Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Forty-fourth Poem
Mother of Mercy,
help me overcome the fears of my consciousness
and, through Your Grace, may I dissolve them
in Love and Peace.
Mother of Mercy,
after so many tests and falls,
may my soul be strengthened to continue forward,
able to see the Footprints of Christ.
Mother of Mercy,
liberate me from sin, from constant faults;
remove me from the chains of damnation and illusion
so that I may fly as free as a bird
until I can find
the path of return to the Heart of God.
Mother of Mercy,
pour out upon my life the merits and the victories
that Christ achieved during His Passion.
Through the Light of His precious Body,
may I elevate my consciousness
to be more united to God.
Through the Power of His Blood,
may my soul receive the impulses it needs
to finish this school of redemption.
Mother of Mercy,
hear my prayers, every day.
Come into my life
so that I may achieve liberation from spiritual slavery,
because, thus, I will be able to be a disciple of Christ,
willing to surrender my life
as a testimony of Love
and as a work of Mercy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-second Poem
Powerful and invincible Lady,
with Your feet, step
on that which causes pain and darkness.
Through the powerful Rays
that Your Most Pure Heart emanates,
liberate us from damnation.
Break the chains of illusion
from our consciousnesses.
With Your Sword of Light, cut the ties with evil,
so that, by the power of the Blood of Christ,
which was poured out upon the surface of the Earth,
souls may manage to again rise
and thus they may find the Footprints of Christ.
Powerful Mother of the World,
Celestial Mirror of Light and Wisdom,
lead us towards the great portal of our freedom
so that we may be redeemed,
according to that which the Sacred Word indicates.
We want and we aspire to be apostles of Christ,
a fundamental part of His Mystical Body;
thus, we will know how and manage to represent
the Work of Redemption and Divine Mercy in this world;
we will know how to sustain, with responsibility and adherence,
the great Project of Christ upon the planet.
Mother of Light,
make us aware of each step
that we take towards Your beloved Son.
make us deserving
of God 's Love for the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Second Poem
From the chains that imprison us,
liberate us, Immaculate Heart of Mary.
From the harassments that torment us,
liberate us, Immaculate Heart of Mary.
From the darkness that stalks us,
liberate us, Immaculate Heart of Mary.
From the perdition that tempts us,
liberate us, Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Because You, Most Holy Mother,
are the Guardian of faith,
You are the powerful Shield that protects us from all adversity,
You are the merciful Light of God.
We ask of You, dear Mother,
that Your Mantle of Light may envelop us,
that our steps may be guided by You towards our Redeemer,
that everything we do be part of the Will of God.
We long to fulfill the aspirations of Christ,
we hope to be His apostles of Truth
so that the Love of Your Son may be a victory within us,
and Your maternal blessing may make us reborn every day
and in the times to come.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
For the planetary task that Our Lord is carrying out at this moment, at His request we will intone "Adon Olam."
We invite those who are listening to stand up so as to accompany Our Lord in this planetary task.
Song: "Adon Olam."
You knew a fragile man as Jesus, who carried the heavy wood of the Cross and that, as a human being in spite of His divine and cosmic powers, gave Himself for each one of you so that you would not have to endure and suffer. If more than two thousand years later humanity continues to endure and suffer, it is a consequence of its actions and roles.
The Almighty incarnated on Earth through His Son so that humanity would not have to endure ever again.
The Almighty incarnated as a man and as a consciousness as you did, and reduced His grand vibrations of Light in order to be able to be among the human beings of this Earth.
The incarnation of the Son of God and the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant important times for humanity. Through the incarnation of the Son, humanity was able to recover the path toward its original purity, the original purity that was thought of at the genesis of the Human Genetic Project. But that incarnation of the Son of God also brought an end to an unending chain of errors.
The Eternal Father Himself knew that no matter if He incarnated on Earth and brought an awareness of Love-Wisdom, that victory would not be completed, because there would be human beings that would have doubt about His Presence and Power, and even after the Passion of Christ, this happened in many human beings.
The incarnation of the Son of God through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity brought an end to many errors from the past that up until then, in the history of humanity, would have caused the Human Genetic Project to succumb forever, even with having had the presence of the Patriarchs and the Prophets.
But not all civilizations and races made a mistake; the adversary took charge of being able to distort some of those races that were present in humanity.
From the Adams and Eves up until Atlantis, humanity had to learn, as they have done until today, to remedy the errors committed in order to be able to again achieve the power of Grace and Mercy.
That was the main reason for the incarnation of the Son of God, which generated and made space for His second and important task, the Passion of Christ, which took place on many levels and planes of consciousness, from the cosmic spiritual to the most material and concrete plane.
The whole consciousness of God participated in all these mysteries and events, as well as different groups of souls and consciousnesses that, even though they were not incarnated in that time, participated in these events because they needed them in order to be present in future times such as this.
For this reason, Christ not only endured on the physical plane, but also on the plane of the soul and on the spiritual plane. The powerful Passion of Christ, which for many was a defeat, changed into a victory on the inner planes since, through the power of the prayer of the Mother of God, as well as the prayer of the holy women and some of the apostles, this allowed the gathering of the greatest number of consciousnesses possible, that on different planes of consciousnesses needed the energy of redemption.
Each suffering experienced by your Master and Lord, from the evening of Holy Thursday in the Garden of Gethsemane up until the death on Friday, on the heights of Mount Calvary, were unique and unforgettable offerings for all of humanity and the planet.
Through that sorrowful and profound Passion of your Master and Lord, many future planetary situations were contained, many future generations were protected in order to not experience a deviation from the Original Project.
And even though today this has been completely distorted by indifference and omission, many more were present over the course of time and returned many times to this world as servers, servants, disciples and apostles to be present in collaboration and in service to humanity.
Certain groups of souls, which achieved the experience of Christic Love, offered themselves in a way like their Master to be immersed in this humanity and in different peoples and nations of the world, to bring a continuity to the Genetic Project of God which, at this time and at this hour, are experiencing its great opportunity for correction.
Considering the entire history of the errors that occurred, from the death of the Son of God up until the present, to be amended by the power of the devotion of all My companions, by the power of those who adore the Eucharistic Body of Christ and by those who support the life of service and charity, we are in the time and at the hour for fulfilling the promises and the aspirations of the One, which have been present through the archangels and angels since Genesis.
And so, the sorrowful Passion of Christ was not only an event and a story that humanity may know about. Many planes of consciousness participated in this event; for this reason, I had to withdraw for forty days into the desert, since My most material aspect needed to prepare for that moment, even during the three years of preaching, in which humanity needed to learn to recognize the truth and identify it in order not to be lost on the way toward the Light and the Good.
For this reason, the Passion of Christ is an occurrence that will never be erased from the consciousness of the planet; it is an occurrence that can always be re-experienced and remembered as many times as you need in order to move forward in your process of purification and redemption. This way, in these events are the codes of light that you need to achieve your spiritual, cosmic and inner liberation.
With all of this I want to tell you, companions, that you must focus your awareness on the extent of that which the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant, and how many consciousnesses on the inner plans participated in the redemption of more consciousnesses that were condemned to complete damnation.
Thus, the Passion was so sorrowful because it was to overcome all the planes of consciousness. And that Passion, lived by your Lord and Master, was to reach the physical plane and the cosmic spiritual plane with His experience, where everything that happened was to remain recorded so that humanity could learn to not commit the same errors because of it having given up the Son of Man on the Cross.
The time of the sorrowful Passion of Christ today unites with this material time and this present time, in which the whole human race is faced with the opportunity of availing itself of this occurrence, which remained recorded in the deepest core of the Earth through the Blood that was poured out by your Master and Lord.
It is now when the Armageddon is present in the world that consciousnesses must be awakened for their preparation in order to be updated on the events and to participate in the preparations for the Return of Christ.
The Cross of the Redeemer will always protect you, save you and bring you the inner strength to be able to renew all things.
This is why the Holy Cross has not been erased from the memory of the planet; because it was the tree of God that was surrendering its fruits to humanity through the sacrifice of the Son of Man.
This is the time to be affirmed in this legacy that I gave you, because more intense times will come and your consciousnesses must not hesitate. You must be firm and decided to be able to follow Me until completing that which I expect from each one of you. This is also the reason for which I am here today.
Today you are experiencing communion with My Spirit through the recognition of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, from which your souls can gather the fruits and the merits that the precious poured Blood of Jesus achieved for humanity.
Now humanity must cease its self-destruction, and instead it must rebuild in a spiritual, mental and material way, to recover its filiation with Creation through these divine merits that I give the world, merits that will always give you the freedom to be in communion with the Father.
Today I will anoint you to be able to anoint humanity, in the same way that the holy women anointed all of My Body, preparing It for My burial, which after three days would show the world the power of the Resurrection.
Through this anointing that I will offer to you today, I will also anoint the whole world. I will give you the power of the spiritual Resurrection for the definitive times that will come, and through this anointing, which My holy women will do today in you, you will remember that you can always feel yourselves to be anointed by the glorious Presence of your Master and Lord.
This anointing comes to close the spiritual wounds of humanity, mental and material wounds, so that all may be regenerated and the awaited preparation may begin for the emergence of a new humanity, free of indifference and affirmed in Love, in the Love of God.
We will bring four jars of anointing oil here so that the Lord may consecrate them, in the same way that He will consecrate all the crosses that we have brought here to affirm our commitment to Him and His eternal union with each soul.
For this reason, from where we are, we will offer our cross, so that our cross may be alleviated and the cross of humanity may be alleviated of sickness, wars, persecution, political and humanitarian crises, indifference, the lack of love, the lawlessness and the evil that many souls practice because they are ignorant of the Love of God.
For this reason and motive, we will offer our crosses so that the world may achieve healing and peace. Amen.
Bless, o Lord, the cross that You have given each of Your children, so that it not be a weight or an agony but rather a constant perseverance of the triumph of Your Love through transformation and redemption.
"Through Your Grace and Mercy, place on these crosses the merits that Your Son achieved from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the heights of Mount Calvary, so that souls may feel fortitude in these times, so that any fear may be dissolved, and Your creatures be filled by the abundant trust of Your merciful Heart. And in this way, just as today you bless and anoint these crosses with Your Spirit, bless and anoint, beloved Father, each one of their families and loved ones, so that the great network of Your Mercy and Your Peace may be united and alive in the hearts of those who believe in My Return to humanity. Amen."
Let us lift up our crosses so that the Lord may bless them through the powerful Light of His Wounds. We can bring our crosses to our hearts.
Now we will move on to the blessing of the oil, of the four oils that Our Lord requested and that represent the four principal races of the planet: the race of the Americas, the race of Africa, the race of Europe, and the race of Asia and Oceania.
We open ourselves to this spiritual anointment and for this material anointment, which we will receive through the Mothers of Christ, in the name of humanity and of this Genetic Project, which must be accomplished through all the self-summoned.
Through the anointing which each of us will receive at this moment, it will also be permitted that all those who are behind us on the spiritual path and are waiting to enter this stream and Work of Love of the Christ, may have the opportunity of being participants in the Presence of the Divine Hierarchy.
So while we are anointed at this time, let us keep in mind all those who are behind each of us and are waiting for their awakening and redemption, in the same way that throughout time we are redeemed and anointed by the spiritual Love of Christ.
Mother María Shimani and Friar Joaquín.
Mother María del Salvador and Friar Luciano.
Mother María Getsemaní and Friar Ariel.
Mother Zorobabel and Friar Gabriel Pío.
And before beginning this anointing, which will attempt to bring a spiritual healing to humanity through the four races represented on our planet, each one of us, even though not present here in this place or in this Marian Center, will make our inner offering through a minute of silence, so that peace and healing may be reached in humanity.
We make our offering in silence; and we make this offering, at the request of Christ, for all those who have died because of the current pandemic. We ask for healing, Mercy and forgiveness. We make our offering for these souls.
I lift up your intentions to Heaven so that the Celestial Father may contemplate them within His Source. May this spiritual and inner anointing bring all the results that humanity needs at this time.
For those who have unjustly endured, may the Father have Mercy.
For those who are unjustly suffering, may the Father have Mercy.
For those who are enduring illness, desolation or death while alone, may the Father have Mercy.
For the small and most innocent, for those who are trafficked, exploited and sold, may the Father have Mercy.
For all the unborn children, which are millions in the world, may the Father have Mercy.
May peace, renewal and faith awaken in all hearts.
So be it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And so we say goodbye to Our Lord. And for His request for this Sacrament of Anointing, we will repeat the song that we heard at the beginning of this work: "The Power of the Blood of Jesus."
Today, the Sanctuaries and the Marian Centers of the world are adorned and beautiful due to the flowers of the prayer of My children, by the fidelity of those who always fulfill My call each time I make requests because, as much as they do not understand the mystery of My invitation, souls adhere in obedience, and for love and faith they carry it out.
Today, your Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate Conception of Lourdes, makes use of all prayers that are sincerely offered by Her children. From now on, I am gathering the appeals of the hearts, for all souls that are severely condemned to perdition and that, at some moment of their lives, will receive the call of God, so that they can awaken.
From the Grotto of Massabielle, in the historic city of Lourdes, your Heavenly Mother emits a request of celestial and spiritual help to all angels so that they may intervene in the topics of humanity that need much light, Mercy and redemption.
By means of visits to churches, sanctuaries and the Marian Centers, your Immaculate Mother is managing to grant special and deeply spiritual Graces to all who ask for them, just as the Grace of the conversion of a meek, humble, poor and serviceful heart is granted.
These values are those which truly keep the lost humanity within the chance of total redemption. Therefore, children, all offerings, rosaries, songs and praises, in truth, are not addressed directly to the Divine Mother, but all these offerings of the heart reach God by means of the Little Virgin of Lourdes.
In this way, the Celestial Father manages to feel the soul and heart of His children, and then He opens the door of His Divine Mercy so that the souls may be saved.
I teach you, My dear children, to intercede for the impossible causes and situations so that, in the coming times, your spiritual communion and your dialogue with God may be increasingly more true and deep, because the time of great definitions will come and the souls must be secure in the decisions that they will make.
Dear children, I say goodbye, I feel the joy of your offerings in My Immaculate Heart and, during these next days, may you keep donating yourselves in prayer for the triumph of the Novena to the Lady of Lourdes to be very great and reach all those who need it.
I thank you from My Heart for responding and for living My call!
Who blesses you and washes you with the Spiritual Water of Massabielle,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
It is time to expand the heart and the consciousness in love and in service to God. This is the time for, within you, there to be a space to receive and feel those who arrive.
It will be in this way that, just like My Son when He surrendered for you, you will be able to feel your neighbor, you will be able to participate and welcome the other's suffering and pain so that it may be transmuted and liberated in love.
Each being on this planet has a place within the spiritual path and this place, still unknown, is waiting for the consciousness to awaken to the Truth that comes from God. A Truth that will liberate you, forever, from the chains of error and illusion of this world.
Therefore, to those who have already awakened, I invite you to be conscious and keepers of this purpose for those who will arrive upon the Path of My Son, which is the same as your Path; seeking an opportunity, relief and hope for this crucial time of the planet.
As a Mother, I open My Heart again to welcome those who are just arriving and need great faith and fortitude to learn to detach from everything that binds them to the world and to perdition.
These souls that are just arriving and awakening are the ones that most need consideration and support so that they can feel that someone is there to sustain them in their trials and to help them in their transcendence.
The youth in the world need to be guided onto the correct path because, day by day, thousands of youth go astray in the illusions and in the promises that the world offers to them. Therefore, as the Mother of all, I open My Heart to accompany and sustain those who will awaken and arrive before the presence of My Son to say "Yes" to Him in a complete way.
It is the time of revelations, but it is also the time to support and accompany, from the heart, those who seek to find an inner and spiritual meaning for their lives. This is the task and the commitment of those who already serve Christ, day and night.
The youth in the world need to be listened to and understood, they must not be rejected or omitted. When they have a shoulder upon which they can lean and cry, they feel relieved and encouraged, beyond their youth, to change and mature.
Children, this cycle of youth and welcoming has arrived for all.
As of now, I thank you for imitating and accompanying Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Now, My Cosmic Stations of liberation and of planetary transmutation rest and restore themselves for a moment, to then be spiritually activated over the city of Amsterdam, the place where your Lord shall work with the lower human consciousness of all those to be found there, those who, out of debauchery and the deviation of these times, have forgotten God and have been abducted by the great powers of vices and pleasure.
I come in this hour to prevent Amsterdam from becoming a new Sodom, burning in flames and being violently purified by the very nature of Creation.
I will go to Amsterdam to call the most fallen ones to do penance and to repent from their sins, knowing that it is the Savior and Lord Himself Who will encounter the most lost ones so that, in the inner planes, those souls and their essences may confirm themselves in God and abandon the aspects of illusion.
Therefore, I will need not only followers who accompany the Master in this task. I will need warriors of prayer who, far from tepidness, will face with Me the great moment of liberation that I will impart, in the supreme company of Saint Michael the Archangel.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
Your Heavenly Mother is preparing the arrival of Her Son to Aurora.
For this reason, and by Her divine order, the angels of Heaven have imprisoned hundreds of demons that chastise souls and instigate them to follow the path of illusion and of perdition.
These lower creatures, even being imprisoned, must witness their defeat when My Son arrives in Aurora; for they will have to see how the victory of Christ is accomplished in the trust, in the love and in the faith of hearts.
It will be something similar to the day of the Passion of the Lord, when thousands of lower creatures witnessed their defeat through the Love and the Silence of Christ.
My children, this event of the coming of your Heavenly Mother on the anniversary of Her daily instructions will prepare the redemption and the closing of many uncertain doors in the consciousness of humanity.
Within the next days, your faith, devotion, love and joy will allow the Divine Hierarchy to have more space to intervene in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through My Hands, I undo, once and again, the hidden knots of the human consciousness, and thus I liberate My children from the spiritual and earthly prisons.
Through My Hands, I undo the knots of perdition, of obstacles and of fears, which are not real and generate suffering in the souls.
Whenever they ask me, I will undo the knots of the consciousness when My children by themselves cannot manage or feel greater difficulty in doing it.
I am the Mother who undoes all the hidden knots of the human consciousness. The removal of these knots means a time of liberation and light for the consciousness to attain the redemption it needs.
Through My Hands, I undo the knots of humanity and, by freeing it from its constant spiritual and physical captivity, I allow My children to recuperate their dignity as My spiritual children.
Through My Hands, I offer you the path of renewal and faith.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Novena to the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus
Eighth day
Today, although it may seem impossible to do, remove from My Heart the thorn of infidelity and of grievance.
How many souls in the world are unfaithful to Me daily! And this is so rooted in the human consciousness that it is now considered something normal.
The infidelity of those who wound My Heart is so unbearable that the Fire of Love that I hold in My Heart is in agony, because souls lose their fidelity and trust in the Master.
Ask the Celestial Father for all those who have been and will be unfaithful to Me someday.
I offer to open My Heart so that souls may enter My Temple to commune of the Truth and free themselves from suffering.
You should know that one of the causes of infidelity is the distraction and the world illusion of these times.
Plead to the Supreme Father for all unfaithful souls so that someday they may receive the grace of being immersed in the spiritual ocean of My Mercy, in order to receive a new opportunity.
There is still time to avoid the mass destruction of many hearts.
Now, recognize your possible infidelity in word, in feelings and in action; but do not see it as a torment; look at it as a constant practice of correction and of persistence so that you may receive healing by means of the science of faith.
Affirm your consciousness as part of My Consciousness, and in this inviolable and infinite union, consecrate yourself to My Heart of Thorns so that the roses of love and of fidelity may be born from My wounded Chest.
I thank you for your efforts because in the small is built the large, and in the humble is built the unalterable and the eternal.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Pray for Brazil, as well as for all of South America. Pray for the whole world. Pray for each nation and pray fervently for those nations that were chosen by God to be the cradle of a New Life.
Pray in unity with God and with your brothers and sisters because the seed of disunity was placed in the soil of the world and it is being fertilized by the unconscious actions of humankind.
Pray, child, and sow love in humanity. Ask for and grant forgiveness to your brothers and sisters to pull out, by the roots, this evil that is seeking to install itself over the world. Seek healing for the wounds of the human heart, starting with yourself, healing your spirit.
Pray, child, for the nations, in unity with all peoples and cultures. Answer the call of your Divine Mother to pray for peace and recognize that this is not your need, but rather an urgency for the planet.
Strengthen, every day, the Prayer for Peace in the Nations beyond the obstacles and the technologies. Redeem those vehicles, which for so many are the cause of perdition and of deceit, and turn them into an Instrument of God to unite His children in one voice, in one single cry for peace in this world.
See, child, that it is necessary to take a step in love, in prayer, in forgiveness and in reconciliation because the nations agonize and if you do not begin now to heal within yourself and what needs to be healed around you, nothing will be able to console you in the time that will come as humankind has deprived itself of the Mercy of God and will only receive His Divine Justice.
Thus, pray and cry out for peace. Be a bridge to the New Life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray so that the Kingdom of God may descend upon the Earth and His Celestial Church may be established and manifested in all the churches of the world, revealing the divine spirituality and renewing the spirits who persevere in the search of a true faith.
Pray to raise your consciences and hearts to the Heart of God and find there the wonders of His Kingdom, in order not to lose the love in your hearts.
Pray for the priests of this world, for those who have lost the Grace of God and who no longer attract His Presence, but who have become instruments of darkness and of perdition, destroying the celestial treasures that the Father has granted them for their redemption and salvation.
Pray for the priests who make an effort to reach the grace to stand firm in their vocation, and which, day and night, are tested not to serve God, but to fall into the temptations of the world.
Pray for the religious of this Earth, consecrated to the Plan of the Creator in the different congregations and true spiritual lineages, hoping to be a light in the darkness of the world so that it is not lost and there can be a day worthy of the presence of the Celestial Kingdom.
Pray, my children, for it is the time for the deepest sins in the human consciousness to come to the light, and many will succumb into darkness, leaving aside the graces they once received to manifest the Kingdom of God.
It is time to wash yourselves in the pure waters of the end of times, which makes you transparent before God and before the world, so that, recognizing your weaknesses and sins, you repent and return to your paths.
The time has come for the definition of the planet, because soon there will be only two Laws acting on Earth: Justice and Mercy. Justice will be given to those who define themselves for it, and Mercy to those who open to it, surrendered in the truth of their hearts.
Pray for the souls not to be afraid or ashamed of repentance; do not be afraid or ashamed to ask for or to grant forgiveness.
Pray for all to have the courage to see themselves transparent and yet surrender before God, so that He makes you new and renews you in His Grace; so that you may be witnesses of His Piety to the world and, holding in your hearts the Divine Mercy, you multiply it in selfless service to others.
Pray for the Humanitarian Missions and for all those who will open their hearts to the missionary spirit, so that they may receive the opportunity to awaken and to redeem their faults through service. And pray for all those who will be served and who will receive the help of God through their fellow beings, so that they may see the flames of love, hope and faith awakened in their hearts again, which was disappearing from their spirits through suffering and darkness.
Pray, My children, for this planet, so that, despite all purification and all tests, these times may be the preparation of a new time.
As humanity will purify and cleanse themselves to be others, surrendered to God in His Grace, may this planet also purify and cleanse itself, and always count on firm spirits who, in prayer, will sustain it, so that one day it may be worthy to be the cradle of a new life, a life that will express the truth and resemblance to the Kingdom of God.
After all is fulfilled, the Earth will be worthy to receive a new name, reborn in Christ and under the Grace of the Spirit of God. The whole planet will enter the time of eternity, where the hours will not be counted.
When all has passed, My children, and love has triumphed in the hearts of those who persevered, being peacekeepers, this peace will expand beyond their hearts and reach the horizon of the stars, the firmament in the Universe, returning to settle where you did not even know it was lost.
Pray, then, so that souls may have this goal in their hearts and that, in the face of all the tests, do not forget it and do not lose sight of it.
You will see upon the world unbelievable accomplishments and events, but today I will tell you, My children, that even greater than all of this, there will be the triumph of the Plan of God which will succeed these events. Thus have faith, pray and persevere.
As My Voice speaks in the world, I will help you and accompany you always. And by revealing to you the celestial mysteries, I will teach you to attract the Truth to the Earth and to live it.
I bless you and thank you for carrying forward this Plan of Love and of Peace.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the Silence of the Heart of God speak to the world.
Let your hearts transcend appearances, matter, this physical space, so that I may lead you to the place where I want to take you to today.
As a Servant of God, I come to lead you to the Source of Divine Mercy, from which I drank, as consciousness, as a human heart.
The Mercy that comes from the Heart of God is still very unknown to you, because if you knew this Mercy you would love it infinitely.
Place your attention on the Heart of God. Give this permission to your own spirit, so that in this place I can show you something different from all suffering and anguish that is kept in the human consciousness and in the ether of the Earth.
I want to show you a Face of the Divine Consciousness that is the merciful aspect of God, through His Son.
Mercy is not only born of the suffering of Christ on the Cross. It has, in that suffering, its door to the world, but this Fountain is vast, universal and divine. This Fountain overflows to all life from the Heart of Christ.
Mercy is the healing for all diseases. Mercy is the forgiveness for all errors and the Grace for all needs.
I look at the world and see a sick humanity because it does not know the power of Divine Mercy. I see the souls that get lost in the abysses of darkness, of hopelessness, of ignorance and of lack of love for not knowing the Divine Mercy.
I look at the world and so often I see the Kingdoms of Nature outraged by the human consciousness because the Divine Mercy does not dwell in it.
As simple as a spring of water that rises from the Earth and becomes in a river that quenches the thirst of men, so is the Fountain of the Divine Mercy in the Heart of God.
A Fountain that becomes an inexhaustible flow when souls cry out with sincerity, when words do not pass empty through their mouth when they invoke: "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and on the whole world."
This is an exercise that opens the door for Something still inaccessible to the human heart, incomprehensible, because you have not yet deepened in the love for the Divine Mercy.
If you knew that there is no eternal sin when souls sincerely cry out for an opportunity, when you repent and convert your paths by the Grace of the Divine Mercy.
Souls can be raised from the hells and purgatories of this world if there is that sincere heart that cries out for Mercy.
Mercy is the Fountain of the Hope of God, it comes from the infinite Love of the Father for humanity and for life; it comes from the infinite Love of God for each one of His children.
Mercy is the true sign that He is God, the God of Love and of Grace.
Mercy hides even in the Divine Justice; it reconverts the Laws and transforms them when they seem to be immutable because it is there where the potential of the human heart is kept, its resemblance to the Father.
The likeness of men with God is not in the appearances, nor in what they know of themselves. It is in something deeper they do not know. And it is when they consent to this truth that they can convert the Laws and transform the destiny of humanity, as well as that of the planet, of the Creation.
The Mercy that was born of the Heart of Christ when He was on the Cross, and shed the Blood and the Water from His Body, fertilizing the Earth, expanded to the Universe and generated opportunities of redemption for all creatures.
But this Mercy does not spring on its own. An inner force is needed to propel it. It Is the repentance that opens the door, the clamoring or the sincere love that is born from the heart when it cries out for Mercy not only for itself, but for the whole world.
Many think they know the Divine Mercy, but they do not live it. They are saddened by the situation of the planet, they resent the suffering of the Kingdoms and of men, but they do not seek for Mercy.
Children, the transformation of this world will not be born of social projects, it will be born of the depths of the human heart.
It will be worthless building great things if inside of you love were not great also, and Mercy does not live in your cells.
Today I am here not only to rescue souls and heal wounded hearts.
I am here to teach you to be true intercessors, who deepen in your prayers as the greatest service that you can render to mankind and to the planet.
Few were like Saint Faustina, who, deeply knowing the Divine Mercy, could not withhold inside of herself her will to announce it to the world.
So great was the anguish of her heart knowing that the balm for all diseases was available and hearts preferred to remain sick.
The greatness of the Divine Mercy is that you can ask for it to one another in the name of Christ when you cry out to God.
If you unite your hearts to the Heart of the Father and immerse yourselves in the Fountain of His Mercy, you will be interceding for the world, for realities that you do not know, that you could never imagine, that only the Eyes of God, which contemplate everything, can see.
Justice is already knocking on the doors of the world because the hearts have chosen not to awaken.
That is why We have come here, so that you may unite your hearts to Mercy.
May you unite the human consciousness to the Fountain of the Divine Mercy, and may you not miss the opportunity to live the Redemption and the Forgiveness of God, for ignorance.
Thank for the Mercy that is born of the Heart of Christ every day. Love the moment of uniting with it, because it justifies the existence of this Work and of your lives.
It is to bring a new opportunity to the world that your souls were gathered; it is not to allow humanity to go astray, not to allow to fade all Love deposited by God in this human project.
Be aware of this mission, which goes far beyond your little human understanding.
You can penetrate the mysteries of the Divine Mercy when you pray and when you ask God to know it a little more, to live it.
When you contemplate the Cross of Christ, when you contemplate the Immaculate Heart of Mary, eternal bearer of the Divine Mercy, and when you contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart, as a symbol of that Heart that opened to something higher, which allowed itself to know the Mercy of God, to live it and to announce it as I do today.
Let My Heart inspire you, so that you may find a sure way to transform your lives and become intercessors before God.
The doors to the Celestial Kingdom are always open to the servants who pray from the heart.
Enter, place yourselves at the Feet of the Father and, by the memory of the Passion of His Son, cry out for Mercy.
By the memory of the surrender of the Most Holy Mary, accompanying the Calvary of Christ and feeling, in Her Heart, each of His Wounds, cry out for Mercy.
By the renunciation of the Heart of Saint Joseph who, knowing all that His Little Son and His Holy Wife would live, left this world, because His renunciation was His true Mission. By the merits of this renunciation, cry out for Mercy.
And by the renunciation that each one live, every day, which is ever greater and you are invited to love, also offer it in order for you to cry out for Mercy.
Every act of your lives can become an opportunity of intercession before God if you learn not to complain, but to cry out for Mercy.
Receive today the Grace of knowing this Divine Fountain.
Accept this mission of being merciful and everything will be fulfilled just as God thought in the beginning.
Today the Rays of Mercy of Christ pierce My Most Chaste Heart, they radiate to the Reliquaries of My Heart in the world, wherever they may be.
Remember My Words when you contemplate those Reliquaries and before them ask for the Grace of loving Mercy, because I will intercede for you, that you might intercede for others.
With these words I thank you, I bless you, and I unite your hearts to the Fountain of the Divine Mercy.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children,
Today I take you all to the very important and luminous moment of the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan, an event that, through the Savior, led the whole world, during that time, to regain the spiritual dignity and the merit the Love of the Creator.
The Baptism of Jesus instituted the divine and spiritual purpose of that sacred Sacrament so that souls, through the Sacrament of Baptism, would recover the inner dignity of being children of God.
Fort this reason, the sacred Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan not only signified the initiation of the Divine Son in His public task, from this moment on and for the next three years, but it also opened the doors so that the Holy Spirit could work in the world until after His Ascension.
The power of the Sacrament of Baptism and the profound humility of the Divine Son represented, at that time, the possibility of reintegrating the human consciousness into the universal Laws through experiencing the Commandments given to Moses, but with the fundamental key Christ revealed during His public life: “You shall love God above all things, as well as love your neighbor as yourself.”
At that planetary moment, this closed the cycle of acute perdition in which the whole planet through ignorance. found itself
The Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan also represented the reintegration of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which humanity once lived in the beginning, through Adam and Eve.
The Sacrament of Baptism, instituted through the Baptism of Jesus, brought to the world the opportunity of learning every day to love the life of the spirit and to not be separate from it in spite of what may happen.
Christ represents the Sacrament of Renewal through the Sacrament of Baptism. He is the beginning of our spiritual path and, at the same time, He is the end of our trajectory on this planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come in search of fallen stars, which for various reasons, submerged in the abysses and lost their path of awakening.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which stopped shining and fulfilling their spiritual mission.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which left behind their legacy of yesteryear and have submerged in damnation.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which forgot about love, of recognizing it because of experiencing hate and pain.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, of the essences that lost their original purity, so they may recover it and become worthy Children of God.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, of souls that no longer search for God and have set Him aside, because of having chosen the paths of My adversary.
In a motherly fashion, I come in search of the unredeemed, to be able to finally and forever remove the blindfold from their eyes, so that in this way, they come to know reality and may be redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
And like a Sun, you will see coming the Powerful Son of all universes, stars and planets.
And in His Right Hand you will see the Scepter of Divine Justice, which will calm the fury of the unjust and the indignation of those that suffer.
On that day, you will see the twelve angelic choirs, being guided by the Holy Archangel Michael; and like a shaft of Light, you will see His Divine Sword move, from west to east and from north to south, registering the sign of the Glorious Coming of Christ in the sky.
All will rise from their beds because of what they will see: the Son of Man raising the banner of victory of the redeemed that have fulfilled the Designs of His Sacred Heart; and the Great Breath of the Holy Spirit will blow like a great stream of a thousand winds, moving the ship that will flame, radiating the virtues achieved by the self-summoned.
In that hour, the Lord God, the Almighty, will contemplate the immensity of the world, and the vast universe, filled with beings and stars, will descend in Mercy to re-establish the Thousand Years of Peace.
No soul or consciousness will be left behind, because the Prodigal Son, with the splendor of more than a thousand suns, will shine in order to pour out His Sovereign Peace.
At that moment, all suffering, decadence and damnation will disappear from the face of the Earth, and what has oppressed for eras, since the Adams and Eves, will be imprisoned and will go through its final redemption; because the great fallen angel will not bear the Infinite Love of the Son of God, will lay its head on the ground with all its fallen armies, will be converted and will leave the planet, and the new apostles will govern the New Earth.
Christ will place His Feet on the ground where He shed His Precious Blood, the Sacred Chalice will come out onto the surface and humanity will experience its last expansion of consciousness.
The wicked will be defeated. The prisoners of themselves will be freed, and there will no longer be any anguish nor pain.
After the planet has been purified, the creator angels will descend and will make of all the lakes of the Earth the new reservoirs of humanity.
So let it be.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who reveals the truth of the heart to you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Children, the larger the commitment of a soul is, the larger will be the challenge of its consecration, because more souls are linked to its step and so being, its definition will result in the awakening and redemption of many beings.
The larger the commitment of a work is, the larger will be the challenges to manifest it, because the adversary of God will not silence before the echo of the Voice of the Creator.
I ask you to be firm, brave and united in heart; that you maintain your strength in Christ, in the Universe and in all the revelations you already know so that in this way you will understand that the triumph of God goes beyond this life.
Humanity lives extreme opposites of awakening and of profound ignorance, of love and of much evil, and the battle between the establishment of peace and darkness will take place on all levels of consciousness.
What should never exist in your hearts is rage, because all rage that comes from the human heart only feeds what the adversary is trying to build.
You will not be indifferent to what happens in the world and, facing the attacks of the adversary, you will increase in yourselves the power of peace, of unity and of love. You will take advantage of each test to grow and to strengthen your own faith and thus you will not allow the adversary of God to find fuel to continue lightening the fire of illusions, perditions and mistakes.
Each being will be known for their own fruits. This work will be recognized by its fruits because it will sow peace and will make it flourish and multiply in the hearts.
While the falsehood emerges from the beings and all the lies become visible to everyone, the virtues must also emerge. Unite only to the light and do not see the lies of others as a form to defend and to justify yourselves, because this battle must not be competitive on your side, not even in your mind.
To dissolve darkness and to let evil poison itself, it is necessary not to drink from this poison but rather to drink from the Fountain of Christ that in silence and on the cross wins the battle of falsehood, attacks and defamations.
Children, pacify your interior and pray for your brothers and sisters. Today the Heart of God is more wounded and Christ prays before His Father for the ignorance of those who once more allow themselves to be instruments of evil.
The Lord hopes that there is unity among His companions and this must be built by those who are more conscious of this need. Therefore, pray and ask for the Christ to enter into the hearts of all men and women, purify your miseries and make true those who say they follow His Name.
Never lose sight of the example of the Redeemer and remember not to feed evil, not even in thought.
The Sacred Family returns to teach you that only in love, silence and living the truth, that you already know, you can make the Plan of God triumph.
Follow Our example and do not fear to live and announce what we ask you for, because – in spite of all resistance from humanity in losing its power over the things of the world – there are many who need to awaken in order to fulfill their mission.
One day everyone will make use of what We taught you to take the last step, no matter if you had been against or in favor of the Work of God because the truth will emerge beyond the human will.
I love you and leave you My Blessing,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To transform the human condition, it is necessary to know it profoundly.
Since its creation, children, since you arrived on Earth with veils covering your eyes, your consciousnesses, humanity got used to live one illusion after the other, and not only ignored its past and future, but also believed to be something it was not.
Because of the present planetary situation of chaos and perdition, not finding a meaning for their own lives, many search for the truth, and the unbridled thirst makes them drink of the water from any fountain that may show up as if it were the purest and most crystalline of all.
You must take care, children, of the water you drink, of the knowledge you search for, because all waters can satiate the thirst of who was dry in spirit, but if you continue drinking of water contaminated by the power and human vanity, you might end up dying in spirit, diagnosed by ignorance, when you believed having found the truth.
Drink of the water that God sends you through His Messengers and trust that it has all you need. The once who drinks of two fountains – sinning by the desire for power and possession of new knowledge – might drown in their anxiety.
Drink of the water that washes, transforms and purifies you and not of the water that makes you greater and brings vanity to your souls, confusing them.
True knowledge nourishes the consciousness and matures the spirit and not the personality. I also tell you that often an instruction will come from God that you will understand with the soul, not with the mind. Even so, even if it is incomprehensible to you at this moment, it will transform you and lead you to new steps, in which one day you will be able to understand what has gotten you there.
Drink from the fountain of love, of sacrifice, of service, of prayer. In it you will find all sciences.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children:
I thank you for the prompt response of all to My maternal call. You already know that, as the Mother of humanity, I long for the best for each of My children, because My ardent wish is that nobody misses the opportunity to meet with God and to know His true Love.
In the next six months of prayer you will be able, if you assume it in your consciousness, to find the path that I will make you know, the path to be in Christ permanently and not to leave it.
Dear children, this cycle of continuous prayer that I am calling you to live is to banish the planetary inertia and everything that leads constantly to the perdition of the souls.
I would like, My children, that your hearts find in this cycle the flame of faith that will help you to live the tests and deal with the challenges for the Plan of God.
My children, in the following six months I will be with you praying daily in each place where you may be, without ceasing any moment to bring you to My Heart for you to feel peace. If the world would respond promptly as you have responded to My call, many planetary and human situations would be avoided by the angels of the Universe.
Dear children, when a heart or more responds to My summoning I can work through it, not only in prayer but also in charity, humility and in Divine Mercy.
Awaken at this time those who are still asleep and tell them that there is a grandiose Celestial Mother who loves them and hopes to have them in Her arms to shed over them all the love of the Universe.
Tell them to have determination and valor to abandon sin, the human indifference and omission.
Tell those who sleep to encourage themselves to listen to Christ in their interior and to allow prayer to heal and to redeem them.
Tell them, My children, that the Divine Mercy is still available for all those who want to look for it and to discover it in the source of the Heart of Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call for the world peace!
Who loves you and always follows you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the souls in the world get lost I make them find the path towards God through My Love. Redemption establishes itself in the hearts that ask for My help and also in the hearts that ask for their brothers and sisters so that My Plan of Peace can be established in humanity; thus I close the door to My adversary, who corrodes the souls spiritually, places obstacles in their lives, and leads them to perdition, mainly, to the absence of love.
I have come here, dear children, to meet you under the Unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Trinity has sent Me in this cycle and in these times to prepare you for what is going to come. I need that your hearts establish My reign in this world. I need you to fulfill with Me the Plan of peace that the Lord so much awaits.
The world is still deaf and blind, but your hearts are open for Me, and you, dear children, know that it is so and that I need your hearts to fulfill My designs without caring for how you are like and how imperfect you are before the eyes of the Universe.
I do not come here to search for your indignation, your indifference or omission. I come to search in you for what really exists in the depth of your beings and that is called God; it is in this God that you must live in this time for all those who do not live it. And remember God, dear children, each new morning in which you wake up, because God is forgotten in this time by the hearts that have not understood Him nor accepted His Will that is not the inferior human will.
I need to set up here, dear children, a Kingdom that would be impossible to be established in these times, but that is possible when your hearts open themselves to hear My call each time that I announce it to the world.
I have come to Cataluña to bring you the mystery of My Love, as I have already brought it once when I previously met you in this same city to renew the vows before the Celestial Father. And I would like, dear children, that at this time you strengthened these vows, not only for yourselves but for your brothers and sisters that are on this path and also for those who are not and have forgotten God, the Father of Love and Unity. If love and unity live among you, and you work for this love and for this unity, My Plan will triumph in this humanity.
It does not matter what happens around you, because I will be among you to impel you to walk and follow the steps of Christ, steps that at this time are offered to everyone to take for humanity and for the planet.
Dear children, you still do not know My profound pain for this race, for all the souls. You still do not know what it means to sustain the gravity of these times, and a race submerged in its ignorance and blindness.
As the Mother of Goodness and of Mercy, I open the doors for all those who do not deserve it, because the Christic seed is in you and in your brothers and sisters; a seed that will never disappear and that nobody will be able remove. It is the seed of unity and love that I come to water from time to time with My prayers, My words and My supplications for you before the Celestial Father. It is the seed that can never dry nor should get out of sight. It is the Christic seed that My adversary fears even not knowing it, because when it sprouts, flourishes and bears fruits, it is invincible.
Dear children, today I come to make you recognize your filiation with the Celestial Father, a filiation that is unique for each one of you, it is precious and also mysterious for many. Consider yourselves worthy children of God and the whole of humanity will be a worthy child of God for the steps you take in this time towards My Son, towards His Sacred Heart.
I do not come to ask you, dear children, for what you cannot give Me, but rather for what you really can donate Me with the heart, with your lives in each act of the day, in each example of charity and of goodness towards your fellow being. Thus, dear children, I invite you to share the miseries of the world and to support them with Me by prayer, service and sacrifice. I know that many fear sacrifice because they think they will suffer, but I do not come to bring you suffering, but the Peace of the Celestial Kingdom perpetually lived by angels and archangels in each moment of the Divine and Spiritual Universe. I open to you the doors towards the sacred knowledge that is called Celestial Universe.
I want you to be conscious, dear children, of this very important task of merging Heaven and Earth in one sole unity. Thus the doors of the hells of life will close and little by little the hearts will lose their ignorance, because the veils will fall from their consciousnesses and they will recognize that they have forgotten God and will encourage themselves to return to the path of My Son, that is the path of love and forgiveness.
Go ahead in spite of what happens and remember that I consider you My columns of light and peace in this unfaithful world. Make My Heart triumph in your lives and live it fully, because the time has already come and it is time to fight for this Plan of peace in the world, a world that each one builds day by day with their attitude, their thought, their feeling and their prayer.
United with you and together with each one of your spirits My Plan triumphs, and My adversary loses the war that he wants to fight so much. It is already time, dear children, for you to be bearers of My Peace and that you transmit it to the world, this is My main task with you in these times.
Now place in My Merciful and Immaculate Heart your intentions. I open My Heart of Light for you to place your supplications, your invocations, your requests to the Great Universal Father who loves you profoundly and never forgets you. Deposit these intentions in the silence of your hearts.
Now extending My arms and approaching My hands towards you, dear children, I will pray for Spain shedding My Graces upon it:
Holy Father, Blow of Spirit,
Shed Your Light upon the consciousnesses,
May they never be discouraged from searching for You
May they be able to find Your Peace and Your Truth;
Strengthen each spark of Your Spirit
That has congregated around My Immaculate Heart
To revere Your Presence and Your legacy with all Creation.
Angels of Heaven, Higher Consciousnesses,
Guide the souls on the good path
And fill the emptiness of love that many feel in their hearts;
Shed the Divine Spirit of My Son
So that they can live in Your Sacred Heart
And be in this time as a star that, from the universe, lights everything.
I bless you, dear children, and I bless everything you have brought to My altar in reverence and love. I bless the union with My Son that you search for every day without forgetting Him, your Master, your true love. Bring Me here the offering of the Eucharist for My Angels to transubstantiate it into the real spiritual and divine matter that nourishes your spirits and consciousnesses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more