To transform the human condition, it is necessary to know it profoundly.

Since its creation, children, since you arrived on Earth with veils covering your eyes, your consciousnesses, humanity got used to live one illusion after the other, and not only ignored its past and future, but also believed to be something it was not.

Because of the present planetary situation of chaos and perdition, not finding a meaning for their own lives, many search for the truth, and the unbridled thirst makes them drink of the water from any fountain that may show up as if it were the purest and most crystalline of all.

You must take care, children, of the water you drink, of the knowledge you search for, because all waters can satiate the thirst of who was dry in spirit, but if you continue drinking of water contaminated by the power and human vanity, you might end up dying in spirit, diagnosed by ignorance, when you believed having found the truth.

Drink of the water that God sends you through His Messengers and trust that it has all you need. The once who drinks of two fountains – sinning by the desire for power and possession of new knowledge – might drown in their anxiety.

Drink of the water that washes, transforms and purifies you and not of the water that makes you greater and brings vanity to your souls, confusing them.

True knowledge nourishes the consciousness and matures the spirit and not the personality. I also tell you that often an instruction will come from God that you will understand with the soul, not with the mind. Even so, even if it is incomprehensible to you at this moment, it will transform you and lead you to new steps, in which one day you will be able to understand what has gotten you there.

Drink from the fountain of love, of sacrifice, of service, of prayer. In it you will find all sciences.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Child, multiply the impulses you receive with the joy of the heart and the permanent offer for the transcendence of the old, for living the new.

Remember each instruction received in the last days, in recent times. Feel again inside you that joy that your soul emanated when it was before the possibility of living the Plans of the Most High in fullness.

May your daily routine not consume you and may your difficulties not consume you. The human consciousness is much more willing to embrace the limitations than its true potential, because in this way it has been raised, to never discover the reality about itself and to always limit the greatness of the likeness of God in the littleness of a passing human body.

So then transform these old patterns of consciousness, and hold on to what is most perfect and wonderful within you. Acknowledge the difficulties but know that beyond them lies your possibility of transcending them, not with your own power, but because hidden within you lies the One who can do all things, the impossible and the unthinkable. He is your possibility of transcendence. To be in Him is to discover Him within you and to recognize that you are a living part of the Creator, just as all manifested life is.

Concentrate, child, in not losing joy and hope, so that these two divine gifts may impel you always to the new and so that you find in them the eternal fountain of the life in sacrifice, in surrender, in renouncement and in transcendence, these attributes that are so feared by those who have not yet discovered that the fullness lies in serving God with joy and losing oneself to find, in one’s place, the Creator of the universes.

Think about what I tell you, child, and – more than that – take it as a possibility for you. Your difficulties will not disappear and neither will the imperfections keep from hurting your soul: what will happen is that this weight will be lighter for you, because the most important for you will not be the shortcomings, but rather the greatness of God, His possibility of transforming all mud, all impurity, and making sacred and perfect that which so far was mere clay in His Hands.

Entrust yourself to the Lord and have His perfection as your greatest hope. Strive to be in His Hands every day and find your eternal joy in the gifts that set evil apart and that approach you to God: sacrifice, renouncement, surrender and transcendence.

The one who calls you to serve with joy and to not lose sight of the perfection of God in your own heart, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children,

On this day, in which from Aurora, you live the renewal and the beginning of a new cycle, I would like to invite you to accompany this new path which many of you were encouraged to walk, the path of the awakening of consciousness and the act of living the Plan of God.

After so many years of instruction, in this meeting, here in Aurora, My maternal eyes, for the first time, observe the steps which some consciousnesses are being  encouraged to take for the sake of this humanity and the evolution of this planet.

My eyes see the New Christs emerge from their inner beings, which will not be known, but will be contemplated by the Creation which has guided them since the beginning.

Today, I retreat from Aurora and from this house to rise to Heaven and announce to My Son that part of this inner project is now fulfilled.

I will continue praying, just as in all times, so that My children, determined to love the Plan of God, may have the inner strength of all the angels and archangels of Heaven.

In this time of inner definition and battle, may My beloved children count on the intercession of all the angels of the universe, who will come out of love to help you, whenever you need it.

Seeing the concretion and realization of this Work of Redemption within the hearts is an infinite joy; because from now on the Celestial Father observes from His Kingdom that His smallest and most imperfect creatures open their hearts to finally experience His Divine Purpose, His Holy Will.

Thus you will learn, dear children, to be that to which you so aspire, to be servers of My Son, to be faithful witnesses that it is possible to feel and experience the Love of God and of the whole universe.

The Grace of God has filled you in these days, as spiritual healings have occurred in the consciousnesses in need.

Today, a new spiritual brotherhood is formed among the spirits gathered by Christ for this important mission of being suns that illuminate the end of times, being stars that reveal to the world the message of peace and redemption.

Today, your Mother accompanies you from the sacred Heaven of Aurora and announces that the doors towards Peace remain open here so that, when you return to this House of God, you may re-encounter the essence that has saved you and has formed you as soldiers of the Plan.

Now, go with joy and take the same experience of love and brotherhood which you experienced here, from the first days of August. Transmit the essence of Love and Truth to the vast majority of My children who are asleep in this world.

Do not tire of being My arms and hands on this planet, so that I can work through your small hearts. Do not tire of being My feet, so that I continue sowing Light in this humanity in need. 

Lastly, My beloved children, I leave you My gratitude for opening your consciousnesses to the transformation and transfiguration of your lives, because in this pace you can keep the flame of your hearts ignited so that you may be in the plenitude of God all the time.

I have filled your consciousnesses with new Graces, just as My Son has asked of Me. I have left within your essences a greater commitment, which will impel you to experience something divine in your lives.

I poured over Aurora the last part of the Purpose that God asked Me to deposit in this place, and now, all those who are present are participants of this living part of the Plan which little by little begins to materialize.

It will remain as a mission, in this spiritual work, the prompt manifestation of the Auditorium of Mercy which, for the reality of these times, will be the same as the one found here. This auditorium will remind everyone that it will be the house of the Sacred Family.

I hope to see the walls of it raised this year. The foundations of this simple auditorium will be founded by Me and I hope you will accompany Me.

From this Heaven of Aurora, I allow the light of your hearts to shine so that the Father can see that humanity is not lost.

I leave you all My Peace and My Love of a Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Queen of prophets

Through the ages, My Son has sent Me to the world to warn it and correct it about the imminent danger.

Thus, through the ages and as at this moment, My Maternal Consciousness has chosen the new prophets amongst all souls, who determinedly have announced the words and the message of the Heavenly Mother.

At all the moments when humanity was in gravest danger, the Queen of prophets awakened consciousnesses so they would render this greater service, which comes directly from the Holy Spirit, the Divine Spirit that fosters all celestial revelations for this Universe.

Thus, the Queen of prophets appeared in different moments of the history of humanity to awaken the lineage of the prophets in simple and selfless consciousnesses, which means a service of surrender to the rule of higher Laws that guide the consciousness that is summoned to this end.

The Queen of prophets has the mission of demonstrating, through the prophets, that Her message is universal, divine, and timeless; that it is able to serve all souls in their instruction, transformation, and change.

 The message of the Queen of prophets in all ages always tries to guide, warn, correct, and raise awareness in all of humanity, in a nation, or in an individual.

 The prophets have the task of subordinating themselves to spiritual principles that are not under their control, and cannot be manipulated by any consciousness. The gift of the prophet is based on their spirit of humility, on inner work with detachment, and mainly, in each day loving more the mission that the Queen of prophets has chose them for to accomplish with this humanity.

For the Divine Universe, there are temporal prophets and timeless prophets. It is something that leads directly to the Holy Will of the Spiritual Universe through the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

 The temporal prophet is awakened for this mission by Deity itself; that is to say, by the Eternal Father through the Firstborn Son and the Mother of God, who have the highest authority to offer consciousness to a soul on this great and selfless service.

Therefore, the temporal prophet can serve as an instrument for a time in order that a specific purpose be accomplished, a specific spiritual end, which is guided by the Mother of the World. When this purpose is achieved on the surface of the planet, the temporal prophet or messenger of the Heavenly Hierarchy stops receiving the instructions or messages from Heaven in a natural way.

 The timeless prophet is that consciousness which came originally to fulfill a divine purpose throughout their life; it is something that cannot be under human manipulation or control, because it is the very Spirit of the Feminine Consciousness that guides this kind of spiritual mission.

Timeless prophets do not consciously know the moment when their task of service will end; only the Universal Father knows the moment, which is when His Will determines it.

 The prophets of the Queen of Heaven do not arise or awaken - either individually or collectively - for this mission, because it is the very need of assistance in humanity that causes the Celestial Hierarchy to choose and call any consciousness for this purpose.

The seed of humility and of acceptance of the Purpose are the primary foundations for the development of prophets, because their task in this field is not of their ownership, nor beneficial to them. The lineage of the prophets is focused on the fulfillment of Divine Will, which presents itself at each new stage.

The Queen of prophets is the ruler of these consciousnesses; Her impulses make the prophets of all ages receive the impulse to selflessly give of themselves more each day, and to learn obedience.

The prophets of the Queen of Heaven have the most difficult task amongst all the known lineages, such as those of the Governors, the Caretakers, the Guardians, and the Mirrors, because they must present the Divine Word to the world, which is to say, the message that the prophets receive will always mobilize and reverse the state of all situations.

For this reason, the instruction received by prophets at different times led the consciousness of humanity to make a change in its attitude before it was too late.

The message received by different prophets contacted by the Most Holy Mother at different periods has always shifted the position of the Church and all the consciousnesses that in many cases during Marian apparitions, considered the message to be false.

Humanity does not value the message that is sent through prophets, nor the gift of fraternal service that has been developed by other holy consciousnesses.

The human consciousness has always been in need of divine intercession and of mediators such as the prophets, to be able to correct planetary life. The message that the prophets of the Queen of Heaven receive causes these consciousnesses to shift their position, to transform, because the same divine message that emanates from the Celestial Hierarchy has a voltage and an impulse of spiritual energy that dismantles any structure, modifies and ennobles it when the consciousness is sincerely open.

The prophets of the end times have the task of bringing the world closer to the powerful currents that, through the intercession of the Divine Messengers, will come to modify the present direction of the consciousness of humanity.

For this reason, both in the prophets and in the other lineages, the consciousnesses that are most awake to selfless service to the plan and for humanity will be living receptacles of all the spiritual impulses that will reach the planet to transform it.

The Mother and Queen of prophets carries out Her co-redemptive work in these times through different prophets in the world, who faithfully show the fruits of the transformation of their lives and of their paths as a service to humanity, in an act of absolute renunciation and of adherence to higher Laws which help the human being of the surface.

The Queen of prophets is the spiritual administrator of the redemption of the world, and She announces Her message through instruments, to remind the world that the human consciousness can and must fulfill the Greater Will in these times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Children, the cycle of daily messages that one year ago I promised you to deliver is already ending. During that period, I taught you many things and opened your eyes to others that, in truth, you already knew, but that you did not manage to live.

Because I was a man once, with a heart similar to yours, I could reach the depth of your consciousnesses and remind you about your commitment to God.

From now on, in the cycle that will come after the 20th of August –when the daily messages will end– it will be up to each one to study My Words again and reignite each code and each impulse that I left for you there, impulses that will be eternal and that will be alive for all those who open themselves from the heart and in consciousness.

I hope, in Christ, that you will be able to live each impulse that I delivered to you or, at least, that you try to do it every day.

You know that the clock time is no longer running as it used to run before. Little by little, you are entering a new time and each second is precious to you, because it brings in itself an opportunity that will never be repeated.

Depending on the inner answer of each one, I will be able to achieve the grace from the Creator to continue talking to humanity and, along with Mary and Christ, continue supporting the human heart, while it is possible, so that you may count on Our support until the last hour. For that to be possible, the effort of each one of you is indispensable.

In this new cycle, the aspiration of being different must be alive within you, impelling you to do different things for the materialization of the Plan of God and show the Creator that you truly want to respond to His Call and His Designs.

The Love of the Divine Messengers for humanity is infinite and each second of instruction that we deliver to all is precious to Us. But not only We must long for this meeting: each one of you must feel within yourselves this need of deepening yourselves into your own transformation and receive, from the Heavens, the new impulses that will lead you to a higher evolutionary degree.

Beloved children, meditate on the essence of this new planetary cycle and receive all the graces that are being delivered to you. The time of transforming yourselves is now, not later. Everything is possible with the persistence and perseverance of all.

It is time for the trust in the Will of God to be greater than your self-love, for the love to the Plan of the Creator to win over any aspiration of fulfilling a personal plan or living your own will.

Children, there is no more time to lose with yourselves, because are descending from the Heavens the currents that you need to transform yourselves and take concrete steps, finally consolidating the principles of a new life in the consciousness. Do not lose these impulses by being distracted. Open your arms and your hearts and, by gratitude, let yourselves be permeated.

Your Father and Friend of all eras, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, may this new cycle be the birth of new fruits in the consciousnesses of all, to see these fruits grow and mature over time, and from them, may new seeds emerge.

The fruits that were born in the consciousnesses represent the result of the action of grace in your lives. Until today, you have received much, as impulses, instructions, graces and blessings, so that with perseverance and inner peace, you may be prepared to go through the times that have come. 

This new cycle will be marked by the birth and maturing of these fruits, for which each one must be responsible. This means, children, that you must care for the garden of consciousness with your own hands and prepare, for the new time, the seeds that you will plant in the soil of the Earth.

This cycle will demand more effort and dedication from each one of you for your own maturation. It will be the moment in which the consciousness must be confirmed on this path and make its own personal effort to remain on it.

Up until now, we have been supporting and giving impulses to many of those who committed themselves to Christ, but who had still not matured, within themselves, their own potential to take steps in their evolution and stand on their own feet, in their own inner fortitude.

Therefore, the time has come for disciples to recognize the truth about themselves in every sense: may you face that which must be transformed and sustain yourselves through your own potential for inner maturation. It will be a transition between spiritual adolescence and adult life when the consciousness becomes responsible for itself.

Those that will wake up at the last minute will also be led - by grace - to take their own steps and enter the same cycles of those who, for some time, have walked on the evolutionary path. I speak to you of an inner maturity, in the consciousness, and not in the material bodies, because matter will always need to be trained to express its inner world.

Children, care for this cycle as if it were the last, taking advantage of each day and each instant to find the Truth and express it. May the conscious effort of all to be more and more in the Divine Purpose be permanent. 

After this cycle, in the cycles to come, it will be time to put into practice what you have learned, for the currents that will descend on the planet will no longer wait for you to be ready for them to act upon the planetary consciousness. These currents will sweep away those who are tepid of heart, undecided and outside the Greater Purpose.

May this cycle be marked by the effort of each being. May all assume their posts, and just like a young person leaves their home to take up their own life, may each one take up their own transformation, their own surrender, the building of that which you truly hope to be able to offer to Christ one day.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Three Sacred Hearts are present at this moment.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

Thank you! is My Message for all of you on this day, because it is through My beloved children that I can accomplish the Works of the Creator of the Earth.

On this afternoon, especially, I have come with Saint Joseph and Christ, to show everybody that Our Love is poured out over the world in spite of all that may happen in this time. And that flow of Love is greater when you respond to My call, as you did at this moment, opening your hearts and consciousnesses to find Me once again in this place.

Today, a cycle is closing for everybody, and a new stage begins for those apostles of My Son who follow the footsteps of the faithful Servant of God.

Today, I open My arms and extend My hands to you all, aspiring to caress your spirits, touch your souls so that you may feel the Glory of God.

I come with Christ and Saint Joseph to represent the Most Holy Trinity, that Divine Essence that originated everything that exists in this universe.

Today, as your Greater Mother, with all the Angels of Heaven and with your Guardian Angels, we came here to glorify God, because it is He you must honor. It is He Who you owe all things to, because He is Who allows all things in the world, the actions of grace and of charity, of mercy and redemption for all the hearts of the Earth.

Today I come crowned with the stars of God, placing My feet on the new Moon and announcing the new paths for all My children, paths free of suffering and of pain, but full of hope and the Love of God.

I come to withdraw suffering from each of you, so that you may enter into the new cycle with Me. I invite you, together with Christ and Saint Joseph, to cross this threshold, this portal to a new consciousness of your spirits, of your souls and of your hearts. In this way, dear children, you will know the Will of God, which must yet be fulfilled in this world, in spite of it suffering the transition.

There are hearts in this humanity that can support the Plan of God in humanity. Thus, I come to strengthen you from time to time, through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Here, dear children, all of you are before three different Rays that unite in the same point, which is the Heart of God, where life, hope and Mercy emerge. Those three Rays come to you through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Heart of Saint Joseph, because We offer you the path of simplicity and of truth.

It is in that simplicity, dear children, that you must live in this new cycle. That simplicity of your hearts and souls will permit the Earth to be redeemed, that hatred be withdrawn from ungrateful hearts, and that spirits can be reborn to redemption. It is in that simplicity of your spirits that the doors of Heaven will be kept open. This is the sure key for this time, united with the prayer of the heart.

It is thus that I want to see you, dear children, each one of you as true mirrors of My Light, that you can radiate the attributes to the world which this race so greatly needs.

The guiding star of My Divine Consciousness, of the Consciousness of Christ and the Consciousness of Saint Joseph will not abandon you in this very difficult time, in which the world goes through its darkness.

I invite you to generate and regenerate joy, because the world needs it, so that evil may be defeated. In that joy, the love of your hearts, the works of service, of service to a neighbor cannot be lacking, so that all souls may be healed.

I invite you, dear children, on this 8th of August, to renew your vows to Me, as children of My Heart and My Consciousness.

You are in each part of this world to ignite the Light in humanity, the sacred flames of your hearts that burn in devotion to the Three Sacred Hearts. This will allow, dear children, that a great many consciousnesses, which do not deserve the Grace of God nor His Mercy, will be able to be alleviated and separated from evil.

Today I want to tell you, dear children, that after nine years with Me, My Heart is triumphing, but not as humankind believes. The true triumph of My Consciousness is in the transformation of your hearts. And today I am with transformed hearts that walk in different schools, but who follow the same purpose of My call. That is what is important, beloved children, that you see the realization of the Plan of God in your lives, that you look back not to remember the past, but rather to see in what way you have transformed, everything you have changed into, from time to time.

I need your eyes, dear children, to be able to see My plans concretized in this world, in each of you, in each part of this humanity. See how My Consciousness works through you in a simple but true way.

In this new cycle, dear children, I need your hearts to achieve a spirit of humility.

Today, I come to bring you this Message, because I know that you can experience it and achieve it.

Dear children, I am very grateful for each step you have taken, trusting in My Heart. This is of incalculable value for the Celestial Father. You will understand that value in a short while.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Because when I came into your lives, some years ago, humanity was seeking to unveil great sciences, because it believed that the path to evolution was to be found only in knowledge, and in intelligence; an intelligence which moved away from God, which fed the arrogance and pride in hearts.

Humanity, My children, was not really learning about knowledge, it was not assimilating the wisdom that was held in teachings. The path of instruction should lead you to love, but you were not able to learn nor did you grow in spirit; you did not discover, My children, that the greatest science is the science of simplicity that leads you into an emptiness of self and a meeting with God.

Today, before the Three Sacred Hearts, we bring you the example of Our lives on Earth, when Our Divine Consciousness animated a body very like yours.

In that period, the surrender of Jesus carried Him into learning about Love; the silence of Mary carried Her into a learning about Love, and the humility of Saint Joseph divinized Him and opened the doors of Heaven, because He learned to love.

It was in this way, children, that the Plan of God was fulfilled in the Sacred Family. All the sciences were revealed in the simplicity of the Three Sacred hearts, and the doors of Heaven opened, because They knew to love.

On this evening, many expected words full of searching, but with little simplicity. All expected a great miracle, the unveiling of a great mystery; but few, children, perceived that within themselves, the great mystery of Creation is being revealed.

Be simple of heart and allow the light of your essences to illumine your eyes and show you that there is no other mystery to reveal to you, except the mystery of the love that was born in your hearts. It is that love that grows each day and that allows you to forget about yourselves, to love a neighbor more and more, and to understand them, which symbolizes the manifestation of the Plans of God in your lives.

Do not expect great missions, heroic events; do not expect phenomena, because the greatest miracle, children, is now happening in your lives, and this is what I want you to understand this evening.

What I want is that, beginning with you, humanity learn to be simple, discover that wisdom is revealed and all knowledge is to be found in love. In love, you are able to understand what you have never understood, and more than this, you can live what you always believed you knew.

On this evening, children, in light of the Three Sacred Hearts, recognize this example and accept the Grace of being able to be like Them in this time; because after so many meetings with Me, the Holy Spirit of God has already filled your souls and your lives, placed many gifts in your consciousnesses that will blossom at the right time, when humility is able to take the place of arrogance and pride and you are able to be free to express the Will of God wherever you may be.

Do not be in a hurry, be precise in taking the correct steps and in knowing where to be and how to act. Always listen to the voice of your hearts, which speaks to you in prayer, and leads you on the path of simplicity and love, and never to aggrandizement.

Remember, children, that it was in Mary's silence that She discovered the grandeur of Her Son. It was in the humility of Saint Joseph, in a small carpenter shop, far from the world and himself, that He discovered the real celestial mysteries. It was by loving neighbors and forgetting Himself, giving up the kingdom that the world expected of Him, to die on the cross, divested of His garments, that Our Lord, My Beloved Son, gave you this path of redemption and of Mercy and fully expressed the archetype of God for humanity, which was not held in the suffering of the cross, but rather in the full Love and the Divine Mercy which that Cross emanated.

Follow the example of the Sacred Hearts and discover, My beloveds, that little by little, the Plan of God manifests in your lives, and this horizon for the new race is now beginning to emerge in front of your eyes, in the depths of your consciousnesses.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

And now, dear children, I will give the word to Christ, because it is to Him that we owe everything that has been given to us. Because He allows this Grace, this redemption, this sacred opportunity for hearts to know their spirits and become aware of their origin, definitely accepting what they have come to accomplish on this planet.

Place your hands in the sign of reception.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

Our Kingdom is the Universe and you belong to that Universe, just as all of Creation belongs to the Universe of God. I come from that Universe, just as do your essences, and throughout the times, you experience all the opportunities for redemption. 

I want you to always look to that Universe, in spite of what happens. Remember that higher life will always help you to take the great and last step, the definitive step toward God, in perfect union with His Heart.

It is for this reason, companions, that in the ardent devotion of My Mother and in the simplicity of Saint Joseph, We have come to this Center of Love to bless the world and prepare it for what will happen shortly.

Now I see your strengthened hearts, after having crossed the desert with Me. There are still souls that have need of a lot of help to be able to bear the great cosmic currents of transformation. But if your hands are joined with Mine and your bodies cling tight to My robe, the Light of My Sacred Heart will always illumine you and you will have no reason to fear, because purification is the first school of My apostles.

Thus, dear and beloved companions, I invite you to inner transcendence, a transcendence you will achieve in the perfect unity with your brothers and sisters, setting aside human indifference, omission and the judging of errors that others make.

I invite you to be truly part of My Divine Mercy, just as My Divine Mercy descends to the world to help this lost humanity.

Throughout these last days, companions, you have travelled a long inner road together with Me, which at the end of the times, you will discover on your own. There will be no great revelation for you, but it will be the sign you so need, the teaching you so hoped to receive, to be able to take that great step which I am telling you about.

Today, My Heart is glorified, because My companions glorify the Heart of God. Today, My Heart is a little more glad, because the children of My Mother honor and glorify the Queen of Heaven.

In this way, dear companions, the Plan is very close to your lives; it will cease to be so non-material so as to be visible in your consciousnesses and hearts.

In this new cycle we are beginning together, as from this August 8, define yourselves, companions. Close the doors to evil and help to close the doors that evil opens to all your brothers and sisters.

I invite you, companions, to be collaborators in My redeeming Work, to carry out in these times a great planetary service for this race. I invite you, in simplicity and truth, to be constituted as resplendent suns over the planet, shooting stars that have changed into light, in redemption and in love.

For this greatest Work, creative and infinite, which belongs to the universe and which must be concretized in this humanity, in this very hour, we join hands, between Mary and Saint Joseph, forming that sacred triangulation which gives an impulse to souls to take the great step, blessed by the Spirit of God, by Grace, by infinite Mercy, so that all My disciples and apostles, for beginners as well as those who have been on My path for a long time, at the right and correct time, together as a single unity, you can cross the threshold toward the New Humanity.

Remember, companions, that all of this Work of the end of time will generate the new, which you will see coming over the horizon, the new cycle of humanity, free of errors, sins, evils and indifference, full of the Love of God, of Grace, of Mercy and of Compassion.

In the end, dear companions, there is still much striving to be done. Let your hearts not tire of expanding so that you are able to embrace this Work more and more, which must reach the five continents. This Work is complementary to My Holy Church. This Work, dear companions, expresses in this humanity by giving opportunities to all consciousnesses, so that everybody may know the Love of God in some way.

Through you, I place an important mission, a mission that you are getting to know little by little, which you must love so that it can be strengthened in you, and thus express and be realized in this humanity.

On this August 8, the Universe, the Celestial Universe, the Mental Universe and the Material Universe stop for an instant to observe the last cycle that has now begun.

Bring your hands together in prayer.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, My Son is speaking to you of a last chance. It is this last chance that many will receive so they may cross the portal toward redemption and conversion. My Son invites you to be forerunners of this definitive time, which assembles all the lost sheep so they may enter the stable of His Heart.

Let us pray now, because the last cycle is descending over this universe like a powerful current of God which comes to correct the world, which comes to balance consciousnesses, which comes to bring the new, what nobody has yet known, and about which nobody can comment on what it is, because it is a cycle which is coming in this hour, at this precise moment, for all your higher beings and the higher beings of all of humanity, regardless of whether they are in the light or in the darkness.

The Government of the Universe proclaims His Sacred Word, to announce to the world that it is the time for the last suns to awaken to their true task.

Let us pray united with the Three Sacred Hearts, dear children, because you will always be able to be in Our Hearts, so that We are able to guide you toward the infinite Purpose.

Unite, and every day live unity more and more. The unity will protect you so that you not leave the path. And those who still cannot live in unity, let them yield to My Son so He may help them to be meek, peaceful and good to their fellow beings.

Remember, dear children, the gifts given to you by Heaven in these last nine years.

Let us pray.


Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).


And now the new cycle has entered into the spiritual consciousness of the planet. A powerful Consciousness that comes from God, descending over the world to redeem hearts and strengthen apostles, who will sustain this world when We are no longer present, and yet alive in your hearts forever.

Let us thank God for this opportunity. Let us invoke His Sacred Names. While We rise up to Heaven, lift up your intentions, your prayers and pleas to Heaven.

Happy August 8! You have been born to My Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

My companions, My Heart is your stronghold.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Song: "The Names of God".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

When the Divinity makes an announcement such as this one, a great emotion, a great inner movement occurs in each person. Something that our souls emit, which we do not truly understand, because besides the emotion, it also causes a little fear, because it is unknown. It is here where love and faith move beyond this feeling and we are able to take tight hold of the Mantle of Our Lady and the Robe of Our Lord, knowing that this step, guided by Them, will be what is best for us.

Today, in our heart, our soul spoke and said yes, we continue onward, in spite of that feeling that has overwhelmed us; because it knows that, in that feeling, faith and love will be strengthened and a complete trust in God will change us into other beings.

Those were the steps we took nine years ago and here we are, at the point of taking other steps, perhaps very much larger, but which will carry us to another point. And who knows, after some time, instead of there being 800 people here, someday there will be 80,000 to praise Our Lord and Our Lady.

We have always imagined what it would be like to sing the Kodoish with 100,000 people and draw the angels from Heaven. Who knows, suddenly it's not just a dream, to finally free this world from ignorance, damnation and a lack of union with God.

We, from here, salute everybody on this memorable day, in which finally, this world takes its new step in evolution. And each of us who affirms their heart in God will see the New Race.

And now, let us sing to finish, and let us distribute our beloved oranges. Those beloved oranges that were the beginning of all this, and let us remember a prophecy that a daughter of God, here in Uruguay, transmitted a long time ago and which said that Christ, when He returned, would walk among the orange trees, and we are preparing.

So now we will sing "Unite with the Heart of Mary" while we distribute our oranges and while we say goodbye to all this planet, to all those who are accompanying us through Misericordia María TV.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The oranges were blessed by the Three Sacred Hearts. They carry three blessings in one.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Three Sacred Hearts are present at this moment.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

Thank you! is My Message for all of you on this day, because it is through My beloved children that I can accomplish the Works of the Creator of the Earth.

On this afternoon, especially, I have come with Saint Joseph and Christ, to show everybody that Our Love is poured out over the world in spite of all that may happen in this time. And that flow of Love is greater when you respond to My call, as you did at this moment, opening your hearts and consciousnesses to find Me once again in this place.

Today, a cycle is closing for everybody, and a new stage begins for those apostles of My Son who follow the footsteps of the faithful Servant of God.

Today, I open My arms and extend My hands to you all, aspiring to caress your spirits, touch your souls so that you may feel the Glory of God.

I come with Christ and Saint Joseph to represent the Most Holy Trinity, that Divine Essence that originated everything that exists in this universe.

Today, as your Greater Mother, with all the Angels of Heaven and with your Guardian Angels, we came here to glorify God, because it is He you must honor. It is He Who you owe all things to, because He is Who allows all things in the world, the actions of grace and of charity, of mercy and redemption for all the hearts of the Earth.

Today I come crowned with the stars of God, placing My feet on the new Moon and announcing the new paths for all My children, paths free of suffering and of pain, but full of hope and the Love of God.

I come to withdraw suffering from each of you, so that you may enter into the new cycle with Me. I invite you, together with Christ and Saint Joseph, to cross this threshold, this portal to a new consciousness of your spirits, of your souls and of your hearts. In this way, dear children, you will know the Will of God, which must yet be fulfilled in this world, in spite of it suffering the transition.

There are hearts in this humanity that can support the Plan of God in humanity. Thus, I come to strengthen you from time to time, through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Here, dear children, all of you are before three different Rays that unite in the same point, which is the Heart of God, where life, hope and Mercy emerge. Those three Rays come to you through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Heart of Saint Joseph, because We offer you the path of simplicity and of truth.

It is in that simplicity, dear children, that you must live in this new cycle. That simplicity of your hearts and souls will permit the Earth to be redeemed, that hatred be withdrawn from ungrateful hearts, and that spirits can be reborn to redemption. It is in that simplicity of your spirits that the doors of Heaven will be kept open. This is the sure key for this time, united with the prayer of the heart.

It is thus that I want to see you, dear children, each one of you as true mirrors of My Light, that you can radiate the attributes to the world which this race so greatly needs.

The guiding star of My Divine Consciousness, of the Consciousness of Christ and the Consciousness of Saint Joseph will not abandon you in this very difficult time, in which the world goes through its darkness.

I invite you to generate and regenerate joy, because the world needs it, so that evil may be defeated. In that joy, the love of your hearts, the works of service, of service to a neighbor cannot be lacking, so that all souls may be healed.

I invite you, dear children, on this 8th of August, to renew your vows to Me, as children of My Heart and My Consciousness.

You are in each part of this world to ignite the Light in humanity, the sacred flames of your hearts that burn in devotion to the Three Sacred Hearts. This will allow, dear children, that a great many consciousnesses, which do not deserve the Grace of God nor His Mercy, will be able to be alleviated and separated from evil.

Today I want to tell you, dear children, that after nine years with Me, My Heart is triumphing, but not as humankind believes. The true triumph of My Consciousness is in the transformation of your hearts. And today I am with transformed hearts that walk in different schools, but who follow the same purpose of My call. That is what is important, beloved children, that you see the realization of the Plan of God in your lives, that you look back not to remember the past, but rather to see in what way you have transformed, everything you have changed into, from time to time.

I need your eyes, dear children, to be able to see My plans concretized in this world, in each of you, in each part of this humanity. See how My Consciousness works through you in a simple but true way.

In this new cycle, dear children, I need your hearts to achieve a spirit of humility.

Today, I come to bring you this Message, because I know that you can experience it and achieve it.

Dear children, I am very grateful for each step you have taken, trusting in My Heart. This is of incalculable value for the Celestial Father. You will understand that value in a short while.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Because when I came into your lives, some years ago, humanity was seeking to unveil great sciences, because it believed that the path to evolution was to be found only in knowledge, and in intelligence; an intelligence which moved away from God, which fed the arrogance and pride in hearts.

Humanity, My children, was not really learning about knowledge, it was not assimilating the wisdom that was held in teachings. The path of instruction should lead you to love, but you were not able to learn nor did you grow in spirit; you did not discover, My children, that the greatest science is the science of simplicity that leads you into an emptiness of self and a meeting with God.

Today, before the Three Sacred Hearts, we bring you the example of Our lives on Earth, when Our Divine Consciousness animated a body very like yours.

In that period, the surrender of Jesus carried Him into learning about Love; the silence of Mary carried Her into a learning about Love, and the humility of Saint Joseph divinized Him and opened the doors of Heaven, because He learned to love.

It was in this way, children, that the Plan of God was fulfilled in the Sacred Family. All the sciences were revealed in the simplicity of the Three Sacred hearts, and the doors of Heaven opened, because They knew to love.

On this evening, many expected words full of searching, but with little simplicity. All expected a great miracle, the unveiling of a great mystery; but few, children, perceived that within themselves, the great mystery of Creation is being revealed.

Be simple of heart and allow the light of your essences to illumine your eyes and show you that there is no other mystery to reveal to you, except the mystery of the love that was born in your hearts. It is that love that grows each day and that allows you to forget about yourselves, to love a neighbor more and more, and to understand them, which symbolizes the manifestation of the Plans of God in your lives.

Do not expect great missions, heroic events; do not expect phenomena, because the greatest miracle, children, is now happening in your lives, and this is what I want you to understand this evening.

What I want is that, beginning with you, humanity learn to be simple, discover that wisdom is revealed and all knowledge is to be found in love. In love, you are able to understand what you have never understood, and more than this, you can live what you always believed you knew.

On this evening, children, in light of the Three Sacred Hearts, recognize this example and accept the Grace of being able to be like Them in this time; because after so many meetings with Me, the Holy Spirit of God has already filled your souls and your lives, placed many gifts in your consciousnesses that will blossom at the right time, when humility is able to take the place of arrogance and pride and you are able to be free to express the Will of God wherever you may be.

Do not be in a hurry, be precise in taking the correct steps and in knowing where to be and how to act. Always listen to the voice of your hearts, which speaks to you in prayer, and leads you on the path of simplicity and love, and never to aggrandizement.

Remember, children, that it was in Mary's silence that She discovered the grandeur of Her Son. It was in the humility of Saint Joseph, in a small carpenter shop, far from the world and himself, that He discovered the real celestial mysteries. It was by loving neighbors and forgetting Himself, giving up the kingdom that the world expected of Him, to die on the cross, divested of His garments, that Our Lord, My Beloved Son, gave you this path of redemption and of Mercy and fully expressed the archetype of God for humanity, which was not held in the suffering of the cross, but rather in the full Love and the Divine Mercy which that Cross emanated.

Follow the example of the Sacred Hearts and discover, My beloveds, that little by little, the Plan of God manifests in your lives, and this horizon for the new race is now beginning to emerge in front of your eyes, in the depths of your consciousnesses.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

And now, dear children, I will give the word to Christ, because it is to Him that we owe everything that has been given to us. Because He allows this Grace, this redemption, this sacred opportunity for hearts to know their spirits and become aware of their origin, definitely accepting what they have come to accomplish on this planet.

Place your hands in the sign of reception.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

Our Kingdom is the Universe and you belong to that Universe, just as all of Creation belongs to the Universe of God. I come from that Universe, just as do your essences, and throughout the times, you experience all the opportunities for redemption. 

I want you to always look to that Universe, in spite of what happens. Remember that higher life will always help you to take the great and last step, the definitive step toward God, in perfect union with His Heart.

It is for this reason, companions, that in the ardent devotion of My Mother and in the simplicity of Saint Joseph, We have come to this Center of Love to bless the world and prepare it for what will happen shortly.

Now I see your strengthened hearts, after having crossed the desert with Me. There are still souls that have need of a lot of help to be able to bear the great cosmic currents of transformation. But if your hands are joined with Mine and your bodies cling tight to My robe, the Light of My Sacred Heart will always illumine you and you will have no reason to fear, because purification is the first school of My apostles.

Thus, dear and beloved companions, I invite you to inner transcendence, a transcendence you will achieve in the perfect unity with your brothers and sisters, setting aside human indifference, omission and the judging of errors that others make.

I invite you to be truly part of My Divine Mercy, just as My Divine Mercy descends to the world to help this lost humanity.

Throughout these last days, companions, you have travelled a long inner road together with Me, which at the end of the times, you will discover on your own. There will be no great revelation for you, but it will be the sign you so need, the teaching you so hoped to receive, to be able to take that great step which I am telling you about.

Today, My Heart is glorified, because My companions glorify the Heart of God. Today, My Heart is a little more glad, because the children of My Mother honor and glorify the Queen of Heaven.

In this way, dear companions, the Plan is very close to your lives; it will cease to be so non-material so as to be visible in your consciousnesses and hearts.

In this new cycle we are beginning together, as from this August 8, define yourselves, companions. Close the doors to evil and help to close the doors that evil opens to all your brothers and sisters.

I invite you, companions, to be collaborators in My redeeming Work, to carry out in these times a great planetary service for this race. I invite you, in simplicity and truth, to be constituted as resplendent suns over the planet, shooting stars that have changed into light, in redemption and in love.

For this greatest Work, creative and infinite, which belongs to the universe and which must be concretized in this humanity, in this very hour, we join hands, between Mary and Saint Joseph, forming that sacred triangulation which gives an impulse to souls to take the great step, blessed by the Spirit of God, by Grace, by infinite Mercy, so that all My disciples and apostles, for beginners as well as those who have been on My path for a long time, at the right and correct time, together as a single unity, you can cross the threshold toward the New Humanity.

Remember, companions, that all of this Work of the end of time will generate the new, which you will see coming over the horizon, the new cycle of humanity, free of errors, sins, evils and indifference, full of the Love of God, of Grace, of Mercy and of Compassion.

In the end, dear companions, there is still much striving to be done. Let your hearts not tire of expanding so that you are able to embrace this Work more and more, which must reach the five continents. This Work is complementary to My Holy Church. This Work, dear companions, expresses in this humanity by giving opportunities to all consciousnesses, so that everybody may know the Love of God in some way.

Through you, I place an important mission, a mission that you are getting to know little by little, which you must love so that it can be strengthened in you, and thus express and be realized in this humanity.

On this August 8, the Universe, the Celestial Universe, the Mental Universe and the Material Universe stop for an instant to observe the last cycle that has now begun.

Bring your hands together in prayer.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, My Son is speaking to you of a last chance. It is this last chance that many will receive so they may cross the portal toward redemption and conversion. My Son invites you to be forerunners of this definitive time, which assembles all the lost sheep so they may enter the stable of His Heart.

Let us pray now, because the last cycle is descending over this universe like a powerful current of God which comes to correct the world, which comes to balance consciousnesses, which comes to bring the new, what nobody has yet known, and about which nobody can comment on what it is, because it is a cycle which is coming in this hour, at this precise moment, for all your higher beings and the higher beings of all of humanity, regardless of whether they are in the light or in the darkness.

The Government of the Universe proclaims His Sacred Word, to announce to the world that it is the time for the last suns to awaken to their true task.

Let us pray united with the Three Sacred Hearts, dear children, because you will always be able to be in Our Hearts, so that We are able to guide you toward the infinite Purpose.

Unite, and every day live unity more and more. The unity will protect you so that you not leave the path. And those who still cannot live in unity, let them yield to My Son so He may help them to be meek, peaceful and good to their fellow beings.

Remember, dear children, the gifts given to you by Heaven in these last nine years.

Let us pray.


Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).


And now the new cycle has entered into the spiritual consciousness of the planet. A powerful Consciousness that comes from God, descending over the world to redeem hearts and strengthen apostles, who will sustain this world when We are no longer present, and yet alive in your hearts forever.

Let us thank God for this opportunity. Let us invoke His Sacred Names. While We rise up to Heaven, lift up your intentions, your prayers and pleas to Heaven.

Happy August 8! You have been born to My Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

My companions, My Heart is your stronghold.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Song: "The Names of God".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

When the Divinity makes an announcement such as this one, a great emotion, a great inner movement occurs in each person. Something that our souls emit, which we do not truly understand, because besides the emotion, it also causes a little fear, because it is unknown. It is here where love and faith move beyond this feeling and we are able to take tight hold of the Mantle of Our Lady and the Robe of Our Lord, knowing that this step, guided by Them, will be what is best for us.

Today, in our heart, our soul spoke and said yes, we continue onward, in spite of that feeling that has overwhelmed us; because it knows that, in that feeling, faith and love will be strengthened and a complete trust in God will change us into other beings.

Those were the steps we took nine years ago and here we are, at the point of taking other steps, perhaps very much larger, but which will carry us to another point. And who knows, after some time, instead of there being 800 people here, someday there will be 80,000 to praise Our Lord and Our Lady.

We have always imagined what it would be like to sing the Kodoish with 100,000 people and draw the angels from Heaven. Who knows, suddenly it's not just a dream, to finally free this world from ignorance, damnation and a lack of union with God.

We, from here, salute everybody on this memorable day, in which finally, this world takes its new step in evolution. And each of us who affirms their heart in God will see the New Race.

And now, let us sing to finish, and let us distribute our beloved oranges. Those beloved oranges that were the beginning of all this, and let us remember a prophecy that a daughter of God, here in Uruguay, transmitted a long time ago and which said that Christ, when He returned, would walk among the orange trees, and we are preparing.

So now we will sing "Unite with the Heart of Mary" while we distribute our oranges and while we say goodbye to all this planet, to all those who are accompanying us through Misericordia María TV.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The oranges were blessed by the Three Sacred Hearts. They carry three blessings in one.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!



For the Graces that you receive daily to be manifested in your lives as a true transformation, you must not allow them to become lost and pass you by like the wind.

When receiving a divine Grace, meditate upon it, feel it within your essences and, in prayer, ask for it to be expanded and to completely transform your beings.

The action of divine Grace is infinite; however, if you receive it and do not even feel what it is doing within you, it will continue to be latent and invisible to your eyes even after this life.

Imagine, children, that someday you may cross the portals of this world without having fulfilled your own mission and then perceive that infinite Graces were given to you, but you never sought them and or even thought about them.

Your lives, by themselves, are already a great grace; it is an invaluable grace to be in this world, at this time, together with the Divine Messengers, being guided in the minimum details. And you receive a greater and unfathomable Grace for this instruction to become alive within each one of you and so that you may be witnesses of the transformative power of divine Grace and may show the world, with your personal example, the true potential of human beings as children of God.

My children, search within you the Graces we hand to you, feel them and make them grow and multiply, always knowing that the result of the perfect expression of the work of Grace is not for yourselves, but rather for the Divine Plan, for the planet, for humanity. In prayer, observe your own inner world and, in silence, allow yourselves to be permeated and transformed by Grace.

At least send the universe a sign that you are not indifferent to everything you receive and that you aspire for the Creator to express Himself with all His Greatness within each one of you.

I love you and I am telling you all this so that you do not to waste the Graces you received, because a time will come when neither Grace nor Mercy will be able to descend upon the human heart, because it will be with the treasures you have already received that you will build your stronghold in the coming times.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


This is the last time for planetary illusion, and this is why, children, the forces of chaos and evil unrestrainedly try to grow and multiply throughout the world. They know this is their last time. Just as the Creator knows His eternity, those forces know their end.

Children of mine, this is the time to close your eyes to the influences of the planet, because the more the end draws near, the more illusion grows, and souls, minds and hearts are more confused.

If you do not hold on tight to higher life and vanquish the tendencies of the world in order to maintain your own faith, following a true spiritual path will cost you very much. You will confuse the message with the messenger and by not seeing the prophecies being fulfilled in the time and form that you expected, you will not believe anything that you learned up to now. 

Remaining in love is a mission for the brave of spirit, those who believe more in God than in themselves, those who are attentive to His Messages and not so much to the way they reach their own hearts.

The Apocalypse is now occurring, inside and outside of many beings. The Americas are being taken care of by the Divine Messengers, but the time will come, children, when it should also go through its purification. The birth of a New Race and of a new principle of life will depend on each heart that will be there and their disposition in persevering, beyond trials, to rebuild the world when the time comes.

Children, you will fully understand what you experience and the instruction we deliver you when you are awake in all levels of consciousness, and the veils are no longer upon your eyes. But today I want you to understand that the planetary events will not happen the way you expect. And so it is, that they are happening now, and very few have noticed them.

So that the chaos on Earth does not confuse you, more each day affirm faith and unity with one another. The prayer that sustains the heart is the same that will maintain the mind in sanity.

Remain with what I told you and do not forget it. When the time comes, these words will be like keys that unlock the doors of the new time.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Although it does not seem so, My Light defeats evil and so My Plan on Earth triumphs, in each open heart that listens to Me and receives at this hour the powerful flow of My Love, the one that will transform you completely and bring life, the spiritual life that exists in the Universes and forms part of each being, when he awakens to his truth.

This truth and this awakening tries to be infiltrated by My enemy. But the power of My Love defeats everything and he fears My Light and My Truth. When he faces it, he becomes confused and does not know what to do, because he does not know Love; he truly turned away from Love, the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

It is this Triune Love that brings you Eternal Life, renewal and peace for these times.

In this Holy Trinity you must keep your hearts and lives, within this triangle of light that represents the Holy Trinity; there you will be protected from all evil, you will help to protect your brothers and sisters and you will also help, dear companions, to remove the illusion of those asleep at this moment.

This worldwide illusion is created by My adversary all the time.

The souls are hypnotized and many believe in another spiritual life that is not the one I offer at this time.

My adversary confuses the souls and shows himself with splendor through a false light that blinds the hearts and makes them enter into confused paths, which lead them to separate from My Law.

For it is the Law of My Love that shows them the Truth.

If I gave My Life  for you and I now give My Life for you, at this time, why follow other paths, companions? My adversary only wants to tempt you, he wants to separate you from My true Heart of Light.

Therefore, today I bring you a real example of this maximum fidelity, through two consciousnesses that gave their  lives for Me, obeyed My instructions and followed My Steps with profound loyalty and humility.

They are Saint Teresita of Lisieux and Saint Teresa of Jesus, two examples for your lives that I present today at My Heavenly Altar. Two Masters of prayer, of the consecration and of the spiritual path, who can guide your steps if you only consecrate your hearts.

In all the Saints of the Universe who gave their life on Earth for Me, there is also the sacred example, the reverence, the true burning devotion.

In Saint Teresita of Lisieux you can find the example of humility, of real love for Baby Jesus and His true Heavenly Mastery.

In Saint Teresa of Jesus your will find your inner renewal, the consecrated life; each one on a different level of love and on their level of commitment to Me.

Saint Teresa of Jesus offers herself as your Instructor for this time, to guide the souls of the self-summoned, of those who are awakening at this time to the real Spiritual Consciousness of the Universe.

Today I recommend to you these two great consciousnesses because they have given a loyal testimony of My Word in the world and, most of all, of My Sacred Heart.

In both you will find the path to perfection.

All the paths that are full of love lead My Paths. This is what you should try to follow at this time and not be deceived by yourselves as the world is deceived.

Today I bring you this message, companions, because it is important that you grow in Truth.

Today I invite you to be humble, within the spiritual apostleship that I offer to all souls.

I only need you to pray with Me, that you adore the Son of God, because you will be adoring the Heavenly Father. That you contemplate this legacy that I hand you to be able to open your consciousness towards this path of redemption.

All souls are called to live on My path. The only path that I offer at this time is the path of love, that can unite you to your brothers and sisters, to all those who are around you, to all those who seek the truth, the truth of the heart.

It is this truth that will make you strong to remove from the consciousness all the lies, all illusion and all mistakes that My enemy articulates in secret behind each being; but whoever lives in My Heart and lives it truly, will not be fooled by him.

His time is approaching and My armies are preparing themselves for this.

You are called to enter into this spiritual command of the end of times and Armageddon, for you to prepare yourselves to experience the battle, a battle that is not known to the world, that was written by John, in the Apocalypse.

This hour is approaching; therefore, I invite you to adoration and prayer for you to be ready, firm and secure, in each decision you take in your lives. This will determine your destinies and the goal you will reach after it all happens.

Today especially, beloved children, I come to remove the veils of blindness for you to be able to see beyond this place and its consciousnesses, for you to be able to see the Heavenly Kingdom that is approaching, with all the splendor of the Divine Mercy, for the souls who need it the most.

My Heart suffers for the ungrateful, even more for those who hurt and wound the Heart of God. Only Love can repair it and the offering of each soul before the Heavenly Son.

If you are as you are, you must not fear being imperfect. I want to see you real, transparent and clean of heart. Because as much imperfection as is in the consciousness and in spite of each test not surpassed, My comfort is infinite to the one who truly calls for it.

I repeat: truth, because it is truth that you must live. It is the truth that makes the world lose itself, the truth that makes the souls lose themselves from their real purpose.

In truth there is peace, calm, quietness, inner strength, victory in each heart. It is this truth that I taught My apostles, that today I recall once more for each one of you.

It does not matter how many fail Me, what matters is how much they let Me live. In the living experience we might have together, brotherhood is built between Heaven and Earth, between God and His creatures and among their fellow beings.

So you will be free of yourselves and the sin will disappear from the world, from the beginning of Genesis to the present, since Adam and Eve committed the original sin. This can be erased from the history of the planet when the New Christs awaken.

Today, I unite My Hands in prayer to ask the Heavenly Father for strength for the weak, love for the hard at heart, faith for those who lost hope, healing for the sick, mercy for the ungrateful ones.

Today I come here to ask the Father for you and the world, because I need you at this acute hour on Earth, in which all is about to happen, beyond the capacity of each being.

When everything happens, there will be no return because everything is being fulfilled, as it is written.

Christ asks for a Bible.

On these paths that I invite you to travel, My Word, the Teaching and the Instruction is always there, moving all spirits to perform the Work of the Plan. If anybody does not fulfill it, it is not for lack of Word, Teaching or Instruction; it will be for inertia, disobedience or indifference.

In this way there are many souls in the world and even so, I send My Mother to Earth for Her Consoling Spirit to be the main force that moves the Universe, generating all possible Graces for those who do not deserve it.

You, companions, be deserving of this Heavenly Grace for the gifts that I handed you in the past to be at the service of My Heart, of My Redemptive Work.

In each step you take I accompany you.

In each breath you take My Spirit is present when the soul is really united to Me, and wants nothing for itself, only the good for the world, for the whole planet and Creation.

I invite you to live in fraternity. This will be your next step for the following months. To transcend the judgments, the indifference, the evils, the commentaries, the blasphemies and all the insults that the souls of the world are able to do.

If you search for the spirit of fraternity, you will only find it in My Merciful Heart, because My Heart is this great universal powerhouse that many consciousnesses use in the Universes.

If My Heart had not been offered on the Cross for you, in the present none of this would be possible.

I suffered the strongest pain in humanity through human indifference, negation and pride.

I come to banish from those who want to experience Me, all the patterns of evil that lead to the decadence of humanity, to war, to the division through times.

I come to build, in the solitary hearts, a new brotherhood for you to not feel lonely anymore and to count on each brother and sister of the journey.

That way, I can be among you when I do not come back anymore, because the time is approaching in which the world will purify itself and will see a reality it never wanted to see by itself.

I pray kneeling before My Father for all to be light at this crucial moment. Therefore I give you all these Graces.

Do not miss this moment with Me.

Make use of My Presence and do not think about when this all will end. That way you will not have understood what I am saying.

Even if I do not show Myself to everybody, I make Myself present in the peaceful hearts. Thus you have been able to see in this material life.

Many believe that there is nothing in this Book and that those who wrote it were retarded.

The apostles who followed Me had no spiritual nor mental instruction, but I taught them, as I teach you now, to write the Words of God through the heart.

Even if there are faults or little understanding for those who think they are wise, the true Presence of God, companions, is in the simple hearts, who write through their examples, who give witness of My Presence in these times, where light and peace are needed.

Here there are inexplicable codes. This belongs to My spiritual legacy and not to the beings who follow Me.

Men and women must follow My Commandments and not possess My Words.

This book, which was written with so much love, from the beginning of Genesis, shows a part of the Truth that has not been discovered yet by any theologian.

First, you must feel in your heart the message for it then to become real and to be fulfilled in each one of you.

I left you the basic Instruction for the times, the parables, which many still are not able to experience, even more so those who pronounce them in My Name.

I invite you to be simple, as the scripture of the heart is.

Because God manifests Himself on three planes of consciousness: in the spirit, in the mind and in the human.

Once more I leave this present from God. Although the Sacred Bible has been changed, do not get lost in details, but in the essence of the instruction that gives the spiritual Hierarchy to all souls in the world.

In each parable there is a superior key, a portal that can be opened in your consciousnesses. You will be invited, this way, to experience the different levels of love, as I taught you in the New Testament.

I place My Hands upon the Sacred Word of God so that when all is finished, nobody will have missed not even one enunciation of it.

May the instruction be revered and valued by the simple hearts, because there will be peace, in the knowledge of the heart that loves beyond what is thought, because the Word of God, the Word of the Hierarchy, is a living witness for the world, to reach the promise of the New Humanity.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus will pray with us at this moment and asks us to follow Him in silence and in union with Him.

Jesus Christ:

Deposit, Lord, Your merciful Teaching for those who have fallen.

Write Your new history in the impure hearts, for each soul to be able to purify itself and to find Your Peace and the maximum consolation of Your Heart.

Lord, do not look at the faults of the world.

Glimpse at the Power of Your Word, of Your Sacred Instruction in all those who hear it, while their hearts transform themselves in potent streams of light.

Through Your Word, Lord, You created all.

I was born from the Source of Your Heart,  and so Your Divine Spirit appeared.

You created the Universes in seven days and you made things in Your likeness, in the great splendor of Your Love and of Your Infinite Life.

Constitute, Adonai, Your new Teachings in the world, and may the souls awake to Your Love, which is pronounced like the Living Word in all You have created.

Transfigure, Lord, all that has strayed from Your Path.

Make Yourself alive and present in those who have not heard You yet and who negate the Power of Your Word.

Beloved Father, Holy Lord of the Highest, Unique (One) Universal Source, You have taught us to pray with the heart and to implore Your Sacred Name for us to be able to live as Your worthy children, Your beloved creatures of this existence.

Erase from each hurt heart the blasphemies committed and all words that have hurt Your Heart in the great indifference of the world.

Revive Your Sources of Instruction as a divine inspiration for the consciousnesses.

May each soul find the path that will take them towards You, to be able to vivify You forever and ever. 

Make Yourself present, Lord, in all those who cry out to You. Do not look at their faults but at the kindness with which they look at You to find Your Mercy.

Unite Your Powerful Heart to each being and remove the spiritual evil from each consciousness on Earth.

Regroup Your flock, Lord.

I am Your tireless Pastor that leads the souls to Your Heart for them not to get lost nor be unable to find You.

Lord, accept My Kindness and the offering of all Your children who pray to Your compassionate Heart to ask You for an opportunity,

I promise to take Your Kingdom to those who have transformed themselves, through Your Holy Word, in sacrifice and in love for the goodness of the whole Creation.

So let it be.

My prayers are not heard in the world. Who will open their heart to listen to what I say and will not think about what each one wants for himself?

Ask every day to your Master what He needs. The Plan is near you. Recall it so as not to lose sight of it.

Now I will consecrate you again for the third time so that in the coming times all that has happened here can bear fruit.

I do not want My pearls in the stables of the pigs.

Each light that I bring is precious for the souls that know how to revere it.

I bring you the food of the spirit and the hope for all the planet.

Trust Me and never close your hearts.

I will return to the world to end this horror that the whole Universe is seeing.

Our Silence brings strength, our Prayer brings constancy and our Word, Mercy.

In these elements, companions, I hand you My Life, My Forgiveness and My Love, until I return in the Glory of My Father.

And with all My angels I will come to call My flocks and I will give all those who followed Me the Eternal Life and Grace of being with Me forever.

I hand you My Heart, as a flame of life that will never be extinguished.

Today, I raise to My Heart all the intentions that have been offered to Me during these days.

Know that I love your souls more than your errors.

Look into My eyes whenever you need it and remain in Me, in My Arms, as John remained until the last hour of My surrender. This way you will also be consoling Me and pride will distance itself in order not to confuse your hearts anymore.

So I will hand you My Peace and My eternal Grace after this life.

Today I spend more time with you for you to engrave in your cells this moment with Me, because although the world rejects Me with all the  faults it has committed, My Love will never fail, because I am your King, and I am the Path.

Go in peace. And for Me, be the peace wherever you go.

By the Grace of God, be blessed. 

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you Father for all that You give us!

Special Apparitions

My God, I believe in You...(x3)

You have been encouraged to be close to Me despite of what has happened and that is part of the victory of My Heart, of the triumph of the Plan of God on Earth beyond any adversity, disturbance, or deceit.

Today you have encouraged me to be here, in My Presence, in spite of the sins or the imperfections, because I do not wish you to be pure, but free from yourself, so that you may walk by My side, in the perfection of My Plan that I reveal to My fellowmen, to My friends and apostles.

You have trusted in Me and you have come to find Me, even thought everything has changed and the place is different. That is what the obedience of a good soul brings about, that follows the paths of the Lord in total trust and surrender, so that, above all, My Light may triumph, which is the Light that comes from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Today I have come as a Priest, to consecrate you and renew you.

I have come to deposit My Gifts again, which were always present, but I renew everything in your life so that you can go on and, as I have told you, walk beside Me until I reach the goal that I propose for your life and your consciousness.

Be encouraged to follow me and you will not miss My Steps, because I lead My sheep to this stable of My Heart, where I comfort them, I keep them and contemplate them through My redeeming love.

Today I am that Priest who renews your life, consciousness and spirit. I am the Priest who gives strength to your soul to not desist or lose sight of My precious Project, which is to turn your life into an instrument of peace and good for the world.

Look at your star, old pilgrim, beloved disciple and servant of My Father. Look at your origin and glimpse your brotherhood; you have never separated from it in spite of what has happened.

Find your existence again, the meaning of your life, and unify with your brothers and sisters, to survive in these difficult times.

Thus, will be My Heart among you, as It was with the apostles to guide you to the final goal of evangelizing the world and of bringing the Supreme Consciousness of God to those who were fallen and lost in darkness.

See in all My Universe the potency of My Love. that is splendorous and magnificent.

See in each step that I ask you to take, how I guide your life and your inner self with new patterns.

Do not leave My steps behind but always seek me, so that you can see in My paths My Will, which is not yours, but the Will of My Father through Me, through everything that I express for the consciences.

I have come to thank you and to encourage you, to institute a new being that must continue to be molded like clay, until the potter reaches the perfection of it and offers to God as a testimony that this Plan can be fulfilled in this world.

See around Me the twelve angels that accompany Me; supreme authorities, worshipers of My Eucharistic and Most Holy Body.

See in them how the love of adoring Me and honoring Me is emanated, because I Am the Son, Who is in the Heavens, and once descended among you to bring you peace and redemption, to show you the true path, the simple path that My Heart traversed through instruction and the word for all souls.
And so I invite you to ascend and enter My Kingdom, where there is peace and unity, just as there is peace and unity in your brothers, your companions.

Because between brothers there can only be love and unity. Blessed are those who live it and who multiply it in My Name without forgetting that all pain is cured through love and compassion.

I am that Consciousness that brought you Mercy, a mystery that is not yet very well known and that at this time I reveal to you. Because if I am the Mercy itself, it is that mystery that is being revealed to you and to the whole world, to the whole humanity, so that you may know that the great compassion of God still exists and his infinite Piety towards his creatures, similar to Him.

If this Mercy were not among you, companions, how would the world survive in this time, where actions compromise many souls and submerge hearts in the abysses?

It is in this that I need you to work, in freeing hearts, souls and the Kingdoms of Nature, because each one has a mission with Me that can not stop living, nor fulfill.

If I call you in this time, it is because I had already called you in another time, and that burning commitment is still alive in My Heart. And so I come to fulfill before My Father the promise I made Him of self-summoning My companions in this end of time, in which everything is in play, even spiritual life.

But if your prayer were strong, persevering, and loving, you will have nothing to fear, because if you pray with Me and pray with My Mother, and pray with Saint Joseph, Our Light will always be, in spite of the darkness.

Thus, I tell you, companion: do not fear purifying yourself, because if the Son of God was purified when He was surrendered in the Temple into the arms of God, all souls of this Earth must be purified because of their debts and actions; but there is a lifeline that will help you to transcend everything, and that is My Mercy.

Because of My Mercy you are here today and I am with you and with the world.

Because of My Mercy, you still walk by My side and follow My steps.

My Mercy is stronger than any sin, than any indifference and omission.

My Mercy renews all things and restores all things.

It was the Power of My Divine Mercy that helped Me to carry the cross of the world and the horrors of humanity, to be able to free souls from all the hells.

That is why I establish this bridge of light with your hearts and Mine, so that you may drink from My Fount and nurture your spirits in the power of My renewal.

So I am consecrating you at this time, in which the majority of souls have need of My Sacraments, of My Gifts, and of My Graces.

I experience so much pain through the indifference of the world or the indifference of one for another, in the face of the need that is visible before your eyes and hearts.

If you are indifferent among yourselves, you will be indifferent with Me, and I will not be able to reach you. That is why until now and in this time I wait for you, and I still keep My Arms stretched out to you so that you will take My Hands and are able to get up from this ground, from all the stones that makes you fall.

I restore you in spirit and in life when you hurt yourselves or when you wound others.

My Mercy helps you to see the truth in each heart and in each brother or sister who are by your side.

It is in this simple truth that I want you to be able to live every day. It is the truth that I taught My apostles and My followers, including those who gave Me up to the cross and to death.

If I suffered for you, companions, was so you would not had to suffer, nor caused others to suffer with any action, or ways that could alter the peace of the heart that incessantly searches for Me.

I remind you all of My legacy and the commitment to live Me every day until the last days of your lives, because you have offered yourselves for this before My Father and today I come to remind you so that you may live Me through your peers, transcending imperfection and errors, because what is perfect, companions, is love.

The imperfect heart that loves is a perfect heart, because it draws love to it, shares it, and distributes it like loaves to the poorest in spirit.

Many times, among you, I wished to show this love, and I had loaves distributed like gifts and graces for your hearts. And some of those times you were not able to see it, but My Love justifies you and saves you, redeems you and restores you, until you are able to take the great step, according to the commitment of each being.

I offer you My Priesthood as a principle of renewal for those who seek union with God all of the time, and especially so that you not forget that God is merciful and pious with all of the Creation.

I give you My Graces so that you may be purified and testify to My Love in the world, especially for those who most need it in this acute hour of the planet.

Cry, resting upon My bosom, and seek the essence of My forgiveness that will unify you and free you from the past.

Cry, and let Me deeply cleanse you.

My Mercy is like the water of the oceans, that pacifies and heals everything in the consciousnesses.

Cry, and free yourself of pain so that My love may enter your spirit and I make a new dwelling place in glory to God.

Feel My merciful Heart and carry peace to a world that urgently needs it at this crucial hour of humanity.

Tests strengthen My followers. Transformation unites you with Me and purification consecrates you to My Divinity, so that I may be in you and you in Me forever.

Before the twelve angels that accompany Me, this Friday we will celebrate the reparation of the Sacred Heart of your Lord, that deigns to show Himself to simple hearts so that they may see My truth.

While I am here, I contemplate the world and all the souls that open their hearts to receive Me.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us... In the Presence of Christ let us sing: "Come Oh Great Spirit" for the blessing of the sacraments. And let us allow that this Spirit of Christ enter into us. We place our hands in the sign of receptivity.

Once again.

Most Holy Heart of Christ,
change our hearts
into sacred flames of Your Divine Mercy,
so that Your Face may be founded on the great human heart.
May the coming descent of Your Celestial Glory
Redeem all consciousnesses.
In honor and in glory to the Celestial Father.
Amen. (x3)

O beloved Lord! O beloved Christ!,
accept our reparation through our love,
our surrender, and our prayer,
so that Your flogged heart, Lord, gain relief
from our devotion to You.
Amen. (x3)

Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…

In this way, companions, I have consecrated you on this day so that your spirits and souls be reborn in My heart and always find peace under the blessing of God and of all His angels.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Could the sisters that came from Menorca come up here to receive the blessing of the consecrated oil.

And in this way, I taught all My servants to love one another through the offering of My Heart, which was pierced for you also so that, beyond all error and malice, you would be able to achieve the Love of God, which is a Love that triumphs and supports souls that live it.

Let us thank the Father Who is in the Heavens, Who assembles us and gives us life, for the presence of His angels that accompany the glory of your Lord in the Sacred Celebration of the Eucharist that redeems all hearts.

Like the angels, let us praise God, so that I may elevate to heaven your pleading and the pleading of all those who listen to Me.

Thus I constitute those consecrated, in different ways, as apostles in redemption.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing the melodic Kodoish together with the angels.

We keep our hands in the sign of receptivity.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, now we are going to share a little story of the Apparition and afterwards, at the request of Our Lord, we are going to do some reflecting.


Story of Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Sometimes it is difficult to memorize everything that happens, right?, because it is a lot of impulses that the Hierarchy gives us.

I am going to try and synthesize everything that happened, because there were several things, it was what I was feeling and what each one of us was experiencing, it was as if we were going through several stages, on different planes. And each time that we went through those stages, the experience and the meeting with Him would deepen, and I don't know if everybody was able to perceive it, but this is what happened.

But when we were in one of the songs, which was "Christ, You are Love," no, excuse me, I made a mistake, it wasn't "Christ You are Love", it was "Apostles of love", He was already getting closer. That was before the last fifty beads that were missing.

When He began to descend, what really drew my attention was what He looked like. In general, when the Hierarchy descends, Christ, Mary, or Saint Joseph descends, they come in a sphere of light, and it is as if they located the place where we are gathered.

So they come from the Universe, they locate the solar system, they locate the planet, and then, they locate the continent where we are, the country where we are. That is how the Apparition happens, how it begins to happen.

And there, He located this place in Avila, where we were, but instead of directing the energy specifically toward us, He expanded it throughout the region, and suddenly, He showed the walls of Avila as if they were channels of liberation, white tunnels, something like that.

And on the streets of Avila the dead began to rise, or those who were dead on this plane; many people began to leave and He was taking them to a place, as if it was a space where He recycled them, we could say, freed them. There was a lot of people from that period, you know?

And the angels that accompanied the Master helped Him.

So, after He finished this task, that the task was ended, He began to address us. As you perceived, He was talking in the first person, because He was talking to each one of us; afterwards, at another moment, I perceived that he was talking to many inner worlds, to many inner beings, not only to us who were here, but in other places, the brothers and sisters who were connected with us and also those who are not. He was speaking to everyone and placed something within us.

And as he said, He manifested as a Priest, dressed all in white, like a priest is dressed, and on the sleeves, on the outside part, like this part of the sleeves, He had embroidery, and he also had a stole that was all sort of embroidered, in a format very  much like a Greek embroidery, as if it were something more orthodox, I don't know how to describe it because I have never seen that. He showed Him like this.

He was all in white and around Him, in His Apparition, were the twelve angels, which He said were governing angels. And so, there He began to develop this task. There were moments which He mentioned as He spoke and also of what He showed, in which He referred to moments in His life in the Holy Land, with all those who participated in those events in His passage as Jesus.

And I perceived that some of us also were in that time with Him.

He was showing what we were like in that time, and what spiritual and human condition we were in; and how in such a surprising, marvelous way He was working with each soul, according to the need that each one of us spiritually had for assistance.

He made this bridge with this moment to this present, and through this exercise, when He transmitted the message, He gave His Word, He was renewing us.

And then in an instant, He spoke of the moment of the Passion, when He falls, and if you remember, He says: "I renew all things"; He says it to His Mother, at the fourth station of the Way of the Cross, when He is with Mary.

He shows that event; He speaks of that happening when He falls and receives a hard blow, right? He shows a situation that was worse than what we know about, and how, in spite of being exhausted, the Master receives a hard blow to His Head when He falls at that fourth station. And when Mary goes to help Him get up, in the blow that He experiences, in spite it being a blow of pain and of suffering, He releases something like many Rays of Mercy, right?, of Light, of Love.

And through the expansion of those Rays of Love and of Mercy, He manages to raise many souls, many fallen beings, that were fallen in that time, and which in this time are also, in some way. According to what He said, according to what He explained, He was trying to have those beings find the path of the light again. And there we were, in all of that process, until the end.

Although He asked to do the blessing of the sisters of Menorca, He did an initiation, like a Sacrament, a renewal, like a vow of union of us with Him, in this task that He is summoning us to live the Plan. That was, more or less, what happened.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

I think that we were all able to perceive that every day the Hierarchy is closer, each day it takes another step toward us.

The Apparition of today was deeply felt, because each one could perceive how Christ was talking to your own heart, as if we were alone, He and us, and there was nobody else in the room.

This approach that He is doing with each one has to do with that link that He wants to build with the heart of each one, and it is up to us to realize it and open up so that He can build this link. Because it is with that link that we will be able to go through everything that must be gone through, that we will be able to transform, harmoniously purify ourselves, being very personally united with Him.

So we cannot lose sight of this approach that He is wanting to carry out with each one of us.

And each time that He is closer, the more codes of renewal we receive.

What is a code of renewal? It is that spiritual impulse that changes something old that is inside us for something new, and that because it is a code, can be infinitely multiplied within us, taking out the old and placing something new in us, spiritually speaking.

And each time that we lovingly connect with Him, those codes are multiplied much faster, we could say.

We have to make what He deposits in each one continue to multiply more and more, each day.

So an Apparition of Christ in this time is not just for coming to listen to beautiful words. It is something much deeper and that we have to open our consciousness, our heart, to not miss not even one second, not even one moment with Him.

So let us place this in our heart, let us treasure what we receive.

Not many people have the possibility of receiving, let us hold this as the great treasure of this time, for our lives, for our spirits, for our future, for everything that will come.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!


Dear children:

Open the eyes of the heart today and also the ears to see and hear the call for peace. This call supposes an effort from everyone to materialize the plans of peace of Your Heavenly Mother. To fulfill this important call will demand from you not only time, but sufficient love to face the battles.

For the devotees of Aurora there will be no lack of motivation because the own ray of the Sacred Center will shape the consciousnesses as the first soldiers at service of the Plan and of its evolution.

To be a warrior at this time means to fight only with the forces that come from love and freedom, to be able to perform the task.

Aurora establishes its commands of prayer through the sacred instruction and the confluence of impulses that lead to fulfill this purpose of peace. Therefore, the self-summoned to Aurora must appear and present themselves to receive the due instructions; in this way their hearts and minds will be prepared to respond to the call of the Universe.

So it is, dear children, that the Light of Aurora reflects its rays upon the consciousnesses that open themselves in humility and service to receive them, and they mirror them as support for aid and redemption of the hearts. The Light of Aurora expresses itself as a flame of prayer for those who invoke it with their soul and without interest. This Light of Aurora will guide you and place you on a secure path to respond to the call for peace.

It is therefore that all the soldiers, awakened or asleep, start to hear the warm vibration of the call, because the time has come for all the disciples to line up for the missions they must fulfill. In this way, the planet and humanity will be protected and helped before the great moment of their purification.

I thank all the praying soldiers who respond to My call!

Who awakens you to the celestial commands,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Eagle of Light bus during the journey from the city of Rivera to the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am that universal Light of Aurora that illuminates the wounded spaces of the consciousness, bringing healing and a cure to the whole being.

I am that Ray of Aurora that purifies the corrupted particles of humanity and transforms them into codes of redemption.

I am that Spring of healing of Aurora that renews everything it touches and radiates principles of redemption.

I am that green Flame of Aurora that in devotion, elevates those who cry out for liberation.

I am that precious and green Crystal of Aurora that scatters victorious lights upon the souls that confirm their union with that state of redemption.

I am the green Star of Aurora that summons the soldiers to the path of a profound awakening.

I am that brilliant Light of the Kingdom of Aurora that calls disciples to inner instruction; in this way, I form the redeemed legions of Christ in this end time.

I am that green Fire of Aurora that like a torch, illuminates the path of the followers of the Plan.

I am that invisible Mirror of Aurora that attracts the principles of brotherhood and unity.

You, children, can be Aurora each time you unite with it and affirm your union with the Hierarchy.

May the New Aurora awaken in the life of each being. May the suns, which still do not shine, recognize the great convocation of the Plan.

Aurora calls you to form the first ranks of the armies of the Plan. Aurora invokes its Sacred Center so that the self-summoned awaken to the Plan.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the healing Light of Aurora,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Contemplate today the mystery of the death of Christ and the solitude felt by all of His apostles and disciples, by all of His followers, since very few were able to understand the greatness of His Crucifixion.

Contemplate in your heart the withdrawing of Christ, His silence and the uncertainty that this silence caused within His ones.

Those who were waiting for Him were facing a test of faith: were synthetizing in their own interior everything they had received and everything they had learned, to put into practice to help others.

This Holy Saturday will be similar to the test humanity will live in the future times. For now you are still in the presence of Christ, of the Most Holy Mary and of My Chaste Heart; now you still count on the instruction and guide of Those who were sent by the Lord to represent Him in matter and to lead His flock to the encounter with Him. But time will come when each one will have to confirm themselves and affirm their own faith. Each one will have to share the bread and be a bridge with God for those who are empty in spirit. Each apostle and each disciple of Christ will have to announce the awakening that will come after the dark days and thus, make those who will persevere to the end keep standing and with faith in their heart because they have made a commitment with God.

Contemplate the faith of the holy women of Jerusalem and how they overcame the pain they felt in order to live the pure love that the Lord had taught them.

Contemplate the devotion of these holy devotees of Christ, who not only persevered in the Calvary but also anointed the Body of Christ, saw Him resurrected, traveled through the continents announcing His Victory and, throughout the centuries, returned to the world, still as holy women to perpetuate the Work of the Savior.

Take your strength from the mysteries of the Calvary, from the victory over death, from faith during the days of darkness and from the glory of resurrection.

Relive the history of your Lord and multiply His Grace and goodness, being yourself the living word of Christ and the fulfillment of His promises.

Do greater things than He did and so accomplish His words,

Renew the Church of Christ that is not kept in a religion, but is in the heart of everyone who has faith and disposition to follow the steps of the Lord.

The one who guides you to the Savior,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I am the Sacred Tree

I am the Mother and Lady provider of all Graces.

I am the sacred Tree of the Universe, I am who bears fruit, and from the fruit are born all the seeds which are sown and germinated in all My children.

I am the sacred Tree of Figueira(1), I am the trunk that supports and transmutes My children.

I am the treetop that blossoms from era to era, reflecting the great beauty of God.

I am the great root that sustains all life and gives regenerative strength to all spirits.

I am the great Figueira; you are My favorite fruits that I cause to ripen with the rays of the solar Heart of My Son so that you may give the new seeds that will be sown in the new humanity.

I am the sacred Figueira Tree; you are also part of My leaves, expressing life, healing and renewal.

Oh sacred seeds of My beloved Figueira! may new fruits sprout in other fields that will be offered to the Celestial Father.

You are also My branches, and I am the great sacred Tree that unifies you and makes you participants in the perfect union with the Creator.

You are part of My entire sacred Tree, you are the result of the continuous work of the sacred Tree. Be the branches, be the leaves, be the fruit and seeds of My beloved Figueira; express the love of knowledge and practice it, the hour has come, the time is now.

The sacred Tree of Figueira has already planted its foundations of instruction in all hearts, it is time to experience it, to adore it, and to love it.

Oh sacred seeds of redemption!, sprout in those fields where there is loneliness in the consciousnesses; sprout in service and in charity, as do all the Kingdoms of Nature. Be the seeds that bear My Light and My Mercy, be the living mirrors of the divine message.

I am the sacred Figueira, let no one forget. I am the sacred Tree of renewal and peace. I wish, beloved children, for you to someday stop being seeds and to become trees grown in love and in sacred knowledge.

Revere all the fruits that My sacred Figueira has given you, it is the cradle of the new fruits, it is the seed nursery of the new humanity.

Oh, little figueiras! (fig trees) May your growth be as elevated as prayer, may your fruit be as beautiful as the flowers of My immaculate garden.

In the coming time, you will see all the little figueiras (fig trees) in the sacred forest live by the Light of God and are as expressive as eternal devotion.

Embrace My sacred Tree of Figueira with love so that in this internal union your feet may walk barefoot and liberated from everything toward the eternal garden of the Heart of God.

Children, allow to sprout within you that which is the purest and holiest, that God has poured out through love.

Let us be united in spirit as one, around the beloved Figueira of light.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who congregates you in prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


(1) Figueira in Portuguese means fig tree, and is the name of the Marian Center where this Message
         of Mary was transmitted.


Dear companions in Christ,

With love I tell you that, while there is still time, learn the art of elevation and concentration, the fruit of the consciousness that understands the moments it lives and the Grace of all that it has learned.

In a short time, dissociation will be a law on Earth, and those who do not know how to live by laws that transcend material existence will risk losing their own mental, emotional and spiritual control, when immersed in the laws of chaos.

Today I will ask you not to listen to My Words like so many more you have listened to over the years, because every spoken phrase brings a precise instruction for the end of times. That is why the fact that you have received a certain instruction will already signal to the universe that you are able to bear the trials that will come and that will make you put into practice all that We have taught you.

I ask you to observe, in your lives, how the retrograde energies have already gained a certain degree of incentive with the technologies and astral and mental stimuli in general. Now, think: if within a group aura prepared by God to withstand important negative strikes, the forces of darkness still manage to penetrate and influence, even if not as intensely as the influence of Light, how would be the minds of the governors and consciousnesses that handle in an uncontrollable way the energies of power and of property?

The craving for power is growing in a misguided way and – as these consciousnesses acquire more power and property in relation to things and people – their ambition grows and the sensation that they are invincible seizes their minds and their hearts.

I must speak to you in a clear and direct way, because the forces of darkness are no longer hiding among men and, thus, neither the Light can hide itself, for with the same intensity it must reach the world, so that the consciousnesses can find the balance before themselves and can elect their choices between the Light and the darkness, which in the same proportion present themselves.

It does not mean that Light and darkness have the same intensity in Creation, for they will appear in the world with the same proportion only for the definition of beings and for their learning, because the Light will always prevail and, even though the night seems too dark and endless, it will last the necessary time for all to define themselves and soon a new Sun will rise, more luminous than the one you know, to obfuscate the eyes of those who only see in the darkness.

This will be the hour of awakening, and everyone will be aware of their choices, even if there is no time to turn back. This will the moment to reap the fruits of the planted seeds and assume the decisions you have made.

I tell you this because, before the night rushes into the world, you must be with your eyes wide open and your consciousnesses forged in the fire of Christ for your elevation.

Do not listen to me in a symbolic way anymore. I speak to those who know how to listen, for only they will make of themselves the expansion and transmission of the Message to those who have been deaf when God has issued His Holy Voice to the world.

Growth and peace for all.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The School of humility of the Virgin Mary: The humility to be able to listen

Dear children,

In My school of humility it is essential to be able and learn how to listen to spiritual instruction. For this, the spirit of humility must permeate your consciousnesses so that you learn how to listen to everything which is needful to be heard. If your hearts listen, you will be humble, and in this time you will be able to understand what will allow the transformation to happen.

To find the spirit of humility and of surrender, first you must banish everything that your consciousnesses listen to in themselves. If you do not do this internally, you will never be able to generate the space needed in the consciousness for humility to act and have you be part of the inner transformation.

Dear children, consecration to God is not enough; the Father needs for you to learn to detach from your own forms and modalities, which have made of humanity a civilization without true instruction. For this reason, through the school of humility, you must gradually detach from every inner thought or feeling which opposes the higher action of humility. To achieve this detachment, you must recognize and accept the lack of humility existing in you, thus opening the heart so that it may govern above every mental or intellectual form.

Humility as essence is a powerful tool which allows doors to be opened to the healing of the heart and the deepest wounds, wounds which in most souls are caused by a state of incomprehension, and above all, by a lack of peace.

Every adversity or disappointment generated by the personal consciousness is the reflection of not feeling loved as one believes one should be, and of a lack of closeness to the higher principle of humility.

The school of humility allows the consciousness to recognize itself as it is and to see its difficulties as a possibility for exchanging them for attributes it has never experienced. The lack of humility generates a void in the inner world of beings, which cannot be filled by anything, not even by love. This happens because of permanence or the resistance to some true changes.

The lack of humility generates states of frustration or lack of concretization of goals in the material life in the consciousness. Therefore, for higher humility to draw closer, the consciousness must humble itself, and that is what arrogance and pride do not want to do from the moment in which they must be deposed from their power.

The invocation of humility presupposes facing some aspects of life that must die. When this search is honest, the Grace of God intervenes to dissolve the permanent difficulties. In humility there exists a door that leads straight to peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals you in the essence of humility,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The strength of those who will keep others standing in the times to come will be profound prayer, the one which leads the heart to be in the presence of God and remain there. It will be like being in a world without being involved by all that happens around, seeing only the truth and the real purpose of all things.

Those who build within themselves the union with God the Father and allow Him to be the One who thinks and feels in their beings will be as the apostle John, capable of accompanying the transition, as John accompanied the Passion of Christ.

John learned to contemplate the truth and, by the absolute trust in Jesus, that he had reached, he would see – in each one of His steps with the cross – the manifestation of His words and of His teachings. As well John would see what Jesus had said in the Last Supper being fulfilled, he also remembered that Jesus would reappear. He also remembered the hidden instructions that Jesus had given to His own and that revealed the true meaning of the sacrifice made for love. John knew that He would see the portals of the Divine Mercy open themselves before his eyes.

Today I want to call you to construct with God and with Christ the same union of John with Jesus and that, thus, you be able to see in the coming events the fulfillment of the instructions given in the last years.

May you know to contemplate not the suffering and the pain, but rather the purpose of all that you will live. Participate of this planetary birth labor not with the attention in the contractions and pains of the planet, but rather in the New Humankind, which will emerge inside of each being who accepts redemption to renovate the Project of God on Earth.

Dear companions, the passages of the life of Jesus lasted throughout the centuries because they repeat themselves in the lives of all those who follow God. Study the Gospel of Christ and find there the keys for you to cross over the times you live and reach the manifestation of the resurgence of Humankind, the resurgence of Christ, inside of each being.

I love you and I leave you My peace.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Never forget that I am the Great Mirror of the Mercy of God, which lovingly offers redemption to the world.  Never forget that I am Your Mother and that I incarnated in this world in order to remind you about the Purity of God; that I am by your side at all times, both in joy and in the tests. 

I am that Lady that suffered together with Jesus, and I am the same One that carries with you the Cross that God gave you.  I have come to the Kingdom of Aurora to let you know about healing of the soul and of the spirit.  I have come to this sacred ground to reveal the sacred precinct and the divine refuge to all the hearts.

If this is your house, why will you not come?  If your heart woke up in Aurora, why will you not call Her?  I need you to learn to redeem yourself in this sacred place.  Maybe your being does not find beauty and perfection here, but your consciousness will rejoice because it will see in the horizon the Light of redemption.

For this, encourage yourself to be transformed overnight.  Let My own Aurora show you the steps towards inner healing.  Do not depreciate this opportunity. You know that millions of souls neither know this nor have the Grace of receiving, like you do, the power of the healing love.

The planet suffers for so many condemnations and for so many tests and you must be this new divine cell in profound redemption.

You must not live for yourself anymore; rather, you must live for that which God wants, thus you will get to know the true and great Will in your life.  Walk with trust towards this great discovery.  A new awakening waits for you.  An ultimate call is being announced to the world.

Neither keep rancor towards your own self nor towards your brothers and sisters.  Rid yourself right away from the bonds that take you to constant error.  You must no longer be the same, you must be that which My Son expects.  You must no longer think like you think or work like you have worked until now.    You must be that which you have never lived.  You must reflect the true being that you have not yet awakened within you.

For this I do not come as Your Mother in order to awaken your mind because in this way you will never understand that which I say to you as long as your ideas act.  Thus, live like My Son taught you by means of His Passion.

Love beyond your preferences and likings.  Love with maturity in order to be able to see the meaning of true love.  I come to divest you from arrogance to give you the clothes of love.  I come to remove haughtiness from you in order to give to you the holy meekness in hand.  I come to extract pride from you, so that I can show simplicity to you.

I want you to be a different being from this moment on.  I hope that you will understand and feel the path that I am showing you, the path towards the absolute inner emptiness.  But do not fear to be naked and display so many imperfections;   seek the essence and the humiliations so that your ways will be transmuted. 

Stay by My side and you will not suffer.  Live in the refuge of My Heart and you will free yourself from everything.  Amid so much human wickedness I must rescue the most in need so that they will be redeemed seeds in the New Earth.

Do not fear the possession of your own life because the true life waits for you in the cosmos.  Let yourselves be guided day and night.  Surrender to My Instruction and make an effort to change, thus God will be able to hope for the Plan to continue.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you profoundly and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Sovereign Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
