During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary announced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


XXIV - The Only Purpose: Live Love

A soul that aspired to one day be able to live unity with all beings and with God sought within each religion points that could unite each one of them, in love and respect. And one day, in prayer, the soul questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, You are the same God for all true religions. You are the same One Who inspires hearts and souls along the path of return to Your Spirit of Love. Tell me, then, what is there in each religion that unites us, that makes us all Your Children?"

And with love, the Lord responded: "What makes you My Children, little soul, are not the religions, but life itself. The fact that you exist in the vast Creation makes each being a child of God loved and favored, created for a purpose and with a mission.

Religions are impulses that I have given to humanity time and again so that souls would remember the path toward their evolution, but it has not only through religions that I have sent these impulses to the world; I also done so through nature, silence, service and, oftentimes, through suffering, because some of My children have chosen this path to awaken and perceive that they were not understanding life in the correct way, and that they were missing the true meaning of their existence.

Through religions, I have sent impulses to the world and as human beings grew and evolved mentally, emotionally and in soul, these impulses were able to become more expansive, more clear, more direct.

Through Krishna, I led them to an awakening of a simple degree of love, a love for life, for the elements, for energies. I led you to a broader perception of existence, and I began to create a path of return to My Heart. However, each being understood religion in a different way and manifested it according to their possibilities, which oftentimes were not pure like My impulses are.

Through Buddha, I taught you unity with the All, the compassionate love and peace. I taught My children to live in communion with the universe and to step out of the constant rounds of errors and their consequences. You were then ready to understand that it is you yourselves who are responsible for your lives, and through your choices, you attract to yourselves the rays and the impulses that elevate you or correct you, according to that which you choose to experience.

But not all of humanity evolved, not all opened to love.

The human mind developed, and with the mind, its wickedness developed rather than its love. Instead of My Children living in communion with life, they wished to possess it and manipulate it. For this reason, they made ways of getting what they wanted.

Through the Patriarchs, I again gave impulses to beings, correcting their paths; impulses that were also experienced according to their understanding.

Until I sent My Son to the world, not only with a teaching, but with a Grace. Different from all previous religions, it was not through knowledge or a constant effort to elevate yourselves that you would reach Me, but rather through a grace and the Mercy that a surrendered heart can receive.

The Love of Christ did not come for a few; it came for all. It did not come for the East or for the West; it came for all life, for all the beings that, in spite of their sins, knew how to say yes.

In previous times, humanity reached divine dimensions through a constant effort for elevation. Through Christ, the Kingdom was revealed to you within your own hearts, and throughout human evolution, My impulses continue to be renewed.

I begin to gather within My Children all the knowledge and all the degrees of love because the time has come for a synthesis of life on Earth, the time of the narrow and only doorway through which all beings will reach Me. And this doorway, beloved soul, is the love within your hearts.

This is why I Am the God of Life, because I love all and I have taught all how to love. This is the path for reaching Me. Therefore, come, in spite of differences. Come, in spite of knowledge. Come, in spite of the impulses that you have received, because all of them have had one purpose; that of leading you into loving."

May this dialogue, children, teach you how to understand the cycles of life and their true meanings, and to know that in spite of all the complexity of human existence, for everything there is one purpose, which is the living of love.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Seek to love with wisdom: always words for God, always actions for God, always feelings for God, so that you may build His Plan with your lives.

Seek to live with wisdom, observing your own actions and intentions, letting them be guided by a superior Purpose; observing your own heart so that it may be imbued with your mission and with the Divine Truth.

Seek in God the answers to your questions and you will know that His are the merits of the victories of your lives.

Seek in God the virtues to express and you will know that He is the driving force of all true transformation.

Let the Hands of God guide you, let the Divine Thought inspire you, let the Love of God fill you, let the Divine Wisdom be an impulse to everything you are and your thoughts will be inspirations of God, your advice will be Gifts of His Spirit, your actions will be tireless Works that build bridges to reach the Father, your lives will be sanctified by His presence and, more than this, by His Action.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Where souls cry out for peace and unite only for the purpose of establishing peace in the world, there God will be.

The Creator hears the voice and the pleas of His children, He hears the depths of their souls that awaken. With a minimum effort of elevation, the Hands of God stretch out to the Earth and bring souls to His Heart.

The Youth Festival for Peace is that moment, children, in which souls find encouragement and breathing space, young people find meaning, hope and strength to continue their mission of transforming this world and have it return to the origin of the Divine Purpose.

Even though they do not know it and even though they do not understand the science of spiritual events, many young people are touched, freed and rescued by God. While they sing, their souls are freed; while they express with their voice, with their heart, with words spoken in poems, in testimonials, in reflections; when their feelings are manifested in paintings, in photographs, in what they call art; it is thus, in this simple way, that the Creator silently touches their souls. It is in this way that your Celestial Mother humbly transforms hearts and shows them the way that they must take.

The Youth Festival for Peace is a door to a new life, where souls recognize the path and receive a divine blessing to tread it.

Revere this moment, because those who awaken will be the precursors of the new life on Earth; they will be those who will testify to their redemption to the Infinite; they will be those who will return to the Origin with the full consciousness of their accomplished mission and will offer to God the renewal of His Love and of His Creation.

This is the Youth Festival for Peace; a doorway to a new path, a new time. The first impulse of an awakening that will culminate in the triumph of the Heart of God.

This is how you should see it and with this love, accompany their growth, their maturing and their expansion.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Universe of God is sublime, and its mysteries are incalculable. But, before reaching the celestial heights, children, you should learn to deal with your human condition and live the transcendence of illusions, available to humans by the time of Earth and its mysteries, until you can cross the layers and veils that separate you from the Truth and the Time of God, so you may discover not only the celestial mysteries but, above all, yourselves. 

If I spoke to you only of sublime things, you would make from the Truth an illusion in your minds, you would have it as a story, but not as an experience, as a philosophy, but not as life manifested in everything that you are. This is why, sometimes, I speak to you of the Universe and sometimes I go back to your human condition, to create a bridge between what you think you are and what you must find out about yourselves.

The Truth already is. It manifested in the Origin of life and has hidden in the essence and microcosmos of each being. To find it, you should search for it as you search for the things of the world today. Just as you make an effort for the victories on Earth, make an effort for the triumphs of Heaven.

Search for the example of those who have already walked this path. Drink from the experience of those who were tested and transcended human life, to find Christ hidden and alive within themselves. Those you call saints, children, are not God, and it is not their miracles that will make them reach God, but rather their example which can inspire you and bring you light for the darkness of consciousness.

To reach what is High, you should elevate yourselves. To reach that which is within, you should deepen. And this is an eternal and tireless mission, until you return to the Origin of life.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


Keep in your heart that which makes you a disciple of Christ, which is obedience, humility, love and absolute faith in His Plan.

Remember, child, that your heart must be an instrument of the Lord, and wherever you go, carry that certainty and that mission with you.

Let your heart always be a bridge to the Heart of God; and for that, it must be empty of self, empty of plans, projects, expectations, empty of will and of dreams to be realized.

To be an instrument of God, your heart must be humble and obedient, always open to listen, always ready to learn, more inclined to perceive what the Universe wants to show you each day rather than contributing something to somebody or to some situation.

If you are always ready and attentive to learn, you will be able to perceive what God wants of you in each instant. If you are ready to obey, you will follow the cycles and will not cling to your will and to your plans, even though at some point they were the Will and the Plan of God itself.

Times change, cycles go by and each day will bring a different need. Thus, what is most important in this time is to know how to obey, to be attentive to the new impulses that come from God and to be ready to change the direction of the ship if it becomes necessary.

May being an instrument of God in the world be your only will; in this way, child, everything will be accomplished as it should be, be it in Africa or in any part of the world, the Plan and Divine Will shall manifest through you.

Live and remain in the void. In prayer, seek the Creator who dwells within you; hear His Voice, feel His Love, and know that within you, you will always find a refuge where you can be with your God, to renew your strengths and continue.

You have My blessing for taking a step into the void.

You have My blessing for finding a cycle of greater humility and obedience.

You have My blessing for discovering what it is to live under the Will and the Grace of the Divine Hierarchy all the time.

You have My blessing for being an instrument of God and to find peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Rest your heart in the love of God. Renew your strength in His Cross, growing every day in your surrender.

Restore your spirit in prayer, in union with the Hierarchy, in silence and in peace, so that after each accomplished Mission your spirit may be ready for a new ascending step, more intense and profound than the previous ones.

In this way, child, you will open your heart to the Temple of God and you will prepare not only your spirit, but also your body, mind and emotions to go through the thresholds of a new life.

Thank God for everything in your life, because gratitude attracts renovation and peace from the Universe.

Unite your heart with the Divine Purpose, always saying "yes" to God, thus He will renew you and help you so that everything you are may be overcome, more each day; so that the fruits of love, the tree of the new life, may emerge from your effort.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When souls thank God for another mission accomplished, they open the doors for more Graces to descend upon the world and for more souls to be able to receive healing, forgiveness and the Mercy of God.

To go on a pilgrimage with the Divine Messengers into the world, physically or by heart and consciousness, is to assume the apostleship of these times and to forget oneself so that the world may receive the Peace that comes from the Heart of the Creator.

Today, children, not only your hearts are thankful, but also the Heart of God emanates gratitude toward the infinite Cosmos, and His Love is felt within all of His Creation.

The Heart of God is relieved, just as so many souls and states of consciousness that you do not know. The liberation experienced these past days relieved and repaired the Heart of the Father; but the deepest gratitude of the Heart of God emerges from the feeling of unity that His Eyes see in the Work of Love, established by Him on Earth.

Your hearts managed to vibrate within the same purpose, in unity and in love, regardless of where they were and what role they played in the Plan of God. Finally, children, souls could experience and live what it is to be a missionary of God, an apostle of Christ, a companion of His. They could understand that this is an inner state, a state of consciousness. At last the Love of your Creator is arriving in the right place within you, and the instructions delivered by God are becoming life in your consciousnesses.

Do you now understand how little is necessary to establish Peace? And how fulfilled you feel as you accomplish the Plan of God?

Your attitude of transformation, of unity and of love opened the doors for the Divine Messengers to stay some more time in the world, and for the nations that had been self-condemned to perdition to be able to receive Divine Mercy. From this comes the gratitude of God and the gratitude that My Chaste Heart expresses to you today.

The Light-Network of the Heart of your Divine Mother is visible today, resplendent, embracing the planetary consciousness. And for this reason, I thank you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 



Daily Messages

There are places on Earth, children, that from the beginning of the planet were designed by God so that gradually they could manifest and hold the most sacred and evolutionary experiences that every and any human being can have.

These sacred places in the invisible worlds consist of Kingdoms of Love, because all the love achieved by humankind has been kept there and, throughout human evolution, it has multiplied and transformed to assist all those who are still learning to love and discovering the truth about themselves, which is hidden in the essence of love.

When the Divine Messengers travel throughout the world, They awake these sacred places and create a link between the human consciousness and those spaces of love so that, spiritually speaking, beings may receive new opportunities for fulfilling their mission and expressing the Divine Thought.

From the degrees of purity and unity with the Kingdoms of Nature, expressed by the primitive peoples, through the love achieved by Christ on the Cross, up to the love experienced by human beings, all this is kept in the essence of those sacred places as an assistance for the different nations and continents.

But if humanity is indifferent toward this spiritual reality, it remains hidden and silent, and does not present its treasure, its legacy, to the human consciousness.

For this reason, children, each day you must be more aware of the celestial mysteries that are also held on Earth so that, in the name of humanity, you can participate in them, receive and live the love that makes all of you worthy children of God, and that which makes you express the Divine Will and Thought.

With your prayers, accompany Our steps and receive these gifts with gratitude.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received during the journey from the Marian Center of Figueira to the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Wherever you go, take the Love and the Grace of God with you so that those who meet you may feel the help and the Grace that comes from the Heart of the Father; feel that it is God Himself Who shelters them through His instruments.

Allow your gaze to be pure and transmit Mercy, may your actions be pure and transmit the blessings you have received from God.

Child, this world needs peacemakers who may themselves be instruments of peace for all beings. Your life must convert into prayer and into permanent service, because today it will no longer be words that  transform souls, but examples that, in spite of being silent, will speak loud in this world, so in need of God.

For this reason, go, and on your pilgrimage, be aware of your mission not only while you pray, but while you live.

All beings on this Earth have a mission to fulfill, and many of those you find on your path need to awaken, and today I tell you that an act of mercy can change the life of a brother, just as much as a thousand prayers made with the heart.

Today, this is my petition to you:  that you bring peace wherever you go; that you be peace for the world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


After opening the doors of your heart to live the gift of gratitude, child, may your being receive the blessings from God. With the blessings of the Most High, you must strengthen your inner world, your mission in service to this planet, especially through prayer. 

Each day that goes by, nations spiritually cry out for help, and the Earth's own heart makes itself heard by those who are sensitive to the love and the true necessity of this world.

Thus, pray, and pray with fervor, offering the many Graces and blessings that you have received from Heaven, in the name of those who have nothing. 

Pray for the heart of Africa, in a special way, so that despite all suffering, it not lose its purity and innocence. 

Africa must be the symbol of this world's rebirth. From its core, life is originated, and after everything it has learned, from its core love must be renewed and overcome.

Pray so that the nations may transcend the purifications of this time, and on top of the calvary of this world, may the beings be able to forgive and love beyond all things. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Hearts suffer because, prisoners of themselves, they cannot manage to get away from their wills, aspirations, accomplishments and goals, even if these are internal and spiritual. They suffer because, within themselves, they build a perfect plan, a perfect humanity and a perfect planet, but cannot find, in their own self, the way to perfection, which can only be achieved in the Unity with God.

Hearts suffer because they want to know, to live and to be things that are not real. And since life does not fit their illusions, they suffer and perish, without perceiving that the root of their suffering is within their own self.

The Plan of God, child, is perfect, but many times incomprehensible, because the Divine Mind is not like the human mind; likeness between God and men is to be found in the essence and in the heart, not in human thought.

The Creator sketched a unique path for each being, a path that is perfect, because in its trajectory there are the perfect obstacles and tests to break structures and resistances, to make the consciousnesses mature and be confirmed, to make spirits consolidate their union with the Father and to be empty of themselves.

In order for you to find plenitude, you must follow God's ways with joy, accept, with peace, the service He gives you, the tests He puts in your way through the difficulties in life. Do not be in the world any longer looking for your mission and trying to discover the Purpose of God for you, because it is already written in the Words of His Messengers which are given to you every day, it is enough for you to be able to see this.

Your mission in the world is to live Love and transformation, cross the thresholds between the old and the new man, bare, with gratitude, the transition of times and express, with humility, the new life.

The mission of God for you is not built with skills but with virtues; it is not expressed with titles but with humility; it is not shown in recognition but in the silence of the unity that is built between your heart and the Heart of the Father.

Pray and meditate on what I tell you, because the years and the cycles go by and you are searching for your mission, when in reality, you are the mission. Your life must be the expression of God's Will wherever you are.

Go and be a seed of the new in the silence of your spirit, in the truth of your service, in the humility of your life, in the sincerity of your prayers.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When God calls you to serve, listen to His Voice and follow it.

Every day, the need for service in this world will increase, and as time goes by and your hearts open, you will be more apt and prepared to serve because, in truth, you will be ready to love and give from yourselves those things that are the true treasure of the human heart, that you so often do not know.

You will not be known in this world for your service, but for the love that is in it; love that arises from the Heart of God and flows, indistinctly, into the heart of all those who open themselves to respond with sincerity to His call.

Through this Work, God wants to teach you and to teach all humanity that when one responds to a divine call, there is no merit on a single soul, there is no Grace on a single being, but upon all those who open themselves to stop being what they are and become instruments of God.

A mission requested by the Divine Messengers is the announcement of the Love of God to humanity; Love that flows through the human heart and permeates entire nations in its silence; embraces souls and hearts with Its Grace, even if all of this is invisible to the human eyes.

A mission asked by the Divine Messengers is a sign of God that His Mercy is still acting in the world, both in the heart that is called to serve and that receives the Grace to redeem itself through service, and for those who are served and seemed to be forgotten by God and by the world, but are not.

Your Father and Creator would like to have many arms, many feet and, above all, many hearts to send to those places in most need in the world, as a sign of His Love and His Mercy for the hearts that have lost hope. But while not many hearts open to give themselves, those who already do it must multiply themselves in an extreme giving that, in the silence of their actions, generates merits for the redemption of those who do nothing for this planet.

Today, children, We call you to service and to multiply not only efforts but, above all, surrender and love. Today we call you to not want to be protagonists of a service before the world, but to go beyond childishness in the life of service, and as mature spirits in Christ, to convert yourselves into instruments and vehicles of Love and Mercy for those who are in most need.

And, thus, the world will know you and will exalt God. Souls will find you and will know God. Hearts will receive your service and will thank God. And you will serve a child and, in it, a culture, a nation. You will serve a people and, in it, a whole humanity. You will serve the Kingdoms of Nature and, in them, a planet that needs healing.

Allow that, in this new cycle of service, your hearts grow and be more than yourselves in service; be parts of God, bringing renewal, redemption, and peace to this world.

You have My blessings for this.

Your Father and Companion in each mission,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Enter and dive into the deepest abysm of the Mercy of Your Lord.

Let yourself be flooded by an unfathomable mystery that is beyond Grace, and often beyond Divine Justice.

Allow your being to discover the Infinite Love of God that is hidden in the depths of His Mercy, and bathed in this healing balm, restore in you and in the world the most painful wounds, and the apparently indelible marks of human consciousness.

Where it is most needed, there is the abyss of the Mercy of Christ, as an inexhaustible Source and a divine answer to all the clamor emitted with the heart.

Come and give your "yes" in the name of humanity, so that this Source may surge and overflow upon the world to heal it and restore it in its most intimate spirit.

Pray and cry out in the name of humanity, asking the Father for His luminous abyss of Mercy to be revealed to the world so that humankind may know not only the God of Justice, but also the God of Mercy.

Discover that every sin can be healed and every debt is justified by the Blood and by the Water that, poured out from the Body of Christ, made the Source of infinite Mercy for the world be born.

Before true repentance and surrender proclaimed with the heart, all souls can become worthy to drink from the Source of Divine Mercy.

Therefore, child, go, and, at the Feet of God, pray for an opportunity and repent from the heart.

If your sins seem small to you or if you are not aware of your debts to God, cry out anyway; ask the Father to replace the dark abyss of your miseries with the deep and luminous abysm of Divine Mercy and never tire of crying out, not only for your salvation, but for the salvation of the whole world.

Mercy is the answer to souls who have lost hope and, if they are ignorant before this Grace, cry out yourself for them so that they receive an opportunity to raise their eyes to God and realize that He has always been there with His Arms open, flowing from His Chest an eternal stream of Mercy, which many cannot see.

Allow your heart to know the Divine Source of Mercy and let your soul awaken the devotion, the love and the faith that make it a bearer of this Mercy for the world.

Love to know Divine Mercy; love to be an intercessor between God and the lost souls that do not know and do not seek His Mercy.

Just think that while you try, while so many souls are lost, the Source of Mercy overflows in the world like a river that passes before someone who is thirsty and cannot see. And you, child, can be the finger that points to the waters and, through your sincere prayers, in the levels of the spirit, obtain merits so that those who are most in need may reach Mercy.

Understand this mystery and, before a world full of sins and perdition, love to be a bearer of Divine Mercy and, even if it is in solitude with God or in your most silent actions, cry out for Mercy and be Mercy for the world.

The Divine Messengers arrive to Poland not only to heal the deep wounds of a suffering nation, but above all, to renew the commitment of humanity with Divine Mercy and to teach souls to be instruments of Divine Mercy for the world.

Embrace with the heart this Mission that God gives you and wherever you are, be a bearer of the Mercy of Christ.

Your Father and Friend,

 The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages

Calm your heart in the Fount of Peace that comes from the Heart of God and remember, before anything else, to cry out to the Father so that His Peace, His Grace and His Mercy may descend upon the world.

Remember to place your small heart in the Heart of God so that the Creator may enlarge it with His Presence within you and thus, child, you may be able to fulfill all that He may ask of you in this time.

Remember that you are an instrument of God, called on to be an extension of His in the world so that the Father may renew Himself within you, as He did with His Son, from His birth until Calvary and His death on the Cross.

Never forget the purpose of your life, which is broader than what you conceive for yourself. Remember that life does not begin or end in this world, but that it has only a passage in it, a school, a learning experience to be added so that this life may be enriched and renewed.

Remember, then, that not only you, but each one of your brothers and sisters have a higher purpose to manifest and that your example will always be important to remind your fellow being and the world that there is much more to be lived and learned; there is much more to be loved; there is much more to serve.

Just as My Words remind you of the purpose of your existence, and with the Love of My Heart, I place you again in the point of faith where you need to be, be yourself also, child, a living reminder for your sisters and brothers, not with words, but with actions, with transparency, with truth, with love.

May the world see you and see God trying to surpass Himself within the human condition.

Be more than a reference for joy or for consecration. Be an element which uplifts the world to something higher. Be the one who, with their simple presence, is a reminder that something higher exists.

Your being is magnetized by all the Graces you have already received, because if today you hear these words, it is because the Grace of God has acted upon you and allowed your ears and your heart to be worthy of listening to His Designs.

Be aware of all that you have already received and, above all, be grateful in the certainty that everything has to be multiplied, added to, and shared for all beings.

Be, child, a multiplier of the Graces that you have received, and thus, let God make you a living fount of Graces and Peace, because He knows that your heart shares and allows this Grace to flow like a river that does not keep the water to itself, but gives of it to drink for all those who allow it to flow.

The grandeur of these times is still unknown to you, and this ignorance is part of your human condition, but to transcend it is part of your mission.

So open yourself to understand, to live, to feel, and to be, more each day, the Will of God. Do not stop it with your thought; let it encompass your heart, your intuition, the soul and the spirit.

May it be incomprehensible in yourself, may it be alive, even if imperceptible.

May the Love of God, My child, live in your heart.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and eternal Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Contemplate this world then, in your prayers, and come towards the Celestial Altars to cry out for a world wounded and without love.

Never forget, child, that more than crying out for yourself, for your evolution, you are called upon to cry out for the world. Furthermore, I will tell you: leave your needs at the Feet of God and continue to rise up to the Heart of the Father, to place there those of your fellow beings who are most in need.

Perceive that time passes and the tests of humanity do not cease, but grow each day, because thus dictate the Laws of the Apocalypse and of the human definition.

You are called to be in peace and, with peace in your heart, to be a bridge between the lost world and the Heart of God, so that humanity never loses its connection with the Source.

More than your tasks, even when you work for the Plan of God, more than your transformation, even when it transforms the human consciousness, remember, child, to cry out for the world and to sing and to pray twice, for yourself and for those who do not pray and do not know God.

Just as the Father sent His Son to carry the Cross for you when you were asleep, thus the Love of God awakened you, so that today you may be the intercessor for the souls that are lost, and so that you do not only carry your cross, but that of all of humanity. That cross is carried in the silence of the spirit that lives the sacrifice with gratitude and that, when tired, offers God a little more, crying out for mercy for this world.

Your greatest mission is in the unknown, just as the greatest Work of the Son of God was hidden, because what He brought to the world is until today incomprehensible to humanity.

If Christ, part of the Living God on Earth, was not understood by human beings, do not seek this path yourself, but rather imitate Him and make love triumph through the intercession of His Word, which rises in secret and, in the power of a hidden prayer, brings mercy to this world.

I will pray with you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Breathe, o soul, the air of a new life, of a new world, of a new being. Do not stop your feet on the stairs of human difficulties; do not stop your heart in the things of the world.

Breathe, o soul, the air of a new life. At times, contemplate the Infinite and do not forget where your heart truly comes from. Do not let your Father, the Creator, observe the world without finding a single gaze which corresponds with His. Look up to Heaven, look into the Eyes of God and let His Silence dissolve the smallness of your conflicts and of your difficulties.

You were called to a greater mission, as small as you may be, beloved soul. You are a small part of an Infinite Heart and such a Heart needs yours, in order to be complete and full again.

Breathe, little soul, the air of a new life. Do not let your poor mind just be entangled in the things of the Earth, but let it also find the Truths of Heaven.

You do not need much to find God. Close your eyes and contemplate Him within you, in the depths of this essence, which makes you similar to your God and Lord, to the Creator of all things. More than the things of the world, seek the mystery of your own essence and find there the Gaze of God.

The world is already distracted enough; do not be just another soul in the distractions of the Earth. Be a bridge to God, beloved soul, by the simple fact of having faith that He is within you and that it only takes looking within and you will find the Divine and Celestial Gaze of your Most Holy Father.

Do not want to walk long and unending paths, do not imagine fictitious adventures, full of hollow entertainment and human curiosities. The greatest mystery of all existence is held within you and it only takes being alone, looking within and saying: “Here I am, Lord”.

Talk sincerely, then, with your Father and God, or just let your gaze find His Divine Eyes and remain there, sharing the Divine Silence for an instant, because I tell you, My soul: swords, shields and great armor will be forged, arms and bombs will be developed, battles and wars will be waged, fear will be encouraged and Life will be threatened, but this Life which dwells in your essence will never be extinguished.

Unite with the Father within yourself and nothing will bring you down, because, even if your body falls to the ground, your heart will be eternal, as is the One who created you, and it will be lifted up to the highest of Heavens, announcing to Creation the eternity and the triumph of that Love which was born within you just because you are true and unite with the Father in your heart, little soul.

I leave you My blessing and My peace.

Your Father and Friend,

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray so that the Plan of God is fulfilled; contemplating, in the universe, the perfect purpose that the Creator has for each one of His Creatures.

Reuniting with the Divine Messengers and being in the presence of the Eternal Father, through the Door of Light and  Peace that we open to the world, means recovering the purity and the potential of love that was given to the creatures in the beginning of all and that, one day, in the hearts of many, was lost.

The task of the Divine Messengers in this time is more profound and, sometimes, incomprehensible and invisible to the human mind, because the definitive moment for the planet has come when the evolution of all will be defined according to the answers you give to the opportunities you receive.

Many open themselves from the heart, even if only for a tiny moment, and this is enough so that the seed of a new being can be sowed within them. There lies the eternal hope of God and of His Messengers: knowing that, despite such numbness in humanity, there is also the possibility of awakening and this awakening happens in a simpler way than what you imagine.

The Divine Messengers are heading towards Central America so that those who have lost their bond with God can recover it. May those who have committed themselves with the manifestation of His Plan in the beginning be able to fulfill it. May those who must become new Christs and who walk behind the Lord, in this and in all times, be able to remember their mission.

There are missionaries spread around the whole world and the time has come to call them by their names, one by one, so that they may fulfill their mission.

New potential Christs will awaken in this time: consciousnesses that will live love and unity with God beyond themselves; that will love their neighbor and that will give their lives, sincerely, for their friends; consciousnesses that will share the bread with Christ and that will join you at this table to share the Chalice of sacrifice and surrender to God and thus make the plan of the enemy disintegrate and the souls no longer lose themselves from God.

I warn you of these events and I thank you for praying so that this Plan is fulfilled.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Welcome to a new cycle of evolution, a cycle which will charge spiritual maturity from everyone, that will allow you to live in harmony in the times that will come.

This new cycle will be marked by inner tests, in which the consciousnesses will find themselves facing great responsibilities, with little inner experience to take them on. However, it will be the adhesion that each one will present to the Will of God, and their efforts to fulfill it, that will make the grace and mercy that you need to fulfill your mission to descend from the universe.

Children, when facing the challenges to come, always say "yes", even if they seem impossible to be experienced and overcome. When you say "yes", the Creator receives permission to operate true miracles in your consciousnesses and heal all that prevents you from making the leap you need.

The challenges will make you grow and prepare you for the cycles that will come later and that will be major and definitive trials not only for you but for all humanity and for the whole universe.

Do not fear to launch yourselves into the unknown or take the steps that will lead you through paths you do not know where they end. Do not fear losing everything and, above all, losing yourselves because - though painful - this is the goal of humanity. Remember that the emptiness of yourselves leads you to the Truth, to the Archetype, to the Source.

Today I wish you a start cycle filled by God and the universal life. This new time will be marked by the awakening of humanity to this life.

All the sciences will be united spiritually in the universal science and all true religions will find the common meaning in the experience of love. Knowledge and religion will unite to unveil new worlds and universal principles, and they will discover that the greatest science, which is the experience of love, leads to new horizons, to new universes. Thus you will not fear to know the Truth and with the knowledge filled with spirituality, and religion full of wisdom, you will cross the gates towards a new life.

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the youth on Earth awaken, transcending old human patterns and recognizing their universal identity.

May they awaken to the love and unity with God, finding a meaning for their own existence.

May the youth on Earth awaken, renouncing the pleasures and superficialities of the world, to experience true rejoicing, which is heavenly. May they awaken to the mission that eons ago, in the Cosmos, they committed themselves to fulfill.

May the precursors of the new world awaken, those who will not measure efforts to make good triumph and who, with their examples, will convert and awaken new spirits.

May those awaken who, in the impetus of their youth, will break barriers and erase borders, recognizing the unity that exists among all the creatures of God.

May the youth on Earth awaken to a higher life, to the love of the Cosmos and to the Plan of the Creator. May they recognize that this time is definitive and may they fearlessly walk to the establishment of peace.

May those awaken, who will imitate the example of Christ and will unite cultures, creeds, races, nations, languages and religions with a single purpose: to establish peace and to manifest a new world.

May those awaken, who will unite the times, who will open the doors of the Earth to new laws and universal rays, who will remove the veils from the human consciousness and dissolve its blindness, making it recognize the true light.

May the children of the New Humanity awaken, those who, in universal history, will be known as the ones who have transcended the old patterns through love, who have defeated darkness with the light of their own essence and who have manifested the Divine Purpose, taking to the universe, to the redeemed Earth, a civilization of new Christs.

May those awaken, who will not fear to take the steps that the Creator expects and to live that which today seems impossible to humanity; those who, living love and unity, will permit that Christ, who was their example, continue His evolution and transcend material, mental and spiritual life, managing to be the Life that dwells in all, in the sublime universes, in the Consciousness of the Father.

May the youth on Earth awaken: the youths of body, mind, heart and spirit.

May all those who hope to represent the New awaken.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



So that the human indifference towards higher life not cause humanity to lose the possibility of coming to know and experience this life, those who are awake must redouble their efforts, multiply their tasks and overcome their own limits, every day, so as to respond on behalf of those who ignore the celestial call.

In addition to their own purification and their own weight that they must endure in these times, the new apostles and disciples of Christ must withstand the purification of the planet and carry on their backs those burdens that others who had committed themselves to Christ do not want to bear.

In the Universe, the responsibility of the manifestation of the Plan of God was equally shared among those who committed themselves to render this service. But when they arrived on the planet, with veils over their eyes, their souls became confused, they forgot and remained asleep or imprisoned in their personal likings and in their ways of understanding this Plan.

Children, when a soul that had to fulfill a certain mission changes this mission to adjust it to their own will and their opinion, this, for the Plan, is considered an indifference towards the Truth of the Creator, even if they believe they are serving God.

There are many souls that had committed themselves to the Lord and that, throughout their experiences on Earth, fulfilled in part what God had asked them; but now, in the culminating moment of the Divine Plan, they have become lost in the strong influences of chaos and have cast aside fidelity, exchanging it for superficiality.

I tell you these things first for you to be attentive and always be guardians of the Divine Plan, and also for you to know that the Creator will count on you to fulfill that part of His Plan that was left behind due to human indifference.

May the love to the Plan in your hearts be greater than your self-love so that you can imitate the example of Christ and not only carry your own cross, but let God place upon it the weight of the indifference and ignorance of His Children so that they not become lost but rather have an opportunity to awaken.

The Creator counts on you, children, for a response and a greater responsibility. It is time to serve, to love, and to surrender to the Divine Plan. 

Your father and companion on the Evolutionary Path, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
