May your heart always be clean so that you may receive God within you, hear His Words and follow His steps.
May your heart be pure, a human and divine heart, where the Spirit of God can dwell and guide you at each instant of life.
To consolidate a sacred dwelling place within you, child, you need to learn from determination; not the determination that is the result of human will and impulses, but rather the determination that is the result of love, the dialogue and communion with God, the determination that is born of the will, to reciprocate with Divine Will and fully be Its dwelling, Its instrument.
Spiritual determination must be born within you so that you may mature and consolidate the Purpose of God for your lives, every day. This determination comes from the love for Christ and forms ever more intensely as your heart becomes more united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Confession to God every day strengthens the determination within you to follow in His footsteps. Confession renews your heart and gives you the impulse to begin anew, in spite of the falls, and to not desist, in spite of challenges.
Adoration of the Eucharistic Body of Christ will fill your being with Divine Grace and strengthen the determination within you, to know how to say 'no' to the temptations and stimuli that repeatedly cause you to fall.
Thus, understand, child, that to develop holy determination within your heart, which leads to a pure heart, you need to fill it with the Grace that a sincere relationship with Christ brings into your life by means of daily confession and adoration, because these two moments will be like drinking from the Fount of the Love of God so as to love His Will and His perfect Thought, to listen to His designs and renew your commitment with Him, so that you may know how to be in this world and defeat its stimuli.
In these times of many battles, that become stuck in the invisible field of the human mind, feelings and senses, the spiritual determination will be the necessary gift for you to manage to stay on your feet. For this reason, seek this Grace and cultivate this gift within your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May peace reign in the hearts of humankind so that, through this peace, you may come to know how to find the Wisdom and the Love of God, to manage each situation in life.
Children, while the world is in agony and cries out for support and real love, most of humanity loses itself in distractions and indifference, in conflicts and in the constant stimulation of technology and chaos.
May peace always reign in your hearts. Do not allow yourselves to be stimulated and influenced by the individualistic and egotistical speeches of these times, but instead always remember to serve and love unconditionally; remember to look at your neighbor with love and move beyond their errors and miseries so that, in this way, you may mutually help each other to arrive to God.
Before correcting, you must first love, so that your correction does not transform into judgment, but rather it may be an instrument for souls to resume their path to God. When looking at your brothers and sisters, before observing their defects, seek the perfection of God and ask for the Grace of feeling the Love of the Father for His creatures.
In the final test of humanity, when each being will be tested in their love and in their faith, seek always to have the Eyes of Christ within your eyes, and the Heart of the Redeemer in your hearts. Let Him live in you more each day; yield space for the Lord and fervently ask that He may live in your inner dwellings.
Remember that, with your lives, you write the Gospel of the Return of Christ, with your lives you prepare His way, with your lives you light the torch that shows the world where there is Light in the middle of darkness.
For this reason, pray, and do not tire of praying. Serve and do not tire of stepping out of yourselves for a neighbor. Love and be compassionate. With your own lives declare the power of Mercy.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXXI - Feeling the Love of God is a Matter of Choice
A converted soul, repentant of its deepest sins, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, here I am, trusting in the greatness of Your Love and discovering the Grace of Your forgiveness. Tell me, O Father, how I can be forgiven and loved, and more than this, how can I feel in my heart that I have been touched by Your forgiveness?"
And the Lord responded: "Beloved you are, little soul, since the first breath of your consciousness, since My Spirit alighted upon you and gave you breath and life. Since then, you have been deeply loved.
Forgiven you are, when you embrace forgiveness and understand that it is not I Who deprives you of it but rather it is you who passes by and does not see it; it is you who does not reach out your hands to it due to being occupied with ignorance and sin.
When you awaken and open your eyes to My infinite Love, you can be touched by My Holy Hands. My Spirit again lifts you up into purity and peace, and it is there where you can find My forgiveness and understand that, in truth, I have always been here.
So let your anguish and uncertainty give way to My Love for you, soul of Mine, and see that My forgiveness is before your eyes, knocking at the door of your heart. Let it enter and transform your inner dwelling."
May this dialogue, children, teach you that staying in sin or in ignorance, or being embraced by Love and Forgiveness, are simply a choice of each being. You are beloved from the beginning: children awaited by your Creator. Now you just have to open your eyes and see that before you, with patience and hope, dwells the Love of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When God allows humanity to suffer in the face of the plans of His enemy so that the foundations of sand may break, child, you must let the fragile and false dwellings fall down and surrender your heart to God so that He may build your fortress upon rock.
When God allows weak souls to succumb to their more human temptations and weaknesses, letting themselves be defeated by the enemy, child, you must repair in your life everything that distances you from God and close the doors to the darkness that exists in the depths of your human consciousness.
When you see that the world is fragile and the inner world of humankind does not find support in what once kept them on their feet, look within where your fortitude lies, upon that which your poor soul is supported by, and place your heart in the correct place of union with Christ.
Do not let the weaknesses of souls or the world make you feel better than others so that you may point your finger to the errors of others and place yourself somewhere that you have not yet reached of holiness, surrender and inner maturity.
Let human frailties always be a mirror for you, in which you must look every day to transform that which you see, to heal that which is sick, to throw out that which has rotted and to strengthen that which is truly pure.
Enter the Heart of Christ more and more. Seek the sure path to be in God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Sometimes it seems like you walk and walk, and your spirit turns away from God.
Sometimes you feel that you strive and break, and your heart retrocedes in love.
Today, child, I come to tell you that the human condition is very deep, with many layers to be transcended, ever deeper within your being. It is a long path, made up of many stages that your heart must mature, but your heart also must allow itself to be inflamed by the Love of God.
Each offer you make, each surrender you make, opens a new space within you to be healed, liberated, transcended. These are the chambers of your inner castle, which safeguard your essence and its mysteries.
Live each stage of your surrender, deepening into your union with God. Let your soul be a friend, sister, companion, wife of Christ, until one day it blends with the Lord and there are no longer limitations of His Love within you.
Walk, even if it seems that you will never get there.
Know that this is a profound inward walk toward infinity, and do not stop your steps.
Fix your gaze upon He Who calls you. And let all the obstacles, resistances, all the pain of the torn away layers, all the sorrows of the knocked down walls be sustained in the Heart that is before you upon the horizon of your surrender, your beginning and your end. In this way, you will grow in spirit, but also in love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With the little that the hearts offer to God, the Creator repairs His Creation and starts bringing back to His path of love the souls that got lost.
The only thing the Heavenly Father needs, children, is that you deepen each day your own surrender and holiness. It does not matter that you are not many, that you are not among the multitude proclaiming peace. What matters is that in your hearts the kingdom of God be established, and that within you there is a unique space, an inner abode for Him. May God call you, more than His children, His companions, His instruments.
Each day, look for this grace of a true and profound surrender, a surrender that embraces, little by little, the profound spaces of your consciousness, reaching what is called the subconscious. It is there, in your inner world, in the deepest subconscious, where the history of humanity is kept, where the Light of God begins to work with the whole human consciousness. In this way, children, through you, the Father can heal each one of His children of this world and beyond it.
Everything is a matter of embracing with love the path of service that He calls you to live; of allowing your most unknown nuclei to surrender to God and transform. And so, you will be allowing the whole human consciousness to live a transformation and resume the path of Thought and of the Divine Will. For this, I bless you and I offer you My eternal help.
Pray with Me and I will help you. Seek for My paternal presence and I will be with you, because for this God sends Me to the world, to help you, to be a bridge for your souls and consciousnesses, to help you to return to His Heavenly Heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
See that the cross of the world is already approaching. It is not in the pain or the challenges that your eyes or your heart should be fixed on. Contemplate the renewal of the Love of God and walk toward this purpose.
Shadows come with their harassment, sowing distractions, discord among brothers and sisters, illusions, vain glories and mundane honors. Perceive the harassment, recognize the darkness, and know how to say no to the temptations.
Remember the Universe and the Plan of God. Remember the purpose of your existence. Remember the greatness and the peace of unity and of fraternity. Make your choices according to what God has sowed in your essence, rather than what the enemy has sowed in your mind.
Clean your mind with the power of prayer and uplift your consciousness, adoring the Lord. Find refuge and protection in the Heart of God. Make of His Spirit your dwelling place and allow Him to also find rest inside of you.
The battle of this time is silent and is waged within your own heart; thus, it is much more difficult to receive the help of your brothers and sisters, and companions. The triumph of this time will occur, above all, through the persistence of your own being in God. Always lift your hands up to the Father and remember to let the Cyreneans help you when you no longer have any strength. It is in this way that, as Christ, you will renew all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With the heart willing to be in God, close your eyes, child, and learn to thank the Father for life; thank, because the Creator chose you among so many beings in His Creation, to be on Earth learning to love as He loves.
Learn to thank God because, throughout your life, He has led you by your hand, that you might err enough to be humble and to grow, but he removed you from the errors at the right point of your salvation so that you would not lose your way.
Learn to thank God because patiently He observes you entangled in small things of the human life and distracted from the superior Purpose, for which you came to the world. With eyes of compassion, the Creator follows your steps and waits, because He knows that at some moment you lost sight and you will turn to the highest, and finally find the Heart of the Father.
Learn to thank God because He created a perfect project and placed this hidden perfection inside of you. The Lord is so perfect that, in order for you to open this door inside of you and find this divine treasure, you must be simple, humble and, above all, thank God for life and for the constant gifts He hands you.
Learn, My child, to thank the Father every day, even if you do not have a reason for this. Be thankful and already you will see how many reasons your heart has to thank the Father.
Place your heart in Truth and in the Infinite, in the Love of God for you, and today just give thanks, because, among so many beings in the world, you listen to God in the echo of His Messengers who teach you to love and awaken to what it really is to be a human being.
Thank the Father and give thanks to the Heavens. Offer your heart as a shelter for gratitude and so you will take sure steps of love, because by thanking everything, you will find the possibility of love in all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more