Behold, the Angels of the Lord will open two doors in Heaven, through which all souls will have to enter at the moment of their definition.

When Mercy and Justice have already descended upon the world, when peace has consolidadted in the hearts of those who have opened to receive the Love and the Kingdom of the Mother of God; when darkness has settled into the heart of the ungodly who cry out, who will weep for a new opportunity, the Angels of the Lord will open two doors in Heaven so that all souls may enter through them.

The first one will be narrow, simple, and luminous; the second will be as wide as the sea, but its destination will not lead to the Kingdom of the Heavens nor to the kingdom of the world, but to restart, to the void, to nothingness.

Up until the last moment of time, of this world, the Creator will try to rescue and awaken His Children; but those who insist on deceit and, with the malice of their hearts, condemn themselves, will shape their own destiny and build for themselves the path to the wide and uncertain door, empty of light and of God, for at that moment, the Father will only be able to observe His children.

The Angels of the Lord do not feel like humanity does; within their hearts only the Law dwells; their hands signal the destiny chosen by each being, their rays hasten the steps of the beings.

All those who honored and respected the king of darkness will return with him into his abyss. In his kingdom there will only be moans and darkness until the end of the Thousand Years of Peace when the day of Redemption will also come for them.

Prophecies will cease to be prophecies, which are called threats for those who do not know God. His promises will be true for everyone.

Those who have honored the King of kings, the Son of God, the Truth of beings, with Him shall see the fulfillment of His promises and in Him will serve until the end of their days, until the day of Unity, of the return to the Heart of the Father.

Empty your hearts of the sins of the world and do not surrender to the temptations of these times. Remember that, like this prophecy, everything that you live today has already been prophesied to you, and no one has been left unadvised of its definition.

''Persevere'', says the Lord, in the voice of His Messengers. Hold firmly to one another's hands. Life in the world is losing its meaning for those who do not discover their only meaning is the renewal of Love.

Do not listen to the voice of those who sow discord; rather, cry out to the Father so that unity may reign and, embracing your brothers, strengthen one another and make your fortitude indestructible.

The narrow Door of the Lord will open for beings and inside of it, infinite will be the Mercy, eternal will be the Life in Christ.

''Confirm yourselves! Renew yourselves!", says the Lord, in the voice of His Messengers. Those who do not want to continue walking toward the Light shall fall, by their own weight, by your side, but you keep your eyes lifted to God. The Creator should be your eternal goal.

Your Father and Companion until the end of days,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I once said to My apostles that they should give their lives for Me and I knew that at that moment they did not understand Me, and they ran away when I most needed them.

At that point, I knew that I should be alone among My enemies to be able to become christified.

Now, at this time, the situation is repeated, but with different events.

In a similar way, many, who should give their lives for Me, ran away with their own ideas and lack of understanding and left Me alone.

This test of loyalty to the Master is repeated, because it is the learning process for those who said that they were with Me, and that with different self-justifications, are not.

Before, I returned to My apostles and showed them that I was risen and that I was alive, as it had been promised; but now I will not be able to return to Mine to tell them that I am alive and that I am returning to bring them the Good News.

Each one of those who said that they would be with Me until the end, but who were overcome by a test that was stronger than their very love, they must testify before Divine Justice about their failures, their lies and their lack of repentance.

But who will save them?

All that was once given must be returned. Nobody will be able to turn their back and leave with their hands full, as if nothing had happened.

Therefore, I am preparing Myself for witnessing what will shortly come to those who abandoned Me and submerged themselves in their pride and arrogance.

Let us simply pray.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Pray, in these times for your enemies, for those who once carried the same banner as you, and spoke of the same faith as yours, but then turned their backs with their rebellions and false comments.

Pray, as My Son did, even on the top of the Cross, and ask for forgiveness for those who offend God with their words and their slander.

Pray for all those who do not truly love the Will of God, as it is demonstrated, so that the grace they once received not fall upon their heads like a rain of never-ending justice.

Pray, child, because the end time is coming and those who lament will be more numerous than the happy. You will see it with your own eyes.

Pray, child, for those who, with no conscience and in great ignorance, repudiate Christ, for those who reject Him through His Work of Love which, in these times, He carries out, and which is not accepted by the ungrateful.

Pray for those who think they are secure in their salvation and for those who think, up until today, that after their lies and deceits, especially those who were previously in this Work, will in the end victoriously win.

Woe to them, poor miserable souls; I do not wish to remember what awaits them!

Pray, pray a lot, because prayer will always do miracles and all will pass.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I still have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter, but when Divine Justice comes, it will close.

Thus, look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter and merge with My Spirit. But to go through this sacred doorway, you must leave behind everything that you believe you are, everything that pleases you and brings you recognition.

Look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter. Do not waste material time thinking about whether you will be with Me or will move away from Me. You know that time is going by quickly.

Thus, look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter; only the Father will say when it will close. Hurry up and do not question yourself anymore because when the door to My Heart closes, I will no longer be among you.

Thus, look, I have had the door to My Heart open for more than two thousand years and I offer it to everyone, but it is still only very few that dare go through it in order to forget themselves.

Hurry and go through the doorway of My Heart before everything is unleashed.

The door to My Heart will close unexpectedly and everything will happen. Those who have not entered will be unprotected and they will beat their chest, crying out in affliction for not having listened to Me.

Thus, look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may enter. Do not become distracted by the things of the world; everything that the world has to offer ends in a deep and miserable emptiness, for it does not contain love.

How many souls have already retrogressed because of wanting to remain within themselves and have gone through the doorways of their condemnations, and still believe that they did something marvelous?

Do not delay and look, I have the door to My Heart open so that you may take refuge in Me. Because the savage wolves will go hunting and those that have not entered into Me will be attacked and will be out in the weather, just like a poor flower is adrift in the storm.

Look, I still have the door to My Heart open. Do not doubt, do not think about it anymore, do not do the same as the ungrateful ones who used to be with Me.

Enter into My Heart and all will pass.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


My child,

Elevate your heart to your Father and Creator, Who, from Heaven, emits His Silence to the world, observing the inner steps that His creatures decide to give in these times.

Contemplate the infinite Universe of God and, for a moment, let your thought return to its Origin, to the Creator Source from which all things come.

Contemplate with your heart the Infinite, which not only becomes visible in a starry night, but also in the depths of your inner world, where the Cosmos becomes small and life is mirrored because God mirrors Himself within you.

Today let your consciousness take one step further towards the Infinite, as towards the truth that is kept within your own being.

This is a definitive cycle for humanity, as for all life, and no creature, neither in Heaven nor on Earth, will be free from its spiritual and evolutionary definition.

The very Laws and currents that come from the Heart of God, preceding His Justice, will correct the paths and give impulse to the beings toward a definitive decision, because the moment has come for there to be only one boat, and all the self-summoned within it.

The definition of the spirit, of the consciousness and of the heart is spiritual, but it also manifests in the physical life of every being, in their actions, in their decisions, in their thoughts.

Each being, My child, will be defined according to what they have built within themselves.

If you have built a path of effort and constant surrender, albeit imperfect, the Laws and Rays that come from God will help you to establish your feet and your heart in the path of your surrender without hesitatation.

But if your heart sowed uncertainty, and again and again you preferred to surrender to temptations rather than to overcome them, then, My child, the Law and the Rays of God will put you definitively in the place that you chose to be by your free will, expressed in your actions, in your thoughts and within your heart.

The most intimate space of your heart will come to light and you will be transparent not only before God but also before humanity, because the cycle of definition precedes the cycle of revelation and, after souls have been defined, everything will be revealed to them.

I know that many will cry late for their ignorance, and they will cry out for Mercy only in the time of Justice, because pride had blinded their eyes to the Grace of God.

But today, I come to your encounter to teach you to elevate your heart toward the Heights and place your consciousness in the Divine Purpose so that the definitions of your brothers and sisters do not frighten you, nor the cry of those who will later repent. 

My Heart does not come to the world to judge souls, but to warn them, to deliver them all that they need to overcome the obstacles particular to these times.

I come for the self-summoned and I come for each of My children, for all who know how to hear Me.

My Voice does not pronounce to a few.

My Voice echoes throughout the world for everyone, because it represents the Grace of God that descends to the world for all His children.

Therefore, My child, listen to the voice of your Heavenly Mother in your heart and seek God. Choose the definition that places your spirit in the search for salvation.

Look very deep within your interior and be sincere with yourself; let your thoughts and heart reach the Celestial Spheres and understand that a greater Plan is drawn through your life and life in this world.

Render the superficialities to which you incline your heart and ask the Father with a clamor for the Grace of definitive awakening; because the awakening is gradual, and every step of your heart reveals a new awakening that becomes necessary, until you return with everything that you are, to the Heart of God.

Do not fear these times, do not fear loneliness, do not fear for your companions on the path, do not fear the darkness of the world, but be, My child, a light within that darkness.

Keep your heart in God, keep in you the love of His Purpose, and in the future you may be an assistance to those who today you see are lost in this world.

These are times of definition, times of surrender, and I know that you have already heard this throughout your spiritual walk. But now, My child, you will see before you the fulfillment of the Prophecies, which not only spoke about the end of the old humanity, but also, and above all; about the revelation of a new humankind, a new life, a New Earth.

Place your heart in this Purpose; make of yourself a seed of the new; a beginning of the new in this cycle that ends.

I leave you My blessing and My peace.

Thank you, My child, for listening to My call of peace!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


To those who have already awakened - Part 1

To those who have already awakened corresponds, within the Plan, the greater commitment, solidarity, cooperation, and the effort to always do the best.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, giving greater support to those who do not support themselves; it is up to you to do the impossible so that each stage of the Plan may be fulfilled.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to unite and fraternize more with fellow beings; you are responsible for making a greater sacrifice for those who do not truly do so, to be able to compensate for the inequality that exists between what has been received from the Universe as a treasure and those who do not surrender sincerely to God and create conflicts.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to always keep in mind that you are serving God and not someone in particular; that the Work is not personified in any consciousness, sympathizer, or leader, because the Work is of the Hierarchy and not of humanity.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, being conscious that everything you do, think, or express will influence in favor or against the Plan, depending on the pure or impure intention that is placed upon it.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to safeguard, shelter, and protect those who have just awakened and yes want to live the change. They must be protected from those who have become crystalized in time and space with their forms, ideals, and projects which are not merged to the Will of the Hierarchy.

That protection of those who have just awakened will allow the renovation, in a permanent way, of the Work of the Hierarchy.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to know that everything that is done or said, be it evolutionary or negative, will influence in favor or against the Projects of the Divinity, and that it will help or hinder the realization of the Purpose.

This attitude, in one way or another, will weigh positively or negatively in the consciousness of who emits it. Therefore, to those who have already awakened corresponds, as a discipline, to never forget that you are in a place that does not belong to you, that it was granted by Grace and Mercy, and that this place, task, or mission cannot be in vain, but rather must receive the value and the respect with the love and the reverence that the Hierarchy deserves.

To those who have already awakened will correspond, remembering that everything that happens in this cycle will be registered in the Universe and that one day everything will be evaluated by Divine Justice.

To those who have already awakened corresponds; having more humility, resignation and much gratitude, thus the Work will remain alive in time.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, on July 20, 2018, in Dornes, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

If you do not understand the Works of the Lord, join them, because someday you will understand them. I only need that you love what I ask of you and that you always do it well, so that the Father, who is in the Universe, may be honored and glorified, and souls may be participants of His Grace through those who respond to His call.

Do not try to understand what is happening in this time because you will not succeed. Hold on to the sweetness of My Heart, because in this way, you will understand all things in its proper time.

The signs that I bring to humanity are to generate the great change of consciousness and in some cases, it will be painful and difficult, but every change has a reason and a meaning.

What I need, companions, is that you immerse yourselves in Communion with Me so that you can always have My Gifts available, which will be guiding stars on your paths, and above all, in your inner world.

Today I come to seek rest in those who do not tire of being in Me.

Today I come to seek refuge in hearts faithful to My Presence, in those who unite with Me every day in an unconditional spirit and under the protection of love.

Today I come from Heaven to give you something. Through Me, I bring the prophecies of Heaven, which today I show to some so that they can understand what is to come.

After I have left here, after having blessed you, this will come and will be manifested; for this reason, seek to live in Me and unite through Me with all the Universe.

Up there is what you really need. Up there is what you will experience afterwards, but in order for what is above to descend, you must be connected with the Source, and solutions will come.

There is no test in this life that does not have an answer; thus, I bring you that answer, and through prophecy, I bring you revelation.

I have asked to come to this humble place to be able to tell you this, because here nobody who is contrary to Me will find you.

In the refuge of the Communities, I protect My sheep. When My sheep are scattered and do not hear the call of the Shepherd, I cannot protect them and have to reach them in some way, through some sign or some message so that they may return to My Path, so that they may return to the Dwelling Place of the Celestial Father.

The flocks in this time are present on this Earth not only to learn to graze upon new attributes, but to experience a transition and a purification; something that nobody has experienced in any other time. That is why souls fear the pressure of these times. But I come to release that pressure that you may be experiencing in this time.

If I am here, it is because My Father wishes it. If I am here, companions, it is because I have come to offer you My Heart, as that inexhaustible Spring that will renew, purify and relieve you.

Through the Word of the Son of God, I bring you prophecy, something that cannot be understood with the mind; it can only be felt with the heart, although it is a mystery.

Something grand may be experienced here in Europe, but it will depend on that unconditional adherence to the great Messenger of God.

If you are here, it is because it corresponds to you to be here and not in another place. Those who are not here today are supposed to be someplace else, which is to say, in another school and in another learning.

Everything you experience has a meaning and a path. I come to reveal to you through My Word the meaning of this Path, even if it may be a painful path or a joyful path.

I invite you, companions, to find meaning in everything that you experience in life, because you will then not be intimidated; you will find an answer to all that you need and will understand the reason of all that happens.

I feel that you are not understanding what I am telling you; your inner worlds do understand; your souls do hear.

Your hearts may or may not feel My Words, but if I am here, it is because I am indicating to you where you must be, which is here, in this part of the Work that I carry forward with you for a Will still unknown to all.

In that serenity that I bring you today, I ask you to open to an understanding of My Words, because there is no time any longer.

What must be built for the next cycle is important. There are still many souls in Europe that wait for your service. Go out of your homes, of your ways of life, to meet each one of them, just as I, in these two last months, together with My Mother and Saint Joseph, have gone to meet these souls. And here you have a living example of that.

It is time to mobilize for the Plan, because the movement itself and the flow itself, in the very sense of the energy and  the universal current, you will transform imperceptibly and will help to build what is new in what is already old and archaic.

The Plan of God is not hermetic, the Plan of God is not solid; it experiences a constant dynamism, because the Higher Source feeds it so that it can be fulfilled.

The Plan is still to be accomplished and you must be aware of this in your effort, in your dedication, in your unconditional service, in your presence and in your adherence to what is asked for, as much as it is not understood.

The Plan as a whole is based on love, and it is that love which gives it its own intelligence so that souls may awaken and live it.

Today I bring you the Ray of My Sovereignty and of My Fortitude, the Principle of the Governor, because it is time for the Divine Purpose to be correctly aligned in your spirits, so that what is up there in the Universe can descend. It will only be able to descend through instruments, by means of vehicles, of souls and of essences.

The help of the Universe is available to all, and answers to all questions are available. God is full of Wisdom and also in Science. Learn to overcome the doubts in life, the barriers and the obstacles that your lower consciousness may be imposing on you.

Place yourself at the epicenter of Universal Love and let your cells expand through the fluid of that Universal Love that comes to show you the correspondence and the meaning of the next steps of the Divine Plan of Love.

I just hope that you do not miss the opportunity; I will not tire of warning you up to the last moment, because behind everything that does not seem to materialize, in the inner worlds a great work is being built that the glad in spirit and the humble of heart will experience, and will be able to see with their own eyes what has been built with so much effort.

No one has the power in all this that I ask of you, not even I have the power in all that I  speak to you. Do you understand what I am telling you?

Everything comes from God and if He thinks and feels it, it is concretized. But His children, His smallest creatures of this humanity are called to be participants in this Thought and in this Feeling of God, which wants to lead you to expand your consciousness beyond what is normal and superficial.

If I am here, it is because I am offering Myself for that.

The foundations of this community should already rise in the firmament. The pillars of this Marian Center should already be erected, because it will carry its task and its spiritual mission as the counterpart of the Sanctuary of Fatima, to give shelter to all the souls that are not understood, that are rejected, that are discriminated against, and that are expelled because of their spiritual or material poverty.

The essence of Lys and the purity of Lys is in its humility and patience; this is what makes it true, this is Lys in the Mother of God.

You must be the  hands that offer this mystery. That is why you must release from within you that which no longer helps you spiritually. It is time to renew the bases of this pillar in Europe; not only for Europe, but also for Africa.

Africa waits for you. We have already given examples, companions, of how urgent the help for My children of Africa is. When you take the step, I will be able to reach Africa to carry all toward My Mercy, just as I have carried you since the beginning.

I just hope that this will come about and will materialize. Africa must be part of the pillar of My Mercy. And although I know that there are valuable missionaries there, and serving souls there who relieve the suffering, Africa still lacks its main spiritual pillar, which is a next Marian Center that will depend on this, so that it may manifest according to Divine Will.

This will take many souls from the abysses toward My Mercy, from slavery to freedom, from exploitation to the eternal gladness of being able to find God again through the spiritual Centers that serve the Hierarchy.

You have already had thirty years to understand this. It is time to unite for the love of My Sacred Heart; it is time to build rather than to divide; it is time to join forces, to fraternize; it is time to be illuminated rather than become darker; it is time to carry forward the design that God gave you by means of My Heart, through the Source of instruction.

The bases of your knowledge are already erected. It is time to finish building the Temple so that God, in His most infinite Wisdom and Compassion, may dwell within you forever and thus the Plan may be realized.

Do not get stuck in the human. Do not remain in the mental. Ask your hearts: "Father, what am I doing? Father, give me the answer I need. Open my eyes to Your Will and help me to accomplish it, according to Your wish and your divine thought," and in this way, you will know to love more, as I love you, as I understand you, just as I accept you.

I will not have another day or another hour, another cycle or another future time to come and tell you this. This is the only time that I will be able to say it. This is the only time in which you will be able to deeply penetrate My Heart so that you may only accept what I need, which goes beyond human life, the incomprehension or the doubts that My enemy may be imposing.

That is why today, the Governor of Heaven, the Spirit of Wisdom and of Love, comes to bring spiritual clarity and transparency to your inner worlds, so that you may be filled by My restoring Spirit.

I take this time because I will not have another and these words apply to everyone, irrespective of the school you are in, or live. The words are for the awakening of love in beings, for the expansion of the consciousness of the last Christs of the last days.

I do not want more souls to go through the doorway of Justice. I want many more souls to go through the doorway of My Mercy, because in this way, My Heart will triumph, just as it is written in Heaven.

I have chosen this blessed place to tell you this. God still touches this place with His Hand and I want you to never again forget this, because in spite of your being purified or suffering, God has His Hand in this place and under His Hand are all of you. Do you understand?

If God has His Hand here, it is because of something greater that your minds still will not understand. You must love the Will of God to understand it, otherwise, you will experience many obstacles in order to understand it.

Be participants in this mystery and in this revelation that I bring you today.

Here today, through His Son, God gives shape to His Will, so that someone may accomplish it, so that many more decide to accomplish it, not only for this place, but also for all of Europe and Russia; because Russia still must participate in forgiveness and that is in your hands.

In My Silence you will be able to feel My Words and in My Words you will find the keys that you need to open the doors to the new, to what is still to descend from the Universe.

So today I offer Myself in Body and Blood, so that you may experience this Mystery in Me and make it part of your beings every day, knowing that there is something higher and greater that moves everything, that leads you and guides you in these crucial times in which love struggles against indifference.

Let us lift up our gratitude to Heaven and in your hearts receive the appeal of God, the deepest wish of His Spirit, so that in Europe what is written may be realized according to the sacred books of the Universe.

We will celebrate this communion with the Heights and with the depths of yourselves, so that more souls may be worthy of this Mystery and of its revelation, which I bring you through Communion.


Here there are souls that would give everything for Me; that is why I am here, awaiting that moment.

The angels of the Kingdom of Lys are gathered today around the Lord and all the souls present and not present, so that, entering that Universe of Love and of Purity, the doors may open to the redemption of hearts and to the conversion of the spirits that must convert into new Christs.

Through the elements of Nature, the non-material laws are manifested and the Purpose of God is sown on Earth; something that your souls receive forever and which you must care for.


Again I testify to what My cousin John once did with Me, of baptizing Me with the Spirit; but today I not only baptize you with the Spirit, but also with the Grace that converts and redeems the impossible. Amen.

This is My Body that has been given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Eat of it and be participants in My Glory. Amen.

This is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which was shed for humankind for the remission of sins. Drink of it and be participants in My Mercy.

Our Father...

These are the elements that will give you eternal life. Happy are those invited to partake of these Sacraments, in communion with the saints and the angels from Heaven.

Go in peace and be My Word in the world.

The spiritual foundations of this Center are already manifested. It is time to work and to concretize the Plan, just as God wishes it in His deepest ardor, so that love on Earth may be realized.

After being blessed, you have to fraternally bless with the greeting of peace.

I thank you for listening to Me with heart and soul.

I love you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


When the Grace and the Mercy of God Descend to the World

When the Grace of God descends to the world, My children, open your arms and hearts and do not ignore it.

Receive with gratitude the mercies of the Lord because in this time He sends His Messengers to pacify hearts and transform them, breaking the barriers of indifference and ignorance.

The Mercy of the Lord comes before the time of Justice, so that the hearts prepare for a new cycle and a new time, and know how to maintain their faith alive, regardless of the events that will come to happen on this Earth.

The Mercy of God descends upon His children to teach them to forgive, to unite hearts in a purpose of Peace, to serve those who are most in need so that there is balance in this world, so that there is love.

The Mercy of God descends upon the Earth with the presence of His Messengers to help in the definition of His children, to remove them from deceit and to awaken in their hearts the Grace of Wisdom in times of deep ignorance.

To receive the Grace and Mercy of God, My children, you must be with a simple heart before what He offers you, without concepts, without excessive thoughts, but with the mind still, for a moment, giving place to the heart, so that it knows how to feel and receive what the Creator gives you.

The Mercy of God descends upon the world and pours not only on humankind, but also on all the Kingdoms of Nature.

And to perpetuate this Mercy, allowing all thirsty creatures to drink from this unfathomable and infinite Source, you must pray, you must cry out, you must surrender your hearts before God, asking for a new opportunity for the life on Earth.

The Mercy of God descends upon the world and teaches the hearts to recognize one another, teaches the brethren, children of One Father, to serve your Lord God in unity, no matter your religion, race or culture.

The Mercy of God makes you true, and in this truth you can be united, despite the apparent differences that your hearts express on Earth.

The Mercy of God descends upon beings to awaken within you the purpose of Peace, so that you institute Peace on Earth through respect, understanding, self-giving and selfless service to all kind of life.

The Mercy of God descends upon every being, as well as upon your souls, spirits, and hearts, teaching you to be in the new and eternal Heart of God, surrendering the old human, the old being, so that it may be transformed into a unity with Christ and in Christ, be in God.

To receive this infinite Mercy, which descends upon the world before the time of Justice, My children, pray and cry out to the Father for Mercy, serve and bring mercy into your acts, forgive the mistakes of your fellow beings, those of your hearts and those that have been committed in the past, so that this world may be worthy of receiving Mercy.

Everything is available to the hearts of humans.

Graces do not cease to descend upon the Earth, Mercy springs from the Heart of God.

Know how to see, know how to cry out, know how to receive and know how to give mercy. Thus all things will be fulfilled according to the Purposes of God, and the world will reach a greater time of peace.

I bless you and thank you for praying with Me, so that this world receives Mercy.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Equality among Peoples – Part II

And a New Humanity and a new planet will be built, from the moment in which human beings fraternally share everything they possess and distribute everything they have in perfect harmony, unity and equality.

This will create the condition for the current race to build, within the beings, the New redeemed Humanity

All who manage to accompany this movement and all who carry out this goal will deserve more Mercy and forgiveness, because they will be stepping out of themselves, of all that is petty and mediocre, to begin to live a new state of consciousness.

Thus, there will no longer be the poorest among the poor, but rather a true civilization that will manage to approach the living of the Attributes of God and the manifestation of His Divine Plan.

In this sense, all those who promote in the world balance and equality among peoples will be deactivating the occult groups who instigate and promote, in a perverted way, imbalance and inequality.

The moment will come in which none of these consciousnesses will be able to go ahead by their own means, due to the immense darkness that will absorb them; for this reason, they will seek help, consolation and much aid.

Thus, those who are sovereignly working for equality among peoples will be conceding, without perceiving it, an extraordinary Grace for these souls, and they will receive, although they do not deserve it, the Mercy of God.

At this moment, and in this hour, the Mother of Heaven will intercede and all these souls, lost due to abuse of power and pleasures, will be converted by the imperious Love of the Heart of the Father.

A Divine Ray of Justice will disarm all the world system and everything will change overnight.

Thus, I come to Switzerland to ask for the restorative Communion of the first five Saturdays, so that here, and in the world, many more souls that are lost may receive the spiritual help needed to repent from their errors, and to ask for Mercy and forgiveness.

In the meanwhile, I wish to establish in Switzerland the true devotion for My Maternal and Immaculate Heart so that someday, and from here arises the imperious necessity of definitely abandoning the superficial life and the pleasures that make the souls of people die for not having God.

I need those who decide to accompany Me in this purpose to establish groups of prayer in Switzerland, in order to generate a potent column of redemption and of Light that will spiritually communicate you with Me.

I hope this request will be fulfilled, so that the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of All Peoples and Virgin of Schoenstatt, can intercede to establish the living Love of the Source in the hearts that are hardened and empty of God. 

I thank you, from now, for your cordial and loving response.

After the groups of prayer in Switzerland are created I will say, in a short time, a new request.

I thank you for listening to Me with attention!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Schoenstatt


Enter and dive into the deepest abysm of the Mercy of Your Lord.

Let yourself be flooded by an unfathomable mystery that is beyond Grace, and often beyond Divine Justice.

Allow your being to discover the Infinite Love of God that is hidden in the depths of His Mercy, and bathed in this healing balm, restore in you and in the world the most painful wounds, and the apparently indelible marks of human consciousness.

Where it is most needed, there is the abyss of the Mercy of Christ, as an inexhaustible Source and a divine answer to all the clamor emitted with the heart.

Come and give your "yes" in the name of humanity, so that this Source may surge and overflow upon the world to heal it and restore it in its most intimate spirit.

Pray and cry out in the name of humanity, asking the Father for His luminous abyss of Mercy to be revealed to the world so that humankind may know not only the God of Justice, but also the God of Mercy.

Discover that every sin can be healed and every debt is justified by the Blood and by the Water that, poured out from the Body of Christ, made the Source of infinite Mercy for the world be born.

Before true repentance and surrender proclaimed with the heart, all souls can become worthy to drink from the Source of Divine Mercy.

Therefore, child, go, and, at the Feet of God, pray for an opportunity and repent from the heart.

If your sins seem small to you or if you are not aware of your debts to God, cry out anyway; ask the Father to replace the dark abyss of your miseries with the deep and luminous abysm of Divine Mercy and never tire of crying out, not only for your salvation, but for the salvation of the whole world.

Mercy is the answer to souls who have lost hope and, if they are ignorant before this Grace, cry out yourself for them so that they receive an opportunity to raise their eyes to God and realize that He has always been there with His Arms open, flowing from His Chest an eternal stream of Mercy, which many cannot see.

Allow your heart to know the Divine Source of Mercy and let your soul awaken the devotion, the love and the faith that make it a bearer of this Mercy for the world.

Love to know Divine Mercy; love to be an intercessor between God and the lost souls that do not know and do not seek His Mercy.

Just think that while you try, while so many souls are lost, the Source of Mercy overflows in the world like a river that passes before someone who is thirsty and cannot see. And you, child, can be the finger that points to the waters and, through your sincere prayers, in the levels of the spirit, obtain merits so that those who are most in need may reach Mercy.

Understand this mystery and, before a world full of sins and perdition, love to be a bearer of Divine Mercy and, even if it is in solitude with God or in your most silent actions, cry out for Mercy and be Mercy for the world.

The Divine Messengers arrive to Poland not only to heal the deep wounds of a suffering nation, but above all, to renew the commitment of humanity with Divine Mercy and to teach souls to be instruments of Divine Mercy for the world.

Embrace with the heart this Mission that God gives you and wherever you are, be a bearer of the Mercy of Christ.

Your Father and Friend,

 The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


For this new novena that will start next 14th of June, I would like you to dedicate each day of it to a certain group of souls, so that My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may penetrate in the abysms of these consciousnesses and, thus, grant them the maximum Grace of expiation of their sins and those of the whole world, by means of the merits reached by the Precious Blood shed by the Lamb of God on the Cross.  

Thus on the first novena day you will submerge in the great Ocean of My Mercy the souls that live the mortal sin or the moral fault in their lives, so that the Source of My Mercy may relieve their spiritual and inner suffering.

On the second day, you will submerge in the Ocean of My Mercy the adulterous souls, especially all of those that take revenge and outrage My Heart with hate, lie and impunity. You will put all of them in the inner lakes of My Unfathomable Mercy so that they may be purified and repaired.

On the third day of the novena, you will submerge in the great Source of My Mercy all the lonely souls, especially the souls that are mistreated in the asylums, hospitals, orphanages and institutes for minors, so that the Grace of Divine Mercy may grant them peace and the hope of being loved. 

On the fourth day, you will submerge in the Universe of My Mercy all the oppressors, refugees and people who traffic in human beings in the whole world, so that the greater state of My Justice and My Mercy may be witnesses and supreme justification of their sins before the Celestial Father, for that souls, condemned to the fire of hell, may be rescued by the very powerful Love of My meek Heart.

On the fifth day, you will submerge in the Ocean of My Mercy all the mothers of the world, especially those mothers that suffer for their children’s death or imprisonment. You will make enter in My Infinite Piety and Mercy the mothers who are slaves of abortion and instruments of evil in the world to promote genetic insemination and perverted maternity projects. You will take all of them to My Mercy so that I can intercede and grant forgiveness.

On the sixth day, you will submerge in My Mercy all souls that foment wars, persecution and hunger in the world and, especially, you will bring before My Mercy all souls that sign harmful agreements and carry out projects that transgress the peace and unity among nations and peoples. With immense piety, you will place all of them at the feet of the Altar of My Mercy so that they may be forgiven and redeemed.

On the seventh day, you will bring to the Source of Light of My Mercy all souls that are spiritually imprisoned and are object of mental and psychic torture, so that the powerful fire of My Mercy may help them and release them of this constant condemnation. 

On the eighth day, you will leave inside of the universe of My Mercy all souls that suffer terminal disease or sufferings. You will submerge all of them in the Ocean of My Mercy so that I can heal them.

On the ninth day, you will leave inside the infinite universe of My Mercy all souls that follow Me and, especially, the clergy of My Church so that they may be purified and may be up to the events that will come, knowing that I need deep transparence and illumined truth to carry forward the preparation of the return of Your Master and Lord. I wish maximum fidelity from the Church, but especially I aspire for the conversion of those are in My Church and offend My Works, so that they may be redeemed.

During nine days, you will bring all of these souls to My Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy so that the whole world someday can repent and convert to the Love of My Glorious Heart .

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Vigils of Prayer
Apparition of the Virgin Mary during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, in Ourém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Like one hundred and one years ago, the Sun of God shines again on Fatima, bringing peace to the world and the Mercy of the Redeemer for the souls.

This is the greatest testimony of the Love of the living God for all of humanity and the planet.

Today, dear children, at My Feet I bring the flags of two nations of the world: the one of Nicaragua and the one of Eritrea, so that with this symbol, your hearts may understand where the Mother of God is, seeking the love of Her children, trying to protect the wounded and aid those most in need.

Today I unite the two nations under one heart and in a single tune, so that the Grace of God may descend upon them and peace, the end of the war, and the persecution amongst mankind may be established, because thus, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Today, with the prayer of your people, I was able to achieve many things in the world. You know, My children, of the great planetary need, of the need for love, for Mercy, for forgiveness, for healing and redemption.

Through the path of your daily prayer, I can grant you all those Graces and many more Graces, ones you could not even imagine.

My Heart is with the heart of My children. The Lady of Nicaragua is with the people that cry out, and through the prayers of My children, I weave the hidden Mantle of Peace, where I place all those that need to be in God, safeguarding them from evil and danger.

Although your people are troubled, do not lose faith. Trust in the power of My Immaculate Heart, and the Wisdom of God will be in your minds and in your hearts, so that you may be guided on the path of the Good and the Light, so that this guidance may benefit many more souls, especially those that are in danger and suffer great persecution.

Today I also bring at My Feet the flag of Eritrea, because I love this suffering people that aspires someday to find peace.

Just as you pray for the nations of the world and so that serious events do not develop, I also ask you, My children, that you place Eritrea in your heart, so that this people may be able to recover and achieve peace, live the hope of My Son, and be immersed in His Divine Mercy, without the need of taking refuge in other countries to escape the horror.

But even if this happens, My children, My Immaculate Heart is also in Africa; it is in the heart of those from Eritrea, so that they may be able to promote peace through prayer, through entreaty, and especially  through communion with My Son; so that the Sacrament of the Eucharist may grant discernment and wisdom to the leaders of those nations, so that they may realize that it is no longer necessary to suffer, but rather, to love, to love with all of the heart and all of the soul, just as I love you, My children.

Because this Love that I have for you is what allows Me to be here on this day, announcing to the world and to humanity that the Mother of God, the Lady of Peace, is with Nicaragua and with Eritrea, as She is with all the nations of the world, especially with those that make wrong decisions and that compromise the spiritual life of millions of souls in the world.

I come to untie the knots of the human consciousness through your pleas and your prayers.

Today, the offering of all those who pray in the world at this vigil of prayer has permitted to stop great disasters; especially grave decisions that would condemn the rest of humanity.

With this, dear children, I show you the importance of the life of prayer, of the constant life of prayer, and of perseverance in prayer, so that your lips not grow tired of asking God for Mercy, because Mercy will save the world, and in this way, Divine Justice will stop and the world will not suffer again, as in the past century.

I come as the Mother of Light to grant healing to deep human wounds and all those that respond to My call in the different nations of the world; let it be only one consciousness.

This opens the door, dear children, so that the Grace of God may enter into the nations, especially in those most in need of mercy and of forgiveness.

On this day, on this night of Grace, I come to speak with you again about the commitment to the vigil of prayer for peace in the nations, which will be fundamental and essential for the coming times, in order maintain the stability of the planet, and above all, the balance of the psyche of humanity.

Each prayer that is offered and that shall be offered, will be well received by the Kingdom of the Heavens. And not only your lives will be transformed, but the world will continue to change to recognized the Will of God, and someday, by the Grace of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the thousand years of peace will be established.

Someday I will return to Central América to reestablish the Kingdom of God, that My enemies are trying to remove. But do not be frightened; remember that My Immaculate Heart will triumph; it will bring Peace to the world, even if it is purified, even if it goes through this critical final time.

Tonight I will say goodbye to you, My children, granting you a spiritual Grace for your efforts, sacrifice, and persistence in carrying forward this Work of Peace in the world, following the footsteps of the Divine Messengers in this important Network of Prayer that is generated by your hearts, to bring about more peace on the planet, relief and healing to all the souls of the Earth.

Eritrea is a country that must be taken into consideration by all the nations of the world, because there exist souls that are worthy of the Mercy of God, and that through the cooperation, charity, and fraternity of the rest of the countries, may be able to receive an opportunity of being someone in life.

For this reason, My children from the rest of the nations of the world, I invite you to open your heart even further to welcome into yourselves the real spiritual need of this people, which needs of the help of everyone, not only to establish peace, social dignity, the good, and cooperation, but also to reestablish the Kingdom of God, as it once was in the beginning of the life of Moses.

In this way, you will be able to make the commandments valued, which were born in that region of the world at the request of God, and which taught humanity, and continue to teach the first steps in spiritual life, so as to become worthy children of God, following the steps of the Law and of Divine Will.

Eritrea is a country that must be healed, not only through humanitarian service, but also through the prayers of all My children, especially through the welcome that the hearts of the other nations can provide for those that most need it, as well as for the rest of Africa, that awaits more compassion, solidarity, and humanitarian aid.

This help that I ask of you will not be born of the great nations of the planet, but of the simple nations of the world that have not yet lost the spirit of solidarity and that will be able to understand what I ask of them.

So I ask to not fear opening the doors of your homes to give refuge to those most in need of hope and of peace, because someday, you also may be in need of that peace and that hope.

I invite the adults in the life of the spirit to become aware of this and make themselves available to help these nations, that wait for solidarity. In this way, you will be consoling my Immaculate and Maternal Heart and granting the world a Grace that perhaps not many would deserve, but that will be possible because of your spirit of unconditional support and of service.

Eritrea must be a country repopulated by hope, that transmits the happiness of living in God, as it once transmitted, so that the consoling spirit, which is the Holy Spirit, may with Its Gifts fill that land and its people, bringing renewal and healing for all those consciousnesses.

So, dear children, from this day, in the weekly prayer for Africa, I ask you to place Eritrea in your hearts, so that My work may reach that place, so that the Will of God may be fulfilled with the help of everyone, and Peace may be achieved in that country.

My joy is infinite in having a representative of that people present here.

My Maternal sweetness is in those needy hearts, closing deep wounds, purifying deep after-effects, granting peace in the inner world of My Eritrean children.

I Am the Mother of the refugees, the Consoler of Peace, the Bird of hope, the healing for essences, the eternal consolation for hearts.

I Am the Queen of Peace and the Great Mother of Africa, Who has Her Heart in the center of that continent, and from cycle to cycle, making the hope and the joy of rediscovering God to pulsate in that place and in all of the nations of Africa.

Today I grant this son of Eritrea the blessing of the Celestial Father for their new task.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

May the Spirit of Peace be with you, and that this Spirit of Peace propagate in Eritrea and in the world, bringing hope and renewal to the lives of those who have most suffered because of social injustice and indifference.

It is a European mission to take on Eritrea. It is their duty and their commitment as well as the rest of the African nations, that expiation be granted to both continents and the cycle of persecution and slavery be closed, and thus, the cycle of Light and of Hope, of Mercy and Redemption may open.

Today My wish is that from this African heart may part the Love for all the hearts of Africa, as well as from all of the hearts present here and that are accompanying this moment with the Mother of God.

I wish to hear again that song that is a reminder, that brings to memory the Presence of the Lady of Kibeho, the Patroness of Rwanda and of all Africa.

I thank you on this night for responding to this important call.

God bless you and grant you Peace. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy spirit. Amen.

I thank you.


Today's rain is formed by the tears of the great angels of the nations of the world; a cry that spills from the faces of the angels, from seeing the seriousness of the planetary reality and, above all, from the lack of response and consciousness after humanity was warned, several times, that it should follow the path of repentance and penance.

The cry of the angel that governs Uruguay is very meaningful and great since that population condemned itself and favored that its representatives take their own nation to spiritual condemnation.

This is why, during these days, a part of the Consciousness of the Divine Messengers will be here, supporting the Center of Aurora so that it can continue sustaining itself, waiting for an inner response from those who live in this nation.

The tears that come from the eyes of the angels are not for the errors committed, but for the absence of Mercy that these people will have at this time since the Source will be retreating to give space for the descent of the Divine Justice, that which will correct and place everything where it belongs.

It is an unknown Justice for all humanity; this is the reason why the angels of heaven, the ones that govern the nations, are crying. And they cry even more for those that were conscious of all reality and that, by their own opinions and decisions, turned their backs on the Master, forgetting the essential principles of the spiritual and evolutionary life.

Today is a day in which those who pray, more than ever, should pray in order to attract to the Earth the Consoling Spirit of God for those who no longer have a return, not even an opportunity.

I wish that you could understand deep within your hearts what it means to never again receive an opportunity.

Therefore, I ask you to pray for My closest children, those who were by My side and now have left Me because they got tired of Me.

May God have Mercy for the nations of the world and for the ungrateful.

I thank you for accompanying Me from the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear children,

When I come to meet you, I also come for the world and, in consequence, for all those who suffer the catastrophes of the end of times.

I arrive at certain places of the world through My maternal and immaculate Spirit and thus I may help the most innocent souls that live the most difficult tests of all times. If this happens, it is because there is inequality among peoples and equity does not exist.

Your Celestial Mother goes on pilgrimage through the nations of the world to awaken within the human being this consciousness of equality and union among all beings. It will be this equality that will grant Holy Justice and, in this way, nations will no longer be dominated by capital sins, but will be guided by Divine Wisdom.

This is how, with very few, your Celestial Mother is building this consciousness of equality and respect so that it may serve as virtue and value for the next humanity.

Thus, little by little, humanity must recover the values and be re-educated with the civilized principles that once, by mistake, it lost.

I am united in prayer with all My children who suffer the consequences of inequality, so that they may have inner strength and, in this way, get through these difficult times. 

I thank you for responding to My calling!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



First Message

My Silence also speaks for God, and tonight I reveal My Five main Wounds to pour out My Blood upon the righteous, upon those who persevere and make My Name worthy while some of Mine put on their sandals to follow their own paths and set themselves apart from Me.

Today I offer My Agony for those who are still here, and by My side.

And if you have trusted in Me until now, I can only tell you, companions, that someday you will find Me and on that day, you will remember that everything I have said has not been in vain.

Do not suffer for those who defeat themselves.

Love for those who do not love, have charity for those who do not serve and
be merciful for those who outrage My Sacred Heart.

Everything that I have given to Mine, will someday return to the Father and nothing will be wasted.

Therefore, who does not know how to take care of My Treasures must ask Me for sincere and open help, so that I can intercede; while that does not happen, there will be no way to convert the impure into pure, there will be no way to transform what is resistant into flexible.

Everything is part of a Law, and if the world comes out of the Law to live its own will, it will suffer the Law, because the Law is for generating justice, equality and sovereignty.

No one can transgress the Laws of My Father as if nothing had happened.

I have the permission to forgive and to absolve, but I do not have the permission to allow injustices or rebelliousness.

Because, who has not been worthy of carrying My Treasures, where will he end up? Who will lead him? And how will he survive?

The divine energy that I pour out is never wasted nor is it used in vain.

Human beings believe they know everything and laugh, perhaps, at My Words and at My Requests, but remember, My companions, that everything that I tell you from time to time has already been thought by God.

That is why a large part of humanity does not accept to live My Will, because it knows that it must die to its own will someday and that will be the great moment to take the great step in love and in evolution.

Today I have not come to dedicate this message for those who have been unrighteous or rebellious.

Today I came here to be with you and with those who without understanding anything at all, live My Call and trust blindly.

If Judas once betrayed Me, couldn’t human beings by any chance betray Me for the second time?

History repeats itself again and it is painful to be able to see it.

No one can hide from this truth, I only ask you to learn how to die to yourselves, so that your inner enemies do not condemn you, as some have already been condemned before entering the eternal life, remaining without it.

But nothing will remain without being solved, companions, because, just as I Am a God of Mercy, I Am a God of Justice. And the Justice of God is full of the Love of the Father; but it cannot be judged nor can it be tempted by any creature of this planet.

Today I carry over My Head the Crown of Thorns to represent, on this day, the flagellation that I live for the ungrateful and for the proud of heart.

If My Love has not yet been able to reach them, teach to all of them, My children, that they may reach My Love, before it is too late for souls to repent.

Today I come as the God of Justice and of Sovereignty, without ceasing to pour out My Divine Mercy.

So that I can renew you, you must die to yourselves, and this is achieved with the obedience and the trust that many do not want to live today; that is why they suffer, that is why they become disturbed and do not find the way out.

But those to whom I have given everything, because I have chosen them, must report to the Celestial Father someday.

I repeat, companions, the celestial energy is not to be wasted, nor is it to be outraged.

I want you to repair My Heart for those who lie, for those who distance themselves from Me and reject Me, for those who are ignorant and are blind, for those who do not believe in the love of the heart nor in the regeneration of life, for those who turn their backs on Me, for those who make Me suffer and embarrass Me by wearing their sandals to abandon Me.

But today I tell you that I already knew all of this, from the Gethsemane Garden to the Cross.

Judas handed Me over so that I could love the world in its most mortal and human condition.

Today I revive My Celestial Church in those who are blessed, in those who honor My Name and My Gospel, living it every day, despite imperfections and doubts.

Today I would like that an unconditional love arose within your hearts, able to overcome all tests, all indifferences and all obstacles.

I do not want you to be better than the others, but more humble than those who are humble and do not know it.

God pours out His Grace for those who are the most miserable, this is why I choose the most imperfect ones to be able to serve Me and fulfill My Work, to the point that My Presence and My Heart forge the liberation of resistances and of everything that is archaic.

When that moment comes, companions, do not give up, and repeat as many times as necessary: “Jesus, I trust in You”.

And thus, an inexplicable door of liberation will open, and your hearts will be relieved and there will no longer exist fear because you will have trusted in the Name of the Lord.

I come here to celebrate this reencounter with Aurora and leave behind those who have profaned My Name and have dirtied It with their examples and their words.

I come here, to Aurora, to give honor to My Father, Emmanuel, so that He descends again with His Ray of Liberation and of Healing on all the souls that participate in the blessing of the Blue Cross.

I will especially come to bless it on the 5th, at night, when you have already prayed during all day to My Merciful Heart.

And I have called seven regent angels, so that they may deposit in the Holy Cross the seven powers of the Redemption for the souls:

First, repentance.

Second, introspection.

Third, forgiveness.

Fourth, inner healing.

Fifth, reconciliation.

Sixth, inner transformation.

Seventh, inner transfiguration.

These seven powers will descend upon the Blue Cross when it is contemplated as the Victory of Emmanuel on Earth and for the re-consecration of the Marian Centers to the Plan of the Creator.

Emmanuel will come to see the union and the congregation of His children during this day, and thus, He will grant an expiation to Uruguay and to the Southern Cone.

And those who prostrate themselves before the Cross will be forgiven because the Father, who is in Heaven, waits for the great love of His children, for the great trust of His creatures, for the reparation of all the sinners.

Rejoice your hearts, because a new cycle will begin under the universal banner of the Cross of Emmanuel.

Blessed will be those who believe in His Power because they will defeat the sieges, and the adversary will lose the millions of souls it has conquered, because the Holy Cross, once it is lit up, will call to the essences in Aurora and at the other Marian Centers where the Cross of Our Eternal Father is raised.

Unhappy will be those who are not here today for this great event, because if only they had trusted, their ties would have been liberated and their debts would have been forgiven.

The Trust of God is conquered with the love from the heart and not from the mind.

The mind is a means to carry forward the Plan of God, but not to direct it nor to concretize it.

If the love is not in your hearts you cannot live the Plan of God; do not try to, because you will fail, as some have failed.

Those who have put on their sandals and have moved away from Me are written on the last page of My Sacred Book; there will not remain stone over stone, this is no longer a theory.

May the souls repent before the time of great tribulation!

Woe to those who turn their backs on Me! because they will remember, vividly, all that they no longer have, because they have lost the state of Grace and have come out of the guidance of My Hand.

But, trust, because everything will be redirected and those who can no longer be here, will be in other dwelling places to learn how to love, from the beginning.

Those who have denied Me will know the Gift of the Fear of God and when this Gift descends, in a short time, everything will be consummated.

Celebrate for those who are alive of heart and pray for those who are dead of spirit.

Because the legacy I give to those whom I have called cannot be wasted nor altered.

Meanwhile, hold onto the Blue Cross of Emmanuel, because this way you will not only help Me carry with the world and humanity, but your hearts and lives will rise by the wings that It expresses in union to the Father.

May this Marathon be dedicated as a greater surrender for those who offended Me, for those who hurt Me, for those who dirty My Name.

And with all your prayers and supplications, I will be able to say to the Father, as I said on the Cross before expiring:

“Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.
Forgive them, Father, because they do not live You nor feel You;
because they do not call You nor beg You, with humiliation and renunciation.
Forgive them, Father, and place them in Your Kingdom so that, someday, they may be Your worthy children.

While My Wounds hurt by the nails of the ungrateful, My Heart is relieved with the cry of the righteous.

And thus, everything is recreated, everything is transformed, and the souls participate of the communion with My Spirit.

May in this Marathon be revived the commitment of My soldiers with My Sacred Heart; may their heads, feet and hands, be washed and purified by the Water of Life, so that the unconditional donation of self, and the service to the fellow human beings and to the Kingdoms of this planet sprout in their hearts.

Father of Humility and of Love,
Lord of Mercy and of Justice,
I offer Your this Sacrament in the name of those who still follow Me and persist,
so that, by the means of Your Grace and Your Wisdom,
My armies, My soldiers and My companions fulfill the future of a new and fraternal humanity.

So be it. Amen.

Like all the times I meet with you so that you revive Me, feel Me and listen to the vibration and the power of My message, in this spirit of reparation and of consolation, I wish to listen to a song, so that My Wounds of the Feet, of the Hands and of My Side can close and I too, as an apprentice of the Work of the Creator, revive what the Father once showed Me at the Gethsemane Garden, when the future generations, when all My followers, would make My Project worthy on this planet.

“Christ is You”. (Song requested by our Lord).

This is My request for your inner Christs and for those who are not here today among us.

I bless you and prepare you for a Marathon of internalization and reconfirmation of vows; so that you may have the world know that there exists a Blue Cross that descends as a Project on Earth to save the most lost souls.

Blessed are those who cry because they will be comforted.

Blessed are those who persist because they will be strengthened.

Blessed are those who trust because they will have wisdom.

Blessed are those who love because they will know the Kingdom of God.


In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Dear children:

Pray every day for the hearts that, having received all the Graces, have not yet taken even a minimal step towards total surrender.

Pray children, with fervor and devotion, because the attitudes of the souls themselves will defined them by the time of Grace or by the time of Justice.

Do not seek to blame or accuse the hearts that do not show gratitude; help them so that they may feel love and compassion for their fellow beings.

Happily, My children that moment has come in which souls will enter the path of Grace or the path of Justice.

It is for this reason that your Celestial Mother works tirelessly to help to untie the knots of consciousness, works to liberate those aspects of the unconscious world that govern and act by their own decision.

I come to teach you, through the path of prayer, to be merciful, so that the possible accusers of your fellow beings may disappear; knowing that in this time, no one has permission to throw the first stone, because in some ambit there are still debtors.

It will be the love itself of your fellow beings that will free you in order to understand the essence of life from another point-of-view.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Work of Mercy of My Son will expand, and it will reach more souls that will awaken, that will be aware of the importance of redemption and will change their lives overnight.

The Work of Mercy of My Son goes hand-in-hand with the Work of Redemption, which will touch many hearts, especially those that have distanced themselves from God and from His Divine Love.

The Work of Mercy of My Son comes in this end time to appease Justice, and thus, give souls time to receive redemption and atonement.

This Work of Mercy is filled with the Love of God, which in this period grants the spiritual  and inner remedy against all the evils of the present time.

Who lets themselves be pervaded by the Work of Mercy of Jesus will no longer be able to recognize themselves in their life, for they will have entered into the depths and the core of the Heart of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Declaration of Divine Love

Listen, children of God!

Listen, companions of Christ!

The maternal Voice, the Mother of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, speaks to you!

Rise now from your death, because the Great Spirit of the Resurrection of Christ has come!

May the millenary chains be broken!

May this people of Chile rise from where it has fallen, because today the time of true freedom has come!

The Voice of the Mother of the World cries out for your awakening today!

The Voice of the White Lady of Peace today gathers you together in spirit, so that all this people accepts with gratitude the redemption that is being offered by Our Lord.

Listen, My soldiers, your wreck has now ended!

May your hearts open to feel again the powerful divine energy!

I come from Heaven to liberate you from the chains of yore. I come to make those who have been disappeared appear back. I come to bring Divine Justice in the face of so much injustice.

My Children, look at God! Feel the echo of His Merciful Love resound within you!

Oh, beloved Chilean people! Oh, ancient people of the Andes, I am here today!

I am your Mother of Heaven, I am the Condor Bird, I am the Sacred Spirit of Peace who gathers you together to commune in reconciliation and in faith!

Believe, My children, that your true Spiritual and Celestial Church exists! Seek within yourselves for the Inner Christ, call Him by His Name and in this way you will all be saved!

Make of your people a garden of Paradise!

Make of your motherland, a celestial motherland!

May your faith be renewed today! May the national hypnotism end here today, so that hearts may recognize within themselves the value of their filiation with God!

Rise, armies of Christ!

May the Guardians, Vigilants and Commanders of the Plan rise now!

May they raise their flags up to the Universe! May they again form the ranks of the armies of the end time!

I come here so that you may unite with Christ again and in this way set aside this cruel inertia.

May Chile awaken from North to South, from the mountains to the sea!

May Chilean hearts be uplifted as trophies at the feet of the Redeemer!

May no one fear to relinquish this blind captivity, because I am here, I am your Divine Mother, who wants to again guide you towards the Heart of God!

May the Mirrors of your hearts be ignited!

May the doors to inner reconciliation be opened!

May the hearts of Chile be truly repentant, so that the Grace of the Universe may descend here and make of all this people the cradle of a blessed motherland!

Now, may the Suns of your hearts rise and see emerge, in the firmament of this Universe, your origins as great stars of light!

May the Commanders of yore prostrate themselves upon the ground and divest themselves from their swords and their capes so that the King of the Universe may pass among them and thus bless them!

May healing reach your hearts! May a true and full love exist, so that this nation may be rebuilt, and instead of having swords, I will give each Chilean My Holy Rosary so that as from now you may pray to My Heart and I am able to liberate you!

May today be the day of your joy, because the Almighty has sent His Faithful Servant so that the self-summoned prostrate themselves before the Altar of the Redeemer!

May the great Prophecy be fulfilled in you!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 50th Marathon of Divine Mercy, on September 6, 2017, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Our Father... (x2)

Pai Nosso... (x1)

Never stop looking at the Inner Sun of My Heart, for in this way, you will always be protected from everything.

My Silence today speaks of an acute planetary reality.

For this reason, yesterday I had to emanate the greatest Fount of My Love to you, in order to be able to speak to you today about what I am going to say.

I am holding the Book of the Wisdom of God in My Hands and I come accompanied by the twenty-four Ancients. Gathered together in a single Council, we deliberate on the next steps for this humanity.

Today is not an ordinary day, but rather a day of great definitions, for which I invite you to continue praying, although apparently it may seem a mystery.

In this Book of the Wisdom of God, the destiny of the current humanity is to be found, a destiny unknown to everybody, which still has not been revealed, not even in dreams.

But today I bring you this treasure of God because it is the Father Himself who, with His Holy Hand, writes down the events of this current humanity that has already entered fully into the planetary transition.

I ask you to open your hearts for what I am bringing to you today as a message.

I ask you to not be afraid, but rather have a broad awareness, in order to inwardly perceive the Sacred Knowledge of God that is written in this Sacred Book of His Universal and infinite Kingdom; the Kingdom that the angels and archangels care for in perpetual praise and honor to the Almighty, because He writes and builds the destiny of humanity every day.

What many would wish to see is to be found In this Book, but also what many do not want to see, because in the Book of the Wisdom of God the Divine Wisdom is reflected, the one which has begun to invisibly descend all the planes until reaching this physical plane and being concretized.

That is why I ask you to concentrate your gazes on the inner Sun of My Heart, because there exists the equilibrium, harmony, and unity that will make you strong for these difficult times.

That is why in these days, companions, I invited you to define yourselves as My apostles of the end of times, so that you may be able to serve Me in each corner of this world where the planetary reality is becoming acute and souls fall into their own abysses, without finding even a speck of light.

I invite you to be aware so as to acquire a maturity sufficiently uplifted to help you face these times and all the learning experiences that will come to enrich your spirits with new experiences of Love and of Redemption.

It is in this way that I come to request, with the Book of the Wisdom of God in Hand, something that you have never experienced: an absolute and full surrender so that My Plan may be able to materialize even further on the surface.

The twenty-four Ancients of the Universe, the great carriers of the Sacred Knowledge of God, the Great Mentors among mentors, are those who mirror Divine Justice to the Universe in this time.

They are not promoters of universal punishment, as My adversary is. They are just consciousnesses that throughout time have learned and lived, in all Heavens, the knowledge of this human experience within this sacred planet.

In their hands they hold the Project of God, especially in their Solar Hearts.

They know what the world needs to experience and what the aspiration of the Almighty is, but they cannot interfere or alter the free will of this humanity, which is what truly condemns it, time after time.

But if your eyes are upon the Inner Sun of My Heart, you will learn to set aside superficiality and everything that blinds the human being in this time, disconnecting them from God completely.

Today, they came with Me, the Sacred Ancients of the Universe, to be able to see and be present for what will happen in the world overnight.

It is important that you not change My Words, because their meaning, the energy, and the Principle of what I want to say change, for your inner worlds, not for your minds.

Thus, place your feelings in your heart and in this moment, re-experience what I brought you yesterday; it is what I always wish to give My companions, so that the universal bitterness may finally be dissolved, that which has condemned all the creatures in this Universe to the errors of yesteryear.

We come as a Universal Council to make you aware of the new decisions that have already been taken and of which you are a part, just as is each being of this surface.

Today I ask you to disseminate to the world the importance of living in the Gift of the Fear of God, so that souls may have time to repent and to do true penitence, before everything happens, because I know that many believe that nothing will happen.

There would be no sense in My being here after fifty meetings, preparing you for that great moment, in which your missionary souls will be active, in operation, and at the service of the planetary need.

Prepare to stop doing all that you do daily. Do not feel discomfort when the time comes to be removed from what is normal in these times.

I have already told you, companions, that you are My Hands and My Feet so that I may work on this planet and avoid millions of souls being unexpectedly lost, in an unheard-of way, that nobody knows about up to now.

That is why it is important that your spiritual values be present and latent. You will need all those values to be able to go through the end of the times with bravery and courage, and thus not be distracted with everything that happens daily in the world.

In you I want to build universal consciousnesses, beings that are able to mirror the Wisdom of God in these times, without losing a moment of their lives to learn all that is necessary, everything that God needs you to learn for the great planetary moment that humanity will experience.

Today I expose My Most Holy Body to the whole planet because it will be the Portal through which you will be able to enter, to be safe under Divine Protection and under the protection of My Eucharistic Heart.

Happy will be those who do so, and if many more did so, there would be a greater balance on this planet, and it will not be necessary, in spite of the great debt of this race, from its human line to the Kingdoms of Nature, that the Oceans be so stirred up, nor the Earth move so much.

I can say to you with all of My Heart that nobody is prepared for the end of the times, but it will be necessary to experience them.

You incarnated in this era, in these end times, to participate in this transition, of which many more should be aware, to get out of the global drowsiness.

The more good works that are done in the world, the smaller the catastrophe in humanity will be.

The fewer animals sacrificed by humankind itself on the surface, the less necessary it will be that blood continue to be spilled in this world, innocent blood.

The fewer minerals and forests are exploited, the fewer abortions there will be in the world, and the mothers will not have the pain of that cruelty remain with them up to their next lives.

The less infringement on the oceans, contamination of the seas, and sacrifices of the whales, the smaller will be the movement of the axis of the Earth and the melting of the poles, never seen before by God, nor by the whole of this Universe. It will not be necessary for the planet to get so much closer to the sun and for the temperature to go up such unknown degrees, never experienced in any era of this planet.

Now you understand, companions, what the Council of Ancients is deciding as the future of this race, for the triumph of My Sacred Heart.

Do not be sad, but rather further strengthened, because I need you to be strong here, more decided, more aware, more open, to aid humanity and all of this planet.

Do not think about what will happen, but about what the world still does not do in a balanced, true, and fair way.

And to complete this meeting, I invite you to be carriers of justice, so that always and in everything you have fair attitudes: in all that you do, in all that you think, in all that you experience, because no matter how small it seems, it will help to balance the world and the harmony of this planet and of all the Younger Kingdoms.

Now I want to leave a request with you: that you strengthen your prayers for Brazil, twice a week, because this people and this land are being very sought after.

In spite of everything that happens in this nation, the triumph of My Sacred Heart could only happen here, and from here to the whole planet.

I ask you not to become involved with what may happen on this surface. The Universe itself will clean up what is in excess, and in this way, I will be able to reforest the nation with valiant souls, who will accomplish My Project in the end of these times.

Remain above the events and in this way, you will also be able to help Me, and you will help many, many souls that remain lost in the events of this surface.

If you pray to My holy Mother for Brazil, Brazil will maintain its original spirit, and conflicts, such as the ones that exist in other nations, will not be necessary.

Remember that Archangel Metatron is the one in charge of caring for your people and you must unite with his Cosmic Fire so that his igneous currents may transmute the contrary currents that bring disturbances to My beloved Brazil.

I promise you that this land will no longer be a land of slaves, but rather of triumphant souls that live in the Love of God and radiate it to the whole world.

Brazil is the Mirror of My Heart and when it suffers, I suffer in silence.

Strengthen your spiritual values and teach simple souls to pray, for in the most humble, as well as in the poorest, exists the support of My Work, which also makes Me come here, time after time.

May the Lord illumine hearts.

May souls avail themselves of the powerful stream of My Eucharistic Heart.
May all drink of the Fountain of Life and the Principle of Redemption of this Earth be renewed.


Now revere My Body and thus receive the dispelling of the darkness and the illumination of your essence for the times that will come.


We may stand.

Song: "You Are the King."

Know that I am honored to come from Heaven to be able to see you in these times, through this meeting, in which My Mercy expresses itself to all souls, in different ways, in the simple hearts that seek the Truth and Unity with God.

My Heart is filled with joy when I see you so close to Me with your spirits in absolute trust of My Redemptive Project.

I renew all things in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being here today in My Heart.

And today I wish you to radiate more love to the world so that souls may be healed and withdrawn from their captivity, so that the consciousness of this planet, in this end time, has somebody to lean on and whom to trust, without fearing that humanity will once again assault the planet, as in recent times.

The planet also suffers as consciousness; that is why it moves so rapidly in this time and in each event; it is the sign of its suffering, of its agony, of the planetary birth.

Embrace the planet and hold it in the depths of your hearts, just as the planet has always held you in the Universe of Creation, in all that exists, in all that vibrates, and in all that evolves.

Go in peace and be My Peace in the world.

Today I have calmed My Heart with your presence, with the presence of each pilgrim and of each one who prays who has made an effort to give Me their all in these two days, and this makes Me come back here, always.

Do you accept that I come back one more time? 

Friar Elías:

He is crying.

Now yes, I must go, but hearing your words with a song that inspires souls to be close to Me: You are here.

Friar Elías:

Let us place our hands in the sign of reception, to receive from Christ His Energy, and then take it to the center of our heart, in an inner communion with His Divine Consciousness.

And let us thank Him through this song, for all that He has given us in these days.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

So that Divine Justice not be accelerated for those who are most resistant to change, it is necessary to pray for them and mercifully help them so they may be able to find their place in this transition of the Earth.

Those who have the most resistance to change are those who will be purified the most. This shows that until now, resignation, true humility and trust have never existed in the decisions that, for instance, your fellow being, teacher or instructor may have made for the good of all.

This resistance sooner or later leads to suffering, then generates fear and lastly, physical illness; since in the consciousness that resists so much there is no system of evacuation for archaic states.

That is why, when a soul passes through that kind of inner difficulty, and so that it may not enter that path that will lead it to an unfortunate destination, it needs to be aided by placing it where it does not think so much about itself, but rather in the need for relieving the suffering of others, which is to say, in a life of permanent service.

In these times, it will be necessary to use the tools of decompression, such as unconditional service to humanity, so that the consciousnesses that experience high degrees of resistance can unblock their inner processes so that, eventually, they are spiritually capable of participating in the last phase of the end of times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

