Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the city of Ourém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

And today I carry on My Mantle the Flag of Egypt, because I know of the importance of the humanitarian aid and of the collaboration of all Europeans with the African continent and its population. Therefore, today I bring this nation at My Feet, so that they may be able to contemplate together with Me the true need of this time and how much the souls wait for help, to relieve their suffering and pain.

This Humanitarian Mission which I invite you to live is special for Me and will be concomitant to the Mission of the Mother of God in Europe, because in truth, dear children, everything is united in one same essence and under a same purpose.

I invite you, dear children, to contemplate the diversity of the Plan of God, so that It may be fulfilled on the surface of this Planet, with the adherence and help of all My children in the world.

I invite you to pray for this new Mission that will happen in Egypt, so that the doors of Mercy may be able to open in this place and the Grace of the Celestial Mother not only reach Egypt, but also all of Africa, by means of the service and of the charity of My children, from the love and dedication that will be placed in their hearts. It will be that love that can be born from their hearts that will alleviate the suffering and the pain of the world. 

Dear children, at this time I invite you to be more aware, to continue supporting the Mother of God in Her Work of Peace in the world, so that more hearts may be embraced by the Mercy of My Son and  feel within them the Peace of the Kingdom of God.

It is this peace, that is so hidden and invisible, that comes from the Kingdom of God that I want you to take in your hearts, so that the souls may be able to feel, inside of themselves, the opportunity to be reunited with the Hope and Joy of being able to live in this humanity and fulfill their spiritual mission in this time; therefore everything you offer to My Immaculate Heart will be important for the Work of Peace to spread in the world and especially peace to be sown in the nations that are always living in conflict and persecution.

I invite you to be servers of the end of times, beyond your life of Christendom, beyond your life of apostleship and of unconditional and abnegated service for the souls.

I invite you to open your arms so that your hearts may be able to expand in the world, to embrace suffering, transforming it with love and to relieve the souls of all the pains that they feel day by day, especially those who live the conflicts and the wars of these times.

The world still has many spiritual and material needs.  Imbalance and  inequality are the tone of the nations at this time.

You know, dear children, that this great transformation of humanity will be born in the simple and humble hearts; that through small and simple acts, through service, healing and instruction, the world will be able to receive new codes, the earth will be able to be repopulated with new principles and new designs.

This is the reason why your Celestial Mother and Her Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, ask for the humanitarian missions to Humanity, so that not only new missionaries are formed in the life of service, but so that more souls awaken to this path of unconditional surrender for humanity and the planet.

Dear children, I need that you equal the Mother of God in the path of surrender, of sacrifice, of prayer and of faith, so that these gifts may be present in the world and in all, all My children of the world, without exception, in spite of their beliefs or of their religion, of their social or human condition, may feel they are participants of the Love of the Mother of God, as well as they can understand and live it.

I do not invite you to evangelize nor to form a new religion, nor a new Church. I invite you to live the Teachings of Christ by means of His Gospel and of His parables, by means of everything He taught us when He was present here on Earth.

My aspiration is that you be new apostles on the path of service, of an amplified and more profound service that Europe needs to live, so that it can abandon this vague spirit of inertia and of commodity (comfort), so that their hearts be strengthened in faith and columns of light may be created here, that may be able to reach many more souls that need to come out of worldly ignorance and planetary illusion.

I invite you to make a greater effort, a greater step for the Mother of God, knowing that here you count on the Sacred Source of Lys so that many, many more things can happen in the world and especially in Europe, which must continue walking on the path of redemption and conversion of its sins.

I invite you, My children, to a profound and true renewal, imitating the example of the missionaries, of those who donate themselves to the unconditional service, to the danger and the risks in the most difficult nations of the world.

I invite you to live the example of service by means of your fellow beings, of your companions in the journey, of those who are around you day by day and who also live the same aspiration of becoming New Christs on Earth.

I need this missionary and humanitarian spirit to expand in all of Europe; this will begin, first in you, dear children of Europe, by living change and inner renewal, so that it may later happen throughout Europe and the souls may awaken to this profound and true need of serving God and of relieving the suffering in Africa.

As intercessor and mediator Mother of all souls of Africa, I must ask for one mission at a time, so that it may be fulfilled up to the end, following the Purpose of God and the burning desire of My Beloved Son. But in truth, in these critical and difficult times that the world is living, many humanitarian missions are necessary.

I invite you, children of Europe, to renewal, to feel in your hearts, the living warmth of unconditional service, that may ignite you and awaken you to live an apostolic and missionary life, as Christ wishes it. 

For this reason, I bring at My Feet the flag of Egypt and I also have the flag of Egypt embroidered in My Mantle, because this people once received Me together with My Son and Saint Joseph, as the first refugees in the history of Humanity. I wish, dear children, that this same love that once the people of Egypt gave me, you too can give in this critical time to all of Africa.

I have returned to Europe, on this fifth time, to remind you of this commitment and to tell you that this commitment is not being fulfilled. In order for Europe to maintain its spiritual, moral and human balance, it must serve Africa unconditionally, to alleviate its debts, release its errors and reach the spiritual reconciliation which is so necessary and urgent between both continents, as it is with America.

I invite you to expand the spirit of unconditional fraternity and to encourage yourselves to live a profound change. Again I speak to you about change, because change in you is indispensable. This will take you to Truth, to follow the path of the Divine Purpose and to find a definitive meaning in your lives.

Many wounds in Africa must be repaired by Europeans. And it is not sufficient, on this occasion, that only two Europeans represent this humanitarian mission. I invite you, through this exercise of unconditional service, to postulate yourselves to the humanitarian work so that the world and its humanity may be repaired.  May the aftermath of suffering, of slavery and of persecution be dissolved in this human consciousness, and especially, in Africa.

I invite you to raise your hearts High, affirming this commitment with God the Father Himself, so that the Plans of Peace that He has designated for us can continue to be fulfilled and lived in this crucial time, as a true testimony that this Plan is indispensable for this humanity and for the planet; from the humanitarian missions, until the life of prayer and communion with Christ.

I come to show you this testimony of love through the consecration of new children of Mary who approach My Heart to say "yes" and especially to say "yes" when I am not present anymore and contemplate you from the Universe, living the unconditional service and fraternity with your fellow beings.

Europe must become aware of what in truth it must fulfill before the Throne of God, as Principle and as Design. This will make you mature and encourage you to continue forward; because service brings piety (mercy) and piety (mercy) grants healing to the souls. This is the meaning of your purpose as Europeans, not only with Africa, but also with Asia and America.

So that a New Humanity may emerge, the mistakes from the past must be liberated and that begins in you. This is why I call you and make this maternal invitation, because I will not be able to tell you again what I am saying today.

Now I will call here those who will be consecrated today, and after consecrating the new children of Mary, I will consecrate this new humanitarian mission by giving the blessing to the missionaries.

First let the new children of Mary come here.

The Mother of God knows that you want to take the step; that is why I come here, on this fifth time in Europe, to encourage you, lead you and guide you, through the path of surrender and service. Because Europe too must be part of a New Humanity, more conscious and fraternal before the pain of the world and the human suffering.

I know that as Mother I come to bless you, to give you My Grace, to donate My Heart to you, to offer you My Life, so that your lives may be consecrated to the Plan of God.

Through this consecration receive the impulse of My Heart to be free of yourselves, to be led by the Sacred Spirit of God in this humanitarian mission of the end of times, in this urgency to pray for peace in the world and to grant the souls the Mercy of God.

May God bless you on this day of Consecration and of Grace. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, the new children of Mary we are going pray before the Mother of God, the prayer of the Universal Mother, once:

We praise you,
Oh Universal Mother!
Full is Your Grace, 
Unity is in You.
Sacred Feminine Energy,
You gestate within Yourself the New Humanity.
Oh Supreme Universal Mother!
intercede for us,
beings of the surface of Earth,
so that we may consecrate ourselves
as worthy children of God,
in faith,
in light, 
in peace,
in protection.
in healing,
in love,
in pardon,
in reconciliation,
in charity,
in humility,
in transmutation,
in fraternity
and at the hour of our total
and final surrender
to the Creator Father.

Know that everything I tell you is because I want (love) and love you, and I seek the good in your lives and in the lives of the world, so that the Kingdom of God may be instituted in all planetary life.

You can stand up and return to your places.

Now, let the missionaries come here.

In this blessing that I will propagate to your hearts, through the holiness of this Water, the first element that God manifested on this planet, I will be able to carry through your hearts, the love of My Immaculate Heart so that the suffering and pain, in my children of Egypt and in all My children of Africa, can be relieved by the expansion of the Power of My Heart.

Through this oil that I will especially bless for you today, I will engrave in your consciousnesses the luminous sign of the Cross of my Son, so that the powerful Light of Emmanuel may accompany you in this Work of peace and love for the world.

This protection that I give you children, is the special protection of My  Son, for Christ to walk before you and to lead you to the need to relieve the suffering in the most imperceptible hearts who need peace, love and goodness.

May your hands be the Hands of Christ, not only to embrace and console, but to serve and relieve the most profound and inner wounds in the souls.

The suffering of humanity is the great consequence for lack of love. You who are blessed by the Holy Spirit on this important surrender of your lives, take toward that place what the people need to recuperate, as culture and as spirit within the Purpose of God.

The Angels transubstantiate this element, the incense, so that you may be protected by the powerful emanations of the Angelic Universe and that the Mantle of the Mother of God may make you invisible and invincible before the stalking of My adversary.

Now let us pray to God so that He may be with you step by step, the prayer that My Son taught:

Our Father...

May the Lord grant you peace and may this peace reach Egypt and the entire world, awakening the missionary spirit, the spirit of charity and of fraternity, so that the nations unite more in solidarity, in cooperation and in equality.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for listening to My Call!

See you soon.

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, distribute a rose to each missionary and afterwards I will tell you what it is I want.

Let us pray while I wait:

Prayer to the Divine Lady
By the Light that Your Immaculate Heart poured out,
which changed the hearts of the world, 
Divine Lady, pray for us.

This rose, dear children, represents an offering for Heaven.

And now, I ask each missionary that, with the rose on their breast, feeling it in their heart, in silence they offer Me this rose for a soul I have known in the Middle East and that needs My special help, My divine intercession. I listen to you in the silence of your heart.

After this offering, let us make the sign of the cross three times.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sublime universes, close to My Heart, draw close to your lives, missionary children, to be able to rescue the souls most in need of the help of God.

At this moment, I ask, dear missionary children, that in the silence of your hearts and in the union of your minds, you do a synthesis of all you experienced, because God your Lord taught each of you something, renewed you spiritually, showed you the suffering of the world, human indignation, persecution, death and chaos.

But I, My children, showed you how through love, the love your hearts expressed for those who suffered the most, everything can be transformed.

May this expansion of the love you experienced, under the intercession of My Beloved Son, be able to continue to be enriched in your lives, so it may multiply in those who must wake up to higher service for humanity.

On this night of Graces, on this night of Mercy and Pity, My Message, dear children, is that of infinite celestial gratitude for your effort and your perseverance in My Plans; because this, dear children, touched the Heart of the Father God. His Heart was moved by your simple offering of the giving of self, day after day, to others.

You have learned, dear children, the teachings of the Sacred Family. Each of these teachings, each of the attributes of the Sacred Hearts were present during all the days of the mission, and in spite of the tiredness and the pain, My Immaculate Heart and My motherly arms never ceased to embrace you, because I know, dear children, that it is important for each child of Mine to feel they are in the arms of Mary.

The triumph of My Immaculate Heart took place in each of the hearts of those you helped. A seed of light was sown in those consciousnesses so they could wake up other consciousnesses that, escaping the war and persecution, needed to find the essence of My Peace, without religion and without belief; the universal Peace of the Greater Universe and the Sublime Universes that must descend at this crucial time to all the hearts of the Earth.

But the war has not yet ended, nor the decapitations. Souls are also still suffering in several places of the planet. For this reason, the missions will continue so that humanity will be moved, so that humanity will awaken to true service which it must provide in these end times.

Each of My children, each of you, present in this place, has a piece in your hands that comes from your heart to be able to put this perfect Plan of God together, to concretize this Divine Project in this still unredeemed race.

Dear children, now that you have placed a soul of the Middle East in My arms, many more souls will come into your lives through the missions, seeking that impulse of peace that your hearts hold.

The true mission, My children, was done between you and My Heart. The Most High God granted the Grace to your Heavenly Mother of accompanying you in this new mission to Turkey and Greece. But this time, I will go with Saint Joseph, so that two powerful Hearts, such as Ours, may triumph in many more needy souls.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My children, many ask themselves why I receive My missionary children with so much Love; because I want the world to contemplate the Grace of God which descends to Earth when a heart is able to serve in a pure way, irrespective of the act of service; because it is not the great actions, My beloveds, that count in the celestial scales.

What really balances the debts of this world is the love with which hearts serve, the love with which you ready yourselves to serve God, to fulfill His Plan, whether understanding it or not; because My missionary children many times did not understand how, with such simple actions, My Heart rescued so many souls.

But so it is, My children, because they are experiencing a different Law, and so that you may understand the potential of the love in the human heart, that through humanitarian missions, you understand the power you hold in your hearts when they unite with the Heart of God. In this way, you wake up an absolute unity with the Creator.

May many more of My children in the world be able to awaken to the missionary spirit; may you find the need at your side; may you serve all those around you; may you lose your fear, My children, of being among the poor, among the destitute in spirit, among those that most need to receive My Peace and the Redemption I bring them in My arms, as a Grace granted by My Son to the hearts of the world.

I hope that through this example I bring you today at this altar, prepared with such love for Me, all the souls that listen to Me awaken to the true service this planet offers you, which is to accomplish the mission of each one so that, in this way, the Plan of the Creator is fulfilled.

Let the inner missionaries awaken, those who are ready to serve with no schedule or day, without tiring, in spite of the weaknesses of the body; because you know that My Heart will support you and will also avail itself of the efforts so that you may overcome your own difficulties, including physical ones, to rescue yet more souls.

For the more the love in your hearts expands, the more you overcome yourselves out of love for others, and above all, out of love for God, a greater celestial door opens in the skies of this Earth to withdraw so many souls from the hells and the abysses of the planet which are still suffering because of My adversary.

Dear children, My joy is infinite and I would like to transmit it to your hearts. I would also like to transmit the gratitude I feel, so that you too may be grateful to God for all the Creator has granted you throughout these last years.

May gratitude, My children, propel you into reverence; may gratitude propel you into a permanent surrender of your lives to constant prayer, to selfless service; because this is what I expect, My beloveds, from those who listen to Me with their heart.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, My joy is also because of the basket of intentions of the children of the Middle East which you brought. Today, I will radiate them and pray for each one of them.

At this moment, let us unite with God, with His Sacred Names. Let us sing His Sacred Names to the Creator.

At this moment, My Immaculate Heart lifts up to Heaven the thousands who sank in the seas, looking for a way out, a hope, a possibility.

At this moment, My Spiritual Heart embraces the little children of the Middle East, orphans, without fathers or mothers, so that God may grant them a new life.

At this moment, My Most Pure and Holy Heart consoles the mothers of the Middle East, tired of so much walking through the deserts, thirsty and hungry, seeking a new life. My Heart consoles them, My Soul uplifts them in the name of the Lord.

At this moment, My Merciful Heart shelters all the sick men, the old and the young that escape from the war to go to other nations, who do not rest, who do not stop walking, seeking the Light of Infinity.

All this is possible, My children, and was possible because of the mission to Turkey, for having said 'yes' to My call, to My universal convocation; and in spite of evil still being in the world and the war not ended, be sure, My children, that My Immaculate Heart will triumph. Amen.

Now I call those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary; because they are another part of My Work of Redemption, they are part of My hands, of My hands of work and of service for humanity.

Let them come here for the blessing, before I rise up to Heaven.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We can stand.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Let us thank God, dear children, because your lives can know peace, because your lives are in this Sacred Spiritual Center, while millions of souls look for a way out and escape from terror.

The opportunity will not be lacking, My children, that your brothers and sisters, the missionaries of peace, express what they have felt in the depths of their hearts; because God left an obvious sign in each of them, a teaching, an experience, a gift that will be forever indelible when you take care of it, just as I take care of you every day of your life. Thus, I take care of all the Children of Mary in the four corners of the Earth.

In this way, dear children, we prepare for the Meeting of the Children of Mary, as from this holy day, in which your Heavenly Mother celebrates this perpetual communion with the Most High, with each of His children present in this place and in any part of the world.

The armies of Light are the Children of Mary, stars of Light present on Earth that can never be put out. For in truth I tell you, My children, that each one will experience their transition, their inner Armageddon, their spiritual, mental and physical purification.

I cannot lie to you, My children. For the New Race to be born and the New Humanity emerge on the American continent, you must help Me have the whole Earth and all of humanity cross this portal, with the greatest relief possible, to the New Humanity. That is the task of the Children of Mary, to pray for the New Humanity, to pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, which you must never forget because they too suffer the consequences of the human being.

For all these Graces that I pour out today, opening My arms to you, extending My hands to each of your hearts under the divine authority granted Me by the Father of the Universe; let us renew our vows, let us say 'yes' to the call of the universe, to the existence of higher life and the concretization of the Divine Plan in each of the hearts of the Earth.

In the Presence of My beloved Son and of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, I bless you and I consecrate you as children of My Immaculate Heart in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

My children, before leaving this place, I want a priest to bring Me oil for the consecration, for I desire to bestow a blessing on each of the missionaries, a luminous sign of the Cross, invincible and powerful in these times.

Meanwhile, dear children, sing the "Hymn of the Children of Mary" to Me so it may echo in the Middle East.

Just as Jesus washed the feet of His apostles and disciples, thus I anoint you with the oil of life, the oil of the consecration, the oil of love and of unity with God.

Just as I anointed the Body of My Son when He entered the sepulcher, preparing for His glorious Resurrection, thus I sanctify your hearts and I give your souls gifts so they may continue forward, working in the name of faith.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

While I rise up, sing the "Hymn of the Children of Mary."

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

