Prayer of the Servant of God

O Lord,
fill our lives
with the gifts of Your Grace.

Reveal Yourself, My God,
at each step of life.

Make Yourself present in the smallest thing,
so that many more may discover
the sacred power of Your Humility.

Lord, open the doors of Your Kingdom,
so that all may enter.

With Eyes of Mercy,
may You contemplate the magnificence
that all Your Creatures are in You,
and You, Lord, in them.

May the blazing flame of Your Divine Purpose 
be recognized by those
who go through the dark night,
for You, Lord, are the Light of the world,
You are that bridge that shows itself
before our eyes,
so that we may cross it
with confidence toward Paradise.

Lord, do not look at the indifference of humankind,
the cruelty of the unbelievers;
place, Your Gaze, Lord on all those
who in sacrifice and love surrender themselves to You,
to praise You and to recognize You
as the Only Lord, Adonai.

Lord, may Your unfathomable Love
sanctify the lives of Your Children.

Make the star of Bethlehem shine once again
in the innermost depths of the hearts
of those who aspire one day
meet Christ, face to face.

Thus, My God, prepare the New Earth
through those who, out of love, offer themselves to You,
so that Your Sacred Kingdom may descend to Earth.

In this perfect union
between Your Heart and the hearts of Your children
may Your existence be vivified,
because at the end of everything,
when all will have been fulfilled
as You have decreed,
Your Creatures and You, Lord of the Universe, will be one,
and nothing more will separate life from essence,
reality from that which is immaterial,
that which is internal from that which is divine and cosmic.

Your Servant and Slave, once again, offers Herself,
in love and renunciation,
so that many more may be reborn in You.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Servant of the Lord.


My dear children,

Today I bring the Sacred Scepter of the Will of God within My Hands, so that It may be deposited into the consciousness and soul of Brazil, so that this country may fulfill, by means of all its inhabitants, the spiritual purpose of your nation, in the mission to express and reflect the emergence of the New Earth. 

For this reason, My children, God and My Beloved Son sends Me with the Scepter of Divine Purpose so that the souls of this country may not lose the guidance and the path of a spiritual and profound realization that this part of the planet has.

From Brazil, the Solar Son must emerge and reappear and, with all His angelic hosts that, under the protection of Saint Michael the Archangel, must defeat the insignia of evil so that each Brazilian child and each representative of South America may receive the Ray of Liberation, Healing and Forgiveness.

Therefore, My children, from now on, as your Mother and Patroness of Brazil, I come in prayer to prepare you, to lead you once again to My Son, for He is your Way of redemption, He is the Life for each of you, just as Christ is also the invincible Truth and Light for those who aspire to follow His Sacred Footsteps.

I am here, because I am from here, I am from this people. I am the Black Virgin, Mother of all the simple and humble. I am the Star of this blessed country.

Continue praying with Me, with love, faith and hope, until on the day of and at the least expected hour, you will see the Divine Son return and sit under the Fig Tree, to distribute and share the Bread of Eternal Life.

I thank you for responding My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

Today your Heavenly Mother comes to the world so that, through the majesty of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, humanity may for an instant feel the Attributes of God flourish so that, from now on, the coming of the New Earth may begin to be seen upon the horizon, free from human mistakes and free from the suffering that drives My Children away from God.

For this spiritual reason, your Heavenly Mother and Mother of North America is here today, opening Her Arms and offering Her Hands so you may hold them tight, trust and feel encouraged to follow this infinite path towards the unknown, because in that which is unknown you will find God and Our Sacred Hearts which, once again, present themselves to the world to remind it that it has not yet fulfilled the Will of God.

In order for the New Earth to begin to emerge upon the horizon of the human consciousness, I ask you, My children, that this New Earth, this New Humanity, may be lived first within you, protecting from yourselves the principles that unite you to the Creator and to the entire Divine Brotherhood.

Be bearers of the Sacred Love of My Son.

Be an example of constant transformation, but also be an example of perseverance, hope and, above all, of Love, of Christ's Love that allows you to accept and understand others, a compassionate love that no longer allows human beings to be selfish and autonomous.

Live the promise of this New Earth in your daily lives and create the correct condition for this moment of the New Humanity to be able to arrive, just as the Eternal Father had thought of and felt for it.

My Heart of a Mother will always be this bridge for you to feel encouraged to cross it, towards the emptiness of self.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Just as in the Message of last Saturday, I clearly said to you that My maternal call has not yet been fulfilled in Garabandal or in La Salette. Today, as the Lady of Guadalupe and Queen of Peace, your Heavenly Mother comes to spread Her Sacred Mantle upon all of Her children so that the majority of My children may be protected from the adversities of war, from persecution among Christians and the catastrophes of nature.

I come, as the Mother of the World, to make you hear the cry of Mother Earth and of the Lower Kingdoms. And while this is not taken into account, My maternal call is repeated and strengthened again so that the third Secret of Fatima may not continue to be concretized in such a fearful way.  

My children, it is necessary to do something. I come to ask you, as a Sorrowful Mother by the foot of the cross of the planet’s Calvary, that you no longer be indifferent or insensitive.

I come, as your Heavenly Mother, to open the eyes of your consciousnesses, so that you may awaken through your heart’s true feeling.

Dear children, today the cry of the planet, of the volcanoes, of the climate, of all misery and of humanity’s war is also My cry, My clamor, My voice saying: enough!

No longer be a part of pain and of a tired suffering. Be part of the New Earth, of the coming of the New Humanity, free from so many mistakes and punishments.

Today I am here with My Heart marked with the signs of My children and of a suffering world.

I am here as the bearer of Peace to the world, as the Lady of Hope.

May the Earth be blessed and consecrated to God through the yes of the apostles of Christ.

Despite this current world crisis, I tell you once again: At the end of everything, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace. 


Dear children,

A stage closes after the impulses and revelations lived in Garabandal.

Now, after this door has been opened, it is the aspiration of your Heavenly Mother that, at a later stage, Garabandal may continue to be visited, so that the knowledge that this Sanctuary holds within itself may be revealed to all.

For this reason, the mission carried out up to today has allowed for important spiritual bases to be established upon the surface, and for the angelic consciousness to have been able to approach the earthly sphere, to right away begin to prepare the emergence of the New Earth in the hearts of all devotees of the Virgin of Carmel of Garabandal.

This moment, experienced and shared with all people of Garabandal, left internally sown not just a seed of fraternity so that it may later on germinate. At some moment, when it has grown enough, it will bear fruits, which will be helpful and of spiritual benefit, not only for the people of Garabandal, but for all who welcome My Maternal Message, My call in Garabandal.

I invite you to keep praying for all that must still awaken so that, someday, through the angelic help, Garabandal may be in the spiritual place and space that it truly represents.

I thank you for having accompanied Me these days in Garabandal, making My Messages alive within you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Weekly Messages
Weekly Message received in the Commune of Castle Volturno, Campania, Italy, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús


The spiritual Blood of My beloved Son shall still be poured out as a powerful spring upon humanity.

This precious Blood, which holds the luminous codes of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, shall be that which will finish completely purifying all following believers, servers and the consecrated of Christ.

The Divine Blood of Jesus shall be poured out as a powerful Light in the world and, in that moment, all will be unleashed, everything will be defined, and the promise of His Second Return will be fulfilled.

For this reason, the precious spiritual Blood of My Son may be recognized and all of His sacrifice shall not have been in vain, in spite of the perversion in which present humanity is to be found.

When the powerful Blood of Jesus is once again poured out by the angels at the request of Christ, religions will know the true and only Face of Christ.

The moment will come when the blood of the martyrs of the end of times will also be recognized, and such a sacrifice or surrender shall no longer be experienced anywhere on Earth, for the powerful Blood of Jesus, in Its divine and spiritual state, will free all those who at some time felt like prisoners of themselves and of their human condition.

The Divine Blood of Christ, which will be offered in hundreds of chalices, shall grant those who persevere in Christ many wonders, revelations and miracles. And a new Earth will begin after everything has been purified and redeemed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



My child,

Elevate your heart to your Father and Creator, Who, from Heaven, emits His Silence to the world, observing the inner steps that His creatures decide to give in these times.

Contemplate the infinite Universe of God and, for a moment, let your thought return to its Origin, to the Creator Source from which all things come.

Contemplate with your heart the Infinite, which not only becomes visible in a starry night, but also in the depths of your inner world, where the Cosmos becomes small and life is mirrored because God mirrors Himself within you.

Today let your consciousness take one step further towards the Infinite, as towards the truth that is kept within your own being.

This is a definitive cycle for humanity, as for all life, and no creature, neither in Heaven nor on Earth, will be free from its spiritual and evolutionary definition.

The very Laws and currents that come from the Heart of God, preceding His Justice, will correct the paths and give impulse to the beings toward a definitive decision, because the moment has come for there to be only one boat, and all the self-summoned within it.

The definition of the spirit, of the consciousness and of the heart is spiritual, but it also manifests in the physical life of every being, in their actions, in their decisions, in their thoughts.

Each being, My child, will be defined according to what they have built within themselves.

If you have built a path of effort and constant surrender, albeit imperfect, the Laws and Rays that come from God will help you to establish your feet and your heart in the path of your surrender without hesitatation.

But if your heart sowed uncertainty, and again and again you preferred to surrender to temptations rather than to overcome them, then, My child, the Law and the Rays of God will put you definitively in the place that you chose to be by your free will, expressed in your actions, in your thoughts and within your heart.

The most intimate space of your heart will come to light and you will be transparent not only before God but also before humanity, because the cycle of definition precedes the cycle of revelation and, after souls have been defined, everything will be revealed to them.

I know that many will cry late for their ignorance, and they will cry out for Mercy only in the time of Justice, because pride had blinded their eyes to the Grace of God.

But today, I come to your encounter to teach you to elevate your heart toward the Heights and place your consciousness in the Divine Purpose so that the definitions of your brothers and sisters do not frighten you, nor the cry of those who will later repent. 

My Heart does not come to the world to judge souls, but to warn them, to deliver them all that they need to overcome the obstacles particular to these times.

I come for the self-summoned and I come for each of My children, for all who know how to hear Me.

My Voice does not pronounce to a few.

My Voice echoes throughout the world for everyone, because it represents the Grace of God that descends to the world for all His children.

Therefore, My child, listen to the voice of your Heavenly Mother in your heart and seek God. Choose the definition that places your spirit in the search for salvation.

Look very deep within your interior and be sincere with yourself; let your thoughts and heart reach the Celestial Spheres and understand that a greater Plan is drawn through your life and life in this world.

Render the superficialities to which you incline your heart and ask the Father with a clamor for the Grace of definitive awakening; because the awakening is gradual, and every step of your heart reveals a new awakening that becomes necessary, until you return with everything that you are, to the Heart of God.

Do not fear these times, do not fear loneliness, do not fear for your companions on the path, do not fear the darkness of the world, but be, My child, a light within that darkness.

Keep your heart in God, keep in you the love of His Purpose, and in the future you may be an assistance to those who today you see are lost in this world.

These are times of definition, times of surrender, and I know that you have already heard this throughout your spiritual walk. But now, My child, you will see before you the fulfillment of the Prophecies, which not only spoke about the end of the old humanity, but also, and above all; about the revelation of a new humankind, a new life, a New Earth.

Place your heart in this Purpose; make of yourself a seed of the new; a beginning of the new in this cycle that ends.

I leave you My blessing and My peace.

Thank you, My child, for listening to My call of peace!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My dear children:

Know that through the fraternal union of this Work with international organisms that provide humanitarian services of health and equity, Fraternidade will be considered one of the most noteworthy hands in the service of healing pain through love.

That will come about, first of all, through the spiritual formation acquired in the last thirty years. Secondly, through the integration and the experience of the community life and the group life in its different phases of work. Thirdly, through the inner and intuitive capacity of spiritually understanding the reality of the planet and of its humanity, principles given by the Spiritual Hierarchy in these times.

These three characteristics, which through the years have formed the Fraternidade -International Humanitarian Federation, are the future standards that international organisms will need, in the end of these times, to establish new humanitarian and social foundations that may help in the rebalancing of humanity through love, service, and equality towards those most in need.

The mission of the Fraternidade is to represent, on the surface of the Earth, a cultural, social, environmental, and global model that helps humanity to become aware about the importance of reversing certain worldwide factors that lead to the self-destruction of the race itself.

Disinterested and true service will be the spirit of peace of the Fraternidade, and it will seek no benefits, but rather world collaborators who sincerely support the causes and the needs of the different human groups that experience wars, hunger, exile and homelessness generated by the different nations in conflict.

Through a universal alliance with international organisms, the Fraternidade will be able to acquire a way of discharging the social and philosophical values given by the Hierarchy, seeking to teach and to establish the archetype of a new humanity.

It will be the constant exercising of unconditional service on the part of each server that will build an opportunity for each people, culture and society of this planet, for finding a path of hope to reverse the global imbalance and inequality among the different races and nations.

In this way, the humanitarian and philosophical contributions of the Fraternidade, without reference to a religion or creed, will help international organisms to eradicate the spiritual and physical poverty at a planetary level, and thus, the Spiritual Hierarchy may convey healing and relief to the millions of souls of humanity that are in inner and outer danger.

For that reason, the consciousness of this Work of love for the redemption of humanity must be very open in order to be able to accept work of a planetary scope, which will shift each server from their habitual setting, and will be called on to be an operative branch in the Inner Plan of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Four Keys

First key: neutrality.

May your spirit, mind and heart become peaceful, because the coming times will be incredible, but challenging.

Cultivate within yourself the key of neutrality because you will greatly need it so that the clashes, tests and challenges do not overcome you, but rather that, with a brave spirit, you can transcend, in silence and prayer, everything that you will live.

The key of neutrality will make of your mind an unshakable fortress and build within your heart an unmovable castle because nothing similar to you will be able to agitate or disturb you.

Neutrality will be the master key among all keys because it will make available to you the courage and inner strength to help yourself and others.

May neutrality enter into the essence of your being and neutralize all forms in order for the peacemaking and unalterable spirit to always reign before everything that you will see of yourself and of the world.

May this key lead you to the goal and, at the same time, set you aside from any indifference; because neutrality is not indifference nor omission, but acceptance of changes, maturity of spirit and inner growth of consciousness.

May the key of neutrality align your whole being and may this alignment be reflected in feeling, thinking and acting; because in this way you will build a state of permanent elevation, capable of benefitting your brothers and sisters and, above all, the planet.

Second key: silence.

Above all things, love the key of silence and this sacred key of silence will awaken in you; because silence itself will transform you, and there will be no mutism at all nor will it make you different from others.

Silence will spontaneously connect you with the Heights and then your thought will rise.

The key of silence will internally end human noise and will contribute with the expansion of inner senses, just as the capacity to perceive beyond appearances, the capacity to prevent events, the capacity to anticipate concrete results and, above all, it will awaken premeditation within you.

If silence works in humanity, it will be able to awaken silent spirits that will invisibly learn how to balance the disorder on this planet caused by the noise of this humanity.

Silence, as a key, nurtures the spirit with high vibrations that come from the Universe and allows consciousness, in any place and under any circumstance, to be in touch with its inner world.

The key of silence is capable of penetrating spaces of the inner consciousness which the human being regularly does not know due to being immersed in everything that is superficial.

Silence is considered a powerful prayer that acquires a very broad potency of action.

The key of silence heals, it is regenerative and conceives in the consciousness a state of profound receptivity.

Silence is capable of neutralizing wars, of dissolving conflicts and strengthening the essence that must fulfill its inner and spiritual purpose.

Silence awakens the spirit of the guardian and promotes the correct use of words; it builds inner unity and dissolves the tendency for competition and everything that is petty.

Silence, as a key, allows the soul to internally capture the impulses of its superior universe.

Third key: compassionate love.

If there is no love in everything, there will never be compassion. Love and compassion, as positive energies, walk together.

Therefore, love in this time is everything and will always make the difference to be able to solve what is impossible and liberate what is in darkness within the consciousness.

We were born to express love; therefore, when love is absent from a human being, they live hatred, indifference and bitterness.

Love, as a key, essentially conceives all things and is able to solve what would seem unreachable.

Love brings comprehension, understanding and, above all, it awakens wisdom.

Love stimulates the need for service and compels the consciousness to seek Instruction.

Love, as a key, reconstructs life and generates, within the whole spirit, order and silence.

Love can clear any sorrow or human incomprehension, from the very moment that the consciousness feels loved.

Love creates evolutionary bonds among souls and awakens consciousness to the path of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Love heals the wounds of the unconscious and brings degrees of hope and motivation; it unites what the humanity of the surface separates through hatred, resentment and fear.

Love, as a key, will always bring the spirit of renovation and it will deliver healthy joy for serving the Creator.

Fourth key: humility.

A principle that will protect the emergence of a new humanity.

Humility will allow the manifestation of the promised New Earth and will remove from the way the obstacles that, until now, have set humanity aside from this source of humility.

Humility, as a key, awakens resignation and isolates the consciousness from all obstacles that the capital energies impose.

Humility creates a fortress for the souls that wish to liberate themselves from their frequent errors.

Humility can make this world a more positive state of consciousness.

Humility guides the consciousness on the path of instruction so it awakens to universal commands.

Humility builds the new humanity formed by the situations and experiences that radiate love, consideration and respect.

Love, as a key, not only opens the heart to transcend forms, but also, together with humility, souls see themselves filled with new principles.

Humility is the portal that will lead you to know God within each human heart.

The four keys try to correct the attitude of the human being and of your humanity.

The keys provide souls with the simple art of self-knowledge and redemption, to awaken the new consciousness throughout the world.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Behold, I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God to open the dimensions, decreeing the Power of the Divine Light and of His Will.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God to open the doors to His Kingdom and dispel the illusion from the eyes and the hearts of My children, so they may recognize the Truth and follow It.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, which symbolizes My profound union with the Creator, symbolizes My Origin, and shows ignorant hearts of the world the real existence of the Celestial Mother.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, demonstrating that the Divine Verb is One, not only with the Son, but also with the Mother, with the Pure Womb from which all things emerged - including the Son, Who is One with the Father.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God so that all souls and all spirits may recognize the Divine Authority given to Me from the beginning; that they may recognize the new cycle during which My Womb will gestate new things, just as It has gestated everything which has been created until today.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, and many will recognize Me, but they will not understand that this is Divine Power, until this Power touches their eyes and frees them from blindness and from evil.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God to unite what was separate, so that minds yield and hearts open to Divine Truth.

I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, as I come today, and all eyes will see Me, because when that day comes, I will no longer be preparing for the Return of My Son, but rather, I will be bringing New Life in My Womb, which He will establish after His second coming to the world.

With this I tell you that, after the Son, the Celestial Mother will come. I will prepare His Steps in Spirit and in Divinity, just as I prepared His Path in silence when He was on Earth. But after His Promise is fulfilled and the Scriptures of the New Time, expressed in the Words of the Divine Messengers, are also fulfilled, I will come with the Scepter of God and will rebuild the world with My children.

I will make known to you the New Child, that for all this time I have been gestating within Me, and this Child will be born and will grow within those who are persevering and who, defeating themselves and becoming empty of self, completely surrender to God.

In the same way that My Son once ascended, He will ascend again, and just as I helped the Apostles of that time, I will help all of you. Together we will build the new world, the new time, and the dimensions will become visible.

In that moment, miseries will no longer predominate in your lives. Your transformation will no longer be just a battle against the capital forces of this world, which live within and outside of you; the transformation will be eternal and constant, because everything in the universe is transformed; however, I tell you, My children, that when I descend to the world after My Son, I will bring you a new life and I will make known to you a new path, on which the transition between the old and the new human will be consummated. And your steps will consist in uniting with the universe, recovering your filiation with God and being reintegrated with His Laws.

I will make known to you the principles of unity with all life, and the pride which today causes many to feel unique in all of Divine Creation will disappear, and you will recognize all the life that has dwelled in the Cosmos since the beginning, and which in humility, waits for you to grow up and awaken.

Behold, I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God and will establish peace within and outside of you, in this world and beyond. But until that moment comes, persevere, surrender, humble yourselves, forgive everything, including yourselves, and seek the void, with constancy and faith.

For soon the day will come in which you will see the Scepter of God in My hands, and you will give thanks for seeing the fulfillment of everything that I once told you.

I thank you and bless you, so that you do not lose faith nor the divine hope of seeing the Sacred Scriptures of these times fulfilled.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of the Child King, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I Am the Always Immaculate Virgin

On this day, dear children, when all the Heavens proclaim My purest and most divine Immaculate Consciousness, I would like the coming of your Heavenly Mother to be proclaimed in the Heaven of this Marian Center of the Child King.

I want each of My children present here to be able to awaken their immaculate spirit within themselves, held in the deep essence of each being.

Because of this, on this day your Mother, the Immaculate Conception, comes to this Marian Center to finish founding and erecting the spiritual bases that will make of this place one of the first islands of planetary rescue for the Mineral, Plant, Animal, Human and Devic Kingdoms.

Throughout these recent years, during which this Center was being built, you, dear children, experienced and learned unconditional service and love.

In this cycle, when the human consciousness will need to be guided in its experience of redemption and purification, I lovingly invite you to enter into a mature practice of the Law of Hierarchy so that each step taken here may be permeated by the purest Love of God and of His whole Celestial Consciousnesses.

I need, children, that from now on your hearts prepare to experience a new cycle, a cycle of conscious and inner instruction that will begin with the impulses that the entire Spiritual Hierarchy will give to this planet.

Having already formed the bases of fraternity, of service and of love, you will be able, as in other times, to together take this step for the common good and for a Greater Purpose.

Today I leave you the remembrance of My Immaculate Conception so that on this February 11th, from the Marian Center of Lourdes, there may again arise the innocence that this humanity and this planet so need in order to experience their awakening and redemption.

I am happy to return to the manger of the New Earth to see the little Child Jesus in each one of you. I am grateful because you have received Me with love and devotion.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with the Triune Flame,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The New Earth will be rebuilt among a few, and from them will be born the relief for all that was created. Thus, in this cycle the efforts will be great and the steps that must be taken will be ever larger than the possibilities of everyone.

The time has come to take that leap toward a greater trust in God. The Father and His beloved Son will never forsake Their disciples, for in this way, you will be able to take the steps that will cause the human consciousness to ascend on many planes.

Atavism must be defeated, and for this, concentration and patience will be the keys that will allow a solid fortress to be built in each soldier, which will make of them, at each stage, a fulfilled server in the Hands of God.

Abysses must be crossed, hells of the consciousness must be closed. But above all that, there will be the guiding hand of Those Who in the beginning guided the stars. We are at the point where the scales are shown so that each one may define themselves and place their weight on one of the plates.

Grace will make great conversions out of impossible things. But the disciple of Christ must not lower their arms before it is time. Everything will be allowed, and from the choices of their peers, many will learn to love what they have never managed to love.

Valor, courage, patience, and above all, love in the consciousness will help in going through this planetary time of instability.

May those who still persist know that We are with them. The Celestial Father sends Us from the most High of the universe to cause those who accept the final rescue to rise. Forward!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who contemplates you and gives you impulse,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

To be able to liberate you from the bonds of the human condition, there must exist in your hearts an adherence capable of transcending all the limits of terrestrial consciousness.

For this, dear children, the first step is to have faith and hope that this liberation will take place and will make of each moment an opportunity to evolve.

In this time, the souls present in the world will face their purification without even knowing it, but that heart that has as a premise a life of continuous prayer, will find the keys it needs to make of each experience, as well as of each test, an opportunity for transcending the abysses of consciousness.

The Universe will present each being with the moment of taking its definitive step toward the unknown and of being able to become disentangled from the bonds of the Earth.

For that moment you must be prepared in prayer, because in this way your hearts will be able to count on the help of the angels to walk firmly towards the final goal, which is to come together with My Son after all the experience of this school.

The Father, by means of His redeemed children, will write a new history that will later be told on the New Earth and in the new humanity as the events that have allowed the whole of this race to have an opportunity of living inner redemption.

I leave your paths clean, so that you can walk firmly in the transformation of consciousness as a continuous offering to the Creator.

I thank you for transcending yourselves a little more every day.

Who gives you the impulse to upliftment,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


And like a Sun, you will see coming the Powerful Son of all universes, stars and planets.

And in His Right Hand you will see the Scepter of Divine Justice, which will calm the fury of the unjust and the indignation of those that suffer.

On that day, you will see the twelve angelic choirs, being guided by the Holy Archangel Michael; and like a shaft of Light, you will see His Divine Sword move, from west to east and from north to south, registering the sign of the Glorious Coming of Christ in the sky.

All will rise from their beds because of what they will see: the Son of Man raising the banner of victory of the redeemed that have fulfilled the Designs of His Sacred Heart; and the Great Breath of the Holy Spirit will blow like a great stream of a thousand winds, moving the ship that will flame, radiating the virtues achieved by the self-summoned.

In that hour, the Lord God, the Almighty, will contemplate the immensity of the world, and the vast universe, filled with beings and stars, will descend in Mercy to re-establish the Thousand Years of Peace.

No soul or consciousness will be left behind, because the Prodigal Son, with the splendor of more than a thousand suns, will shine in order to pour out His Sovereign Peace.

At that moment, all suffering, decadence and damnation will disappear from the face of the Earth, and what has oppressed for eras, since the Adams and Eves, will be imprisoned and will go through its final redemption; because the great fallen angel will not bear the Infinite Love of the Son of God, will lay its head on the ground with all its fallen armies, will be converted and will leave the planet, and the new apostles will govern the New Earth.

Christ will place His Feet on the ground where He shed His Precious Blood, the Sacred Chalice will come out onto the surface and humanity will experience its last expansion of consciousness.

The wicked will be defeated. The prisoners of themselves will be freed, and there will no longer be any anguish nor pain.

After the planet has been purified, the creator angels will descend and will make of all the lakes of the Earth the new reservoirs of humanity.

So let it be.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who reveals the truth of the heart to you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Beloved children, with celestial joy and bliss, I return to the world to see My Plan of love triumph in the hearts of humankind.

I know that terror, fear, and pain take over the hearts of many of My children who are subjected to wars and to conflicts, within and outside of themselves.

I know that many are struggling to establish Peace within themselves, and fear not being able to keep themselves in balance, so great is the chaos they live every day.

I know that humankind still separates all things and that their pride does not allow them to unite that which God inspired to be a path that would lead to His Heart, and not to the establishment of human will, such as are religions.

But I come to the world so that you may live what seems impossible to you, because, in truth, beloved children, everything I ask of you is within everyone’s reach, but you ignore the truth about yourselves and are still asleep to the life of the spirit, which is more than just dedicating some prayers to Me every day.

It is for this reason that I am here and that I travel through each nation of the Americas that must manifest the Plan of God in these times. I come to strengthen praying hearts so that they may be the pillars that will sustain the world when it cannot sustain itself on its own.

I come, beloved children, in order for you to discover that the joy and bliss of the spirit are not to be found in the things of the Earth and for you to learn to discern, in the events that will come, where the will of God is and where it is not, so that in this way you may know how to let yourselves be guided by this will, and not outside of it. In this way, you will be able to see the old world structures collapse without losing hope, spiritual joy, and faith, because you will know that these ashes will fertilize the soil of a new world and will strengthen hearts so that an unshakeable race sustained by love and by unity with God may arise on Earth, and no longer by the pleasures and by the material power that this world offers you, and for which you struggle day and night, even knowing that they will perish as dust at the end of all things.

I come to consecrate the Americas, children, so that you may learn again how to understand life and its values. I come so that you may recover the sacred that exists in your families. May you understand that a group of souls gathered together by God must fulfill a mission of expressing love and the capacity to understand others and uniting with them, beyond their shortcomings, miseries, and imperfections.

Family life creates conditions for you to awaken the true love, for example, of a mother for her child; that love which transcends the barriers of egotism and of the human condition and that you must learn to extend to the whole of humanity.

But if you degrade family life and bring to your homes the indifference and the sparse love that is experienced in this world, you are missing the opportunity that God has given you of awakening a pure and true love. Because of this, My children, it is so important that you know how to love and respect your families and that you also know how to extend this bond of love to all souls in this world.

Gradually, with My love and My celestial motherhood, I lead you to the universal family, which is what must be manifested on an Earth consecrated by God.

My children, may My presence among you not be the only thing that brings the impulse to transform and consecrate this world, but may each one, according to their perseverance and their faith, also be an engine that transforms and purifies the Earth, so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled.

Today I leave you My love and My peace, so that you may have the faith and the courage to transform your lives, and with them, the life of this world.

I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My beloved children,

While the world agonizes and My adversary tries to write a different future for the Earth through the wounds set in the hearts and spirits of the children and youth who live in wars, My maternal Spirit of love tries to lead you to balance and to the reparation of the human heart.

Children, the deep wounds that are being spiritually stamped in the children and youths of today causes hatred and resentment, the eagerness to start new wars and revenge to grow in the hearts of My little ones, and extinguishes from within them the gift of the fear of God, the possibility of loving, finding peace, expressing harmony, beauty, fraternity, purity, and compassion.

The youths and the children who suffer today due to wars, and who even actively participate in them — forced or led by the resentment in their hearts – are souls that have come to the world to render a service, to express a divine attribute, and to take to the Universe a learning of love and unity.

For this Plan of the Creator to not be lost or modified by the hands of the adversary, I call on you to balance, to generate unity, peace, harmony, and fraternity. I call on you to spread love, and the possibility of experiencing on Earth a healthy life that is full of God. I call on all the youth of the planet to collaborate in the redemption, not only of their own beings, but also to be guardians of the future of all humanity; guardians of the divine project whose manifestation will be their responsibility in the coming time.

My Children, the Youth Festival for Peace is not only a meeting of amusement for the youth, like many festivals that take place throughout the world. The Youth Festival for Peace is the seed of a new life that I am planting in the consciousness of those who must carry forward the Plans of the Most High; of those who must transcend themselves and all mundane influences and superficialities to express a divine archetype, based on love, unity, and fraternity.

Today I call all the youth of the world to unite in heart and in spirit with the Youth Festival for Peace, where they will express themselves through art, singing, creativity, spirit, and will speak the language of the heart through the prayer that is found in all these things.

The art that they will express there will not only be an individual or group manifestation of harmony and beauty; it will be an offering on behalf of all the youth and children of the world who can no longer express themselves freely through arts, and who have not been able to find within themselves the way to express the joy of their souls with colors, harmony, and beauty, because many times, My children, this joy is absent.

May singing be a singing that heals, radiates, renews and inspires new hearts.

May the photographic arts lead them to the sacred, to communion with life, the expression of divine beauty, which in daily life they are not able to observe.

May the words written among verses and poems express the gratitude of the soul for serving God, and may they always be a source of awakening for other spirits.

May each moment of interaction and fraternity be an offering for all the lack of love that permeates the world today and for the inability that the adversary has caused in many of My children to experience unity with their neighbors, even within their own families.

Beloved children, today I will ask everyone to support, to help, and participate in the Youth Festival for Peace, seeing it not only as a moment of peace for My dear young people, but also, children, as a planetary service that is based on the example and the living of divine principles that express themselves in the simplicity of the young heart.

May all the youths and children of the world receive the radiation of this divine seed that will be planted in the human consciousness through this Festival, and thus the Plan of the Creator may find hope and renewal in the human heart, in the heart of the youngest ones.

I love you, and today I bless you, at the same time that I bless My beloved daughter, who also represents the youth that is consecrated to My Heart, the future of the planet, and its entry into the real time of the universe.

I leave you My holy peace.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

Your prayers are like this dew that cleans and refreshes all the flowers. Your prayers are this flame that burns and purifies everything in the sublime fire of Creation. For this reason, seek the inner transformation every day so that the Father sees the result of this great conversion.

Dear children, following the footsteps of My Son, you will be able to reach the redemption of your lives, and they will be able to be the spiritual model for the New Earth.

Children of Mine, find the possibility of configuring your consciousnesses again in the inner change, so that promptly they receive from the whole universe the spring of the Divine Law, the unbreakable force that transforms you.

The Spirit of God will be blessing you this month of December, the Spirit of Grace and Mercy. Be like this, constant, in order to ascend on the stairway of love and humility, the stairway towards the Sacred Heart of My Son.

I thank you for answering My call!

I bless you. I Love you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


​​​​​​Let us pray, the world needs it.

Let us pray, because the Plan is precipitating.

Let us pray for unity to prevail.

Let us pray for the ones who are purifying themselves.

Let us pray for the ones who are being hypnotized.

Let us pray for the incredulous.

Let us pray for the selfish.

Let us pray for those who have failed.

Let us pray for those who deserve nothing.

Let us pray for the ones who have got lost.

Let us pray for the ones who commit injustices.

Let us pray for the ones who lie.

Let us pray for those who have no faith.

Let us pray for the ones who are forgotten.

Let us pray for the ones who are not loved.

Let us pray for the ones who do not have a house.

Let us pray for those who do not know where to go.

Let us pray for the ones who are living in calamity.

Let us pray for the ones who die unjustly.

Let us pray for the ones who are being crucified.

Let us pray for the ones who are living the war.

Let us pray for the innocent.

Let us pray for the ones who pay the price error.

Let us pray for the unfortunate.

Lets us pray for the idolaters and atheist.

Let us pray for the ones who are unworthy of peace.

Let us pray for the ones who reign in false power.

Let us pray for the ones who create nuclear bombs.

Let us pray for the ones who contaminate the oceans.

Let us pray for the ones who destroy life.

Let us pray for the ones who kill human gestation.

Let us pray for the women who abort.

Let us pray for the ones who are imprisoned.

Let us pray for the ones who live in the inner prison.

Let us pray for the ungrateful ones.

Let us pray for the ones who are destroying the planet.

Let us pray for the ones who violate the Laws of the Universe.

Let us pray for the ones who omit themselves.

Let us pray for the ones who instill fear.

Let us pray for the hard-hearted.

Let us pray for the ones who do not have love.

Let us pray for the ones who condemn themselves.

Let us pray for the ones who refuse to wake up.

Let us pray for the ones who do not persist.

Let us pray for all of them, day and night.

Let us pray without leaving behind the path of persistence and faith.

Let us gives thanks for all that we have.

Let us give thanks for what we are.

Let us give thanks for the Love of God.

Let us give thanks for not being unconsciousness.

Let us give thanks for always being redeemed.

Let us give thanks for the Infinite Grace that fills us.

Let us be grateful for the Presence of Christ.

Let us be grateful because He forgives us.

Let us be grateful for the inner strength that we do not lack.

Let us be grateful for everything that the Lord gives us, in this way we will establish the Kingdom of God and the New Earth will be born.


I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you above every error and every fault,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

This coming Christmas, I wish for the spirit of reconciliation with God to be established in your hearts, so that the act of constant reconciliation with one another is not lost in the world, thus attracting the spirit of Peace.

This will help register, within your memories, a moment of reconciliation and forgiveness; this will allow you to never forget the essence of the love that can do all. Be patient with your own difficulties.  

This upcoming Christmas, may souls experience the Birth of My Son, as something truthful and deep. In this way, dear children, your hearts will become receptacles that are prepared to receive the same codes of light that the Sacred Family received in those times, from all the angels of the universe, when they gathered around the Sacred Birth of Jesus.

My children, as Your Mother and Protector of the spiritual life, I wish that each one of your essences start, from now on, preparing to be able to spiritually enter into the manger of Your Lord. For this, may your daily acts no longer be of conflict or disagreement, may your gestures and actions be permeated by the Love of God.

Remember, dear children, that in this month of December, the month of the Lord Jesus, the families will be the perfect motive for the work that is spiritual and of unity among beings.

The war is not over yet, and together we must make possible the prevalence of the values that make of the family of Earth a hoped for model of consecration and spiritual life.

For all this, the Sacred Hearts will work, in this month of December, for the realization of the project of the new family, which in essence and consciousness will repopulate the New Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In prayer and preparation for the birthday of the King,

Who greets you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Never forget that I am the Great Mirror of the Mercy of God, which lovingly offers redemption to the world.  Never forget that I am Your Mother and that I incarnated in this world in order to remind you about the Purity of God; that I am by your side at all times, both in joy and in the tests. 

I am that Lady that suffered together with Jesus, and I am the same One that carries with you the Cross that God gave you.  I have come to the Kingdom of Aurora to let you know about healing of the soul and of the spirit.  I have come to this sacred ground to reveal the sacred precinct and the divine refuge to all the hearts.

If this is your house, why will you not come?  If your heart woke up in Aurora, why will you not call Her?  I need you to learn to redeem yourself in this sacred place.  Maybe your being does not find beauty and perfection here, but your consciousness will rejoice because it will see in the horizon the Light of redemption.

For this, encourage yourself to be transformed overnight.  Let My own Aurora show you the steps towards inner healing.  Do not depreciate this opportunity. You know that millions of souls neither know this nor have the Grace of receiving, like you do, the power of the healing love.

The planet suffers for so many condemnations and for so many tests and you must be this new divine cell in profound redemption.

You must not live for yourself anymore; rather, you must live for that which God wants, thus you will get to know the true and great Will in your life.  Walk with trust towards this great discovery.  A new awakening waits for you.  An ultimate call is being announced to the world.

Neither keep rancor towards your own self nor towards your brothers and sisters.  Rid yourself right away from the bonds that take you to constant error.  You must no longer be the same, you must be that which My Son expects.  You must no longer think like you think or work like you have worked until now.    You must be that which you have never lived.  You must reflect the true being that you have not yet awakened within you.

For this I do not come as Your Mother in order to awaken your mind because in this way you will never understand that which I say to you as long as your ideas act.  Thus, live like My Son taught you by means of His Passion.

Love beyond your preferences and likings.  Love with maturity in order to be able to see the meaning of true love.  I come to divest you from arrogance to give you the clothes of love.  I come to remove haughtiness from you in order to give to you the holy meekness in hand.  I come to extract pride from you, so that I can show simplicity to you.

I want you to be a different being from this moment on.  I hope that you will understand and feel the path that I am showing you, the path towards the absolute inner emptiness.  But do not fear to be naked and display so many imperfections;   seek the essence and the humiliations so that your ways will be transmuted. 

Stay by My side and you will not suffer.  Live in the refuge of My Heart and you will free yourself from everything.  Amid so much human wickedness I must rescue the most in need so that they will be redeemed seeds in the New Earth.

Do not fear the possession of your own life because the true life waits for you in the cosmos.  Let yourselves be guided day and night.  Surrender to My Instruction and make an effort to change, thus God will be able to hope for the Plan to continue.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you profoundly and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Sovereign Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
