And in the end, when the time of the one hundred forty-four thousand apostles of My Divine Mercy is accomplished, I will gather the entire world for a new supper of redemption. In such a supper, in a loud voice will be pronounced the Victory of God by means of the First-Born Son, and there will be no more pain that is felt, sickness that is not healed, conflict that is not solved, and resurrection of those who hope to be in My Eternal Glory.

But before, with those who are the minority, My Heart will do great but silent works of conversion and approximation to My Celestial Kingdom in those who have been far from Me.

And the brave ones, those who will fight against impunity and will establish Divine Justice, will battle with the sword of faith and with the shield of love; and those who at some times were dead in life, will resurrect from the night to the morning. No consciousness, in all of this great and infinite universe, will remain without knowing in some way, that the Son of God has returned to seek in light and love, His own.

The mysterious words from yesterday will be revealed, and all will understand the new philosophy of My Eternal Heart. To those who have persisted beyond themselves throughout time and over the years, I promise before My Supreme Father that they will see My Merciful Face Transfigured and will recognize the law of My Love.

Alas, to those that will deny the message that I have sent to those that are unknown, to those who do not place gold nor power over things; because in the hour of the Universal Judgment, My Heart, the Temple of My Wisdom, will show the Supreme Truth to those who did not believe in My preparatory Message of the end of time.

Because a good disciple of Mine guards the words in the heart and cultivates them as wisdom, to grow in love and in inner truth.

When you see Me come, you will only feel Me in the heart, because My Return will be as a great fire that will light up from east to west, so that the world may finally see the Glory of God.

Under the Greater Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening and guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus


Those who are very far from Me and who separate themselves because of what they generate with their own actions need My Mercy.

Those who separate themselves from My Heart and stop looking at Me in the eyes are the ones who most need My Forgiveness and My Piety.

Those who deny My Name and turn their backs to Me are the ones who most need My Mercy.

For this at three in the afternoon the door of redemption is opened to liberate from sin a great number of souls that, through sport or from ignorance almost miss the path of return towards Me.

The time of Mercy is for the most unprotected and thirsty for My Redeemer and Savior Light. And so that My Love may be able to approach those who mostly ignore their true spirit I make use of the instruments that, opening the heart to Me, transmute in sacrifice and joy the evils of the world out of love to the Great Love of My Heart.

As I have told you, few are the ones who row the boat of the Shepherd and even fewer are the ones who follow the Greater Will of the Captain who is in the Heavens. See how simple is My Mercy that at three in the afternoon My Source of wonders and graces hopes to reach those who most need Forgiveness.

I still count on the few hands that will help Me to climb the mountain and to elevate an immense number of souls separated from God. In little time there will be much to be done. Just now everything begins for My apostles.

Redemption will be ample for the rigid hearts. Be merciful before the miseries of the neighbors, thus I will accompany you.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
