As the days grow shorter and the end of the period of daily messages draws near, I invite you to live My instructions and put them into practice so that, at the most unexpected moment, nothing surprises you, and so that you may have the inner tools to overcome and experience that which is designed for each one of My companions, in a way similar to what the apostles experienced.

For this reason, from now on, consciously prepare yourselves. Everything has already been given to you so that you could learn to go beyond yourselves and thus be able to fulfill the part that corresponds to each one.

The time has now come in which you must testify to Me and confirm your trust in My Divine Consciousness, in spite of My no longer being present among you for quite some time.

Everyone has the responsibility of making each one of My Words the flesh of your flesh so that you may not run the risk of only having heard them.

Each instruction that I impart must resonate within you, and if that still is not happening, seek the reason why; thus you will be true to yourselves and to others.

Remember that all I tell you here is out of Love for that Greater Love that for some years now has come to meet you, to awaken you and to make you conscious of your commitment with Me.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


A reprieve was granted to your Heavenly Mother so that, together with the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, I could return daily, as in other cycles, in order to be able to closely accompany the planetary Calvary and inner Armageddon of My children.

For this reason, we have offered ourselves, myself and Saint Joseph, like in that time of the presentation of the little Child in the temple. But this time, Our offering was that of Our Sacred Hearts, and also the supplications and sacrifices of all those who have persisted by my side up to today, and who have lived the injustice of many painful occurences.

The Eternal Father has permitted Me that, after one year of weekly Messages is over, exactly on March 2, 2020, your Heavenly Mother may make a transition with Her Beloved Son, and assume the daily instruction throughout another year, until March 2, 2021.

I want you to know, My children, that My sorrowful maternal Heart not only suffers the horrors of these current times, but also suffers the abandonment of the children that had an apostolic mission together with My Son.

In this way, by the grace of this spiritual reprieve, I come today, in a special manner, to announce to you that these will be My last instructions to humanity, and that, as the year of weekly Messages conclude, I will no longer communicate written Messages for the Apparitions. I will only come to the world and to the loving meeting with you, as it has been in the last years, through the meetings of prayer that are shared worldwide.

I will come throughout another year due to a world emergency and, as Mother, I offered all My gifts and prayers so that the Celestial Father might grant me this most important Grace.

As from now, I announce this message so that you may know how to value and internally recognize My last and loving instructions.

I thank you, children, for having prayed a lot with Me today!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



In the silence of the heart, your Master and Shephard is finalizing His daily journey of being with you but, in the Omnipresence of My Father, I will continue being with you until the end of times.

The moment has come for My last apostles to give testimony of My Word; that they let the power of My Love be known, that they give sacraments, confess and forgive in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The moment has come that My Church on the entire Earth will become purified and restored. For this moment and event, I have prepared you, up until now.

So go, and do all that I have taught you. Be the living Love of My Heart wherever you go. Be compassion, truth and purity. Fulfill the designs of the Lord. Build again the bases of My Heavenly Church within the hearts for the souls that were profaned and abused by My Church, not to feel pain, fear nor resistance; that all of them may recover their faith and their inner contact with Me.

Lucky will be those who at this last time will have followed and listened to My Messages daily.

Unhappy will be those who did not give importance to My Messages because they will not have the tools to cross the end of times.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, is wasted. The Word of the Lord is blessed and merciful.

Now is the time to live the apostleship of the Lord.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master Jesus Christ


I promised you, as it was written by the Apostle Mathew, that I would be with you every day until the end of times. Now, and at this moment, that promise is fulfilled.

I am here with you every day of your life, and will be up until the end of times. Thus, see and believe in what is happening.

Many wait for Me to appear inside the Church but, in truth, they did not understand me.

I go to the spiritual Church that exists inside of each being; that is the Church that I seek, within the good souls that worship Me and listen to Me through these daily Messages.

Continue, then, making the promise of your Master and Lord real, every day, so that I may continue to be with you until the end of times. And, in this way, more hearts may have the happiness of knowing me and of participating in communion with Me.

Be witnesses of this important event of participating in the reappearance of Christ.

May this sacred meeting echo within the times which will come so that not only souls, but also the planet may be worthy of My Mercies.

I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


With the heart wanting to be in God, close your eyes, child, and learn to thank the Father for life; thank, because the Creator chose you among so many beings in His Creation, to be on Earth learning to love as He loves.

Learn to thank God because, throughout your life,  He has led you by your hand, that you might err enough to be humble and to grow, but he removed you from the errors at the right point of your salvation so that you would not lose your way.

Learn to thank God because patiently He observes you entangled in small things of the human life and distracted from the superior Purpose, for which you came to the world. With eyes of compassion, the Creator follows your steps and waits, because He knows that at some moment you lost sight and you will turn to the highest, and finally find the Heart of the Father.

Learn to thank God because He created a perfect project and placed this hidden perfection inside of you. The Lord is so perfect that, in order for you to open this door inside of you and find this divine treasure, you must be simple, humble and, above all, thank God for life and for the constant gifts He hands you.

Learn, My child, to thank the Father every day, even if you do not have a reason for this. Be thankful and already you will see how many reasons your heart has to thank the Father.

Place your heart in Truth and in the Infinite, in the love of God for you, and today just give thanks, because, among so many beings in the world, you listen to God in the echo of His Messengers who teach you to love and awaken to what it really is to be a human being.

Thank the Father and give thanks to the Heavens. Offer your heart as a shelter for gratitude and so you will take sure steps of love, because by thanking everything, you will find the possibility of love in all things.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph


With My great Celestial Consciousness, from the thirteenth dimension of the spiritual plane, every day at three o'clock in the afternoon, I fully descend for a period in order to establish the divine codes of My Glorification in the deep consciousness of awakened humanity.

Despite the fact that at this time humanity is submerged in an appalling material battle, your Master and Lord, from the thirteenth dimension of the One Divine Consciousness, descends in splendor and in light to pour out unalterable states of peace in certain places of the world, which will allow the planet to still be kept on its axis and in balance.

I come every day from that higher dimension, without restriction and without obstacles, to prepare those of Mine for the great and awaited moment in which the Son of the Father will return among the clouds, to bring the captivity of humanity to an end.

While what is most serious is still to take place, from the thirteenth dimension of the Divine Consciousness, your Master brings all the luminous and ascendant impulses to the inner universes of beings that you will need to be able to faithfully represent Me in humanity, in this time.

For this, in a short while, I will introduce those of Mine to the true Aspect of your Master and Lord. And when that Aspect is revealed to the whole world at the most critical moment of the Earth, none will be able reject it or deny it. On the contrary, the higher revelation will be so strong and intense that there will be no believer or atheist able to resist.

Thus, Your Master and Lord activates important events in this area of the planet’s hemisphere, preparing this part of the race as a witness to the coming of Christ to the Earth.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who paternally blesses you,

Your Redeemer, Christ Jesus


The daily presence of My Son in this cycle is to reinforce the warning about an immediate change in the consciousness of humanity, before everything is rapidly unleashed.

That is why, children, a conscious and responsible attitude in the face of the events of life on the planet will be important.

It will be necessary that, every day, humanity, as a civilization, review within itself everything it does; this will allow it to mature and be more prepared to face the coming times. That revision must be full of reflection and maturity so that it may have a positive effect on the consciousness.

In this way, from a large part of the race, will be born spirits, more willing to reverse what the majority commits against the spiritual and physical evolution of the planet.

It is time for each human being to become responsible for everything they do, capable of seeking inner and spirituals means to reverse all things in order to generate a global equilibrium that is lacking at this time.

This step will help in the manifestation of a New Humanity.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Children, the cycle of daily messages that one year ago I promised you to deliver is already ending. During that period, I taught you many things and opened your eyes to others that, in truth, you already knew, but that you did not manage to live.

Because I was a man once, with a heart similar to yours, I could reach the depth of your consciousnesses and remind you about your commitment to God.

From now on, in the cycle that will come after the 20th of August –when the daily messages will end– it will be up to each one to study My Words again and reignite each code and each impulse that I left for you there, impulses that will be eternal and that will be alive for all those who open themselves from the heart and in consciousness.

I hope, in Christ, that you will be able to live each impulse that I delivered to you or, at least, that you try to do it every day.

You know that the clock time is no longer running as it used to run before. Little by little, you are entering a new time and each second is precious to you, because it brings in itself an opportunity that will never be repeated.

Depending on the inner answer of each one, I will be able to achieve the grace from the Creator to continue talking to humanity and, along with Mary and Christ, continue supporting the human heart, while it is possible, so that you may count on Our support until the last hour. For that to be possible, the effort of each one of you is indispensable.

In this new cycle, the aspiration of being different must be alive within you, impelling you to do different things for the materialization of the Plan of God and show the Creator that you truly want to respond to His Call and His Designs.

The Love of the Divine Messengers for humanity is infinite and each second of instruction that we deliver to all is precious to Us. But not only We must long for this meeting: each one of you must feel within yourselves this need of deepening yourselves into your own transformation and receive, from the Heavens, the new impulses that will lead you to a higher evolutionary degree.

Beloved children, meditate on the essence of this new planetary cycle and receive all the graces that are being delivered to you. The time of transforming yourselves is now, not later. Everything is possible with the persistence and perseverance of all.

It is time for the trust in the Will of God to be greater than your self-love, for the love to the Plan of the Creator to win over any aspiration of fulfilling a personal plan or living your own will.

Children, there is no more time to lose with yourselves, because are descending from the Heavens the currents that you need to transform yourselves and take concrete steps, finally consolidating the principles of a new life in the consciousness. Do not lose these impulses by being distracted. Open your arms and your hearts and, by gratitude, let yourselves be permeated.

Your Father and Friend of all eras, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I am that voice that announces itself to the world to bring a message of hope and of redemption.

I am the Mother who brings in Her Heart the Celestial Kingdom so that all may come to know it.

I can work in the whole world only if you are children of My Consciousness, because My Plan is simply fulfilled through each one of you.

I would like your hearts to know the power of My motherhood, the love I have for each child of Mine from this planet.

It is this love that causes Me to return every day to the world to remind it again and again that it has not yet changed.

For this reason, counting on souls like yours, I will be able to fulfill the Plan for this wounded world.

May the proclamation of the Kingdom of God spring from your lips so that at last, hearts find again the path they had lost, the path to peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who congregates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


As an enormous Grace brought from the Kingdom of the Heavens, My Chaste Heart comes to announce to the world the last year of Messages that I will deliver to humanity.  And as the main blessing for all the hearts, during the period from August 20th of 2015 to August 20th of 2016, I will deliver the first cycle of daily Messages from Saint Joseph to humanity.

It is in this way that, in the urgency of the days, My Chaste Heart begins to deliver to all the step by step for the emergence of the New Humanity.

When this cycle of messages finishes, I will not come to the world as before and this will be the sign that the time of definitive probations begins.

The Divine Messengers, for Your prayers and claims, have reached the grace to deliver this last impulse to humanity with the purpose that all you may need to transit in the times that will come be available for your souls and consciousnesses.

Never forget that this impulse will come as a last opportunity of following the steps of God and in this way, impelled by My Humble and simple Heart, you may be able to follow the steps that conduct you to the materialization of this superior Plan of Existence.

Through My words, I will take humanity to the discovery of the sacred and, with examples and revelations of My Holy life, I will try for the last time to conduct you to the holiness of spirit and heart.

Know that you are graced spirits, in the midst of a humanity that suffers and degenerates itself day by day through the consequences of its actions.  You must reflect and meditate about what the spirit of eternal gratitude is, because you are being deservers of this grace, and about what God expects from the souls that listen to Him by means of His Messengers.

While suffering and illusion expand themselves throughout this world, God gives you the grace of awakening and, with His Messengers, learning the true essence of humanity existence that has not yet manifested itself fully in this world, except in His Son and in the Sacred Family that followed Him and learned from Him.

May the spirit of peacemaking become life in your beings.  You will discover thus that it is on the most simple transformations that you will reach the manifestation of the New Humanity.  Many seek to do great works and forget that it is in the spirit of humility that you find the true key to open the doors of Heaven and to unite yourselves to the Consciousness of God again.

I love you and I expect you to be awaked and attentive to this new and last cycle of instructions of My Chaste Heart.

Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant and Apprentice of God


Dear children of Mine,

By means of these maternal words, again by the action and the glory of the Grace of God, today I present Myself before your souls—donated to My Heart from the beginning and willing to serve Me to the end.

Today My Heart reveals to you that in this time without peace, I gather you again around the sacred table of Our Lord Jesus so that you may eat of His Body and drink of His Blood again.

My only goal, beloved children, is making you remember the Kingdom of God, that which in these moments is much forsaken and substituted by the trends of this world, those that erase the fire of the heart of many souls.

For the sake of the things that deviate the souls and all of humanity, sedated by the wiles of the enemy, from the Plan of God, your Mother of Peace and of Grace returns to reestablish the Kingdom of God, the supreme life and mercy in all that seems irreparable and impure.  Because now My celestial eyes see and shelter the offers of all of Her children who are the inner impulse to be able to materialize, together with the Angels of Heaven, the moment of the great planetary change.

I shall pray for you until the ultimate days, when some, who will already be blissful, will see coming amid the clouds My Beloved and Glorified Son.  The faults of the humanity of today and their future consequences can be placated by the light of the Mercy of My Son.

I come so that daily you may read My messages and that you may make them part of your lives and daily rhythms.  I desire that the true consciousness may awake in all of My children.

I thank you for accompanying Me in this new cycle!

Who loves you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace of God

Monthly Messages

The flowers of light that are born in My Sacred Garden are diverse, but all together emanate the same aroma of prayer.  My celestial rays water the flowers of the garden every day so that they, on their own, may reach the expression of their inner beauty.

In My Garden the roses are a beautiful present for the Altars of God, each one of them has its time to be harvested and after be taken in My basket of gold to the Thrones of God.

These precious and diverse flowers from Heaven are the sublime expression of the souls that pray every day with Me and that, as in the earthly life are transformed step by step.

Today I wish that you be new flowers in My Sacred Garden, that you may beautify life upon the Earth through your love and your prayer; it will help that most of the flowers that die on Earth may blossom again as seeds in the stable of Your Lord, Jesus.

Dear children, in this way is expressed My Mystical Rose.  My Light profoundly springs from the Immaculate Heart in order to transform and convert in love the souls that have fallen.

Think, dear children, about the possibility that you may spiritually materialize this aspiration of Mine, that you may be beautiful flowers at the feet of the Creator; in this way your lives may be guided by new laws and that which to you seems not transformable, the Holy Spirit of God will transform.

Beloved children, encourage yourselves to live in the new; seek in your sincere prayer the Divine Life, that is the Life of Heaven, the path of holiness and of service.  Be holy in life, proclaim the greatness of God in all things; in this way you will help that all be renewed and many of your brothers and sisters may find hope again.

Beloved children, the Lord of the Universe observes you and accompanies you every day of your lives; only seek the one and true union with the Eternal Father. He waits for His servants to give Him the fruits collected from the great harvest of the end of the times.

I am still here among your hearts, because there is still much that heals and that scars; it is time to place your beings under the healing rays of Christ, so that My Son may exorcise and transform you in precious seeds of light, ready to be sown as groups of prayer upon the surface of the Earth.

After so many precious instructions that the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph have poured, today I announce to you that this will be the last message that I will give to you for the Prayer Vigils.  Now I need for you to meditate, in the beginning of each new vigil, about the Daily Messages that I have given to the world; in them are deposited important keys for the conversion of the world and to be able to establish peace.

The Daily Messages, beginning in the next Prayer Vigil, will be those that will open your hearts month after month and will be the ones that will prepare your inner beings for the exercise of prayer for peace in the nations.

This does not mean, dear children, that I Am withdrawing Myself; God needs that you wake up to the reality that all have lived with Me since the last trip to Medjugorje in the year of 2011.

Dear children, I leave you My Eternal Peace, I love you and I bless you always!

Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira


I know that by the next year of 2014 many families and hearts will have been able to guard Me in the interior of their dwellings.  Before My uninterrupted Presence during a year with you is fulfilled I wish that all consecrate themselves to the eternal light of My Sacred Heart.

For this I ask that from the first day of January of 2014 until the ninth day of January of 2014 all of the hearts glorify Me by means of the Powerful Novena of Jesus Christ.

I ask that you gather in group with the aim of materializing in the spiritual levels the consecration of the Americas to the Immaculate Heart.  If this novena is done with care, love and dedication I promise that on the ninth day I will realize as a closing of this cycle a last public apparition to reveal to the world the secret of conversion, of liberation and of redemption.

Those that, during the nine days in a row after the prayer to My Divine Mercy, surrender themselves like a child in the arms of its mother, will be restoring My Most Sacred Heart.  In this way, before the end of the times, all of the Americas will receive a special Intercessory Grace.

I ask you to pray the powerful novena as it is a precious and spiritual complement to the Chaplet of My Divine Mercy.  I promised Saint Faustina that the souls that adored and venerated Me through the Face of My Mercy would know what to do and where to be in the final times.

I wish to say of this promise, that I Am already fulfilling it through My daily Instructions.  I will need that soon you give to the world the book of the 365 daily messages of Jesus Christ.  It will serve as a spiritual key and of inner support to face the great spiritual crisis.

After fulfilling a year of My Presence among you I promise to return to confirm My Presence in your hearts.

I will now give thanks for the warm answer that your hearts may give Me.  In this way I will be able to conduct you towards the path of the Truth and of the Good.  When I ask you for something so great it is because My Divine Mercy is opening a door of opportunities for all. 

May the next year of 2014 be for all the time of the great harvest.  It is time to be able to see manifested the fruits of the instruction received as a precious experience of life.

I leave My special paternal blessing for all.  I send a ray of love from My Sacred Heart to your hearts.

Blissful be those who in truth live in God because from them is the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Under the Infinite Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for sincerely answering during a whole year to My Call!

Christ Jesus, Your Faithful Beloved 


I want to let you know the Source of My Merciful Light. For this it will be necessary that you fully trust in My Will, in that which I Am foreseeing for each one of you.

A soul that trusts surrenders itself to the arms of God and allows its path to be guided through the paths of Heaven. In this time My Purpose is to open your hearts to the encounter with the Source of Love- Wisdom.

It is necessary that My listeners of the daily message strongly embrace My words as the path of guidance and salvation for your souls.  It is time to prepare yourselves with consciousness for what is to come.  It is time to find refuge in My Sacred Heart.

I Am the strength for your lives.  I Am the Path of salvation.  You know it, but it will be necessary to live it in order to understand this mystery.

I love you always.

Under the Good of God, be blessed.  


Dear children,

Today, by the Will of God, an uninterrupted year of daily apparitions and Daily Messages of Love is fulfilled.

For this reason, dear children, today I tell you that the ever Blessed Virgin Mary will announce Her words of Love and Redemption for all Her children for a while longer.

Dear children, on this day I announce to you that God has asked Me, from today on, to communicate My instructions to you on Saturdays and on the days of the apparitions.

My children, after a continuous year of Graces received, My Maternal Heart asks that you look within your hearts and that you grow from within through My Redeeming Peace.

Therefore, dear children, may this day be for you a day of synthesis so that you can keep in your hearts everything that God has given you through My Immaculate Heart. From today on we will meet daily through the prayer of the heart because the world is waiting to receive the Mercy of My Son.

I give thanks to My children, those who accompanied Me to Medjugorje a year ago, for having pilgrimaged with devotion and love, because this state of love, radiated from your hearts before God in Medjugorje, allowed Him to send Me in order to guide you during a whole year of great changes.

Dear children, on this day all the groups of prayer and all souls receive as a task to pray week by week so that you may wait on Saturday for My Weekly Message, which will be transmitted in an apparition to My visionaries.

My children, the moment has come to grow and mature from the heart so that the soldiers of My Son may be prepared for the time that will come to humanity.

Dear children, once again I place you all in My arms, to offer to God the voice of your prayers, that have helped in the con- version of humanity.

In the next year of 2013 I will visit you by means of My Motherhood and from the Heavens, twice a month, on the 13th and the 25th of each month so that together we may accompany the descent of the Holy Spirit that will help humanity.

Little children, rejoice today because, for one year, My Immaculate Heart has triumphed due to your response to My maternal call. The celestial choirs, together with your hearts, are praising the One and Only God during all this day.

I thank you for responding this whole year to My call for peace.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

We are coming close to the anniversary of My daily messages, when God gave Me the Grace to guide and accompany you.

My children, therefore, through all the instructions that My Heart has given, I invite you to exercise the reading from the heart again, that is, the reading of all of My messages from your heart. I invite you to live My messages, to practice them in a simple and humble way.

Dear children, the beginning of the announcements of My daily words had its origin in Medjugorje, when My Maternal Heart prepared My visionaries so that they would accomplish the task that has been carried out in the name of God throughout this last year of apparitions.

Today I want to invite you, united with My 31 years in Medjugorje, to walk in faith and in conversion, because if you transform your hearts day by day, you will be transforming the abyss of humanity.

Dear children, your conversion, your penance and your fasting will help in the salvation of souls that are living irreparable faults and above all will allow the arrival of Divine Mercy.

When I call you to conversion, to penance and to fasting, I am calling you to give a little more of your beings, without living great privations, but rather giving from your hearts all that can be transformed and redeemed.

I call you to prayer because in this way your hearts will be rising themselves as a bird rises itself towards the top of a mountain.

Dear children, may your feet climb the mountain of grati- tude and devotion so that your hearts may unite to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

In Medjugorje, one year ago, on the 15th of November, 2011, My voice was announcing the emergence of the Work of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. Today it is a very broad Work thanks to the response of My soldiers.

But to all of you, dear children, those who accompany Me month by month in My apparitions, I ask that you help and collaborate so that this co-redeeming work that is united to the Master Jesus may be able to expand itself even more, just as the work of Medjugorje was propagated 31 years ago.

My children, I want to tell you that all the Work that is real- ized in South America with the Blessed Virgin Mary must be supported with a little collaboration from all of My children. I ask you for a true collaboration from the heart, a surrender to God from your inner being, because a work on Earth happens and manifests itself through the workers that work in it, and these workers need the resources to accomplish it.

Thus God takes care of His workers and at the same time, of the Work.

Children, everything is united by the same link and your prayer will help so that My co-redeeming work may continue touching hearts in pain and suffering.

My dear ones, I invite you to accompany Me as the Pilgrim Mother so that Light may reach those that deny the Merciful Love of My Son.

Let us work through prayer so that the Work of God may be accomplished in South America.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

I hope that throughout this last year of Daily Messages you have accepted to live in the Grace of God. It is a merciful revelation that My Maternal Words have accompanied each one of you for all this time that passed, during which your hearts have had to grow and mature before the reality of the end of this time.

My children, this is why today I call you to deepen in your hearts the gratitude towards God, gratitude because through My Son and His loving intercession God has allowed Me to daily come to your encounter through the messages.

Dear children, you know that the world is suffering very much and that each new day innumerable souls are lost, condemning themselves to the path of purgatory.

Therefore I call you to live the prayer of the heart, because your prayer will be the only hope for the salvation of many hearts, above all, of those children who in the ignorance of their lives offend God.

Lovingly I ask you to pray under the Light of God and to commend to Him all souls possible, through the power of prayer. Those that still do not pray, do not do so because they lack Maternal Love and need to quench the thirst that their souls have felt for so long.

Dear children, this is a defining time, a time of changes. This is why I invite you to be conscious of your task of prayer so that more Light from the Universe of God may be able to help and save condemned souls.

My children, hold in your hands the prayer of the Rosary and may each new prayer that you realize be an offering and a supplication to the Mercy of Jesus.

In My Son is the path. In My Son your redemption and your forgiveness are to be found.

Be awake to prayer!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of our Mother, we're going to pray the "Hail Mary" in different languages, repeating the prayer twice in each language.

Today, Our Lady brings the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity.

At this moment, She asks that we connect with that Principle of the Father, and that we think about the Most Holy Trinity.

Prayer: "Hail Mary" (in Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian, French, German and Latin).


Dear children,

With My Arms, I hope to gather you day after day. I stretch out My Arms of Mercy and My Heart of Love to you in this time.

Today, I have need of you to go on pilgrimage, to walk from the Heart. Many souls need your prayer and your giving of selves.

I invite you to serve because we are already in the end of time.

I want you to be able to build the new paths of humanity, and if somebody begins this task, everything will be able to change. Thus, prayer is important in this time, because it will fortify you to carry out this commitment.

My call reaches out to each corner of this world; thus, your hearts must be attentive to respond to it.

On this day, My Son Jesus observes you with Love and Mercy, but many souls are still lost on the path they choose. Who will be able to help Me with them? Thus, I invite you to sincerely pray.

I need you to listen to My Words and that you hold them in your hearts, for in this way, you will prepare your dwelling place for what will come.

It is necessary that you conform to the requests of God. For this reason, My Immaculate Heart comes month after month to announce the new and the good to you, but also to announce what humanity does not want to hear.

Humanity cannot change into what it already was in the past; it must be a humanity renewed through prayer and Mercy.

Thus, today My Heart counts on so few servers. I call servers those who are available to live the prayer of the heart.

Moment by moment and day by day, your life must be a true prayer, before all the things in your life. It must be what is most important in this end time, which can fill you and guide you in this moment, for in this way, your hearts will be united with My Heart and will share in the universal task with Me.

Before My Son Jesus comes, today I come to meet with you. And I repeat this each time I am with you. Thus, your hearts must be in a state of permanent vigil so that, in the end of these times, you hear the Designs of God, you hear the Commandments of the Father and, above all, you hear the requests He has for you.

Through the daily Messages, I leave you the keys of the Lord, so your hearts may be on pilgrimage on the correct paths and you are within My Motherly Light; for when you are definitely in My Arms, you will be close to My Son Jesus and His Rays will be able to touch your hearts.

With the rosary in your hands, sustain daily prayer, for in this way, you will be able to be guided in each moment of your life and your hearts will hear the Steps of the Lord, Jesus, Who comes once again to meet with this humanity. You must believe in this, for it is already written and will be accomplished.

But the coming of My Son will not occur the way many believe. Today, He is asking something important of you to prepare for His Return: to be in vigil as the apostles were; but in this time, your hearts must be more attentive so as to be able to perceive where you are and where you are to go.

Thus, dear children, service balances all hearts.

The source of Mercy can be launched towards the Earth and all hearts be invaded by the Light of Jesus, and thus My Motherly Heart can be very close to you. Each moment you think of prayer, My Motherly Ray will be among you.

For this reason, I persist with this humanity, because as a Mother, I understand and know your needs. I know what each heart needs in this time.

So that your aspirations may be fulfilled, I invite you to pray from the heart, because it is necessary that the Holy Spirit be among you so your hearts are able to feel the Light of God, and in this way, dear children, all of you are strengthened in My Heart.

In this time, I have need of hearts that build the new, imitating the Steps that Christ left you. But in this time, dear children, hearts do not observe these teachings, because with their heart they perceive what all call the modernities.

In this way, hearts distance themselves from God, because they are surrounded by new things which they believe will wake up many things in the spirit, but that generate a significant distancing in consciousnesses; barriers are created between souls and God.

Prayer unties all these knots. For this reason, unite with Me in prayer, because I will help you untie those great knots that are in humanity so all hearts may find the Lord once again.

Today, I want to leave a request with you, to all those present here, before My Merciful and Loving Countenance; that you prepare My last coming to this place, to this city, so that in your hearts may blossom all the promises I have left with you throughout the months, and that you may work together with My Motherly Heart for the redemption of humanity, a request My Son makes to Me daily.

I will accompany you, in this time, to concretize My Plan of Peace on this world, and especially in all of Argentina.

You are called, dear children, to accomplish a part of the Plan of God. Your hearts have committed to Me from the beginning, when you said 'yes' to the power of prayer. In this way, you began to dialogue with My Motherly Heart and live in devotion to My Heart, thus being able to contemplate the beauties that God has created for all of this humanity; I am referring, dear children, to all this beauty of nature. For this reason, I leave you this task for the next month.

This is the time for beginning to fraternize your hearts, and thus, concretize My requests.

We will begin here, in this city, gathering together hearts through the strength of the groups of prayer, and in this way, on December 8, your hearts will contemplate Me here for the last time.

When I refer to here, dear children, I am referring to from Buenos Aires to Lujan. This is the extent of My Mantle for Argentina. 

You can be the light of prayer in this time, and your hearts can be My roses so I can pour them out over each province of this nation.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Let us sing "Hail, Hail Mary".

The Mother is inviting all the brothers and sisters of the groups of Salta to bring the images that came with them, as She is going to bless them because of the response you gave to Her Heart.

Song: "Hail, Hail Mary".


I Am the Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the same as yesterday and today.

Today, dear children, you are recognizing the power God has given Me through My Countenance.

May the Light of the Father, may the Light of the Son and may the Light of the Holy Spirit bless these images that represent My Immaculate Heart on Earth and the Divine Power of God, in different ways for everybody.

Dear children, may the Light of My Son bless you on this night which is coming to an end and which invites you to be in vigil in prayer.

I thank you for responding to My call, especially all My children of Lujan.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Song: "Your Purity".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now, as we do in all Apparitions, Friar Elías will make some comments on what he was able to see during the process of prayer and during the Apparition, and some requests our Mother makes while She speaks with him during this time.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the moment before the Apparition, we were greatly aided by guardian angels that worked intensely outside of this area, in this field; and that the work, which they did through prayer, was gradually radiated to all of Buenos Aires.

Particularly, the work they did was to free souls that were chained. Those souls were freed and uplifted through the channel of prayer that was built.

The angels had the task of drawing those brothers and sisters at that level toward the inside of the channel so they could be freed, and that task was expanded during the singing of the Hail Mary.

The task they were carrying out was by regions, by different zones of Buenos Aires. What permitted them to carry out that task was the exercising of the prayer, until at a moment before the Apparition, they asked to be helped in that task through the singing of the "Hail Mary".

Before each Apparition, they appear like flashes of light in the sky. This refers to the Lady arriving, that Her Consciousness is beginning to expand within this coordinate of the world, in this place. A special condition opens up, in this case, here, and in this way, the different states of the universe, of the Heavens, begin to descend, by way of which She comes here.

But today, the Apparition was special; we were looking toward the picture, but Our Lady appeared on the outside, in the top part of this place. Could it be the Lady won't enter this house?, we asked. Will we speak through the glass?

She said to us: "There are no limits in Heaven, but this is what the Lord has allowed Me to do on this day."

At that moment of the Apparition, nothing in this physical place seemed to be present here; only all the celestial energy She was radiating during the Apparition. Then a profound dialogue began, some indications She was passing on to us, which She was talking about in the first part of the Apparition.

Today, She was dressed in a white robe, and tightly gripped the rosary in Her Hands, which She offered to this city of Buenos Aires. She also had a pink veil and a gaze, a very transparent and natural semblance.

She then began giving us some indications until She began to address Her Words to everybody.

One of the tasks She asked of us today refers to the service which will be done in Lujan. One request is for the two Marian Centers, the Brazilian one and the Uruguayan one: that two representatives of the Grace Mercy Order from each of the Marian Centers meet with the groups of Argentina, and that after seven days, they carry out the service in Lujan, not only through prayer, but through service tasks.

Afterwards, She asks for the images to bless them, and we asked Her what the reason was for blessing these images. She said that the group of prayer that had those images had been very faithful to Her through all this time and that She wanted to make a motherly gesture to them.

At the end of the Apparition, She made a second request that we will share at the end of this work. That request was explicitly for the groups that work with the Light-Communities.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now we'll sing to say goodbye and the groups that work with the Light-Communities can stay so we can share the task that Our Lady asked of us. The brothers and sisters that carry these images can also stay a little while to speak with you.

Our sister Suely, please also stay after the song.

Let's sing "Divine Mother."


Blessed children,

In response to the urgent call realized yesterday to My children, I announce to those to whom I have appeared for five years as the Blessed Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, that My Beloved Son, Christ Jesus, sends Me today to your hearts to tell you that the Almighty God has observed from His Heart your response to the celestial call of attention.

Dear children, in the face of the urgent necessity of conversion and redemption of all the creatures of God, today I call you to continuous prayer and especially I call you so that, during this whole month, your lives may deepen and may give time to the meditation on each one of the holy Mysteries of the Rosary.

There you will find the keys for the conversion of your hearts that are: peace, surrender, trust in God, charity, forgiveness, the Love of My Son, sacrifice, and the resurrection together with the glorification of Christ.

My children, in this month of the Rosary I want that you especially dedicate yourselves to unite your hearts to each one of the passages of the life of Jesus and of the silent life of My Immaculate Heart.

My little ones, that in this time may awaken in your consciousness the call to Redemption and to the Surrender to God, a call that My voice pronounces day by day by means of the daily messages.

Dear children, under the Grace of God we are now close to the completion of one year, continuous and without interrup- tions, of daily blessed messages of My Immaculate Heart, of the Queen of Peace, who intends to guide you along the path of Good and Peace in the heart.

After a continuous year of Graces received, today I want that in response to these Graces, you unite your lives to the key teachings of Christ.

For this victorious reason of My Immaculate Heart in each one of your lives I announce to you today in the name of the Merciful Love of Christ Jesus, that on the day of tomorrow, the 21st of October, 2012, My visionary children, will be honoring Me by means of a simple prayer and an internal communion in the Sanctuary of Aparecida, a sanctuary that I love with fondness for the humble expression of faith from all of My pilgrim children of Brazil.

Therefore, dear children, the Honorable ever Virgin Mary, Lady Aparecida of Brazil, invites you and calls all Her chil- dren so that together with My children the visionaries, you may realize this simple pilgrimage towards the Sanctuary of Aparecida and that, through the offer to pray fifty beads of the Holy Rosary and of the inner communion with Christ, you may repair My Immaculate Heart.

In response to the events that have happened between you and God, I promise you that whomever participates with a sincere spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness before the Most High, the Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, will radiate the power of Divine Mercy from Heaven, and your lives will be absolved before the Law.

Dear children, I have brought roses in My hands to the throne of God, and the Father of the Source of Love and Compassion has accepted My offering for all of you. This exercise of frater- nity that I ask you to realize will allow, once more, that your hearts be clean and pure before God.

Once again, dear children, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!

Thank you for responding to this celestial call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


 My little ones,

Keep in your hearts the whole path of love and conversion that, through the Faithful Servant of God, you have lived. For this maternal reason today I invite you to remember that it has already been eleven months of encounters and of daily messages for the world.

Today I am calling you to be the living example of My Mater- nal Message through charity and giving.

Dear children, I call you to form part of My Marian army of peace and to propagate My words by means of your prayer. You are in time to live in the Mercy of My Son, you are in time to forgive with the heart.

My children, today I also call all those who hear My urgent call for Peace and for Goodness so that you may propagate My words of support and help to all the hearts in the world.

Your goal, as is Mine, must be to alleviate the tired heart, the wounded heart and the fallen heart. To ignite, through prayer, the Flame of the Holy Spirit and to trust, in the name of My Son, in all the wisdom that you will receive to grow as consciousnesses and as hearts.

My children, today there is reason to celebrate from the heart the past eleven months in which My Maternal Love, My Hope, My Grace and My Mercy have been poured from the greatest depths of My Maternal Heart for all My beloved children.

Continue united to My Spirit of Peace and through the permanent prayer of the Rosary, be united every day to Jesus, the King of Love.

That your hearts, during these last eleven months, may have been able to be a part of My Great and Divine Son Jesus. That from now on, your lives may be surrendered to the Plan of God, as a reparation of all offenses that He receives from this world.

Be merciful and love your brothers and sisters because they are also My children.

For all this time of Mercy, I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

