In the beginning, the Creator created essences, manifested souls, grouped them according to their missions and sent them off to fulfill them, beyond the dimensions, in manifested life. And the souls of God went off into this vast Cosmos, experienced and learned, often distancing from the Divine Purpose, and other times managing to fulfill the Will of their Creator.

Time passed and evolution took place. The souls of God still tread this path, as sheep that graze in the Gardens of Creation. Now, children, your Celestial Father calls all souls created by Him. His voice echoes within the valleys and upon the hills of the spirit, where souls can hear Him and with love recognize His call.

One by one, the sheep of the Great Shepherd begin to congregate; with their steps, they return to the House of the Father and inspire others to also return to His Heart.

This is the time to return to God, to again spiritually find the mission that He entrusted to you; to give Him all the fruits picked along the path so that the Father may make of them a new Nourishment.

The cycle has arrived for a new life and for a new time in which the sheep are congregated to strengthen one another for the great transition; because I tell you, My children, that it is with the love of each one of you that you will keep your balance and you will strengthen, in order to pass the trials that the planet must experience at this time.

Your souls will congregate at the Feet of God, without distinction, discovering the likeness that was hiding within you. You will discover that you are kindred in spirit and in heart. You will discover, feel and live the only divine filiation that make you fruits of the same Sacred Tree of the Creation.

It is by means of the love that will build up within you that you will receive the impulse to live the Love of God and surpass it, thus renewing the Divine Creation and giving birth to a new life, a new time and a new Plan.

I tell you this so that you may recognize that Christic Love will be born and awaken by means of the union of your hearts, souls and spirits in God. The cycle has come for you to live unity more deeply, because the Creation needs it so.

May the veils that separated the children of God from one another begin to fall, and may human beings perceive that differences are just expressions of the path that each soul has trodden, the way it is understood to fulfill their mission and live the Will of the Father, although so many times they became lost and were confounded by the stimuli of the world.

Now that everyone has learned enough to know that only love will allow you to return to the Father, it is time to live this love.

The planet agonizes, My children, due to the lack of love and Peace in the human hearts, and it is simply by recognizing yourselves as brothers and sisters, and by loving one another with the truth of your hearts, that you will be able to transform this, heal this agony and repair the wounded heart of this Earth.

Unity will make you free and will liberate this world; it will lead you to expand love by means of the prayer and service that will be born from your spirits.

Allow yourselves to be inspired by My words and by My Presence. Little by little, silently, I help you along this path of return to the Heart of God.

I love you, bless you and thank you for responding to My call!


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




The second part of the New Prophecy

And you will see that those who say they have the power of religion in their hands will lose control of everything overnight.

Their spiritual blindness and ambition will be as great as also well known.

You will then see the sign of the end time reveal itself, a sign that will indicate the last culminating phase of the fall of the false temple.

Wailing will be heard, so similar to the wailing wall.

The ambitious will no longer have their own refuge, because the Great Spirit will have moved and will only be with the simplest. 

This will be the hour of the great test of the patriarchy because neither leaders nor nations will be able to stop it, for the Divine Will that will move with the strength of the Holy Justice will show everything.

There, not one stone will be left upon another, the false power will fight with its own ambition and the great crisis of religions will take place.

Because, as it was said, the keys will be taken away and, those,  will not be able to open the doors to enter the House of the Father.

Those who have hidden the truth and were not transparent or crystal clear as water, will soon get dirty. Their social life clothing will be torn because the wolves’skin, that was hidden under good sheep’s clothing before, will come out. 

At this hour, everyone, as a believing humanity, will have the opportunity to unite with or to separate further from the Hand of God.

Like in the blowing of a very strong wind, the structures of the temple will fall, just as the temple of the pharisees fell at the moment of the death of the Only-begotten Son at the Cross.

And more revelations will come.

The boat of the old temple will be shaken by the rage of the great seas.

A storm will fall upon the boat at the time when it will be expurgating all its evils.

There, faith will be in proof and the poor hearts of thousands of sinners will have to confirm themselves before the Law.

They will have the Grace of remaining above all, or they will have the disgrace of remaining submerged in the terrible purifying turmoil.

But in this hour of great uprisings, the Lord will send His angels to succor the one who, with a poor name, will have the foundations of the old temple shaken.

This is why you must pray for this shepherd, seen as the great opponent of all times and as the interference of all nations that live materially, without God.

Thus, Justice will come as a strong blow of light, which the divine hammer will give at the hour of the final sentence.

The Beloved Son, Who knows all things, will, one by one, the words of His Holy Wisdom into the ears of the humble shepherd and will give him more courage and strength through the anonymous ones that pray, who, like in the past, helped the Holy Mother give a worthy burial to Christ.

The Great Shepherd and his flocks, which are not from that temple, will be wrapped up as in cloths of protection, so that nothing similar or invisible may touch them.

They will be much protected, just as Christ kept His Wounds protected by the linens of the Holy Schroud.

There will be no mind or intellect that remains clear and discerning in this hour of tearing down the old temple and of purifying the old boat.

The soul that does not soon go to the heart, will be disturbed all the time.

Therefore, run quickly, and enter the dwelling of the heart before it is too late.

Because the adversary, with its dirty intelligence, will confuse all those who seek for or aspire to mental answers.

Move forward before the time and invoke the Grace of being able to feel the dwelling place of the heart.

There the enemy does not know the Kingdom, nor will it know how to cross the desert, where the Woman of the Light will protect Her children.

Before the temple is shaken, run to the temple of the heart, where God has His true Church, His Existence and His Eternal Presence.

Everything will begin again in the New Church from the heart, and from there everything will be done as was thought and meditated since the Beginning by God, the Creator.

And, even though the wolves show themselves furious and tear off the false sheep’s clothing with their hands, do not be frightened, this will be the sign that, in truth, the change is coming.

The hour to come indicates the arrival of the renewal and the true children of Eve will finally lose the bondage with the Original Sin; they will be free from all the errors of the past.

Thus, the new temple, free from the ambitious and boasters, will be worthy of receiving, at its High Altar, the One, Who has always reigned, the very Christ Himself, your Lord.

Make simple penance for those who do not convert and for all those who only crave for power, and more power.

Live and practice the commandments, because God will send Moses again, in his new aspect, to tell the world how much it has moved away from the Law and has not complied with it.

Live the Laws, on behalf of those who will not live them and for those who proclaim them at the altars and do not comply with them.

May your center be the Divine Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, there you will be safe from those who do not speak the truth.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When you feel lonely, I will be with you.

When you see that life is a shipwreck, I will be with you.

When you doubt your faith, I will strengthen you.

When you feel you are carrying too much burden on yourself, I will alleviate you.

When you search for My Son, I will show Him to you and I will give you to drink from the Fount of Mercy and Redemption.

When you see that everything is empty, I will fill you with the Spirit of My Love.

When no one can help you, I will place you under My Mantle so that, with the angels of Heaven, you may praise God, the Source of Love and Forgiveness.

When you feel joy, My Heart will be with you.

When you feel sadness or desperation, call Me because there I will be and I will place you in My arms, just as I did with Jesus, to radiate to you the Light of God. Then you will no longer feel lonely, you will feel the Maternal Comfort of My Heart.

When you cultivate prayer in your heart, there God will be because souls are still in need of forgiveness.

When you do not find the path, cry out for My Heart and I will radiate the Light of My eyes so that you may walk to- wards My Son, the Redeemer. Thus you will be like a sheep that aspires to the guidance of the Great Shepherd and together with the hearts of the whole world, you will supplicate for redemption.

It will be the moment in which your heart will be kept within the Sacred Heart because in this way you will be protected from all pain.

Now, on this day aspire to be in God and in vigil, in eternal prayer for the souls.

Believe in the power of Mercy and elevate your supplications as flowers to the Heavens, because I will collect them to give them with love to the Creator as an offering of a soul in redemption. And when you see the new dawn remember that the Light of God is being born for each being.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

In this important time, remember the one and only Guiding Star that illuminates you, that governs you, that loves you, that conducts you towards the Infinite Universe of God. Remember the Master of masters. Remember in your lives the Instructor, the Shepherd, the Essence of the Love of God.

My children, love Jesus Christ, live in Jesus Christ and for Jesus Christ!

Dear children, today I call you to pray for peace, the peace that is urgent in the essences and in the souls of all of My children. Today I invite you to serve the Creator with the heart, to give yourselves to God with the heart and to remain in the arms of God, your Omnipresent and Eternal Father.

Dear children, little children, do not fear, do not fear for anything! Embrace Jesus with your arms, feel His Unfathomable and Magnificent Heart of Mercy, keep your life under His rays and keep vigil in prayer for the existence of each brother and sister.

My children, if you accept to give your life, your soul and your existence to Christ, what will you lose? What will you find in your hearts? Today I will tell you. Dear children, your lives in Christ, in My Son, will find comfort, relief, love, trust in God and eternity.

Dear children, as the Mother of Divine Eternity I ask you: trust! Trust in My Maternal and Universal call, because God only asks Me that your hearts be resplendent and consecrated at the feet of the Creator.

My maternal soul searches for souls that aspire to find peace, forgiveness and redemption. My children, My voice reverberates silently in your hearts for only one reason: to live in Christ, awaiting His celestial arrival.

In union with all of My children, I thank you for your response throughout this last year.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


When you open your hearts to God, you will open them in love to your brothers and sisters. There you will begin to understand the science of compassion and your hearts will be touched by the supreme radiance of the Humility of God.

When you open your hearts by means of the exercise of prayer, the darkness of confusion will fade, and on the path you will manage to see the Merciful Horizon of God.

When you open your hearts, it will be humanity that will open itself to the Will of God. Souls will find themselves sincere and pure before the Creator, and with an Immense Love, His Grace will be poured over all.

When you live in My Immaculate Heart, I promise you that peace will surround the beauty of your souls as an extensive garden of roses because there will shine the One and Only God.

When you are in the Heart of My Son, your souls will be pacified and will live in the Law of the Holy Spirit; the essence of love and truth will be revealed to you in life.

If humanity opened the heart to My call, much pain would already have ended, peace would reign in the homes and no child of God would have their life in danger. But still very few are those who, spontaneously, open the heart to the call of My voice.

Many are the soldiers who must be in vigil. The Shepherd must look after His flock. Remember that everyone is called to constant prayer.

Today I invite you to open your hearts and let yourselves be conducted by the new maternal guidance. Whoever accepts to be My child will be well received in the Kingdom of Peace and, in a true act, the hearts of those who still have it closed to God will be opened.

This is what is essential for today: to open the heart so that the Love of My Son may reign among you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As the Lady of Light, today I bring you, from Heaven, the Redeeming Love of My Son.

Dear children,

Today, may you be able to be in Jesus the Savior. May your prayer be the aid for many hearts that need My Maternal Help.

Therefore, dear children, today I invite you to be consciously formed in My school of prayer and devotion so that in faith the absolute trust in the Will of God may reveal itself in your lives.

Dear children, yesterday I called you to pray for all the little children of the world; today I call you to pray for all humanity. Know, My children, that your prayer can lovingly intercede in the Heavens and My Maternal Heart collects each one of the prayers to offer them to the Creator, as the love of the heart of each one of His children.

Dear children, in times of emergency I call you to be formed daily in the prayer of the heart so that through it you may be under the merciful guidance of My Son.

Today the world still needs much prayer, the active participation of each praying group so that in this way My Celestial Light may be able to fill each one of My children.

As Divine and Immaculate Mother, again I say to you that you have, through the prayer of the heart, the definitive decision in your hands. Run without delay to the arms of My Son. As the Good Shepherd of all flocks He wants to lead you to conversion and forgiveness. He waits for your permission.

I thank you for accompanying Me in this mission of Peace for Rio de Janeiro.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

A soul dedicated to the life of prayer is a heart open to new cycles. Therefore today I ask you to be an instrument of living prayer so that My Son may manifest Himself in the essence of your hearts.

Remember, dear children, that your lives must be the source of prayer, of a prayer that must spring from the heart.

Therefore, My children, live within the great Source of Prayer that is My Son so that your lives may recognize the Love of the Redeemer. As sheep of the Shepherd, unite your hearts to each brother heart and keep your hands united to each heart, because if so, you will be renovating the existence of love in all of the world, a Merciful Love that is radiated by Jesus to each heart of this Earth.

Dear children, be in this way a source and may your lives not tire of giving love, unity and hope in the times that will come.

My children, transforming your lives into inexhaustible sources of prayer, you will allow the Holy Spirit to approach the reality of each life, lives that need the Light and the Love of God.

Therefore, My Immaculate Heart tells you again: pray! Pray and pray, My little children, so that all humanity may receive the essence of Good and Peace.

As Queen of Peace I call you to pray with Me so that your hearts may become, through prayer, roses of Light for the Creator.

Reflect today on the importance of giving yourselves for love of others.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Do not fear, do not fear for anything because My Heart knows your tests and your challenges well. In spite of everything, never stop looking at Jesus because His Sacred Heart will always shelter you from everything.

My children, believe in the power of His Merciful Rays, be partakers of the absolute Gift of His Redeeming Love.

Dear children, you have the Great Shepherd by your side. He is the one who can hear you and accompany you from Heart to heart. Therefore, My little ones, leaving behind the pain of the past, I invite you to renew yourselves through the loving Fire of Jesus.

Walk towards Him because He will show you the new path towards the Kingdom of the Father. Today I talk to you about the importance of living in Jesus and being in Him all the time possible.

Dear children, allow Me, as Mother, to bring you close to the Great Priest of Love and Redemption so that your lives, at the feet of My Son, can be like roses at the feet of the Creator. Venerate the Face of Light of My Son and trust that everything is in its place, because in this way you will recognize the Will of the Father, a will that many souls do not live for lack of love.

The True Love of the Heart is what is lacking in the world. Therefore, dear children, I call you to imitate the love of My Son so that each heart may find relief for its own sorrow and joy to be able to continue through the pathway of its own school.

Radiate the love of Jesus at each moment and be the carriers of hope.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

Live in perpetual alliance with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He loves you above all things and shelters you in His arms of Mercy.

Today I contemplate you from My Maternal Heart and with eyes of Mercy, I tell you: do not fear, I am with you! Stay in the arms of the Redeemer because He will announce Himself, alive and resplendent, in each one of your hearts.

Do not fear, do not fear, My little ones! God wants the best for your lives. This is the moment in which God the Father calls you to redemption, to the awakening of faith and love in the essence of all My children. For this reason today I invite you to surrender each one of your fears and to fully trust the Plans of God.

There must be peace in the hearts of My children. Therefore, today do not forget that My Maternal Kingdom shelters you so that each one of the souls may arrive at the Redeeming Kingdom of the Love that Jesus, as a priest and as a shepherd, has prepared for you.

When I come to your encounter in silence, as Mother and Servant of God, it is so that your hearts may recognize that I am always among you.

It is important that, in this time, you live in a state of constant prayer because prayer will lead you to recognize with absolute clarity and wisdom the next and true inner path to go through.

Dear children, come to Me with your arms open, and remain- ing in faith and love in My Maternal arms, I will be able to fill you with the essence of the Love of God, a Divine Love that I lovingly bring from Heaven.

Therefore, walk with joy towards the Purpose because in this way you will be in God.

I want to lead you each day to the Peace of the Heart. Rest your souls on My maternal lap.

Courage and Hope to all!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Today I want to see the maternal joy of My Heart rise up in My children, for everything that God has entrusted Me to give you with love and devotion throughout this time.

It is important that your hearts revere the Creator, My Son who will return, and the Holy Spirit, because if this is so, all of you will be inside the Great Spirit of the Holy Trinity.

My children, this simple act of love and reverence will keep you steady during the new time that will come.

I invite you to pray with the heart because in each day of prayer your lives must deepen more into the Kingdom of the Lord.

So that each one of your souls may find repose in God, you only need to say “yes” to Him daily so that His Merciful Love may guide you and accompany you, especially in this hour.

I want your lives to participate in the Kingdom where My Immaculate Heart is to be found. For this reason I talk to you today about the importance of living a life of prayer, as a service to all this humanity.

As souls, which you are, you are in time to reach the arms of My Son who, as a Good Shepherd, wants to make you know the essence of the Celestial Peace. Live and be participants of each one of the promises of Christ through the act of the prayer of the heart and also remembering the passage of the Beatitudes.

When My Son spoke about the blessed ones, He was inviting you to sanctify your lives in the Lord. Therefore, little children, if all of you give the example of humility and charity you will walk towards the state of true consecration.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As Mother of all beings of the world, today I contemplate the new time in My hands. Therefore, dear children, I only ask you to raise your arms towards My Peace, because many souls that suffer need to alleviate their pain.

You, dear children, who listen to My call, must propagate the power of the Grace that I am pouring over this city of Buenos Aires.

This is so, dear children, in order that you may know that Jesus, the Redeeming King of the Universe, loves you and contemplates you through My Maternal Love. It is time for all the groups of prayer that are consecrated to the Light of My Immaculate Heart to pray more for Peace, for the true peace which comes from My Son for all of you in this new time that I am announcing.

Dear children, leave the past behind, be born again today in My arms because My Immaculate Heart loves you and knows you. It knows how much you need Inner Peace.

Today I invite you, My children, to be active founders of My Peace for the world and this task will be able to be real when the groups of prayer have this celestial goal in their hearts.

My Son waits for you day by day so that in this new time that is coming, all your hearts may adore and contemplate God through the merciful Rays of Jesus, My Glorified Son. My little ones, today I want to tell you that the world needs the forgive- ness of God for all the causes that it generates, causes that hurt Our Hearts, the Heart of Jesus and My Immaculate Heart.

I ask you, who are more conscious of everything, to exercise, as a primordial task, the prayer of the heart so that more Celestial Graces may be able to descend from My Heart of Peace over many of My children in the world.

It is especially up to the part of humanity which is more prayer- ful, to lovingly intervene before God so that My Heart and the Merciful Heart of My Son may be able to guide and help it in the time that will come to this world.

Open in spirit to My call, you must only place your lives in the Hands of the One and Only God of the Universe so that My Son may guide you again as He did once in this world as a humble Shepherd of Nazareth.

Dear children, may the Light of the Face of the Father reflect in each one of your lives today so that in devotion you may always be in His Restoring Love.

My Maternal Light for all Buenos Aires!

I thank you for everything!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

The one path of salvation: Jesus. The true and strong hope in everything: Christ. The firmness before the trials and the challenges that My children may live: Jesus Christ.

He is the Primordial Sheppard for your hearts. Christ is the lodestar that is announcing itself to the world for the second time.

For this, dear children, today I invite you to pray so that the lodestar of Christ, which is His Sacred Heart, may be among you as it was once among the apostles. Now not only your lives may be consecrated to the purpose of Christ for this time on Earth, but also each of you may in trust, be a faithful friend of Jesus.

I want, My children, that you may learn to love through the example of humility that Christ expressed when He lived in the world and shared His prodigies and teachings of love with Me, His Mother. As on the Cross, until the last moment, He contemplated the misery of humanity through His Infinite and Divine Mercy.

Dear children, I want to make you learn that through the daily act of prayer and aspiration to stay always in Jesus, this will help you transcend the human limits that in many children prevent taking the steps to the Eternal God.

You are still in the last time of Grace, for this I call you so that through sincere prayer you intercede for all the children who are far from God and even more, for all those who do not want to listen to this Servant of God who comes again to the world to give you forgiveness, salvation and aid at the end of this time.

For this, dear children through daily prayer your little consciousnesses prepare themselves for the new times, where faith and love in My Son will be the keys for the great salvation.

It is time, little children, for all to run to the Fountain of the Mercy of Jesus and that your hearts place themselves under the eternal rays of reparation and of forgiveness. For this, as Mother of Graces, I illuminate your path so that you walk through the right path towards the Savior.

I count on all your prayers. I bring you all in My Maternal Heart.

Thank you for answering My call.

Peace for all My little ones.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


The triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be able to occur through the immediate response of all My blessed children in the world.

The triumph of My Heart is the Presence of God the Father in the life of each soul. It is the reencounter promised by My Son. It is the coming Kingdom on the face of the Earth.

My Immaculate Heart, dear children, is the Source of Graces that, throughout time, I have poured for love of My children.

Now, My children, I invite you to make My Immaculate Heart triumph through the constant exercise of the prayer of the heart, as well as in all works of charity and service to the others.

Dear children, the Purpose of God for each one of His little creatures is immense; this is why I call you all to witness the Presence of Christ in the hearts and His coming. And this will happen when each soul of this humanity may accept to enter the true and only Kingdom of God.

For this reason, dear children, the task in the groups of prayer will be more constant, because each one of you must be, in prayer, a sentinel who guards and protects the call of God. In this time and for the aid of humanity, the presence of My Immaculate Heart is here. Through the triumph of the Heart of God in Mary, I will be able to bring you towards the arms of My Son, the beloved Shepherd of Forgiveness who awaits you in prayer and in communion from the Heavens.

Dear children, to be a Marian soldier of prayer it is enough to say “yes” and to persist in the purpose of responding to the divine call. On this path of service and of giving to the Will of God, your hearts will begin to consecrate themselves to My Heart, and the triumph of the Plan of Peace will be unique for the world.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace, only Peace for these times.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

May your hearts sing and praise the Redeemer today because He has resurrected in each one of your lives. Live the joy of the Glory of God and quench the thirst of all souls with the prayer of the heart.

Dear children, open your arms to receive My Immaculate Peace and propagate the spirit of collaboration among hearts. In this way, My children, your hearts will live the charity of My Son. May today be a gathering of prayer, love and joy because My Son comes to each one of you so that you may live Him and love Him in fraternity.

My dear ones, may the fount of gratitude spring from you today because God sent Our Hearts so that the world may be on the path of salvation.

Dear children, liberate your hearts from all sadness and live in peace this reencounter with the Infinite Heart of Jesus. Open the doors of your dwellings and receive the Shepherd so that your little hearts may be redeemed. Then you will truly be able to be in My Son and you will not forget that He waits for you daily so that you may adore Him and contemplate Him with the heart.

My children, your lives are today communing with one Great Heart of Love that must repose in each one of you. This great Heart of Love is called Jesus, My Almighty Son who brings you Peace and Love.

The source of prayer that your hearts generate day by day will relieve the pain of the world because Our Hearts will be able to intercede for all of humanity before the Most Beloved Father.

Live the joy of the resurrection and celebrate because My Son wants to be in your lives!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Eternal Light for the world,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

Bless Christ in your prayers because next month you will be, as humanity, preparing the advent of Easter. Celebrate with joy the mystery of the Passion that My Son offered for Love of the world. May this coming Easter, dear children, be a gathering of prayer between your hearts and your lives so that in this way you may accompany the Shepherd of the sheep towards the Merciful Face of the Father.

May this Easter prepare your hearts in prayer so that the world, once more, may receive the Grace of Forgiveness. Dear children, the Easter in the coming month must lead you to the reflection and the meditation about the mysteries of surrender that Christ made for humanity. Each passage of the life of Jesus prepares you for the time that will come, strengthening in your hearts the union with My Son.

You must prepare your dwellings, My children, so that Christ may share His Good News in the Last Supper, that which all are invited to witness.

Dear children, this path towards Easter will allow you to re- member how important is the confession of each of you with My Son, so that in this way you may arrive to His table with purity and love.

Beloved children, the path of Easter prepares you as souls to live in Christ day by day. Because of this, My little ones, Easter allows you to grow as hearts and as souls before the Mercy of the Redeemer. Allow yourselves, little children, to be conducted towards the experience of Easter in this year of the end of times, so that your hearts may thus renew the vows that many of your souls have made before Christ. All of My children must know that the mystery of the Easter of Christ is a real reason to reconcile with the Celestial Father.

Dear children, as humanity needs a great Source of Mercy, I ask you to pray with the heart and that you live each one of the mysteries that My Son lived out of love for you.

Be true springs of gratitude because My Heart wants to take you, in this Easter, to the Divine Heart of My Son.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace in your lives.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

Today I invite you again to the adoration of My Son, in each one of your prayers, as well as in the exercise of contemplation of the Merciful Christ. Raise your eyes towards the Heart of My Son so that your hearts may live the announcement of the New Redemption. In this way, My dear children, through this exercise you will be, in silence, preparing your hearts for when He returns. Your souls, as lambs in the flock of the Shepherd, should walk in trust, through the state of prayer and of adoration.

Dear children, you will not only be lifting your hearts a little more through adoration, but you will also be able to raise the feeling and the thought of the humanity that lives without My Son.

For this Easter that is approaching, I invite you to embrace My Son and just as at the Doors of Jerusalem, I invite you to receive the Redeemer Messiah. With this paschal mystery in your lives, you will be able to live the sublime presence of His Most Holy Heart, because without My Son you will not be able to truly see what God has for each one of you.

Beloved children, it is only through My Son that you will be able to direct your feet towards the Heavens so that the soul may find a safe place to return to.

Dear children, in this preparation for the adoration, your hearts will be liberated from the burden that they carry in life and thus, they will shine by the Presence of the Redeemer. Therefore, dear children, it is important to open yourselves in order to live the true mysteries of contemplation that Christ left as a teaching.

The time has come for all hearts to prepare themselves and to use time properly in order to be in My Son. Keep in your lives the mystery of the Love that Christ now brings to you, through His Mercy, for the whole world. Live in Him and live for Him, because soon you will understand everything.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Love and Light for the hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
