​​​​​​Let us pray, the world needs it.

Let us pray, because the Plan is precipitating.

Let us pray for unity to prevail.

Let us pray for the ones who are purifying themselves.

Let us pray for the ones who are being hypnotized.

Let us pray for the incredulous.

Let us pray for the selfish.

Let us pray for those who have failed.

Let us pray for those who deserve nothing.

Let us pray for the ones who have got lost.

Let us pray for the ones who commit injustices.

Let us pray for the ones who lie.

Let us pray for those who have no faith.

Let us pray for the ones who are forgotten.

Let us pray for the ones who are not loved.

Let us pray for the ones who do not have a house.

Let us pray for those who do not know where to go.

Let us pray for the ones who are living in calamity.

Let us pray for the ones who die unjustly.

Let us pray for the ones who are being crucified.

Let us pray for the ones who are living the war.

Let us pray for the innocent.

Let us pray for the ones who pay the price error.

Let us pray for the unfortunate.

Lets us pray for the idolaters and atheist.

Let us pray for the ones who are unworthy of peace.

Let us pray for the ones who reign in false power.

Let us pray for the ones who create nuclear bombs.

Let us pray for the ones who contaminate the oceans.

Let us pray for the ones who destroy life.

Let us pray for the ones who kill human gestation.

Let us pray for the women who abort.

Let us pray for the ones who are imprisoned.

Let us pray for the ones who live in the inner prison.

Let us pray for the ungrateful ones.

Let us pray for the ones who are destroying the planet.

Let us pray for the ones who violate the Laws of the Universe.

Let us pray for the ones who omit themselves.

Let us pray for the ones who instill fear.

Let us pray for the hard-hearted.

Let us pray for the ones who do not have love.

Let us pray for the ones who condemn themselves.

Let us pray for the ones who refuse to wake up.

Let us pray for the ones who do not persist.

Let us pray for all of them, day and night.

Let us pray without leaving behind the path of persistence and faith.

Let us gives thanks for all that we have.

Let us give thanks for what we are.

Let us give thanks for the Love of God.

Let us give thanks for not being unconsciousness.

Let us give thanks for always being redeemed.

Let us give thanks for the Infinite Grace that fills us.

Let us be grateful for the Presence of Christ.

Let us be grateful because He forgives us.

Let us be grateful for the inner strength that we do not lack.

Let us be grateful for everything that the Lord gives us, in this way we will establish the Kingdom of God and the New Earth will be born.


I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you above every error and every fault,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

This coming Christmas, I wish for the spirit of reconciliation with God to be established in your hearts, so that the act of constant reconciliation with one another is not lost in the world, thus attracting the spirit of Peace.

This will help register, within your memories, a moment of reconciliation and forgiveness; this will allow you to never forget the essence of the love that can do all. Be patient with your own difficulties.  

This upcoming Christmas, may souls experience the Birth of My Son, as something truthful and deep. In this way, dear children, your hearts will become receptacles that are prepared to receive the same codes of light that the Sacred Family received in those times, from all the angels of the universe, when they gathered around the Sacred Birth of Jesus.

My children, as Your Mother and Protector of the spiritual life, I wish that each one of your essences start, from now on, preparing to be able to spiritually enter into the manger of Your Lord. For this, may your daily acts no longer be of conflict or disagreement, may your gestures and actions be permeated by the Love of God.

Remember, dear children, that in this month of December, the month of the Lord Jesus, the families will be the perfect motive for the work that is spiritual and of unity among beings.

The war is not over yet, and together we must make possible the prevalence of the values that make of the family of Earth a hoped for model of consecration and spiritual life.

For all this, the Sacred Hearts will work, in this month of December, for the realization of the project of the new family, which in essence and consciousness will repopulate the New Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In prayer and preparation for the birthday of the King,

Who greets you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Never forget that I am the Great Mirror of the Mercy of God, which lovingly offers redemption to the world.  Never forget that I am Your Mother and that I incarnated in this world in order to remind you about the Purity of God; that I am by your side at all times, both in joy and in the tests. 

I am that Lady that suffered together with Jesus, and I am the same One that carries with you the Cross that God gave you.  I have come to the Kingdom of Aurora to let you know about healing of the soul and of the spirit.  I have come to this sacred ground to reveal the sacred precinct and the divine refuge to all the hearts.

If this is your house, why will you not come?  If your heart woke up in Aurora, why will you not call Her?  I need you to learn to redeem yourself in this sacred place.  Maybe your being does not find beauty and perfection here, but your consciousness will rejoice because it will see in the horizon the Light of redemption.

For this, encourage yourself to be transformed overnight.  Let My own Aurora show you the steps towards inner healing.  Do not depreciate this opportunity. You know that millions of souls neither know this nor have the Grace of receiving, like you do, the power of the healing love.

The planet suffers for so many condemnations and for so many tests and you must be this new divine cell in profound redemption.

You must not live for yourself anymore; rather, you must live for that which God wants, thus you will get to know the true and great Will in your life.  Walk with trust towards this great discovery.  A new awakening waits for you.  An ultimate call is being announced to the world.

Neither keep rancor towards your own self nor towards your brothers and sisters.  Rid yourself right away from the bonds that take you to constant error.  You must no longer be the same, you must be that which My Son expects.  You must no longer think like you think or work like you have worked until now.    You must be that which you have never lived.  You must reflect the true being that you have not yet awakened within you.

For this I do not come as Your Mother in order to awaken your mind because in this way you will never understand that which I say to you as long as your ideas act.  Thus, live like My Son taught you by means of His Passion.

Love beyond your preferences and likings.  Love with maturity in order to be able to see the meaning of true love.  I come to divest you from arrogance to give you the clothes of love.  I come to remove haughtiness from you in order to give to you the holy meekness in hand.  I come to extract pride from you, so that I can show simplicity to you.

I want you to be a different being from this moment on.  I hope that you will understand and feel the path that I am showing you, the path towards the absolute inner emptiness.  But do not fear to be naked and display so many imperfections;   seek the essence and the humiliations so that your ways will be transmuted. 

Stay by My side and you will not suffer.  Live in the refuge of My Heart and you will free yourself from everything.  Amid so much human wickedness I must rescue the most in need so that they will be redeemed seeds in the New Earth.

Do not fear the possession of your own life because the true life waits for you in the cosmos.  Let yourselves be guided day and night.  Surrender to My Instruction and make an effort to change, thus God will be able to hope for the Plan to continue.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you profoundly and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Sovereign Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The times of the great and struggled sacrifices have come to this world; this is part of the Divine Justice because the imbalance of the souls and the injustice of the hearts are greater than the harmony that is required.

Dear children, the souls that have not implored to God and neither have implored for His Kingdom for having remained in the superficiality of the material and illusory life will suffer and there will not be anything that may comfort them  because the message of Heaven has already been proclaimed, and few paid attention to the words of light of the Divine Messengers.

There will not be anyone who may reverse this; the blindness of humanity is great and sometimes you feel like being blind and deaf.  But the victory of the Kingdom of God will happen in all of the hearts that, by being obedient and consistent, will repopulate the New Earth.

This new cycle will demand, from the hearts that are distant from God, an extreme effort in order to remain in Peace; it will be different for a soul that truly prays and without awards because from it will spring the source of Peace.

For this, there is no time to lose with little things; many of you are being trained through My Heart for the end of the times.  Let us pray for those who do not want to listen to God, for the non-believers so that their hearts may open to the descent of the celestial Light.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who awakens you to the planetary reality,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I would like to tell you, My children, that the situations of the world are precipitating and have no limits, for humanity itself generates the conditions for this to happen.

However there is a part of souls that spiritually struggle to repair the serious outrages that the majority perpetrate, and even though all of this is not enough, the Divinity helps the consequent so that at least a part of humanity may become rescuable and redeemable.

The weight of the spiritual debt of humanity is very great and souls at this moment are suffering the consequences of what the majority does. This awakens the anger of God, which is not a punishment, but rather a supreme fiery tension that tries to stop the descent of the Law, of which the majority of humankind is ignorant.

The events of these end times frame the coming moral and spiritual change of humanity, and what most increases the anger of God is unconsciousness and the way in which planetary life is carried out.

In all this reality, The Kingdoms of Nature also suffer the consequences of humanity. They, being part of the same end, will have an action within the cycle of the great purification.

Mother Nature, who is wise and pure, will show her power to humanity. All this would not be necessary if from the beginning human dignity and the created Kingdoms had been respected.

The consciousness of humanity, My children, is more delayed than the first settlers of the Earth. This causes the Heart of God to shudder on seeing that discernment and wisdom disappear from the consciousness of those who say they are ordering the nations.

For this reason, the Love of God will be able to move through the barriers of that precariousness that today's human being created through their actions.

The new paradise, the New Earth, will be free of all these influences, because the project was that this race should be fraternal and equitable in all states of being; which was changed. That is the concern of the universe in face of the reality of this humanity.

Values do not exist, and if they do, they are all manipulated, which causes the true purpose of the life of the soul and the spirit to be lost, and many souls fall prey of the adversary, which is the main governor of some regions.

Let us pray without ceasing and without thinking, something will have to change, the time indicates this.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Spokesperson of the Universe


I will deliver every last petal of the rose that I hold inside Me so that the ignorance of humankind may be dissipated.

As the pure and maternal Love born from the Essence of God, I come to the world to heal what is incurable, to overcome what is invincible, to overthrow what is unshakeable and which separates the creatures from their Creator.

In this final time, I will spare no effort or words to awaken the human heart and definitively remove it from darkness, from the ignorance in which it permanently lives.

Children, I will move everything, within and outside the hearts, so that the proud may live in humility, the arrogant in renunciation, the egoists in service, and those who ignore and deny the existence of God may have all evil dissipated from their eyes and hearts.

As long as there is still the intercession of hearts in the world, I will always act. As long as there is still one heart that truly prays, I will always be here.

The day of the end of the darkness of the world approaches, and all the roots of evil that dwell within beings will be uprooted by the power of My Love and Divine Justice. You will feel that the ground trembles, the interior does not sustain itself, that the spirit is troubled and the soul cannot support the clarity of My Light, but be persistent and trust in My Heart.

You will see that many of those who appeared to be brave soldiers will give up their armor; others will fight with opposing armies. Let not the example of those who do not follow Me be a reason to disrupt your paths.

You will see an evil that you did not know existed emerge within yourselves. Simply hold on tight to My divine hands and reaffirm your consecration to My Heart because I will sustain you in this purification and, although I allow you to be tested and that you confirm yourselves on this path towards the Light, I will always accompany you silently.

I will speak intense Words that will make the enemy lose his reign within the human heart. I will overthrow the arrogant and proud spirit, not to mistreat it, but so that it learns, once and for all, the path to humility.

I will allow you to live great loss in human eyes, but to God they will be unique opportunities to divest of yourselves and follow only one path. I will banish the illusion from My soldiers and I will make them mature before the Plans of the Creator.

At My side will remain only a few who will completely respond to My call, but with these, I will keep the doors of redemption open for all humanity.

It is time to define your paths, knowing that the consequences of your choices will not be seen in this world, but rather after this life.

For many, the end of everything will appear to be a great failure, and those who enjoyed the illusion of matter will exalt themselves for having chosen the path of the pleasures of the world. But, when Heaven opens before the doors of hell and Divine Justice indicates the new paths, you will then feel the merits of all sacrifice and all renunciation achieved in this life.

I do not want to cause you fear, but it is time to be true to yourselves so that you may live the awakening.

Become mature in the times that are approaching.

I will guide you as long as you say yes to Me and, with the decisions of life, you demonstrate that you respond to My call.

My blessing will be perpetuated on this sacred ground of the New Earth, an earth that must live a new cycle of maturation and inner decision. Thus, you will demonstrate to the world the miracle of love and redemption.

I trust in your hearts and know that you will follow My paths.

Your Most Holy Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine,

Only love will be the torch that will illuminate your paths in the moments of greatest tribulation.

Only love will win among yourselves and will prevail in your hearts when you truly confess your faults before the Redeemer.

Only love will reign in the new promised Earth when just someone in this world live in His name.

Love is not falsehood, it is not lie and neither appearance of loving nor of feeling loved.  The Love of God is something else and in order to find it, your hearts must humiliate themselves and surrender before the Love of the Redeemer.

It will be like this, children of Mine, that your lives on Earth will be healed and day by day this universal healing will impregnate your souls increasingly until there is no wound, sorrow or incomprehension.

Love, because if you do not love you will not be able to get to know your truth.   Be pure lovers of the love of God, allow this love to spring and spring again, to conquer you and transform you into what until now you have not accepted to be.

My children, I love you, that is why I am still here: loving you, blessing you, showing you the path of redemption.   When you live the true love, the Plan will be strengthened and it will be no longer necessary that any other soul abandon the path of My Son for just wanting to live their own love.

The Love of God will make you humble and you will always be able to recognize that in the simplicity of the Love of God everything will have its great victory.   Those who do not love, how will they achieve it?

Love, Love much and do not be afraid of loving because love comprehends, helps, heals and converts the cold heart.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you in the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My beloved children,

I want you to recognize My arrival to your lives and to know that you will never be alone again.

I will inhabit in each heart which opens the door of its interior to Me and in there I will reign as your Celestial Mother for all Eternity.

When each one of My children may be able to live My Love in their interior, this world will stop suffering and perishing by the deeds of the enemy.

Today I arrive to this Home of Mine, a favorite dwelling to Me.  Here I have found the love of the simple, of the dispossessed, of the imperfect ones and also of the pure of heart, of the strong of spirit, of the restless in the path of charity and of the donation to the neighbors.

Here I have sown the seed of the New Earth in the heart of My Beloved daughter Pama, so that she donated herself wholly and, through her hands and her heart, I could work and rescue the fragile souls, souls that have received the love of mother and father, which God had destined to His Creatures.

On this day I ask all that listen to My Voice to pray, so that this delicate and precious project of God be kept safe from the claws of the enemy, the one that tries to interfere in each one of the projects of My Son.

In this house, where with so much effort and love a hand is offered to the innocent who suffers, who perishes by the ignorance of others, in this sacred place, I have deposited My Light and Maternal Love.  My servers, you are the ones who must take care of and protect, with love, each consciousness that has arrived here to find a light for its soul.

I want to express to all, My gratitude, because I know how difficult it is for all of you, within this agonizing world, to create a space of true light and redemption, of love and evolution.

Today I ask you all to place into your hearts this project of love and redemption of Mine, where My Son aspires to arrive one day, so that all may know in the coming times, that once God signed with His finger of Love this hill, this place and these hearts, so that the seed of a New Earth, the seed of a new fraternal humanity, was gestated here.

Today I bless each one of these children, of these teenagers and of those warrior spirits who accompany them with so much love.  I pour My Graces over this place again and, in the name of the Creator, I leave My Banner of Peace, Love and Protection so that the enemy may not put its feet over here.

Blessed be those who with the purity of the heart build fraternity.  They will be called Children of God, the Most High, for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be those who truly endeavor, day after day, to transcend the evils of this world and offer to the universe a safe door through which the light of the stars may descend.  They will be called guardians of the universe, for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be those who persist, who have placed, with determination, their souls in the end of the path and build with their fidelity to the Plan of God, the opportunity to others.  Those will be called by the Creator the eternal faithfuls for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be you, Children of the Most High, for opening to Me the door of the heart day after day.

Pray, pray, day and night, for I have you always under My Mantle.

I love you and keep you in My Maternal Heart.

Thank you for waiting for Me with so much love and for being today with Me.

Your Little Mother of Heaven, Mary, Mother and Protector of all the creatures of the world

Marathon of Divine Mercy

As My storm of Light draws closer to the world, revere the Sacred and Merciful Heart of God, for He is attentive to the voice of your supplications.

Elevate your thought to God and be worthy; in this way, My companions, you will allow the Purpose of God to be manifested on Earth.

The Plan will not waste time and through The faithful followers, it will be accomplished.

After two years shared together with Me, I come again to renew you and consecrate you. My omnipresent, kind and merciful Spirit thanks all the faithful that have been consistent with My Call to prayer.

Do not fear the times that you will face; remember that I am present in your hearts.

Open the doors to My Divine Mercy more and more every day, for My last Graces are being poured out upon the world.

For this reason, through these days, I have proclaimed My requests to all, and in this way, all may be attentive to the great need of God that all souls become redeemable, kind to the Eyes of God, blessed to the Eyes of My Mother.

I want to close this meeting, My companions, giving you the Sacraments again so that you may find in them the hope to continue, for, in the end of times, My friends, you will find in each of the Sacraments the doorways to salvation and redemption.

Through My Call to Christic ecumenism, My Heart prepares the new priests on the sublime planes.

But know that My Heart sees the potential rather than the difficulties. Each of your souls has a gift that I have given you.

Through the priests, like mirrors you will reflect My spiritual petition of unifying the peoples, the races and the languages.

Woe to those who have not understood My Purpose!

My true Church is to be found in the heart of all souls. But the souls of this material world still need many rituals, many ceremonies, much consecration, so that all those attributes, which are priestly movements of light, can imprint within all hearts the codes of My Redemption and My Return, which I am now providing to you.

But even humanity must receive these codes; it will be through the priests, servers, and apostles, those who live My Gospel from the heart, who will evangelize on the New Earth through example and conversion.

While the rain falls on your spirits, receive the cosmic rays that come from the universe, the points of light that congregate at this Center, the doors of freedom that are opening for the unredeemed. All the spirits of the world are helped through this storm of light, mainly those who fell into the abysses and lost the essence of God.

Through this nightly meeting, I come to remind you of the commitment to live the Plan. This is why I give you the Holy Sacraments so that you may be strengthened and united with Me.

For in this hour, My companions, I need your supreme surrender so that My Heart can have a dwelling place in your temples; I have still not been able to enter into some beings, but My Spirit of Peace is working on each one of them.

For this reason, today I come as the High Priest and show this Face to the whole world, remembering the principle of the Last Supper, the great mystery of Love that I celebrated with all of you and that, throughout the times and the centuries, must continue to be renewed by all priests.

Renew your spirits, pray for those whom I will call on to officiate at My Celebration, for evil will not rest in seeking them; but in your inner union as souls and hearts, as it has been in these two days, you will help, My companions, for this planet not to suffer, for souls to be liberated and the Earth not to collapse.

For the Source of My infinite Mercy to continue descending upon this world and in this place for the reparation and the redemption of souls.

Thus I wait, My companions, for your faithful response.

Let us elevate to God all the supplications, the intentions, the suffering, but also the joys you achieved during these days.

Recognize the supreme vibration, My friends, of your spirits and do not allow this superficial world to take away the union with God.

Day after day, work without tiredness and without delay so that your souls may fuse with My Soul, so that My Glorified Body be in your bodies and My Divinity be able to transform you, just as God thought of since the beginning.

Let us sing to God, Our Lord:

O Blood of Christ!,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts.
Have pity on us, Lord.
(three times)

In perfect union with Heaven and Earth, the higher world and the lower world, the angels, archangels, human beings and souls, let us elevate to God, brothers, the offerings to the Altar of the Creator so that they may be the visible testimony of the conversion of beings.

Let us adore the Lord of the Universe, let us open the doors to the Grace of God. The universe, the whole universe, is attentive to this moment.

Song: Pater Noster.

While you are participants in the Communion with My Most Holy Body, feel in your hearts and your inner beings the coming of the celestial armies and choirs.

Revere this moment in which a Portal of Light coming from the Consciousness of God, through the Most Holy Heart of His Son, is radiated from here to the whole world.

Let us praise God, let us glorify the Father, let us sanctify His Name.

I thank you, for many in these days received the source of My Mercy.

Go in Peace, be renewed every day, do not forget Me, I will always wait for you in the temple of the Heart.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monthly Messages

I Am the Sacred Star of the Sea, My Love is the bright star that lights the path of the seafarers.  My Star of the Sea lights the devotion of the hearts that were wounded and lifts the lost wayfarers again to the Kingdom of Peace.

In My ocean of Graces exists a place for all the souls, to drink of the Source of Mercy and of Healing.

I Am the Star of the Sea and My paths are in your paths to help you find again the greater commitment that you had with God.  The one who comes to Me will not be lost, will never feel alone and, even more so, will be able to unite their spirit to the Spirit of God.

The whole world has forgotten that the seas are part of the Creation of God and that in them He has deposited His Spirit of Peace and of Serenity.  From the beginning the Lord has commanded to the seas that they be mirrors that reflect the Kingdom of Peace, but many of the oceans now are places of destruction and of contamination.

I want and desire to awaken in you a greater consciousness and love for the elements and for all the Kingdoms of nature, they too are part of the Spirit of My Maternity.  And you, My dear children, through prayer will permit that your planet remain pure and alive for some more time, even though the damages caused to the Creation of God throughout the centuries are innumerable.

I ask you to place in your hearts the need to pray more and to help so that beloved blue planet, where I come from, may be a future dwelling for the children who will populate the New Earth.

My Divine Mercy and My Pity have always tried to change the course of the planetary events.

As Queen of Peace I give you not only the Peace your hearts need, but I also give you the reality that you are living in this world, a world that was donated out of love for you and about which you will have to testify before God the Most High.

For this, dear children, may your eyes be opened to be able to dispel the illusion that many live.  I come to announce Peace, but I also come to announce the Truth, this is what My Son has asked Me, and together, Mother and children, we will be able to intercede for this beloved planet.

I thank all for awakening to the Supreme Consciousness, Your Eternal Father and Creator!

I bless you always,

Mary, Queen and Lady of the Star of the Sea


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, I come to bring the world a Message of Peace and of Joy. The time of Grace is possible for all, dear children.

God grants His children what they ask; for this reason, I ask for awareness.

I Am your Little Mother, the Queen of Peace; take My requests into your hearts. In this way, you will be able to immediately be in My arms and see that the safety I promise you is a celestial safety, a Maternal and Pure Love that does not come from this world, but rather from the Universe of God.

Thus, dear children, open your arms to take My Graces into your hearts. It is only through the center of the heart, dear children, that you will be able to experience the Eternity of God, the true promise of the New Earth that many souls seek but few see, that many souls seek on other paths where God is not found.

For this reason, you who are awake, dear children, open your eyes to see the Truth I give you, the Truth of the Love of God, the Simplicity of God and His Great Humility in all the universes.

If you embrace the Humility of God, dear children, the world will be able to change the lack of humility in many of My children of this world.

The great disaster of humanity is bringing huge consequences, because souls forget to dedicate their lives to prayer. Throughout time, dear children, I only ask you: remember prayer.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this night, I thank you for having responded to My call for prayer; thus, I tell you that I wish it were not necessary that My children suffer so that you ask for Mercy.

My children, I want you to carry into your hearts and consciousnesses this fervor with which you prayed during this entire night, with which you asked God for Mercy and came to His Feet, because it is in that way that I want to see you praying all the time.

I want you to never lose the fervor of your hearts, that true cry that comes from within you in face of the needs of the world. I want you to know that many needs exist that are unknown to your eyes, but that the Heart of God feels each day.

To restore the Heart of the Lord and for the salvation of all souls, you must pray beyond the events of the world, for in this way, My children, even the events that are still being generated in the universe because of the actions of human beings, will be able to be dissolved by your prayers.

Today, I only tell you to trust in My call and that you respond to this motherly request, knowing that My Eyes cover the whole world and far beyond this material plane. Day and night, My Heart contemplates the need of each soul of the Earth.

When the Lord gives Me the opportunity, as the Luminous Bird, I enter the abysses to rescue souls that need Mercy. But many of My children are submerged in ignorance, in a darkness of the consciousness and of the heart. Thus, their only hope is that other hearts open and pray for those souls they do not know.

In your hearts, My children, place all the intentions of God, Who contemplates each space of the universe and feels in His own Heart the pain of each of His creatures. Regard the Heart of God through fervent prayer, through fraternal actions that balance the lack of fraternity in the world.

It is for this reason, My children, that at this time I ask you live in community, and I need the members of these communities to be able to live a truly fraternal life, to be able to provide examples of humility and of faith, dissolving the differences that exist between hearts and cultivating the true love My Son left on the Earth.

If you open in this way, the Spirit of God will be able to place the archetype of the new life on Earth in each of your consciousnesses, so the Light-Communities of My Son are able to be a living seed of this life, a preparation for the new time, in which all of humanity will be able to find encouragement and peace.

My children, today I tell you that I aspire that everybody be able to find the refuge they seek in the Light-Communities; that those children of Mine that are lost in material life and seek for a spiritual life be able to find relief for their soul and the awakening of their spirit in this place.

Thus, I tell you, My children, that besides prayer, you must live a life of love, and in this way, balance all the events of the world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

You know, dear children, that God has power over all things, but at this time, God wants to reveal the power of Love to you, that which transforms and changes the heart completely.

Dear children, with this I want to tell you that My visionary children and the collaborators of My Marian Work are experiencing needs to be able to fulfill My call.

That is why today, dear children, by the authority God has given Me and in light of the Graces I have poured out in these last five years, I ask you, dear children, to help from the heart, that you feel with your heart what I am managing to stop in the Americas, and mainly in Europe.

All these events which occur, dear children, are wounds in the Heart of God. For this reason, He has allowed Me to intercede with the fullness of the Grace and the Immaculate Love He gave Me, in life, when I was with you on Earth.

If this Work were not able to continue, dear children, I will come back here, to Aurora, at the end of the months of November and December. The Apparitions will not be able to be in Brazil, because the triangulation I am building between Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil would become weaker, and thus you would suffer many things, because with so few children, I must carry out great planetary Works.

Today, dear children, as Mother, I confess to you; because a good Mother knows Her children, and a good disciple knows their Master. Thus, I call on you, dear children, so you are able to help Me; if not, My Work will stop.

I thank you!

Go in peace and walk in faith, because faith will transform the events.

From the beginning, I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will finish, at the request of Our Mother, doing the prayer we know of the Celestial Father so that the Plans of God can be accomplished and restored.

Celestial Father Who guides us all,

Accept our offer of surrender to You.

Guide us on the path of love,

so Your Will may be done.



On this path of transformation of your lives is present My Sacred Heart of Love.

The one who seeks Me and who truly loves Me will receive from Me the love and the trust of My Kingdom.  The one who makes an effort to live in Me will receive from My Spirit temperance and what is yet to come.  All of the souls are part of My Redeeming Project, all of the hearts are partakers of My Path to Heaven, in all of them I affirm My bases of peace and of redemption so that the New Earth may be able to manifest itself.

I still try to Be all for the souls to the point that the hearts feel craving to be with Me as if nothing else existed.  In this way I give to you new hearts that will need healing, charity and love because I expect My Servers to donate and to give to their peers the love that they feel for Me.  In this way the true fraternity will be able to be constructed and there will no longer exist barriers or preferences between My ones.

I wait that all of the hearts always strengthen their lives through My Presence.  I only expect that new Christs of love and of forgiveness be born.

Under the Absolute Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart of Redemption!

Christ Jesus


At three in the afternoon My Heart likes to enter into all of the homes where My Spirit is welcome and expected.

This act by the faithful devotees of My Sacred Heart represents the true mystery of the faith that springs from each soul, and this act of love also represents for Me an emblem of the unity between Heaven and Earth.

My Heart prepares in this time, all of the days at three in the afternoon, the soldiers of My Infinite Mercy, those that must give testimony to the world of My unprecedented approach to your Earth, to My Original House.

By your precious prayers will be prepared the Earth in which will be sown the new seed of the New Humanity which will blossom like a beautiful flower that will emanate aromas of redemption.

For this today I ask you to persevere in My Purpose so that God may send to you His Eternal Graces, those that will help you to walk between the abysses and the great battles. But for this to be possible the sincere testimonials of your faith and love for My confident Heart must emerge.

In this era of tribulation and of light God calls all of His Children so that they may climb on time onto the boat of salvation, that boat of the Divine Mercy that passes by your homes and touches the essences of your hearts.

For this I will send, as in the past, the new apostles, this time clothed in Peace and Mercy so that in humility and in prayer they may give the example of redemption and of rebirth to the life of the spirit, to the universal life of God.

All will happen in the extent of the surrender of those who may in love favor My Sacred Redeeming Project.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My Life is like a great mirror that reflects upon souls the precious Will of God.

For this, the one who is in Me and who I am in will always have discernment and wisdom sufficient to be able to decide which path to take in this time because My Heart will embrace them constantly and in this way we will be One eternally.

So that this mystery may be revealed in your lives My Heart will give you the living hope of what is forthcoming so that in this way, encouraged by My Consciousness, you may be servers of the New Earth. The one who vigils always in Me will perceive whenever he or she is being challenged to transcend themselves or whenever he or she is being cunningly deceived. In this way there will be no rivals at the moment of the battle because your hearts will be firm in My Heart and nothing will tear you down.

But the one who prays and vigils little will be like the hearts that do not persevere or follow My Words. It is necessary to have a noble and solid spirit to face the currents and the changes that will be anticipated sooner than many believe.

For this the merciful prayer is the spiritual nourishment that I have made known to you within My Divine Priesthood. Asking God for Mercy you will purify your faults and you will start again under the impulse of the purity of the heart.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words with an open mind and open heart!

Christ Jesus, Your Beloved King.


Praised be the children who come to Me! Because theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Praised be the little souls of the children who pray with Me! Because through them My Heart will liberate and give light to fallen souls.

Praised be the children who come to Me! Because in them I will deposit My New Gifts, those which will give fruit in the Promised Earth through their little hearts.

Dear children and My brothers and sisters:

Today I call you to become like children so that it may awaken in you the humility and the simplicity of loving the God of Love above all things.

Dears, it is time to throw the nets of love and of redemption so that more followers and non-followers of Mine may be able to awaken to the life of Spirit. My Sacred Heart, full of Graces and of Mercy will work through your essences. For this, it is necessary to keep the inner house in order, the temple of the heart of each one of you so that My reconciling Spirit may visit and guide you, step by step.

Dear companions, today I give you My paternal Hug of love so that you may find in Me the relief that you need and thus you may reach the Grace of the conversion that your beloved Father waits for so much from you.

Come to Me and do not get tired to come, open the door of the heart and allow to emanate from you the Source of Love so that it may be radiated to those who most need peace.

We are in times of imminent Graces, inexplicable for humanity, for this the inexhaustible source of My Heart will be able to unite itself to you by means of the prayer that renovates all things. I Am returning to give life to your spirits and to renovate in life your hearts. Just open the way so that the Shepherd may be able to guide you in Love and in Redemption.

Blessed be the meek of heart because they will be like children in the New Promised Earth, the Earth blessed by God Father.

Under the Love and the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


By praying the Rosary every day souls will place themselves, more and more, at the feet of the Lord. They will receive the balm of the Mercy of My Son and in this way the gravest faults will be forgiven by the Love of God.

Dear children, for this reason today I call you again to persevere in the purpose of prayer so that your hearts may distance themselves from the wiles of the enemy. Maintain in your lives a rhythm compatible with a life of prayer. Create indispensable moments of prayer so that you souls may be present in each moment of your lives.

When I invite you to observe a rhythm of prayer, I am calling you to maintain a conscious spiritual and inner task at this end of times. Your hearts and your lives must feel thirst for prayer and for the discovery of the Divine Mysteries that faith awakens in your hearts.

My children, for this, seek the source of your inner inspira- tion in Jesus, and His Sacred Heart will show you the correct path towards the redemption and reconciliation of each one of your lives.

It will be important, dear children, to maintain constancy in prayer because this will prepare you to face the times that will arrive for the planet.

My dear children, today I call you to have as a premise, this request of Mine, which will lead you to understand where the victorious essence of love and forgiveness is to be found.

My children, as Divine Mother, more and more, I want all My children to be considered for salvation, because I know that all should live in the beauty and the Light of the Love of Paradise.

Your sincere prayer will form the New Earth of God.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Today I come to erase from your hearts all the pain that may have remained there from the past, because the Eternal Grace of God allows Me to do this, as Mediator between all souls.

Dear children, opening your hearts today with joy, praise and canticles to the Most High, receive in them Jesus, the Redeemer. Keep His Merciful Rays in your souls so that as little sheep, you may walk with confidence towards eternity.

My children, today My Heart rejoices in seeing joy and purity in each one of the children from New Earth(*). Therefore, dear children, let us praise the Redeemer and let us thank Him because He has sent Me towards you to give you the Peace and the Love of My Immaculate Heart. To all these children that represent millions of little souls in the world, today I give My special Maternal Blessing as a luminous sign of the Holy Cross: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

My children, because of this special gathering in the Community New Earth, I want to ask you again for more prayer from your hearts, as has been born many times, and that each new prayer from the heart be directed especially to all the children in the world, even more to those who are without a father and a mother.

My Spirit of Immaculate Mother wants to embrace each one of them to relieve their pain and their abandonment. Therefore, dear children, it is important to consider in your life the prayer that repairs all the causes that are in need of peace and Light.

With your eyes raised towards the Heavens, My dear children, on this day I am grateful for the simple response from your hearts to My Immaculate Heart.

May Jesus be praised in all the children of the world! Thank you for responding to My call for Rio de Janeiro. In the Eternal Light of My Son.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) “New Earth” referring to the Light-Community New Earth, in Rio de Janeiro, where many children live.


A sign of conversion is the living of love. A sign of faith is to be daily in the Heart of My Son. A sign of hope is to pray with Me for peace. A sign of bliss is that your lives be as Sources of Mercy of the Eternal Father.

Dear children,

With joy I await you so that we may pray for peace. Praying with Me you will allow that the Ray of Grace be life and sal- vation for the souls that are scattered throughout the world.

Beloved children, in this time of changes and transformations I ask you to pour the faith of your hearts on the great Love that My Son has for all. The change in your hearts, dear children, will permit the changes in the consciousness of humanity.

My children, in this way, and for the souls, I am accompanying each one of My children in the steps of faith and consecration that all must live.

Dear children, I invite you today to take refuge in the Heart of My Son, because in Him you will find the answer and the exit path that many souls search for in this time of changes. The true change must first happen in your hearts so that later it may happen in the consciousness of all My children.

Little children, know that it is necessary that your hearts construct a new world through the love and the peace that many children do not have nor live. For this reason I call you to propagate the Love of the Celestial Father over each place on Earth. Thus the Grace that many hearts are waiting for will be able to be a truth for the life of all souls.

Dear children, cooperate with the presence of the fraternity that My Son radiates to each soul. Know, My children, that in the depths of all your hearts you are one with God.

Thank you once again for responding to My call.

Celestial Light in your hearts,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Accept with joy the return of My Son. Ignite with prayer the Light of your hearts. Thus you will be able to see the new world being born within this world. Wait in silence for the coming of My Son and withdraw your souls in the depths of His Most Holy Heart. All are invited day by day to the supper with Him so that your hearts may remember the divine alliance that once was made.

Today you are all called to reconciliation with life; My Reign of Peace brings you the Heavens, prayer, conversion and now the definitive union between souls and God. For this reason, My little children, prayer will support you in the face of the changes that will happen in the world. Prayer will awaken the true path of faith that each one of My children must begin to travel. For this I am here among you and in your hearts to let you know the Immaculate Love of My Heart.

Dear children, praying, we will prepare the heart for the new and we will open doors so that the angels may assist the world with their love. Let us revere the Creator, let us commune with Him through the Merciful Presence of My Son.

I guide you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
