Vigil in prayer so that your heart is willing to embrace the mysteries of the Celestial Kingdom as never before experienced by humanity.
Vigil in prayer so that your consciousness may know how to recognize the visible signs of the Presence of God, and It may transform you inside and out.
Vigil in prayer so that, with an empty heart, you may be able to receive all the divine gifts that, as a last impulse, are being delivered to humanity. Let these gifts become life, becoming fruit within you, that which will take you to participate in a new Earth, a new time.
Vigil in prayer so that the many traps of the enemy do not confuse you and do not make you perish before you reach within yourself the renewal of the Love of God.
Just pray, child, and vigil in prayer, because the time has come for the definition of each being, and every instant must be a moment for you to confirm your vows with God.
Vigil in prayer and do not allow it to be you who becomes taken off of the path.
Vigil in prayer to know how to ask for help in the right moment, to know how to cry out to God for His Grace.
Vigil in prayer to see when the other needs you, even in silence.
Vigil in prayer, to understand that your life, as small as it may seem, can transform other lives, when you know how to be an instrument of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While your prayers rise up to the Heavens and touch the Heart of God, with their praise, the choirs of angels and archangels proclaim the redemption of souls, the past of the nations, the history of the continents, held within the human consciousness.
The love with which you pronounce your prayers to the Father builds the path towards Heaven, and the doors of the Kingdom of God open, not only to receive lost souls, but to pour upon the world the Grace and Mercy that it needs so much. The renewal which comes from the Grace of God touches the Earth and transforms it, making the ground on which beings walk sacred.
Each moment of prayer is unique and, for the companions of Christ, must be that which is most important in their lives, because it is there where a New Earth and a New Time begins to be instituted in this world.
Continue praying with love, continue crying out for peace.
Your prayers are being heard in Heaven by the Compassionate Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While in the world the nations seek blind ways to establish human power and design wars and chaos to submit the souls to suffering and dispair, you, child, must put your heart more and more inside the Heart of God.
In prayer, recognize the Power of God, which is beyond any human power.
Remember that your life must be the bridge to a new life on Earth and that your heart must be the beginning of the new humanity within this life.
May the vices and temptations of this time not stimulate you to forget The principal motive of your existence. Everything on this Earth will pass; only the learning of love that you have lived in your heart will remain.
Your effort and your endeavor are what will count in the book of Divine Justice as merit to balance the life on Earth so that those who do not deserve will receive an opportunity.
Assume the place that corresponds to you within this end of the cycle. God is calling you to be the precursor of the new and not to be feeding the old man, his vices and vanities.
Find the Power of God in the renunciation, in silence and in prayer. Find your freedom in what unites you with the Father so that, no matter what happens in this world, your spirit, soul, mind and heart are always a stronghold that helps others not to lose hope and to know that in the most difficult moment of life on Earth is when Heaven will open and, walking through the clouds, will descend the Son of God, bringing with Him His Kingdom to establish it within this world.
Trust that, although it is all so unknown, parts of the age-old prophecies that are still waiting to be fulfilled, will be fulfilled.
Pray and grow in love so will your heart be ready.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Drink from the Sacred Chalice of the Lord and adore His Blood, eternally poured out upon the Earth, as a Fount of Mercy for all beings.
Drink from the Sacred Chalice of the Lord and revere His surrender, every day, renewing your commitment to Christ.
In the Holy Chalice, contemplate His eternal offering of Love. Contemplate His Grace in this Cup, always full to quench the spiritual thirst of all hearts.
Revere the Holy Chalice, which within it holds the new genetics, the new patterns of life for the Earth and for all the Universes.
Commune with this Blood, so that it may change and transform your cells, your atoms, your consciousness and your spirit into a living imitation of Christ.
From the Hands of the Lord, receive His Holy Chalice and drink from it. This is the offering of eternal life, of life in Christ, where Love is renewed and multiplies within each instant.
On this day, the Lord offers His Holy Chalice to all beings and pours His Blood out upon all life. His impulses of light cross boundaries and dimensions and permeate all beings.
May this river of Mercy touch you and be able to enter into your beings, into your hearts, and find you open to be washed by Christ.
In reverence, be in communion with the principles of the new life, for through the Blood of Christ, this life is impregnated on Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Decree of Hope for the Heart of the Earth
Hear, O Heart of the Earth!
The cycle of definition of your destiny has come.
Walk towards your new name, towards the expression of your new life.
In this calvary that you are experiencing, carrying the cross of the end of times,
see your Heart become the stage of a battle,
fought since the origins of human life and therebefore.
See that the time has come for this battle to end,
and prepare the hearts of your children
so that they may be triumphant in Love and in Truth.
O Heart of the Earth,
your new name is drawn like fire upon the horizon,
and nothing will be able to stop the triumph of your destiny.
Radiate the faith that is born in the center of your being toward each one of your children
so that, through it, they may come to know Truth and Good.
Dissolve, little by little, the time that is around you,
like veils that cover your face,
hiding the Truth that exists beyond you.
Let your children gradually enter into the Time of God, into the Real time,
so that they may recognize, not only the seriousness of these days,
but also the majesty of your purpose.
Let your children contemplate, not only the illusion
and the somnolence that absorbs beings,
but also let them know their origin and what caused them to come here,
to become human beings, hope of the Heart of God.
O Heart of the Earth,
that is in agony and has been saddened throughout this birthing of a child,
which has been seemingly eternal and
so much awaited for by all of Life.
Even though your contractions may be painful and your body may be tired,
do not lose the hope of seeing the new human, the new life, born from you.
Behold, gradually the promise arises that the Creator made to you,
since the beginning of your existence and before;
this promise that was renewed over the course of human evolution,
that triumphed on the Cross of the Savior and that must culminate
with the cross of these times, the planetary cross.
Let the promises of God become alive,
and see the prophecies of the Armageddon come out of the sacred books.
But, beyond that, also see the sky open, and among the clouds,
the choirs of angels preparing for the Return of the Living God to your embrace.
He will come with His Arms open to receive the children that were born of you,
and taking this new life into His Arms,
He will elevate the dimensions and soothe the pain.
He will bring His Kingdom to the world and you will no longer be called Earth, nor Jerusalem.
Your name will resound from the heights, that sacred sound,
pronounced by God since the beginning.
And with that vibration upon you, you will no longer see pain, but rather peace.
In you, your children will grow and, for a thousand years,
they will strengthen Love within themselves,
until they are ready to allow Love to triumph in all life.
Remember My words, o Heart of the Earth,
and remind your children that your story is already defined
and that, in spite of all the challenges, they must never lose faith.
I leave the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer for the New Life
May awakening take place within the hearts
and consciousnesses
of those who have committed themselves
to the renewal of the Love of God.
May prayer be the Living Water
that keeps the hearts clean,
the minds at peace and the spirits pure
to respond to the Celestial Call.
May service be the torch
taken up to ignite the hearts
that have lost hope,
and may it renew them in love, in faith
and in the joy of being alive.
May knowledge be the reason
for the constancy of the beings
in the Plan of God
because Wisdom vivifies and strengthens them
with true foundations to reach the Father.
May fraternal life be the sustenance and the strength
of those who aspire to participate In the New World,
for they know that anything can only be built
by loving others in unity.
May the love for the Kingdoms of Nature be a sign
that Redemption has been fulfilled
and that the One Thousand Years of Peace
begins to manifest on Earth
which, worthy of a new name,
returns to the Heart of God.
So be it.
Your Father and Friend.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Fix your gaze and your heart on God so that neither hatred, fear, insecurity nor lack of faith consumes you.
Fix your gaze and your heart on God so that you consolidate, within yourself, that which will sustain you on the planet as a seed of a new life, unchangeable in its love, even before the Divine Justice or the chaos attracted and generated by human beings.
Fix your gaze and your heart in God, so that being real and truthful to your union with the Father, you can guide, raise and sustain others who have not known how to keep themselves on the right path, when everything was given to them.
Fix your gaze and your heart on God and not so much on the chaos and ignorance of the world. You need to make of your heart a wise and pure heart in love and of your spirit a firm and full spirit in truth.
Therefore, child, see what happens in the world, pray and learn with the mistakes and errors of humanity, but, above all, fix your gaze and your heart in God, so that, thus, you are in peace and attract peace to Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Oh human soul that is in the last time of your imperfection, renounce what binds you to the old world, and launch into the infinity of a new life! Struggle firmly in your last battle of this cycle of darkness, a battle that will cause you to ascend to sublime realities and that, despite being long and painful, its merits will never end.
Oh soul that is so unknown to yourself, plunge into your inner world and remove the veils that cover your human eyes, so that you may discover the infinity of your own consciousness.
Soul of God, so tired of the cycles of illusion experienced on this Earth, the blindness and indifference are now coming to an end, so that you may rest contemplating the Sunrise of a new day, of a new era.
Soul of God that is so small and infinite at the same time; your greatness was hidden by the ignorance of the human mind, and your smallness is to be found in the humility which you are to uncover. Within you, humility and greatness must encounter, because it is only through recognizing yourself as a small nothing that you will discover the likeness to God that contains all things within Himself.
Open your heart to the Creative Word, speak through prayer, and no longer with human concepts and limited ideas.
Contemplate before you the great example of the Sacred Family and overcome the ancient prejudice against being pure and simple like those three Sacred Hearts. The greatest of mysteries is unveiled in simplicity.
No longer search so much for great sciences, if the greatest of all sciences is to discover yourself in likeness to God: in Him lies Omniscience.
While the world anchors matter to the old patterns of the Earth, elevate yourself, little soul. Make yourself light as the wind and return to the Father. In the silence of your example, carry all humanity with you, and reaching the Heavens, open the doors to the new time, to the time that has always been, that is, but that your world never came to know.
Go in search of the new, the eternal, the infinite.
Who shows you the path to the new era,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the youth on Earth awaken, transcending old human patterns and recognizing their universal identity.
May they awaken to the love and unity with God, finding a meaning for their own existence.
May the youth on Earth awaken, renouncing the pleasures and superficialities of the world, to experience true rejoicing, which is heavenly. May they awaken to the mission that eons ago, in the Cosmos, they committed themselves to fulfill.
May the precursors of the new world awaken, those who will not measure efforts to make good triumph and who, with their examples, will convert and awaken new spirits.
May those awaken who, in the impetus of their youth, will break barriers and erase borders, recognizing the unity that exists among all the creatures of God.
May the youth on Earth awaken to a higher life, to the love of the Cosmos and to the Plan of the Creator. May they recognize that this time is definitive and may they fearlessly walk to the establishment of peace.
May those awaken, who will imitate the example of Christ and will unite cultures, creeds, races, nations, languages and religions with a single purpose: to establish peace and to manifest a new world.
May those awaken, who will unite the times, who will open the doors of the Earth to new laws and universal rays, who will remove the veils from the human consciousness and dissolve its blindness, making it recognize the true light.
May the children of the New Humanity awaken, those who, in universal history, will be known as the ones who have transcended the old patterns through love, who have defeated darkness with the light of their own essence and who have manifested the Divine Purpose, taking to the universe, to the redeemed Earth, a civilization of new Christs.
May those awaken, who will not fear to take the steps that the Creator expects and to live that which today seems impossible to humanity; those who, living love and unity, will permit that Christ, who was their example, continue His evolution and transcend material, mental and spiritual life, managing to be the Life that dwells in all, in the sublime universes, in the Consciousness of the Father.
May the youth on Earth awaken: the youths of body, mind, heart and spirit.
May all those who hope to represent the New awaken.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To the youth of the planet,
Children, this is the beginning of a new cycle for the planetary consciousness. Next August will mark the time of even deeper definitions for souls, and the Youth Festival for Peace comes to open the doors of this cycle for all young people of the Earth.
You must be aware that your mission does not start or finish in this Festival, because it is the beginning of a path which will be endless, profound and painful for many, a path of transformation, of definition, a path to discover the truth about yourselves and lose the fear of expressing it.
I tell you that it will be a painful path because the current youth is very involved with superficialities, in a poorly profound life from a spiritual point of view. It is a youth educated to think only in themselves, in their own advantage, in their own pleasure. It is a youth built in an era of permanent involutive stimuli, a youth that represents the last cycles of the old humankind and that is completely impregnated by the patterns left by all the previous generations.
This is the youth that must live the transition of the planet and bear the currents that will descend to reform the Earth and to attract a new life. This youth will have to say "no" to all the patterns they carry in their consciousness - as a compiled set of human experiences of all eras of humanity – in order to be nothing and be reborn in life as children of God.
Thus, children, see that the Youth Festival for Peace is only a door that opens in the consciousness of the youth and that very timidly shows you the rising of a new Sun in the horizon.
Being the beginning of a new spiritual cycle, although it may not seem to be so, the Youth Festival for Peace will place your consciousnesses before an inner synthesis, perhaps even sooner than the Festival happens.
That will be so because those who first say "yes" are the spearhead that breaks the old barriers and opens the consciousness for the new. These must be the example for those who will come afterwards, and to be so they will be forged in the invisible of the spirit.
May the young people awake for a new time and a new life. May they prepare their spirits to sustain the planet with peace and inner harmony, and may they be the sowers of the future, preparing life of those who will be the youth of the new Earth.
I leave to you this impulse that expands your consciousness and elevates you so that you may start to be aware of the life of spirit and do not remain so tied to appearances and to matter. The current youth is already a prisoner of appearances and many young people do not know who they are because they only know what they want to appear to be. As an impulse for all the human consciousness, be true and transparent, and do not be afraid of loving and being as you are.
Recognize that there is a great spiritual mystery behind each request of the Divinity because – when you work for God - everything has a Higher Purpose.
I leave you My Best Wishes for a good awakening for all.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear child,
Every day, strengthen in your interior the certainty of the existence of a superior life and of a purpose that transcends matter and the superficialities impregnated in it.
In these times, many will strengthen illusions, the disproportioned pleasures and the absolute usufruct. The big companies that dominate the ordinary mind of humanity with their influences inspired by the forces of chaos – in the same way that the false governments of this world – will encourage humanity to seek pleasure above life itself.
When the change of the planetary cycle becomes visible even to the blind of heart, Light will call Its children to Itself, and darkness will also want to strengthen its reign. You, as a child of Light, must be a beacon which illuminates the path of the lost ones and indicates them the goal.
Do not let yourself be carried out by the despair of humanity or even by the anxiety of “gratifying yourself while there is time”, because this will be the motto of the dark ones in the end of all.
Seek to be lucid amongst all and, much as those who you love follow other paths, remain yourself firmly in the purpose of reaching God.
Child, never think it is not worthy to keep spiritual principles and try to find God in a world that has drifted away so much from Him. Much as the world around you seems to be ending, the principle of all, the seed that will impregnate the New Earth will be inside of you and, while you still remain steady despite yourself, it will never die.
God is alive in the interior of all His Creatures, but He only acts by means of those who believe in this truth and remain in it, even if they seem to be the only ones with this certainty.
The things I tell you, child, you may find today in the world around you or tomorrow beside you. For this reason, assimilate what I tell you and consolidate inside of you the absolute conviction of the triumph of God on Earth.
Much as this war may not be visible to your eyes in this moment because of your spiritual immaturity, just trust and grow. Mature your spirit with foundations sanctified by the impulses of the Divine Messengers and you will be, yourself, the Living Principle of a perfect Creation in this world.
Like you, there will be others; and from you all will raise the New Humanity. For this reason, be brave and persevere. Do not stop working, we are counting on you in this army of love, peace and renovation for the Earth.
Your Father and Friend, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more