In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Universe sympathizes with the whole planetary situation of these times. For this reason, it sends all the possible help so that souls can find the Portal of Healing and Liberation.

Thus, the whole Universe mobilizes itself as you could have never before imagined.

All the Universe is mobilizing itself to help humanity and so that humanity can become aware of the meaning of these times and of the moment that it is going through.

Therefore, the Hierarchy gathers together, in the different planes of consciousness, meditates, reflects and makes some consciousnesses of Earth participants in the Truth so that they can later communicate to the world that which truly happens and not that which is said elsewhere upon the Earth.

It is important, My children, to avail yourselves of true information so that your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of your brothers and sisters may not be misguided.

Therefore, at this time, I invite you to use a fundamental ray, which is the ray of neutrality, so that nothing can surprise you, so that nothing can shake you and so that you may have wisdom, in each moment, in each test that will come, in each movement that will present itself.

By means of My Presence, today I bring you this movement of the Universe and of its Hierarchies so that you know that you are not alone, so that you know that we are supporting you and so that, at such an acute moment of the planet as this, you can make use of our spiritual Light, the Light that is made available by the Fount of the One Presence.

It is in this that you must place your consciousnesses, just as we, your Hierarchies, place our consciousnesses at the Feet of God; and we are filled, blessed and invaded by the Fount of Love and Wisdom, which is what humanity needs at the moment to learn how to make correct, not hasty decisions.

Thus, I want to teach you to avail yourselves of true knowledge that comes from the Source, which descends to all the Universes, planets, suns, stars and humanities, so that you may learn to raise your consciousness and your vibration at this planetary moment and so that you do not let yourselves be frightened nor disturbed by all that is said.

I am not telling you to be omissive with what truly happens, but rather that you have discernment and wisdom to be able to decide and, above all, to understand.

These are the times, just as My Son has said, in which everything will be triggered and many, so many souls will learn, in an unexpected way, through the tests and through that which the planet will present as a state of consciousness and as nature, as a part of Creation.

The planetary birth is approaching and, so that the New Humanity and the New Human Being may be born, everything must be purified because you, as humanity, know that you have diverted from the Purpose and from the Law.

For this reason, I come here to the world to announce to you the Word of God and so that you remember the Mercy of the Father in His infinite universal manifestation, because this door to His Divine Mercy is still open, this door that many more souls can cross at this planetary moment, at which the rescue is necessary for all under the spirit of salvation.

But it is also the time for souls to be able to serve their fellow beings, to be able to relieve suffering, to be able to help those who do not have instruction, because the majority is not ready for what will come in a short time.

Therefore, we call you to permanent, uninterrupted and constant prayer for this moment, in which all souls need wisdom and discernment so that they can be guided and conducted along the right path.

As the Mother of Wisdom, today I pray for you; as the Mother of Healing, I intercede for you; because the difficult times will show many hard events, and it is important that you can be prepared and instructed for these moments, in which material life will be completely shaken, both in Heaven and on Earth, preparing the emergence of the New Humanity, which will no longer have personal power or decision, but rather will finally learn to live in adherence to the Will of the Father.

By not fulfilling the rules and the Commandments, sufferings arise, the human decay arises, inequality arises. But this will end, a new time will come, but not everyone will be in this new time.

Many must learn in other schools that which they have not learned so far, because the planet keeps suffering and agonizing, just as the Kingdoms of Nature keep suffering and agonizing, and the Father will put an end to so much wickedness and suffering.

Because the Father created you to be happy, joyful and to live in His Joy from the beginning.

Therefore, all will be reconfigured so that it may begin again, as it should have been fulfilled in the beginning and yet was not fulfilled.

I extend My arms toward you and offer you My hands so that you can firmly take them and, above all, I offer My Heart, so that you can be kept within Me and protected within Me for this cycle.

The time has come for your mature consciousness to manifest so that, in adulthood, you may assume this planetary school of the end of times, a school that you never lived and never experienced in any other time nor in any other epoch.

Therefore, all will be shaken, from the material to the spiritual, from the social to the religious, from the purest to the most impure, so that, finally, there will no longer be duality, but rather balance, peace and harmony.

With courage and bravery, may each one of My children live the calvary that God has given them and may they do it for humanity, just as My Son did, so that many more souls can be saved and can find the way out, the path of return towards the House of the Father.

Today I come with these words to make you conscious and not to frighten you. I come with this degree of instruction and knowledge, of truth and transparency, just as I have come in other times and in other Apparitions, when your Heavenly Mother has had to correct humanity and reprimand it.

This is the time and this is the definitive moment, My children, and you must keep this in mind. There is no longer room for superfluous life, there is no room for what is petty, for mediocrity, for indifference, for lack of love, for the lack of compassion.

This is the time when you must remake your lives under the Presence of God and of His Power so that you may be contemplated by His Mercy and by His Grace, and in this way you can also live the Plan of Rescue, that Plan that the Spiritual Hierarchy will carry forward in this time, in this cycle.

As the events develop in humanity and the nations live their tests, the Doors of the Universe are closing, because the moment of the Apocalypse has arrived, the end of time, for the beginning of the new time, because the moment of the Return of Christ is coming, and this moment will bring humanity a great change on a universal level.

I take the time to speak slowly to you so that you can memorize My Words and not forget them, because My task with you is ending and My children must be strong and firm to go through that which you must go through in the end of these times.

I, as the Mother of each one of you, will withdraw in prayer, as I am doing now, to pray for your salvation, conversion and redemption and so that, above all, open and surrendered, in spite of what may happen and take place in the world, you can receive Christ when He returns to the world.

You must finish drinking from the Fount of Knowledge and Instruction because all that was said throughout the years was not in vain, but rather for a just and greater cause that goes beyond your lives, consciousnesses and souls.

Benefit from what is being given, because you will need it in the culminating moment of the planet. It is through love for this Knowledge and love through prayer that we will be united, in spite of where each one may be at the moment of the great events. There, Peace and Light will not lack, so that you can decide with wisdom and discernment, and you may carry out everything God asks.

I leave you this message and I invite you to relive it and share it, because it is for all My children, regardless of religion, belief or race. All are My children.

This is the commitment that My Son, on the Cross, asked Me to live for each one of you, until the end of days.

May the Wisdom of God bless your consciousness and may this Wisdom bring you healing for the emergence of the new being and the New Humanity, free from the errors, traumas, sufferings and from evil.

May the Grace of My Maternity surround you and may the Supreme Will be fulfilled within you so that, in the unity of brothers and sisters and of a community, you may hold among you the sublime treasures of the Hierarchy to sustain the planet and humanity.

I bless you and I give you My Peace, the Peace that strengthens the spirit, the Peace that elevates the soul towards the Kingdoms of the Heavens, towards the Greater Life.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In an offering to God and in union with the Most Holy Mother, responding to Her request, we will pray for three times the prayer “Sacred Unity of God” so that His Unity, the Unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may fill this moment and our souls with Its Light so that we may have the necessary strength to follow the paths of Christ.

Sacred Unity of God,

unify our lives,

unify our being,

unify us in profound fraternity.


Thank you, Divine Mother, for all that you give us! Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

And under the blessing of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come to this world for those who do not deserve My Grace.

Today, may those who are tired come to My feet. May those who can no longer bear their miseries come to My feet; those who have not yet found the way out to experience their sacred transformation.

I cannot have near Me those who do not experience gratitude, consideration for their neighbor, nor a perfect union with the magnificent Work of God.

God asks you for simple things, but also very significant.

While the world is in agony, I come for those who really live in despair, experience the terror of these times, persecution, exile, hunger, illness and the catastrophes of the world.

I come tonight, for the United States. I come for my brave hearts of North America; for those who have had faith in My Grace and for those who persevered in prayer of the heart, in spite of what this nation was experiencing in these times.

I again wish, dear children, with your help and collaboration, to return to the United States, to again bring to My Immaculate Heart all those who have need Me, those who follow My steps and who in these times experience their unknown purification, without knowing how to step out of themselves and sometimes without finding the path of light, which can take them into the healing of their wounds, of their errors, of all their misunderstandings.

Today, I come for the regions of the world that experience the planetary turmoil, the world disorder, and the lack of fraternity and charity among human beings.

Today, My children, I come in truth for those most in need. You here have received many graces, more than you deserved. I am being sincere and fair, just as My Father and your God has requested. I have to be true, dear children, honest with all of you, so that you may grow from the love of your hearts, through an act of bravery and of courage, of releasing your resistances and forms, for all those children in the world who have no peace, who cannot find serenity, who have no home, not even a country where they can place their feet.

I invite you, dear children, with the maternal honesty of My Heart, to finally come out of yourselves, thereby greatly helping to free My Heart, and I will have a place and space to be able to endure the true planetary suffering, rather than your small and insignificant sufferings.

I invite you, dear children, to open the eyes of your soul, to look at the horizon and see around you the abysses that the planet and its humanity experience. I have invited you throughout time to accompany me in a planetary work rather than in a domestic work, so that your consciousnesses may expand through this Work and reach great spheres of consciousness, so that you may be able to understand a little more, every day, of the sacred Plan of the Creator.

Today, souls that cannot take their steps distress Me, because in truth they can take them, by means of this Sacred Center and this group and communal life. All the keys to all the doors exist for being able to transcend the human condition. 

During a full year, My beloved Son gave you the experience of Saint Joseph. And this beloved instructor of souls gave completely of Himself to you so that you could be like Him in the simple and humble example of His consciousness, and especially by means of His messages, so that your lives could be the testimony of Saint Joseph.

Where are these teachings? What repercussion have they had in your lives?

Do not lose the keys of Heaven. Do not waste the treasures of Heaven, because in the Universe nothing is wasted, everything is transformed until it reaches the true Light, conversion and redemption.

I no longer come to call the usual children. You are already adults in My Maternal Presence.

Do not use up your time in unnecessary things that may crystallize your spirits and all your consciousnesses, for the simple fact of not wanting to take the step.

Just as we thank you for everything that you have made possible for Our Sacred Hearts, for this mission of peace in the world, we must also correct you, although there may be greater resistance, because we want, we aspire and we beg Our Creator Father that you always continue on the same path, without deviating from the paths of Christ for such petty things.

The world is suffering and needs help. Souls are experiencing chaos, floods, catastrophes, the lack of hope and of faith, as the United States has experienced.

I will go to those children who do not yet accept Me, because they do not truly know love. I will go to those children who are in the United States waiting for Me with open hearts and an unknown hope, those who have opened the door so that I may return, until I conquer each sinning heart and have them change through the Love of My Son, an infinite and invincible Love.

I do not want you to feel anxious, nor that you experience any regret. I need you to truly grow, and not only inwardly but also externally. That you are able to show My beloved Son that you have understood His instructions and that you make an effort every day to be very like Saint Joseph.

Now is the test that each one of you must go through. Saint Joseph explained the details to you thoughout an entire year, about the simple path of inner transformation. If this Plan of Love, that the Sacred Hearts bring, does not bring about results within you, what will happen to humanity? Who will testify to Our Presence? Who will be a participant in their own redemption?

Meditate on the messages and live them because, in this way, you will show God that My words did not reach you in vain.

We are in a time of great demands, in which the greatest part of darkness reigns upon the planet and thousands of souls are led to perdition, minute after minute, second by second.

My Son, tonight, has asked Me to be clear with you, without any restriction, because I love you so much that I wish the good for your souls, and that this good may be achieved even in the smallest details.

Never boast again. Never seek inner self-realization again. Experience the desert that God presents to you because, in this way, Our hands will never be separated from your hands and you will be guided toward the end of the desert, towards the Portal of the Heart of God.

We need you to be what you can be, but for real; because this will free you from all of your limitations, from all your imperfections, from everything that resists and still does not want to change.

You already have enough of My Love to transform your lives in the Sacred Tabernacle, where the Heart of My Son will be placed so as to illuminate and transmute the abysses of the Earth.

That is all I want to tell you, with the sincerity of My maternal Heart, aspiring that someday you will much more greatly understand the spirit of My words, the meaning of My message, the intention of My consciousness for each one of you, without doing any harm.

Fill My eyes with joy and no longer with sadness. Fill My face with light and no longer with dismay, because I already have enough of it with the world, which turns its back to me and does not accept My Love.

You are part of My Love and I need you free of your own resistances, of your own fears, of your constant difficulties, so that you may soon find Christ within you and thus He may be able to carry out His Work, the Work that is so expected.

Let us continue praying to God so that you may be aware of the planetary reality and less of yourselves. Because while you are here, beloved children, the children all over the world are exploited, such small children are sold and women in the world abort what God gave them with so much love.

Who will be responsible for this planetary debt? Who will present themselves before the Creator to ask for an opportunity and an incalculable Grace?

Although it does not seem so, this is My mission, and I need you to be transparent, real, sincere with one another, free of lies, of illusions and of all pride; because being free of everything, with His eyes of Mercy, God will see that His most cherished treasures of Heaven have not gone astray within their hearts, nor in their lives.

I invite you to reflect, to understand with the wisdom of the heart,  in which you are present, in which Work you are participating; because on the day of the Final Judgment, dear children, you and your guardian angels must declare everything that you have received, and what you have done with those most precious treasures.

I bring you consciousness so that you may grow and mature quickly. This Work cannot be carried out with immature consciousnesses, only with true souls, true of heart, in spite of their imperfections; because in this time I come to seek the good that dwells in your consciousnesses, rather than your obstacles. If you prevent me, even if only in a small detail, I will not be able to place My Scepter of Light upon you, and My Celestial Government, which is part of the Government of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, will have restrictions for proceeding in humanity.

Now, do you understand, dear children, the difference between being within My Heart or outside of It? A simple divergent step could change the events. Watch your walking and you will realize how your attitudes are and what your responsibility  is before the Plan of the Creator.

To be able to continue with My Work on this surface, I need you to be decided. My beloved Son can no longer accept lukewarm hearts because, otherwise, His Work would never be fulfilled.

Reflect and meditate before everything happens. The world is in flames and many are being burned without even perceiving it. 

It is time to work for a Plan of Love that is possible for all and especially for those who will be farthest from God.

This is the Law that I present to you today: "Love one another," just as My Son said, so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

Remember that your freedom is respected in this Universe. As I said to you today, the decision is in your hands.

I thank you.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I have come here with the Scepter of the Light of God to aid the world and in this way, establish the peace that is still lacking in humanity.

From your hearts, I have received all your prayers, and this pleases God greatly, because the pilgrim hearts, the most humble among the humble ones, have decided to be faithful to My Heart, so as to be faithful to Christ, and consequently, to the Almighty.

Believe, dear children, that today I am giving you many Graces, after having made a pilgrimage here, seeking to strengthen your faith, the union among your families, and the restorative communion, which you are invited to experience every day through the Holy Eucharist.

Today your simple hearts confessed to My Heart. As a compassionate Mother, I hold you all in My arms, to offer God the best that you have within yourselves.

On this evening, I want to expand your consciousnesses beyond this apparent material life, so that your souls can take new steps, in representation of all of humanity, which in these times is very disconnected from God, far from the Fount of His Love.

By being merciful and faithful to My Immaculate Heart, you will always find the doors open to the Kingdom of God, into which all your supplications will be taken, not only by My Maternal Heart, but also by the Sacred Heart of My Son.

So today I want to tell you, dear children, that My joy is infinite because of finding you here with Me today, strengthening in your souls the path of perfection, the path of prayer, which is very necessary in these times.

Feel that your sadness, problems, and obstacles are dissolving before My Presence, because today, carrying this Scepter of the Light of God, I am not alone here, dear children, but rather with all the angels of Heaven that assist your Celestial Mother to carry forward this co-redeeming Work.

Today I come displaying My crown of stars to illuminate the four corners of the Earth and so that, beyond this humanity, the higher spirits of your beings may awaken to this call, and thus find it again.

I invite you to experience the instruction from your heart and to be the living instruction in these times, for in this way, the Gospel of My Son will be in a process of fulfillment.

Today I come with the Scepter of the Light of God to remove what My enemy conveys to all human minds that are very weak because they lack a true life of prayer, a true pleading of the heart to the Heart of God.

I need, dear children, that you become strong. That is why I bring this Scepter of the Light of God, and today I extend this revelation to you so that your consciousnesses may take new steps and you do not miss the divine impulse that is coming directly from Heaven and the Universe, to experience these spiritual impulses that will make the New Humanity possible, which will be driven by you.

I need you to be humble, and if you have still not found the humility of the heart, I invite you to live resignation before My Son, because in this way, dear children, you will allow Christ to accomplish His Work through your lives and hearts.

Again I invite you to fidelity, so that you may be contemplated by God in the immensity of His Divine Mercy.

So, dear children, I come to consecrate each one of you to God day by day, according to what each one can give Me, in the school where you are, to thus be able to learn from all that the Universe will bring to the Earth, within this school of redemption and of forgiveness.

Above all, may the Love of God prevail in you, because without the Love of God, I assure you, My children, that you will not be able to do anything; you will feel too limited to solve the things of this superficial life.

Without the Love of God, you will not be able to follow the Celestial Hierarchy; you will be many steps below, and you will not be able to be at the point God needs in these times.

Each one of you, in spite of the imperfections of human life, is a precious instrument for God.

I come to ignite the flame that exists in you, so that through you, you will be at the service of My Son in this preparatory Plan of His second Coming to the world.

I want you to be able to open the spaces of your hearts, so that the thorns of misunderstanding may be removed, and in their place, love may be cultivated, the love that your Heavenly Mother brings you, to revive your spirits and consciousnesses in this proposal of redemption and of forgiveness.

Do not miss the chance to love, because I am very sure that you know when you are not loving, nor forgiving your neighbors, stepping away from the path of My Son, with your misunderstandings, because of your ignorance.

The Work of God is still not known by any being on Earth. It is a divine mystery that is slowly revealed, so that souls can learn to love it in an unknown and dedicated way, no matter what the cost.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to follow My Son on the path of the light of brotherhood, of consideration, and of the awareness that in truth, each act that you perform, no matter how small it may seem, has repercussions in humanity and in the universe.

You are part of the last phase of this race, before a New Humanity emerges, after your purification and surrender to what God needs.

My Heart of Love and of Truth reveals to you what God is thinking.

I invite you, dear children, to correct your paths because you are still in time.

My adversary will cause humanity to tremble, but My Scepter of Light, of the Light of God, will be invincible when it strikes the Earth with the Power of Grace and of Liberation.

This is My message for you; these are My words for today. I need you to meditate on them and that you not leave here as if you knew nothing, as if nothing had happened here.

In this way, I bring you the Gift of Wisdom so that you can contemplate it in your hearts.

Take the steps toward My Heart in obedience and sacrifice, so that you may be with Me in everything.

My wish, dear children, is that your inner ears do not close, but rather that your hearts expand when touched by the light of My instruction, so that evil may be dispelled, souls may reconsider and can be placed on the path from which they were lost.

It is My beloved Son Who, on this night of prayer and of consecration, sends Me to tell you all these things.

You know, dear children, to whom I am speaking, to whom I am addressing My words, so that your hearts can open.

My message is for the world and especially for My servants who for so long have followed Me on this path of hope and of faith.

And now I will demonstrate what My maternal love is like through the consecration of new children, whom I now call, so that you may be close to this altar, this center of humility that is offered to your Heavenly Mother.

These souls that congregate here today for consecration, represent many more in the world; souls that must be touched by the fire of the Love of My Son, so that all may receive the opportunity of entering the cycle of salvation.

The children of Mary are flames that are reignited through the call of God, which is emitted by our Sacred Hearts.

Today I am before different children, but in essence much alike, because today, here, the Universe of God has gathered you so that you can receive this Grace.

Now, with the simplicity of the heart, place your hands in a position of reception so that My maternal Light can consecrate you and make of you new lives, lives in the Lord, lives within the Plan of Love, the Plan of Redemption and of Peace.

Today, dear children, you have committed to pray with Me every day for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, not only in your consciousnesses, in your families, in your loved beings, but also in the world and in humanity, which needs a great Grace to be able to be safe before My Son returns to the world.

Through your inner silence, dear children, children that will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart today, place your intentions in My Heart so that the Father of Love, the Celestial Father may hear them.

I now receive your petitions in the silence of the heart and the soul, so that in this way, all of humanity can take the great and awaited step toward an awareness of love and of unity.

Today not only My Heart blesses you as new renewed children, but also the Scepter of the Light of God is placed on your heads so that the holy and divine Will may descend upon you and thus the Redeeming Project may be accomplished.

My Rays descend upon your spirits to console you.

My Graces touch your souls to convert you.

My Love enters into your hearts so that you can revive in Christ, until the thousand years of peace are fulfilled.

I consecrate you, I bless you, and also today I embrace you, placing you under My Mantle, where there is no danger, no evil, no adversity, but rather Light, Triumph, Redemption and Mercy for all the souls that thus accept them.

I bless you in My infinite joy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

May your fortitude not tremble, but may your hearts transform so that the mind does not colonize them. So may it be.

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Three Sacred Hearts are present at this moment.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

Thank you! is My Message for all of you on this day, because it is through My beloved children that I can accomplish the Works of the Creator of the Earth.

On this afternoon, especially, I have come with Saint Joseph and Christ, to show everybody that Our Love is poured out over the world in spite of all that may happen in this time. And that flow of Love is greater when you respond to My call, as you did at this moment, opening your hearts and consciousnesses to find Me once again in this place.

Today, a cycle is closing for everybody, and a new stage begins for those apostles of My Son who follow the footsteps of the faithful Servant of God.

Today, I open My arms and extend My hands to you all, aspiring to caress your spirits, touch your souls so that you may feel the Glory of God.

I come with Christ and Saint Joseph to represent the Most Holy Trinity, that Divine Essence that originated everything that exists in this universe.

Today, as your Greater Mother, with all the Angels of Heaven and with your Guardian Angels, we came here to glorify God, because it is He you must honor. It is He Who you owe all things to, because He is Who allows all things in the world, the actions of grace and of charity, of mercy and redemption for all the hearts of the Earth.

Today I come crowned with the stars of God, placing My feet on the new Moon and announcing the new paths for all My children, paths free of suffering and of pain, but full of hope and the Love of God.

I come to withdraw suffering from each of you, so that you may enter into the new cycle with Me. I invite you, together with Christ and Saint Joseph, to cross this threshold, this portal to a new consciousness of your spirits, of your souls and of your hearts. In this way, dear children, you will know the Will of God, which must yet be fulfilled in this world, in spite of it suffering the transition.

There are hearts in this humanity that can support the Plan of God in humanity. Thus, I come to strengthen you from time to time, through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Here, dear children, all of you are before three different Rays that unite in the same point, which is the Heart of God, where life, hope and Mercy emerge. Those three Rays come to you through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Heart of Saint Joseph, because We offer you the path of simplicity and of truth.

It is in that simplicity, dear children, that you must live in this new cycle. That simplicity of your hearts and souls will permit the Earth to be redeemed, that hatred be withdrawn from ungrateful hearts, and that spirits can be reborn to redemption. It is in that simplicity of your spirits that the doors of Heaven will be kept open. This is the sure key for this time, united with the prayer of the heart.

It is thus that I want to see you, dear children, each one of you as true mirrors of My Light, that you can radiate the attributes to the world which this race so greatly needs.

The guiding star of My Divine Consciousness, of the Consciousness of Christ and the Consciousness of Saint Joseph will not abandon you in this very difficult time, in which the world goes through its darkness.

I invite you to generate and regenerate joy, because the world needs it, so that evil may be defeated. In that joy, the love of your hearts, the works of service, of service to a neighbor cannot be lacking, so that all souls may be healed.

I invite you, dear children, on this 8th of August, to renew your vows to Me, as children of My Heart and My Consciousness.

You are in each part of this world to ignite the Light in humanity, the sacred flames of your hearts that burn in devotion to the Three Sacred Hearts. This will allow, dear children, that a great many consciousnesses, which do not deserve the Grace of God nor His Mercy, will be able to be alleviated and separated from evil.

Today I want to tell you, dear children, that after nine years with Me, My Heart is triumphing, but not as humankind believes. The true triumph of My Consciousness is in the transformation of your hearts. And today I am with transformed hearts that walk in different schools, but who follow the same purpose of My call. That is what is important, beloved children, that you see the realization of the Plan of God in your lives, that you look back not to remember the past, but rather to see in what way you have transformed, everything you have changed into, from time to time.

I need your eyes, dear children, to be able to see My plans concretized in this world, in each of you, in each part of this humanity. See how My Consciousness works through you in a simple but true way.

In this new cycle, dear children, I need your hearts to achieve a spirit of humility.

Today, I come to bring you this Message, because I know that you can experience it and achieve it.

Dear children, I am very grateful for each step you have taken, trusting in My Heart. This is of incalculable value for the Celestial Father. You will understand that value in a short while.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Because when I came into your lives, some years ago, humanity was seeking to unveil great sciences, because it believed that the path to evolution was to be found only in knowledge, and in intelligence; an intelligence which moved away from God, which fed the arrogance and pride in hearts.

Humanity, My children, was not really learning about knowledge, it was not assimilating the wisdom that was held in teachings. The path of instruction should lead you to love, but you were not able to learn nor did you grow in spirit; you did not discover, My children, that the greatest science is the science of simplicity that leads you into an emptiness of self and a meeting with God.

Today, before the Three Sacred Hearts, we bring you the example of Our lives on Earth, when Our Divine Consciousness animated a body very like yours.

In that period, the surrender of Jesus carried Him into learning about Love; the silence of Mary carried Her into a learning about Love, and the humility of Saint Joseph divinized Him and opened the doors of Heaven, because He learned to love.

It was in this way, children, that the Plan of God was fulfilled in the Sacred Family. All the sciences were revealed in the simplicity of the Three Sacred hearts, and the doors of Heaven opened, because They knew to love.

On this evening, many expected words full of searching, but with little simplicity. All expected a great miracle, the unveiling of a great mystery; but few, children, perceived that within themselves, the great mystery of Creation is being revealed.

Be simple of heart and allow the light of your essences to illumine your eyes and show you that there is no other mystery to reveal to you, except the mystery of the love that was born in your hearts. It is that love that grows each day and that allows you to forget about yourselves, to love a neighbor more and more, and to understand them, which symbolizes the manifestation of the Plans of God in your lives.

Do not expect great missions, heroic events; do not expect phenomena, because the greatest miracle, children, is now happening in your lives, and this is what I want you to understand this evening.

What I want is that, beginning with you, humanity learn to be simple, discover that wisdom is revealed and all knowledge is to be found in love. In love, you are able to understand what you have never understood, and more than this, you can live what you always believed you knew.

On this evening, children, in light of the Three Sacred Hearts, recognize this example and accept the Grace of being able to be like Them in this time; because after so many meetings with Me, the Holy Spirit of God has already filled your souls and your lives, placed many gifts in your consciousnesses that will blossom at the right time, when humility is able to take the place of arrogance and pride and you are able to be free to express the Will of God wherever you may be.

Do not be in a hurry, be precise in taking the correct steps and in knowing where to be and how to act. Always listen to the voice of your hearts, which speaks to you in prayer, and leads you on the path of simplicity and love, and never to aggrandizement.

Remember, children, that it was in Mary's silence that She discovered the grandeur of Her Son. It was in the humility of Saint Joseph, in a small carpenter shop, far from the world and himself, that He discovered the real celestial mysteries. It was by loving neighbors and forgetting Himself, giving up the kingdom that the world expected of Him, to die on the cross, divested of His garments, that Our Lord, My Beloved Son, gave you this path of redemption and of Mercy and fully expressed the archetype of God for humanity, which was not held in the suffering of the cross, but rather in the full Love and the Divine Mercy which that Cross emanated.

Follow the example of the Sacred Hearts and discover, My beloveds, that little by little, the Plan of God manifests in your lives, and this horizon for the new race is now beginning to emerge in front of your eyes, in the depths of your consciousnesses.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

And now, dear children, I will give the word to Christ, because it is to Him that we owe everything that has been given to us. Because He allows this Grace, this redemption, this sacred opportunity for hearts to know their spirits and become aware of their origin, definitely accepting what they have come to accomplish on this planet.

Place your hands in the sign of reception.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

Our Kingdom is the Universe and you belong to that Universe, just as all of Creation belongs to the Universe of God. I come from that Universe, just as do your essences, and throughout the times, you experience all the opportunities for redemption. 

I want you to always look to that Universe, in spite of what happens. Remember that higher life will always help you to take the great and last step, the definitive step toward God, in perfect union with His Heart.

It is for this reason, companions, that in the ardent devotion of My Mother and in the simplicity of Saint Joseph, We have come to this Center of Love to bless the world and prepare it for what will happen shortly.

Now I see your strengthened hearts, after having crossed the desert with Me. There are still souls that have need of a lot of help to be able to bear the great cosmic currents of transformation. But if your hands are joined with Mine and your bodies cling tight to My robe, the Light of My Sacred Heart will always illumine you and you will have no reason to fear, because purification is the first school of My apostles.

Thus, dear and beloved companions, I invite you to inner transcendence, a transcendence you will achieve in the perfect unity with your brothers and sisters, setting aside human indifference, omission and the judging of errors that others make.

I invite you to be truly part of My Divine Mercy, just as My Divine Mercy descends to the world to help this lost humanity.

Throughout these last days, companions, you have travelled a long inner road together with Me, which at the end of the times, you will discover on your own. There will be no great revelation for you, but it will be the sign you so need, the teaching you so hoped to receive, to be able to take that great step which I am telling you about.

Today, My Heart is glorified, because My companions glorify the Heart of God. Today, My Heart is a little more glad, because the children of My Mother honor and glorify the Queen of Heaven.

In this way, dear companions, the Plan is very close to your lives; it will cease to be so non-material so as to be visible in your consciousnesses and hearts.

In this new cycle we are beginning together, as from this August 8, define yourselves, companions. Close the doors to evil and help to close the doors that evil opens to all your brothers and sisters.

I invite you, companions, to be collaborators in My redeeming Work, to carry out in these times a great planetary service for this race. I invite you, in simplicity and truth, to be constituted as resplendent suns over the planet, shooting stars that have changed into light, in redemption and in love.

For this greatest Work, creative and infinite, which belongs to the universe and which must be concretized in this humanity, in this very hour, we join hands, between Mary and Saint Joseph, forming that sacred triangulation which gives an impulse to souls to take the great step, blessed by the Spirit of God, by Grace, by infinite Mercy, so that all My disciples and apostles, for beginners as well as those who have been on My path for a long time, at the right and correct time, together as a single unity, you can cross the threshold toward the New Humanity.

Remember, companions, that all of this Work of the end of time will generate the new, which you will see coming over the horizon, the new cycle of humanity, free of errors, sins, evils and indifference, full of the Love of God, of Grace, of Mercy and of Compassion.

In the end, dear companions, there is still much striving to be done. Let your hearts not tire of expanding so that you are able to embrace this Work more and more, which must reach the five continents. This Work is complementary to My Holy Church. This Work, dear companions, expresses in this humanity by giving opportunities to all consciousnesses, so that everybody may know the Love of God in some way.

Through you, I place an important mission, a mission that you are getting to know little by little, which you must love so that it can be strengthened in you, and thus express and be realized in this humanity.

On this August 8, the Universe, the Celestial Universe, the Mental Universe and the Material Universe stop for an instant to observe the last cycle that has now begun.

Bring your hands together in prayer.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, My Son is speaking to you of a last chance. It is this last chance that many will receive so they may cross the portal toward redemption and conversion. My Son invites you to be forerunners of this definitive time, which assembles all the lost sheep so they may enter the stable of His Heart.

Let us pray now, because the last cycle is descending over this universe like a powerful current of God which comes to correct the world, which comes to balance consciousnesses, which comes to bring the new, what nobody has yet known, and about which nobody can comment on what it is, because it is a cycle which is coming in this hour, at this precise moment, for all your higher beings and the higher beings of all of humanity, regardless of whether they are in the light or in the darkness.

The Government of the Universe proclaims His Sacred Word, to announce to the world that it is the time for the last suns to awaken to their true task.

Let us pray united with the Three Sacred Hearts, dear children, because you will always be able to be in Our Hearts, so that We are able to guide you toward the infinite Purpose.

Unite, and every day live unity more and more. The unity will protect you so that you not leave the path. And those who still cannot live in unity, let them yield to My Son so He may help them to be meek, peaceful and good to their fellow beings.

Remember, dear children, the gifts given to you by Heaven in these last nine years.

Let us pray.


Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).


And now the new cycle has entered into the spiritual consciousness of the planet. A powerful Consciousness that comes from God, descending over the world to redeem hearts and strengthen apostles, who will sustain this world when We are no longer present, and yet alive in your hearts forever.

Let us thank God for this opportunity. Let us invoke His Sacred Names. While We rise up to Heaven, lift up your intentions, your prayers and pleas to Heaven.

Happy August 8! You have been born to My Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

My companions, My Heart is your stronghold.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Song: "The Names of God".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

When the Divinity makes an announcement such as this one, a great emotion, a great inner movement occurs in each person. Something that our souls emit, which we do not truly understand, because besides the emotion, it also causes a little fear, because it is unknown. It is here where love and faith move beyond this feeling and we are able to take tight hold of the Mantle of Our Lady and the Robe of Our Lord, knowing that this step, guided by Them, will be what is best for us.

Today, in our heart, our soul spoke and said yes, we continue onward, in spite of that feeling that has overwhelmed us; because it knows that, in that feeling, faith and love will be strengthened and a complete trust in God will change us into other beings.

Those were the steps we took nine years ago and here we are, at the point of taking other steps, perhaps very much larger, but which will carry us to another point. And who knows, after some time, instead of there being 800 people here, someday there will be 80,000 to praise Our Lord and Our Lady.

We have always imagined what it would be like to sing the Kodoish with 100,000 people and draw the angels from Heaven. Who knows, suddenly it's not just a dream, to finally free this world from ignorance, damnation and a lack of union with God.

We, from here, salute everybody on this memorable day, in which finally, this world takes its new step in evolution. And each of us who affirms their heart in God will see the New Race.

And now, let us sing to finish, and let us distribute our beloved oranges. Those beloved oranges that were the beginning of all this, and let us remember a prophecy that a daughter of God, here in Uruguay, transmitted a long time ago and which said that Christ, when He returned, would walk among the orange trees, and we are preparing.

So now we will sing "Unite with the Heart of Mary" while we distribute our oranges and while we say goodbye to all this planet, to all those who are accompanying us through Misericordia María TV.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The oranges were blessed by the Three Sacred Hearts. They carry three blessings in one.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My inner silence tells you many things; I invite you to perceive the end of times; for. as flocks of Christ, you have been called to participate in this great planetary event.

While you continue to pray, direct your gaze to the Portal of Peace.

I am revealing the signs of the end of times to you, to whomever opens their heart, for humanity needs to be more aware so it may have time to reverse all things.

Pray with Me, while I reveal the secrets to you.

Open your eyes to the Heart of God and do not lose even a minute in everything I ask of you.


Prayer: Hail Mary (in Portuguese).


I love this planet, I love all souls, but who will bow their head to the ground to humble themselves before the Creator and ask Him for forgiveness for the grave faults the world commits?

I am the Messenger of the Apocalypse. I bring My Heart to all, for it will be your only refuge in the times that will come. There is no other place to go and no other truth to discover.

Through this Portal of Peace, I am pouring out My last Grace upon this world, new codes of Light for very old souls that must awaken to redemption.

Read the signs of the end of times. The Seven Seals have already been opened and nobody is yet aware of this. By My Grace and intercession, today I reveal them to you, My children. I do not come to cause you to fear, but rather the awakening of a greater consciousness.

The New Humanity must be born and the flocks of Christ, those who assemble in love and devotion, must be very aware of the Heart of My Beloved Son, Who will always be your Savior.

Do not fear the powers of this world; there is no greater power than that of God. God is among you, and through My Heart on this night, He is accompanying you and preparing you to know how to experience the transition. Do not seek to know what the response will be to all that will happen in a short time.

Humanity has been very ungrateful to God and continues to be so; it does not listen and is deaf. The blindness is greater than the love, but happy are those who hold tight to My Heart. The Lady of the Most Holy Rosary will always have you united to God and to the Heart of the beloved Son. You will lose nothing, My children; seek your conversion quickly. Pray a lot, every day, and remember that this is My principal request in the end of times.

God wishes to infuse much more devotion to My Immaculate Heart in this world. If your hearts are united with My Heart, you need fear nothing.

I am always your Universal Guide, the Mother of the sick and of all lost souls.

Let those who awaken to My Heart be glad. Let those who hold Me as the main reason for their lives be glad; for I come to gift the best I have because I love all My children. I always bless you and contemplate you.

In these times, may you always be very awake. God calls you to have a greater consciousness so you can awaken to unknown things; because for the secrets to not be fulfilled, you must pray with complete awareness and truth. That will be the evident sign, before the Creator, on the part of all of you, so that the world may achieve peace and the end of tribulation; because before My Beloved Son comes, you must be purified, clean and pure, free of all stain and sin.

Rethink your lives. Rethink everything you do, that you feel, think and experience, for God is attentive to your transformation and My Immaculate Heart will always aid you.

I only wish, dear children that on this evening you gladden My heart, because of the burden the world generates for Me; for your Father feels it more, He Who is in the Heavens and Who always needs you in order to accomplish His Works of Mercy.

Happy are those who keep the Words in their heart and who, leaving this place, take the first step and transform; do not waste any more time on superficial things, but rather awaken to the infinite Call of the Creator.

Today I give all of you My Immaculate Heart, which is also surrounded by the thorns of the world. I invite you to reparation, to meditation, to reflection.

The times are urgent, My children; and just as I let you know in Fatima that you had to change quickly, today I again tell you, My children, change quickly and do not waste time.

God expects to establish His Kingdom in the world, and expel the evil from this planet, which just causes souls to succumb to hell, causes them to become lost in the modernities and illusions. Do not trust your feelings, your opinions or ideas.

Every day, unite with the Heart of the Creator. In this way, you will be participants, My children, in Divine Will; because the Gift of the Holy Spirit of the Sacred Wisdom of Christ will have deeply permeated you and you will be united with God, fulfilling His Will above all things and not losing even one minute more on things that distract you and pull your attention away from the Creator.

My children, I bring you the Universal Consciousness of God, for My beloved Father, He Who is also your Celestial Father, needs you to deeply awaken and open your eyes to the Truth. See in this very simple example, My children, how souls do not listen to God because they listen to the things of the world.

I bring you the truth of Love, the essence of instruction, for the Power of God must interpenetrate your hearts so your bitterness and suffering can fade away. God, My children, wants you to heal your wounds and be able to be reborn in the Heart of My Son, Who continues to be assaulted by ungrateful human beings.

Pray, My children; pray with Me to the Creator; in this way, you will be worthy of receiving the Grace of God and be in Paradise so I can find you.

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).

Today I open My arms and extend My hands to you. Come to Me, dear children, to the immaculate refuge of My Heart; there you will always receive what you need. My Love will always fill you; My Wisdom will illumine you and you will have an understanding about all things in these difficult and cruel times.

Open your consciousnesses so your souls may rise up toward the immaculate refuge of My Heart. I offer you My Heart as an emblem of peace for the world. Happy are those who venerate My Heart and honor the Heart of My Son, to take care of their needs and pleas.

On this night, through this Portal, receive the spirit of My Peace. Receive, My children, My sacred maternal blessing.

Thus, let the Children of Mary come here, but all are My children. In the perpetual prayer of My Heart, I always wait for your real consecration. I wish for the consecration of your souls so your lives may be sanctified, My children. This truly will show God that this Project is possible, in spite of the sinners and the sins, because God will always find the portal in the most simple for achieving His Original Project.

Sing, My children.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing "Lady of Graces."
Our Lady has removed Her veil.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

By the divinity God has granted Me, on this night I bless those that suffer, those that endure, those who lose their faith, those who separate from God, those who are in the darkness, but also those who are ignited by the fire of the Holy Spirit.

I bless all My children, regardless of their debts and problems.

I Am your Most Holy Mother, I Am your Great Laborer of Peace. I will always take you toward My Son, follow My footsteps, look at My bare feet and follow My maternal example.

I will always want the best for your lives and this will be what is best for the world.

I come to open your closed hearts, to open the fount of your essences so the Love of the Creator can blossom again. I need your essences to be lit up so that all bitterness, pain and suffering be dispelled from your lives.

My dear children, I will always bless you with My Immaculate Heart. In this way, just as I gather you together in the Cenacle of the Lord, the angels gather above this sky to adore your hearts, because God knows that redemption is possible.

For this night of Graces but also of awakenings, I thank you, My children, for responding to My call, which is the Call of God, your Creator.

Let the bells ring. I especially would like all these children, which I am consecrating today, to recite a prayer to the Universal Mother for the souls of the world.

I am listening to your voice.



Prayer: Universal Mother.


I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady wants us to make the Sign of the Cross two more times.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

May the Most Holy Trinity permeate your lives and the Holy Will be accomplished.

Dear children, always and for always I will love you.


Song: "Hail Mary".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

It has been a special night. We want to try and explain, in a simple and abbreviated way, the meaning of these movements that Our Lady carries out in these times.

You saw that Our Lady remained a long time in silence. For those who have the task of seeing, She shows certain things that are foreseen to take place so that humanity may have the awareness of knowing it has to strive to change those events.

Why does Our Lady reveal some things to the visionaries that cannot be transmitted?

Just as it has been throughout history, each visionary keeps some secrets, because the Divinity expects that those secrets will one day not take place; but in some way, they need to remain recorded in the planetary consciousness.

And so it has been that, over the centuries, Mary has placed some events, like a document, like a registry, in some consciousnesses, which according to what takes place today, will be fulfilled in a near or far future; but it depends on us whether those events can be reversed.

When She explains that placing ourselves in Her Immaculate Heart, we could experience the tribulation harmoniously and with a certain peace, with discernment, with wisdom, it is because this is possible. But for this, we need to position ourselves in Her Immaculate Heart, surrender, be consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart, that place of love and protection where we are sheltered and safe. But as it depends on us that we do this, it is always foreseen that humanity may not respond and that some events will have to take place so humanity can understand what distances it from God.

In this way, in these end times, as She announced today, when She gave us welcome to the end times, and we speak about welcome as an entry into another cycle, we need to admit, in some space of our consciousness, that we have just entered another cycle. And it doesn't matter very much what we see around us that can seem almost normal, because on the real planes of consciousness of humanity, we have entered another cycle.

She has already warned us that Her walk toward the desert as the Women Clothed in the Sun has already begun. Some days ago, She revealed that the red dragon was preparing to come, and if we know the revelations of the sacred texts, we will know that we are fully under the Law of the Apocalypse, a Law that governs us at this moment and moves us in a completely different way.

She told us that today we should not trust in what we felt nor in what we thought, because in our most material emotions and in our feelings there will be storms of the tribulation. This is why we must unite every day with the Heart of God so that, in the Heart of God, our ship not sink.

While it is certainly a difficult time for everybody, we know that everything will pass and that we only have to hold on, pray, look to God every day, unite among ourselves and trust that everything will pass and that everything is for the good of humanity; because the way we are, brothers and sisters, this planetary consciousness cannot continue, and we believe we all agree.

So we must become firm in prayer, in the Mantle of Our Lady and in the Heart of Our Lord to persist and walk looking forward, because it's the only place where we will be able to find the Light.

Our Lord walks firmly before us and we can't miss His footsteps. For this reason, we have to walk quickly just as He walks, to never lose sight of the movement of His robe; and where He walks toward, we will be safe.

So we invite you all to reinforce our prayer, our trust in the Divinity and in that fraternity that They tell us we must live.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

