Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"Do not fear the dark night of the desert, My Eternal Light will guide you step by step.

Do not pay attention to the temptations and tests, rather surrender to Me, and you will thus become free from yourself forever.

Remember that the only victims are the innocent. Reconsider."

Christ Jesus


Run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart.

My church on Earth is going through its first and great tempest. The sepulchers hidden for decades are being opened to reveal the Truth.

I have told you, once, that stone will not remain upon stone and many of Mine think that it is only an allegory.

My priests in the world are being judged and some are taken to prison. The consecrated life is the preamble of the prelude of the great attacks of My adversary.

Therefore, you must run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart.

My Eyes can no longer see so much discord in the world.

My Heart can no longer bear so much shame in others.

And even though from the Garden of Gethsemane I already knew this would happen, My flocks are dispersed and still do not know how to strengthen unity so that the Shepherd may guide them.

I still count with the fingers of My Hands those who truly want to be in Me.

This is the time, My child,, to see incredible situations and realities; but it is also the time of Grace for those who know how to knock and call on the correct door.

I must still look with neutrality at the events that happen, day to day, in humanity and especially in the consecrated life.

My Mother asked Me that, for Her Love, I not apply the Law of Justice.

The cup was full before, but now it is overflowing,  and the time of peace is coming to an end.

Therefore, run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart, because while, deceits and manipulations will continue coming to the light, and once again, there will not remain stone upon stone.

I am ashamed to see the religious life so disorderly in the entire world. In some cases, I ceased to be the spiritual model so that the modernities would be so.

The adversary, with all its fury, is taking revenge on My servants and I am still waiting for the exact moment of lifting My Sword  to unleash the great and last final time.

My Altar is full of Graces and My Chalice is full of My Blood, but few are the ones who draw close to Me to plead with Me.

Where is the attention of My disciples?

Therefore, run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart so that you are protected from yourself, from your own aspects that will compromise your feelings of love for Me.

Hold on tight to My Tunic, because, if you let Me, I will help you.

I will no longer be able to cry tears of blood for any more ungrateful ones.

In truth I tell you, and with all of My Love, I declare to you, that Justice will rain in a surprising way, like hail.

Therefore, run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart so that when everything happens, you are under My Divine Protection.

I thank you for keeping My Words with attention!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Series of Poems
Twelfth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

It is in the most difficult hours
when I most need You, Lord,
so that you may liberate me from falling into temptation
and into the perverse sea of desires.

It is in the most difficult hours, beloved Lord,
when I most need You
so that You may teach me to come out,
in victory and humility,
from the inner tempest.

It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most seek You
so that You may reach out
Your sacred Hand towards me
and guide me along the path
that You are going through.

It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most call for You
so that Your Heart may be the beacon
that illuminates my paths,
and thus, I may avoid stumbling
upon my own shortcomings.

It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I invoke You,
because I know that Your Spirit will save me
and come to assist Your sheep.

It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most implore You,
because, in spite of all the tests,
I know You will never abandon me
and that You will be by my side
to help me and comfort me.

In the most difficult hours, Lord,
I only seek the way and the means
of remaining in Your Sacred Heart,
because thus all adversity
and doubt will dissolve
and Your magnificent sovereignty
and Your majestic consoling Love will reign.




I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,           

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Series of Poems
Tenth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

My Jesus, save me
from myself, from any action,
deed or thought
contrary to Yours.

Save me, Lord,
from my ideals
and from my own value judgements
so that I may represent You
according to Your Will.

Save me, Lord,
from all adversity,
interior and exterior.

Save me from all darkness
that may reign within me
and dissolve, with Your Power,
all that may be contrary
to Your Light and to Your Love.

Let me, Lord,
be able to recognize You
within my heart
as this love and this peace
that are unalterable,
perpetual and eternal,
rays that come from You
and that renew all things.

Allow me to render myself to You, Lord,
when I most need it,
and make me know the power
and the loving wisdom
of Your mysteries.

Keep me beside You
so that I may feel
the perfume of Your Love
and, above all,
the constant beat of Your Heart.

That in each sacrifice
my life may be renewed
and may be one more victory
for humanity and the planet.

That in each surrender
all may be offered in honor
to Your Divine and Eternal Heart.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Series of Poems
Sixth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

may there be no time,
moment or preference
for me to want to look for You.

May I not exchange You, Lord, for anything or anyone.

I also ask You for this Grace,
because I know that You, beloved Lord,
know my weaknesses and uncertainties.

Fill me, Jesus,
with the most pure Source of Your truth and of Your transparency
so that some day I may learn to be so similar to You
in word, action and feeling.

Tear out from within me everything that may offend You
and, although it may hurt within,
do what You have to do, Lord,
and do not delay.

Take Your time
to project within me
Your most sacred designs.

Help me in the hours of great inner tempest.

Enlighten me in the moments of great tribulation.

Because I know, dear Jesus,
that in everything You are present
and that You will never abandon us,
in both the hardest moments of the desert
and the coldest tests of the inner winter.

Ignite in my chest, beloved Jesus,
the sacred flame of Your invincible Love
so that in the hour of the great inner battle
I may have absolute and full confidence
that You, Lord, will win.

Participate more and more
in this imperfect life.

Show me with clarity
and without self-illusions
what it is that I still have to change.

May I not drown within my own indifference.

On the contrary, Lord,
make me worthy of the atonement of Your Grace
so that I may transform everything
according to Your projects.


I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Series of Poems
Third Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Empty me completely, Jesus,
even though my heart is not clean.

Comfort me during difficult moments
and reign everywhere with Your Power
so that it may be simpler for me to recognize You
in the brother and the sister who suffer,
in the sick soul,
in all those of whom You avail Yourself
so that within me may awaken the impulse of loving
in a way so similar to how You have loved.

Make me patient, Divine Jesus,
that in each circumstance of life
I may recognize the opportunity and the Grace
of transcending myself every day a little more.

Keep in my heart the ardor of Your purest desires
that the souls of the world may be able to know You
so that they may know the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Participate, Jesus, in each moment of life.
Make Yourself present, Lord,
both in our joy and in our deserts.
Make it so that I can be a witness of Your Word
and the fulfillment of Your redeeming Word.

That I may find in my path
the reason of living for You and in You
so that upon this planet
may be manifested the Sacred Project of God.

I confess today, Lord,
my weaknesses, failures and sorrows.

Transform it all, Lord,
according to Your Principle and Will
because the only thing I hope for
is to be happy for being by Your side
and to always reencounter You in the bliss of Communion,
in the joy of service and in the permanent and
unconditional giving of my heart.

After Your Gifts have purified me
inside and out, Lord,
send me wherever You most need me.
That in my life there may no longer be the freedom to choose
but rather the obedience of strictly following Your commands.

In this way, You will make me free of myself
because You, Lord, will be working
through this imperfect life
that hopes, beyond its dualities,
to consecrate itself to Your eternal and Sacred kind Heart.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus



First Series of Poems
Second Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Make me love the Divine Purpose, Lord,
as You have loved it since the beginning
while You were among us as a Child,
while You preached and taught the Word of Life,
while You worked and did wonders in the most closed hearts.

Beloved Jesus,
faithful Master and Celestial Spouse,
commit my life more and more to You.

During the cold night, may I feel the warmth of Your embrace,
may I always take refuge in Your Heart
when I cross the desert of the soul,
may I be absolutely empty
each time You call me to serve.

Venerable and noble Heart of Jesus,
participate entirely in my life,
because my life is Your life,
my breath is part of Your breath,
my dreams are part of Your magnificent Projects.

Dear Jesus,
convert my aspirations into Your Designs,
my longings into part of Your Work,
so that I may make You known to the world
just as You, my Lord,
have let humankind know
the Greater Love of God.

May Your Kingdom, Lord, descend to Earth
so that each aspect of my consciousness
may be ennobled and transformed,
according to Your Word and Your infinite Mercy.

Keep me beside You, Jesus,
because in the dark night of the soul
I need to feel confidence and strength
in being able to be near You.

Allow me, Lord,
to empty myself completely by Your intervention
so that You may deposit in this small heart
the Work of Your Kingdom and Your whole Legacy
and thus the higher design of Your Spirit
may be fulfilled in this humanity.

Make me see with clarity and wisdom
the steps that today I must take towards You.

Sustain me with Your Hands
so that, with confidence, I may cross
the inner abysses that separate me from You.

make me recognize Your powerful Light,
make me recognize the sublime Fire of Your Heart,
so that You may be able to fulfill Your Divine Will in my life



I thank you for keeping these words of a Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


And it will be I Who will help you to get through the dark night of the soul, to overcome and cross its coldest deserts.

And it will be I Who will fill you within and will give you the inner strength that you need to learn, in My Name, to overcome the obstacles of the consciousness.

And it will be I Who tells you the way and not any other person, because the Light that emerges from My Heart is inextinguishable.

And it will be I Who will take away the emptiness or the lack of love, because I will always fill you with new things, with radiant energies that only come from the Spiritual Universe.

It will be I Who will give you the impulse every day to be nothing and to be everything to others, knowing that, in this school of the Earth, the first lesson is the love of the heart.

It will be I Who will grant you the peace and the joy of being able to live in the Eternal Father. There will be no other path, but only the Path of the Master.

It will be I Who will dry your tears and will wash your face so you may continue forward smiling at life, at the fullness of service; knowing that at each new step, as in each new surrender, you will be learning to die inwardly for Me, as I died for you on the Cross.

I will be the new Cyrenian who will help you carry your cross, because I know your miseries, but I also know your skills. All I want is that everything be done for Me.

It will be I Who will grant you the Mercy that you need.

It will be I Who will open the door for you so that someday you may enter into the Celestial Kingdom.

I will be everything to you, if you allow me.

I thank you for holding my words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Daily Message of Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted during the journey from the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the city of Santa Fé, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I will always be this spiritual Sun that will illuminate the night of the times.

The one who allows themselves to be bathed by the light of this Sun will achieve eternal life, will erase all the past from within, and in the future will truly be totally different.

I am this spiritual Sun that encompasses everything, knows everything and understands everything.

The one who lives through that Sun will no longer have footsteps from the past but rather will know how to follow the steps of the Master, surrendering to His invincible Love.

I am this spiritual Sun that dissipates any darkness; that gives warmth to cold hearts; that illuminates the paths of those who aspire to achieve freedom from themselves someday.

I am this Spiritual Sun that permeates everything; that brings new codes and that renews, no matter what, everything it touches. Because the rays of My Sun come from the Sacred Heart that gives Itself all the time, more than hundreds of suns in the Universe.

I am this spiritual Sun that dissolves the hells, that gives life to what was dead before.

I am the Sun that will always reign above all darkness. Because the one who allows themselves to be illuminated by this Sun receives the rays of My Grace and someday will awaken to Healing, to the upliftment of consciousness.

Behold the great Sun of My Heart that gives Itself in the Eucharist, in perpetual communion; that can burn like a fire of devotion within each being.

Behold the Sun that brings you peace.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Even though all in this time may seem darker than the night, concentrate your gaze and your feeling in the light of My Heart.  It will be for your life the imperishable and inextinguishable flame before the contrary winds.

Recover the strengths, My server, in the Source of My Mercy and let that I guide forever the steps that you must take in your life.  Do not allow the difficulties to frighten your heart, but offer to God in sacrifice all the tests that the universe may send to you, so that soon you may be a mature spirit in service to the Divine Hierarchy.

Let every situation pass before you.  Remain immovable and impenetrable in face of the circumstances that generate disharmony and conflict.  Be a peacemaker without frontiers and unite in each space and moment the hearts that are separated.

Find in My Path the perpetual apostolate and confirm your life before the Throne of the Great Lord.  Seek the science of peace and nourish you inner through the celestial gifts of love and unity.  Find Me in the profound silence of the heart.  May nothing within your possibilities change your mind.   Allow yourself, My friend, that the Fire burn what is already old.

Be truthful before all.  Be a good disciple before the indifferences.  Be the bridge that may unite what is separated between humanity and God.  Be what in truth you must be, a saint of the new time, a humble imitator of the path of charity and of good.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Eternal Heart!

Christ Jesus


What are you waiting for, My soul, to divest yourself of the world and live eternally in the comfort of My Heart?

Follow the invisible light that is before you, they are the Rays of My Heart that illuminate during the dark night of the world.

O celestial soul of God! who waits impatiently to resolve all things, in your hands lies the humble power of prayer, an infinite path to reach the Creator.  Remain in the Ocean of My Sublime Emptiness so that in all you may see that there exists a reason and an answer.

Sacred soul, what are you waiting for to give Me your eternal yes?  On My Path I offer you sacrifice as liberation, and surrender as redemption.  In My Kingdom there is only Peace, which many times you look for in external things.  My soul, surrender yourself in My Arms, let the Water that springs from My Body wet your body so that it may be transfigured into a body of light, a perfect instrument in the hands of the Creator.

You still believe that you have not been defeated but My Love is the unending spring that will conquer your being to give you to drink of a new water, a water that will satiate you entirely. 

My little soul, the Lord calls you to find in this time the path of humility and renunciation.  Let My Supreme Light flood your bodies so that they may be the living symbol of the new transfiguration.

Dear soul, the time of dispossession has come.  Accept the Supreme Love of Your Spouse because in this way you will find the inner answer that you so much look for.  Trust in My Presence, I want to make you know the greatness of My Celestial Kingdom.

My soul, clothe yourself with the vestment of purity so that the angels of Heaven may receive you free and surrendered to My Heart.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for surrendering yourself to My Heart!

Christ Jesus


At the end of the message we asked the Master why He was addressing His words to us in these days in such a special way and He answered:

Today I speak to you in this way because many of My own in a short time will marry the Faithful Husband forever.  This is a cycle dedicated to the precious souls, those who always seek the Faithful Comforter.  Therefore, I Am calling all who may want to listen to Me.

Your Master of Love


Many of those who should be together with Me were absorbed by the achievements of the world. For this I count on few disciples to realize My Redeemer Work on the entire world.

Some human eyes are spiritually blind and these, from remaining in a dark night, do not even see My Light that is approaching on the horizon.

I am gathering all of My flocks, those that have answered and those that have not answered Me because My Father will send for the second time His Glorified Son to separate the hard chaff from the beautiful and the good wheat. With the wheat that I may get I will, with My Hands, elaborate the new flour that will give the new Bread of Life for humanity.

In this way those who have persisted in faith to My Call, will eat of the Bread of Life and I will send to the ones who have distanced themselves from God to other points far from the Earth so that, recognizing their sins, they may serve God in reparation, conversion and redemption.

This new flour that many do not know is already being elaborated by My Holy Hands. For this, those who may want to eat of this Bread that will give you the Eternal Life again must search for it in the heart. This flour is the fruit of the wheat that has been well cared from the moment of its birth, well sown and, afterwards, well harvested. These wheat that were born and have been kept twisted by life will receive the opportunity of My Mercy. This will be before the rays of the great sun that illuminates your days radiates the Power of God upon the world, Power that will burn the impure and that will make to sprout again what has remained dry from the bad work of other hands.

For this try to have a pure heart so that the temptations and the rivalries of this world do not submerge you as they have submerged many of My flocks, those that now are sinking without direction and without harbor.

The law will allow you to correct life. Many have forgotten the keys of the Commandments. The time that approaches calls you to inner growth and for this you have Me, because My trust will never fail you, It will nourish you with My Supreme and Good Love.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


When lives are on the edge of the abyss, crossing the dark night, I present Myself as Light and the absolute and safe exit for each being. I come to the encounter of those who decline from various plights on the spiritual path.

My Mercy comes to the world to rescue them from the path of mistakes and of blindness so that they may awaken aspects of life, manifested in a consciousness that has decided to follow Me.

But faith and constancy to be with Me will be, in these unpredictable times of the world, what will define if a soul will be consecrated in spirit to My Heart or if it will live the life that the world offers to it through illusions and fantasies.

The path towards the Light is as straight as a staircase that ascends towards the High. In My Pathway does not exist two paths to get to Me. The soul, during the course of life has the opportunity of recognizing My evolutionary Path and, from then on, to define whether it will follow the Shepherd or its own king.

I am giving to all the same opportunity that I gave during the time of My Passion. The world is at the point of its own game and of its spiritual definition for the Divine or for the worldly. My Heart shelters all of the offers of the souls, but some have told Me from the beginning that in these times they would be with Me to fulfill the purpose of Redemption and of the conversion of the consciousnesses.

For this a boat will not move without the help of the oars. It is necessary to understand the point in which you find your little consciousnesses. I radiate to you My Peace and My Light to strengthen them.

It is time to define with which king you wish to remain: with the Eternal King of the Universe or with the king created by the world?

For this My Spirit comes to liberate souls and to show them the path towards the Lord. Trust in My Mercy.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for understanding My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My Sword will cut the bad feelings from the heart of all of those who afflict themselves for some reason.

My Feet will trample every time on the serpent of temptation and of disunion so that, from dusk to dawn, My Disciples do not separate themselves from My Purpose.

My Rays will strengthen the spirit to liberate it from weaknesses and I will offer to it My Universal Will to proceed.

I will erase with My Hands and I will fade away with My Fingers all the ties with the past.

With My Heart I will illuminate the dark night of those who have decided to be with Me.

Pay attention, those who permit themselves to be involved with the things of this world, because for them it will be more difficult to pull up the roots that they have planted with their actions. Have only one thought in mind so that the barriers of the mind may be destroyed and only construct the bridges of the Brotherhood.

And if you still have not liberated yourselves from sin I forgive you for not having loved yourself as I have asked you and for not uniting yourselves as I have beseeched you. I only ask you to be consistent with My Redeeming Presence, in this way the Lord will thank you for having cultivated a spirit of humility and of peacemaking.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My words with the heart!

Your Inner Master, Christ Jesus. 


The one who decides to enter into the sea of My Mercy at three p.m. has their inner body washed of all stains and, for the merits achieved by My Sacred Heart, the soul is liberated from all pain.

I wait that, for the existence of My Ocean of Mercy, all hearts may accept to live life because, as the manifested Love of God, I hope to receive you within My Flow of Graces.

To all those who at three p.m. venerate My Sacred Eucharistic Heart out of love, the light of the Greater Kingdom descends to dissolve and forgive all irreparable faults, and thus My Heart acts as an offering before God for all of humanity.

Therefore, I tell you that if you still have not crossed the earthly abyss, do not worry, because My Paternal Spirit will give you the inner strength to do so and thus, to transcend matter through devotion and love.

The one who waits for Me at three p.m. with consciousness and devotion will, day by day, untie the knots of materialism and spiritual ambition because during this merciful hour My Consciousness opens the doors to pour out the Fount of Redemption and Liberation in all spaces of the Earth.

Do not fear to meet yourselves, because even in this path that will take you to Me, you will encounter the dark night, a night that will be illuminated by the sun of My Heart.

Dear ones, if you take the steps towards Me, as a consequence, humanity will take the so urgent steps at the end of these times. You will be with Me by just saying yes to Me and recognizing that what you feel that you are, you are not, because the truth in you is the Omnipresent Presence of God within your little spirits.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Today I give you My Universal Forgiveness.


Even though the path to go through may seem to be long and extensive, remember that you are walking for all of those who still do not take the steps towards Me.

Even though the time may seem to not change inside of you and the transformation is slow and painful, remember that you are being purified for those who live in grave faults.

Even though the tiredness, the sadness or the loneliness may seem to be greater than the desert of the Earth, remember that you are transforming and transcending yourself for those who really turned their backs to the love of God.

Even though all seems to not change and that you do not reach light, remember that you are crossing the dark night for all of those who do not live the life of the commandments.

Even though love still does not flourish in your being and you do not find humility, remember that you are consecrating yourself to a greater life for those who practice the false deceiving love that diverts souls through the pathway of illusion.

Even though dying to yourself may be a greater step than what your consciousness permits, remember that you are being sanctified for love to Me and for those who do not sanctify their essences for God, but that are led towards other things.

Even though you see life in ruins and the arid interior may dry the Water of Life and the devoted fire of your heart, remember that you are suffering silently for those who do not pray and who waste precious time in constant temptation.

Even though you still do not see My Light on the horizon, trust absolutely in Me because I Am at your side, guarding your little heart as a true treasure of purity and prayer.

Even though the world does not change, remember that I Am the Love of the Great Love, the Truth of the Great Infinite Truth, the Spirit of the Great Sanctified Spirit.

Seek Me! Call Me! Because I will listen to you. My arms are open to console you and to encourage you each day that you donate yourself a little more because in sacrifice you will find the key for you redemption.

Under the Imperishable Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus, now and always. 


Dear Children:

I will not leave any of My ones lonely not even for one moment. Just take care all of the days of your life so that the door is kept open so that I may enter.  May it always be open because My Spirit of Love will want to enter.

My dears, may the emptiness that your hearts may be feeling not be bigger than the immensity of the love that I have for each one of you. Be firm before the tests that the Universe of My Father sends to you because after crossing the abysses of life My Sacred Heart will receive you in Paradise.

For this acquire merit in the life of charity and of love, do not separate yourselves from Me, not even for one moment because it will be in the hardest moments of life that I will confirm your presence inside of My Redeemer Task.

Dears, do not fear for the veils of vanity and pride to vanish from your lives because I will always help you to cross the dark night of the heart.  After a dark night will come the day for those who in joy and gladness may recognize it.  Open day by day the source of your hearts so that My Words may spring like a beautiful flower of love in each essence of love.

I just ask you that you may live day by day through My Messages because in this way your consciousnesses will be corresponding to My Savior Call.

Dear children of My Father:

Enter into My Source of Mercy so that the Water of Life may purify you and prepare you so that you may receive Me through the Holy Communion. I Am with you all of the times that you permit Me to. I thank you for your full trust in My Heart.

Under the Love and the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Consoler of the hearts.


May My Eternal Peace be amongst you, My beloved ones.

May the universal sun that lights up your lives, deeply illuminate and ignite again in yourselves the flame of devotion to My Sacred Heart.

My dears:

Come to Me and do not get tired to come. May your steps be taken with the full trust in My Heart. May you, united to My redeeming purpose, be able to transcend the abysses of life and the tests of the path because My Spirit that is Eternal, that comes from the Source of God the Father, will always fulfill you and will give you the strength to be able to follow me.

I fear for those who, from decay or carelessness, fail to contemplate the immensity of the Love that I have for them.

To those who have been able to walk through the fire of purification, I say: be brothers and sisters, be the bridge between the beginning and the end so that the ones who are hurt in spirit may be able to cross the portal towards My Heart. In this way I call you My Instruments so that they may lovingly watch each other.

The time clamors for great changes in consciousness. For this to happen remember to pray for the Holy Spirit so that His magnificent gifts may guide you. Be an example of good virtue, of humility and love; be like a torch of fire that illuminates the dark night of some hearts.

Walk in My Trust, thus you will not fear but you will see emerging the light on the horizon that My renovated Heart will bring for all. My children, be one and for this precious unity work in the name of My Celestial Love.

I bless you and I accompany you in silence because My Sheep not only must graze but now they must work as one only heart of love.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My instructions in the heart!

Christ Jesus.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
