Today I can testify to an experience and a mission carried out by a small group of souls that conform to My higher designs.
The mission accomplished today in this sacred region of the Grand Canyon of Colorado definitely opens the door to the last cycle of revelations, as the portal for the help and intervention in the current consciousness of humanity was also opened.
Many events occurred on this day, inner happenings that up to now continue having repercussions and keep on resounding within the consciousnesses of those who consciously participated and of those who were indirectly taken, on the spiritual plane, to live the same experience on some level of consciousness.
The effort, the striving and the love were important keys that, from the beginning of this mission, opened the doors so that the Hierarchy itself could work.
With this, I want to lead you to understand that we are going through the final moments of the spiritual impulses, that are sent directly from the Supreme Source and are addressed to all beings without distinction of creed, religion or purification.
Embrace this moment and place it within your gratitude and to the glory of the Eternal Father so that, beyond everything, the divine and ardent Will of God may continue to be fulfilled.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To the Most Tested Souls
What are you afraid of? of not being able to reciprocate with Me? of completely losing fidelity to your Master and Lord?
Remember that each test that you go through is for forging the fulfillment of each one of your vows and, through your vows, concretizing the great mission that I have entrusted to you.
Each test is full of uncertainties and challenges which, with intelligence rather than with guilt, you should learn to overcome. You should demonstrate to the Father that you can surpass Me in what I lived for you and for your brothers and sisters in the Garden of Gethsemane.
You must not allow a test to push you or drag you. Each challenge toward transformation must be, for your consciousness, the opportunity to take another step toward My path of apostolate.
In the most difficult tests, resistances and aspects can be dissolved and become ashes. There will never be a test nor a lesson that you canot overcome.
Otherwise, how would you show Me that you truly want to follow Me? I do not promise rose gardens, but rather I promise spiritual triumphs for God through your surrender, sacrifice and redemption.
Be intelligent and act with determination. Make the gift that I gave you count. Make it blossom every day and you will be showing Me that you understood and that you already know that which I need.
Do not feel discouraged, an apostle of Christ never steps back.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I return to Brasilia, in the name of all the Heavenly Brotherhood, to again erect the spiritual bases of one of the points of work upon the surface, which will have a very important mission, that will have repercussions in all of Brazil.
Thus, I return so that consciousnesses may be in a different point of elevation and attunement and, achieving this state, the majority of My companions may be able to perceive that these are times for responding to endless needs, together with the Hierarchy, to be able to protect and shelter Their Work upon the surface.
Brasilia has the mission of being one of the operative branches of the Hierarchy that can give impulse to the concretization of projects within Brazil, not only within the scope of humanitarian missions but also within the realities of the neighboring nations, which will need the integral and fraternal impulse that Brasilia must express on all planes, as an operative point for the Hierarchy.
This arrival of your Master comes to guide you and encourage you to accomplish the next stages of the Plan.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
This is the time for the suns, which have been awake for a long time, to come to know the inner tools that they brought from the Universe and for these tools to be at the service of the Celestial Plan, for the rescue of the human consciousness.
For this reason, the spiritual Hierarchy is assembling the different groups of souls and will continue to do so, so that the purpose of the Plan may be closer to the consciousnesses and, upon being closer, they can, with greater discernment, accomplish what up to now has not been accomplished, for different reasons.
It will be the responsibility of these groups that will continue to be called and assembled by the Hierarchy to change and transform certain tendencies of disharmony and conflict so that the principles of obedience and faithfulness may be the protective foundations that gives impulse to the concretization of the stages of the Plan.
In this sense, the spiritual Hierarchy will bet that these new summonings carried out will finally place souls upon the path of their personal, group and collective mission, so that in this way and under certain rules, they may be guided by the Divinity and by the Heavenly Brotherhood.
Thus, the conjuncture and the opportunity must not be missed, for it will never repeat.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I speak not only to you but also to the world.
I waited for time to pass and some days for this moment to come, to be able to find you truly in union with gratitude, because gratitude is an expression of the merciful Love of God. And when I saw that gratitude in you today, I could confidently approach to speak to you.
You are a part of the Plan of your Master and Lord, of a Plan that cannot break down or fail, because behind you there are many, many souls and consciousnesses that have still to come to drink of My Fount, to be nurtured by My Message.
The time is coming to an end, which is why the emergencies are so great and the commitments are also so great.
In the key of gratitude and of love you will be able to understand everything that I ask of you and thus unite with My Consciousness.
I see a world suffering because of indifference and because of error.
I need you to be amenders of My Mercy, I need that you can compensate for and bring into balance what humanity does not do well in this time, for the risks that are run, day after day.
Thus I come with the Light of My Wounds, to entrust you with a deepening of this mission, and of this task which is of the Hierarchy and yours, of your inner beings with the participation of your souls.
That is why it is necessary to correct, in order to improve and to grow. Everything said by the voice of the Hierarchy is because of love, rather than for some other cause.
Souls sometimes resist hearing and understanding because their heart is closed, but you have learned to open your heart to Me. This is why I speak so directly to you, because we can no longer waste time in what is not necessary, but rather we must invest our time in that which is urgent, and you know, by the grace you receive, that the emergencies will grow and increase.
I am here because of the responsibility that I have toward you and that you have toward Me. But it is not a commitment that comes only from the period while I was present on Earth. They are very remote commitments unknown to you.
I only come to ask you for what I need you to give Me, but I will not oblige you to do so, nor demand anything from you.
My apostles from the past went through the same school, but it was a more demanding and immediate school. It was a very great responsibility because your Master and Lord, among so few, had to achieve a very great victory, and through Grace and Divine Mercy, this occurred.
I know that the human being is fragile and sometimes tepid, but the Love that I give you and have given you for so long must ignite within you, in the fire of My Love and of My Truth.
I come to ask you to be aware of what will come in the near future, in which you will not only experience personal situations or realities of the nations. Now My Work will expand to continental situations, as is Africa.
In Africa there are those who suffer most and yet give the most to Me, because they offer Me their hearts, which is what I need from you so that you may recognize the Grace that you have received, and still receive, and the care provided to you by the Hierarchy over the course of time, without lacking anything.
For you, Africa will be a school of the love of sacrifice and of the possibility of recognizing that, in the great and extensive misery, there are souls that love God unconditionally. And it is this love that nourishes them spiritually rather than physically, that quenches their spiritual thirst and thus satiates their physical thirst.
I do not ask you to be the same as them, because everyone has their school and their lessons. I need you to inwardly be like them, that you are aware of the possibility and of the opportunity that you receive in this time.
Within a process of planetary emergency, sometimes hearts need to be straightened out, so as to not lose the path toward God, for one must never forget humility, which is the great master-key of your liberation.
Today I have seen that you have drawn even closer to gratitude, to a spontaneous and sincere gratitude that touched My Heart. Thus, I have decided to speak to you to bring you awareness and wisdom, so that each one may recognize within themselves the effort that they still have to make, not only for Me, but for your Celestial Father, which is Who placed you upon this path and in this mission so that you may accompany Me.
Thus, today I again surrender to take in your miseries and for you to know that the Light of My Mercy can transform and redeem all things when a heart sincerely opens and pleads, without letting its resistances control or dominate.
When a heart spontaneously opens, miracles can happen. Faith is the great Light that bathes the consciousness and redeems it; it has the Grace, as a group consciousness, of being able to implore to God, to help the world and humanity, to help in very serious and sorrowful situations that this race experiences at this time.
You must never forget that Our task is planetary rather than personal; that it is a task with the Hierarchy and by the Hierarchy, for the advent of the energy of Grace and compassion within the world.
Today you face the opportunity of reflecting upon many things because of love and trust in My Heart, because times of greater challenges will come and projects that will seem impossible will come, but who is united with Me will do it, as they have done many things over the course of time, through this mission of carrying Love and Peace to souls that most need it, and to the nations that most need it.
While I am here, I take care of humanity at this moment, and I carry everyone within My Heart, the most miserable and the sinners that have need of spiritual relief and healing.
Everything that is done at this moment and through this Work is for the healing of humanity and so that love may be established in the human heart, and so that this love may allow you to become free and live your spiritual mission with Me.
My Heart is full of graces and pity for all. And the support that Adoration provides you with will be the great defense weapon for the coming times and for the next missions.
I am thankful for the sincere and loving effort of everyone, because not everything is error or failure. You must raise your eyes to the horizon to contemplate the victories that I have given everyone, spiritual victories.
In the strengthening of this union and of this alliance with Me, beyond all adversity or darkness, nobody will be able to take away what I have given each one of you, and you must defend it and protect it from yourselves and from the world.
It is that same conviction, certainty and faith that the apostles experienced, as for example, Saint Peter, who up to the last second did not doubt what he felt and what he trusted in. Love caused him to believe in Me until the end, and thus he surrendered.
Today I come to read of the achievements and the Graces that I have given to everyone, that which you always must contemplate so as to gain inner strength from them in order to continue onward, for a time will come in which this mission will come to an end, and when that happens, everything will be unleashed. And at that moment, you must be strong and firm in everything that I have given you over the course of time, not only to support yourselves, but also your brothers and sisters, who will not have been able to build that same fortitude in themselves like that of which I have given you, through love.
This is My Message for you, because it is also a message for the world, for those who enter into the service of My Merciful Heart, for those who daily seek the path of transformation and of the elevation of consciousness because, in truth, it does not matter to Me that you not achieve it, but rather that you try, and that you try every day. And without perceiving it, one day you will reach My Glory and, on that day, you will realize that I told you the truth.
This is why I am here today, and for this reason, I pray at the Feet of My Celestial Father, because I know that many more will be able to surpass Me in Love. I trust in this and I know that it is possible.
I thank you for listening to Me and for gathering My Words up into your hearts, which are now the last for the world.
May the Light that comes from Love guide you and bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
While the days go by, Your Master and Lord pours out His Rays of Mercy upon Colombia so that not only souls may awaken, but also hearts may feel the change in consciousness, necessary and urgent in these times so that, through this change and the awareness gained, souls may manage to experience the inner transformations in time, which will not only dissolve their debts, but also allow consciousnesses to assume the mission that corresponds to them at the moment.
Today, I am pouring out the Rays of Mercy upon this beloved people so that they may remember that they are a sacred people, blessed by the most beautiful natural environment, which must be the base and support for the emergence of the New Humanity.
And so that the Rays of My Mercy may also prepare the steps for the next pilgrimage, as in all the Grace that will be offered, souls will receive the impulses of the Universe as if these were the last, the spiritual impulses that will place each consciousness in the correct moment and in the correct hour to go through the end of these times.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
At this moment, as Christ the Redeemer, I bless all of Brazil so that, after the important impulse that was given through the Marathon of prayer in Manaus, all the Brazilian people may cotinue awakening and protecting the sacred Amazon so that, not only Brazil, but also the whole world may continue to count on the great green lung of the planet.
Even though the projects in the Amazon may continue moving forward, do not worry. Place your consciousness in all that is spiritual and that comes from God, because the same Kingdoms of Nature will defend themselves in the face of any intent of submission and exploitation from the human being.
The preservation of all of Brazil is also fundamental, for it is the sacred land chosen to take forward an important mission of rescue, along with Argentina.
The stability of nations depends on the true prayers of the children of God. Thus, peace will be established, as well as the continuity of these nations, together with the Kingdoms of Nature.
Do not forget to place in your hearts the sacred forest of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To be in My Heart means to live great responsibilities, to assume great tests and to go through great challenges.
To live in My Heart represents an eternal commitment and not a fleeting one, a responsible and mature commitment that may lead you to live My Plan and its manifestation upon the surface of the Earth.
To be in My Heart represents something more than a feeling, something more than that which can affect emotions.
To be in My Heart means to live a spiritual, but also a material responsibility. It is to carry forward a purpose, a goal, a mission that the Father presents to you, time and again.
Therefore, to live in My Heart means many things. Something that you should discover, day by day, because to be in My Heart is to be before God. It is to hear Him, it is to know how to respond to Him and it is to know how to proceed according to what His Will presents.
To be in My Heart is a moment of constant definition. It is to learn how to overcome your own abysses. It is to learn how to dissolve the barriers of consciousness and of mind. It is to learn how to love, more each day.
Therefore, I give you My Heart as a testimony that it is possible to experience God and fulfill His ardent wish to see His children within His infinite Purpose, because to live in My Heart is also to assume a commitment with Me, within all of this Work of redemption and of peace, at this time, while everything is at stake with the advancement of things; human situations, the processes of the nations and the experiences of great conflicts, which humanity must learn to heal by itself, by means of the profession of its faith and of its trust in the Father.
To live in My Heart is to live sacrifice and then live greater sacrifices, which will lead you to experience great renunciations, moments of facing transcendence for each being in order to receive from Heaven the great treasures, the gifts of the Universe, the Wisdom and the Knowledge of God.
To live in My Heart is to die to oneself, it is to place another first so that others may also be placed first and thus, fraternity may be lived, a fundamental base of brotherhood, cooperation and of solidarity among souls.
To live in My Heart means that something greater must be fulfilled in this time, which goes beyond the limits of your consciousness, of your perception, of your interpretation and of your point of view.
To live in My Heart is to surrender to emptiness and to the void. It is to be confident in that which is unknown, that which is non-material, that which is not palpable, that which no one can control.
To live in My Heart is to surrender to the Power of God, to dissolve human power, which is small and fragile.
To live in My Heart is to learn in new schools and in new academies. It is to forge and awaken within each being its true mission, its purpose and the reason for being here, in this time.
To live in My Heart is also to renew, to rejoice, to again find, day by day, the meaning and the reason to serve God. It is to know that, beyond all or under any circumstance or difficulty, love must be first so that it can act and work within hearts, so that it can heal deep wounds of the consciousness and of the personality, so that the ego of each human being can learn to overcome itself, learn to surrender so that it can be transformed, so that it can be sublimated, so that it may be dissolved in the Light of God, which is the Light of Love and of Divine Consciousness.
To live in My Heart is to assume the end of times, it is to know where to be and what to do, it is to contribute, to collaborate, it is to serve, it is to give of self. It is to embrace the call with fervor and devotion and, in profound reverence, it is to fulfill it so that the Light of God can enter the world and the consciousness of humanity even more.
To live in My Heart is to cease to be what you are, what you believe, what you think.
To live in My Heart is to cross the threshold towards emptiness, it is to lose the sense of property and of human control, it is to submit, it is to let oneself be humiliated, it is to surrender for the existence and the experience of a Greater Love that moves the whole Universe and everything that was created.
To live in My Heart is to decide to imitate Me, to represent Me, to be My apostle, to not waver before difficulties, to assume with courage and bravery each one of the tests.
To live in My Heart is to learn to overcome tests. It is to blindly trust that no one will lose the path because the one who is in My Heart will never lack light, will never lack peace nor discernment.
To live in My Heart is to learn to forgive oneself and to forgive others, it is to know that, in this moment, spiritual and physical healing is fundamental within humanity.
To live in My Heart is to close the doors to evil, to adversity, to obscurity and to darkness; it is to assume to live change; it is to make an effort every day to attain a greater state and degree of love for those who do not love, for those who suffer, for those who are lost.
To live in My Heart is to assume the planet and its humanity together with Me. It is to do something for the nations of the world, for the peoples, for the cultures and for the religions.
To live in My Heart is to seek the essence of Christic Love in an untiring way, without stopping, without ceasing to walk and to row this boat that takes you to the port of My Heart.
To live in My Heart is to be in solidarity, it is to understand oneself, it is to go a little beyond the understanding of the mind and of the consciousness, it is to embrace the Universe just as the Universe embraces you. It is to truly participate in an inner communion with the Spirit of God in order to bring peace and redemption to the world.
To live in My Heart is to decide to die for Me under any circumstance, whether it be spiritually, mentally or physically.
To live in My Heart is to give testimony for Me. It is to say that I am returning and that in this time I announce Myself to the world by means of the Word of God for each one of your hearts and your lives so that you may be ready, available and attentive to this great event of the Return of Christ.
To live in My Heart, companions, is to eradicate indifference, omission and lack of brotherhood.
To live in My Heart is to dissolve lack of love, lack of hope and human disturbance.
To live in My Heart is to be able to attain Light and to give this Light to your brothers and sisters by means of the example, the conversion and the redemption of your lives.
To live in My Heart is to elevate your consciousnesses, it is to be able to embrace the cross that I give to each one of you and it is not to fear to carry it, in spite of what may happen or of what it may take.
To live in My Heart is to let yourself be driven by My Love to overcome the limits of consciousness and thus live as the whole Universe and its Hierarchies live.
To live in My Heart is to not give up, it is to say “yes” and try again, every day, until you can live it and represent Me.
It is simple to live in My Heart. For this reason, many still do not do so, because they are in their own hearts, and while you are in your hearts, in your own self, I will not be able to be within you.
What I ask you is that you submit, that you trust and surrender. Because to live in My Heart will not make you suffer, but rather will make you expand your consciousness, your service and, above all, the expression of your love for the planet and for humanity.
In this Marathon of the Divine Mercy, may all be able to return to My Heart, and may those who are already in My Heart be able to lead those who are not, due to different circumstances or fears.
May you be able to feel in My Heart the Love of God, may you feel welcomed by His Temple and by His Wisdom. Because it is in this Love of My Heart that you will be able to live brotherly love, in the love of the souls that serve God, in the love that strengthens, that dispels darkness, that transmutes ignorance, indifference, human evil.
May living in My Heart be a triumph for each one of you so that this triumph may be in each one of your nations, which you represent at this time.
May living in My Heart be, for each one of you, the possibility of healing and the redemption of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature.
My Heart is open, in Mercy and in Pity. Before the time of Divine Justice arrives, call the whole world to live within My Heart, because My Heart suffers for those who are still not in It.
My Heart is a portal to the Cosmos and to Divine Consciousness.
My Heart is the threshold that will lead you toward peace and toward the experience of the apostolate of these times, the apostolate of the end of times.
Live in My Heart so that the world can reconcile and humanity can reconsider.
In these days, may your prayers build the bridge for you to enter My Heart, and in My Sacred Heart know the reality of all that your Master and Lord feels, all that He lives and experiences from what He sees and observes in the world.
And once you have entered My Heart, be part of the fire of My Love so that I can illuminate the world and all consciousnesses that need it because, companions, if there is not love in this time, nothing will be possible.
The Love that comes from the Father, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit will save you, will redeem you and will reconcile you with the Heights, with the Universe. And you will find the Truth, you will find the way out and you will raise your heads to contemplate the horizon of My Return.
May your hearts unite with My Heart and may your prayers touch the Heart of the Father so that He may allow you to enter My Heart.
In this way, may we be in brotherhood and in fraternity, forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear companions,
The mission accomplished up to today, in Argentina, meant for the Eternal Father an important spiritual and inner step that the hearts gave, in the continuous search of faith and love for God.
Today, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph closed a special and unique phase in the work of love and redemption of the Divine Messengers; and Saint Joseph himself opened a new cycle that will start appearing like a sun for all the servers of Christ.
Now, as more than two thousand years ago, today Saint Joseph fulfilled a new phase, which had the purpose of transmitting palpable instruction for souls, which prepared fertile ground for each heart to be able to cross the end of times.
In this sense, the instruction of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph opened a door, in this twenty-first century, for the entire humanity to never forget learning to be humble and austere in the life on the surface of the Earth.
Argentina was the scene chosen, by the Heavenly Father Himself, for the month so that in August it might be filled with the graces and the blessings of the Sacred Hearts.
Afterwards, the moment will come in which your Master and Lord will also withdraw and at last elevate our Most Holy Mother, once more, to the glory of God.
So when this happens, the last times will be unleashed and all that is in Heaven, as well as what in upon Earth, will be shown, and it will be in this hour that the soldiers of Christ must sustain, without hesitation, the torch of the triumph of Light.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus.
Just as in My spiritual Heart I keep each soul, in the same way I keep the nations of the world, especially those that in the end of times will have an important mission.
In this sense, Argentina will be the spiritual cradle of the new times, those which will arrive full of the Grace of God and will allow certain events to be presented in order to give impulse to the awakening of souls.
Argentina is a people and a nation with many opportunities that its own inhabitants will recognize, if they live the path of redemption and of forgiveness.
Argentina is a country not only overflowing with natural beauty, but also a land that has its wounds, very difficult wounds that I Myself will heal through My Presence.
So that the healing may reach the hearts of Argentina and all its past, the Argentine people and humanity must truly invoke My Mercy so that from the heights of the Universe, the nonmaterial ray of liberation may descend and be that which transmutes and redeems the Argentine consciousness, and thus a new cycle will be able to begin.
I will be alert to the voice of the supplications of each one of My companions.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
All the meetings of prayer of July, which will be lovingly offered to the Celestial Hierarchy, will be accepted and recognized as important moments for the preparation of the next mission in Argentina.
In this sense, the meetings of prayer will be the most special moments so that souls, as a single group consciousness, may build the bridges of light that will raise them up to accomplishing the next goal in South America.
With special gladness and joy, the Sacred Hearts are now preparing so that in August, a special month for the whole Divine Hierarchy, an inner communion is established again with all the children in Argentina, who again will be gathered together in the name of Love to receive the Light and the Mercy of the Sacred Hearts.
The meetings, which will be carried out for the first time in Argentina during the month of August, will generate a definite spiritual impulse so that the bridge of contact with the Divinity may be maintained not only in Argentina, but also in its sister nations.
And so all the inner preparation, prayerful and organizational, that from now will be carried out by each server of the Plan, will help in the deepening and in the expanding of the Work of the Divine Hierarchy in Argentina.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Let your soul be bathed by the powerful Light of My Heart so that you may regain your trust in God and this trust may be what gives you the impulse to take steps and follow the Designs of your Creator.
Let your soul, by itself, recognize the Will of God through the daily prayer to My Divine Mercy.
Grant it the opportunity to express and show itself to the more conscious part of your being. That it may show you all the spiritual and inner potential that it has for carrying forward its mission and purpose.
Let your soul always find the inner space that it needs to reveal to you the entire commitment that, as a state of consciousness, it must express so that, in this way, it may gradually fulfill the Will of the Father.
From your soul, healing may be born, and the culminating moment of redemption will occur so that someday your soul may triumphantly cross the portal of the Love of Christ and enter into the school of eternal life.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XIII
Within the context of Casa Redención, located in the area of Redención 1, there are to be found the so-called points of healing, a spiritual term that refers to the congruence of elevated vortices of universal energy where spiritual impulses for the spiritual healing of souls are received.
These spaces, represented on the physical plane by small huts, for this new cycle of healing in Aurora, need to finish being built according to the architectural project made some years ago.
A walkway amidst nature will unite the spaces that exist between the so-called points of healing; this means that the finishing and completion of each point of healing will allow the task of healing in Aurora to continue in spite of the weather.
For this reason, Aurora, as a Kingdom of Healing and Redemption, must refurbish these small points of healing which later on will be small circular rooms where those to be assisted can enter to experience the steps of their own spiritual healing.
Up until today, and for more than ten years, Aurora has offered this important work of healing precariously and simply; but Aurora now deserves to be built completely, with the loving collaboration of everyone.
This finalizing of the building of the points of healing, according to the thought-out architectural project, will allow the task of healing to become a reality on the surface and, above all, for the processes of the healing of people to occur and be offered at any time of the year.
Up until today, the changes in the climate and the unfinished structure itself of the so-called points of healing have not allowed an expansion of the primordial task of Aurora.
Now the time has come to also schedule this need in the near future because Aurora cannot fail to offer healing due to a lack of vital elements for the correct development of the task.
It will be a mission of the Light Network and all of those who may wish to join, to be able to accomplish this goal.
The finalizing of the points of healing will allow the opening of the floodgates of redemption over this sacred soil of Aurora.
I thank you for considering My petitions!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XI
Aurora cries out from within and the voices of the inner Brothers and Sisters proclaim for help.
Aurora needs to express its purpose and must manifest its power.
Aurora can no longer be left behind; it can never be forgotten or be part of a beautiful memory. Many came for its roots of love and of healing and, for different reasons, left and never came back.
Aurora expects to have a communal population big enough to be able to mirror its mission and its task. Because Aurora can no longer just count on a few instruments. Everything, absolutely everything, even what is material must already be enough to carry forward the primordial function of Aurora.
What happened today with some of My disciples is a sign of that lack of consciousness that there is about what in truth Aurora has to mirror on the surface.
Some of Mine had their lives at risk but others risked their own lives to save the others.
Many think that the Hierarchy would never ask for something material but this is not right because everything is part of a perfect Law; as above, so below.
A Communal Center like Aurora can no longer fulfill a global mission with broken or fragile tools; the Universe gave the first impulse so that Aurora could manifest on the surface for a second time but now, it is the commitment of the rest of My servers that Aurora exists for a longer time on the surface.
If Aurora is not truly helped through the effort of everyone, and all that I have said is not complied with according to the Law of love for manifestation, through where will the great forces of planetary chaos be evacuated?
Who else will be able to reach Aurora to receive healing and be freed from evil?
Who will open the doors of liberation to drain the most critical regions of the planet? Or through where will the Archangel Saint Michael enter to defeat the plans of evil?
Do you understand now what Aurora is?
It is more than something physical or spiritual. To exist and express, Aurora must resonate in the heart of each being; otherwise, Aurora does not show itself.
Collaborate from the heart and place before your lives the true needs of the Center of Love of Aurora and then you will tell Me that everything is just and necessary.
Concentrate on the purpose that I gave you within all of these last messages because the longer you delay in thinking about whether or not you will collaborate in Aurora, greater areas encompass evil and Aurora can still not express itself.
Be aware of all that I tell you; remember that it is the Lord of the Universe and of Mercy that speaks to you. I deigned to choose such a poor and simple place like Aurora, not only to walk among the orange trees but also to prepare My second return; because I promised to come among the clouds but not that I would come to enter through the main door of the Church. Your Lord will be among the humble, among the peace-makers, with the pure of heart.
I thank you for having ears to hear My plea of help for Aurora.
I thank you for considering My Words!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Statement of Casa Redención Association for the Work of the Divine Messengers
Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay
January 14, 2019
The Casa Redención Association informs all the members of this Work of love that yesterday, January 13, 2019, the members of the Community Fraternity and of the Grace Mercy Order, that participate in this Light-Community, suffered a serious accident when the truck that was transporting them from one area to another fell into a river.
To make it clear to everyone, we inform you that in these last days, in the region of Aurora, there have been large rain and wind storms. As most know, between the Redención 1 area, where the Marian Center is, and the Redención 2 and Redención 3 areas, there is a small river, which we call a stream, which every time there is heavy rains, swells enormously, and its current becomes very powerful.
Yesterday at midday, the intense rain did not permit for the completion of usual tasks that the members of the community perform in the Marian Center and, for this reason, it was decided to return to the areas to which each person belongs.
When they tried to cross the precarious bridge over the stream, which contained a powerful current of water, the strength of the current pushed the truck towards the river. The truck fell and turned over in the water with sixteen people inside.
Everything was submerged iniside the water, the truck and the passengers. Some of those brothers and sisters did not know how to swim. It was very difficult for all of them to get out of the truck and they were assisted by a group of monks who ran to the location from other areas.
The current swept them several metres; some came out of the water and the current itself dragged them to one of the banks. Others were aided by the monks, who threw themselves into the water to try to get them out of where they were submerged.
It was a very difficult moment for all, especially when there was a count to see if everybody had been able to get out of the truck, which was totally submerged within the water.
This statement which Casa Redención expresses, at the request of the Hierarchy, is so that everyone in the Work may understand the reason why Our Lord, Christ Jesus, is making an exhortation, requesting the assistance of everyone to collaborate in the renovation of the community of Aurora, which is in a dire condition of precariousness, in all senses.
Due to the lack of appropriate vehicles for the transportation of the members of the community, these daily situations become extremely risky for everyone.
We will publish this statement on the webpage of the Divine Messengers, together with the daily messages of Christ, that are related to the requests made for the Community of Aurora, as well as on the webpage of Fraternity - International Humanitarian Federation, in a special highlighted place with all of the requests of Christ and the indications for collaborating.
Thank you all for your fraternal adherence!
Community Fraternity of Aurora
Marian Center of Aurora
Casa Redención
Through My Blood, I point out and assign new tasks to My apostles, those who are spiritual and lack any protagonism, because they are tasks between each apostle and Me; this is something deeply internal and absolutely invisible, because it is about something nonmaterial.
So, I deposit in each consciousness a mission that is revealed in a task and in a Will of Mine to be fulfilled.
Maybe this mission that I have entrusted to one of My apostles is not in accordance with the need that the disciple believes they have but, until the apostle learns to love the mission that I have entrusted to them, they will go through the same test as many times as necessary; My intention is that you learn to separate, from within, your spirit from all of your consciousness, so that the Greater Laws may act and not your own.
Day and night I hope that all My apostles will accomplish the mission that I have entrusted to them and, even if it seems abstract, I hope that they can comply with joy and love.
For this reason, I place in Mine what each one needs and not what each one wants so that, above themselves, they learn to love the unknown and so that unknown can be part of their lives and of their consciousnesses forever.
With this spiritual demand that I establish for this time, I will awaken the New Christs, thus the Earth will at least count on the ones who can rescue it.
I Thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Within the great oceans of the Earth, places in which intra-oceanic life manifests, the Kingdoms of the sea maintain the essential balance for the manifestation of harmony within the planet.
In this sense, the marine beings, for example the dolphins and the whales, draw toward humanity and especially toward the planet, the possibility of maintaining harmony between Heaven and Earth between the inner world and the external world of the human consciousness.
When these Kingdoms are continually abused, this cycle of harmony is broken, humanity increases its debt in the face of Divine Justice and of Creation and, as a side effect, this causes an increase in the psychic imbalance of the different peoples and races; without there being any possibility for finding a cure for all of these mental disorders.
For this reason, the love and the respect that the human being is capable of expressing for Creation can collaborate in this physical-spiritual support that, in this case, whales and dolphins provide, as consciousnesses that have evolved more than the human being.
Each aspect of Creation fulfills a mission within the Material Universe; if these missions are interrupted, chaos is produced in humanity.
Human beings must carry out a conscious introspection in order to be able to awaken their love for Creation.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "Alleluia"
In this song, the inner invocation is centered upon the receptivity of the consciousness when faced with the teaching and the knowledge given by its Master, that is to say, the Instructor; and in the openness to hear the Truth, in order to learn to follow the Law and to fulfill it.
This love for the Law will allow the soul to awaken even more to service, because it will lead it into seeking the good in all places and will give it the impulse towards the ardent aspiration of achieving, through devotion, the union with universal life.
The song also reveals that the disciple has no uncertainties about the great Hierarchy. This is because the faith of the disciple is concentrated upon learning to live and to love the Law of the Hierarchy.
This brings inner security in the steps, that must be taken, to someday concretize the experience of the mission to be accomplished in this world.
To carry out this experience, which will change the life of the disciple, the song indicates the way, saying that habits must change so that this experience of living the mission upon the Earth be real and have no oscillations.
All this surrender that will be achieved will be in the name of the Lord and for His Glory. This will lead the disciple into detaching from riches through the living of the Law.
So that this total experience may be reflected in the life of the disciple, he must gauge his strength during purification and not challenge evil.
Thus, in this resignation and surrender, he will emerge as chosen, among so many, to reflect only gratitude before the Messengers who fill Heaven with signs, determining for the spirit and profound for the transformation of the soul.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Passion of Jesus meant and represented many occurrences for humanity. Some of these facts were known, but others are still unknown.
Many realities and situations took place, mostly in other planes of consciousness, something that was beyond the material and also the spiritual.
The Passion of the Lord was the true testimony that He, above all, had reincarnated to accomplish this mission, and there would be nothing that could modify or alter this event.
When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, the hour and the moment had come, as an incarnated man, for Him to render the human condition to the Father so that, through Him, that sacrifice would be transformed for the good of humanity, although humanity itself did not deserve such Grace.
The father, through His Son, knew that if such surrender and sacrifice did not happen, the human race would destroy itself.
Christ's fundamental reason, during His thirty-three years of life, was to be able to live and accomplish, beyond Himself, the Divine Will.
Jesus was a man born with evident Gifts from God, but He had to know, like every human being, the human condition; He went through temptations and tests so that His Spirit would emanate, all the time, the reason for His existence.
This immediate attainment of Jesus to the Will of His Father enabled Him not to perish.
Let us remember that Jesus arrived in a moment of humanity in which the perversion and the abuse of power were the abysses for which humanity was being condemned.
Jesus maintained the momentum of His Love for the Father. He Believed, above all, in the realization of the Divine Will, as it was written.
His Purpose was to reach the goal that His Father had given Him, in spite of all the difficulties that the Master would face.
His confidence in the manifestation of that Plan and, above all, His Love for it, made Him a spiritually free Being, capable of overcoming duality and the adversity that the human beings had created.
To Love that Will was the main spiritual objective of the life of Jesus. He knew that nothing and nobody could change the destiny that the Father had showed Him for His Mission upon Earth.
Living that Will was an imperative necessity of the Master, although sometimes, despite the sensory and mystical development of His Consciousness, He did not know how far this Will would take Him within His personal and Global Mission.
There were inextinguishable keys that protected and supported the accomplishment of all the work in the Life of Jesus, as in souls, which were humility and the selfless surrender of His Being. In that school no streak of pride and no sign of selfishness could prevail.
The communion that Jesus constantly lived with the Heights made Him truly free, and beyond Him, the Laws of universal Mercy and Grace could act and perform miracles.
What was fundamental in the Life of Jesus was the Love He brought as the Son of God and the teachings that His Consciousness left, that the sincere and true love would be able to transform and sublimate human corruption.
I Thank you for imitating the Will and the Love of the Lord!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Confederate brothers and sisters,
Your Master and Lord of Mercy once again touches Portuguese lands with His feet of humility so that your hearts may prepare for the different phases of liberation that the Lord of the Universe will carry out within the European Community.
This is the reason for which your Mother and Mine, have chosen this nation to begin because from here you will be able to receive the necessary impulses so that the whole mission may be developed as foreseen.
Thus, all that you may offer God, no matter how small it may seem, will help and will contribute a great deal so that not only the nations that we visit but also all of Europe may receive the spiritual help that has been assumed by the Highest since the beginning.
Now, your Master and Lord, in a place so similar to the Garden of Gethsemani, prepares to immediately begin with the mission entrusted by the Divine Father.
And so, I have chosen to withdraw, in these days, into the valleys of the region of Algarve, so that, among the olive orchards, I may reflect upon the next steps of the rescue operation for Europe.
As of now, I am grateful for your company and union with Me on this sacred mission.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you with His eternal Light,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
If you still do not dare to walk barefoot by yourself, follow the simple path that I am indicating to you; for I will wait for you by the ocean of Mercy, to remove your shoes from yourself and wash your feet through My Forgiveness. Do not turn your back on Me.
I am calling you to truly go on pilgrimage with Me through the apostolate and the word. It is not a parable that I bring you today; it is the true mission which My Heart reveals to you in this end time.
I know that you are already tired of yourself and also of so much suffering. There are greater sorrows that I have not yet made known to you. Therefore, surrender and listen humbly to what I tell you today.
Do not seek to understand all things, the true fruits are kept in the simplest of hearts. They lack nothing.
If you want to be My beloved disciple, be like John the apostle, surrender in trust to the power of faith and allow Me to remove all your secure structures.
What will you lose when you stand before Me? What will you gain if you remain resistant?
I Am the Greater Light that sprang from the Heart of God. I Am that Spring of Life that never ends.
Keep me in your heart and you will be another consciousness.
It is no longer time to wait to mature, it is time to transfigure your little cells.
I have the power to set you free. I have the cure for your shortcomings. Just make sure you are following the right path.
I call you one by one, so that, one by one, you may respond to Me.
Under the Grace of God, be My apostles.
Thank you for transfiguring your lives!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more