Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

When I do not speak, it is because something very difficult is happening. My silence is because the world does not want to listen to Me, and that goes beyond this place. I am speaking about those who do not truly listen to the Heart of the Hierarchy, and omit the Will of God all the time.

But with My armies, I will support the planet and will be able to give the world what it would not deserve. That is why I am here as your Attorney, as your Intercessor and Mediator.

Perhaps you do not understand what I am telling you, but welcome My Words in your heart and pray even more fervently so that God may pour out His Mercy rather than His Justice.

Everything that you have done until now has an incalculable value. All that you have prayed until now was contemplated by the Creator Father, and that goes beyond material life. For this reason, take My Words into your heart as much as you do not understand them.

The third secret of Fatima is drawing closer and what, up until now, the church has not announced, disobeying My request, will be shown to the whole world in an unexpected way for everyone.

When God sends a warning to the world, as happened in Fatima, He has a profoundly spiritual reason, unknown to humankind. There is no church or nation that can stop it. Thus, trust was placed in the small shepherds, because in such pure souls the Presence of God and His Message was revealed. But the world, in its majority, decided to learn through suffering and to generate suffering to the rest.

The cup is overflowing and the Blood of My Son, which was spilled for all, must be justified by those who pray in the world with their fidelity and their absolute unconditionality to the request of God.

With all of this, I want to tell you, My children, that I do not come to convey any fear to your inner worlds, but rather a call to pay attention in the face of the events that the world experiences today and in which humanity is completely submerged, especially the most innocent.

May your hearts not be touched by anger, by indifference, by frustration. Let your hearts; especially your lives, be an example of prayer, of constancy and faith, for what will shortly come to the world.

Many will repent for not having heard, and as was written in the Sacred Bible, many will beat their chests, crying out to God for an opportunity.

Thus, before that event, the red moon came, and all of humanity was able to see it. It was not a pretty or beautiful event. It was the announcement, the advent and the preparation of humanity for the next signs that will be revealed in this cycle.

The last seal of the Apocalypse is already open. The war of everyone against everyone will not cease. For this reason, new martyrs will come and will not emerge from the church, but rather among the most innocent, who will testify, until the end of their lives, to the Presence of Christ without anything causing them to change their faith or their belief.

But do not think of what they will suffer, rather think about what humanity has still not achieved, and that for the world it is no longer necessary to shed more blood, like some nations in the world do today, letting injustice fall upon the innocent, upon the poorest among the poor.

So your faith must be doubled. Your enthusiasm for the commitment must expand, and your fidelity and obedience must be established. Because even though the Earth trembles, your equilibrium must be untouchable, unalterable and irrefutable. Nothing must move you from the place that you have won in the heart of the Hierarchy.

But on the other hand, My children, not everything will be a disgrace for humanity. You must again see the Christs that were once with My Son and that in this end time will awaken so that, finally, they may express their task and the concretization of their purpose.

The flame of Christ in each human heart will shine, and at the most acute moment of the transition of the Earth, the tribes with their different lineages, schools and experiences will gather together to offer God a single path and a single goal, which is to achieve the New Humanity.

It is time to grow, My children, to mature in knowledge and to know, deeply, that your participation in the Plan of God has a purpose and a goal that your lives will not be able to change.

The salvation of humanity will depend on your adherence and on the surrender of your wills to the Greater Will. For this, you must never lack wisdom or discernment, nor attention and vigilance in the face of the events of the world.

Today, a sword of humanity pierces My Heart. It is a more painful sword that the one I once received when I came to know about the definite surrender of My Son.

Continue praying for the nations because, if the nations are not well, nothing will be well. You must reach Heaven with your prayers, touch the Heart of the Celestial Father, and console His Spirit for so many offenses received.

May the sacred spirit of compassion be built in you because Divine Compassion will be the fundamental attribute for this time in order to be able to see and participate in what will be seen in the world, even though it is not within the Plan of God. Because the majority of the events in the world are generated by human beings rather than by Heaven, through the lack of filiation with God and of communion with the Highest.

But you, who have gained the inner Christ, must have this precious presence be of value for all those who do not value the Presence of the inner Christ within themselves.

In honor of the Birth, the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection of My Son, I come to request that for nine days, before the beginning of the Holy Week, you pray the Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration of Jesus so that the Heavens may be filled by your prayers, that God may have pity on the whole world and His wrath may be calmed by the angelic choirs that accompany Me today.

If the whole world truly takes on this work of prayer, on the eve of Sacred Week, if it prays with fervor and devotion, I will come to ask the world once again for the consecration to My maternal and Immaculate Heart so that the nations that call themselves powerful before God, through the mediation of My Grace, may achieve penitence and a complete repentance of their faults.

This will prevent, My children, the Angel of the Justice of God from descending to the Earth in a surprising and unexpected way and, by the order of the Highest and Almighty, pouring the power of the Throne of God with greater potency than hundreds of lightning flashes and thunder.

If your prayers reach Heaven during these nine days, your Attorney and Mother will be able to intercede, at least for a quarter part of humanity, because the rest has already defined itself.

Our Lady lowered Her face and closed Her eyes; we accompany Her, we feel Her, and we contemplate Her in our heart. We support Her and inwardly pray before Her Presence.

My silence comes to ask the world for the impossible. Just as I asked in Fatima, I come to ask for you, in spite of the events, to definitely commit with Me to pray the Rosary every day. This time not only for peace but also for the intervention of your Divine and great Lady before the authority of the Celestial Father and all of His angels.

The Children of Mary who will be consecrating themselves today can stand up where they are.

Beloved children, I will never disparage your aspirations. Console My Heart every day with your examples of peace, of love, and of prayer for the world.

Today I will not be able to attend to you directly, but know that My pure and Immaculate Spirit, a Spirit that comes from God and from His Source, today overshadows your souls to consecrate you.

Today, the Mother of God cannot bestow Graces; God has not allowed it, but it is not because of you, but because of the world.

The light of My Heart will always appeal for guiding you. Follow My steps of a Server and a Pilgrim. I bless you and I love you.

You will take the flowers of this altar with you as a testimony of My Love for you and for your families.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Piedad, come here.

Today I am calling you like in other times, My daughter, so that you may help Me to intercede before God, our Creator Father, and so that, through your devotion to My maternal and Immaculate Heart, you may supplicate, through the Ave Maria, singing to the Thrones of the Father so that He may hear the voice of His Servant. With this song and this supplication, I will consider My task for today finished. I expect you on May 8 in Fatima so that this Kingdom of Love, of Peace, and of Light may convey its intervention within the world. So be it.

Song: Ave Maria.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On the eve of Christmas Eve, I come again, dear children, to give you My Immaculate heart so that you may be strengthened and continue forward, in these difficult times of tests and challenges.

Today I come to bring you My Celestial Kingdom as a blessed prayer for your lives; for as your Universal Mother, I want you to always be under My immaculate Rays, so that in this way, My Celestial Grace is able to act in your lives and families.

In this time of chaos, I come to pronounce the Peace of God, in spite of the indifference of humankind, of the injustices of hearts that many, in this time, perpetrate in light of the Celestial Kingdom.

As Mediator of the Holy Spirit, as Mother of all humanity, as a part of this race, I come to intercede for all of you; but My intercessions, dear children, will have their timing. Thus, beloved children, prepare your hearts in trust, let your arms open to receive My consolation and in your hearts, receive the essence of My maternal Love.

Today I come to free your lives and your cities through the Grace God has allowed Me to carry out here. Uruguay must build important things for the end of time, and it is in you, My soldiers, to create the necessary conditions so that the Will of God is able to manifest. In this way, My children, you will be mirrors of the Supreme Will and will invite other children to follow the steps of the Will of God.

What I speak to you about, My children, may be very distant matters for your minds; but, beloved children, through the Divine Verb, I bring you the word of simplicity and of humility, which must be incarnated in your spirits so that, in the next time which will come, you are prepared to receive My Son. He is already coming in Spirit and Life, in Soul and Divinity; many hearts of the world are already inwardly receiving Him.

And you, beloved children, when will you take the step to receive the inner Christ? In this way, My Son will be able to act, carrying out His Works of peace in this world. As good instruments of the light, unite with My Immaculate Heart. Let your true inner vision be a permanent search for the Kingdom of God in your lives.

What I need, beloved children, is that you be Sacred Families, lights for a world in darkness, stars in the universal firmament, of whom I can avail Myself to pour out My Grace in this humanity.

But how much the Kingdoms of Nature are suffering. I invite you to continue with prayer. It is necessary, My children, that your prayers reach the eternal Heaven so that God can hear you and pour out His Mercy through the Divine Messengers.

I know that many of your hearts suffer all the time. Experience the lessons with courage. Fortify your faith and walk confidently toward My Immaculate Heart, because I promise to protect you, safeguard you from all evil, open the doors for you to a new path; and in this way, My children, you will be able to recognize Christ, Our Lord.

I come to this place, as I have gone to other places of the world, waiting for the inner lights to be able to awaken in your hearts; for God has need of whole and simple servers, of builders of peace for the times when there is no peace. In this way, beloved children, you as humanity will prepare the way so My Son is able to come and share the redeeming Supper with all of humanity.

I Am the Mediator Who prays for you all the time. I need you to unite with Me so you are able to understand My petitions and can concretize them in these times of chaos.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary;

Those who have accompanied Me from the beginning know that, year after year, the Divine Messengers receive a celestial opportunity for placing the Christic Principle in the essence of human beings, those who open to discover Higher Truth, which will transform this race into a likeness with their Creator, with His Son, sent to the world so long ago to show you the Way, the Truth and the Life which should be not only His, but also that of all of humanity.

My children, today I leave you the question: Where is that Principle which I placed so long ago in your essences, and that year after year, I renew so it may help you overcome the limitations of material life to unite with God, with His Creator Universe?

Today I want you to search for this Living Christ in your essences and in your hearts, which I placed there so it could blossom and be the reason for the awakening of other creatures in this world.

In each of My children I want to see the new Birth of Christ. This year, I want you to remember all the Words I have given you in previous years; so that in this way, you can allow the impulse I left in each of you to be renewed, because it is alive, but yet latent within you.

I want that Christic essence to be renewed, purify you and transform you so that not a year more goes by in your lives without this Christic Principle manifesting in your beings and expanding throughout this humanity through the living testimony of each of you.

That others of My children who are sleeping awaken from the dream of material life, so their spirits, which have waited for so long, may accomplish their mission on this planet.

My children, through My Words, I want to leave a small step so your consciousnesses are able to awaken in this time. Study My Words and through them, discover all the truths that in other times you were not able to perceive, because now, your consciousnesses have already matured enough and you have opened enough to discover that My Words go beyond that simple verb you find on the paper.

Each of the Words I have pronounced in this world represents a doorway for humanity. A doorway that wants to lead you to the Celestial Origin of human essences, to a perfect union with My Son, which you must discover is the Heart of the Universe, that Heart that moves all the events of the world, that Heart praised and respected by all the Great Consciousnesses that dwell in Infinity.

This planet, My children, must recognize that a single King exists, and that King will show you what steps you must follow to unite again with the Creator of all things so you can manifest and accomplish the Divine Purpose for this world, and thus, for the whole universe.

In this coming year, I want you to discover that this Christmas is not just a commemorative date for the world; it is not just to remember the Birth of Christ. It is to have Him be born in your hearts, to make Him come alive in each of your cells, in likeness to each of you.

Each Christmas that goes by should be the birth of a new cycle for this world, a cycle in which humanity approaches the Christic union so desired by the Creator for His creatures.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

While I speak to you, I contemplate the world. Imagine for a moment, My children, what My eyes are seeing in humanity. My hands are stretched out to humanity so that all My children can take hold of My Heart; could it be that everybody will dare to take this great step in trust?

Today I am here, among you, sharing My Mercy; but there are many other children that have need of this Grace. I invite you to be carriers of My Message, a simple and living testimony for humanity; because that very simple thing will help humanity be able to change.

On this night of Graces and blessings, My Heart is grateful to all the groups of prayer of Uruguay, and I encourage beginners to join the groups of prayer, to build the pillars of Light in each of the departments so My different attributes can be lived in each part of Uruguay, and thus become a sacred nation, rescuable, blessed and redeemed by My Heart. If you take this step of disseminating the groups of prayer, you will help all of Uruguay to receive a greater time of peace and of Grace. In this way, you will gladden My Immaculate Heart and the world will again transform.

On this night of Graces, in which My Heart is exposed to all of you, I invite the new Children of Mary to kneel before the Kingdom of God. Approach My Heart so I may bless you and show you once again, as a true testimony, that the consecration of the heart will create the universal condition for the salvation of the planet and its Kingdoms.

Do not forget, My children, that you are the Human Kingdom and must deeply love the Younger Kingdoms that serve God since the beginning, to help the Earth in its perfect elevation and harmony.

Thus, I consecrate you as My children, and I invite you all to also consecrate your lives to My Immaculate Heart. Do not fear what you will experience; I am always present in the silence of prayer.

Let us sing joyfully for this blessing.


Song: "Immaculate Lady of Peace."


My Spirit rises up to the universe; I pray for you and your families, with the ardent aspiration that you become consecrated just like the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Through this meeting and through those that will come, by the permission God has granted Me, I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, dear children for responding to My call!

Peace will prevail.

Prayer: "Act of Consecration to the Divine Heart of the Celestial Mother."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Brothers and sisters, at the request of Our Lady, we want to share a brief experience, during prayer, that has to do with the Guardian Angels of each of us.

As we prayed and went deeper into the practice of prayer, the Guardian Angels recited the prayer of the Universal Mother behind us; as we continued to pray, they were working with our cells. I couldn't tell you nor explain how this was happening, but so it was.

The angels would enter each one of our cells, as if they were surgeons, and withdraw things that had to do with our pain and our past. They were implanting codes of Light produced by the effort of our prayer. In the way in which we generated the prayer, if it was from the heart, that prayer would create the condition so that the angels could withdraw the Light generated and place it again in us, and in this way, many things were being dissolved.

When the moment of the Apparition came, the Mother came truly kind and loving, as the Queen of Peace, and the whole time, She had Her Immaculate Heart exposed. She was speaking to Uruguay; we perceived that Her voice could not only be heard here, but in each corner of Uruguay. She was speaking to the inner world of each Uruguayan, and as She did this exercise, she was establishing the Will of God in the consciousness of Uruguay, something which was spiritual, a task that the Mother was carrying out during the Apparition.

She also showed us, during a moment of the Apparition, all the groups of prayer from here, from Uruguay, fused together as if it were a single pillar of Light which worked for the Plan. In reality, Mary said that this was Her aspiration for this country. That if we managed to fulfill this goal, this purpose, everything will have been said, She said, everything will have been accomplished, everything that corresponds to Uruguay in the Will of God.

That is what happened.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

To think that with so little, we can fulfill the Will of God. Do we really understand what the goal of the Divinity is? Will our hearts be brave enough to accomplish this goal of forming groups of prayer that pray for this nation and for all the nations of the world, who pray for the Kingdoms, who unite with the Immaculate Heart of Mary so She may carry them into the Heart of Christ? Do we dare do this?

We are a small country, that because God saw it was so small, He filled it with everything that is beautiful, and we have to defend that beauty and that Love which God placed there. We are simply asked to pray. Through this prayer, as happened today when we were all very united in pronouncing this prayer that Our Lady needs, with so little, She allowed the Guardian Angels to dissolve something in our consciousnesses which in many lives it would not be possible to dissolve.

The universe is perfect, God is perfect, and when each of His creatures lifts up a true prayer to His Kingdom, He pours out all His Graces, because He has a perfect Plan for each of us, a loving and kind Plan, a perfect Plan which makes us worthy children of God, which makes us creatures that can achieve the happiness of knowing God; and more than that, of knowing God, of being able to experience Him in our little lives.

So we invite you, as we have invited so many brothers and sisters in Uruguay, to be strengthened through prayer, to learn to permanently channel that Light, to be able to dissolve our pain, our past, our anguish, to place all of our life in the trust of the Divine Messengers and, as from today, to walk holding Their hand always.

Who of you doesn't aspire to speak with God and have God answer and show you each matter, to be able to live what is correct and luminous? Who doesn't want to speak with the Little Mother of Heaven and feel how She places each answer in our heart, and how She makes us unmistakably feel that answer?

Begin to pray. Ask about something while you are sincerely and devotedly praying, and each of you have that personal experience, that Mary places the answer in your heart. With all our heart, we challenge you to do this, because you're going to get a big surprise.

To all those who are following us through Misericordia María TV, we invite you to sing a last song with us, a song that has always filled us with joy. We're going to sing "Unite with the Heart of Mary."

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, in times of no peace, may peace exist; thus, open your hearts to My call so My Voice may reverberate deep within you.

I open the Book of Heaven to you so you may know the Mysteries of God, which are the essence of Love and of Truth.

My dear children, I have come here, to Ciudad del Este, to ask for the consecration of all souls to My Immaculate Heart, because this city, Foz do Iguaçu and Asunción must be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

There must be strong prayer groups who dedicate their prayers and pleas to all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are also My children and have need of your prayers, so God may pour out His Mercy on them.

I come to ask you for simple things, because your hearts can understand Me. My hands open to caress you, bless you and consecrate you in these end times to the Will of God, which is unknown to many as they forget the Commandments, the basic laws of life which allow you, in your lives, to follow a correct path toward the Light.

For this reason, dear children, base your lives on the Holy Rosary. Seek the essence of the prayer of the Holy Rosary; in this way, you will participate in My Plans of Peace, even though you do not believe it.

Just like in Medjugorje, I come to announce a last time of peace for humanity.

You, My little beloved ones, have in your hands the key to salvation. Carry the holy rosary with you as an emblem of peace and of love, of unity and of compassion among creatures. In this way, My beloveds, you will allow Me to accompany you in each new prayer exercise.

When the sun rises every day, it is My Immaculate Heart that rises to illuminate your abysses, dispel the shadows and bring the Light of God to this suffering world. Thus, unite with Me every day in prayer; in this way, you will help Me, dear children, to have many hearts that live here today also be consistent with the Call of God.

Do not tire, dear children, of looking for the path of peace and of surrender. God promises you precious things for your lives, when your souls simply unite with Me in prayer.

Since the beginning of this world, God has given you the sacred attribute of the prayer of the heart, which not only brings peace to your hearts and lives, but also an inner and outer silence which is so lacking here. Your hearts must learn to listen to God.

I Am your Mediator, your Universal Mother. I need you to hold tight to My Mantle in these times. Many souls are lost in this current world and the majority do not perceive that this is damnation.

Day and night, My tears are spilled over this world because My children do not change, do not seek the truth, do not want to live redemption so as to be able to experience a glorifying of their lives. I need you to be firm and ready, open to listening to My Words, which are the last in this time, and which reverberate in this space and in the depths of your essences, where God and My Son Jesus Christ wish to reside.

Thus, open your eyes to My call; be builders of the New Humanity, allow your cells to awaken through My Voice and be able to change into sources of Mercy.

I will not tire of reminding you that the door for the return to God is open.

This is My last request of humanity.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, in My Purity, I open the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens so that, My children, you are able to reacquire the original purity that lives in your hearts, and which was lost over the centuries through the illusion and the modernity of the world.

Today, I want you to recall that holy Indian who one day trusted in My Presence, giving this nation and all of humanity the possibility of being consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

My dears, each of you brings in your blood and in your essence the purity of that holy Indian. Today, before the Doors of Heaven, open the eyes of your hearts so that, as in that time, you are able to feel My Presence, can see My Heart, My Immaculate Spirit which comes into your lives never to be forgotten again.

Today, My Love is held in your cells, in your souls, as long as you say 'yes' to Me. If you come to meet with Me, even if out of curiosity, do not be afraid to be before My Heart, because I called your souls one at a time so that you could find Me again; so that through you, My children, many others who are lost in the world may be able to return to the Heart of God. This is a unique opportunity for your souls as well as for humanity.

My children, the Divine Verb comes to the world to make souls in likeness to their Creator, to teach you to love, to forgive, to be merciful in this world, which so lacks Mercy.

My beloveds, on this night I invite you to truly open your heart, so that it is not only a moment with Me, but that this hour be perpetuated every day of your lives and that, through daily prayer, you are able to unite again with Me, because I am with all those who pray, I am with all those who cry out from the heart.

I hear your pleas even when you do not feel Me. I perpetually observe the world, I observe the children God entrusted to Me, so that the smallest opening of the heart could make the conversion of your beings possible, so that you could return to the Heart of the Father as to the Heart of the Universe and to that Origin from which your essences come.

My children, today I invite you to return to My Heart, which shows itself to your eyes, and those who accept My call can see and feel My Presence. Come into these arms that open to the world today and call humanity to an awakening.

I wait for you from the beginning and will eternally wait for you until one day, you are able to decide on a definite 'yes' to the Heart of the Celestial Father.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As Queen of Peace, I leave the sacred symbol of the Cross of My Son over your beings, as a sign of conversion and of rehabilitation for all.

I need you, dear children, to open the door of your hearts to God.

I am very grateful for your presence, and I call all those children who need a celestial blessing, a sublime Grace, to meet with Me here tomorrow, in this same place and time.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

As Mary said to us, She came today as the Queen of Peace. When She arrived here, behind Her we could see many beings that were singing, and I asked: "Mother, is that song of the Celestial Kingdom?", and She responded: "No, this is the song of this world, of all the pilgrims I accompany on this day," and She was showing us that, at the same time She was here, She was accompanying the devotees in Fatima, in Belén de Pará and Our Lady Aparecida.

Afterwards, She said the words we could all hear and said goodbye, leaving an invitation for each of us of offering this Grace we received today so that others of our brothers and sisters could also receive it.

So, we are going to call those who we know have need of the Presence of Our Lady and we are going to bring those brothers and sisters here, so She can also listen to their pleas and pour Her blessings over them.

We thank you all for having come, and tomorrow we will meet again in the Heart of Mary.

And to all the brothers and sisters who followed us through Misericordia María TV, we also deeply thank you.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Thank you all.

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Mother has requested of us that She be among Her children and we will go where She indicates at this moment.

Our Divine Mother says She is with all Her Spiritual Consciousness manifested, at this moment, over Aurora.

At this moment She is closing a cycle. She has asked us to be alert to the signs of Heaven, after the coming hours.

She wants to carry out a massive spiritual healing on those who open to it. This is a state of Grace She achieved through everybody's prayers.

She manifests as the Mother of the Sun, of the Universe and of the Earth. Thus, through Her Golden Presence, She manifests the Power of God.

She said She is the Woman Clothed in the Sun and on Her breast, the Most Sacred Immaculate Heart appeared. Under Her, the world appeared, which She stepped on with Her feet. She had a scepter in Her right Hand and is crowned by the angels as Solar Queen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Thus, I manifest to you, dear children, so that after seven years, you may understand My Prophecies.

Let us go to meet My children.


Song: Ave María (in Latin).


My dear children, by the Blessed Fruit I brought to the Earth, I was able to pour out the Peace of God, and through this Blessed Fruit, I brought Grace to humanity.

Through My paths, dear children, I have opened the doors of redemption for all, and many courageously heard My call. My Voice reverberated in the heart of all beings and My Mercy was radiated to all beings of the Earth.

I Am the Queen Who comes from the Sun and I illuminate the stars and hearts of all My children so they are able to follow the steps being pointed out on the horizon.

My Works will be done through all My children.

In these last seven years, My beloveds, I brought the Presence of God to your essences. Many souls were able to be reconciled with God, and thus, I was able to give you a lifeline.

I prayed a lot for you throughout these years, and in the eternal present, I will continue to do so for all of humanity.

Many more hearts must awaken to My call; for this reason, the time has come for you to be testimonials, that your lives reflect the Light of My Immaculate Heart so that many more souls can awaken and thus, healing can be established in simple hearts.

On this day, I gather you all together, in this Sacred Kingdom. The doors of Heaven and Earth open and you are in the middle of this inner communion, in this fusion with the Spirit of God and with all the servers of the Plan of Love.

Thus, dear children, let you hearts not stop beating. In these years, I have sown the Flame of the Holy Spirit in your lives. It is time for love to blossom in your hearts, that pure love which God sowed in your lives and gave you the supreme opportunity of being able to experience redemption through the Presence of My Son.

I gather you all together in My Immaculate Heart. My Solar Essence expressed to creatures and all spirits of goodwill are summoned so that, as flocks of Christ taught and trained by spiritual instructions of the Divine Hierarchies, all are able to prepare the Return of Christ.

Let your hearts no longer be discouraged, but rather, open the door to be able to find the inner universe, which dwells within each being.

No longer seek things outside of yourselves. Through the prayer of the heart and a supreme intonation to God, find your own inner universe; in this way, you will be able to come to know your galaxies, your stars and suns in communion with the Soul and the Spirit of God.

I prepare the way for the Return of Christ, but My hands have need of laboring hands that can join with Mine, in charity and love; in this way, together and inseparable, we will be able to unite Heaven with the Earth in a time of chaos.

Dear children, suffering will end in the world. I know, with My merciful eyes and mainly with My Immaculate Heart, the sufferings that many brothers and sisters cause other siblings. Disunity will end.

I come to announce the Good News of the Return of Christ. Thus, as He was born of My maternal womb, in My womb, in My supreme and blessed womb, I gestate all redeemed essences; which are all of your hearts and souls that will be born in the new time to fulfill the promise of Christ of being the new redeemed, apostles of love and of redemption who said 'yes' to My maternal call.

Today, I come barefoot to meet with you so you may see My humility and simplicity. My Crown is your crown, My Power is your power, but not as you know it.

Dear children, true power is born from love and unity, something that many have not known throughout the ages because of wanting to do their own inner will. But I invite you, in the last cycle, to experience a divestment of self, so your wounds may close and no sign of suffering remain in your cells.

Do not fear to live what God gives you, be brave and persevering on the path of transformation.

I Am your Mediator and Peace-keeper; as Mother of all of humanity and of the universe, I accompany all creatures that take steps toward the Lord.

My dears, what is most important is that you not forget to live the Laws of the universe. Your hearts must be transmitters of these Greater Laws.

Go deeper into living the Law of Charity, the Law of Mercy, the Law of Redemption and of Purification; thus, you will be able to be austere, simple and true, and from your hearts will be born the spring from which many need to drink, because your spirits will be nurtured by Christ.

With all of the universe over My Presence, the stars carefully greet you. Open your eyes to the spiritual life. Fuse your essences with God the Father, no longer offend Him, the world has made Him be offended. He does not want to pour out His Justice over you, because through My Infinite Pious Mercy, I want to lead you on the correct paths.

Remember the Commandments, live the Commandments. Be the living expression of My Marian Message; in this way, you will avoid My Words remaining on paper, and so they may be a divine fire in your hearts, impulses to transformation, truth, love and Mercy.

Dear children, today I present Myself to you as the Mother clothed in the Sun. Feel My Immaculate Heart, I am here with you because through you and all of humanity who respond to the Call of God, My Heart will triumph.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Let all souls once touched by My Heart come to Me. Come to Me, come, because today I open the Doors of this Kingdom to you so you may receive healing and liberation.

Let all spirits come to Me, who once lost the way, but were able to find Me so as to experience a Reconciliation with God. Come to Me, because today I am opening the doors of Heaven so you may once again unite with what is sacred, with the divine, with the aspects of your beings that represent higher life.

Let all the spirits who at this time stop My children from uniting with the Sacred be expelled. Let all the spirits who do not respond to Divine Will be expelled, because at this hour of Mercy, I allow the majestic Light of My Kingdom, the Divinity of Christ, to descend to the world, which enters each of your cells, each of your atoms, igniting the consciousnesses of those of My children who accepted responding to My call.

In this hour, receive the healing and liberation which your souls have so long awaited so as to become true missionaries, followers of Christ, proclaimers of Divine Truth. Come to Me all the souls who have distanced themselves from My heart, who allowed all the impulses I once gave you to be lost.

My children, My Voice echoes beyond this place, enters into other Kingdoms that are far from this one to summon all the souls that once were in My Presence, because in My Maternal Consciousness, I gather together all the aspects that I once presented to the world.

At this moment, I bring each of your lives, in this place, all the codes of My Consciousness, which I once brought to the world to awaken you and give you the impulse to set aside the old life, the old human that up until today degrades the planet.

My children, I come to renew your consciousnesses, to free you from all the evils that sicken your spirits and imprison your souls in a deep darkness.

My children, if in this time of profound Mercy, you lift up the cry of your hearts to the Heavens, the 'yes' of your beings, so you may be freed and forgiven of the whole past, I tell you that this Grace will descend over the world, freeing the ties of your consciousnesses, and through you, freeing many other creatures of this world.

At this time, I bring it to all the nations where My Feet have trodden, to all My children who were in the Presence of My Heart in the whole history of humanity, so that, through this act, all hearts are reignited, and those that lost the impulses I gave them can re-engage with the point where their souls remained.

My children, incomprehensible to your little consciousnesses is this great universal moment, in which all the beings of the Universe, all the blessed and the saints, all those consciousnesses that guide many spirits that move toward evolution in the Celestial Kingdom, today revere My Presence, and for an instant, stop to contemplate Me in this world, drawing redemption toward very ancient souls that are crying out in this time to find a new path, to enter into the new future promised to humanity so long ago.

My children, although it may be incomprehensible to your hearts, I want you to walk by My side, even without understanding on which path I make you walk. I guide your steps, even without your understanding on which path I lead your steps.

Today, to your beings, in this merciful hour, I bring the truth of your spirits, which is very far from this matter, but which cried out in the Kingdom of the Heavens for an opportunity to unite again, so as to feel whole in Christ, in this new cycle being offered to you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I bless the blessed fruits of the Plant Kingdom. Let us revere this sacred Kingdom for forming part of the Divine Creation of God, of Universal Thought, of the Infinite Creation of all things that exist in this world, on this planet, in the heart of humanity.

I bless all the Children of Mary, who took the steps toward My Heart. Today, I consecrate you and bless you. And all of you, My dear children, in the name of all those who are not here, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary" to please My Maternal Heart. My Ray is over you from Eternity.


Song: "Immaculate Heart of Mary".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Very well, here are the oranges from our Lady's tree, which are harvested every year on August 8, and which our Mother blesses so that each one may take an orange.

And we're going to ask the brother and sister to present us with some comments.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At first, we were faced with a mysterious Apparition, which the Divine Mother Herself gradually revealed to us.

In the moments before the Apparition, while we were praying the Hail Mary, She gradually descended from the universe with great forcefulness and power; and the angels supported Her Mantle, which was open, and above Our Lady, Christ was crowning Her and God was giving Her a Scepter.

She was descending in this way, with that manifestation. As the moment approached when Our Lady was coming closer, to this place of Aurora, many Celestial Consciousnesses assembled during the Apparition. Somewhat inexplicable situations could be seen; it seemed like a great meeting was taking place in Heaven, and that meeting and all that energy were descending with great force over us, and our Lady was the center that channeled these celestial energies to us.

When She arrived, She remained in silence for a long time, contemplating all of humanity. From a great Heaven that was open behind Her, many celestial beings were accompanying Her, as well as blessed ones and saints. There were many, both in Heaven and here on the surface, and all of them were attentive to the movements of Our Mother.

While She was present there, from the very first moment, She manifested ever more strongly and clearly, until the moment when She named Herself as Mother of the Sun.

The vestments of Our Lady were almost palpable and Her gaze was penetrating and deep. There were moments in which it was difficult to look at Her all the time. And She showed details of Her Vestments, Her Attire, as if She held in Her Mantle many universes, which were infinite, profound and unknown.

Until, at the moment of the Apparition, after the long silence of Our Mother, She asked us to loudly ring the bell.

And I asked Her, could the bell fall?

She remained in silence, smiled, and said: "Ring the bell loudly 33 times."

As each toll of the bell rang out, She carried our consciousness to more elevated levels; and it was very intense, because She saw all our debts and difficulties. She saw the different aspects of our beings, through Her Eyes She saw all the good and all that we didn't do well; but in spite of this, through the meeting of those Celestial Consciousnesses and that grand door which was open behind Her, She gradually uplifted us all as a single group.

When She performed that symbolic and spiritual movement, She was also elevating a large part of humanity. And at that moment, She banished and deactivated many energies.

Through that action She was doing with us, when She lifted us up from dimension to dimension, which we counted as 33, all of which we entered through Her.

In this way, She slowly deactivated future events that had been foreseen for humanity, which ranged from wars to disasters. Just Her silent gaze deactivated those things, but all the time, She radiated a lot, a great deal of humility, until She asked us to draw closer to Her children, as She said, and there She continued carrying out an inner task with everybody.

We could perceive that Our Lady was placing touches of Light in some of the brothers and sisters present. In spite of Her being in Heaven, She uplifted, Her Heart transmitted rays of Light toward some brothers and sisters; and those little rays were carrying out a grand work in the spirit of those present.

And it seemed like that would never end; but Our Lady, as She seemed to perceive our inner self, by the degree of the voltage of the energy of Her Presence and of the presences that accompanied Her, She began to gather in Her energies, Her Presence. Even when She was still talking to Sister Lucía de Jesús, She continued to emit inner impulses.

And at a certain moment, at the end of the Apparition, She showed us that over some of the brothers and sisters present there were open books that some angels left with blank pages, erasing them. They were very thick books, full of writing, and they were blanking them out as if with a paintbrush of light, that's what it seemed. It was an indication that Our Mother gave them to the angels.

This is a summary.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Maybe someday we'll be able to understand, right? Perhaps, after another cycle goes by, another seven years, and we are gathered together in the auditorium of Aurora, in the real auditorium, we will be able to remember these moments and understand all the things the Divine Messengers have given us in this time.

Now, we're going to fulfill a request of Our Mother. She asked, just as She asked Her children of Brazil to put music to the prayer "Universal Mother"; She also asked Her children of Argentina for something else.

So, some are going to open and others are going to close this great event. To close this meeting, our brothers and sisters of Argentina are going to make a loving offering to Our Lady; it seems Padre Pio had something to do with it.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
