To My beloved children of Argentina

Dear children:

In these recent times, My Maternal and Immaculate Heart has accompanied, step by step, the social and spiritual situation of My beloved Argentina.

Today, I want to tell you that, at each moment, I have suffered with you the regression that the country has lived in recent years and, above all, I have contemplated the needs that the most vulnerable have experienced, as well as the entire families that have been forced to abandon My beloved Argentina due to the insecurity and the lack of future.

However, many of you remained in the country and, like the apostles in the Sea of Galilee, have faced the hard storm of the country and of all its people.

Argentina is the food provider of the world, and this will never change. This is why, on this day of decisions for each one of My Argentinian children, I want to tell you that, despite the situations of wars and emergencies that the Divinity attends, My Heart of a Mother will be with each one of you, because in the last four years, which were painful to My children of Argentina, your Heavenly Mother closely accompanied the experience and anguish of each son and daughter of Mine.

This is why, once again, My beloveds, I call you on this day not only to invoke the discernment of the Holy Spirit, but I also call you to pray with Me.

Therefore, this Sunday, in a special way, I invite all prayerful beings, and especially My children of Argentina, the Light-Network of this country, to unite in prayer, by praying a Mystery of the Holy Rosary together with the visionaries of this Work.

In this way, My appeal to God will be so that Argentina and all its people may live a greater time of Peace, Justice and Grace, so that the angel of Argentina may have the necessary strength and support of all My children of Argentina so that the country may rise spiritually and materially again, so that harmony, the common good and a fraternal spirit may be the bases that allow the country to recover the hope and peace it has lost.

Today, more than ever, dear children, in prayer and supplication, I will be united to all My Argentinian children, so that you may not forget that I love you and I will lead you to Jesus, so that you may live under His Divine Will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am here. I Am the Sun of God and I come to the world to illuminate this dark night, to remove from darkness all those who suffer the injustice of these times.

I am here. I Am the Sun of God. And I come to the world to awaken healing, peace and renewal within hearts.

I am here. I Am the Sun of God. I come to give to each human heart the Love of My eternal eart so that souls may not lose hope nor joy of being present at my Return to humanity.

I am here. This is why I am the Sun of God and I bring to the world the message of the Advent of Christ, the preparation of the inner worlds for the expected Return of the Redeemer.

I know that, for many of My companions, at this planetary moment, it is difficult to live this transition, which is unknown to all humanity, but I ask you not to become desperate. I come to ask you not to give up, but rather to open your arms to receive My celestial embrace.

Many nights, when darkness reigns, when the pain is unbearable for all those who suffer in these times, not only their purification, but also this situation of humanity and the planet, I come as the Guard of the Celestial Tower, to bring to My companions the watchful consolation of My Heart, My unchangeable Presence, which is unmovable, which is non-transferable and eternal for all those who have faith in Me.

This is why I come as the Sun of God, as the Sun of the Divinity, first to announce within the inner worlds the near coming of the King of the Heavens. I also come to prepare you to keep being My apostles of the end of times so that you may learn to love My Will, and you may carry forward My Will, just as it is written within the Heart of God for each one of you.

During many nights of these times, I have heard the prayers and supplications of My children, of My servants and My prayerful beings, especially of those who have had to experience the departure of some loved being for different reasons, for various motives, and I say to you, that I have contemplated all this with My Heart, from the needs of the little ones to the situations of the more adult ones.

My Heart is here as the Sun of God, as the Eucharistic Sun of God, to again give you this eternal Communion, which is immaterial and divine, which, in essence, the impulse of My merciful Heart so that you may have inner strength, bravery and much courage; so that you may not be taken by the injustice of these times, by the incoherence of the nations, by the lack of discernment of the rulers of the world.

I ask you, be My Gospel in life. Do not just read My Gospel, be My living Gospel and, thus, you will be a part of My living Word, of My living example of Redemption, which I impel for all hearts and souls.

Remember that Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Word will always remain, eternally resounding, as an impulse of light, in the hearts that trust Me. And even if to your right or to your left all may fall, stand firm, and you will not perish. Stand firm, with the firmness of the Love that I give you to face your own purification and the purification of the planet because the Sun of God is here today in Fatima, as this great sun once danced, danced in the skies of this place.

But the Sun that I bring to you today is the Sun of the Divine Source, the Sun that will always illuminate the times, situations and generations. Be brave and do not give up. When your heart aches, when your soul aches, when you no longer have strength to continue on, do not forget to say to Me: “Jesus, I trust in You”. 

This is the great key, the master key that will sustain all those who believe in Me, and, even more, all those who experience the Sacraments.

These times of planetary transition have led you to strengthen your immaterial faith, in these times you have often not been able to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist physically, but this is the time for you to deepen in this union with Me, through the Spiritual Communion, because I am also present in it, when a heart simply opens up to the certainty that I am in it, and that it is in Me.

The world and humanity have not yet understood what the Father needs. Know that God, the Father who is in Heaven, suffers for all that you experience and do, for all who have moved away from Love, from the Path and the Truth. But I come to make you return to this Path. I come as the Sun of God, to give you the Love of God, and I also come here to make you live the Truth.

Being here today with you feels like more than two thousand years ago, entering the cenacle of the heart of My companions so that you may feel My Presence, feel My strength, so that you may enter My Peace because what is still to come to this humanity will be very painful, but if hearts do not forget the vow of prayer, of sacrifice and renunciation, many situations will be avoided, especially by those who adore My Eucharistic Heart.

My faith lies within them, and they will be the flames of Light for this dark world. It will be the deep inner light of the adoring hearts that I will place available, in an unconditional way, for the inner worlds that most need it, for the regions of the world that have lost peace. And these hearts, converted into flames of Light of the Adoration of My Eucharistic Light, will transmute, with Me, the incoherence of this humanity, the injustice, the offenses, the sufferings and the sorrows of many hearts, especially of the families that emigrate to other nations, seeking a new opportunity that they have not yet found.

Because the indifference of this world is so great, that you have not realized that it has been Me Who has knocked on the door of many nations, seeking refuge, relief, shelter and food to survive.

Who will be willing, in this end time, to go with Me to the hells, and to not fear evil, without challenging it, but rather confronting it, with the supreme strategy of prayer, Adoration and Eucharistic Communion with Me?

I will never give you swords for you to fight against sword, because the one who fights with a sword will be wounded by a sword.

You have to learn to live as I lived for you here on Earth. Would you be able to do what I did for you and a little more? Would you be able to act just like your Master, who, in the Last Supper, knowing all that He would live and suffer for you, did not fail to give His Love and His divine Compassion to His apostles?

I only need you to have the courage to place your heads upon My Chest when you can no longer move forward: it is so simple, that many do not dare to do it.

I come here to teach you how to surpass your own limits. I come here to teach you to transform your resistances to the point that I need, in which you can come to thoroughly live My Will.

I want to tell you that I am with the whole world at this moment, and that I carry, within My Heart, all needs, however small they seem to be, because all is important to me, even that which is most imperceptible and silent, even that which only I can see; all is considered by your Master and Lord.

But I come to teach you that, through love, everything has its time, and all that which you may be experiencing as injustice or suffering has a spiritual reason that, in this cycle, you must learn to access, to know and deepen into, so that you do not see yourselves only as victims of something, but rather as active participants in the transformation of evil into Love, in the triumph of Love in all things.

The Sun of God comes to celebrate here, with you, the first Eucharistic celebration, so that souls may live the Spiritual Communion, especially all souls that are here in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. This consecration will reach these spheres, as an act of compassion and spiritual benefit for those who most need of it.

Before this moment, I want to send a special message to a daughter of Mine in the United States, who I know has emigrated from Lebanon to this country, with her family, especially with her sick little son, who, just like many children at this moment, on each day that passes, offer themselves as victims of My Love, for the redemption and transmutation of humanity.

Little brave souls, who make great sacrifices, in the same way that the shepherds in Fatima did, so that one last opportunity may exist for all those who are already condemned to the day of Final Judgment, this is why these souls are victims of My Love.

What I want to tell this mother from Lebanon, who has recently lost her son, is that she may no longer suffer, because her son is with Me in Paradise. The little ones are those who reach My Heart the most, due to their innocence and their purity.

This is why I tell this mother from Lebanon to rejoice and offer this moment to God as an act of reparation and mercy for all that her little son has suffered at this hospital in the United States, that I have visited many times.

Jean is here with Me, be at peace.

Let us celebrate.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We offer, Lord, this incense, so that You may elevate all souls to the heart of Your Celestial Church. Amen.

We offer this water, Lord, so that You may purify our hearts and souls, so that we may be accepted and received as a model of redemption and reconciliation in the Hands of God, for the triumph of the Love of Christ. Amen.

Responding to the request of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we unite, at this moment, to His Divine Will. We ask Him to grant the inner Grace of living it every day, so that His Plan of Love may be manifested on the surface of this planet.

Before the Presence of Jesus, we unite to Him in spirit and consciousness, and we celebrate this moment under the joy of the renewal and peace that He brings us in these times.

For this, for a moment, in the silence of our hearts, we recognize our faults and ask Him for forgiveness so that His reconciling Spirit may enter within us and so that, with our hearts clean, we may live the joy of this Spiritual Communion.

O! Blood of Christ,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts.
Have pity on us, Lord.



On that night, before Christ was handed over, He gathered at the Cenacle to institute the Eucharist, the greatest Legacy of His Love for all humanity and the planet.

Thus, at that hour, Our Lord took the bread, raised it to God and offered it to the Father so that the bread would be converted into His Body. Then, Jesus broke it and, offering it to His apostles, said to them, “Take it and eat it, because this is My Body, which will be handed over by humanity for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise, You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise, You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise, You, Lord, and we bless You.

Then, before the Supper ended, Jesus took the Chalice in His Hands and, offering it to God so that it would be converted into His Blood, He offered it to His companions, saying to them, “Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by Your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ. May the hearts that avail themselves of this Divine Sacrament rejoice so that Peace may be established.

United to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we say the prayer that Jesus taught us, to consummate this consecration and this offering at the Altar.

Prayer: “Our Father.”

We announce Peace within all hearts of this planet. May the Peace and the Love of Christ descend to Earth.

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.

To all our brothers and sisters throughout the whole world, we announce the Spiritual Communion with Our Lord.

The powerful form of Light enters the inner worlds of souls, so that souls may merge into Christ. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.

Today, the Sun of God, in Fatima, can retreat in Peace, with the perfect conviction of having delivered the impulse to as many souls as possible.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in My Peace.


On this day, receive My maternal embrace, just as Jesus received it since He was a child, until He became an adult and died on the Cross for all.

Receive My maternal embrace, My child, so that you may feel the Love of God beyond everything, so that blame, pain and despair may be dissolved from your heart.

Receive My maternal embrace so that you may be within the trust of God and be able to take the steps toward His Kingdom of light and of hope.

Receive My maternal embrace so that you may feel that you are not alone in this difficult moment, and that the containment of the universe will support you until, on your own, you may walk only in the direction of the encounter with My Son.

Receive My maternal embrace for this last time, remaining in the task of the Messages of the Mother of God so that, through My embrace, you may always remember the wonder of the Love and the Mercy of My Son, something that will always lead you toward God.

Receive My maternal embrace with all the affection of a good and sacrificial Mother Who protects and cares for Her little ones, so that they may always be safe under the divine protection of the Creator.

Receive My maternal embrace, because the end of this time is now arriving and you need to be fortified in order to face it and to live it according to how the universe expects it.

Receive My maternal embrace so that you may know that I will always be there to support you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace




I know what it means to stop seeing Jesus because, after His Ascension, I still remained on Earth for many more years, awaiting the fulfillment of the eternal Will of the Father.

To stop seeing and feeling Jesus, even being My Son, was an unforgettable experience and feeling of emptiness for the Heavenly Mother. But in spite of that moment, Christ always reminded us that His Love for humanity was eternal,  it would never change, because My Son came from the Father, and from the Father comes the Source of His Love.

A cycle now ends with My Son after many years of instruction and Graces. I understand that, as a Mother, the moment of the end of a stage causes souls to face the possibility of recognizing all that was received, word for word, and as from that point on, each soul has the Grace, in the next cycle, of living everything that it was taught.

Over the course of the ages, all those who were visionaries of the Apparitions of the Virgin or of Jesus experienced and went through this moment of it finalizing so that they could begin another stage.

I know that it is not easy for the visionaries to stop seeing the Son of God or His Heavenly Mother, but everything has a reason, since Our Sacred Hearts ardently wait for souls to apply the message itself in their lives. This will allow the gradual accomplishment of the Plan and the Will of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


I Am not only Jesus, but a Divine Consciousness that emerged from an extremely high non-material Source, and came to the world to awaken redemption in humanity.

But before I emerged from that non-material Source, many situations occurred in the Universe, many failures and errors were committed.

It was the decision of the Great Celestial Father that the Second Person of His Most Holy Divinity should descend to Earth with the Power of the Spirit and of all the Creative Love  to be able to incarnate on Earth and bring the Good News of salvation.

The Son of God, when once among you, performed many spiritual and inner tasks. Up until now humanity has only come to know ten percent of that Mission.

The spiritual Mission that the Father entrusted to Me was more profound than it seemed.

The Passion, the Death on the Cross, and then the Resurrection and the Ascension were significant events of that great spiritual Mission on Earth.

In truth, companions, since before I incarnated on Earth as a human being and to be among you, My Father entrusted Me to help all the material Universe, the great fallen ones, so that they could be redeemed and converted.

That spiritual Mission was not known to humanity, because at that time, as well as in the times following the great presence of Jesus on Earth, the human being was still very immature to be able to know it and understanding it.

All this was possible through the action of the superior and immaterial laws that are not within the reach of humanity.

I come to reveal, companions, to all of humanity, to those who believe and those who do not believe, that the great moment of the return of the Lord is approaching and there is still a little time left for repenting and redeeming.

I bring to you all the possibilities from the Universe

I present to your lives all the paths that lead to My Heart.

But you must always recognize a single Regent Consciousness: that in which you originated and created you, that being present in the spiritual and supra-spiritual Universe, expects all of Its creatures of the material Universe to be able to take the great step towards redemption, recognizing their errors, taking responsibility for their failures, transforming their lives by the compelling power of My Mercy; it is that spiritual energy which I bring to you in this time, as the last lifesaver for your salvation.

But today I do not need you to recognize your sins or your failures, because I already know them all, profoundly.

I come to raise your consciousnesses toward the true spiritual reality that your souls are still searching for, so that they can melt into God, and on the Path of God, find their sacred task for these times, the fulfillment of their spiritual mission for this end of time.

I need, companions, that you to open your consciousness and your hearts so that My Divine Fire may descend upon you, and you are not only bathed by My Spirit, but also redeemed by My Grace.

That immaterial Source from which I come from the spiritual Universe, is still intact and you can recognize It within you because God has given you an inner Universe that you must still discover, that you must still deepen so as to find the Divine Purpose of Creation on your paths, the goal and the objective that brought you here, to this life that goes beyond the superficial and material life.

It is time, companions, and before the spiritual Universe that today awaits you, so that you can recognize your spiritual mission in this period, knowing that there is not much time left for the great purification of the Earth and of humanity.

But you can count on My support, on My Hope and on My Faith to be able to move through this transition of the end of times; something that you have never lived  and that for the first time, you will go through in these critical times.

But if your consciousnesses and your hearts are truly connected with the Heights and united to God, the immaterial Source from where I come will aid you and will help you, and all the sublime currents of the Universe will come to your aid.

Even though you are purifying yourselves of mind and body, the spirit of each one of you, if united to Me, will not lose the spirit of the joy of God.

I also bring this opportunity for all of humanity, because the human consciousness still has not risen to be able to perceive, beyond material life, the errors committed, and thus enter into the School of Redemption that I offer to you; a place in which you will be able to perceive and recognize which attributes of life you must live in this time, in order to definitely move away from many customs and habits that only stain your souls and separate you from God, distancing you from Love and from Truth.

I promised from the beginning to tell you the Truth and I will fulfill this until I return physically to Earth.

But when I return physically, many things will have happened, because in the most acute moment of humanity is when I will enter from the Universe to the planet, and no one will be able to say that I Am not the Christ, the Master among masters, that will return to announce the Good News and gather all those redeemed to again celebrate the restoring and redeeming communion of the end of times together with the Celestial Father.

While you have time to prepare yourselves for this event, do not allow your lives to be distracted by the world and that the distraction completely absorb you, until it is able to take away your reason and discernment. 

We are in a time of planetary rescue, but this will be physically seen shortly.. First the spiritual Universe will intervene in humanity, because it is your spirits that need this great opportunity in these times, so that all of your history kept in your inner Universe may be redeemed.

Do not miss the opportunity of knowing the Grace. That is the Divine Grace that has brought Me here today to Camboriú, to radiate what this people in Southern Brazil spiritually need, to be able to correct their paths and enter into the Kingdom of God just as they deserve, by means of their efforts, their prayer, their unconditional service to others, in the name of fraternity and of solidarity among all creatures.

In this way, you will be taking sure steps and you will draw closer to My Heart more and more so that I may fill you and illumine you through My Divine Essence, which has the power of more than hundreds of suns to illuminate all the Universes and all consciousnesses. That essence is a Spiritual and Non-material Sun that was manifested by the Non-material Source from which I emerged, to bring the great impulse to this local Universe, and especially to this humanity.

The whole Universe contemplates the opportunity that you may be able to take that great step. The doors to the Divine Mercy of God are still open. Thus, you will be able to lift your beings toward the High and enter into the Heart of God to be able to be in perpetual communion with Him and receive His Sacred Presence in your hearts.

Perhaps you do  not understand everything that I tell you today. It is through the immaterial Laws that I am able to pour My Message upon the world, like a tributary of Grace and of Mercy for humankind.

And thus, you are also participants in all the codes of light that My Heart brings today for those who will be redeemed.

The time has come for Me to show My true Face. But in order to see It, and particularly recognize it, you must prepare as the apostles prepared, who in prayer and in vigil, without knowing it, recognized the Face of the Lord in the Heights of Mount Tabor, a place where I displayed and also showed them My transfigured Aspect, just as God manifested Me from His Source with all of the power of His Divine Humility.

The world will not be able to say that it did not know how to change and that the spiritual Universe did not come to warn them that it was the time of the great change in consciousness, with effort and resolve, with faith and with the impulse of spirit.

For this reason, I bring you higher revelations, so that your consciousnesses may be uplifted and you perceive and see reality, the emergency of these times at a planetary level and at  level of humanity. It is there that indifference must be eradicated, so that the love may reign that will bring the impulse for the transformation of all beings and the elevation of consciousness of the planet toward its true and real time.

The effort must be very great, but those who decide from the heart, will count on the help and guidance of the Hierarchy, because the Plan of God works in the Hierarchy, and everything is possible when the Plan is followed in obedience and transparency.

Outside of these rules, the Plan will not be fulfilled in any consciousness.

The human being of these times, in those who have perverted and deviated after  many Graces, from the Blood shed on the Cross to all the Christian martyrs and blessed in spirit, must reverse that spiritual situation with their effort, to be able to be worthy of the Grace, that like a very powerful flow of light, will transform their lives overnight.

But it is necessary that you be determined and that you confirm your consciousnesses to God, because My Words will no longer pass. They must be divine attributes in your lives so that the Plan of God may be reached and materialized on the surface of the Earth.

I am here to help you and give you an impulse.

I wish the good for everyone and the end of indifference in the human race.

I need you to be pillars of My Work, just as the Father needs, because My Church in the world is collapsing because of so many blasphemies committed and so many transgressions carried out on the consciousness that I most adore, the children.

This calvary must be reversed; the power of the Cross of the Redeemer must triumph.

But first you must represent My Cross in your lives, elevating your consciousnesses to the Hights and extending your arms in donation, in charity, in mercy, and in good wherever you may go and to whomever you meet on your paths.

That will greatly reverse the debts of humanity and more points of light will be able to continue opening over the surface of the Earth, because you will demonstrate to the Universe, and mainly to the Creator, that there is a part of your consciousnesses that is understanding the Hierarchy.

I tell you again, companions, that from the spiritual Universe I bring possibilities for everyone, not only to reverse your pain and suffering, but to be able to confirm you in the commitment with the Creator.

This sacred planet, all the sacred Kingdoms, must fulfill the purpose for which they were created in the Genesis. After having deviated and perverted, the awakening of the consciousness of humanity will allow healing to come for all of the planet. And in this way, equality will be established among the peoples, among the races, and mainly, among the nations.

Today this is all that I can tell you. Your consciousnesses have a point to be able to support the powerful currents of the Universe, which desicively and imperatively, come to  the aid of humanity.

 Have these currents flow in your lives through good examples, a life of prayer, of donation of self, of service, of consideration for a fellow being and all the Kingdoms of Nature.

At this time let us lift the offering of each one of your hearts to God, so that your inner Universe enters into communion with the Divinity and the Universe.

We stand up.

Your Master and Lord, the Son of God, of the living God, will bless and consecrate the elements offered on the Altar so that souls may commune of the Most Holy Trinity, in perfect harmony and attunement, and so that the fruits of Creation may awaken in simple and humble hearts.

Lord of Life Who created all and manifested all, powerful Celestial Father, sublime Divine Consciousness, consecrate these elements that are today being offered at the doors of the Celestial Universe as an act of reparation and of healing for the hearts most in need of Your Light and of Your Truth. Amen.

Father, baptize Your children with Water of Life, just as You once baptized Your Son in the Jordan River with Your Spirit of Life, so that Your Works may manifest in all those who are congregated by Your Love. Amen

A moment of offering to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus.

At that time, I took the bread, giving thanks to God and He blessed it with His Divine Spirit. I gave it to My apostles, saying to them: "All take and eat of it, for this is My Body that is surrendered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

And thus, the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God entered into the apostles and in all of those present on the inner planes.

Lifting the Chalice to God, giving thanks for the Sacrifice that would be lived and experienced, the Father blessed it, and I passed it to My apostles, saying to them: "All take and drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood that today will be surrendered for everyone for the forgiveness of sins. Always do this in Remembrance of Me until I return to the Earth."

Our Father...

Eat of this Body and drink of this Blood so that your spirits may reach eternal Life.

I have received your offerings in My Heart. I will cry out and ask for each one of them to the Celestial Father.

I hope that the example of your lives will serve for many more, knowing that it is still necessary that the powerful current of My Divine Mercy continue to help the world.

The Peace of My Heart be in you and that your lives always represent Peace, knowing that the Peace of God is essential for these times, for the descent of the spiritual Universe over humanity.

As an act of reparation and of healing, as an act of joy and of gladness, and especially, of reconciliation with God, in My Name you will give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you for having been with Me today, something that has been indispensable for Me and essential for your souls.

I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you!


Songs of Figueira - "Devotion"

"Devotion" is a song of Figueira that implores for and invokes the cosmic Mercy and a universal grace, permeated by the one and absolute Divine Creator Spirit.

"Devotion" is a call, a request of the innermost and deepest worlds of the soul of one who, in surrender and resignation, offers themselves to the Creator to be transformed, redeemed, and blessed by the Higher Law of Love.

The song "Devotion" presents itself to us as the key to access the Gifts that Christ offers, as is the spiritual Water, one of the millenary nourishments of Creation that sanctifies and quenches the thirst of humankind.

Through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, we find Christ as the principal saving model for humanity and the planet; we find Him in the inner world of each being, as the universal Redeemer and Intercessor between humanity and God.

For this reason, Christ is presented in the song "Devotion" in His true Aspect, something yet not recognized by His Church on Earth, but testified to in the different Gospels, and just like the Transfiguration of Jesus, a mystery yet to be revealed.

In this sense, the song makes an appeal for the life of the surface to be corrected from the deviation that it has lived, time and again, due to ignorance, pride, and human power.

In this way, the song invites the devotee of Christ to drink of the true and pure Fount that the Master offers to all beings, so that each soul may be completely satiated by the Redeeming Love that the Divine Person of Christ, in fusion with His Divinity, offers in this song.

The Water He offers not only purifies and cleanses, but also redeems and uplifts the consciousness in state and in plane in order to find the spiritual meaning of its existence.

Thus, the Master appeals to everyone to love one another as brothers and sisters so that there are no confrontations and struggles between beings and peoples.

In the song "Devotion," it is prophesied, in simple words, the importance that love prevails, in order to dissolve conflicts and, later on, wars.

After thirty years of the creation of these songs and poems of devotion to the Hierarchy, a warning is revealed, especially in this song "Devotion,"  to prevent human catastrophes.

And, in truth, the opposite took place because the human being allowed themselves to be defeated by the power and the arrogance to conquer the world, forgetting the rules of love and allowing themselves to be submerged in error.

Renewing the appeal of this sacred prophecy, expressed in this song, the last Christs will be those who will place human life again on the right pathway, a life that has been perverted, separating itself from the true reason of its existence.

The last Christs will be those who will give their lives for the rest.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


The Faith of Jesus was not based on spiritual arguments or justifications.

The Faith of Jesus came from a true conviction that knowledge arose and was born of the Love granted by God to each inner core; that made His Faith simple, humble, and true as knowledge.

This Faith was given impulse by an absolute trust in the Celestial Father, this strengthened it in and of itself. It was not a Faith that would appropriate anything, not even spiritual or non-material.

Jesus fed His Faith through the Love that His own Heart had for the Divine Will. It was that Love what strengthened His Faith and granted everybody the revelation of the divine and cosmic mystery.

Through His Faith, Jesus brought the realization of the divine mandate, which allowed a change in the course of events and straightened the inner deviation of consciousnesses.

The Love and the Faith in Jesus were inseparable, one could not prevail without the other; since those inner virtues, in perfect equilibrium and harmony, were what granted the miracles.

The Faith of Jesus had nothing rational or even scientific about it. Although it was based on the lines of knowledge of the Supreme Law, His Faith was completely filled by Love, which made of Him a Being full of wisdom and understanding.

This Faith that lived in Jesus is the same Faith that Christ tried to awaken and place in the depths of the hearts of humankind.

Because, in essence, the Faith of Jesus demonstrates to surface beings that they are capable of moving beyond themselves, in order to live and to experience the reason for their existence, their purpose, and their goal, captured in the inviolable mystery of the Divine Will.

If souls imitated the Faith of Jesus, the tests that the Universe grants them would not be problems or obstacles.

To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to not be self-willed, it is to have a heart available to love any consciousness, in any situation; it is to say "yes" when one is called upon to give more of oneself than one could.

To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to not be afraid of recognizing mistakes and of trying and amend them with transparency so as to not make them again.

To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to believe that beyond oneself there is Something higher and divine that governs us, that we have a purpose to fulfill, and an unknown Will to embrace and love with all our strength.

To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to not fear falling and getting up as many times as necessary to affirm our union with the Eternal Father.

I thank you for imitating the Faith of Jesus!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Within the Mysteries of Light, souls find the inner strength they need in order to learn how to overcome this time within themselves.

But what does the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan mean to you? And the first miracle granted at the wedding in Cana?

What does the proclaiming of the Good News through the announcement of the Gospel mean to you? And the luminous Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor?

What does the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles mean to you?

In all events we not only see the Light of Christ acting, working and transforming all things, but we also see the Light of God manifested by means of His beloved Son.

The Mysteries of Light are the revelation of the Divine Source by means of the public life of Christ. In such deeds we see the Divine Knowledge act through the Sacred Word.

The Word again demonstrates to earthly humankind that It is the beginning, for in the beginning was the Word, and from the Word, life arose.

By means of the Mysteries of Light, we shall find the Light of knowledge that will lead us into making our whole being sacred, as well as our whole existence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the venerated and most gentle Lady of Schoenstatt, the Mother thrice admirable for Her Grace, for Her Love, and for Her intercession.

The Lady of Schoenstatt is a divine invocation and an inspiration of a faithful devotee of Mary.

In Mary of Schoenstatt, My children find the opportunity to be favored by three divine intercessions of Our Lady; that is to say, by the authority of Her Grace, by the authority of Her Love, and by the power of Her intercession before the Celestial Father for all of humanity.

Happy are those who invoke the power of Mary of Schoenstatt, for they will be entering in consciousness into a profound state of Grace and of Mercy.

May Mary of Schoenstatt be the model and the way for finding the conversion and the redemption of your life.

Mary of Schoenstatt is the ever admirable and honorable Virgin Who watches over and protects each child who surrenders into Her maternal arms.

Mary of Schoenstatt is the mediator, a model for non-spiritualized humanity. In Her can be found the hope and the receptacle where the aspiration for remaining in perpetual communion with Christ may blossom.

The reason Mary of Schoenstatt holds the Divine Son in Her arms is to remind the world that every path of love and of understanding begins through Mary of Schoenstatt. 

Let the adorable Virgen be the model for achieving inner peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The world is deaf and does not hear the Words of God, the ones that arrive by means of His Heavenly Messengers. The deafness of the world was caused by the material vices, the modernities and the total lack of control of life; thus the souls are tied up to these strong chains and are incarcerated in the prison of earthly life.

The inner strength fades, the flame of love is not able to last in them, and I come from Heaven to save those who are lost and blind for straying from the spiritual path.

I see how My children, the children Jesus handed to Me on the cross, allow themselves to be taken over by superficial things and give up to continue advancing on the pathway of light.

Everything is in its Trial and this, My children, is inevitable. Therefore, time and again, with all the love of the Universe, I come to call My children to awaken from the dream from which they have no awaken yet.

The mediocrity of human life is very big and this does not allow the Light of the Kingdom of God to be able to penetrate in the great abysms of Earth. It is so that the Heavenly Hierarchy carries out the plan to dilute little by little the global hypnotism of humanity.

Your Heavenly Mother gathers the soldiers and summons them to the prayer for peace, for the bands to fall from the faces and the hearts can feel for a moment that the Love of God has descended.

The Father wishes the best for each of His children; the souls are the ones that decide to deviate, far away from their lives, this intimate wish of God.

The world as a whole has decided to learn through pain, indifference and sin. But this is not fair for the planet nor for the lower Kingdoms of Nature that bear the result and the consequences of the human actions.

I come to take off the bands from the eyes of all My children for them to be able to see and feel that beyond this concrete reality there is a celestial Universe, that is the Higher Kingdom that will always provide everything you need. And many still delay their awakening to this celestial reality and suffer, only suffer.

It is time to overcome the layers of human inertia and encourage yourselves to discover the Love of God by the Love of His Beloved Son.

I leave you this reflection for you to work on it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In eternal prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages
Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Thirty-Three, transmitted in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am present every day in the most simple and inhospitable places of the world, for example, in this simple garden consecrated to My maternal Heart.

It is this way, children, that I would like to be in your hearts all the time, to guide you to Jesus and His Divine Kingdom.

On this day, I also come as the Lady of the Thirty-Three to strengthen in the inner planes the spiritual mission of Uruguay and of all its people that must decidedly grow in sanctity and in the service of God.

Therefore, in this month of May, the groups of the Light-Network of Uruguay and the groups of all of America will be placed in an important confederate mission that will open the doors to knowledge, to training and, above all, to the union of all consciousnesses that want to follow the Law of the Hierarchy.

If this adhesion and response were as positive and mature as other previous answers given by the groups, America as a continent would count on inexplicable spiritual support during the most acute moment of its purification and, in this confederate mission, the groups will be more firm to widely help without borders during the planetary crisis.

So, dear children, your Heavenly Mother will be at the inner command of this spiritual task that will try to displace the destiny of the Americas, very serious social, environmental and political problems that would cause all humanity present here to lose control.

Thus, today I am again founding the Light-Network of prayer, which at this time will be one of the active branches of the planetary Light-Network. The Light-Network of prayer will be a more open consciousness and will welcome all who aspire to experience the prayer schedules of the Divine Messengers, but who, until this moment have not been able to consecrate themselves as part of the planetary Light-Network.

The Light-Network of prayer will be like the Light-Network of service or the Light-Network of healing, and can be integrated by collaborators who are beginners, servers and pilgrims who are learning to take the first steps in the task with the Hierarchy.

Therefore, the more than 300 groups that form the planetary Light-Network throughout the world will be those who welcome and become the guardians of these souls that have been formed within the Light-Network of prayer, service and healing, and who will be united to the nuclei of service as well as to the different cities where the new members come from.

The restructuring of this network of prayer, service and healing is a response to the needs of the newcomers who have not yet gone through instruction, but who have the impulse to join a more open proposal like prayer, service and healing, tasks that can also be united to the service of the missionary Light-Network.

In all of this, the planetary Light-Network in each region and city will be creating new flocks that will be coming, this will be, for all the groups of the planetary Light-Network, a great service for humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the formation of new apostles,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children:

Just as Jesus carried the Cross of the world, you are being called to carry your own cross so that one day everything will be redeemed.

My children, the sacrifice that My Son lived for you went beyond the material and spiritual life. In this whole sacred mystery of the Passion of Jesus many Laws acted to generate the redemption of humanity.

Dear children, assuming your internal sacrifice for humanity, I bring you the possibility to help transcend the deviated paths of millions of souls in the world through the power of prayer and of peace.

On this day in which we prepare ourselves to see Jesus as the Great Lamb that is taken to the slaughterhouse, let us offer to the Celestial Father our alliance with His Spirit and with all the Higher Kingdom.

I open the door for you to walk to My Heart with firm steps of definition.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guides you through the Passion of Jesus,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary


Never forget that I am the Great Mirror of the Mercy of God, which lovingly offers redemption to the world.  Never forget that I am Your Mother and that I incarnated in this world in order to remind you about the Purity of God; that I am by your side at all times, both in joy and in the tests. 

I am that Lady that suffered together with Jesus, and I am the same One that carries with you the Cross that God gave you.  I have come to the Kingdom of Aurora to let you know about healing of the soul and of the spirit.  I have come to this sacred ground to reveal the sacred precinct and the divine refuge to all the hearts.

If this is your house, why will you not come?  If your heart woke up in Aurora, why will you not call Her?  I need you to learn to redeem yourself in this sacred place.  Maybe your being does not find beauty and perfection here, but your consciousness will rejoice because it will see in the horizon the Light of redemption.

For this, encourage yourself to be transformed overnight.  Let My own Aurora show you the steps towards inner healing.  Do not depreciate this opportunity. You know that millions of souls neither know this nor have the Grace of receiving, like you do, the power of the healing love.

The planet suffers for so many condemnations and for so many tests and you must be this new divine cell in profound redemption.

You must not live for yourself anymore; rather, you must live for that which God wants, thus you will get to know the true and great Will in your life.  Walk with trust towards this great discovery.  A new awakening waits for you.  An ultimate call is being announced to the world.

Neither keep rancor towards your own self nor towards your brothers and sisters.  Rid yourself right away from the bonds that take you to constant error.  You must no longer be the same, you must be that which My Son expects.  You must no longer think like you think or work like you have worked until now.    You must be that which you have never lived.  You must reflect the true being that you have not yet awakened within you.

For this I do not come as Your Mother in order to awaken your mind because in this way you will never understand that which I say to you as long as your ideas act.  Thus, live like My Son taught you by means of His Passion.

Love beyond your preferences and likings.  Love with maturity in order to be able to see the meaning of true love.  I come to divest you from arrogance to give you the clothes of love.  I come to remove haughtiness from you in order to give to you the holy meekness in hand.  I come to extract pride from you, so that I can show simplicity to you.

I want you to be a different being from this moment on.  I hope that you will understand and feel the path that I am showing you, the path towards the absolute inner emptiness.  But do not fear to be naked and display so many imperfections;   seek the essence and the humiliations so that your ways will be transmuted. 

Stay by My side and you will not suffer.  Live in the refuge of My Heart and you will free yourself from everything.  Amid so much human wickedness I must rescue the most in need so that they will be redeemed seeds in the New Earth.

Do not fear the possession of your own life because the true life waits for you in the cosmos.  Let yourselves be guided day and night.  Surrender to My Instruction and make an effort to change, thus God will be able to hope for the Plan to continue.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you profoundly and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Sovereign Rose of Peace


Dear children,

May peace reign in times of purification. May transcendence of all of your beings predominate in times of consecration, always with the help of the Beloved Jesus; He will show you the blessed path for your lives to finally find the internal union with the Kingdom of God.

Dear children, may all the diseased be consoled through the ray of My maternal healing, may the deep wounds of the consciousness be healed through the blessed love delivered to you by My Heart. Blessed are those who suffer for humanity and who help the Plan to be fulfilled in spite of the times of adversity.

Dear children, I am calling the new apostles of My Son to fulfill the part of the Plan of salvation that the Lord needs to accomplish, such as it was with other consciousnesses who sanctified their lives in the past.

Every day, lovingly I come to show you the path to the consecration to God, a deep surrender which will be performed on behalf of all those souls that, having a commitment to Christ, have moved away from the true purpose.

I show you in this hour the sacred path towards the Purpose. I call you to be cooperators of this important Plan of Redemption, which is guided by Christ, Your Lord.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who blesses you and heals you spiritually,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

While My most pure Heart of Love listens to your prayers and the prayers of all those who respond to the call of your Heavenly Mother, God the Father has mercy on His children and tries, with His most precious Power, to have His angels of Heaven help reverse the evil of humanity.

My children, so that this may happen and so that impossible Graces may expand, I come to ask you to place your trust in My Son and in each prayerful word that is pronounced daily. It will be the inner power of this confidence that will prevent many things, and this full confidence will awaken faith and, above all, you will be recognized as worthy children of God.

Dear children, you know that the whole world will pass through its deepest cycle and acute spiritual illness, an illness that lies in the soul and mainly in the heart of each child of Mine. Throughout the years, I have taught you the path to dissolve all evil. This path is love, love among yourselves and your peers. This powerful and divine love will allow the cure of the spiritual illness which the whole of humanity experiences.

I encourage you to make every act of the day an act of love and mercy. Do not allow, My children, the hatred or lies to prevail in your lives. Starting today, seek to transform all evils of humanity through the important inner conversion. Do not wish to convert your whole being in a short time, open the path so that your being may know in consciousness all that which you must banish. Thus, dear children, you will gradually be changing all customs that lead the world to separate itself from the Love of God.

The world forgot to love God; therefore it suffers. God needs you to seek His Kingdom and to live in this world through His Kingdom of Love. Be apostles in transformation. Be true witnesses of the One who will come, in the most culminating hour, bringing once again His Glory and His Peace.

Be loving at all times, the world needs your hearts to pour the Love of Jesus without arrogance or control. Give love and your deepest wounds will be healed. Surrender to God that which until now you have kept under a thousand keys. Surrender your little hearts; thus, My Heart will also triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who rules you in the name of Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

While this world suffers the consequences of a great human wickedness, today I come with Saint Joseph in order to elevate towards the Heavens the ones who suffered and died in the recent world developments.

I place My hope in all of the hearts that in the end of times will have in their hands the banner of peace.

The wrath of God is provoked by so much injustice that falls on the innocent and makes us believe that the one who have power stronger.

But this will not last.  In order to avert a catastrophe in the human life, and to prevent the degeneration of the entire race I ask you again to dedicate to Me at least one mystery of the Holy Rosary a day as to thus alleviate the bitterness that God feels when He sees His children hurting one another.

So that the Sacred Hearts will be able to dissipate the currents of evil that expand like poison in the heart of humans, I come to beg you, My beloved children, that you offer Me the most pure prayer of the heart so that I may transmute the arrogance and the power of humans.

I wish to ask of you, in the name of My Beloved Son, that you pray with Me during sixty days, so that in this cycle the Grace of God and the unfathomable power of Mercy will avert the beginning of a third worldwide war.  If this came to pass, the whole world would lose the little peace that exists, and the most innocent would pay the price of human cruelty.

So that the Love and the Justice of God will reign above all, I come to ask that you beseech the Almighty God, because humanity is deviating itself more each day from its true mental and emotional coherence.

Although My crying has not calmed down, I desire, children of Mine, that you will implore the Merciful Jesus for His divine intervention to be established in the bosom of this sick humanity.  If more than two praying people unite under this sacred purpose, tragedies will be avoided, and peace will reign for some more time.

I ask God that all of My children become seriously aware so that they will cross this Armageddon in peace and harmony.

I thank you for alleviating the weeping of the Sacred Hearts!

In the peace that the world needs, who prays for you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Note: The Mystery of the Rosary begins on the 19th of November of 2015 for 60 days.


When a soul emerges from the Source of God, it is sent as an emanation of a cosmic experience towards some place in the universe. When it finally reaches its thought destination, it begins to evolve as divinity, then as spirit, and finally as soul.

The soul of each being is the expression of that divine life that is gestated in the greater universe, and it is the cosmic experience of this soul that enriches the life of the whole cosmos and that of other consciousnesses, just as Jesus ennobled the universe through His Presence in the world.

The soul that travels through the cosmos from experience to experience always finds something to learn throughout time until it finally cannot avoid passing through the main school of love that is this planet, where the Son of God taught about higher love.

It is because of this that each wayfaring soul of the cosmos reaches this sacred planet to learn about love and carry it back as a testimony of redemption to its greater origins. Every soul that goes through this school comes here to forgive and to learn something; there is no consciousness in this world that should not ask for forgiveness and redemption.

The Consciousness of Your Heavenly Mother brings all from different points of the universe so that the hearts may learn in the school of forgiveness and of love. Centuries may go by, as they already have, but until the soul learns to love as Christ loved, it cannot leave this planet. The Law of love is a precious one, because everything that is impossible to forgive, heal, or transcend becomes possible through the school of this love.

Thus, My children, if any part of your inner or outer being does not manifest love, reconciliation or forgiveness, it is because it has not yet learned to love as God needs it to. An essential key is patience, the science of peace, something which the majority of human beings does not pay attention to.

The lack of peace leads to error, to the excessive impulse of precipitate actions and decisions. But if through the power of prayer the Love of God is invoked, little by little all that wounds within and generates chaos will be healed.

It is the lack of real love that is placing humanity upon a dangerous precipice. It is because of this that the Mother of God is again drawing closer to the world to tell you:

“Children, do not love with arrogance, or possessively; search within yourselves for the pure love that God gave you. Humanity suffers and condemns itself daily, and My Son, filled with mercy, cannot pour out His liberating fount. Therefore, search above every error or sin for union with the Eternal; thus you will open the path for Grace to be able to convert the hard hearts.”

I thank you for answering My call!

Who loves you, just as Christ loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


From Heaven and from the whole Greater Universe, I come to awaken your souls and your consciousnesses to the infinite life of the Cosmos.  In those divine spaces and divine dwellings, your inner beings have a favorite place before the Kingdom of God.  It is in this way, children, that evolving life makes up part of a great experience of love, forgiveness and redemption throughout the entire Cosmos, where suns, stars and galaxies, unknown to humanity, rule.  

Other humanities express themselves in the Universe, just as the rays that have their own colors and shapes.  In the spaces of the Universe, evolving life is the keynote of the whole ancient experience and this transcends the history of your humanity.  You, children, come from different parts of the Universal Heaven and from there you came to Earth in order to learn about rehabilitation and love in this Earthly school in which the Sacred Hearts deigned to also live for some time.

In the celestial spheres of the universe, the attributes are applied in life and each attribute is a divine experience that allows one to awaken their consciousness even more and implements them, liberating them from any error.  Children, in the Universe, which is vast and infinite, laws are manifested as a principle of education and awareness for everything that is life; it is in this way that harmony, order and peace are expanded throughout the suns, stars and great galaxies. One lives a communion with the Consciousness of God and always seeks to learn through love.

Adonai is the principle and the reason for everything that exists in the different stellar governments.  Life is impregnated by the Consciousness of the Father and the Presence of God is the spiritual guide in all of the paths.  It is the One and Only Source of Adonai, which springs and re-springs in the galaxies and in the stars and the whole life is a participant of a divine font, which is able to restore and heal every creature.

In the Universe, children of Mine, your planet represents an initial Project of God, an experience of love that once had a purpose, and from genesis everything has changed.  For this, after humanity has experienced many lessons and mistakes, your Eternal Father sought, contemplated and meditated upon what He would do for the Earth to again be a rescuable planet.

Thus, the Archangelic Hierarchies started working so that the best project of redemption, forgiveness and liberation could be manifested and, also, to avoid deviation and the decay of humanity. It was so that in the infinite spaces of the Universe, where the Spiritual Source of Abba expresses Itself, the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, worked in order to express the principle of divine love which would provide redemption to this material world.  It was at that universal moment that God chose to become a man and a living consciousness on this Planet, through the second person of the Most Holy Trinity, through the Firstborn Son.

For this, in the Celestial Universe and in the other universes, the governments thought about manifesting this precious life through a Holy Woman.  There, at that moment, God chose the consciousness of Mary to be the Mother of the Redeemer.  The Spirit of the Sacred Hearts, which is divine and pure, gave Itself in order for this project to be carried forward.

And as Jesus was born from a womb touched by the Holy Spirit,  Mary also was born from a generation that followed the Will of God.  And My Maternal Spirit comes from the Universal Creator Source where the conception of life is the greatest present of the beauty of God.  Mary and Jesus were one before the Project, They lived the experience of salvation, and Mercy defeated Justice before the world became lost.

Today, dear children, I wish I could make you understand with the heart the true history of this Creation, which continues learning and maturing through the universal life from which the world forms a part, even as ignorant as it may be of it.  For this, I come to awaken your interest in divine life so that you may at least let go of Earthly life and believe in something greater that is waiting for you.

On this day, children, by means of prayer, reflect your true mirror of love to the world and help Me to dissipate the horrors that this blind world carries forward before the Celestial Father.

I tirelessly come to guide humanity towards the path of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to the true universal life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The path of total consecration to God is what your Heavenly Mother aspires for you all.

According to this aspiration and in these times, many souls will go through the test that will confirm the chosen path, and I will be there to help you to make the right internal decision without feeling guilty, but only the love of God.

Children, the saint of the last days will be present to help you on the culminating time of the transition of the Earth when the red moon defines the awakening of a new cycle, liberating from the sin and from the errors.

For this reason the challenges and the tests will be the tone that will mark the beginning of this new cycle, free from sorrow and from human suffering.  That is why on this day I bring you the divine consciousness of the universal consecration, a mission that will be for many of My children, the ones that will push the heavy boat of this world so that you may definitely navigate in the sea of Grace and Mercy.

Your structures will move and all the dark control will stop governing so that once and for all everyone may be in Jesus, and Jesus may be forever in you.

Children, grant permission so that My Son governs your lives; in that way no other governor or aspect of your own non-purified lives will be able have determination in the spiritual lives of your souls.

For this, be meek and let My Son conquer you little by little so that He, in His Infinite Glory, may have the instruments to developed the last part of the Plan of God.

Look at your sins as instruction and opportunity for transformation and interior change; in that way when My Son has taken over the kingdom of your lives all the receptive souls will be sanctified.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who leads you to love the consecration,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Weekly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elias

Dear children of Mine,

Never forget to come to My maternal arms because my purpose as a Mother is to make you sleep close to My Heart, and rest, rest in My mantle of Light, so that I, during the night and in vigil, may pray by your side until the dawn.

Dear children, do not forget to be in My arms because as your protector Mother, I wait for you to surrender your pains, fatigues, tiredness and despairs to me. I know your lives very well, therefore trust and walk by My side so that we may meet Jesus.

Dear children, never forget to be in My arms, because as Mother of Love I want you close to Me, so that you may say all that you feel and know. It is time for you to rest in the Spirit of My Heart thus I will make you walk steady until the end.

I want you to be in My arms because I want to kiss your faces and envelop you with My Celestial Light. Thus, you will rest and will not lose time with anything, because My Heart wants to sustain you, motivate you to continue on the path of good and peace.

My dear ones, be in My arms today so that tomorrow I may show you the path of the great sacrifice of love.

Beloved ones, now that you are already in My arms, tonight I contemplate your efforts. Thus, remain near Me, because in this way nothing will happen to you.

I am with you in joy and in sorrow, in certainty and in error.

I love all of you dearly.

Today I thank you for having responded to My Son. I give thanks to you and Heaven gives thanks to you.

Rest in My Arms. It is time to sleep in the arms of your Celestial Mother. Come on, My dear ones! Onward and with faith!

Mary, Your Mother and Queen of the Peace of the Heart


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
