May the Peace of the Heart of Christ permeate the hearts of all those who cry out for relief and hope.
Children, fix your eyes on the horizon, and in prayer, wait for the dark night of the world to give way to the dawn of a new life.
Fix your eyes on the horizon and concentrate your beings on serving and bringing peace to your own heart, as well as the hearts of your brothers and sisters, through understanding, silence, listening, wisdom, and above all, intercessory prayer for souls.
Fix your eyes on the horizon, where the Divine Purpose rises, and walk, building that goal of reaching the Light of Christ. The Divine Purpose is built from the inside out and only manifests in your lives when it has already been consolidated in your inner world.
Thus, fix your eyes on the horizon, and the murky waters of the world today will give way to a crystalline sea, which will reveal to all beings the purity hidden in their hearts. Until that happens, simply pray, be supported in God and do not lose your union with the Creator through your bond with Him, which you must nurture in prayer and a daily conversation with God.
If you do not nurture the bond with God through contact with Him, this bond becomes ever more hidden and unknown for your souls. Thus, for you, let God be like that Friend and Companion who knows everything about your lives, who knows the deepest core of your hearts, who is the Receptacle of your sincerest and most transparent confessions, who is the Arm where you seek an embrace and consolation, rest and hope.
Let God be the Heart upon which you rest and in which you find wisdom and response, fortitude and joy to continue forward in spite of what is happening around you.
Remember always, children, to keep the bond with God, with your guardian angels, with your spirits, and with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, alive, accessible and constant. In this way, you will never lack the strength to continue forward and the determination to begin again each day; you will never lack hope to look to the horizon and know that, far beyond the darkness being experienced today in the world, the sun will rise.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XVII - The Peace of the Virgin Mary
Contemplating the world, as well as the innermost spaces of its consciousness, a soul sought peace and did not manage to find it. The confusion of humanity, the imbalances in humankind, illnesses, suffering, the lack of a true meaning to life, this is what this soul would see while seeking peace in the world and even within themself.
Therefore, asking for the help of God, this soul prayed to the Lord, saying: "Lord, if it is possible to feel peace in times of anguish, give me peace. If it is possible to feel You, even while in the desert, make me feel You. If it is possible to keep faith and believe that after this deep night the light of a new day and a new life will come, then grant me this faith, because I feel lost, alone and empty, and I cannot find anything but anguish and uncertainty around me."
And after observing this soul over a long period of silence, the Lord responded: "See, little soul, that your feet are spiritually upon a mount; this is the Calvary of the world. To go through it without losing faith, hope, or peace within, you must focus your consciousness on the true purpose of your existence.
Then, contemplate the Cross and each day relieve the Calvary of the Lord. Meditate upon the moment He would find peace in His Heart. and Imitate His footsteps. Perceive that it was in the gaze of the Most Holy Mary and in the certainty of Her silent presence, during the entire trajectory with the Cross, that your Lord, My Son, would find peace and be renewed so as to continue forward. It was in the eyes of Mary, the Virgin Mother of life, that your Lord would find hope and resume the purpose of each drop of His poured Blood.
The Calvary of these times is designed by the choices of the souls of the whole world. As one humanity, you must go through this test, but you, little soul, can either experience Calvary in the unconsciousness of the two thieves, or you can experience Calvary through renewing Creation, the laws and life, as Christ taught you to do.
If you then lose your peace, seek this peace in the eyes of the Virgin Mary. Pray to Her Immaculate Heart, and She, Who is the very Source of Peace for all life, will respond to you with silence, but with Her deep Love, with Her Peace and Her renewal. That is the way of finding peace in these times of transition."
May this dialogue, children, teach you not to linger in the anguish of the world, but rather to learn to renew yourselves in the Most Holy Mary, and find Her Peace, despite any tribulation in the world.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the last rays of the sun begin to withdraw, quiet your heart and fill it with hope. Remember the colors of the day, their brilliance, their warmth, so that the dark night may be a moment of retreat and of inner deepening for you, rather than of fear or hopelessness.
Recognize that within you there will always be the door that takes you to God, and that it does not matter where you may be, it does not matter what happens in this world, communication with God will always be possible for you, because He lives in your heart, His Fount of Life is found by going through the doorway of your chest.
Thus, today simply appreciate the moments of quiet, of silence, of prayer and of upliftment, for in you they will build that bridge to God. It is these moments that will awaken and make the presence of the Celestial Father known within you. So face each opportunity of prayer as if it were the only one, and never fail to be entirely in what you do.
From one moment to the next, the sun will withdraw, and the night will seek from you the fortitude that you built within yourself. It will be three long, dark nights, as if they were eternal. They will be enough to define the hearts of humankind and redirect their paths according to their choices, according to what they built within themselves.
Therefore, pray and appreciate the moments of peace. They will be essential for you and for this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Trust in the Love of God, even if His plans do not manifest according to your will.
Trust in the Love of God, even when His Laws contradict and correct your human condition.
Trust in the Love of God, even when you cry out for a miracle and He offers you a trial.
Trust in the Love of God, even when you wait for a light and He keeps your soul in a dark night.
Trust in the Love of God, even when He does not allow you to act in a certain way, because God is building the strength of your heart with His own Hands.
Love the Father beyond all human expectations.
Love the Father beyond all of your wills of Him manifesting this or that thing.
Love the Father to discover and know what He truly is, so that in this way you may be in Him, without seeking anything, just letting His Heart lead you and guide you to His Divine Will.
Love God, child, because in His Love you will discover something unique, which is kept for you.
Trust in Him, beyond anything that happens inside and outside of you. And whether on Calvary or in the multiplication of the loaves of bread, you will see that the Will and the Plan of the Lord are always perfect.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dive without fear into the dark night of the soul, night that presents to you the emptiness, the solitude, the inner dryness, the nothingness.
Dive without fear into that night of renunciations in which you find no gratification in your inner world but which, without your knowledge, is strengthening your faith and your spirit for the time that will come.
Do not distract your mind and your heart with the things of the world in order not to recognize within yourself a deep darkness, a void of renunciations and solitude. This is what the Creator wants you to live now: to immerse yourself in this inner state of absence of everything, even if you do not understand it.
There, in that darkness, continue seeking your Lord and persevere beyond yourself to find Him, even though your search seems eternal and without hope of reaching its finality, its goal.
God places you within a space of inner darkness, but His Eyes continue over you, His Love continues over you and His Grace and Mercy continues over you. When you have passed through that moment and that test of strengthening your faith and your union with God, beyond your inner and outer senses, it is then, child, that you will be able to find Him in all things.
When the dark night comes to the planet, your feet will not fear to step and will walk without being afraid of getting lost, because they will know that behind this darkness are the Eyes of the Father, contemplating the Earth, and that, at some moment, all human life will live the learning that this night brings; strengthening their faith, all beings will learn to find God in all things.
Today, live the solitude, renunciation, emptiness and darkness as a service and an offering that you make to your Lord and trust that He will never abandon you.
You see the path and it is dark, but under your feet, hidden from your eyes, are the Hands of God, sustaining your steps.
Open yourself to begin this coming new cycle, conscious of what God expects of you in this time. Live that dark night as your new inner and planetary mission.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Cry out, little soul, for your sister souls who sleep in the illusion of this world.
Cry out so that the night may be deep, but not eternal. May it forge within beings the fortitude that will help them overcome tests greater than the darkness of the Earth, but that this night not be so intense that it darkens the hearts of humanity.
Cry out for Mercy to descend on Earth in times of Justice.
Cry out so that no punishment may be eternal and so that souls condemned by their own ignorance may be able to get out of the abysses of illusion and lack of love.
Cry out, soul of God, so that your Father, Who is Eternal and is full of Love and Grace, does not tire of pouring over the world these Gifts of His Heart, so that they be an eternal bridge between His creatures and the Source of Life.
Cry out, soul of God, so that your Father, Who is in the Heavens, but Who is in all things, may listen to your prayers, and if they are sincere, they may be answered.
Cry out for those who sleep in the dream of this world and cry out for those who believe they are awake, but are lost on confused paths that do not lead them to God.
Cry out for the One Truth to reveal itself and for Unity to emerge as a need in the hearts of men.
Cry out, little soul, for the soldiers of Christ to persevere in the four corners of the world. That they proclaim Love more than a doctrine, that they proclaim Love more than a religion, and that they recognize themselves in the Love that dissolves differences and reveals souls as sisters under one and the same purpose.
Cry out so that this Plan be fulfilled. Feel yourself a living part of the human consciousness and, being part of the heart that pulsates on Earth, raise your voice to the Heavens and cry out to the Father for the establishment of His Will, for the rebirth of His Love, for the consolidation of His Word, for the institution of His Laws, for the fulfillment of His Promises and, at the end of everything, so that His image and likeness be reflected in the faces, in the hearts and in the consciousnesses of all His children. Let your cry be eternal and true.
He who blesses you and cries out with you for this world and for creation,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the deepest of the night, the day is announced. When everything is still dark, the song of the birds announces the arrival of the sun, of the morning breeze and calls you to awake. The night brings solitude, nostalgia, sometimes silence, sometimes noises...
So it will be, children, in the dark night of the planet. It will bring the feeling of solitude, often of restlessness - the fruit of a heart that has not learned to be silent. It will bring nostalgia for a life of illusions that cannot be found anymore in the world, and that will invite you to walk in the dark for a time completely unknown to you.
At the apex of this night, when all those who are awake feel that it will have no end; when those who are asleep enter profoundly in their illusion, they will hear the sounds that come from Heaven. Like the birds in the last moment of dawn, angels will sing and their trumpets will sound. The Sun will return to the world.
Its Light will bring relief to those who waited in vigil, however, it will blind those who slept in illusion. Many will not understand immediately what will happen in the world because, for these, it will be a common night and the extraordinary will never happen, they will not perceive that time will stop and no longer count on the clocks of the world, their hearts, empty of God, will pulsate in the old time.
Those who, awake, await the arrival of the Sun, with the beads passing through their fingers, to remind them of peace, will finally breathe the breath of a new day and will recognize the end of the old time.
Many expect crashes, world catastrophes and a sudden end for humanity, and those will get used to experiencing chaos and will not perceive that the times unite and the old gives its place for a new time.
The dark night is already upon the planet. It is long, slow and its time is not measured by the watch on the wrist of people. Therefore, children, it is time to watch and pray tirelessly.
The Sun will arrive and it will not be the same sun that illuminates the days on Earth; it will be a new and resplendent Sun, renewed by His Celestial Majesty.
The spiritual night will be felt dark and deep, as it goes on. Feel its silence and keep in peace; listen to its noise and keep in peace; experience the human nostalgia that your hearts will feel and keep in peace. Let yourselves be purified by the tests of the spiritual night that is upon all, but keep in peace and with the certainty that, in vigil, you await the arrival of the Sun.
Who simply prepares your hearts for a new time,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Sun rises on the horizon of this world, announcing a new day, in a New Race, it will illuminate the abysses and will elevate to the Heights the souls that have their hands raised.
That Sun will illuminate the eyes of those who have been blind of soul and spirit. It will ignite the hearts that were cold and about to fade.
That Sun will bring encouragement to those who persevered in their wait during days of great darkness and who never lost hope of finding the Light again.
That Sun will not come alone, but will bring entire galaxies with it, stars that will illuminate the world from many provenances. For this reason it will not be a day like all others.
The Sun will come when that day is desired by all creatures of the Earth; when everyone cries out for a little light in their lives. On that day, the Earth will become a living clamor, and no creature will doubt that the Sun that arrives is the response of God to their clamor.
Those who kept their faith will be exalted, the unbelieving will repent and those who chose to follow the dark paths will wish they did not exist, because there will be no dark path on the return of the Sun, on the return of the Light.
Keep My words, which are simple and pronounced in a few lines; they will be the harbinger of the days of peace and the foundations for you to maintain your faith, when the night will seem very dark and endless to you.
For the Light that will come to the world,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, announcing the return of the Sun.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more