Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
The world experiences its own damnation and does not realize it. Thus, I come to rescue it, to warn and to aid it.
As I have done in other times, dear children, I call on you to pay attention in these end times. You must measure each step taken in these times, each inner attitude and each expression. This will define, in you, the next paths; but if you remain united with Me through prayer, nothing will happen to you; you will only be able to learn and grow, as God has foreseen in each of your lives.
The world suffers, throughout the length and breadth of this planet, and I come to aid it, day after day, through My prayer. If you are persevering with Me in the Marian task, I could continue to pour out My Graces over those who did not deserve them.
From you I need full hearts ready to serve Me, so that all may cross the threshold of this great transition. I place Myself before this great threshold so you may gather within My Immaculate Heart, which is being hurt and wounded by the world, which offers Itself for you every day of Its life as the full Spirit of God manifested, as the Love of God among you, and so that your paths may be paths that take you to meet the Lord Jesus. In this way, dear children, you will build the new bridges that many are cracking and breaking through the action of their personal will.
I come here, dear children, so that you may enter into communion with the spiritual world, which is greatly forgotten, in which many do not place their heart and cannot receive the Graces they so need. The bridge to reach this great spiritual world will be perseverance and constancy in prayer. In this way, you will be able to incarnate the attributes of the Holy Spirit in yourselves; those which are waiting to be alive in you so the fire can illumine you, can heal and change you.
Dear children, I make the Holy Spirit of God available to you, the One that must be sought in these times because many forget it, changing it for other things, for material and worldly things. Thus, I emit My last echo, so the ears of the heart can hear it, and in this way, be able to ardently prepare with the fire of prayer and devotion, which will keep you firm and safe on the path of peace, on the path of redemption.
My children, in you I come to seek that which you have never wanted to give God. Yes, I come to seek your miseries, and as Universal Mother, I am ready to transform your miseries into Light and Love. Thus, I come down to these worlds to be able to convert souls and have them remember they must be in God before the great cycle of the transmutation of the planet. Thus, through union with My Son Jesus, I prepare you, I unite you with His Sacred Heart, and do not let you separate even for a moment from Him; but you must allow it so that all may be healed and redeemed.
Dear children, on this night I repeat all these things because your hearts have not properly heard them, and you must be My apostles, apostles of My Son, apostles of the Redeemer, who represent in this very defining era, the living flame of the Heart of Christ, a Heart that is redeemed and purified, that is transformed and gives itself fully to God.
I come, dear children, to bring you the opportunity you never received in your lives, that you return to God the Father, the Almighty; that you be like Me as I was in other times, in a simple, humble and true way, living God in your heart and in your soul, seeking His Infinity and His Cosmos to be in His Greater Universe.
Dear children, humanity is fallen and ill. Many are assaulting the Heart of My Son; day after day, they deeply wound Him with their actions and thoughts. Thus, I come to this part of the Americas to be able to re-establish devotion to His Sacred Heart; and that devotion will be achieved, dear children, when you give your true 'yes' to God, which will allow you to change this very sick world.
I come to warn you, I come to invite you board this ship of salvation; for this is the last time I come through this world in Immaculate Spirit and in a Spirit of Purity, trying to elevate your cells and atoms toward a greater illumination, toward a quick transformation of each particle of your small bodies. Every day you must seek to vibrate in God, to aspire to merge into that universal life that is so forgotten by this humanity.
This is so strong, dear children, that many forget to look at the sky and identify their own star. Like the Great Star of the Universe, I come to ignite your suns, a fire God needs in these times, in the mission of being able to banish evil from this world.
Dear children, the mission for all of you and those who listen to Me is great. This is My last call, and you will hold it in your memories up to the end of your days.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I humbly invite you to observe the example of those who come to My meeting for the first time, because they overcame their fear of discovering that which for such a long time they knew existed, because they finally trusted in the love given to their hearts.
My children, in these definitive times, I invite you to humility, an adventure of the spirit, so you can leap like children into the discovery of Universal Love. To those who want to follow Christ, I invite you to go deeper into My Words, for transmitted over the last few years, they hold the Divine Purpose for this humanity.
Many did not hear what was said to them, others did not know the true value and found that the Words of the Queen of Heaven were very simple and always the same. But today, My children, I tell you that an infinite treasure is held in each of those Words, and one who truly knows how to hear them will, step by step, find out how to reach the Kingdom of God and bring this Kingdom to the world.
Today I call you, My children, to a permanent renewal of your spirits, so that you not see time go by right before your eyes and the world transform into a new world without you being able to accompany it.
My children, live your transformation together with the transformation of this planet so you may, right before your eyes as well as within your hearts, see the new redeemed race being born.
My dears, many times I speak to you of things you do not understand, but all I ask is that you open your heart, that you hold My Words in the depths of your beings, because there, they will labor, and little by little, they will build this perfect dwelling place, this whole stronghold in each of you; and without your perceiving it, you will live the Plan of God, because in reality, My children, He will be living within each of you.
All opportunities are being given to you. Simply open your arms and receive each one of the gifts that descend from the Heavens. The one who really wants to take this step, toward infinity and toward the unknown, will do so; because, My dears, today I tell you that the doors of the universe will open before your eyes and your little hearts, that worlds unknown to you can be revealed to humanity coming from the 'yes' of your hearts. For as representatives of this world, you can choose to not only belong to it and give a true 'yes' to God, but God will reveal other universes, other celestial realities to you that exist in this world and in many others.
My children, open your eyes, because this planetary moment needs to find you awake. Today, before this universal door, lift up your offerings to God, because this path will lead you to the Feet of the Creator, Who will listen to your pleas and also the pleas of all of humanity, which are held in your hearts.
But do not forget, My dears, that in light of this opportunity of being before the portal of Heaven, you must be intercessors for all of humanity, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for those who suffer in hell and in purgatory and wait for your prayers.
This is a unique moment in which souls can be aided, in which those who did not generate merits for their salvation can indeed be saved by the true power of your prayers.
I listen to the cry of your hearts on this night, and in each of you I leave My maternal response, so that you no longer suffer because of the events of your lives and of this world, but rather that you learn through the tests you experience, and that you mature, because truly I tell you that all you experience is just the beginning of the purification of this planet.
There is much yet to come, but at that moment, you will then be sufficiently prepared to experience it. For this reason, do not fear, simply strengthen yourselves through prayer, through fellowship, and above all, through a unity among your hearts.
Never allow the unity I built in your souls, My children, to be dissolved. Through My Mantle, I always unite you and protect you, so that nothing can separate what was united by the Love of God; so that, as a single army of Peace, you are able to draw this Peace to the world and definitely dissolve all the evil that wishes to extinguish the essence of My children.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
In the Passion of Christ, you will find the living testimony for your conversion and the encouragement to continue forward in the face of tests; because there is nothing more important in your lives, dear children. At this moment, dear children, you must seek to be in God all the time; that will be the sign of your salvation for Heaven.
On this night of Graces and blessings, in which all the universes assemble, I have especially come to bless My dear children, those who through perseverance, took their steps and are being witnesses for others, witnesses to conversion, love and forgiveness.
I also come to bless this sacred hermitage, which will represent the Light of Christ the Redeemer in these times.
The hermitage is the Heart of My living Son, where all will be able to enter to feel Him and recognize Him. When this hermitage beats in the Light of Christ, it will be through the action of your works. I am referring, dear children, to your prayers, which will be able to reach Heaven so as to be received, as I have done many times with you and with many people.
Thus, with joy, singing and in praise, let us go in procession to the hermitage so that I may bless it. Let your candles be the sign of the light of your spirits.
Song: "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary."
My dear children, in glory to God and His firstborn Son, I bless this hermitage, which will represent the Sacred Heart of the living Christ for all, the bridge that will unite you with the Celestial Universe, the Source of Graces and of Redemption.
Those who humbly enter this place, will be touched by the breath of the Spirit of Christ and must fully trust that their life will change, and all their loved ones will be touched by that Christic flame on this night of consecration in which Heaven and Earth commune and all souls assemble around the Great Heart of God to receive His Gifts and His Virtues.
Let us honor the Creator for this great opportunity and as good hearts, let us send a message of peace and of union to the whole world that will circulate through this Earth and unify all spirits within the Great Purpose of God.
Let us cry out to God in the Highest! Let the celestial choirs sing, let hearts be joyful, be redeemed and unite with the only Source of God which is eternal Love, eternal Unity, and eternal Wisdom for all that was created.
Unite your hearts and minds with the Divine Thought of God; and on this night, capture the true signs of His Will which will allow you to be reborn and re-emerge as brave servers, as apostles of the new time, as servants of the Creator that will struggle until the end of days for the redemption of this world, for the salvation of this beauty which represents this planet and all that are part of it, in this great local universe, in communion with infinity, with universal life and with the spirit of peace.
So may it be! So may it be! So may it be!
Let us repeat the following prayer:
In this union with Infinity, I thank you for responding to My call. Today, My Love is especially given to all the pilgrims who, with hope and rejoicing, came to receive a part of My Universal Heaven.
I bless you all, those who are being consecrated and also those who will be consecrated to My Heart, for all are children of the same Father and come from the same Source, the Source of Love.
Thank you all. Go in peace, in Christ. Do not forget to lift up your hearts to God, He will listen to you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:
Once again, Heaven responds to the call of Its children, this is to live peace in the heart.
Dear children, with joy, today I bring you My maternal blessings, and with predilection I keep your intentions in My Heart so that you know that I hear them attentively.
Today I also thank My children for having brought these images that, at the end, I will bless, so that you may take My Maternal Grace to your homes.
The world lives a time of peace, My children, which is also a time of Grace for all, a time of effort and learning experiences, in which souls must mature from the heart.
You must unite, in this time, to My Immaculate Heart, so that you may follow the steps directly to My Son.
In profound joy, today My Heart rejoices for listening to My children in the prayer of the heart.
If today I return here, to Belo Horizonte, dear children, it is because the Plans of God are perfect for this final time.
God wants to build your inner dwellings so that when My Son returns with His Beloved Mother, you may receive Him in peace and in goodness.
God also wants to build your homes and your families, so that the Presence of His Most High Heart may be among your family members, as it was in the beginning with the Sacred Family.
Today, the Queen of Peace radiates Her Peace to the world and also listens to the supplications of Her children, especially of those who are distant from this place.
I thank you, dear children, for contributing, in this final time, with the prayer for the brothers and sisters from the Philippines. Africa also needs your prayers, and consequently, the whole world.
The oceans also need your prayers. Every life that was created by God needs your sincere prayer. Today I make a simple request to you, dear children, because it is necessary for the world to change in time.
My Immaculate Heart comes to assist all souls. It waits for My children to be able to return to the Heart of My Son, because many souls are lost day by day. Many of My children follow paths that are incorrect, I only watch over them in the silence of prayer.
In this time, I strongly need you, dear children. God expects you to awaken to this new call that My Heart is proclaiming throughout America.
Also, dear children, the needs are found within many of My children, the little ones, who need the perfect education from their parents so that, in this definitive time in which modernity influences souls, they are able to grow in the Spirit of God, in the life of prayer within the family.
Thus, in this time, they will be protected and their paths of faith will open to find good and precious things among the most beloved beings, that also need to heal and redeem their heart in this era.
Now, I need in this time, dear children, that your arms be wide open so that the heart may feel the Words that Heaven sends you in this era. As in Fatima, Lourdes and now in Medjugorje, I come to announce more time of peace on Earth.
Dear children, prayer is very urgent in order for the world to be helped. If many of my children do not pray the prayer of the heart, who will be able to help humanity?
God sends His Divine Messengers so that souls may take safe steps in the Light.
You may count on the help of My Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Saint Joseph, who ardently wait for the help of your prayers in order to spread peace in other regions of the world, especially where there is misery and lack of love.
Dear children, the world is populated with many things, good things and not so good things.
I invite you to follow the path of the Gospel so that, in this time of trials, your hearts may perceive the truth and the lie, and decide for the path of the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit that will give you strength in this time of transition.
Always, I keep you within My Maternal Heart.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
My beloved ones, My presence in the world has the spiritual purpose of establishing a longer time of redemption.
Therefore, I want you to know that when your souls are before My Presence, you contemplate before the heart two doors to be chosen: one of them leads you to Paradise, to a life of peace and mercy, and the other door, My children, confuses your hearts, submerging them into the illusions of the world.
Today I tell you that an opportunity of awakening is being offered to all your consciousnesses.
My heart reaches, in this time, many places in the world and I make Myself visible to many hearts, including of this nation, Brazil, so that as many souls as possible may enter My Kingdom. It is only necessary, My children, that you discover My Heart and allow to mature, in each one of your essences, the Divine Purpose that I bring through different manifestations to the world.
Today, I tell you that the illusions of the world confuse your hearts, because the modernities and all the pleasures that matter offers you attract the personalities of your beings, My children. But it is necessary, in this time, that you listen to the clamor of your souls and allow it to be stronger and more intense than material desires.
Today, My dear ones, I send to each of your hearts a ray of My Mercy so that all faults that you have committed throughout time may be forgiven and, as members of humanity, you may receive the opportunity of living a new life, a life of redemption.
If you accept, My dear, having your essences clean before God, you will be able to open your eyes to new universes, new concepts of truth, which today are unknown to most beings.
I only ask you to be truly brave, so that the power of your souls may manifest in matter and lead each of your beings along this path of redemption.
Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I will always wait for you to remain in My Immaculate Heart. And I have the aspiration, dear children, that all your families may reconsecrate themselves to the Sacred Family of Nazareth, so that the Spirit of the Three Sacred Hearts may remain among you, in your dwellings and in your hearts.
While My Spirit rejoices, It blesses and heals you profoundly; It erases from your hearts all debts, all suffering, all pain. Because, as a Mother of all hearts and Queen of Peace, I want My children to be happy, to be participants in this celestial happiness that is to be found in the Kingdom of God and, as you know, My little ones, this Kingdom has already been announced by My Son, and it will be announced again in His expected Return to Earth.
Now I invite you, dear children, to build this dwelling through prayer.
God expects to be consoled through sacrifice, fasting, prayer and mainly, through the perfect Communion with My Son. The first true Communion, dear children, is to be found in the union of your hearts to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This alliance, which you can build through prayer and trust in Christ, is invincible; no one can defeat it because the victory of Christ is to eternally remain in your essences.
Many of My children, in this time of the world, should recognize purity, humility and all the attributes that have been gestated in the Sacred Hearts since the beginning, when We were among you helping Our humanity.
Because, dear children, despite being in Heaven now, and My Spirit coming to speak to you, We will return in a coming time to re-establish the Thousand Years of Peace upon the Earth.
Dear children, today I say goodbye with joy and devotion, and I thank My children from Belo Horizonte for opening the doors of their hearts to Me again. For only through the heart and the perfect union with God no one will fear, but will rise to continue walking despite the falls.
For this reason, My Son was among you, took your crosses to liberate you and give you His Mercy, so that you could live in peace. Seek the Infinite Mercy of My Son, the wellspring is open for those who thirst.
And now, I will bless these images, dear children, and since we are in the era of the Holy Spirit, may the Luminous Bird fly over your spirits; the one that in Pentecost, brought Peace to the world and the evangelization of the Sacred Words of Christ throughout the Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
May the Light and the Healing of God remain in your hearts. Carry on, the Father awaits you.
Song: "Ave Luminosa"
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Our Lady is asking us to pray for the peace in the nations, it is Her last request tonight. Let us pray a Hail Mary in each language, so that all the nations may be in the Heart of our Mother.
Prayer: "Glory"
Song: "Ave, Ave, Ave María"
Song: "María, Madre Divina"
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more