Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Lady of Silence, who through the Silence of God, contemplates the planetary situation, and especially the situation of souls.

It is this blessed and sacred silence which allows Me to protect the souls most in need of Mercy, because God’s Love is very great and unknown.

It is His Infinite and Wise Love that, through the sacred silence, stops the forces of evil and destroys them. For there is nothing and no one in this universe, in Heaven or on Earth, within or outside of beings, that can oppose the Love of God.

When life and situations are not in the Love of the Father, evil enters and divides, distracts and disturbs minds and consciousnesses.

When the Spiritual Hierarchy many times called upon souls to silence so clearly, it was not only to establish peace on this surface, but also so that each one could carry out their soul searching and their reflection.

As you will see, My beloved and dear children, where will those sacred seeds that I brought you yesterday end up? Where will they be deposited? Where is the fertile land that the Divine Mother is searching for?

This is why I am here and I continue to search for this fertile land in hearts, but I seek a land in hearts, I seek the life of the hearts that is divested of itself and in surrender, far from the adversities of these times, but not absent from all that which urges humanity, far from indifference, close to love in order to be close to charity.

But not only in the service for those who suffer and have to endure the most, which is the spirit of the Hierarchy, to serve those who suffer and have to endure; but also the task of souls in this world, the spiritual mission, should consist in listening.

For this reason and on this day of the culmination of an important stage for the Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the United States, where it is possible to see, on this horizon, the rise of the future Light-Community, the Light-Community of Mount Shasta, the Divine Mother brings you this silence for you to live a synthesis, but not like the synthesis you have lived in other times, but rather a new synthesis; that is, a new reflection and meditation upon the aspects that have corroded your lives, including your spirits.

Because in the face of this difficult reality of the surface of the Earth, the Hierarchy can no longer waste its precious pearls, that is to say all its treasures of Heaven. Many more need to be consistent, very few are not enough. And this, dear children, first of all starts within each one, within the decision that is taken for your own lives, within the actions that are carried out and have repercussions in many situations.

In this last cycle, for you to follow the steps of the Work of the Hierarchy, My children, it will be necessary to reformulate many inner and external situations. Here and now there must not be guilt or deception, justification or permissiveness. Here the Holy Spirit of understanding, science, wisdom and acceptance must reign.

Because when each one of you, time and again, is invited to take a new step and climb a new rung, there is something that needs to be purified. The Law of Purification will continue to act in these times, dear children, but not the way most understand or comprehend it. The Law of Purification comes to liberate you from yourselves forever.

As I told you yesterday, I repeat it again today so that you may not forget it: the Divine Mother also purified Herself at the Temple, when She offered Her little Son into the Hands of God. Is this wrong, by any chance?

The universe is dynamic and constant. And just as the universe is dynamic and constant, your transformation must be constant. Nothing in this universe can remain static or even motionless. The evolution of the universe can be measured not only through the degrees of love, but also through the degrees of consciousness. It is this that brings you closer to the degrees of forgiveness, which is the door that opens to redemption.

Therefore, be attentive, My children. The Hierarchy will not be able to stop in the face of the emergency of the planet, in the face of the need for peace in the nations and the peoples, of the urgent need for unity among consciousnesses. But each one of you, placing your hand upon the heart, ask yourself before the Sacred Heart of the Lord:

Am I willing to renounce? Am I willing to go beyond myself, for a Higher Purpose that I completely do not know, for a Higher Will that sometimes I cannot grasp?

For this, you have the master key of faith, a faith that must not be buried by incorrect actions carried out within the Spiritual Work of the Hierarchy, by condemnation or even punishment to those who do not deserve it.

Today My Son has sent Me through His sacred and blessed silence. Because you know that silence speaks more than words, that silence emits more messages than the word, because silence is healing, silence is redeeming, silence is renewing and sublime.

Each one will do, in this time, their own soul searching. We are still waiting for them, because the aspiration of Christ is that there be mature and decided apostles who do not retrogress due to the development of the times or even due to the events in life; but rather who, among all as brothers and sisters in Christ, may live under the Law of Love and Truth, Truth from which some still hide. The Hierarchy knows it, but does not judge it, because the human condition can go very far, it can try to paralyze our Plan.

The Hierarchy knows it profoundly. But it will not stop for this reason. The merciful help through an intervention in this world is urgent.

We will walk side by side with those who will follow Our guidance and do not modify it. This is Our most recent decision in the face of the planetary reality.

The boys and girls have grown up, it is time to assume, with spiritual adulthood, this Work, it is time to repair the hearts that have been wounded and hurt.

The inner world of the one to whom I am speaking already knows it, because My Son has asked this of Me as a supplication. There is still much to do, but all can be done if you will allow it.

Heaven does not violate human choices. Heaven only elevates, embraces and loves the life of each being, however imperfect. But the imperfection will be transformed by Love and because you will learn every day to live in the Holy Justice, which is not the justice that is practiced in this world, not even among you. Therefore, do not distance yourselves from the Truth.

In the name of My Son, I come to remove the blindfolds from some eyes, so that you may see the reality, and in this way understand it.

I will continue to pray so that everything may be redeemed and healed. It is no longer time to hide, it is time to face the end of times, just as the brave Hierarchy does and as Our Sacred Hearts impel you to also do.

All has been said. Now what is left to do is only to pray for the consequences and pray from the heart, as you have never done before. Because God is Love, but He is also Justice and He will never allow you to unlearn His Principles and His Attributes, and He will do anything as a good Celestial Father so that those who are blind may be saved.

I leave, giving thanks to you from the innermost depths of My Immaculate Heart, for all that was lived and spiritually built in the United States, including all that may emerge in Canada and Alaska.

However, Our gaze, and I want you not to forget this, is now upon all the necessities. The Spiritual Hierarchy is not selective, the Spiritual Hierarchy embraces, with Its Light, all those who need it, all the urgent causes, whether internal or external.

Thus, throughout the times and the centuries, and until My Son returns to the world, We, the Divine Hierarchies, work for peace and We hope that you will truly work for peace. Ask yourselves if you are doing this.

I thank you and bless all those who hear Me, especially the pioneers of the Light-Nucleus of Mount Shasta.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady, at this moment we will sing "Ave Maria" of Gounot.

Let us prepare ourselves to receive Her Graces.

Let those who can kneel down.

Let us open our hearts to receive Our Mother, the Most Holy Virgin Mary.


I will never fail to give you what is deepest of that which My Heart holds.

For this reason, today I am here and I will always be, not only as the Mother of Brazil, but also as the Mother of the world, the One who extends Her Cosmic Mantle upon the universe so that all fallen stars, in this universe and in others, may be re-ignited through My Redeeming Love, through the authority that My Son has entrusted to Me from the beginning, when He said to Me, “Mother, behold Your son” and He said to John, “Son, behold your Mother.”

I come as the Mother of all, the untiring and persevering Mother who goes on pilgrimage with you in these times of great challenges and tests for Brazil and the whole world. But today, I want to give you the special Message: if you keep praying for Brazil and the whole world, you must not fear anything, My children.

My Son has announced His Return to you and His Return will be fulfilled as it is written. This Return will be fulfilled mainly in the hearts of those who believe in His Word and His Presence.

Therefore, He sends Me as the Mother of all, as your Advocate and Celestial Intercessor. He sends Me to placate the errors of the world and the sins, the incoherence of many nations, the ambition of a few hearts that believe they have power and impunity in their hands.

But I invite you once again, My children, to place your consciousnesses in that which is celestial and divine, just like in the last days, through the Marathon of Prayer, My Son placed your essences in that which is highest in this sidereal universe.

Today, My armies of Light also expand on the surface of the Earth, through newly consecrated Children of Mary. This army can be strengthened and renewed through your inner vows to Me, because no matter where you are or whatever the conditions under which you may live in the end of these times, if your hearts are united to Me in prayer, I will always promise you sacred protection. Trust in that which I am telling you. Follow My Message, the last Message that I gave you yesterday.

Works of Mercy are still quite necessary in the world so that the chastisement foreseen for the world may be placated and a great part of humanity may no longer show or provoke the Justice of God, as this is not necessary, My children. My Son shed His Blood at an incalculable price for all. He suffered the great wood of the Cross. He agonized for each one of you at each step, at each moment.

Tonight, spiritually allow the Blood of Jesus to wash and purify you so that the world may also be completely purified and washed from the ambition of war, abortion, the conflicts and even disease. Because for God nothing is inexplicable, but for humanity it is so in these times. Therefore, place your gaze on God, on His Supreme Universe. Never forget that you are worthy Children of God and He always expects you to be, despite the consequences and the tests.

With your thought, but above all with your constant prayer of the heart, elevate this country, this people and all of South America.

We have come here, in these last three months, to respond to an emergency, and we will be here whenever it may be necessary. But My Message and, above all, My Love, must reach the whole world. The Love of My Heart is already living in you, but there are brothers and sisters in this world who do not have My Love, who do not know hope, who do not know the faith that you consciously live at the foot of this sacred Light-Community.

Therefore, I invite you to raise the Communities upon the surface of the Earth and all points of Light that must awaken throughout the world. Remember, My children, that there will be a minimum part of you that will carry out the great task, but all may be united in spirit and omnipresence.

My Son entrusted to you the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Spirit that always comes to anoint, renew and heal you. Therefore, today liberate your hearts from sorrows and sadness. Renew yourselves through My humble but celestial Presence, and be One with My Son, Christ, through acts of Mercy, service, prayer, adoration and, above all, Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ.

He comes to renew Himself in these times, through you, through the infinite life of the Sacraments. Because a Sacrament is not a simple act, it is more than a Grace and an opportunity, it is the great chance that all have to be consciously united to God, to receive His Grace, His Love and His Mercy.

This is why today I come to place in another dimension all those present and those not present. In the dimension of the Great Divine and Only Consciousness, from where your souls emerged from the Origin, where the Purpose was known by your essences since the beginning. A Purpose that, in these times, I invite you to embrace and come to know internally. A Purpose that will reveal itself before you, to each one of your hearts, when you surrender in trust before that which is unknown. Then, the great door of the Grace of God will open and His Mercy will descend as it has always done. It will make of your hearts peaceful hearts. Thus, you will have a heart ready for the end of times, although you may keep feeling what you call fear.

But believe in the Light that comes through My Heart to all. The Light that represents the Cosmic Christ, the One who let Himself be nailed upon the Cross for each one of you, and Whose Side shed Water and Blood for the liberation of all of humanity until the end of times, until His Return.

Therefore, position yourselves now under the Rays of Mercy of My Son, through the intercession of your Celestial Advocate. Entrust your aspirations to the Eternal Father, to Christ. Drink of the Fountain of Grace that is offered to you at this moment, so that your souls may be healed and your hearts may rejoice at My Maternal Presence.

Today, I bring a special renewal for all Children of Mary. Especially for My Children of Brazil, who have the Sacred Purpose of sustaining the Flame of Peace, this Sacred Flame which springs from My Immaculate Heart, and also of sustaining the banner of Peace of Christ in these definitive times.

As the song says in the call of Mary, if you place yourselves always at the disposal of God, strength will not tremble.

What do you fear in these times, if I am here and if I am your Celestial Mother, who brings you the Message of Heaven, of the Universe? Who, through the Word of Life of the Sacred Word, comes to heal your wounds, traumas and all your past, comes to renew you in Christ and for Christ, so that the triumph of His Divine Mercy may take place in many more hearts of this world and, thus, all those who are awakened say “nevermore” to evil and darkness, so that the Light and Love of My Son may triumph.

Many are the Graces that the world needs in these times, but many are the prayers that will keep rising through the response of each of My children. Therefore, we will keep praying faithfully, allowing Heaven to touch the Earth, and the Life of God and His Infinite Universe to make more miracles in souls, especially in those that need love and a lot of redemption.

This is why in these times I invite you to accept your path of conversion with perseverance and with great faith. Do not allow yourselves to fear or be disturbed, believe, once and for all, that you already have a place in My Heart of a Mother, a Sacred Place in which you will always find peace, relief and healing of all this humanity.

Be persevering on the path of great transformation and allow your essences, in these times, to be guiding stars for many souls and hearts, in prayer, in anonymity and in sacred service for Our Lord, the Redeemer.

In these times, allow His Mercy to descend upon the world. The descent of Divine Mercy is still very urgent for all this humanity.

It is time to act from the heart and with discernment, without letting your faith oscillate, renewed in Christ at each moment and at each step.

I come here tonight to thank you for the triumph of the Sacred Hearts in South America. Although difficult and even inexplicable situations continue to take place, do not fail to continue on. See how the Heart of Christ triumphs once again in silent and anonymous dwellings, in those who say ‘yes’ in simplicity.

While I am present here, I collect your intentions and the intentions of all those who are listening to this transmission, to bring them within My Heart to God and convert them into Graces, opportunities, hope and Mercy for all souls, especially those who most need God at this moment.

Now, listening to the instrumental of the hymn of consecration, I invite, to the foot of this scenery, those who will take today the step of being consecrated as Children of Mary.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may approach.


And through this consecration, I will open for you the door to the great opportunity of renewal of vows for all those who already consider themselves as My Children. Also so that, through this group of Children of Mary that I will consecrate today, a new Rosary of Light for Brazil may emerge, the souls that, through prayer, will sustain the end of these times, the challenges and experiences that this country will live.

Your voice, the voice of each Child that will be consecrated today, will be heard through each new Rosary of Light. I invite you to disseminate this blessed exercise of the Rosary of Light in families, in nations, wherever you go, in the whole world.

All must know the Grace of being part of a Rosary of Light, because at each consecration of Children of Mary, each heart, each soul and each spirit becomes a bead of Light of My great Universal Rosary through which I can pray in plenitude, bliss and joy, to present to God the great redemption of all His Children.

This is why today I bless those who are a part of My army of Light on the surface of the Earth. I bless those beloved children of Mine who will sustain in these definitive times the banner of Peace for Brazil, crying out, through prayer, for Peace and Mercy for this blessed Land of God, chosen as the cradle of the New Humanity.

As the Lady Aparecida, as the Queen of Peace, as the Lady of the Sacred Figueira, I bless and consecrate you as My Children, under the Grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, I want to hear you sing.

Vigils of Prayer
Apparition of the Virgin Mary during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, in Ourém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Like one hundred and one years ago, the Sun of God shines again on Fatima, bringing peace to the world and the Mercy of the Redeemer for the souls.

This is the greatest testimony of the Love of the living God for all of humanity and the planet.

Today, dear children, at My Feet I bring the flags of two nations of the world: the one of Nicaragua and the one of Eritrea, so that with this symbol, your hearts may understand where the Mother of God is, seeking the love of Her children, trying to protect the wounded and aid those most in need.

Today I unite the two nations under one heart and in a single tune, so that the Grace of God may descend upon them and peace, the end of the war, and the persecution amongst mankind may be established, because thus, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Today, with the prayer of your people, I was able to achieve many things in the world. You know, My children, of the great planetary need, of the need for love, for Mercy, for forgiveness, for healing and redemption.

Through the path of your daily prayer, I can grant you all those Graces and many more Graces, ones you could not even imagine.

My Heart is with the heart of My children. The Lady of Nicaragua is with the people that cry out, and through the prayers of My children, I weave the hidden Mantle of Peace, where I place all those that need to be in God, safeguarding them from evil and danger.

Although your people are troubled, do not lose faith. Trust in the power of My Immaculate Heart, and the Wisdom of God will be in your minds and in your hearts, so that you may be guided on the path of the Good and the Light, so that this guidance may benefit many more souls, especially those that are in danger and suffer great persecution.

Today I also bring at My Feet the flag of Eritrea, because I love this suffering people that aspires someday to find peace.

Just as you pray for the nations of the world and so that serious events do not develop, I also ask you, My children, that you place Eritrea in your heart, so that this people may be able to recover and achieve peace, live the hope of My Son, and be immersed in His Divine Mercy, without the need of taking refuge in other countries to escape the horror.

But even if this happens, My children, My Immaculate Heart is also in Africa; it is in the heart of those from Eritrea, so that they may be able to promote peace through prayer, through entreaty, and especially  through communion with My Son; so that the Sacrament of the Eucharist may grant discernment and wisdom to the leaders of those nations, so that they may realize that it is no longer necessary to suffer, but rather, to love, to love with all of the heart and all of the soul, just as I love you, My children.

Because this Love that I have for you is what allows Me to be here on this day, announcing to the world and to humanity that the Mother of God, the Lady of Peace, is with Nicaragua and with Eritrea, as She is with all the nations of the world, especially with those that make wrong decisions and that compromise the spiritual life of millions of souls in the world.

I come to untie the knots of the human consciousness through your pleas and your prayers.

Today, the offering of all those who pray in the world at this vigil of prayer has permitted to stop great disasters; especially grave decisions that would condemn the rest of humanity.

With this, dear children, I show you the importance of the life of prayer, of the constant life of prayer, and of perseverance in prayer, so that your lips not grow tired of asking God for Mercy, because Mercy will save the world, and in this way, Divine Justice will stop and the world will not suffer again, as in the past century.

I come as the Mother of Light to grant healing to deep human wounds and all those that respond to My call in the different nations of the world; let it be only one consciousness.

This opens the door, dear children, so that the Grace of God may enter into the nations, especially in those most in need of mercy and of forgiveness.

On this day, on this night of Grace, I come to speak with you again about the commitment to the vigil of prayer for peace in the nations, which will be fundamental and essential for the coming times, in order maintain the stability of the planet, and above all, the balance of the psyche of humanity.

Each prayer that is offered and that shall be offered, will be well received by the Kingdom of the Heavens. And not only your lives will be transformed, but the world will continue to change to recognized the Will of God, and someday, by the Grace of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the thousand years of peace will be established.

Someday I will return to Central América to reestablish the Kingdom of God, that My enemies are trying to remove. But do not be frightened; remember that My Immaculate Heart will triumph; it will bring Peace to the world, even if it is purified, even if it goes through this critical final time.

Tonight I will say goodbye to you, My children, granting you a spiritual Grace for your efforts, sacrifice, and persistence in carrying forward this Work of Peace in the world, following the footsteps of the Divine Messengers in this important Network of Prayer that is generated by your hearts, to bring about more peace on the planet, relief and healing to all the souls of the Earth.

Eritrea is a country that must be taken into consideration by all the nations of the world, because there exist souls that are worthy of the Mercy of God, and that through the cooperation, charity, and fraternity of the rest of the countries, may be able to receive an opportunity of being someone in life.

For this reason, My children from the rest of the nations of the world, I invite you to open your heart even further to welcome into yourselves the real spiritual need of this people, which needs of the help of everyone, not only to establish peace, social dignity, the good, and cooperation, but also to reestablish the Kingdom of God, as it once was in the beginning of the life of Moses.

In this way, you will be able to make the commandments valued, which were born in that region of the world at the request of God, and which taught humanity, and continue to teach the first steps in spiritual life, so as to become worthy children of God, following the steps of the Law and of Divine Will.

Eritrea is a country that must be healed, not only through humanitarian service, but also through the prayers of all My children, especially through the welcome that the hearts of the other nations can provide for those that most need it, as well as for the rest of Africa, that awaits more compassion, solidarity, and humanitarian aid.

This help that I ask of you will not be born of the great nations of the planet, but of the simple nations of the world that have not yet lost the spirit of solidarity and that will be able to understand what I ask of them.

So I ask to not fear opening the doors of your homes to give refuge to those most in need of hope and of peace, because someday, you also may be in need of that peace and that hope.

I invite the adults in the life of the spirit to become aware of this and make themselves available to help these nations, that wait for solidarity. In this way, you will be consoling my Immaculate and Maternal Heart and granting the world a Grace that perhaps not many would deserve, but that will be possible because of your spirit of unconditional support and of service.

Eritrea must be a country repopulated by hope, that transmits the happiness of living in God, as it once transmitted, so that the consoling spirit, which is the Holy Spirit, may with Its Gifts fill that land and its people, bringing renewal and healing for all those consciousnesses.

So, dear children, from this day, in the weekly prayer for Africa, I ask you to place Eritrea in your hearts, so that My work may reach that place, so that the Will of God may be fulfilled with the help of everyone, and Peace may be achieved in that country.

My joy is infinite in having a representative of that people present here.

My Maternal sweetness is in those needy hearts, closing deep wounds, purifying deep after-effects, granting peace in the inner world of My Eritrean children.

I Am the Mother of the refugees, the Consoler of Peace, the Bird of hope, the healing for essences, the eternal consolation for hearts.

I Am the Queen of Peace and the Great Mother of Africa, Who has Her Heart in the center of that continent, and from cycle to cycle, making the hope and the joy of rediscovering God to pulsate in that place and in all of the nations of Africa.

Today I grant this son of Eritrea the blessing of the Celestial Father for their new task.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

May the Spirit of Peace be with you, and that this Spirit of Peace propagate in Eritrea and in the world, bringing hope and renewal to the lives of those who have most suffered because of social injustice and indifference.

It is a European mission to take on Eritrea. It is their duty and their commitment as well as the rest of the African nations, that expiation be granted to both continents and the cycle of persecution and slavery be closed, and thus, the cycle of Light and of Hope, of Mercy and Redemption may open.

Today My wish is that from this African heart may part the Love for all the hearts of Africa, as well as from all of the hearts present here and that are accompanying this moment with the Mother of God.

I wish to hear again that song that is a reminder, that brings to memory the Presence of the Lady of Kibeho, the Patroness of Rwanda and of all Africa.

I thank you on this night for responding to this important call.

God bless you and grant you Peace. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, to the visionaries Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Sister Lucía de Jesús

To Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Today I come from heaven as the Lady of the Apocalypse, to decree through My words that the final time is approaching, and, with it, once again, the end of a cycle, in which humanity must be even more awakened in order to be able to perceive the changes that will not only come to the planetary consciousness, but also to planetary life.

I am the Lady of the Apocalypse, I am the one who precedes the end of the Omega because, from then on, everything will happen, and nothing will be hidden any longer.

Therefore, you must be prepared for this moment, with a different attitude, starting from your consciousness because, thus, this attitude will be reflected in the material life, and you will know how to act with discernment and caution at the moment of making decisions and of carrying forward My Son´s Plan.

Do not fear if you see the forces of chaos moving around you, acting or intervening, it is a sign that the end is coming and that your neutrality will be important so that, without indifference, you can do what you need to do.

This moment marks an unexpected time for everyone. Humanity has never gone through this transition, nor does it know what it is all about.

That is why I come to announce, as the Lady of the Apocalypse, that all My children must be awakened in this crucial hour so that, together with their guardian angels, they can cross these deserts that approach the planetary Consciousness, in which the Mercy of God will be very necessary.

No longer fear what moves within or outside of you, for that which is impure, imperfect, or unfaithful. 

Hold on to My Solar Mantle. I will lift you up from the ground so that you may walk together with your Mother of the Apocalypse, towards the closing of a stage that has just begun.

In the meantime, maintain a spirit of hope, and project to the future everything good that may happen when many more souls are redeemed in Christ and find the meaning of their lives to cease being spiritually blind and imprisoned in souls.

I need you to sustain this Scepter that I am delivering to you today: the Scepter of God, which will move all things on this planet, before My beloved Son, the Christ, returns.

For this reason, the apostles cannot be distracted, perturbed, nor alarmed by what happens around them.

In these times you must maintain a spirit of faith, trust and love to overcome the tests that will come.

I know you have asked yourselves inwardly, why does God allow certain things, to the point that souls must suffer and go through hard tests?

It is not God who causes chaos, but humanity who is indifferent and separated from love.

You, who have already known how to reach the Source, must reach this Source every day because otherwise your spirits will dry up and will not be nourished by the water of life that My Son represents in His Divinity.

I need you to be brave and still sustain with one hand the banner of My Peace, and with the other hand, the redemptive sword of Christ; because we still have to continue fighting for a Plan that, in many minds, no longer makes sense.

If My Son had not allowed Himself to be defeated, although it seemed it had been so, His Love would not have triumphed.

His surrender, His unconditionality and His Love defeated the enemy, and the Plan won, and the light triumphed over all darkness.

Open your inner eyes, and feel deep within your hearts that you are going through the most crucial moment of the Passion that the planetary consciousness is living, which is agonizing as it feels that its creatures still do not live change.

Therefore, the currents of the Universe are acting and some arrive physically in certain places to move the state of resistance and lack of change that some souls live.

Do not think you are being punished or that the judgment of the Divinity has already come because it has not yet approached the world.

Chaos fights against chaos, evil swallows itself by fighting, battling and debating, to see who is in first place.

Do not allow these times to torment you, do not stop looking at the Sun that you truly are because it will be necessary that it shines in these times of purification and tests.

I come to prepare the path for the arrival of My Son, for the moment in which everything will be allowed.

Truly, happy will be those who, in total confidence, place themselves under My Mantle so that your Universal Mother may be able to protect you.

And now see, through those who live in these times, that it is necessary to make inner changes. 

Do not be surprised by what you see within you and around you; it is time for everything to be erased in order for the Project of Christ to be fulfilled in humanity and the new flocks may congregate toward the New Supper that the Lord will celebrate.

I am the Lady of the Apocalypse, and today I come as Mother and Priestess of the souls who reflect the Love of God with their prayers, and, holding hands, together with Me, in a Sacred Oratory, proclaim the Victory of Christ and His return to the world for these times that will come.

May your lips never get tired of proclaiming faith, may your path be full of graces and may your inner senses open to be able to receive the reality that afflicts the world and submerges it in deep pain.

Do not fear, no longer fear, for I am your Mother, I am here: this is the moment that you confirm your trust in My Immaculate Heart.

When the waters of the seas are turbulent, it is the sign that all must be united, under the same purpose. And it is this purpose and this end that will protect you, because the purpose must always be love, service and surrender so that many more may benefit from this.

Today I have between My hands the book of the Apocalypse, and your Heavenly Mother reads the revelations that are found in it and that humanity has still not known, which are the revelations written by the words of John.

They are the signs that he has seen a long time ago, which are manifesting in humanity at this time, so that, finally, a change may emerge and everyone can reach the Source and commune with God.

Feel that these scriptures are projecting themselves in humanity and that the dragon of fire is coming out of its abyss. This indicates that Christ is returning, although it does not seem so.

And right away you will see Saint Gabriel the Archangel opening the last seal of the seven that exist, to show the world that this last phase of redemption is approaching and that everything that is in the abyss will be placed in judgment, before the Creator. In the meantime, keep in permanent neutrality and invoke the power of Love so that you may know how to assist your fellow beings.

While this last seal is opened, do not stop praying, not even for a moment. The time has come for your thoughts to be elevated in a continuous and constant way. The time has come for your feelings, thoughts and actions to be pure prayer because in this way you will always be protected by the Mantle of your Heavenly Mother.

If some things happen around you today, remember that behind everything, there exists a purpose.

Embrace the change and these things will end, suffering will be dissolved out of nowhere, it will strengthen the fortress, the wisdom and hope that many need, and they will be able to walk free from their ties and chains. Their feet will reach the top of the mountain, where Christ will rest His Feet as Solar Light, to declare to the world that He has come to put an end to everything that has been destroyed.

And His archangels will raise the chalices to God, offering this new sacrifice for humanity.

Those who have been martyrs, lambs, who have been exiled from their country, or their mission, will be recognized.

Christ Jesus, through His Heart, will deliver His great Star to the world to sow on Earth the new principles of Light, the crystals of redemption that will sustain the new race in the emergence of a New Humanity. For all of this to be fulfilled, you must pass through this cycle, dear children.

When the wolf wants to hunt the sheep of the Shepard, it is a sign that the Redeemer is coming with firm and silent steps to the world to defeat his enemy and to dissolve him in the Source of Love.

May your eyes not stop looking to heaven and implore with prayers.

May your acts be truthful and not stingy.

May your feeling be evermore to love, to love, and to love, until your beings surrender in Christic energy.

And so, those who have come from the Universe, sent by the Lords of the Law, will finally be redeemed, they will hand over their helmets, swords and stars at the feet of the Christ, and it will not be necessary to fight to conquer the Truth and the Love of the Source, because your Lord, the Master among masters, will liberate you from the past, and your essences will light up when you recognize the Presence of the Christ.

This is everything that is in the Book of the Apocalypse, something that John has not written, even though he has seen it, because it was not the moment for humanity to know it.

But now I, who am your Prophetess and Priestess, at the eternal service of My Beloved Son, come to announce the new times, the new goals and the new principles so that souls may hold on to them and may not let themselves be taken by tribulation, because Saint Michael will return.

Archangel Saint Michael will return in his state of resplendence so that, with his sword of Justice and Light, He will exorcise what has caused pain and suffering in humanity, and the illusions of the world will be dissolved, the souls will feel an unknown Christic love and, finally, the Suns on Earth will shine, to be a part, together with this world, of the Universal Confraternity.

To Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Everything that I reveal to you on this day is part of the Celestial, Divine Will, of the One who sent Me to the world.

I come with the book of the Apocalypse, My children, to strengthen the faith and hope in your hearts because the world is purifying and it will still purify more intensely, and all My children will have to live this purification.

However, My words will resound within you as a fortress and hope, which will be on the horizon of your lives, as something that will be fulfilled, a Truth which will be manifested after chaos and evil emerge in this world with all their false power.

Today, I come to teach you to not observe the events of the world only with human eyes, but that the eyes of your spirits and your hearts may be open to understand the events and make others understand that the Justice of God is not a punishment, that the purification of the planet is not the end of humanity, but rather the end of human degeneration.

It is the beginning of a new cycle, of a new era, in which indifference and the lack of love can no longer exist in the consciousnesses. And those who cannot live the Law, manifest it and express it in their lives, will be led to other worlds, to other spaces, where they will be able to learn, according to their consciousness and their choices on this Earth.

Everything will be directed to where it should be. Nothing will remain out of place, because the Law of God will come to straighten the paths of humanity so that they may find the path of return.

When chaos and evil emerge before your eyes, remember My words, remember your mission and your purpose on this Earth. Because what I have built within you will be transformed into tools so that you can act in these times. Tools that express themselves through peace, neutrality, compassion and mercy for those who are lost and distant from God.

Strengthen, My Children, everything that I gave you. Discover within you these tools of Light that are expressed through virtues so that, at the correct moment, you may know how to find them within you.

Today you will think that your transformation is rigorous and that the changes are intense for the consciousness to accompany the cycle of the planet; but you will soon understand that all that God asks you has a principle and a higher purpose, which you will see manifested when the time comes in which My Son will find you prepared, ready to unite to Him, so that He may have companions with whom He can count on when He arrives in the world.

His Resplendence will be absolute, and His Brightness will be visible to all human eyes.

However, many children of Mine will fear to look at Him, follow Him and receive Him in this world, because they will not feel worthy of receiving His Forgiveness, because they will see their mistakes emerge and the consequences of their indifference.

This is why, today I ask you, committed with the Superior Plan, to prepare your hearts and strengthen them, not only to cross the times of greater tribulation but so that you have the courage and humility to look at the Eyes of Christ when His Feet tread the Earth.

May you have the humility to receive His forgiveness and to be filled by His Mercy so that He may definitely transform you and show you your true face, that which you are, as part of the Divine Will, My children, in a way that a molecule of Christ Consciousness may enter within you and make you participants of a new time, of a new race that will be built with effort, with renunciation and with a deep love that does not come from this Earth, but from the most intimate part of the Heart of God.

Today I want to renew all My children, all the Children of Mary, so that they never fear to wear My Mantle, so that they give testimony of My Presence. May they never deny that they are consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, may they conquer fear with the potency of love and give testimony of the transformation that prayer has made in their lives.

With this, children, I leave you a warning, but also a Grace, so that you may persevere and be worthy of seeing each one of My words fulfilled.

Transmitted to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Plea of the Sacred Mother and Lady of the Apocalypse to the Heavenly Father

Listen, Lord, to the voice of Your Servant and Slave,
who lovingly wants to intercede for all Your most lost children.

 Listen to the voice of those who cry out for an opportunity
and who, in these times, receive nothing in their inner worlds.

 I come to offer Myself as a Sun to illuminate the abysses
and to raise Your fallen stars to the Celestial Universe.

 I pour out My Rays of Grace upon the world
so that souls may capture My deepest feelings
of love and motherhood.

 Lord, today I place in My arms those who most need You.

 Today I contemplate, through My eyes,
the inner wounds of all My children,
 and with the caress that I give them with My Hands,
I calm and soothe everything that disturbs and brings tribulation.

 Through My embrace, I place them close to My chest
so that they may feel the warmth of a good and humble Mother,
so that they may feel Her Immaculate Heart beat infinitely,
just as the whole Universe vibrates, in its creation and existence.

Today I dissolve bitterness from the hearts and I establish My Peace
in those who have asked for it with so much fervor and prayer.

I build the foundations of a new life,
I bring to this civilization the opportunity to love,
until all feel as one,
and Christ finds them in eternal communion.



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

I come to the world to give you Peace, mainly those who unite with Me through the Rosary.

The Lord has asked of Me that on the Earth there be new pioneers of Peace, new flames of Peace that can ignite in this chaos that exists in the world in order to transform it, to free it from the heart of humankind, so that all My children may also attain that Peace.

Today, I invite you to love the Law of God; no matter how unknown it is to you, you will be able to know it through the Commandments. If you live it in this way, you will be able to draw closer to the Justice of God, a Justice the world has drawn away from, because the Justice of God is Love, is Compassion, is Mercy.

As Queen of Heaven, I come to bring you the Universe of the Father. On Earth, new stars must re-ignite, new suns that are dark must kindle again, and this will be possible through prayer and the living of the Sacraments with My Son Jesus.

Dear children, I come to Brasilia to have you know the Justice of God, which many fear, because the Justice of God is a justice that repairs and restores hearts that have been lost.

The Justice of God wants you to come to know Eternal Life, the universal principle of Will; but, dear children, it is necessary that you truly aspire to love that Law, which is the law of Love and Truth, which has been unknown to many of My children throughout history because of wanting to live the laws of the Earth.

But today, I come to have you know the true Law of God that is to be found in the essence of your hearts, in the steps you can take toward the Lord through your infinite trust in His Love and the sure fullness of His infinite Mercy.

Dear children, before the Return of My Son, I come to open the doors of your hearts.

The New Jerusalem must emerge as it existed in the past among the sacred peoples of the desert who, together with Moses, obeyed the Laws of God; and some of them, in spirit, found the Promised Land.

This Land of which I speak is Paradise. That Paradise that lives in your hearts, that inner Temple that many do not seek because of being distracted with other things, which the world provides as a temptation and desire, that makes My children be separated from the truth of the Law.

All the Celestial Universes, where the Angels and Archangels are, want to draw closer to your lives.

Dear children, it is time, through the prayer of the heart, for you to be able to know your Guardian Angels, invisible presences that God granted you to accompany your footsteps toward the only definitive goal, which is that you are able to blend into the essence of the Love of God in the next world.

While the world still suffers, many hearts must find that Truth, seek it through prayer and faith so that your hearts may be healed and the redemption of your souls may come to pass, just as the Father has foreseen from the beginning.

All the Creation of the Father, including this planet of love, must live the new Project of God; those awaited years of peace that many seek and that, like an inner seed, will be able to be cultivated in your hearts, and that inner light will expand through you by means of prayer and peace.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to seek that truth. Do not look for a mystery unknown to you; love the Mystery of God to be able to know it. It is to be found in all manifested things, in your brothers and sisters, in your cities, on the planet and in the Kingdoms.

Look at how much need there is in the world and how few servers intend to serve God to help humanity in this definitive time through the Laws of the Lord. Those that the Sacred Family of Nazareth lived will be able to restore the Earth, but it is necessary that there are instruments that are able to accomplish this simple goal that I ask of you: to be souls in eternal prayer that can verbalize the Sacred Word of God so the subtle vibrations can transform the Earth and consequently, human beings who daily separate from God, following other paths that do not lead to Peace or Love.

For this reason, as Universal Mother and Queen of Peace, I committed Myself to Our Father in this last century, in this last XXI century, to open hearts so they are able to see the truth.

Thus, I invite you to unite with My Heart as I have already asked for so long in Medjugorje. Because after these Apparitions, I will wait for My children to be able to concretize the inner consecration of the Americas to My Immaculate Heart. 

In this way, you will allow new doors to open so that the Laws will be able to restore humankind, so that new principles of Creation are able to emerge as new flowers in hearts and the New Humanity can emerge which, for a long time, God has so hoped can awaken.

Dear children, I do not promise you happiness, victory, or power; I promise you sacrifice, surrender, charity, faith and love, and much prayer for these so difficult times.

In your hearts, contemplate the needs there are in this world. It is time to do something, dear children, and help the Plans of the Father. In this time, you have the keys to be able to do it; unite with My Immaculate Heart.

Definitely proclaim that you belong to God so the false gods can fall away and the victory of the Heart of My Son be established in all the hearts of the world; but for this to happen, My children, it is time to awaken.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I hope to not cause fear in your hearts, because it is not necessary to be afraid of Divine Justice. I only bring you an impulse from the Kingdom of the Heavens so that, through My Presence, you find a sure path of consecration.

My dears, today I tell you that prayer will activate devotion in your hearts, and through devotion and love, which is born in the depths of your beings through the Heart of God, you will discover how simple it is to fulfill the Laws of the Lord.

Today I tell you, My beloveds, that it is necessary to be very willing and determined to follow this path, because you must knock down the barriers built so many centuries ago in the consciousness of humanity, barriers that feed the material world and make the life of the spirit be forgotten. Today you can see around you what you built with this aspiration of growing only in matter.

Today I tell you, My dears, that the world suffers and also the Heart of God suffers because of all the causes that humanity created in the world. Thus, on this night, I ask that you be willing to balance this evil, living this Law of love, fraternity and prayer.

Do not allow yourselves, My children, to feed the discord and the lack of love among creatures, but rather continue with faith and with trust on this path of unity, a path the Sacred Family placed in the life on Earth and left as an example and as a truth so that all human beings, throughout the centuries, could imitate it.

Today, My children, if you find the Sacred Family distant from the reality of your lives, do not sadden your hearts, because this is a long path, a path of definition, of persistence, a path that is built through the faith of your hearts, because faith will move all that is entrenched in your consciousnesses, and that which seems impossible to you to transform, through the Work and Grace of the Spirit of God, will be transformed.

For this reason, it is only necessary that you want to experience that transformation, that you aspire, with all the will of your hearts, to follow this path of conversion of life and that, through the conversion of your lives, the conversion in all of humanity can occur.

Today I ask you, My dears, that you also live in communion with the Kingdoms, as the saints and the blessed did on Earth, to balance all the destruction that humanity caused throughout the centuries.

The love you radiate to the Kingdoms repairs the Heart of God and transforms the destiny of humanity, so that Mother Nature does not need to go against the human heart to balance the faults caused by it.

My dears, today I tell you that there is still time to spiritually balance the faults caused, through fervent and true prayer, through fraternal and loving actions, which create unity with the Kingdoms and with others.

My beloveds, if you only try to experience this path, the doors will open in your lives and, step by step, you will discover how simple it was, from the beginning, to live the consecration of your hearts. Thus, I come throughout the centuries to tell you it is possible for the human heart to be able to create in love and in truth and change the situations of the world, transforming all the darkness that exists into a Light that expands over the planet, the Light of the Heart of God, which is radiated through His Creatures.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I invite you, dear children, to pray this night with Me, so God in His Kingdom may receive the pleas of all His children of this humanity.

Through My blessing and My intercession, I will open the Source of Healing so it may deeply touch your hearts.

Remember, dear children, that today I invite you to Hope, that this invitation remain in your memories. If you seek Divine Hope, nobody will perish, but rather you will rise up from the ground when you fall, so that you are able to continue to walk firmly in Christ.

As I have said to Sister Lucía: a tree that is ripped, which dies through the hand of humankind, is the same as a mother who loses their child; minerals that are assaulted are like a crack that opens in the heart of the Earth; the water that is contaminated is like the purity that is lost in hearts.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to pray with devotion for the Kingdoms; because they are a part of the Supreme Life on Earth, and through them, dear children, you will also find Truth and Love.

Let us pray the prayer this night which I taught you yesterday:

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
Intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.
(11 times in Portuguese)

Pray now, dear children, for the Marine Kingdom in the Pacific, which is extensively dying without anybody doing anything.

As Mother of all elements, as the Most Holy Virgin, I will contemplate the need of these children that are part of the loving Creation of God since the beginning.

Let us pray:

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
Intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.
(eight times in Portuguese)

May the Will of God be fulfilled and salvation occur.

Let us pray, day and night, day after day, for your humanity.

Thank you, dear children, for attending to My call. The blessing has alighted in your hearts.

And before I rise up to Heaven and place My Heart in your memories, I ask that on this night, all those who have brought these images, representing My Aspects throughout history, hold them so that I may bless them.

And the Holy Spirit, dear children, will be your Faithful Intercessor in these times, the Great Helper of hearts and of the souls that truly seek to live in Its Gifts.

I will lovingly listen to "The Flight of the Holy Spirit".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will pray the Hail Mary.

Our Lady returns at this moment to do the blessing.

Prayer: Hail Mary (five times in Portuguese).


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary;

In the Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts: of Jesus, of Joseph and of Mary; dear children, in your hearts hold the Sacred Family. That Supreme Consciousness that is fully at your service to gestate the new beings in humanity who will celebrate an inner encounter with God in the Kingdom of the Father.

I bless these sacred elements on this night; may they be the perfect symbol of your union with Me, may they radiate the Light of My Immaculate Heart so My Love can expand in your homes and families.

Dear children, on this night, I bless you, in the Presence of My Son and of Saint Joseph, Who have especially come to visit you; because know, My children, that the name of Brazil in the Kingdom of God, means the door of Light that children open to receive the Mercy of God.

With hope and joy, may your hearts be uplifted; and remember, beloved children, that you can always count on Me forever and ever.

I love you and bless you.

Sing "Mary of Nazareth". Lift up your candles so the Flame of the Holy Spirit may permeate your consciousnesses and the Light of God is able to remain in all the spaces of this world.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

On that Apparition day, the participants arrived in pilgrimage to the House of Prayer, and then, responding to the request, the group began to pray while waiting for the meeting with the Divine Mother.

After an hour of prayer, the Presence of the Divine Mother was perceived and the sisters of the Monastery of Eternal Faith intoned the song "Celestial Mother."

At 7:33 am, the Mother appeared, and Friar Elías stood up. After a few minutes of contemplating the crown of the tree, he gave us the following account.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When the Divine Mother appeared in Heaven, there were three golden brilliant suns over Her, in a perfect triangulation, an equal-sided triangle. In the center of this triangle a golden cross joined with the letter M manifested; the cross was over the M. This symbol began to grow and expand through the area.

After a few seconds, the Divine Mother descended to the crown of the tree, accompanied by the Archangel Michael, who emerged from the triangle formed by the suns, which remained in Heaven. He took Her Left Hand and escorted Her in Her descent.

Now above the orange tree, they released Hands, and in the left hand of the Archangel Michael appeared a silver shield, at the center of the triangle of suns, engraved with the symbol of the letter M and the cross; there were also many small stars around the edge of the shield. In his right hand, Michael carried a lance.

Then, in the presence of the Celestial Mother and the Archangel Michael, some beings appeared who had experienced holiness and who had left great teachings for humanity. At the right of the Divine Mother, for a few instants, Saint Expedito could be seen, who greeted us and then disappeared. Immediately after, Saint Claire and Saint Francis appeared, who also greeted us and then disappeared.

The Divine Mother then asked that I look up and, through that symbol remaining in Heaven, in the middle of the triangle of suns (the letter M with the cross), an aspect of the Consciousness of God manifested. From the symbol emerged a great sphere of Light which positioned itself over the place where we were. I perceived that it came from a very high dimension and had descended toward us to fill us.

That image lasted several minutes, and afterwards, the Divine Mother walked over the three trees that are in front of us, and which also form a triangle, and over each of them She thrust a Christian cross, and then thrust a fourth cross over this ground. It seemed as if, with this act, She was decreeing and proclaiming the presence of the Light over this place.

She then rose up, placed Herself in Heaven over the three orange trees, and with Her Arms and Hands completely open, intensely radiated Her Light.

A few moments later, remaining in Heaven, She showed us She was writing a book. She used a small palm branch to write with and did so in Aramaic.

Then the image changed again; She descended over the crown of the Apparitions tree, and at that moment, began to open the Heavens even more to Her left, to Her right and upwards.

She then asked that we stand up because She would carry out a radiation of Light to each of us and to the whole world.

In silence, everybody stood up, and with closed eyes, prepared to receive the Light of the Divine Mother.

After a few minutes, Friar Elías continued describing what he perceived.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Heavens are open and there is a lot of Heavenly energy. There are some angelic beings that play trumpets, and a sound can be heard like deep thunder, which resounds throughout the universe.

The Mother, at this moment, is surrounded by many angels, and Her Crown of Stars can be very clearly seen, very illuminated and brilliant; among the stars the word MIRNA HE can be read, also resplendent.

The Divine Mother appears with a light blue Mantle and wears a golden cloth belt around Her waist. While She prays, She looks at us with great compassion and says:


Feel and listen to My Voice; I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


At that moment, and at the request of the Divine Mother, the female monks sang the "Hail Mary" once.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother says:


Do not fear. I Am the Queen of Redemption Who comes to eradicate evil from hearts.

The world will face a great illness in spirit and in faith if you do not join with Me in prayer.

Hear My Message; I am calling you so that Peace and Love may be established in the darkness, so that evil may be defeated and hearts be illumined through Me.

This is a moment of Peace. Be at Peace, for nothing more will happen. Everything will pass through Me.

Find refuge in Me; I have told you this time and again. Have faith in Me, feel the brilliance of My Heart, see the Light which is descending.

I Am the Queen of Redemption, the Queen of Divinity, conceived by the Holy Spirit, the Mother of the afflicted and the fallen.

I come to announce that as from today, and for 33 days, you must pray the prayer of the Universal Mother with Me, so I may rescue My children through these prayers.

Feel My Peace; I Am the Mother of Nazareth, the Guardian of prayerful silence.

The world will face suffering that will purify it, and you, My children, are to be the guardians of prayer with Me; in this way, My sword will be able to cut the ties with that which is is not of the Light.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is moving a sword horizontally through the whole space, a silver sword. Let us pray.


The group prayed the prayer: "Consecration to the Mother of Divine Mercy".

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She said that up until now we have prayed by the Son and by the Holy Spirit, and that now we must pray by the Father.


This request was accomplished by praying the same prayer.


The world will go through its damnation, but My Heart will triumph if you pray with Me and if My Heart finds lights burning in your hearts.

The battle must end with the coming of the Redeemer, the Master of the Heavens and Times, Who is allowing Himself to be seen by those who listen and respond to His Voice.

Today, I give you the Sacred Mantle that wrapped Jesus so you may wrap yourselves in it and take refuge in His Heart.

Mercy is stopping its flow and the moment is coming when Divine Justice is to flow.

At that moment, I will be the Mother of all those that wish to hear My Voice and My call.

Know that I will always extend My Arms to you so you may find My Peace and My Heart, a Heart that is emerging once again.

I leave you this Mantle so it may protect you and so you may join the commitment of Christ, of being spokespersons of His Peace and His Mercy coming from the Heavens. They are the same energies that have permeated Me as Mother of this Earth, as Guardian of the Heart of Jesus, as Disciple of His Instruction.

See My bare feet today, that have walked so far in search of souls, so they may find shelter in Me.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is showing Her Feet, which are of Light, and continues, saying:


Today I distribute My roses to you so you may feel My sublime aromas.

The rose is the mystery of the birth of My Heart, which was glorified after having gone through this Earth and having learned, as you are learning, about Love and Forgiveness. The rose is the resplendent essence of My Being, the Conception which God has given Me as Mother of creatures in purity and in ascension.

Today I leave My angels among you, so you may pray together with them for the rescue of souls, those that are asleep and those that have not found peace for a long time.

I am coming here as the Mother conceived by the Holy Spirit, the Messenger of Peace, the Guardian of hearts, the sincere Soul for each of you, that takes miseries into Her arms and transforms them into Love, the same Love with which I held Jesus Christ the Redeemer in My Arms. 

He gave Me to you so you may be in My Arms, as well as all My children in all ways, beliefs and thoughts. I Am the true movement of the Light, I Am the Flame of God that comes to ignite your hearts in this time of chaos and damnation.

Carry My flag of Peace in your hands so My Crown of Stars shines forth in your hearts and your souls rise up to Me, to find the new paths that seem to be dark because of so much distraction.

Go deeper into contemplative prayer; you are in time, there is no more time to lose.

What are you doing with your lives, My dears?

I am waiting to hear your calls in My Heart to accomplish the Graces that come from on High.

I Am the same Lady that instituted the Rosary, and now the Sacred Orandium, the inner connection with the great patriarchs who prayed continuously to profess the Voice of the Lord in their hearts. They, in that time, did not know of My existence nor the existence of My Son, the Redeemer.

But now, we are all in the same school, learning to open hearts that are closed. For this, I have come here, to this country, to announce My call of Peace and of Redemption.

I summon all to live in reconciliation before Divine Justice comes, and if this should pass  through you, your hearts will be open in prayer and the Law will be light upon creatures.

I come to announce, at the request of Our Most High Lord, the Omnipotent God, the Resplendent Single Mind that has created us in His image and likeness, in the image of His Love and Forgiveness, that you now open your hearts so My Heart may triumph and the legacy of Peace, which comes from My angels, is able to be established in all these nations that lack love and redemption.

I Am the Messenger of Peace, the Illumined Heart of Christ, who comes as the Mother and Protector of creatures, for those that cannot find refuge in this material world and who wait to rise up and set aside illusions.

Hear My Voice, I am calling you once again, as I have already done in other parts of the world. Feel My echo in Medjugorje, in Fatima, in Lourdes, in Guadalupe and in other places where My Message has not been formalized because of the lack of celestial understandings that affirm the presence of My Voice in all the hearts I seek.

The Kingdoms of Nature are in My Heart; they too are My children, that wait for your prayers in this time of chaos.

Who will pray for the plant that is dying? Who will have compassion for the animals that die? Do you know where your souls go?

Yes, a purgatory of the Kingdoms of Nature exists where they wait to be rescued so My Heart may exalt and lift them up to the essential Celestial Lakes, where they will be born again as lights to learn and live in this eternal evolution.

Receive the Light of My Heart today; listen and meditate on My call, pray with Me through these Words, for there you will find more keys so you may unite with Me and believe in what I am telling you.

As the Lord once said: "Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My Words will remain."

I Am the Bird of Divine and Compassionate Mercy for the hearts that are cast down by wars and despair.

Have you read My Fatima prophecies?

The third war is trying to descend, a war in thought and in conflict for property; property that is an illusion of hearts that have fallen and do not listen to God.

I come here, to this place, to establish My Redemption, My Peace in hearts, Love in all consciousnesses that believe in Me and also in those who do not believe in Me, that belong to other places and movements.

In the end, you will see My Voice and My Light pass before your hearts, and there you must take shelter in My Love, which is Merciful and Divine.

Today, I await you here, in the early hours of the night, so that with Me, you ignite the Light in the hearts you are not seeing, and which are suffering and in pain.

I Am the Queen of Peace and I want to establish My Peace, on this day, in more groups of souls that hope I will extend My Heart and My Arms to them, souls that have their consciousness and mind in darkness.

My call is higher, My Voice is preferred because My announcement comes from God; it does not come from Me. I am only fulfilling the Will to scatter the Love God has given Me as Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and today as the Glorified Mother among the angels and archangels.

My Essence is open to you and to all those that dare to cross toward the portal of My Heart, which will give Peace and Redemption in this time to all hearts. I will wait for you here, in this Center of Prayer, which through My Voice and My Immaculate Presence, opens the doors to all.

Do not fear what will come; wait in prayerful silence together with Me. My Rose of Light will be poured out over your heads, so the petals cover your bodies of light.

At 7:30 pm, the first procession will begin, with flames lit and hearts open.

You really do not know what My Presence means here and why I am speaking these Words to you, which must nurture your hearts so you may find shelter and protection in Me.

This will be the first procession to light the hearts of this world. The second will be on Friday, which will close the meeting with My Motherly Light until the next moments I come to give you My Peace.

By the splendor of My Immaculate Heart, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
