With the heart wanting to be in God, close your eyes, child, and learn to thank the Father for life; thank, because the Creator chose you among so many beings in His Creation, to be on Earth learning to love as He loves.

Learn to thank God because, throughout your life,  He has led you by your hand, that you might err enough to be humble and to grow, but he removed you from the errors at the right point of your salvation so that you would not lose your way.

Learn to thank God because patiently He observes you entangled in small things of the human life and distracted from the superior Purpose, for which you came to the world. With eyes of compassion, the Creator follows your steps and waits, because He knows that at some moment you lost sight and you will turn to the highest, and finally find the Heart of the Father.

Learn to thank God because He created a perfect project and placed this hidden perfection inside of you. The Lord is so perfect that, in order for you to open this door inside of you and find this divine treasure, you must be simple, humble and, above all, thank God for life and for the constant gifts He hands you.

Learn, My child, to thank the Father every day, even if you do not have a reason for this. Be thankful and already you will see how many reasons your heart has to thank the Father.

Place your heart in Truth and in the Infinite, in the love of God for you, and today just give thanks, because, among so many beings in the world, you listen to God in the echo of His Messengers who teach you to love and awaken to what it really is to be a human being.

Thank the Father and give thanks to the Heavens. Offer your heart as a shelter for gratitude and so you will take sure steps of love, because by thanking everything, you will find the possibility of love in all things.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, the cycle of daily messages that one year ago I promised you to deliver is already ending. During that period, I taught you many things and opened your eyes to others that, in truth, you already knew, but that you did not manage to live.

Because I was a man once, with a heart similar to yours, I could reach the depth of your consciousnesses and remind you about your commitment to God.

From now on, in the cycle that will come after the 20th of August –when the daily messages will end– it will be up to each one to study My Words again and reignite each code and each impulse that I left for you there, impulses that will be eternal and that will be alive for all those who open themselves from the heart and in consciousness.

I hope, in Christ, that you will be able to live each impulse that I delivered to you or, at least, that you try to do it every day.

You know that the clock time is no longer running as it used to run before. Little by little, you are entering a new time and each second is precious to you, because it brings in itself an opportunity that will never be repeated.

Depending on the inner answer of each one, I will be able to achieve the grace from the Creator to continue talking to humanity and, along with Mary and Christ, continue supporting the human heart, while it is possible, so that you may count on Our support until the last hour. For that to be possible, the effort of each one of you is indispensable.

In this new cycle, the aspiration of being different must be alive within you, impelling you to do different things for the materialization of the Plan of God and show the Creator that you truly want to respond to His Call and His Designs.

The Love of the Divine Messengers for humanity is infinite and each second of instruction that we deliver to all is precious to Us. But not only We must long for this meeting: each one of you must feel within yourselves this need of deepening yourselves into your own transformation and receive, from the Heavens, the new impulses that will lead you to a higher evolutionary degree.

Beloved children, meditate on the essence of this new planetary cycle and receive all the graces that are being delivered to you. The time of transforming yourselves is now, not later. Everything is possible with the persistence and perseverance of all.

It is time for the trust in the Will of God to be greater than your self-love, for the love to the Plan of the Creator to win over any aspiration of fulfilling a personal plan or living your own will.

Children, there is no more time to lose with yourselves, because are descending from the Heavens the currents that you need to transform yourselves and take concrete steps, finally consolidating the principles of a new life in the consciousness. Do not lose these impulses by being distracted. Open your arms and your hearts and, by gratitude, let yourselves be permeated.

Your Father and Friend of all eras, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


As an enormous Grace brought from the Kingdom of the Heavens, My Chaste Heart comes to announce to the world the last year of Messages that I will deliver to humanity.  And as the main blessing for all the hearts, during the period from August 20th of 2015 to August 20th of 2016, I will deliver the first cycle of daily Messages from Saint Joseph to humanity.

It is in this way that, in the urgency of the days, My Chaste Heart begins to deliver to all the step by step for the emergence of the New Humanity.

When this cycle of messages finishes, I will not come to the world as before and this will be the sign that the time of definitive probations begins.

The Divine Messengers, for Your prayers and claims, have reached the grace to deliver this last impulse to humanity with the purpose that all you may need to transit in the times that will come be available for your souls and consciousnesses.

Never forget that this impulse will come as a last opportunity of following the steps of God and in this way, impelled by My Humble and simple Heart, you may be able to follow the steps that conduct you to the materialization of this superior Plan of Existence.

Through My words, I will take humanity to the discovery of the sacred and, with examples and revelations of My Holy life, I will try for the last time to conduct you to the holiness of spirit and heart.

Know that you are graced spirits, in the midst of a humanity that suffers and degenerates itself day by day through the consequences of its actions.  You must reflect and meditate about what the spirit of eternal gratitude is, because you are being deservers of this grace, and about what God expects from the souls that listen to Him by means of His Messengers.

While suffering and illusion expand themselves throughout this world, God gives you the grace of awakening and, with His Messengers, learning the true essence of humanity existence that has not yet manifested itself fully in this world, except in His Son and in the Sacred Family that followed Him and learned from Him.

May the spirit of peacemaking become life in your beings.  You will discover thus that it is on the most simple transformations that you will reach the manifestation of the New Humanity.  Many seek to do great works and forget that it is in the spirit of humility that you find the true key to open the doors of Heaven and to unite yourselves to the Consciousness of God again.

I love you and I expect you to be awaked and attentive to this new and last cycle of instructions of My Chaste Heart.

Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant and Apprentice of God

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

