Dear Children:

On this Saturday, accompany the recollection of the Lord, so that His Sacred Heart may be repaired from all the evils caused to the human race and especially to life.

Let us pray so that nations, peoples and society may rediscover the significance and reason for belonging to God, so that the ideologies that incite to the rejection and denial of all spirituality and even of all religion may not undermine the path of souls, of the return to the House of the Heavenly Father.

Therefore, My children, this is an atypical time, it is a time in which one's own ideas prevail, capable of changing the destiny of one or several entire nations.

This is the reason and the time to turn to the Spiritual Temple of God, to pray and to ask for sanity to fill all possible hearts, especially all hearts that no longer believe in the existence of the Living God. This also wounds My Mother's Heart, just as the lance wounded My Son on the Cross.

Therefore, dear children, you must have a life united with God, for He is the Source and He is the spiritual nourishment in these times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once again, I come from Heaven with a Message, but also with a call to the consciousness of humanity.

Today, with My gaze turned toward the ground, I share with you the lamentation of the Heart of the Mother of God, because humanity cannot understand Our Message, the Message of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.

This is why Saint Joseph, My Most Chaste Spouse, is offering Himself before the Celestial Father to return to this world, to bring a message to this Humanity in an extraordinary way. His visit to this planet will be unexpected, because He will intercede, as a Guardian of Souls, at the most culminating moments of humanity, and one of these culminating moments is this very moment that humanity is experiencing.

For this reason, My beloved children, Our Divine Celestial Consciousnesses expand their offering before the Creator Father, because humanity cannot understand, and, as it cannot understand, humanity does not want to change.

Today I would have many reasons, not only to be here with you, so that you may feel My Heart, so that you may live in My Heart, but also to express to you, from the depths of My Heart, all the situations that the Mother of God observes in this humanity.

How do you believe, beloved children, that the world will not precipitate upon you, if the change has not yet arrived?

How will you believe, beloved children, that the Kingdoms of Nature and the elements will not show their strength and power to all eyes of the world, if the change has not yet arrived?

How do you believe, beloved children, that the climate change will not be unleashed upon this humanity, if the change has not yet arrived?

How do you believe, beloved children, that the injustice, the annihilation and the destruction between brothers and sisters of the same race will end, if the change has not yet arrived?

There are so many more things that I could say to you tonight!

There are so many more truths that My Heart could present to each one of you!

A few days ago, I told you not to fail to pray, in spite of what may happen, My beloved children, even though the opposing winds may be stronger than the expression of your supplications.

I ask you not to challenge the laws of Nature, because if you challenge these laws, you will challenge the Universal Laws, which is what many of My children in the world are doing, without being aware of it.

All that which is taking place in the world, all that which is presenting itself in current times has a motive and reason in order to accelerate the Return of Christ.

However, My dear children, where do you believe Christ will return first?

Upon what place will He descend and where will He present Himself to begin to correct this humanity from its mistakes and faults?

Where do you believe, beloved children, that Christ will show and reveal Himself to the men and women of the Earth when He returns to this world?

Have you ever thought of this?

I invite you, My dear children, to meditate, in prayer, upon all the Words of the Heavenly Mother, because this Message is not Her own, it is a Message that emerges again from the Source of God, from His compassionate Heart, which is infinite and invincible. All the causes that present themselves in this humanity today are the reasons to move souls away from the Compassion of God.

Who will have the bravery and also the determination to go above themselves, to place the needs of the world first, before their own? To be aware of the importance of gratitude and reverence, which have been lost in the world so quickly?

How do you believe My Graces will come to the Earth like the flowers of Light that I deposit within the hearts of each one of My children, to again give them life and renewal?

How do you believe that My Light will come to the world if many among My children close the doors to Me and do not allow Me to pass into their dimensions of suffering and agony?

God is also experiencing a riddle with this humanity.

For this reason, with this Flower of Light that I bring in My hands today to offer to each one of My children, I ask and supplicate to you: return to the Heart of God, return to the Essential Origin so that you can return to the Primordial Source. Because while millions of souls absolutely do the contrary, My enemy, the adversary of all, covers greater planes of consciousness. Do not allow this, beloved children.

Sustain yourselves, in these times, through My prayerful Heart.

My supplications will never cease to be pronounced, My Voice will never cease to speak to you, because I will fulfill what I promised to the Celestial Father, in spite of the time it may take Me to carry it out in this world. Therefore, I tell you, while still holding within My hands this Flower of Light that I offer to you, that all those who have already awakened should help those who have not awakened.

I do not ask you to instruct them, I ask you to give them the example, the example that is born from the heart, an example that leads you to the truth, to experience simplicity and humility, the example of the unconditional self-giving that allows you to make Christic Love bloom within you.

With love and even with celestial sweetness, receive this immaterial flower that I offer to you today so that, by holding it in the innermost core of your essences, you may once again commune with the Source of Creation for those who do not commune with My Son, for those who do not experience My Son, for those who contradict My Son, for all those who deny My Son, for those who, out of ignorance, wound the Heart of Christ, day by day.

May your lives be converted into flowers of light for the Mother of God, because I do not speak to you of an unattainable perfection, I speak to you, My dear children, of a simplicity that is near each one of you, the simplicity that the power of the prayer from the heart gives to you.

I still need, My beloved children, through all those who support Me and follow Me as praying beings and children of Mary, to carry out many works in this humanity.

Because humanity is not ready for the Return of My Son, it is more and more submerged in illusion and chained by certain spiritual forces, contrary to the Plan of the Father, which only subject and chastise souls.

I am also the Mother that liberates the chains of oppression, the chains of spiritual prison, because it is in that which is spiritual where everything begins, and it is in that which is spiritual where everything ends.

In this Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, when you have again prayed with My Immaculate Heart, in the name of Christ, My Son, I come to thank you, and I ask you to keep persevering, in spite of your purifications and your trials.

When everything becomes very difficult for you, as well as for your families, or even for your nations, remember the flower that I gave you today: it is the Lotus Flower, the Flower of Compassion of God's Consciousness, which is that which souls need at this moment so as to heal their deep wounds, to dissolve their deep episodes of incomprehension, to be worthy of again receiving the Grace of God, which will elevate their consciousnesses, will expand the love of their hearts.

Because through this Lotus Flower of Compassion of God's Consciousness, you again receive His Higher Love, which is what humanity needs in order to heal itself, in order to be liberated from the chains of oppression.

Children, the world lives its hardest moment, not only with the thousands of lives that have become lost through this pandemic. I assure you, My beloveds, that I have prayed for each one of those souls, who have been taken to the fire of hell, which My Holy Angels of Heaven have liberated from this oppression, so that they might achieve the Grace of Celestial Glory.

How many souls, how many people, known or even unknown to you, have been carried away by this pandemic!

Once again, I say to you that the cure is waiting to descend onto the whole planet, but if men and women do not repent, if they do not place their knees on the ground to ask for forgiveness and Mercy, how do you believe the change will come? How do you believe you will be worthy of Divine Healing and Divine Grace? In this there is no mystery and no science.

Children, listen attentively, I come to teach to you the same way as I learned here on Earth, while being a Woman and a Mother who assumed all the children of God, in the great promise that I made to My Son at the foot of His Cross.

Therefore, I again say to you that while this change is not made, while penance and repentance do not become present in the depths of the consciousness of human beings, I ask you to implore to the Divine Blood of Christ.

Because when a soul invokes the Blood of Jesus, His Heart opens up as an infinite fountain and, from the depths of the abyss of His Mercy, the Divine Grace emerges, which, with Codes of Light, bathes like rain the prayerful soul and all the situations for which the soul makes requests for in its prayer.

It is in this way that the apostles of Christ, the prayerful armies of Mary, learn, in a gradual and careful way, about the path of redemption, not only by living their own redemption through the power of the Blood of Christ, but also by opening the door for those who have condemned themselves to the ignorance of this humanity.

It is this ignorance, My beloved children, which since a long time ago humanity should no longer have been living, which does not allow for the changes to come, not only the material changes, but also the spiritual changes, which are so fundamental and urgent, and which, if you could see beyond that which is material, you would, from one second to the next, make this change that is so much awaited by the Eternal Father.

Therefore, I again ask you to pay attention to My Message, because what your Mother comes to ask of you is not impossible, I come to ask that which is closest to you, I come to ask you that which is most real.

While the changes in the majority of humanity do not arrive, My sorrow will be very great. My Heart is pierced by the indifferences, sacrileges, heresies and outrages of the men and women of the Earth, which must be transmuted, which must be relieved by the prayer of My children, strengthening the potent network of planetary prayer, to sustain, to the greatest extent, the axis of the Earth. 

The impactful expression of the volcanoes in these times is the deep cry of the heart of the planet, it is the warning that the axis of the Earth today is sustained by an extremely thin thread of spiritual light, which could break if My children cease to pray.

I know that all are responsible for this, and I know that the majority of peoples and nations are subjected by those who rule them, for all that they decide and lie about, for the false promises that they announce, because they are empty promises, empty of love, empty of truth, empty of true solutions.

For this reason, your only path, My beloveds, is to turn your consciousnesses towards God, because the more you are in God, the less you will lack.

Although at some moment you might experience needs, learn to understand the signs of God. Because God is not poverty, His Love is abundance. And it is this Love, which is present in the whole universe and in all of Creation, that allows for the expression of the Laws of the Most High Father, and these Laws do not allow for anything to be lacking.

But the imbalance that the surface of the planet lives is generated by greed, distorted throughout the times, a greed not only for what is material, but also for the power that has expanded, throughout this world, the level of poverty, misery and hunger.

But all this is what My Son must correct soon in this humanity.

I invite you to pray for that which you know and for that which you do not know, just as the Mother of God prays for all causes and situations of this world.

I would like to speak to you about how wonderful it is to be close to God, how wonderful it is to be a part of His Kingdom and to be able to unveil His mysteries to the whole consciousness of the Earth. But humanity, out of ignorance, and also out of ingratitude, has not yet learned how to appreciate Our Words and even less the Treasures of the Father.

However, as His Mother and also as His Servant, I do not come to judge you nor do I come to claim anything from you, My Love is present here so that you can overcome yourselves and help all your brothers and sisters overcome themselves in love, especially those who have greater difficulties, difficulties that emerge from deep traumas, from unknown sufferings, from guilty feelings that have not been dissolved from within the consciousness.

Therefore, you should never criticize, you should only contribute and contribute more so that the inner unity between souls may be possible, and that this unity, beloved children, may be converted into a great mirror that is the depository of the Grace and Mercy of God for all hearts.

Do you understand now how simple it is to change the world?

It is not through wars or through clashes that the problems of humanity will be solved.

Will the rulers of the nations of the world keep ignoring the existence of God?

How far will they go?

How much will they lie to people and not give solutions to all peoples?

I just pray, every day, for all rulers, who are also My lost children, to have the Grace of feeling what a hungry child feels, of hearing the cry of a poor child, of hearing the despair of an exiled refugee child in another part of the world, of being able to feel and know what is felt and experienced by a family that is rejected, despised and insulted on the borders of the countries of this world, because they cannot rebuild their hopes or their human dignity.

If God gave you Creation, all that exists in the universe, if God gave you nature and its fruits, the mountains, the rivers and oceans, the birds, the sun, the dawn, the stars and the firmament, how is it possible for human ignorance and the lack of fraternity to exist? I do not ask you to convert into assistant workers; I ask you to be kind souls, in service and love.

May My silence allow the Words that I bring from the Source to echo within the heart of My children, because the cup is more than overflowing and the world still challenges the Wrath of God.

I again ask you not to attract the Angel of Divine Justice toward the Earth, because, just as it was in Fatima, more than 100 years ago, I must again place myself before the Angel of the Justice of God to avoid world punishment.

Therefore, I again ask you, for the upcoming time, every 13th, until I indicate, to consciously work in the meetings of prayer with the prayer of reconsecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that difficult events in the world may be avoided.

Because, just as I am the Mother of Love, I am the Woman of the Apocalypse. Because a sign will appear in the sky: a Woman clothed with the Sun, crowned with stars and with the Moon at Her feet, will come like the dawn to announce the end of times, a time that is being fulfilled.

Children, I am very grateful because I have felt and I seen that you have listened to each one of My Words with bravery and courage, sustained by the Inner Christ.

At the request of Archangel Gabriel, I come to accompany each one of you so that, together, we may live the greatest sacrifice of Love through the Eucharist, so that My ardent wish may be fulfilled within souls.

May this Message echo in as many hearts as possible and not be just one more Message.

Beloved children, before the angels of the Kingdom of Lys, in the simplicity of this moment, let us make Our offering to God for the triumph of His Love and His Truth on the planet. Let us prepare ourselves for Communion.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Brothers and sisters, responding to this request of the Mother of God, before the Presence of Her Immaculate Heart, we invite everyone who can, to kneel down or stand up, to begin to offer this sacrifice of the Son of God, to relive it within each one of us so that, as the Divine Mother said, Her Message may echo in as many hearts as possible throughout he world.

Therefore, before the Angels of the Kingdom of Lys, like them, we invite you to symbolically prostrate yourselves before God so that His Celestial Universe may approach, and this offering, which we will make today as one spiritual family, may be received with love and gratitude in the Celestial Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, we reveal at this moment the mystery of the Love of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the night when Jesus would be handed over, before that moment, He gathered with His apostles at the Cenacle to give away His Greatest Legacy of Love, through the Eucharist, the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Thus, at that moment, Jesus took the bread, and, raising it to God, He offered it with His whole Heart and His entire Soul, and asked the Father for this bread to be converted into His Divine Body. Then, Jesus broke it, and, offering it to the apostles, He said to them, “Take and eat of it, because this is My Body, which will be surrendered for you, for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 


Before finishing the Supper, Our Lord took the Chalice in His Hands and, carrying out the same exercise, he raised it, offering it to God for the wine to be converted into the precious Blood of Christ. Then He, passing it to His apostles, offered it to each one of them, saying, “Take it and drink of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.



Behold the Body and Blood of Christ. May hearts rejoice at again participating in the Supper of Our Lord. Amen.

In union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we ask for the Most Holy Trinity to consecrate these elements that we offer at this altar, for the glory of Its Kingdom.

Let us say together the prayer that Christ taught us, the Our Father in Aramaic.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

May the Peace, the Love, the Light and the Mercy of Christ descend upon the planet.

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.

With love and reverence, we announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls on the Earth with Christ.


Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences
 by which He is offended.

And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.



And now, brothers and sisters, responding to a second request of the Divine Mother, to conclude this task She has entrusted each one of us with, we will prepare to make a short moment of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament so that, in this moment of silence, each one of us may make deep contact with God, through the Eucharistic Heart of Christ. And, once more, let us offer this moment, so that the Message of the Divine Mother may echo deeply within many hearts.

Let us prepare ourselves for this exercise.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In reverence and gratitude, we begin this moment of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament.

We revere the most precious Eucharistic Body of Christ.

We pray, phrase by phrase:

Who is in God, fears nothing.
Who is in God, does not retrocede.
Who is in God, lives from the Love of God.
This is the force of today.
In God, In God, in God.

We revere and thank the Eucharistic Body of Christ, and hold Christ in our hearts.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Offer every difficult moment as a sacrifice and as reparation to the offended Heart of God and of His Beloved Son, for the indifference of those human beings of the Earth and the religious who secretly outrage the Laws of Creation and life.

Although the internal and external pain may be unbearable, offer yourself in sacrifice, reparation and prayer for those who, having received everything, demean the Name of Christ with their outrages, falsehoods, and their insults.

Offer yourself in sacrifice and reparation for those who will deny the Glory of the Father and His descent into the holy places chosen by Heaven.

May nothing surprise you or bother you. Offer yourself for those who will betray the truth behind one's back and for those who will join the essence of lie and show their puppet faces, moved and manipulated by the hands of My enemy.

Offer yourself for those who will not be able to offer themselves, for those who will not manage to forgive; have at least a little pity for those who are miserable of spirit and for those who do not live poverty of heart.

Offer yourself without conditions, again and again, for those who will betray the Heart of Christ and His Work.

Even if you do not understand it or do not accept it, offer yourself, because when the time of your dark night comes, you will ask for someone to offer himself or herself, out of mercy, for you and, at that moment, you will receive consolation, because the Father never forgets the sacrifices and renunciations of His children. He rewards them all with His Comforting Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Just as more than two thousand years ago, the prophecies will once again be fulfilled. The Sacred Books will no longer be only sacred, but become alive again before the eyes of the human beings.

My children, when Jesus arrived in the world and manifested, in a human expression, the Words of God and of the prophets, those who were apparently waiting for Him did not want to see Him, because He came to remove from the hands of the human beings the false power over the souls and over the temples; for they should become sacred again, so that the pure of heart and those who really were searching for God could find Him.

The doctors of the law did not want to recognize Him. They preferred to remain with their false power and humiliate the Son of God rather than surrender to Him and to the new Gospel that He was bringing. They did not want to renew their faith with the living Scripture, because it was easier to subject souls to waiting for a Messiah who never arrived.

Humanity at that time, My beloveds, feared to renew its own faith and to complete the Scriptures with what Jesus wrote with His arrival in the world. In spite of everything, My Son tore down the power of the hypocrites and the arrogant with His humility, because the smaller He was before the human beings, the more filled He was with God and His Love.

Children, I tell this because, in spite of so many wars, so many persecutions, so much denial, My Son rewrote the history and left the world a new Gospel, which renewed the Scriptures and brought souls even closer to God. Now, again the time has come to fulfill His prophecies, to renew the Gospel of Christ with life. The time has come to see His return, because those who, two thousand years ago, thought they had accepted His Presence among the human beings are clothed in false power again, taking control over the faith of the souls and hearts for themselves. They know that My Son will come, but they will not proclaim Him and will deny His Spirit, just as they denied His Body and His Blood so many centuries ago.

But this will not prevent Christ from returning to the world and demonstrating an even deeper union and likeness to God. He will come resplendent and will blind the eyes of those who thought they saw the light, but were in darkness.

As the prophet John warned humanity to repent because the Kingdom of God was near, now My Children, I tell you through My visionaries, to repent again, to ask for pardon and to renounce, before the crucified Christ, every false power you think you  have in your hands.

May all souls prepare their homes! May the churches repair their faults and renounce the material and spiritual accumulations that they hold so carefully in their homes.

The Redeemer will come and demand that those who call themselves His apostles live His Gospel. It was not He, children, who put on His garments like the garments of a king.

Christ came among the poor and divested His disciples and apostles of everything and, above all, of themselves. However, the human being once more adorned themselves and filled themselves with gold and stones, in the name of Christ, without understanding why the Messiah came into the world in a manger and not in a palace.

My beloveds, I do not tell you these things to hurt your hearts, but for you to review your lives. May all renew their vows before Christ, because only the simple of heart will recognize Him.

Will you be ready, My children, to divest of everything in the name of the resplendent Christ and see Him rewrite the Sacred Books with teachings that transcend human existence? Or will you hold the gold and the false power tightly in your hands, and  prefer to wait for the temple of this world to be destroyed in order to understand that the Son of God has returned to Earth?

Truly sanctify your lives. One who is pure and transparent before God does not need to fear anything. Therefore, children, do not say that I come to threaten you or to cause you fear. I come to warn those who are deaf and blind in their vanities and believe they serve Christ.

Recover the purity of your hearts. Pray with Me so that I may show you the Truth and the Path. Let Me wash your eyes and show you the Light, preparing you to be once again before My Son, and now, in surrender and with a sincere disposition, to follow Him.

I love you and tell you all of this so that you do not get lost. I wish that even the last living soul would recognize the arrival of My Son. His Spirit is now among you, but many deny Him.

I leave you My Peace, so that with it, you may reflect and renew your commitments to God.

I thank you.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


In a Heart as large as that of your Heavenly Mother, there are sublime feelings of love and unity held, which today I invite you to imitate and to live, because times and experiences are still coming that will need your expanded hearts in order to bear with and accept others.

With this I want to tell you, dear children, that love is the foundation of all life and without that love, life has no meaning; it is an empty or hollow life.

That is why I come to place My Great Maternal Heart in some of you so that you may regain the sense of learning to love and to forgive, so that your lives reflect the Light of God over the world.

It is at this crucial moment of the planet that love will be the foundation for everything, for any experience.

Therefore, do not wait to expand your hearts; do it now so that the new times find you prepared to learn again and to evolve.

Thus, I invite you to imitate My Beloved Son Who, experiencing the injustice of the world, negation, and death, did not stop loving each of you for even a second; it was that love that led Him to converting into Christ, your Savior.

Live in love and you will be able to reveal all mysteries, because true love lacks expediency or any other personal realization.

Love is infinite life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you in Soul and in Divinity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


If My Son allowed Himself to die for you to be able to save you and for you to have eternal life, act and fact realized for love, why would you not forgive those who have betrayed you so many times?

Love is an act only for the ones heroic of heart, because this is the form to transcend the mistake, which is human and indifferent.

Therefore I invite you to love those who are indifferent, who omit themselves and are evil; pray for them because in them God is not completely realized and they are unhappy because they make so often the same mistakes without being able to liberate themselves from them.

The Christic love is gestated in transparency, in renunciation and in sacrifice for all those who are not transparent, for those who do not renounce and for those who do not sacrifice themselves and accommodate themselves according to their earthly expectations.

My Son still works for all of those because behind the hard rock there is a precious crystal that has not been found yet by their own consciousness.

Be in this life like Saint Paul, who having done all the evils of the world, touched by the Light of Christ converted himself into a faithful follower of Your Lord.

Above all indifference that you receive, do the goodness you cannot live and banish the evil of separation and omission from one another.

What will you gain?

Help the world to conquer its redemption; for this, first be this manifested redemption through a true transformation.

Your real aspiration must be surrender to afterwards live renunciation and at last humiliation for those who do not humiliate themselves for lack of conscious love.

Dear children, My Son drank this bitter sip of negation and, knowing that this was unfair, love came in first place.

As Our Lady of Piety I still have in My arms those who for several reasons distanced themselves from My Heart; in piety I contemplate and hope for your prompt rehabilitation.

Let us pray for those who lost the path for them to find again the light that used to lead them.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Sanctify your lives adoring the Living God that inhabits all that has been created.

In the essence of the purely interior act of adoring, you will find the true meaning of service and of charity, which is the quest for unity with the existent God in all things.

In a faraway past, the human beings recognized the sacred as something more natural and could feel it as a part of their lives.  Nowadays, teaching you to internally reverence and adore God is like offering you a great challenge.

In Jerusalem, as in all the East, many spent their whole lives seeking the Savior and waiting for the Messiah, believing that they were living and breathing only to find Him.

But when they were before Him, they did not accept Him and denied the Humility of God, that was the most pure symbol of His manifestation among humanity.

Do not run the risk of living the same that humanity from old times lived, that believed that they were seeking God and that they were living for Him and, however, never believed in the veracity of their quest and even less, of their goal.  They received the teaching as something sacred, but only to remain in the theory and organize life socially and ethically, in a way that they could live with a little more peace, in times of so many wars, conflicts and incessant quests for power.

May the Words of the Divine Messengers, that today are sacred to many, not be only beautiful theories, that make you more peaceful in face of the common society in which you live.

Banish from your interior the hidden doubt about the veracity of the teaching and do not allow that the unconscious of humanity make you believe that Christ will never return.  Because if you reflect and seek the depths of unconsciousness, you will find many aspects that deny the existence of God and His Plan, as well as the return of His Son.  These are remnants of a degenerated humanity that, over 2,000 years ago, did not believe in the incarnation of the Messiah.

Open your eyes and purify yourselves, walk truly to the transformation, so that you will not be surprised by yourselves in a near future.

I love you and guide you to the inner transparency so that you may get to know yourselves and banish the old being.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Faithful Guardian of the return of Christ


And in the end, when the time of the one hundred forty-four thousand apostles of My Divine Mercy is accomplished, I will gather the entire world for a new supper of redemption. In such a supper, in a loud voice will be pronounced the Victory of God by means of the First-Born Son, and there will be no more pain that is felt, sickness that is not healed, conflict that is not solved, and resurrection of those who hope to be in My Eternal Glory.

But before, with those who are the minority, My Heart will do great but silent works of conversion and approximation to My Celestial Kingdom in those who have been far from Me.

And the brave ones, those who will fight against impunity and will establish Divine Justice, will battle with the sword of faith and with the shield of love; and those who at some times were dead in life, will resurrect from the night to the morning. No consciousness, in all of this great and infinite universe, will remain without knowing in some way, that the Son of God has returned to seek in light and love, His own.

The mysterious words from yesterday will be revealed, and all will understand the new philosophy of My Eternal Heart. To those who have persisted beyond themselves throughout time and over the years, I promise before My Supreme Father that they will see My Merciful Face Transfigured and will recognize the law of My Love.

Alas, to those that will deny the message that I have sent to those that are unknown, to those who do not place gold nor power over things; because in the hour of the Universal Judgment, My Heart, the Temple of My Wisdom, will show the Supreme Truth to those who did not believe in My preparatory Message of the end of time.

Because a good disciple of Mine guards the words in the heart and cultivates them as wisdom, to grow in love and in inner truth.

When you see Me come, you will only feel Me in the heart, because My Return will be as a great fire that will light up from east to west, so that the world may finally see the Glory of God.

Under the Greater Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening and guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus


Those who are very far from Me and who separate themselves because of what they generate with their own actions need My Mercy.

Those who separate themselves from My Heart and stop looking at Me in the eyes are the ones who most need My Forgiveness and My Piety.

Those who deny My Name and turn their backs to Me are the ones who most need My Mercy.

For this at three in the afternoon the door of redemption is opened to liberate from sin a great number of souls that, through sport or from ignorance almost miss the path of return towards Me.

The time of Mercy is for the most unprotected and thirsty for My Redeemer and Savior Light. And so that My Love may be able to approach those who mostly ignore their true spirit I make use of the instruments that, opening the heart to Me, transmute in sacrifice and joy the evils of the world out of love to the Great Love of My Heart.

As I have told you, few are the ones who row the boat of the Shepherd and even fewer are the ones who follow the Greater Will of the Captain who is in the Heavens. See how simple is My Mercy that at three in the afternoon My Source of wonders and graces hopes to reach those who most need Forgiveness.

I still count on the few hands that will help Me to climb the mountain and to elevate an immense number of souls separated from God. In little time there will be much to be done. Just now everything begins for My apostles.

Redemption will be ample for the rigid hearts. Be merciful before the miseries of the neighbors, thus I will accompany you.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


As the Lady of Faith, I intend that your hearts be vigilant when the awaited moment of rescue of hearts and salvation of souls arrives. Your path of prayer will allow you to find the essence in each one of My children, and especially to discover that which their souls are in need of.

My children, opening the Fountain of Mercy, I bring you to My Son to conduct you through the paths of Peace.

Dear children, as the world moves rapidly, much prayer is needed to support the changes that will arise before the eyes of everyone, changes that will define the “yes” or the “no” of all souls.

You are called to walk close to My Son so that you may see the need in all hearts that await the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God.

Dear children, it is time to continue praying because this will alleviate the Heart of Christ, and thus you will be close to His Universal Love. Now you must follow the steps of the Return of Christ so that your dwellings may be united to His Sacred Heart.

Many hearts are waiting for the New Christs, and My ecumenical order, the Grace Mercy Order, forms part of the soldiers of prayer, because today all are called to share the Christic path of the end of times.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My Maternal Heart nourishes all the hearts with Light. My Mantle of Peace extends itself over the world. My presence among you is possible by means of the word of your prayers.

I love all My children, especially those who need the absolute forgiveness of God. I pray for all those who separate from God. I pray for all those who deny God and for those who do not believe in the Mercy of My Son.

As Guardian of all hearts, My children, I tell you not to fear for anything, to see the Presence of the Kingdom of God in the sparkle of your hearts. I place you inside My Heart in order to elevate you close to the Heart of My Son because your prayers repair all the events that happen in the world.

Dear children, may your hearts be instruments for the good and the pure, may they be the expression of the life of My Glorified Son here upon this Earth. In this way, with the daily prayer in your hands, you will become obedient sheep that will learn to love and forgive day by day.

Convert your heart into a heart that trusts and do not fear losing anything or being judged. Remember, My little ones, that the true flocks are the ones that are tempted the most.

Therefore I ask you, who trust the coming of My Son, to embrace His Sacred Heart so that under this spirit you may collaborate in the redemption and conversion of those who have not been converted before the Creator.

Dear children, I pray for those who, still distracted in the life of the world, do not find God. I pray for those who, distant from Mercy, are placed under the fire of temptation and damnation.

As Mother of Mercy I pray to My Son so that in this final time all may find salvation and peace in the heart.

I tell you, My little ones: pray with Me! Pray for the presence of peace!

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Dear children of the Father.  Being close to the anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima, today I invite you to open your hearts through My universal and celestial call for the world.

As Queen of Peace, as a Universal Mother, today I address myself especially to all My children who have left the path of Christ, who have abandoned the aspirations and the promises of My Son.  I place them all within My loving and merciful Heart of Peace and I tell you to take back the path to Christ because for this time He will serve as a bright star during the night.

For all this, I want to especially address My Immaculate Heart to all My children that deny My existence; I tell you that I love you, I will love you and help you even more after this world.

For this moment, allow your hearts to reconcile and unite with the One Father of the Universe, who has been awaiting you for a long time.

Dear children, I am only a Messenger from Heaven who wants to make you see and make you find the path that many have lost because of ignorance or because of distancing from the Father’s Will.

Know My children that My Heart will not harm you, It only wants to make you discover how it is to love God in life, from the heart.

For this dear children, My Guardian Heart has persisted in this world for a long time because It must see the new and redeemed humanity appear.  But for this to happen, beloved children, you must take a leap towards Divinity which is the same and the only one to which your lives must be addressed.

For this all My children must return back to the path of love that they have lost and to the encounter with forgiveness that many of My children lack because they do not remain in God.

For this, dear children you must aspire to humility because in it you may understand the great divine mysteries of God, mysteries that many try to mentally understand.
The true path for this cycle will be to heal the sick and aching heart of humanity. Humanity must know the eternal peace and the true love that spring from My Fountain of Graces, which we name God the Father.

I accompany your spirits through the infinite pleasure of the Holy Spirit and of the prayers that I constantly pronounce to God the Father for all of you.

May My little Servant Heart of the Mother of Nazarene help you reveal the true steps that your lives that are so much looking for.  Live in God without restrictions so that wisdom guides you to the path of My absolute peace.

I trust that you may know me without fear because many of My children still fear the power of My Love.  My Immaculate Heart gathers you in this life and in the name of My blissful Son, Christ Jesus.  Remember that He is the TRUTH that unites you, He is the PATH that congregates you and He is the new LIFE that will have you awaken by the presence of His Merciful Love.

Under the Spirit of Peace, My Heart invites you to enter the Kingdom that you have always searched for.  You will come to peace through Christ, who for a long time has opened a new door for you.

Know My children, that I love you.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
