In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Discover within yourself the spiritual wealth that God has given you. A wealth that awakens the apostles of Christ in these times so that this world may be converted and redeemed through all those who have self-summoned to follow My unknown Steps, My Footprints that will guide you toward the Purpose of the existence of each being.
You must never forget the wealth of the spiritual universe that dwells within you, a spiritual wealth that God gave you in the origin and that, in this cycle, if you are open, you will find, come to know and grasp, because this is My ardent wish. This is what will allow the victory over evil. When consciousnesses awaken deeply and come to know their inner universe, with all its inexhaustible and eternal wealth, there will no longer be a reason for evil and suffering to exist in this world.
More than two thousand years ago, I taught you through the Parables about the wealth of your inner universe, but I also taught you to remain in the Law and respect it.
After such a long time, and before a suffering and agonizing world, I bring you today, My companions, the wealth of your inner universe, a wealth that has no stain or sin, because it is an immaculate wealth that comes from the Source of Creation.
This is why, at this moment, I ask you to take a step and enter the Void of God, in which the Law of Impermanence dwells, in which all is constantly renewed through the currents that the Higher Universe provides. This awakens in souls the gifts and virtues that they must live.
I ask for the presence in these times of the talents that I need. You should take the step. Because the Law of the Universe is perfect, the Law of the Universe is correct and abundant, and you will not lack anything when you dare to take the step toward your inner universe. Because in this way you will not only remember that you have an origin and a beginning, but you will also know the reason why you were created in the Genesis from the beginning, and even more, you will know your cosmic trajectory.
Today, I ask you to contemplate your good conduct and not your errors, even if the former is unknown to your minds and consciousnesses. This is possible through the impulse of the Fire of My Heart, because in these times, companions, I need all to know the history of Christ after His Ascension, which not only refers to the Sacred Book.
Has anyone in this world wondered what happened to Me after My Ascension?
I rose not only to the Father who is in Heavens, I also rose to the Universe where the Brotherhood is found, to merge in spirit with My companions, with all the Sacred Hierarchies that look after this Plan from the beginning.
That was where everything renewed itself, because not only the angels recognized My arrival in the Heavens, but the whole Confraternity also recognized the arrival of the King, Who, as from that moment, received the Scepter of the Government of God, which I sustain in humility and service for souls, as well as for all of Creation.
Therefore, enter this state of consciousness at this moment, through My Heart and through My Spiritual Portal, which, at this moment, is abundantly open to all.
Unite your essences to the Origin. Unite your consciousnesses to your inner universe and no longer feel as human persons, mental or emotional beings. Through My Presence, elevate your consciousnesses a little more and commune with the principle of your origins in this Creation, because at the center of your hearts shines the Star of the Brotherhood, which impels you to move forward in spite of the hard times. This Star encourages you to live the lessons with love and forgiveness and, despite the errors that the world may commit in these times, all those who were once up there in the Universe…
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At this moment, the Lord points to the Heavens.
... will remember once again who they truly are. Thus, you will understand that you are not only material, that you are spirit, soul and divinity united to the Source that always recreates and recreates itself. In these times, it recreates itself through lessons of love and redemption.
This is what I offer to you today, so that you may remember and know, so that you may keep in mind that I am waiting for you, in this coming trajectory of the Plan which must be written in your hearts, which must be expressed through your lives, through your unconditional surrender.
The Work of Redemption, the Work of My Return, the Work of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, will be fulfilled through adhered and united hearts. This is the rule and the request that I Have received from the Celestial Father Himself so that, through souls adhered and united to the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of the Redeemer, the world may continue to receive Mercy rather than Justice, because the scales are imbalanced, inequality weighs in this world due to the action of impunity and power.
But do not forget, companions, that I Am in the Heavens, just as today I Am with each one of your hearts, defeating evil and making My Love triumph in the essences that are postulants to be Christified in these times.
Therefore, do not fear My challenges, do not fear My requests, do not fear anything. Because the one who lives in My Truth lives in the Light, and the one who lives in My Light lives in My Love, works and strives for this cause, and does not fear to divest themselves little by little, until someday you may even come to do what I did on the Cross: have My Heart absolutely empty, to surrender before God and drink from the Chalice of Sacrifice.
My Altars are still filled with Chalices of Light. My Altar waits for souls to present themselves to drink from sacrifice, not the sacrifice that the world has incorrectly taught you, but so that your lives may become completely sacred, so that I, someday, may dwell in you, and you may dwell in Me.
Do you aspire to take this great step?
My Heart opens in Mercy and Pity for all and, in solemnity and joy, I once again offer Myself to souls and to the world to redeem it.
In recent times, throughout all Sacred Weeks, I have told you many things. Do you remember them? Have you made them flesh in yourselves so that I may justify before the Eternal Father the imperious need to be here among you and your brothers and sisters?
It is time for the Christs of the New Times to be a reality and to no longer just be an aspiration of My Heart. Therefore, for as long as possible, at all possible opportunities, I give you My Life through the Sacraments, so that you may not only purify and purify yourselves, but also so that you may Christify yourselves before Me, through each priest that offers Himself to the Sacraments to consecrate souls, as an incalculable spiritual treasure, which I will carry in My Eternal Heart forever.
Do you believe that it is possible for your souls to be consecrated and that in these times when peace and love are lacking, there may be souls on the surface of the Earth that can express the spiritual treasure of God’s Creation?
This is what I need in these times, because before the Law, the world has decided not to be worthy of Mercy. But My Unfathomable and Infinite Mercy, which springs from the deep Cores of your Master and Lord, continues to descend upon the world through the souls that invoke it, grant miracles where it is impossible to carry them out, attracts many Graces to those who would not deserve them and sustains the Spiritual Purpose of the nations of the world, although it does not seem to be so.
Therefore, I tell you, companions to be the Christs of the New Times, the Christs that your Christ expects.
As an example of My Love and My Mercy for all souls, I will give a Grace and, at the same time, an atonement so that hearts may be strengthened and, in this inner unity that you can live with Me, you may dare to take the step toward the total consecration of your lives, in the different degrees of consecration that you can live in these times.
Because the degrees of consecration of souls are the degrees of love that they can achieve in these times, to be converted into perfect shrines of the Lord, in which the merits of His Passion, Death and Resurrection may be deposited into hearts so that they may someday believe that they will be able to be sacred temples of My Heart, in this world in need of love and forgiveness.
Remember that all participate with Me in these times and that I hope that this place that you have in My Heart may always be protected from yourselves and from the world, because My Presence, in this place and throughout the times, is an extraordinary Grace of the Father which souls receive without perceiving it.
Before you can live union with Me, through My Body and My Blood present in the Sacrament of the Communion, in which the Lamb of God will surrender again for the whole world and especially for Brazil, through the sacred example of consecration, I will give strength to the hearts that need it.
Therefore, at this moment I ask those postulants to be helpers of My Mercy to present themselves at the foot of this Sacred Altar of Mine and for each one of them to carry upon themselves the veil that they will offer to Me at this moment, which they will place upon their hands as an offering.
I ask you to support this moment, companions.
My Most Holy Mother has asked Me to give you a Grace for all souls who are behind you at this moment and who will also need that Spiritual Grace in this cycle.
I have deeply known you for a long time. Therefore, I Am doing this so that, in trust, in love and joy, you may feel the plenitude of My Heart, which trusts in you again, just as My Heart trusts in all the helpers that have been consecrated to Me to serve Me.
I hope that this moment of consecration may be a renewal of this Branch of the Grace Mercy Order, because I also hope that you may be New Christs that respond to My call and serve Me wherever I need, in any part of the world.
Therefore, through you, I renew the spiritual and inner vows of the Branch of Helpers of Divine Mercy, because, My daughters, I still need that My Mercy continue to descend to the world, through the offering of your consecration to My Heart.
You may elevate your veils toward the Heavens so that I may consecrate them at this moment. I ask for the same from the other helpers already consecrated: lift your veils toward the Heavens, toward the Lord.
Most Holy Universal Mother,
to You, who have untiringly offered Your Most Pure, Immaculate and Eternal Womb
to bring the Redeemer to Earth,
I offer, at this moment,
the sacred offering of your daughters
and servers of the Altars of God,
so that You, Blessed and Most Pure Mother,
who gestate in Your Womb the New Humanity,
may have Your Graces and Mercies descend
upon this Spiritual Branch that I have consecrated in this Order,
so that the joy of tirelessly serving Me may always be in it.
Thus, may souls understand that serving Me is not just a commitment,
but it is also a duty to My Unfathomable and Sacred Heart.
Place this veil upon their heads, Most Holy Mother.
Consecrate those who are todaypostulants before My Feet,
and re-consecrate those daughters who already serve Me at this moment,
so that Mercy and Peace may be a Grace deserved by all.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Heart that was pierced out of Love for the men and women of the Earth, and which offers itself to souls as a Blazing Flame of Love so that they may always learn to live in Christ.
Behold the alliance of the women of Jerusalem, that spiritual alliance which they received from My Heart and which sustained the steps from Calvary to the Cross in fidelity and in obedience.
Today your name will be María Izra’el.
Your name will be Luz del Renascimiento.
Today, your name will be Hildegard de Jesús.
Today, your name will be Fidelidad.
Today, your name will be María Betania.
Yes, feel as a part of Me, for all souls that are behind you, so that their paths may also be guided and supported by My Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You may go in peace.
Before bidding farewell, I would like to thank and bless a soul that has offered itself to Me, to bring to Earth the Codes of My Passion, in a living way never before seen in the history of the planet.
Gabriel the painter and his partner may come here.
Thus, just as I have been anointed through your art, which is expressed by soul and heart, and represents My sorrowful Passion to the whole world, so today I anoint you with My Light and Love to thank you for your offering and tell you to continue to fulfill your mission and your task.
Feel My embrace at this moment and the embrace to your partner as well, precious pearls of My Heart.
I thank you for that which you have done in My Name.
I anoint your hands so that, through your painting and your art, you may bring Heaven to Earth.
I anoint your spirit so that you may always be united to Me. Remember that you have always been united to Me.
May My Father always hold the two of you in His Kingdom so that you may live in the bliss of being in His Paradise for the centuries to come. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for having been with Me up to this moment. May you someday understand what it means when My Heart tends to the simplest souls, the souls that believe in Me.
I give My Peace to all of you, may Peace be in the world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And now that I have come to meet you, rest your head on My Chest and feel all the peace that I can offer you at this time, a peace that no one else can give you, or bring you.
Now feel My living Heart, which beats internally near your ears. This is the Heart that has suffered for the world and for humanity.
It is the Heart that has shed Its Blood for souls, for the forgiveness of errors and which still does so, for all of your companions and for your enemies.
But today, My beloved, do not think about what you are suffering or what you could suffer. Think of Me, unite with My Consciousness and feel My paternal embrace because I take care of all of My sheep, one by one, and I never forget anyone.
Surrender to Me, and yield as I have asked of you so many times.
Do not fear what will come but rather, what is not happening in your life.
Now, have your soul take refuge under the Rays of My Heart and feel the breath of the Spirit acting in each moment, within each breath, as well as in each word.
I can restore all things. I can supply all things because it is not I who does it; it is My Father who is in Heaven, it is He Who works, Who carries out and manifests the Higher Will.
Leave behind what you do not comprehend, what you do not accept or what you do not understand.
Trust in this Love that I am gifting to you because it is a Love that must be fulfilled in you so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled on Earth.
Rest like John the apostle, upon My Chest, and feel the pain and the agony of your Lord, in the silence and in the calm.
God does not offer souls to suffer; it is the souls that seek suffering because in the Kingdom of the Heavens, from whence I came today, pain or guilt do not exist. Be glad for resting your head on the Chest of your Master.
I know that you will not understand everything at once, but this does not matter to your Lord. What matters is that you experience it fully, united with Me, in spirit and in essence.
Do not confirm your sins, do not affirm your errors, uplift your heart and place it in Mine so that I may transform and polish it like the hands of a potter. And thus, you will be in perfect freedom and in a deep calm, and overnight you will not know what has happened to you, because everything will have transformed, just as I have thought it, according to the designs of God.
Receive the Love of My Heart as a balm and surrender. My Heart will not be bad for you, My Heart will not harm you. My Love is of the good and is a peace-bearer for souls.
Avail yourself of all that I can gift to you and trust because everything is appointed; everything has its hour and its time.
Just as today you are on My Chest, feeling the fire of My Heart and the gentleness of My Soul, the activity of My Divinity and of My Spirit, I would like to have many more emulate this example of union with the Lord.
Calm your heart of all anguish and accept what I give you because everything has a greater end and a purpose that you are still to discover someday.
Leave behind what you have suffered, what you have not understood; submerge in the ocean of My Light and everything will dissipate, because who trusts their Master, trusts in God, the Almighty. And their life, day by day, step by step, with effort and sacrifice, will become free.
From your soul, I want a new being that may be part of a New Humanity, conscious and awakened, responsible and worthy together with Creation.
There are so many treasures in Heaven, dear soul, that I have for revealing; My Hands are full of designs and I still cannot pour them out over the world because I cannot find a place nor refuge within the entire humanity.
But if you, My brave one, today, takes the step for many others, someday many others will recognize My Name and My Glory and will make it worthy in their lives so that the Love of God may thus triumph.
Now, embrace Me and feel the warmth of My Spirit; feel the protection of My Arms and the breathing of My Body as a renewing breath that sanctifies all things and renews all things.
There is nothing that can be lost. Everything is transformed according to My Will.
Become one of the holy women of Jerusalem, or like the apostle John, in complete surrender and selflessness.
Everything that you experience, My soul, has a reason and a meaning for God; there is nothing out of place, everything has a meaning and a time to be fulfilled. Be it in the good or far from it.
But today, I want you to feel the beating of My meek Heart, an inexplicable and Redeeming Love which yearns for good and worthy souls that may fulfill the Will of God in this time of difficult tests.
Embrace Me tightly and feel My consolation, which is basic and immediate. Let Me nurture you with My Peace and with the flame of My Faith, which is what brings Me to the world to seek those whom I have called by their name so that they may accompany Me in this era and in this cycle, in which the world will experience its greatest challenge of all time and of all eras. I cannot tell you the contrary.
My souls, it is time to live My Plan and to not wait any longer.
Sometimes your Lord and Master needs to feel the warmth of the love of His children in order to be able to keep moving forward. However much I am in Heaven, it does not mean that I do not feel like a human being does because I was among you as a human being so that you might experience and understand Me.
You will thus be embracing your Celestial Father, Who also needs consolation, upon seeing the offenses and the wrongs of the world.
How much Love can do in the hearts that decide to live it fully, the Love that comes from the High and that can spring from hearts, causing New Christs to be born!
I want you to offer your embrace to me today because I need it, just as you need Me to continue walking on this path, the most difficult of all times, one which no other humanity has experienced, in any other age.
You came here, My souls, for a greater purpose and design that you will come to know someday.
But today I do not need you to understand My mysteries, but rather that you feel the agony of your Lord and the request for consolation that is made to valiant hearts.
Now, feel how I cover you with My Mantle, that mantle that was torn by the hands of My enemies during the Passion and that covered My Body, stricken with wounds and injuries.
These are wounds that I live for the world and I want to share them with My servers, with those who are willing to follow Me unconditionally.
I want to offer you My sacrifices and My sorrows, because who suffers with their Lord, suffers with God, and the Love that never ends transforms all things, even what is most impenetrable. May My Wounds be a reason for your sanctification, for your persistence, and for your renunciation.
Because I have a precious plan for each one of My servers, which must be fulfilled in this critical hour of the planet, in which everything is being precipitated, hour by hour.
For this reason, I consecrate sons and daughters, to have armies on Earth that may be firm in Me, in spite of what may happen.
I have no more to give, only the Love of My Heart, which is what has brought Me here, throughout times and generations.
A Love that testifies to the presence of the Body and of the Blood of Christ for the reparation of errors and all deeds not under the Law of God. I once again tell you, My souls, that I need your hearts open even more so that I can enter with My Consciousness into the deepest corners of your souls, where the Kingdom of God must be fulfilled, so that the world and humanity may still exist.
For this reason, on this Holy Wednesday of retreat and prayer, I not only ask for your prayers, but also for your embrace so that a consoling spirit may be present and souls dare to say “yes” more each day.
Today I bring to you the most sacred moment of My life which was the entrance of the Last Supper. I come to speak with you with the same love with which I addressed My holy Mother and the women of Jerusalem, as well as My apostles. It is this unrestricted and infinite Love that never ends because it comes from and is born of the Fount of God for His creatures.
You need to finally be like Me and surpass Me because I come here so that you may one day do greater things than those I did. This will demonstrate to the Universe that a New Humanity is possible, which will have repented and will ask for forgiveness for everything it did, that will not be ashamed of confessing its errors and will be open to receive the Mercy of God, which is unquenchable and eternal.
I want you to live in the joy of My Celestial Love and you, little soul, that is learning to love Me, do not cease to do so. Dare to cross the thresholds of human resistance because I will help you be truly free you of yourself forever.
Do not cease to feel the Love that emanates from My Heart today and vivify it as if it were for the last time, because what I come to give today I will not be able to give again; the time is now ending and the definitive hour is approaching.
I do not want to crown you with flowers but rather with thorns so that you may surpass Me in Love, knowing that the human being is an unpredictable being throughout this Universe, just as I was, testifying to My Passion, Death and Resurrection.
I offer glory and honor to those who have decided to be by My side, but I also offer My pain and My agony to those who have confirmed themselves before Me during this afternoon of eternal Grace.
And now, I return your soul to the center of your being, in which exists the sacred Temple of Love, that must always be lit by the light of the Holy Spirit.
And My Heart retreats to offer itself again to other souls in the world that also need Me.
Blessed be the ones who received My Words with gratitude because they will understand everything within the coming times. And when I am no longer here among you, in a short while, you will deeply know everything that I have wanted to do in this place and in this house, and mainly, in you.
Because I must appear in other places in the world that also need Me, that also thirst for My Word and for My Verb and, above all, for the Love of God.
With that solemnity that I am trying to build in your hearts through this meeting, I want you to dignify yourselves today before Our Celestial Father, undertaking this commitment to Me until the end of days, knowing that everything that you will experience will be a great school for the soul and the spirit.
I only need you to give your love to the world, regardless of who it is, regardless of their belief or religion, their poverty or their wealth, their illness or their health.
I want you to love as I love you, because the test that is coming to the world will be very hard. And not all will bear this moment. For this reason, I strengthen you in this time and through My unconditional service to souls, I give you My Body and My Blood so that you may survive, just as your Master survived at each step of the Cross, and of His Agony.
This is not the time to be divided, distanced nor indifferent. Place your hearts within Mine and all will pass. Because what I wish from the world is very great and this may happen when I return for the second time. So, My souls, let us offer this moment to our God Almighty, Who has, on this day, again allowed this spiritual Grace for an unfaithful world. But Love will always overcome all these things. Everything will be fulfilled as God has thought it.
We can stand for the blessing of these elements.
I have called you here because I never forgot you and because everything has its time for God and for the Universe (*).
As well as these sacred elements that are at the feet of your Master and Lord, today I will also offer your consciousnesses to God so that He may fulfill His designs within you.
The Lord Almighty, our Eternal Father Who is in the Heavens, may He bless with His most infinite Light and Wisdom.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you for truly embracing Me.
Today I have chosen a song that testifies to the Work of the Celestial Mother, of how each soul of this Earth, as well as the Most Holy Mary, can respond to the call of God when He sounds it.
Today I have chosen such complementary voices, one with another, so that you may offer this response of souls to My Heart, this offering that hearts have made to My Spirit.
(*) Christ calls two people to the stage.
While My beloved Son was preparing to face the most cruel moment of His sacrifice for humanity, the holy women spiritually entered into seclusion and prayer to accompany their Holy Lord in their heart.
The sufferings and sadness that My beloved Son would face for an ungrateful humanity, would help to uplift it to a level of consciousness it had never reached up to that time.
Jesus came to the world to renew everything and make of this race a rescuable project, in order that the New Christs would awaken, throughout the ages, to continue the Work of the change and redemption of humanity.
My Son came to surrender Himself completely, so that humanity could learn to truly love and be free of expectations and results.
Jesus opened the door of humility to the world through His Sacred Passion. What He experienced in that time allowed other spiritual realities to manifest in this period.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel My presence as a balm that calms you and brings you hope and renewal.
Feel My Divine Spirit as a Source of Peace for your lives.
Feel in My presence the possibility of forgiving the past and restarting.
I come as the sun that rises in the morning, to give the world a new opportunity of seeing the Light. I come to kindle this Light in your lives.
I come as the water that springs from a new source, giving nature the hope of the renewal of life. Today I renew your lives.
I come to open one more cycle and a new door to redemption.
I come so that all may know Me, and through Me, may know God; because My words do not come from Me, but from His Holy Will.
I come to unite what humankind has separated and to demonstrate that all religions, all cultures, all lines of true wisdom are to be found in an unusual search: the living of Love. As the carrier of this Love, I come to open the doors to unity among beings.
No longer separate what must be united. My Son did not come to the world to create religions. It was the inability of humankind to live His words that caused religions to be created, so that each one would follow the path that would allow them to understand them, until one day they could discover Love and Unity, when all that was separated unites again.
Children, I come to open the doors of this house so that it may be My house, in which you can seek help. Come and learn to pray with Me, just as the women of Nazareth and Jerusalem learned.
Come without distinction of creeds and races, so that My Love may unite you.
Come seeking forgiveness and the doors to redemption that I have opened here for your souls.
Come to reconcile yourselves with God and to find in His Servant a path to imitate and follow.
This is not a new church; this is the House of Your Holy Mother, the Mother of all the poor, the Mother of all those who lack something.
Humanity needs to understand that while it is in this world and attached to it, it will be poor, because the true riches are to be found in the Kingdom of God, where, renouncing all things, beings experience a real freedom and are filled by the greatest treasure of Creation: the unity with the Divine.
Children, allow yourselves to restart your lives and to hold new principles, new goals, new aspirations. Open the doors of your houses and of your hearts to Me.
I do not come to bring you anything but Peace. I come to have you know My Love, so that in this way I may liberate your lives from the evil that oppresses them.
With the Holiness of My presence, I come to consecrate this city and all those who say “yes” to Me. And, in the same way as the Sacred Family, with Its simple life in Nazareth transformed the perdition of that small city and prepared the path for the public life of Christ, I now return in Divine Spirit so that, together with My children, we may spiritually liberate and transform this small city, to prepare the return of My Son and for things not to happen as in Nazareth, where in spite of everything, many could not receive Him.
Open yourselves from the heart, My children, so that this cycle may renew your lives.
Recognize the poverty and the need of your hearts and allow Me to show you the path to true fullness.
Consecrate your lives to prayer. Set for yourselves goals of Peace and no longer deny the Love of the Redeemer, for He comes to make you worthy of looking into His eyes, of touching His Heart, of laying your head on His chest, and of feeling His Majesty, relieved because the time of Redemption will have come.
I love you and I invite you to enter with Me into a new cycle of Peace.
With My hands I bless you. With My love I free you. With My support I protect you and I call you to recognize yourselves as My children.
Come and pray with Me. Create unity among religions and hearts in this house. May the search for Peace and the perpetual prayer unify you in God.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Two Final Witnesses and the Love of Error
A not so distant day will come when, through His holy angels, the Lord will send the two final witnesses to the court of the world to declare before humanity the whole truth that very few knew.
The Holy Spirit of God will inspire them to speak the words, one by one, and so that the disbelievers wearing red caps may no longer deny the truth.
And the Universe, which is holy, knows that the final hour of the two witnesses will come after they have declared, with divine inspiration, that the coming of the Redeemer is close. In that hour, the two last witnesses will know that they will be fulfilling the prophecy and it will be their task to give their lives to unmask those who indoctrinated the belief into a materialistic god.
At that moment, and before the hands of those with red gloves place the two witnesses in the main square facing the crowd, to be unjustly judged, the angel of the Lord will make a great roar from east to west, and a cosmic light, like thousands of golden ribbons flying in the wind, will mark the definitive sign that the last Judgment of humankind has been established on Earth.
The angel, who will only be able to be seen by the pure of heart, will ask that the strong and momentous winds of the Atlantic deactivate the fortresses of sand that those in the red caps have built through their own idolatry.
No one will be able to deny that after they have condemned the two final witnesses of Christ, humanity will be purified. Therefore, before the blood of martyrs of the two witnesses is shed, as if poured out into a thousand temporal chalices, another sign of the Universe will appear, and the truth will come to light because nobody will be able to hide from their fellow beings.
The Lord will give knowledge and understanding to the pure of heart so that they too may reveal the hidden actions of those with red gloves; in that hour, humanity will become aware of its age-old deception and at that moment the final and unknown Judgment will begin.
Until the last hour, the two witnesses silenced by the Divine Spirit will be in deep prayer, and with their surrender, which will fulfill the final prophecy of John the Apostle, they will save thousands of those spiritually condemned.
The cry of the same women of ancient Jerusalem will be heard when those with red gloves have declared their death sentence. In that hour, a powerful fleeting spirit, brighter than the sun and all the stars, will descend upon the two witnesses who will be chained for having spoken pure truth, and many will be able to open their eyes and awaken because of the intense and Christic light that will illuminate them.
Humanity will declare death for the two final witnesses of Christ, those of His Celestial and not earthly Church, and this event will be broadcast and communicated.
Thousands of ridicules, which will be the cause for offense against the two witnesses, will immediately turn into a plague of thousands of locusts, and in that moment the sky, which before was bright, will darken.
Those who were not deaf, will be so. Those who blasphemed will become mute, and an inexplicable silence, generated by the blowing of the trumpet of the second angel, will leave the entire Earth hypnotized. It will be in that hour and at that moment that the nations will become aware of all the ways they failed God; and thus the new time will be constituted after all has passed.
In the last minute of life, the two witnesses will ask God for forgiveness for their fellow beings, just as Christ taught. It will be in this way that the two witnesses will teach by example the love that loves all error. As it was on Mount Calvary, those with red gloves will become aware of their wickedness and their hearts closed to the truth of the Universe.
Children, the two witnesses are already on their way toward that moment, to fulfill the sacred scripture. Repent while there is time and ask God for His Mercy so that those most deaf and blind of spirit can be saved.
Today I reveal to you the Book of the Apocalypse because you are already prepared to understand it.
I thank you for accompanying Me!
Who prays for the two witnesses,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Contemplate My Glory. When I am present, everything is perfect and nothing wounds.
Today I again offer you the cross of the world, so that you may carry it with Me during this Sacred Week that is coming; because after so many Graces, everything is already different and nothing can be the same.
Today you are here for My Mercy, which is the Mercy of God; which has gathered you together through Me and around Me, to honor Me.
Today I am with you and I am with the world, with the needs of each heart and of each soul, without ceasing to attend to the requests of My Father, so that His Will may be done.
Today I show you the wounds of My Hands so that you may venerate them during this coming week, where I will give precise signs for these end of times, so that souls may continue on My path and in ascension to My Sacred Heart.
I know that it is difficult to live the chaos of the world, the chaos of souls and of consciousnesses that resist purifying. But I can't do anything else.
Your hearts and the heart of your brothers and sisters must be open so that I may work and thus help you until the end. Because it is the Will of My Father that you live in My Grace and it is the feeling of My Heart that you rejoice in Me all days of your life, so that you may know My Will, which is invisible to your eyes and perceptible to the intuition of the pure.
I need to reach in you holy humility, pacification, surrender and meekness. But I know that everything is by degrees. You must reach it through the effort and dedication you live for My Heart and for the Will of My Father who is in the Universe and who always looks upon you with a lot of compassion. Because if from Him did not flow compassion, there would be no humanity.
The tonic of these times is the intercession of the Sacred Hearts, of Mary, of Saint Joseph and of My Heart, otherwise nothing would be possible, companions.
I don't come here to bring you disappointments but the truth; truth that you must love every day to be able to reach it and so that your hearts are crystalline just like Mine, without pride, without denial, without indifference.
You must persist, as I persisted for you on the Cross.
You must mature in love, as I surrendered the Love of God for you at each stage of the Passion, just as My Mother surrendered Love for each of Her children who denied and rejected the King of the Universe.
I need that in this Sacred Week, your hearts live My Passion in humility. That you feel My Passion as the great victory and as the great promise for those who have not yet awakened and who separate themselves from God day by day.
I need, companions, that through this Sacred Week you live My Passion, so that your souls confirm that I am still here accompanying you, as well as I accompany those who need the most in this acute time of the world.
I need, companions, that in this Sacred Week you not only see My sacrifice, but the victory of the Archangel Michael through My Heart and My Consciousness, which at the most culminating moment left My Being so that I would Christify myself, as well as in these times I invite you to live the christification of the heart through dedication and perpetual prayer.
If there were no souls like yous in the world, just as there are other souls who love My unfathomable and merciful Heart, I would not be here anymore and this would not be a denial because I would have no place to pour out My Grace and My Mercy on those who truly claim it for their brothers and for all mankind, as for the minor Kingdoms created by God, your Lord, your Eternal Father.
So I need, companions, that in this Sacred Week you multiply My Mercy for all the places where you go and that it multiplies even more when you leave here, from this Sacred Center, after having received My spiritual impulse of love and of compassion.
I do not need you to be martyred with My Passion. There were holy women in the past who lived this for Me through the ages and abode all next to My Cross, together with Mary, My Mother.
I invite you, companions, in this Sacred Week to be holy consciousness that venerate My Sacred Heart through the Passion and the cross and every step that I took for you from the Last Supper until My resurrection.
In these steps that I entrust you to meditate day by day, you will find the strength for these times, the inner strength to overcome your problems, the dissipation of all doubts and the lack of confidence in the Heart of the Creator.
I need, companions, to revive My Passion for those who do not and especially for those who never did and who least know Me in different parts of the world, for living their own idolatry.
This weighs on My Heart, because I come with My Grace for all souls, for all those who nevertheless continue in My way, as it is today before My presence..
So you will see, companions, how is the Mercy of My Heart, how is the sustenance and support that I can give to your spirits when you trust in Me and decree it.
I not only bring you the revelation of My Grace but also the presence of My heavenly Glory reached after My ascension to the Universe, to the abodes of God.
I need you to be purified in My trust and to accept the task that I, with so much Love, have entrusted to you for these times from the beginning of your births.
Just as My Infinite Heart was grateful for the support of My Holy Mother during the Passion and from the beginning of My life in this world for each one of you, so I expect you, companions, to be grateful to your mothers for their existence and presence at this time so special with me. What would happen to you without your mothers?
Even if your mothers do not look like with what you desire, they are the perfect model of transformation for your hearts and lives. You will not be able to continue walking on My path without first reminding your mothers of everything they have given, even if it was errors, tests or conflicts.
God, through your mothers, wanted to break your hardened hearts so that you would feel the true love that is born of the motherhood of all the holy women who conceive before the Creation and give birth, as My Mother gave birth for each of you .
I need you to love the maternal strength and not reject it, because in the maternal strength is the way out of the possible difficulties of the path.
Between My Passion for this Sacred Week and the spirit of motherhood, you will find two great doors to also reach forgiveness and reconciliation among your loved ones.
I do not need you, companions, to judge but to love what God gave you through your mothers and also your spiritual mothers that I have placed on your way, to work the path of perfection and holiness in you.
Discover in the mystery of My Passion and motherhood the path to conversion and to take the steps in the simplicity of the spirit and the soul that is given to the heavenly Father, opening your heart and understanding all the things that come to the school of learning.
I leave you tonight, companions, the symbol of the sores of My Hands, of the Hands that were donated for you, of the Hands that were cured, that healed, that multiplied the loaves and fishes, of the Hands that poured out graces and prodigies, who raised the dead, of the Hands that raised the paralytics, who healed the blind and who redeemed hearts hardened by their own will.
I hope that in each of you and your brothers and sisters, I can make sprout what I come to take for so long and after so many times and many attempts.
Now, companions, that you know all these things, be encouraged to take the step and not back down, because My feet walk barefoot in front of your own, marking the path to peace and transformation
One more request for those who listen to My voice. I would like to see you arranged and clean every day to receive me. Just as I sent the sick to purify the wells of Bethsaida, of Samaria, I invite you to prepare every day for the encounter with Me at three o'clock in the afternoon, in harmony and order, interior and exterior. I do not need you to embellish for Me, but to understand and feel the importance of the ceremony in every detail, because that is part of the Law of the Hierarchy.
And now, companions, on this eve of preparation, let your hearts pulse and feel the Sacred Week beating within you like a living flame that is molded and prepared to receive me in trust.
And the synthesis of all this Sacred Week that we will live for a sick, separated and indifferent humanity; for those who can not live this with Me and who do not yet know it, I remind you of the infinite mystery of the sacrament of Communion, of the bread made flesh of Christ and of the Precious Blood of the Master as sources of salvation and conversion for the souls that commune in faith with the divinity of My Spirit before the Universal Father.
In glory to God for this grace granted to realize the Sacred Week here, and waiting for all Heaven, may your collaboration be efficient for the next meetings in this material order of the work of the Hierarchy.
I hope that My Graces will not fall in vain, but be the permanent multiplication of the service and the donation for this redeeming and co-redeeming work with My Mother and Saint Joseph.
I hope that your hearts, companions, awaken to the importance of collaboration in this project of the Divine Messengers in this material plane. That will define after this Sacred Week the continuity of that sacred project of conversion and peace for the world.
May each one accomplish your part so that the Will of God may be manifested.
My last request, companions: pray for the hearts that were closed. I want to see in these beads the persistence of the consecrated. Let each prayer bead represent the opportunity and grace for a new soul that must be rescued by the trinity of the sacred hearts.
In this sacrament, companions, I leave you the model for your conversion, so that you may be peacemakers, meek in heart and humble in spirit.
I thank you, companions, for sharing this moment with Me in the name of Light and Redemption.
And so to those present I bless you preparing you to live this sacred moment with Me, in this Holy Week that is approaching, where the Heavens will be open for seven days on this place so that souls rise in spirit through My Heart to the House of the Celestial Father.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of Christ, let us sing "Peacemakers".
Dear children,
While Jesus prepares Himself again to resurrect in spirit into the consciousness of every being that opens itself to live redemption, your Heavenly Mother is already beside the sepulcher, waiting in prayer and vigil, for the Redeemer and King of kings to liberate the souls that are prisoners of condemnation and martyrdom.
For this, children, I invite you today to imitate the holy women of Jerusalem, those who were absolutely and unconditionally faithful to the Master, so that in the moments in which humanity lives its worst hell, may exist inside and outside of you, a spark of light and hope, the essence that will strengthen the spirit of the self summoned.
The Master rests on His bed, surrounded by incense and violet flowers and anointed by the oils of light that restore His martyred Body. His Spirit, on these times, works extensively and combats, together with the angelic armies, all the expressions of evil.
Children, prepare yourselves, keep vigil and keep on praying so that the Redeemer of souls, outside of the sepulcher, may find you quite awake and then, may put an end to human captivity.
Dear children, such as the holy women, wait for the resurrection of your interior Christ, the one which, over the years, has been oppressed, denied, judged and subjected to the forces of distraction, of lack of control, of desire and of the superficial materialistic life, preventing Him from awakening. Act intelligently and abandon the prison in which you placed yourselves.
Your internal Christ will resurrect for the second time, after having borne all the horrors of a life of illusion, empty of spirit and of love.
For this, children, prepare yourselves before the great moment of self purification comes, when your internal spirits must be already strengthened by the fire of prayer, of service and by the permanent confirmation to the Plan of God.
There is no longer anything else to be done, only to wait for the resurrection of Christ within the sepulcher of your beings.
Attentive to His arrival, you will sing alleluia giving thanks to God for having become aware of how much time you wasted on the material life. And for those who are still trapped between the chains of the unrestrained temptation and lust, pray, because through your acts and offer of love, Christ will also try to go to the encounter of the lost.
Today is Saturday of Alleluia, the angels sing: the Savior has resurrected!
¡I thank you for answering to My call!
Who waits for you outside of the sepulcher for the resurrection of the Lord,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloveds,
While the world agonizes and many souls suffer the consequences of their actions others are blessed by the Grace of My presence.
To the ones who sleep I give My Mercy so that one day they may be able to awaken and become worthy children of God the Father and the Savior. To those who are awake I give My Grace so that they may be able to become soldiers of My Marian army.
Today My dears, I return to this city because I wish to find here more than the spirit of Devotion. Here must beat the active heart of this nation, so beloved to the Lord and to My Immaculate Heart.
I still see much illusion in the world, I still see that the souls do not understand My Call because they do not allow My Word to completely transform them.
My dears, the moment has come for My presence to become alive in the hearts of those who listen to Me. Up until this moment I have been building a union of your hearts with Mine in order to lead them to the Most Sacred Heart of My Son. But now My dears, is the moment for this Grace that you receive of being with Me to not only be the reason for the relief of your anguishes and fears, because the world is in need of beings who are awake, of soldiers who are willing to surrender all out of Love of God and for the salvation of the souls.
My dears, I want to tell you that I do not come to the world only to find you in devotion and in faith. I want to find the hearts more conscious of the time in which they live because much has been said and little that you could truly understand.
Those who have listened to Me did not truly believe in My words because if they had their lives would already be other lives and in their inner would dwell another strength that is not of the world.
I want that My words get to the hearts in order to touch them with Celestial Love and that they also get to the depths of your beings in order to transform you into instruments of the Heart of God.
For all the Graces that I have given to you I ask you to truly listen to My Call. Doubt no longer about My presence because My Heart has made you feel and has touched your souls, dissipating the fear of encountering the Divine. Now is the moment to grow up and to wait for My arrival, as a companion of Christ, the one who waits for Him so that together with Him they may be able to manifest the Will of the Father.
My dears, there was a time in which the men and women of Jerusalem listened with attention to the words of their Master. They awakened the devotion and the trust in His Divine Word, they accompanied Him in His Passion, they cried for His death and they glorified Him in His Resurrection and after His Sacred ascension, they became His eternal Apostles, companions of His Divine Love and, for all eternity, they awaited His presence, surrendering the life so that other souls could achieve the awakening.
Now My dears, these men and women of Jerusalem must reemerge in order to wait, to sit at the table of Redemption, for the Glorious return of Christ and reconfirm the commitment that as humanity they made with His Divine Heart.
These men and women of Jerusalem must sit again at the table of My Son, share the bread and the wine, and commune with His Living presence for the renovation of this world.
Today I tell you that if in another time there were those who surrendered all to God out of love for His Son, after 2014 years this love must have matured so that in the face of the tests of these times, these men and women may overcome the fear of losing the world and of losing themselves, in order to live in Christ and for Christ eternally, proclaiming His return, His resurgence in Glory and Divinity.
I thank those who listen to Me and those who will make My words alive, who I summon to walk by My side.
Who loves you eternally, your Mother and Queen of Peace,
Most Holy Mary
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more