each time the water from the springs of the Earth wash your bodies, each time that before you there is food to nurture your cells; and mainly, My children, you must be thankful for the Love of the Divine Messengers, in this place and in all the hearts that have been graced, blessed and filled by Our Apparitions.

I wish the same to happen in Africa and to begin in Angola. There is much to be done in that place, many doors to open in other parts of Africa that cry out for My Presence and for the Presence of My Son. That will be possible through you, My children, knowing that in this time you are called to live service for humanity, for the planet, for the relief of suffering.

What I ask of you is so simple, that I will tell you again.

In the same way that Africa waits for My coming someday, Asia also waits for My coming, as does Oceania. The pilgrimage is still pending, it still waits to be realized upon the ending of this pandemic. I pray every day for that ending: for the healing of those who suffer the pandemic and for it to come to an end.

At this moment and in this hour, My children, it will depend on your conscious response for some change to finally occur in all of humanity, and for it not to return to the normal way of being of the times of illusion, rather that you may enter, as in other times, the cycle of becoming aware and of fraternity.

I thank you now for your penitence. It was also taken in by My Immaculate Heart, as well as that of all the hearts that, at this moment, in various parts of the world, hear My call.

Today I want to carry My Peace to Africa. At this moment, distances do not exist, neither in time nor space, because I am there with My dear children who truly suffer the world situation.

At this moment, Our Divine lady is showing a rosary made of roses, and She says to us:

These are the fruits, the prayer, the pleadings and the love of My children of Africa. This is the Rosary that I will carry to God today so that He may receive it. I will place it in His Hands so that Our Celestial Father, with great joy, will place it on His Body as a spiritual symbol of the healing of the suffering, of the love above all evil.

This evening, My children, I also welcome the consecration of the families of the world to My Immaculate Heart, through the response given to My requests. Today I am with each one of those hearts that attended to My call.

Lastly, I want to tell you that, just as the pilgrimage to Africa in the coming times is important, also important to Me is the more daring of all pilgrimages, to Asia and Oceania, in which today I include the Philippines. 

If you give me what is most simple and true, I too will give you the most simple and true that I have, which is My Presence and My Heart.

Today, the Lady of Kibeho radiates Her Light and Her Grace upon Africa, consummating this important task carried out in the last months in Angola and in all of Africa, not only on the material plane, but also on the spiritual plane.

And so it is that we offer the Father the lessons and experiences lived during these recent times in Angola.

We aspire and affirm, at this moment, My children, a continuation of that sacred task, so that, through love, you may heal all pain.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady rises with the rosary in Her hands. And in that rising and assumption of Mary, we will listen at this moment to what She requested, the song "Lady of Kibeho", as a final offering of our hearts for our brothers and sisters in Africa.


Dear children,

On this night of travel, of return to Brazil, My Mantle is extended over you like all the stars. I accompany you in silence and in vigil so that your missionary souls may be restored in a few days time and thus you may prepare yourselves to accompany the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph in the planetary task that will take place throughout the next few days, in which all My praying children will have the Grace of hearing Saint Joseph, My Son and Your Heavenly Mother, once again.

Tonight we travel back to My Mother Home in Brazil, Figueira, so that your brothers and sisters may inwardly harvest the fruits of this last pilgrimage throughout the United States and Canada, important fruits for the awakening of hearts and for the redemption of the souls that live in God.

On this night of return to Brazil, I bless you and I thank you for having responded to My call during this whole month and a half of pilgrimage.

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Montreal will be the second headquarter in Canada of the redeeming Work of Christ, which is present in South America.

Montreal is an important door for the service to immigrants, an opening to specific work with the spiritual instruction through them. This possibility presents itself through an inner opening of those who are there.

Therefore, Montreal represents this second stage in which the Spiritual Hierarchy can work and help the other part of the colonies of immigrants who are there and, as a consequence, they will be able to help, from a distance, their nations of origin to which most citizens of Montreal belong.

In the same way, the city of Quebec has other possibilities for the work of the Hierarchy to develop.

In this sense and for all of this to be possible, after the bases are established by your Master and Lord Himself, through the impulse of pilgrimage, the doors can be kept open for the coming events, those which will benefit the country spiritually.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ


From the high mountains of the Himalayas to the high mountains of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, the Masters descend in pilgrimage to experience the sacred meeting with the essences of humanity.

Through the flutes and mantras, They attract the immaculate spirit of compassion and, for a moment, souls feel protected and consoled by the maternal womb of the Earth.

The sacred East shows itself to the distant West and, thus, an intimate communion between the peoples of Tibet and the peoples of the indigenous consciousness is experienced, because both recognize the same Origin that created them.

For this reason, today they unite in spirit and offer their schools so that the school of redemption of this current humanity may be accomplished in all beings.

From the Himalayas, the mantras resound, and the flutes of the original peoples emit the melodies that the human race needs to hear in this time so that it may see the great portal of redemption. 

And so the Grand Canyon experiences its silent ceremony, and the fruits of knowledge and of experience are offered for the transfiguration of humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Before the Hierarchy enters into the next stage of planetary work, we propose pausing for a while so that, from Aurora, an inner, mental and spiritual synthesis may be carried out concerning all that has happened from the last meeting in the city of Porto Alegre with the Light-Network service groups up to the present moment.

And so, in order to be able to enter the next stage, which will be more demanding and concentrated, Aurora, as a Marian Center of Love, will help in that very vital and important synthesis taking place during the next few days.

For this, the state of semi-retreat allows for attending to other needs without forgetting the importance of your understanding the new cycle that you are going through, in which the Hierarchy counts on the inner support of everyone, so that these special pilgrimages may be carried out according to what was foreseen in the Plan of Love.

Thus, so that the next stage may be carried forward, the synthesis must be done based on comprehension, an understanding and discernment of all that the Hierarchy has said.

In this way, you, as inner beings, will embrace the dimension of what the Heavenly Brotherhood does, and may you reciprocate throughout these last impulses.

I will be in union with you in the next stage.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Dear children,

God is attentive to the voice of your supplications because this is a time of great spiritual, mental and physical needs.

This is a time when solidarity and the good must penetrate the deepest layers of the consciousness so that, in truth, there may be a change and an awakening.

This is the time to bring to the world this message, which means that it is the moment to consider your neighbor and serve others because this sacred action will allow miracles to take place, and souls that are absolutely lost will be rescued just as you were rescued by the Love of God.

But this moment is crucial and definitive, it is a delicate moment in which every day and in prayer you must ask for wisdom and discernment for all those who make hasty decisions and completely lose the true sense of reality.

As the Mother of the Grace and Mercy of God, I count on each one of My praying soldiers, within this moment of planetary inflection, for everything to remain in its harmony and in its balance.

This is the reason why, in the coming times, situations of inner emergency and external emergency will be attended by means of the pilgrimages.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with the support of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, Who today lives his retreat, will go to meet the most difficult needs and we will send all of our servers, through indication and inspiration, to attend and aid that which is necessary, as good fathers and good mothers, as impeccable servers and collaborators. 

For this reason, My children, all this movement that is approaching, which will be that of an immediate surrender of self, will help you to forget yourselves and place the grave and critical planetary situation within the balance of Divine Justice. Because we cannot permit that this Human Project of God be rejected.

All the effort that was offered during the last years and up until recent days, by many groups of prayer, of adoration and of service, is being used to compensate the gravest debts of humanity incurred upon by abortion, prostitution and exploitation of children, adolescents and adults, by the commerce of slavery, the deforestation of the planet, the extraction of minerals, as well as by the excessive hunting of whales and marine animals.

Everything that happens today needs an enormous amount of untiring prayer so that Divine Justice may not fall upon humanity.

I am now thankful for the consciousness and the opening of your hearts and lives to the call for service from the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



My Divine and Cosmic Consciousness, the Solar Christ, spiritually embraces Argentina today and, in this way, the first Source of emanation of Divine Love is prepared so that, as from the second stage of the pilgrimage, it may send the impulses that consciousnesses upon the surface of the Earth will receive, to move forward with the inner changes that are necessary.

This does not mean that the rebellion of the dark ones has ceased; they will come with greater strength against all that the Divine Hierarchy will project for the following days.

But do not fear, do not cease to elevate your voice to the Universe, and do not cease to cry out for Mercy for, in this way, all adversity will be dissolved and transmuted and hearts will reacquire the strength to be able to move beyond themselves, without leaving behind the fulfillment of their responsibilities.

This is the time in which the light and the darkness meet, and the war of all against all is present as an opportunity for winning it through love or of being defeated through indifference.

Many more needs will be presented during the upcoming times. Thus, this is the time of putting into practice all the knowledge acquired during the last few years, this is the time of setting aside mediocrity and going on to assume that which until now you have not assumed, being able to carry the cross to the heights of the mountain, to announce the victory of Love within humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


On a day like today, twelve years ago, I called upon very ordinary and simple people so that they might follow Me, so that they might transform their lives out of love for My Son, and might respond to a great and important invitation that I brought from Heaven.

Thus, I appeared as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and the Lady of Aurora because, in My Heart, I was bringing the announcement of the time of redemption and of spiritual healing for souls.

On a day like today, but twelve years ago, such simple people who had nothing to gain nor lose said "yes" to Me, and together with Me established the manifestation of the Purpose that God had requested of Me for South America.

His request was that, before the hundred years, since My Apparitions in Fatima, should pass, I descend with all of My Consciousness to a humble place in the north of Uruguay to call the world to the conversion and to the redemption of all planetary life. But also, My request was to carry My Message of Peace by means of simple but profound pilgrimages thoughout the different nations of the world.

Thus, My Divine Person, as time went by, went calling hearts that would form part of this Mission and during this time, the first and small choir emerged, made up of three children of Mine.

One of My daughters would represent My singing Voice to the world, a Mission that was accomplished. But as the Purpose of God was so great, on seeing that My children responded, the Father asked Me to awaken more hearts and, in this way, the great choir of the Divine Mother emerged.

I then asked for a selfless Association to be founded that would disseminate My Message of Peace throughout the entire world; until finally, Misericordia María TV came along, a means of communication of the Divine Hierarchy which, through sound and images, would carry the Message and the Call of God to millions of souls in the world.

Twelve years have passed, of so many experiences, of children that left without having understood the essence of My call, of new and unexpected children who arrived, and those who will arrive to follow My pilgrim path.

Today, in My Heart of Light, I hold and remember the awakening of Aurora and the sweet aroma of the orange groves, as well as the fruits that many carried within themselves as an indelible Grace of healing.

Today, after twelve years, the planet cries out for Mercy and for forgiveness. Thus, I invite all My children to renew their vows so that, under the light of Aurora, new aspirations may be accomplished and concretized.

Under the Will of God, My children, may we be able to continue walking together in this eternal pilgrimage toward a meeting with the Heart of Jesus so that we may finally merge into the Love of God, because My one desire as a Mother is to always lead you toward God, so that peace may be achieved.

I thank all who have walked by My side during these last twelve years, and I am thankful for those who will continue walking by My side, helping Christ to continue carrying the cross of the pain of the planet so that it may be alleviated.

I thank you for responding to My sacred call!

Who blesses you in peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

God the Father establishes His Sacred Geometries by means of pilgrimages to the different nations and cultures of the world.

In this human diversity, the Father tries, by means of His Sacred Geometry, to have His Children of the Earth resume the essence of what they were in the beginning and before committing errors.

It is in this way that the Divine Messengers gradually draw, in the inner planes, the principles of these geometries, and thus important spiritual matrixes are established by means of the word, instruction, the Sacraments, Mercy and Grace.

The Sacred Geometries of God try, at this time, to have souls remember their origins so that in this Origin they can recover what they lost, that which is spiritual and divine, in these times, when modernity and influences deviate hearts from the path of fulfillment of their mission.

For this reason, the Sacred Hearts, while they go on pilgrimage in the world, take souls to the path of awakening so that the spirit of each being can recognize the Love of God within, and unite to the Eternal Father.

There, in this union, in this divine alliance, the soul comes into contact with the Sacred Geometries which are, in essence, the Virtues of God and His Greater Purpose for humanity.

For this reason, when a pilgrimage is fulfilled, as was this one that has just concluded in Europe, the Divine Hierarchy manages to finish establishing, in the inner planes, these Sacred Geometries that bring with them impulses of renewal for the nations, of awakening to a life of disinterested service and especially, these Sacred Geometries establish peace among peoples for greater periods of time.

In this sense, the Sacred Geometries always manifest, from the beginning to the end of a pilgrimage, and they can continue working for a longer time, although the pilgrimage has ended.

In this way, a mystery is projected upon the consciousnesses of nations and this mystery is unveiled when the consciousness adheres to the Divine Purpose, often without understanding or knowing it.

But every purpose is based on love, and it is this love that approaches the suffering souls so that they may experience it in the joy of finding God again, and of being able to live forgiveness and Mercy.

For this reason, in each new pilgrimage, new Sacred Geometries are delivered by the Divine Messengers to be sown in the consciousness of nations and, in consequence, in humanity.

All this spiritual and divine movement deactivates points of world conflict, as the hidden bases of exploitation, corruption and trafficking of persons, and also the Kingdoms of Nature are benefitted by the Sacred Geometries of God.

Thus, the planet, as a consciousness that lives and feels, breathes again.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Each nation of this planet holds in its spiritual registries a part of the history of the Cosmos, which must be transformed. The Earth, children, was thought of and created by God to be the place where love would triumph, beyond all errors, where forgiveness would open the door to healing, where Mercy would open the door to the Redemption of all souls.

There is an existing reality that precedes life upon this world, a reality that is written in the stars, but which few knew how to enter into correctly, and still no human being understands completely.

When God manifested the planet, throughout human evolution, He gradually presented opportunities for different children of His, souls that were in need of healing and redemption, to come to Earth to experience a learning process. In each nation, the Creator placed a part of His children, each one bringing with them the occult registries of the history of the Universe so that, through the redemption of souls and of nations, as consciousness, the history of the Universe could also be healed.

Thus, each people that you encounter holds more than a culture, a planetary history, a human evolution; in the depths of their consciousness, children, they have a universal registry that, little by little, designed and influenced the expression of those peoples and their needs to be healed and redeemed, so that all of Divine Creation may be redeemed through the experience of life on Earth.

I reveal this to you so that you may understand that life holds broad mysteries still unknown to humankind, but the time has arrived for coming to know them so that you may consciously accomplish your part in this time.

For this reason, when you pray for the nations, also pray for all that they spiritually bring with them to be healed and redeemed. When, with your heart, you accompany the pilgrimage of the Messengers of God through this world, children, know that much more than the history of the Earth is being gradually healed. It is the history of the Universe and of Divine Creation that gains the healing to return to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Monthly Messages

Dear children,

The times that will arrive will deeply need the adherence of all in order to know how to go through the culminating stages which will place humanity on a new path.

With all of this, My children, I need you to be able to perceive the reality of this cycle which, full of challenges and tests, will be filled with the light of your prayers so that peace may be established in the world. 

My children, this planetary moment will need more and more consciousness, righteousness and prayer in order to be within the necessary spiritual protection to know and learn how to discern before all the events that in a short while will approach.

For this reason, the Sacred Hearts go on pilgrimage to different nations of the world to prepare and alert all children of the Celestial Father, to remove souls from the illusion of these times, to awaken human consciousness and fraternity, which will help to feel the inner need to assist and cooperate with one’s fellow being.

Dear children, for this reason, the Divine Messengers also bring the graces that exist within the Creator Source of God so that souls may recover their filiation with the Eternal Father and, above all, remember their divine and spiritual origin, which is drowning under the modern influences of these times, under a global distraction.

Thus, dear children, I bring you to God through My Heart and I invite you to repair the Heart of the Divine Father so that He may pour His Mercy upon you.

My children, I call you to have more consciousness so that you may know how to make correct decisions rather than hasty ones. I call you to find the truth through your love and your devotion to God and to all of His Celestial Kingdom. 

I impel you to change.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Even though it may seem difficult or impossible, the victory of My Heart is happening within the consciousness of Italy.

For this reason, the last events demonstrate to the Hierarchy that it is the moment when great definitions are presented to the world, to reveal to it that the time of transition has come, for all of humanity.

In these moments, in which everything seems to be more difficult and the nations most committed with the darkness of these times are spiritually worked by the Divine Consciousness, it is when your lower consciousness, your mind, your heart and your soul must remain in balance by means of silence and prayer. In this way, I make you participants of events very similar to those I experienced before being given to the Cross.

Thus, consciously, by means of the pilgrimages, you are learning to transcend and transmute these great and ancient spiritual forces which, in the last 500 years, have subjugated and enslaved humanity, sowing terrible and dark codes within many consciousnesses.

Remember the main work is being accomplished, even though it seems nothing is happening.

Since the last 8th of August, you have stopped serving only your Light-Communities in order to serve the planet and, in consequence, all nations that are in an extremely high grade of perdition.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus



Feel yourself in the Hands of God, in spite of the difficulties and adversities, because the Love of God and of His Son will always triumph, and at the most culminating moment, all darkness will disappear and everything will convert into light and into peace, as in this moment.

I know that fulfilling My Project of Redemption through pilgrimages means, to those who say they are entirely with Me, a moment of overcoming, of trust and of unconditional surrender, knowing that each stage fulfilled in a new pilgrimage means and represents the true and luminous “yes” of all those who supplicate and cry for Grace.

Now the time has come for Europe because it is the one that owes the most to God and to other nations. For this reason, I carry My Mercy to the most miserable and in need of redemption because this is the moment to follow the steps of Your Lord, besides the requests made and the events.

To arrive in Italy again means to do something for a universe of souls lost in illusion and in modernities.

From Italy the impulse could arise, from all of My followers, for this pilgrimage to be completed and for nothing to be altered.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


When hearts pray, accompanying the Divine Messengers in Their pilgrimage throughout this world, they are opening the doors to Heaven so that a new life may be instituted on Earth.

The sincere prayer of your hearts awakens the potential of the human heart of uniting Heaven with Earth and, little by little, you begin to express the true purpose of humanity.

When hearts awaken, they generate merits so that more souls can also awaken and so that those who are in the abysses of this world may receive an opportunity of finding the light.

Only the one who has already been in the abysses of the Earth, children, knows the pain and the anguish of being far from God and prisoner of the play of dark forces that besiege this world. For this reason, what is most important is to cry out and plead for lost souls, say 'yes' to God unconditionally, and accompany the steps of His Messengers, even though you may not totally know the mission that we are carrying out in this world at this time.

What we do, as we are on pilgrimage throughout the nations, is much broader than what we can reveal to you. We are withdrawing this planet from the abyss of its self-destruction and placing it in the correct position for its transformation so that it is able to cross the threshold between illusory time and the Time of God, in which nothing will ever be the same, in which the truth will be revealed to you, in which you will know who you are and why you are here.

Thus, children, something so simple as a sincere prayer is the response you must give to God, every day, so that you may fulfill your part in this mission of love. Simply accompany Our steps with the heart and, wherever you are, announce through prayer your adherence to this Plan of love and of rescue of the life on Earth.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Take the Reliquary of My Heart wherever you go because, as a pilgrim, I will silently pour out the Graces of God upon souls, radiating the purity and humility that hearts need to find the Father and the path of return to His Celestial Dwelling Place.

The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart will reveal to souls their own purity and truth so that, when faced with it, souls may recognize who they are and what they came to this world to do.

The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart will be like a mirror for souls which will show the reflection of their purest essence and, little by little, will discover how to express it, how to be that which they are discovering about themselves.

The pilgrim Reliquary of My Chaste Heart exists for the simple purpose of bringing peace and revealing to humankind the path of return to the Heart of God.

When you are sincere before My Heart, you will be able to receive the same Graces that I received to find God and unite with Him.

My Heart is not the Way, the Truth and the Life, but rather that which knows how to surrender to God, to tread this Path, to know this Truth, and to become whole in the true Life, which is Life in God.

May peace, which comes from it, reveal your origins to you and inspire you so that you know how to return in spirit to the Heart of God, even while having your feet on the Earth.

May your souls know the path to the Heart of the Father.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I come from Heaven to fulfill a promise of the Creator Father, a promise that belongs to My children of the Earth and that within this end time they must fulfill and concretize.

I come with the promise, My children, so that within yourselves you may discover what God inserted from the origins, before the beginning of this Creation, for this Material Universe.

That which exists within you is very valuable to God and has come with you into this life; it incarnated in you so that you may fulfill your purpose and your manifestation.

Today I speak to you of what is in the absolute innermost core and that someday must return to God, with all the learned experiences of Love, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation.

My children, during this time humanity does not pay attention to this. Life is very externalized and souls are very hypnotized by everything the world offers them.

But there is something deep within your beings, which is eternal, invincible and absolute.

This is what I need, My children, that in this time you are able to search. Because by discovering within you what God left, humanity will be able to rebuild itself spiritually and physically.

The Kingdoms of Nature will no longer suffer the consequences of the human being; all will be able to live in harmony and peace, just as God wishes.

But as you are in a time of transition that you have never experienced at any other time, seeking that which exists and that God placed within you, you will be able to move through these times with greater maturity and as adults; you will be able to perceive the clear reality of these times, and thus, you will be united with the Hierarchy.

My children, find again, within you the inner essence, that sphere of Light that the Creator Parents designed for your consciousnesses, that emerged from a Source, that was born from a great receptacle of light so as to be able to journey through the Universe and throughout the Earth to learn to love, to grow and to live.

My children, many of those essences in the world are contaminated; but I come with the Light of My Mirrors to be able to purify and sublimate them and I use the great oceans of this region to be able to mirror the attributes of God toward them, those which someday will make each one of you free and able to be in communion with Creation and with Life.

Through prayer, service, surrender, and the giving of self and a life of going within and inner meditation, with everything that exists in this vast Universe, you will be able to regenerate your lives, My children, and the powerful currents of the Universe will come to your aid to continue giving impulse to your consciousnesses toward the great change, the great change that humanity must experience in these definitive times.

That is why your basic preparation is the path of prayer and none other.

You must learn to communicate with God inwardly through the prayerful word.

And through the prayer that you have lovingly offered me today, My children, it is permissible for me to tell you all those things, because as your Mother and the Mother of Humanity, I wish for the good for each one of My children.

I have the loving and spiritual intention to withdraw you from illusion. Therefore, My children, dare to become immersed in yourselves so that you may feel and perceive how your inner essence is.

The guardian angels hope to be able to help and serve you unconditionally. This will greatly help the angel of this nation, the Angel of Brazil, who expects each of you to join Him, so that you may learn to go through these difficult times with a greater degree of neutrality, love, and attunement.

Through the discovery of your origins, My children, your spirits will rest upon your bodies and will create that perfect unity with the Celestial Father.

And not only will you be worthy of the Graces of the Universe, but also of the Graces of sidereal Knowledge, which is held in each one of the stars of this Universe, awakening the consciousness of its beings.

By establishing unity with your purest essences, you may be worthy of greater mercy and forgiveness. You may perceive, My children, that many habits in your lives are no longer necessary.

The nourishment of prayer and the inner strength of service for others is what will transform the world and bring love to all hearts.

With this simple practice, which I give you, for learning to look for your inner essence, you will also help your souls find the path of healing. They plead to the Universe for help, over and over again.

Learn, My children, to correct your paths and follow the Christic path offered to you by My Son, Our Lord, and you will be within the pathway of the Hierarchy and will continue to receive your spiritual impulses, which will lead you into understanding life as it is, and to be in inner contact with all the sublime spheres of the Universe.

In this time, My children, I need your essences to be healed because in being healed they will be purified; they will be able to receive the attributes of God, which are urgent and necessary for these difficult times.

The attributes will transform you; they will uplift the consciousness, and you will be able to face the planetary reality with different eyes, finding in each place and in each corner a need to be provided.

I need, My children, for you to continue to develop within you the path of love so that, in your lives, the path of faith may be strengthened, important pillars for these critical times in which incredible and inconceivable things will be seen on the part of the actions of human beings and of nations.

But I do not invite you to be in conflict or in despair. I invite you, My children, to be in the divine harmony of God. That is why you must discover within yourselves the value of your essences, so that the meaning of your existence and the higher motive that brought you to this life and to this world may shine again.

Coming to know all of these things, My children, you will be able to live the Will of God.

My Hands and My Heart are full of Graces to be poured out on the world and I hope that your essences can be purified and sublimated so as to be worthy of that Divine Grace and all your inner senses will be open. Your outer senses will quieten and will become calm in order to perceive divine reality and the true meaning that the Universe brings to these times and to humanity.

My wish is that you are always be able to do good in each place and at all times, because in this way, My children, you will allow other souls to be healed, and the sense of many more souls will change their lives, and the life of your siblings will have a meaning and a purpose again for this time.

I do not ask you, My children, for anything impossible. I ask for what you may really achieve in this cycle; but it is urgent that humanity be aware of what it is doing, that all beings may unite in love and in truth so that God not pour out His Justice, but rather his Infinite Mercy, because the Celestial Father has given you everything and continues to give everything to His children.

You need to respond to what you receive; that is why I come to warn you in the name of love, so that your paths may be on the path of Christ, always watching over the Truth, higher reality, and the consciousness that each one of you must discover in this time.

Do not feel fear for what is beyond this material Universe, because to the Infinite someday your consciousnesses must fly, that it may merge with the Father, with His greatest Source of Grace and of Love, and thus you may be able to experience a synthesis of everything what was lived and experienced on this planet.

But in this time, it is necessary, My children, that your gifts be able to awaken, so that your talents be at the service of God.

Through the path of persevering and constant prayer, you will transform your lives, little by little, and someday, through the Grace of God, you will be able to mirror to the world what you truly are, from where you emerged to have this experience of Redemption and of Forgiveness.

I invite you, My children, to enter the School of Truth, since many of My children, who were formerly with Me, decided to leave this School. But as a patient, loving, and persevering Mother, I wait for all of My children, so that each of them may enter that School of Truth and thus receive the knowledge they need to ennoble their spirits and fulfill the Mission that God has asked them to carry out on this planet.

That is, mainly, for the youth, which I keep in mind for these critical times very much. Because young people bring that bridge towards renewal that will allow bringing the healing of the Universe to all consciousnesses.

I stretch out My Hand to all the youth of the planet so that they feel encouraged to know Me and to feel Me, to discover who the Mother of God truly is, the Mother who always accompanies them and guides them since before you were aware of their existence.

That is why tonight, My children, I mirror the Great Love of My Heart for all those who need help, intercession, and Grace for these times.

As from now, I thank all those who have accompanied this pilgrimage, knowing that it is not only a physical pilgrimage, but rather, especially spiritual, which embraces many consciousnesses, nations, and planetary situations that are being deactivated, rebuilt, and transformed so that all those situations may be within the Purpose of God rather than for the purpose of humankind.

The opportunity to receive a great divine intervention depends on humanity. The response from part of humankind will be very necessary, so that this universal help may be able to reach the Earth, and everything, absolutely everything, is kept in balance.

Receive each of My words as if it were the last, because I know, as Mother, that you will need them so as to be able to continue walking on that course of the Earth towards a sacred encounter with the Redeemer.

For that reason, I also come here for those who today will consecrate themselves, for those who have already consecrated themselves to My Immaculate Heart.

This will be the moment, My children, especially for the Children of Mary of all of Brazil, of being able to respond and be receptive to the call of God in all that is presented and manifested as Divine Will. That will prevent many events in your country, and the doors of Divine Mercy will remain open for a people and a nation that is faithfully devoted to the Mother of God.

Those who today will consecrate themselves as Children of Mary are to approach.

Preparing ourselves with the song of consecration, we will renew our vows to the Mother of God, taking up our inner and spiritual commitment to the Work of the Divine Messengers and the Celestial Father.

Dear souls of God, beings assembled in the name of Love before the Sacred Altar of the Mother of God: May your souls today receive this maternal blessing that I bring you.

May your hearts feel the impulse of peace, of love, and of the good that today My Immaculate Heart emits, so that your commitment before God may be true and persistent, so that you may learn to protect your lives through the path of prayer, of service for others, and for the Kingdoms of Nature, so that in your families and homes you may awaken the principle of the Sacred Family, through acts of kindness, of charity, of love, and of good for your fellow beings.

Today, your commitment to Me will be for all the families of Brazil and the world, so that in your families there may be an oratory dedicated to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, where My Presence may be there among you and in all the homes of the world, especially in the families that are divided and separated through a lack of love.

Brazil, as a people devoted to the Mother of God, has the possibility of carrying out many works. That is why I never tire of returning here again and again, to be able to bless My beloved people, who always pray to God for His Love and for His Grace, for His Mercy and for His Compassion.

Children, I love you and I only wish you to do what is good, so that the Good of God may be in your hearts and in the hearts of all your siblings, so that evil may be dissolved, the hells be closed, so that souls may be freed and rediscover the path toward God.

Let us pray. And today I will pray with you, My children, to the Celestial Father, so that this offering that is born of your hearts be received in His Kingdom and He may give you back His balm of Peace, of Healing, of Love, and of Forgiveness, so that as from now, your lives may be other. Believe that this is possible.

Let us pray!

Celestial Father ... (x 3 times)

Brazil will always be the Eden, where God will place His Eyes to contemplate the transformation of His children and the care of all the Kingdoms, so that peace, love, and unity among beings may always be present.

I bless you and consecrate you all as My children.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May a rain of Love and a spiritual Grace descend at this moment, not only to bless Brazil, but also all the Kingdoms, all the continents and the oceans that are united with the Creation of God in perfect unity.

Today I am glad to have had you here, because you have brought your offering to My Heart.

Do what I ask of you, pray every day and everything will be transformed and be healed. It is something very simple; thus, someday you will be like Me, beautiful in Love and grateful in Trust.

I thank you!

Continue forward on the Path of the Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



While souls pilgrimage within the Marian Centers, they comfort the Heart of God and relieve the wounds that human indifference causes in the depth of this Sacred Heart.

The souls that peregrinate at the Marian Centers are also restorative because they are not only healing and repairing their own being and spirit, but they are healing and repairing human consciousness, so often distant from the Heart of the Father.

To peregrinate to the Marian Centers is like walking to the House of the Lord, climbing the steps to His Celestial Church and being before His Divine Altar, to live redemption and thus open the doors for others to also be able to live it.

In these times of chaos and of indifference in the world, the Heart of God finds His encouragement and joy in the souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers, because, in spite of their lives and responsibilities, they recognize the importance and urgency to create a real bond with God withinin their interior.

This world, children, needs restorative souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers not only to find Peace, but also to open the Fountain of Peace to the world.

The souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers are also seeding beings because, like birds of light, they seek the seeds of the new life in the Source and take them to their homes, cities, nations, fertilizing this principle of newness in the human consciousness.

The pilgrims who arrive in the Marian Centers receive from the Father His Grace and bring it to multiply in the world, wherever they are.

The importance of peregrinating to the Marian Center is still unknown to many, because the mysteries that are kept as spiritual treasures in the inner counterpart of the Marian Centers have not yet been revealed to the human beings.

Happy are those who pilgrimage to the Marian Centers because they become instruments of the Lord and bearers of the new life over the Earth, even though they do not know it.

Today, children, I thank you for being pilgrims and for having come to the Marian Centers in search of peace.

Joyous are those who receive with love and shelter in their hearts, the Love of the Hierarchy. Multiply what you have received. Be peace-makers in this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Within the Sacred Places, places where the Hierarchy is present, in deep levels of consciousness the Law of Permanent Transmutation is fulfilled, which is a spiritual process that allows for redemption and purification of certain states of consciousness that corrode humanity and that, in many cases, condemn the functioning of great nations.

For this reason, children, in some unpredictable cycles, at undetermined moments, this process of permanent transmutation takes place; a moment in which certain states of consciousness that are against love and light are exorcised in order to generate the relief, so necessary for humanity.

During the last Pilgrimage throughout Argentina, the Spiritual Hierarchy has been working on these deep levels of consciousness with the purpose of unblocking the spiritual counterpart of the country that is very contaminated by what is happening on its surface.

Not all consciousnesses on the planet know about this internal mission made by the Hierarchy, but, from the moment you perceive and feel the fierce movement of the elements, it will be because on a regional level and, could be on a planetary one, The Sacred Centers will be working in a permanent way and without delay.

Prayer is an offering that the souls of the world can make as a way to compensate their own evils that the human being generates for themselves, which are transmuted, through the Sacred Centers, in order to keep the balance of the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Schoenstatt, transmitted in the city of Bad Vöslau, Austria, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children:

As Mother of Austria and Germany, on this day, I also go on pilgrimage in these lands to dissolve the very serious and sad decisions that were made in the last century, that affected and transgressed millions of souls in the world.

Therefore, children, today My aspiration through this pilgrimage to Slovakia and Austria is to be able to enter into the heart of each Slovakian and Austrian, so that My maternal and divine Love can repair on deep levels what has been kept in the consciousness of My children and that has generated terrible human pain.

As My Son will visit Slovakia to grant it Peace once again, his Heavenly Mother, the Virgin of Schoenstatt, Patroness of this pilgrimage, will be present from the inner planes, working and laboring to dissolve the roots of evil, power and perversion, so that these human actions may be reversed by Mercy, Love and Forgiveness.

Therefore, children, to all who follow Me sincerely in this mission, from here or from any place in the world, I call You, children, to follow the inner steps of the Mother of God, who avails Herself of the present conjuncture of work to help the nation of Austria and especially its Regent Angel.

With the rosary in My hand, My children, I invite you to continue penetrating the powerful mystery of the prayer of the heart, so that not only the souls that suffer the most be helped, but also the nations may be permeated with new values and principles of Love that My Immaculate Heart wants to pour out.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with the Light from Heaven,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
