My beloved and dear children,

In these days, something profoundly anonymous and significant happened for your Father God. It was the selfless and humble service that four of His missionary children rendered for the good and for peace in My beloved nation of Turkey, where your Heavenly Mother lived, in recollection in Ephesus, the synthesis of the Sorrowful Passion of Jesus, after My Son ascended to Heaven.

In this gesture by such young missionaries, representing the code of Love of the Hierarchy in a world and society hypnotized and anesthetized by indifference and material ambition, the anonymous service of My four missionary children elevated the souls of the Middle East to the dignity of redeemable souls.

I want you to understand from the heart what this means, My children, in the face of a desolate scenario in the Middle East, a Middle East destroyed by the use of power, of weapons and by the war that has sacrificed hundreds of innocent people and mainly children.

Do you know what it means for God to hear or see a child die in a war?

How much longer will there be so much impunity and evil, beloved children?

That is why today My Heart is a little relieved to see all that sacrifice for Christ, by only four brothers and sisters, which is worth more than all the money and prestige in the world.

Be aware of this and recognize, once and for all, where you are, filled with Graces, and in the sacred spaces where you are.

Children, no longer allow ingratitude to control you and divert you from the path. The Heart of God is suffering for this cold and cruel world. I invite you to value, out of love, all that you have and to value it for all those who no longer have anything and have lost everything.

This is the time of Judgment, when everything will be shown so that souls may decide which path to follow.

My Heart is the refuge for the afflicted.

In the name of My Son, I am grateful for the courage, resignation and love of My four missionaries of peace in Turkey.

May God bless them always. Let us pray for those who serve in all missions, so that the Love of the Living Christ may be the strength of will in the face of so much desolation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


When My Son had the Spiritual Chalice in His Hands, in the Garden of Gethsemane, His Heart neither doubted nor questioned the Plans that the Celestial Father was offering to Him. Obedience was the emblem of Christ at that moment, as well as His total surrender in order to liberate the sins of the world.

Therefore, when there is something seemingly unknown before you that you cannot control or change, it is a sign that surrender and an absolute trust are necessary, that the Sacred Hand of God is above all things and that every change or future event, that are presented as God determines, will always be promising and will renew life.

Therefore today, before the Spiritual Chalice of the Garden of Gethsemane, renew your vows in Christ and allow Him to transform you, truly transform you, without holding anything back, absolutely nothing in your consciousness; because if you are not honest with yourself, where will God place His Inner Treasures?

Today, the world needs not only good and generous people, but also honest people and especially honest hearts, less selfish ones, because the Kingdom of Heaven descended to Earth through the Passion of Jesus.

You could never imagine Christ debating with His Father. That would never have been possible because the very incarnation of Jesus was resignation itself, the total trust that there was a Plan to fulfill and to manifest.

Therefore, at this moment, do not forget how grateful you must be for life, especially to the Eternal Father, Who holds you in His Hand and keeps you in His Humble Heart so that you may walk freely through faith.

Do not allow the ingratitude that the world lives to blind you. Do not allow anyone else, not even yourself, to be indifferent in life.

Let the Holy Spirit govern you on this day and make your consciousness an instrument repaired by the Hands of My Son.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I do not have eyes to see sinners, I have eyes to see souls, what is beyond that which you cannot see today. This is why, on this day of glory, I Am here to reaffirm what My Father created and manifested through you.

I come to ignite in you the treasures of My Father, spiritual and anonymous treasures that are kept within each being. I come to value all that which is immaterial and sacred so that souls may find it for themselves someday.

And this will manifest, companions, through a life of consecration and service to God. Because when the Eternal Father thought of the Creation, He thought about what would come after all that would be manifested, and He, in His eternal silence, was ready to see for Himself the consequences, not the errors, but rather the fulfillment of His Divine Will through the souls of those who, in this universe and in others, would live the experience of Love and Unity. For there lies the principle of His Will for all that was manifested and created, there lies the principle of Love and Unity in souls, principle which today, in this time, many souls do not live because they are entangled in material life and because they distance themselves from the Truth.

But the Eternal Father sends Me as part of His Divine Manifestation, to make all of you remember this principle, the principle of Love and Unity in beings, which is something that can renew the Source of Creation, which is something that can renew evolution.

Thus, I come to place you in another dimension of consciousness, in the face of the planetary situation of these times, which you already know. Thus, I come to remind you of what is essential, what today, in this time, many souls lose track of, due to involvement in that which is superficial and because they distance themselves from all that which is spiritual. This is the cause of the human reality and condition, but you must know and remember that the door to what is Divine and Cosmic is always open.

I come to open this door for you and your brothers and sisters in the world, because there is still some time left for all to cross this threshold to the existence of the unknown, where souls can find meaning for their lives, where spirits can find meaning in the Purpose of incarnation.

Thus, I come bringing to you the divine and inner reality, the true spiritual wealth that lives in each being and soul, not for your vainglory, but rather to make you ever more humble, resigned to the Plan of God, and available to live the Higher Will.

Thus, I come to take you away once again from what is superficial, so that, being in what is immaterial, universal and cosmic, you may see the planetary reality with the very eyes of the Hierarchy, from a constructive and evolutionary perspective, in which all beings of this planet, under any condition or situation, may have the immediate Grace of finding this true path toward true spiritual and immaterial life.

But be careful, I do not come to take you away from the reality that you must experience, from all that which you must learn and go through. I do not come to leave you in indifference, but rather in the unconditional and immediate disposition of attending to this world reality. Because many are the precious servers that I have, and I know that, through the Ruling Center of My Heart, the souls, in their different schools and learning stages, are placed in the different rings of My Redeeming Work.

It corresponds to some souls to be in the ring that I need, but to other souls it corresponds to perceive and recognize if they are in the correct ring, that is, if they are in the correct place. And this does not mean or represent moving away from the commitment that each heart of this Earth made to Me before incarnating on the planet.

Do you now understand, through My Wisdom and Love, the difference between being in the reality and not being in it? This should not generate a feeling or discouragement, it should rather place each heart that offers itself to Me, in the true dimension that reveals the reality of these times.

I say this, companions, because there is still much to do, there is still much to project and organize to concretize it in this matter. Because this is how humanity needs it, this is how souls need it, this is how hearts need it, as part of the Plan of Rescue of these times.

This is why I come today with My Christic aspect of Wisdom; that spiritual, divine and inner aspect that in other times intervened in humanity to teach it, and at the same time warn it, of the time of correction and alignment with the Divine Purpose.

Today I make a request to My Celestial Father again. Because all, under any condition or situation in this time, are living their own spiritual judgment, the first stage of this Universal Judgment that many beings will consciously live.

This must not be compared to condemnation nor to a value judgment. The spiritual judgment which humanity is entering, means a great moment of revision and reflection, to come to recognize the Graces and spiritual treasures that have been received.

So that you may see that this moment is possible, the Celestial Father, through His Beloved Son, grants the world and humanity this revelation, which many were waiting for, so that they may go through this moment in peace, but also in consciousness.

I come to give you what is most sacred in My Heart, so that you may feel, in this time, and so that you may also live, the bravery of serving God, just as He has foreseen through His Divine Thought and through His Sacred Spirit, the Sacred Spirit of God that descends today upon the world and humanity to bless, renew and awaken you to the Truth.

The Spiritual Hierarchy foresees new steps ahead in the end of these times. It is not time to dwell on situations that you do not want to change, not only on a planetary level, but also on a human level.

It is time to transform all this into Love, into this Love that is capable, in an unconditional manner, of sustaining any situation, however painful or difficult it may seem. Because after all, the soul of each being seeks freedom from the chains and prisons of human life. And this will be possible through the Grace that I can mercifully grant through My Will at the most opportune moment, when the soul will be able to receive this spiritual impulse.

Humanity is moving towards its hardest stage, and I believe, companions, that you realize this, not only through what is happening in you, but also on the planet. This is why it is time to raise the consciousness toward the immaterial reality, so that you may live the learning experiences, the last learnings that the world will live, with neutrality, love and patience.

I Am here to sustain those who want to walk by My side, just as I need. Because it is not a personal whim, I need you to understand that it is part of a Purpose that goes beyond Me. Thus, you will be able to understand that it is nothing personal; but My Love as Master and Guide wants to lead you as a Good Shepherd who takes care of all Their sheep, mainly those sheep that are lost or were not able to follow My Path.

Thus, with an honest perception, such as the one that I offer to you in loyalty, you will be able to observe and contemplate that there is no Justice about every human condition, there is rather an infinite flow of My Love to transform as many souls as possible.

Today, the Spiritual Hierarchy closes an important stage in North America. Through the United States and Canada, the seeds that it was necessary to sow were sown, now it is time to water them through the impulses that have been given, and through all that needs to be concretized little by little.

For this reason, this is the time to manifest the concretion of the Plan, not only through the existence of the Light-Nucleus in Mount Shasta, but also through the door that it was possible to open in Canada, to also manifest a Light-Nucleus, a group and evolutionary life that is more silent and anonymous and which can help, in the end of these times, through the Points of Light of the Hierarchy, to sustain the planet at this final stage.

So, see all that was possible to build in these almost fifty days, when many challenges were faced, but many sacred impulses were received through the last Pilgrimage for Peace in the United States and Canada. A door that will continue to open according to what was announced by the Hierarchy in the region of Alaska, where more inner and spiritual realities will be revealed someday, when each one of you will be able to become aware of the treasures that are kept on the planet, immaterial treasures of the Hierarchy.

I want to thank those who trust, I want to thank those who support this whole mission that has experienced its change in the last two years.

Yes, now the moment has come to sustain different regions and continents of the planet. Therefore, through your hearts and, above all, through your conscious responsibility, you will have to open the doors so that the fruits of the Hierarchy may multiply on the planet, as an inexhaustible source of Graces for the souls that need them.

I withdraw from here, permeating your consciousness with a ray of My Wisdom, so that you may invoke it when you need it, so that it may illuminate you and give you discernment, so that it may strengthen your faith and trust in loving what is unknown.

I give thanks to those who truly strive to follow My steps, barefoot and divested, so that we may be nothing once again, with all those who follow Me and accompany Me.

May the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit accompany you now and always. Amen. 


My dear children,

So that hate, impunity and revenge do not end the world, and especially with some unprotected nations, I come to ask that you unite with the Mother Untier of Knots through a special novena important to Me, to be done from October 30th to November 7th of 2023, so that the Most Holy Mother is able to untie the nine main knots that bind humanity.

For this, My children, through praying seven times during nine days, the prayer of the Lady Untier of Knots, you will unite with Me and you will take up the heavy rope of the human condition, so that through the fervor and the love of your prayers, the world may free itself of the nine main knots about which you will be praying with Me:

  1. The knot of impunity.
  2. The knot of injustice.
  3. The knot of negligence.
  4. The knot of arrogance.
  5. The knot of the unborn and aborted.
  6. The knot of indifference.
  7. The knot of human cruelty.
  8. The knot of wars.
  9. The knot of evil.

Praying with Me during those nine days, you will allow your Heavenly Mother to safeguard, protect and intercede for the helpless and innocent, so that the wrath of God does not descend over the regions of the world and over the consciousnesses that are outside of the Law. For this reason, My dear children, I come out of love to ask you this favor.

Once again I will be attentive to the voice of those who pray.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the helpless


Dear children:

As the world faces its great moment of purification, I ask that in your lives and consciousness the voice of the prayer of the heart may continue to resound; for this will be the way for you and your brothers and sisters of humanity to be helped through Spiritual Laws.

As the promised time of the Apocalypse approaches, hearts will see unexpected situations that have never happened on Earth. This is so that the planet may cleanse itself, because the Earth Mother cries out in pain and no one listens.

Therefore, My children, may prayer be that burning flame that never goes out, may it be the flame that vivifies itself, that transmutes, illuminates and redeems; because, at the end of these unexpected times, prayer will be that spiritual shield capable of isolating you from all the interferences of these times.

I need My dear children not to omit this request, because when you are before the events of the end of times, you will remember My Message.

If you truly aspire to respond to God not only in the Commandments, but also by fulfilling His Holy Will, ardent prayer will be that star through which My Heart will guide you to God, to a safe place.

These times demonstrate that humanity has lost the values of life and family, because society has become indifferent to the suffering and needs of the most unprotected.

Therefore, I ask you to place all this in your heart and pray with Me, so that your Heavenly Mother, together with all the angels, may intervene in the current harsh reality of these times.

It is immediate that the prayers of My beloved children may protect and safeguard the entire spiritual mission that the Heavenly Mother will carry out.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I come, on this day, as Mother of the life of the oceans, so that humanity may hear the cry of the oceans, so that the human being on the surface may become sensitive and abandon cold indifference.

I come as the voice of the oceans, so that it may be heard, so that My children may pray for one of the resources that is at risk throughout the planet.

Let us pray, children, so that pollution may no longer be the threat to all marine life.

Let us pray so that no more oil will be spilled into the oceans, so that the blood of the depths of the planet may no longer be extracted for the benefit of the same few.

Let us pray for the life of the oceans.

Let us pray so that the life of the oceans may no longer be the largest human graveyard in history and that the nations may commit to helping in the rescue of the lives of refugees.

Dear children, this is the painful scenario of the oceans, it is the faithful witness of the unconsciousness of humanity and, above all, of the lack of common sense and discernment.

I ask you, more than ever, to do something for the oceans and for the majority not to stand by and watch the life that the universe has granted you self-destruct.

It is time to become aware, dear children, because there is no more time, and afterwards there will be no chance for you to lament.

Let us pray for the cruelty suffered by the oceans and all marine beings, so that the suffering, which is caused by the bloody hand of man today, does not go unpunished, and this does not return to humanity through more people missing in the seas, or in the inexplicable drought of large freshwater reserves in the world.

Stop harming the oceans. Today, they cry out through the voice of Mother Nature.

Start doing something first in yourselves. I will be very grateful to all those who relieve the silent pain of the oceans.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Oceans.


Prayer of the Servant of God

O Lord,
fill our lives
with the gifts of Your Grace.

Reveal Yourself, My God,
at each step of life.

Make Yourself present in the smallest thing,
so that many more may discover
the sacred power of Your Humility.

Lord, open the doors of Your Kingdom,
so that all may enter.

With Eyes of Mercy,
may You contemplate the magnificence
that all Your Creatures are in You,
and You, Lord, in them.

May the blazing flame of Your Divine Purpose 
be recognized by those
who go through the dark night,
for You, Lord, are the Light of the world,
You are that bridge that shows itself
before our eyes,
so that we may cross it
with confidence toward Paradise.

Lord, do not look at the indifference of humankind,
the cruelty of the unbelievers;
place, Your Gaze, Lord on all those
who in sacrifice and love surrender themselves to You,
to praise You and to recognize You
as the Only Lord, Adonai.

Lord, may Your unfathomable Love
sanctify the lives of Your Children.

Make the star of Bethlehem shine once again
in the innermost depths of the hearts
of those who aspire one day
meet Christ, face to face.

Thus, My God, prepare the New Earth
through those who, out of love, offer themselves to You,
so that Your Sacred Kingdom may descend to Earth.

In this perfect union
between Your Heart and the hearts of Your children
may Your existence be vivified,
because at the end of everything,
when all will have been fulfilled
as You have decreed,
Your Creatures and You, Lord of the Universe, will be one,
and nothing more will separate life from essence,
reality from that which is immaterial,
that which is internal from that which is divine and cosmic.

Your Servant and Slave, once again, offers Herself,
in love and renunciation,
so that many more may be reborn in You.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Servant of the Lord.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I have told you once that I do not want you perfect, but rather truthful.

I have told you once that I do not come for those who seek opulence, power or revenge. I come here for the sinners. 

I have told you once that I do not come seeking the material or spiritual rich. I come here for the humble and simple in heart.

I come here for those who want to find Me and feel Me, for those who accept to open the door of their hearts so that I may enter.

I do not seek something grandiose. I seek something simple, but at the same time profound, intimate and divine.

So that you may know what I need at each new step, you must incessantly seek unity, for in unity there are no differences, in unity there is no enemy of Mine, in unity you will find the peace that you seek so much.

But if first of all you are not in unity in your inner world, in your essence and life, you will not be able to be in unity with Us or with your fellow beings.

In these times, when humanity experiences its own condemnation, when indifference is the energy that dwells in many hearts, I ask you not to move away from My Love, to act and work just as I act and work, to imitate the Lord of the Universe in His immensity of Mercy, Love and Compassion.

For the treasures I have entrusted to you have an unknown and incalculable value for the world, and the greatest treasure that I have for souls are My attributes: truth, transparency, unity, love, compassion and fraternity.

If any of these attributes is lacking in your lives, tirelessly work on them, and do not lose the little time that is left, for I repeat to you again, just as I have told you many times: love one another just as I love you.

For as long as this does not happen and We see it, the world will continue to grow darker through its own indifference and division.

Do not believe that just because you experience the path of the spirit you have won everything already.

Look to your side, contemplate the pain of your brother and sister, and recognize the Christ that suffers in silence. That is where love must begin to emerge, more than in words, more than in accomplishments, more than in expectations and much more than in instructions.

Because if love is not the center of the living flame of each being, nothing makes sense on this planet and in this humanity. I came to the world to teach you this path, and if it seems that I say the same things all the time, it is because you do not experience them.

My Mother, who is in Heaven and on Earth, the Mother of all of humanity, gave you a lesson on humility the other day. Were you able to recognize it? Were you able to accept it?

May Our Words not dissolve in the ether of this world, but rather linger. Therefore, observe yourselves, without judgment and without condemnation, and acknowledge that which you still do not yet live or feel, especially for your neighbor.

If these foundations are not solid in your lives, the Plan of God will be in vain. His trust is placed on those who love Him and love their brothers and sisters. Therefore, abandon the appearances and differences, and learn to quench the thirst of the Lord.

The signs that I have left to you throughout the times are visible.

In My revelations, I presented to you the reality of God. The most profound mysteries of the Love of the Creator are present on each Face of Christ. But this presence of My Heart, of My Love, of My Truth and My Path, can you recognize it in your fellow being?

God is so humble and so simple, that He hides in those places where many cannot see Him. Just as Christ is present in the Eucharist, God is present in the hearts, especially in those who truly surrender out of love, entrusting their lives in the Hands of the Father, just as the Son of the Father trusted in the Father at the top of the Cross.

Many are the wounds that the world causes Me, but many more are the wounds that sometimes My companions cause Me, without being aware of what this means and represents.

Those who are responsible for guiding the Plan of God on Earth, those who are responsible for many souls in this world, are those who must resign themselves the most before the Lord of the Universe, so that nothing becomes twisted, so that the Purpose may be aligned with the principle of the Law, and so that the manifestation of God’s Will may be fulfilled and not altered.

I know that you did not expect Me to say this and perhaps many cannot understand what I am talking about, but this Message is for those who do know what I am talking about.

The responsibility for all souls is very great and this has a universal weight.

To follow My Path is not an emotion. To follow My Path is not something temporary. To follow My Path is to learn how to live in the Law. To follow My Path is to learn how to love at each step, just as I loved you at each step that I took in this world.

Close the doors to all that is not real. Place your energy upon all that is vital and urgent. Do not lose My brotherhood, do not waste it or discard it, for the Heart of the Father might be offended. And who will justify this offense before God?

Do not forget to treat one another as brothers and sisters, because when you learn how to do it you will learn how to treat one another as souls and someday as essences, just as God treats each one of you, without exception.

The debt of this world is very great. Do not collaborate in making this debt become graver. You are aware of all the treasures that I have given to you out of Love.

The Plan must be fulfilled and not be aborted. Can you understand what I Am saying to you? My Words must no longer be symbols or abstract drawings.

The truth of My Words must reach the heart of all; because if you do not live through your hearts, you will not live in the truth.

And this is what I come to ask of you on this day: that, in the solemnity of My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, you may live in the heart, in the heart that loves and does not condemn; in the heart that does not separate, but rather unites; in the heart that accepts, rather than rejects; in the heart that can go beyond itself for the salvation of others.

I repeat all this to you because you are not grasping it. My work for this Work is not in vain.

The pillars of this Work, which take care of all souls, are quite responsible. This is the same I taught My apostles in the past. Because to be My apostle is not a task, it is being capable of awakening one’s own Inner Christ and loving, and it is being capable of tirelessly working for the awakening of the other Inner Christs without condemning them, without oppressing them, without distancing them from love.

Where is the Love that I gave you, companions?

If in the face of the apparent desert you escape, if in the face of the apparent abyss you run away, if in the face of the apparent storm you are not united, how shall My Love triumph in the world?

Open your eyes and do not deceive yourselves. The deceiver of all is very close and you do not perceive it.

With the swords of the angels, cut all evil. But above all, evil dissipates through love, through the love that heals, through the love that cures, through the love that liberates, through the love that unifies, through merciful love.

On this day, of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, may souls perceive and feel the Burning Love of the Lord so that peace may be established, so that unity may be reflected, so that brotherhood may be fulfilled, so that the Works of God may be carried out.

No longer waste your time in that which is unnecessary and useless. How many souls are suffering and need your help! Step out of your own center and open yourselves.

All that which surrounds you needs redemption. Be a bridge, rather than a tunnel. Be a portal, rather than a wall, be a star, rather than an abyss.

The Love of My Heart must not be wasted. I have invited you to consciously drink from My Chalice. Will you be able to continue to do it?

In My Project there is fraternity, love and unity.

Today, the angels are witnesses of all that I Am saying. And the Heart of Jesus strives to say it, for I have no more time. And souls still do not decide to live in My Love, in My Will and in My Truth, which is the Truth and the Will of the Father.

I would like to finish this cycle with triumphs, rather than with anguish. I would like to finish this cycle of Apparitions with treasures, rather than with disappointments. I have invited you to live something unknown, and you still have not understood it.

Be silent to understand what I am saying, withdraw to perceive what I am showing you and give thanks for the opportunity to live in humility. Because when I Am no longer among you, you will remember these days. And what will you do with all that I have given you out of Love?

Do not forget the Sacrament of Confession, especially all religious men and women. The Sacraments are the doors to your liberation, they are the doors to My Mercy, do not turn your backs on them.

Be humble, rather than proud, be simple, rather than vain. And through Me, you will know how wonderful it is to live in God, because He is already very much offended.

Let us offer, on this day, the Spiritual Communion, as an act of reparation and pardon.

And I ask for Grace from the God of the Universe and of Life, for the unity of all servers, for the Higher Love among servers, for brotherhood among those who serve Christ. Because if these pillars are not part of yourselves, you will not manage to go through these difficult times.

Do not forget what I have said to you, because you are not experiencing it.

I come to say this to you out of Love, an infinite and unknown Love, which at this moment emanates from the Source of Creation.

I thank you.


O! Blood of Christ,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts.
Have pity on us, Lord.
 (3 times)


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare for the Spiritual Communion, fulfilling that which Christ has asked of us: carrying out an act of reparation and pardon on this day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, asking for the Grace of unity, brotherhood and fraternity.

While we prepare ourselves, we will sing a song at the request of Christ, “The Power of the Blood.”


My dear children,

May God always be worshipped and His Unfathomable Presence acknowledged.

Dear children, before the Most Blessed Sacrament, on Mount Tabor, your Heavenly Mother calls you to enter into the preamble of the coming Sacred Week, in which My Son will give Himself for you so that you may be redeemed and have life in abundance.

Dear children, before Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem, you, His apostles of the end times, may give your offering to the Creator, for His Celestial Church will be open and the offerings of your hearts may be deposited at the Feet of the Lord.

I speak of a sincere offer because, in this coming Sacred Week, souls will have to make their offering in order to alleviate the suffering of the world, in order to eradicate the indifference in the face of so many unexpected situations that humanity is experiencing.

Dear children, as your Heavenly Mother, I will accompany you on this path of beginning to accept the Christic path of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

Today I come to the world as the Great Higher Mirror of God.

I come as a simple Instrument of the Eternal Father so that, through the Inner Mirror of My Heart, the victorious merits achieved by My Son Jesus may be reflected and deposited once again in Brazil and in the world, merits that are preciously kept within the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

It will be in this way, My children, that Brazil and the world will be relieved of the invasive information and stimuli that human beings receive in these times, which make their lives insensitive, autonomous from God and indifferent before the sorrowful situations that the current humanity goes through.

As this Great Higher Mirror of God, Your Heavenly Mother comes today so that as many souls as possible may be in contact with the Attributes of the Supreme Source in the inner planes. This is urgent because as times goes by in this chaotic surface, many souls become disconnected from that which is true and essential.

For this reason, the Celestial Father sends Me again to the world, the suffering world, to remind you, the believers and the nonbelievers, that many are letting themselves be dragged toward the abyss of the beast. And the beast, by means of its cunning, pride and arrogance, deceives and holds with its claws many priests of the Church, many peoples and nations that are already being converted into territory of extensive spiritual darkness.

With prayers and more consciousness, I come once again to ask you to continue praying for Brazil and South America because the destiny of Brazil and of the whole world is in your hands.

Meanwhile, in this time, the Mother of the Mirrors of God gathers all Her army upon the surface of the Earth to awaken and call them to the reality from which many want to hide because they fear facing it.

But My Son gave you His Word, He delivered His Message to you throughout the last years and granted you the path of your conversion and forgiveness through the spiritual science of the Sacraments.

Then, remember all the Graces received and act according to the Will of God because moments of greater watchfulness and discernment will come.

Trust in the Holy Spirit and do not stop taking the steps toward the Heart of God.

Do not forget the acts of Mercy. Do not become crystallized in the spiritual and prayerful path.

Be warriors available in love, tolerance and peace.

Cultivate dialogue, manifest coherence in your choices and faithfully follow the Attributes of God. In this way, you will make a planet that is freer of darkness, violence and impunity.

Love life and respect it. Do not allow Creation to continue to be outraged.

I pray for Brazil, for its destiny, for all its dear people of God.

Be peacemakers of My Son. We ask you once again not to get involved with lies and comments; may you love the Silence of God.

I thank you for responding to My Call in consciousness.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear Children,

With joy and bliss, I come from Heaven, once again. This time for this awaited meeting between My Heart and yours.

Your Heavenly Mother is now here, with all of Angola and all of Africa.

Today, I come as the Mother of Africa. I come for a continent stigmatized throughout the times. I come for a race that is discriminated against and exploited.

I am here and I Am your Mother. Come to My Arms so that, once again, I may console you and embrace you in My Arms of a Mother.

Today I come full of Grace, Love and Mercy.

These Graces, promised to My children of Saint Isabel's House and to all of Africa, today I pour them out upon your hearts so that the heavy chains of indifference,  impunity and mistreatment may be broken by the precise blow of the powerful sword of Saint Michael the Archangel.

My children, have faith and believe. The end of captivity is near because My Son will return and He in His Glory will first return for you, for all of My dear and beloved Africa.

Throughout the days to come, I will keep coming, just as I once arrived at Kibeho, to tell the world that Africa is in My Maternal Heart.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all of Africa


Prayer Against World Impunity

may my voice never again
raise against my brother.

may nation no longer
oppose nation.

may weapons no longer be raised
and may no other consciousness lose its life.

O Celestial Lord!
have pity on our injustices and errors.

O Lord of Mercy!
make Your Light descend
upon this dreadful darkness.

may conflicts no longer be generated.

may the most vulnerable families
no longer be displaced.

may bombs no longer detonate.

may no one ever again be capable
of killing their fellow being.

O Lord of Life!
make us worthy of Your Kingdom.

O Lord of Peace!
may Your Sacred Celestial Universe
become alive and present in this world.

may the tears and blood of the innocent
no longer run.

may hate, revenge and impunity
 no longer exist.

heal us from indifference.

heal us from omission and prejudice.

heal us from all evil.

May our hearts be pure.

May our works be charitable and good.

May Your Presence within us
close the doors to evil.

make us partakers of the Return of Your Son
for whom, with hope and faith, we wait.

By all the redemptive merits of Your Most Beloved Son
and by the perpetual prayer of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
may we see the emergence of a humanity of peace,
respect, tolerance and fraternity.




I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Immaculate Lady of Peace,
manifestation of the Original Purity,
permit us to enter into Your Heart,
Sacred Kingdom of Love and Protection.
May Your Mantle of Light guard us
and transform our little beings
into servers of Your universal task.
We revere You, Mother,
Queen of Peace,
Divine Conception of the Trinity.
(three times)

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In this silence that embraces you, feel the Mother of God's Heart beating.

From Heaven, I bring to you what is most beautiful that exists; for this reason, I gather you together with Me so that you can once more feel the Love of God.

Today, I come as a Mother who agonizes at seeing this planet in suffering.

Today, I come to look for each one of My children so that they may console Me, because, in this way, the Mother Earth will be consoled and each Kingdom of Nature will receive the attention it deserves, so that the souls on the surface of this planet may help the Kingdoms of Creation, because without the Kingdoms of Creation, humanity will not be able to survive.

For this reason, I have asked you, My children, to invoke and implore the intercessory power of Saint Gabriel the Archangel, because the faithful Messenger of God will be able to help each one of you and, thus, it will also be able to help the planet.

When I ask you to console Me, it is not only through the prayer of the heart, but also through remembering, every day, the importance of saving Creation and, especially, everything that dwells upon this planet, all Kingdoms of Nature, including the Elemental and Devic Kingdoms.

Children, I come here as your agonizing Mother, so that you may understand the symbol, but also the cry of the planet.

I know that the majority could respond to My call, but the more voices gather to ask for respect for this planet, the less these voices are heard by those who believe they have the power in this humanity; but, do not give up, My children.

I do not only invite you to serve the Kingdoms of Nature, but I also invite you to defend them, to protect them with actions of love and charity, because the human being of these times has completely forgotten that it comes from Creation and that each part of its being belongs to the Kingdoms of Nature.

So that you may understand, beloved children, what I am saying to you, understand, at this moment, that your essences come from the ponds of Creation and that a small particle of Light of each Kingdom has given of itself, out of Love for God, to constitute the formation and the expression of your beings.

In this way, you will understand, beloved children, that when the world hurts the Kingdoms of Nature, it hurts itself.

Beloved children, how can you allow humanity to always wound itself and remove from its habitat all that God has given you with so much Love, since the beginning of the Genesis?

How is it possible, beloved children, for human beings to lose their sensibility and even their earthly feeling in the face of the suffering of the Lower Kingdoms?

Has humanity realized that it destroys its own consciousness? That, by contaminating the seas at each second of this time, it loses the possibility of having water to quench its thirst?

The world has great problems with water, and, once again, the poorest among the poor suffer the consequences of those who claim to be powerful.

How is it possible, beloved children, for the human being of this time to destroy forests just to have paper?

Children, how is it possible for you, in this time, to contaminate the Earth or sacrifice the animals without feeling absolutely nothing?

I do not speak of vegetarianism, I speak of feeling, in the depths of the heart, that the Lower Kingdoms are consciousnesses that deserve to evolve, just like you. And those who believe they have power over Creation have decided not to do anything.

If the majority does not pray on their knees, only social revolutions will come, and the men and women of this time will keep becoming sick, because the mutations of these times, which modify the perfect genetics that God created, absolutely degenerate the spiritual condition of humanity, and My enemy has advanced in this field.

But do not feel indignation or guilt, because the Original Project of God will be fulfilled with the transmutation and the transcendence of humanity, of those who really fight with the banner of Christ so that His Plan may be fulfilled on the surface of this planet.

Once again, I say, especially to those who do not hear or believe the Word of God, that, if they do not undergo a deep change, their destiny will only be to perish. And how far should the Mercy of the Father or the Justice of God go? How far should compassion embrace the most miserable conditions of this planet?

Love does mean concession. Love does not mean alliance with the laws of the Earth. Love is also Justice, but it is Wisdom. Love is not punishment, it is a correction.

Therefore, I invite you to be careful and to heed My warning, because while the Kingdoms of Nature keep being transgressed and outraged, who will deter the wars on this planet? Who will close the doors that open to evil? Who will transmute these doors? Who will relieve the displacement of millions of refugees in the world? Who will help face the climate crisis of the poorest peoples in this world? Who will have the means to meet the great necessities for food?

I am not speaking of assistencialism; I am speaking of being aware and of human fraternity, of doing what God taught you a long time ago, the same that He taught the people of Israel: sharing their material goods so that all may receive spiritual goods.

I do not tire of hearing the cry of this planet. The eruption of volcanoes demonstrates to the world a great warning call. There is no one who can stop it. By any chance, will you allow the Pacific Ring of Fire to keep on expanding, as if the volcanoes were a form of entertainment for society?

Beloved children, you must respect the universal Laws so that you may learn to respect the Laws of Creation.

The string of this world is too stretched. Its tension and friction cause it to be about to break; who will prevent this? Who else will sacrifice themselves? Who will form with Me a great and powerful network of prayer that may congregate many souls, more and more, who will postulate to be the praying ones of the end of times, those called the praying ones of the Apocalypse?

It is in this way that you will be with Me, without being at fault with the prayer from the heart, because prayers are still very insufficient; extremely great numbers are the sins, in very great numbers are the faults, many are the errors and the omissions of humanity. Everything grows gradually to the point of becoming out of proportion.

Who will attain, above everything, the so necessary and extraordinary Grace that may allow a spiritual amnesty for the souls that are already condemned to hell?

This is the time of overcoming for the new Christs. These are no longer times of claims or complaints, it is a time for your lives to be totally different, just as the life of the Mother of God became different from the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Assumption.

I do not ask you for great things, My children, I only ask you to fulfill what My Son asked of you during His last Message of October 22, for you to love one another more for those who do not love one another; because if the Love of God continues to be lacking in this world, how do you believe this humanity will end up? Have you ever wondered, My beloveds? Do you now understand the agony of the Mother of God?

I no longer carry only seven swords in My chest, which pierce My Heart; now My Heart is pierced by fourteen swords, of the gravest sins of this world; and there lies, in this way, a central sin that makes My Heart ache, which is the sin of indifference. For this reason, when you do not feel with your hearts, be careful, so that your hearts do not become as hard as a stone, to the point that all that is shown to you in this world and all that will be shown does not move your inner world.

Attention, My beloveds, invoke your Guardian Angels, invoke the powerful Blood of Christ so that the Lord may purify and cure you, so that your hearts may always feel the need to pray and not to do so as a commitment or a schedule, because it is time for the Father to see that My Work is being fulfilled, in spite of the adversities.

It is time, My beloveds, for your lives to be prayer itself.

As a Mother who loves you, as a Mother who sustains you, I come to confess all these Words to you because there is still a little time left so that at least as many souls as possible not lose the opportunity of redemption.

I cry together with those who feel injustice. My Heart agonizes together with the Kingdoms of Nature, from the depths of the oceans to the top of the mountains. The cry of the planet is heard by the universe. By any chance, are you hearing it?

So that My Son can return to the world, just as He has announced so much, humanity needs to deserve it, even if it is in what is essential; and if that which is essential still does not exist, how do you believe that My Son will return?

But as His Love is greater than the errors, as His Compassion is more infinite than the indifference, as His embrace is stronger than all darkness; He comes in Divinity and Spirit, for seven years now, He comes to meet you, to prepare you for this moment.

But He also anguishes, although many times He does not demonstrate it, because He knows that you could not bear it, but He patiently waits for the moment when, by means of all the adorers and also of those who are not yet adorers, each soul may be its own tabernacle, so that He may be present in Spirit and Love, and thus He may begin to heal the world and prepare the planet for His Coming to humanity.

We must fervently pray for this, because, if it does not happen, beloved children, very few parts of the planet will survive the aggressions of climate change. God did not give you this world for you to convert it into what it is today; the Celestial Father gave you this planet so that, within this universe, a civilization of Christs could emerge; but, yes, many Christs have emerged throughout times, however, they have not been enough, because these Christs, called Saints, have had to carry the same cross of the debt of this humanity, like the sacrifice that Christ made for you.

For this reason, through My Words, through this Message, I come to make you meditate with Me upon all that God has dictated to My Heart. And today, your Celestial Mother dictates, to all Her children throughout the world, the same Words that God gave Me for this Apparition.

For this reason, I tell you again that in the Sacraments, in prayer and in service lies the keys to face and overcome these critical times.

This is all that I needed to tell you, My beloveds.

Share with Me the pain of God; after having felt the Silence of God, feel now the pain of God for the great ignorance of humanity.

May the doors of Divine Mercy open.

May the 144,000 come forward.

May the Celestial Kingdom descend to Earth.

May the Guardian Angels guide and accompany the servers.

May all listen to the Call of God to fulfill His Promises, until the emergence of a New Humanity.


And, as I always do, from the heart of Lys-Fatima, inner Sanctuary for all souls that thirst for God, I bless you again today, My children, and I give you the strength of faith, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in the Peace of My Son. Go ahead.



Believe absolutely in the strength and power of overcoming that God's Love offers you.

Believe that, despite your deepest miseries, the Love of My Son and His Mercy will be able to place you into another reality.

Believe that, in the overcoming of yourself, you will learn to live the redemption of your whole being and come to know how to take steps that will lead towards the fulfillment of God's Will.

Believe that, overcoming yourself, each day a little more, dissolves the heavy chains that bind humanity.

Believe that by overcoming yourself, you will generate the condition for the suffering to disappear from the face of the Earth.

Therefore, believe absolutely in the strength and power of overcoming that God's Love offers you, because, in this way, you will be recreating Creation and the inner situations will be different.

Have faith and overcome yourself every day. Overcome the limits imposed upon you by the fears of your consciousness.

Make all things new and live this time of purification, not as a punishment, but as a great moment to overcome yourself, so that humanity may overcome itself, and abandon, once and for all, indifference and coldness.

Believe in the strength of overcoming and place your awareness in another state, in that which is positive, in the universal current of Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will always return to the world for a cause of good and forgiveness because I ardently wish for all My children to reconcile with the Celestial Father. From His supreme Source, He has His Arms open and His Hands reaching out to the world. His Heart impels all by means of Love, His Heart ignites in Compassion and Mercy.

Do not believe, My children, that all that happens in the world is caused by divine punishment, what happens today in humanity is caused by the indifference and omission of the Law, which many of My children have carried out in these times.

For this reason, I invite you to return to the Heart of God, because in the Heart of God you will understand all things. I invite you, time and again, in an untiring way, to turn your gaze towards God.

God waits for each one of you, His children. He waits to be able to embrace you and console you, He waits to be able to impel you through the Holy Spirit. Beloved children, His universe is so full of Grace and Mercy, that they can no longer fit in the Heart of the Divine Messengers.

We need to pour out upon the world the Forgiveness and Mercy of God, but there are still few hearts that open up to love this mystery, to be able to receive in their life all the Graces of Our Creator.

He is waiting at this moment, just as I wait for the people of the desert to reach the Promised Land. The New Earth that will come is the Earth of the New Humanity. I invite you, My children, to consciously postulate yourselves for this, allow your souls to walk toward this aspiration and toward this purpose. Thus, many situations will be relieved, many catastrophes will be avoided, suffering will be dissolved in the hearts if only souls turn toward God.

I come to repeat a Message similar to the one I once delivered in Fatima. Today, My Heart comes to implore to you, My children, no longer suffer, no longer live in chaos, in adversity or in battle.

My children, surrender, turn toward God. He hopes to feel your hearts and souls very close, so close that each one of you can be invaded and filled by the Love of God. The Eternal Father created your humanity so that you would always live within His Law of Love and Unity.

Beloved children, look around you, see how the world is, see how the Kingdoms of Nature are, see how the peoples and the nations are at this moment. How can the cure to this pandemic come if hearts do not turn towards God and abandon the god of modernities, of trends, or even the created god of abortion?

Beloved children, I offer My Womb of universal Light so that it may gestate in you the new Attributes of the Eternal Father, I say to you new Attributes because many have lost them.

My wish is that, through My maternal Heart, through the rays of My Heart, I can deliver to the world the same attributes and virtues that the ancient people of Israel received.

My children, do not forget that you are a part of the tribes of Israel because someday everything will return to its origin and many of My children, who today postulate themselves for the New Earth, will have the Grace of being participants in the coming experience of the Kingdom of God, in a living experience, not a mental one.

I ask you, beloved children, to avail yourselves of My Immaculate Heart, My Heart is the bridge that will always lead you to God.

How much suffering I see in this world!

How much pain I suffer, close to each one of My children of the whole world!

Who will accompany Me in this battle?

Who will raise high the torch of Christ? so that the darkness of this world may be dissipated and souls many no longer be abducted by the hells of the Earth.

Beloved children, do not fear, but this is the time of Armageddon. Open your eyes and eradicate from yourselves all indifference, may your hearts be flooded by the Love of God, because in this way the angels of the Father will descend more toward the Earth and help in the impossible causes and situations.

I have told you once that I am your Celestial Advocate. Do you believe in this, My children?

After more than thirty-six years in Medjugorje, I continue here in South America, and, from here, I deliver to the whole world My Message of Love and supplications for all the hearts that still need to be transformed through prayer.

Overcome the barriers that you have imposed on yourselves, transcend the limitations that you have put on yourselves and close the doors to evil. Within your self-giving lies the key to the strengthening of the flame of your faith. In your charity lies the key that will free you from yourselves forever.

The greater number of My children who serve in the world, the greater will be the Graces that will descend to Earth, to those who are submerged in suffering, in war and even in damnation.

But I come from Heaven, bringing at this moment the Kingdom of God for all, reconsecrating your hearts at each new meeting.

I told you last month that August is a month of renunciation and of little sacrifices. The offerings that are coming to me are still insufficient. I do not need great sacrifices, I need small sacrifices made out of love, which may move your hearts and lives away from comfort and even from routine.

Beloved children, if we do not unite, we will not be strong in Christ; but if we truly unite, together we will win in this planetary transition. The true transformation will take place in your hearts, in your lives.

Before My maternal Heart, I still contemplate all the needs of the world, especially the needs of souls, because many of them are thirsty for God, thirsty for Love and thirsty for Peace.

Now is the time for My praying armies to be whole and available for this battle. Remember that many of you are under My Mantle, I make you invisible and imperceptible by means of the power of the prayer of the heart.

May your prayers expand, may your prayers increase until you manage to feel that you are touching the Heaven of God, until you have absolute certainty that you have learned to feel the Heart of God. Beloved children, it is so simple, that many do not do it.

I invite you, by means of this Message, to renew in the commitment of prayer; in this praying school, which I offer to you throughout the times. You have the Grace to climb the steps until you can reach Heaven, by means of the experiences of the degrees of love.

Today, I come as a Mother that supplicates. Today, I come as a Mother that implores. I come as the Mother that loves you in the perfection that God has placed in each heart.

In your self-giving, you will overcome the limitations of consciousness and, overcoming these material and mental limits, you, My children, will know how to help those most in need, those who will block themselves in this time of transition.

But keep something in mind, healing and redemption are available for all, trust in this mystery that Christ delivered on the Cross by shedding Water and Blood from His Heart in order to purify the whole planet, all the consciousnesses, and, even more, the whole universe.

Whenever you need, return to the mystery of My Son's Love. His Heart is also open and exposed to all through the sacred mystery of the Eucharistic Sacrament; the more you love the Eucharist, the more you will free yourselves from all difficulties and problems because the Light of Christ will always be invincible. And even those who commune in a spiritual manner at this moment and who cannot receive the Sacred Eucharist, may they not be distressed.

By means of this portal of the Mercy of Our Sacred Hearts, God has granted the Grace and also the indulgence so that the hearts that participate in the spiritual communion, through this Work, will always be protected and supported by Our Hearts, in spite of all that they live or what they go through. I only ask you that the sacred Spiritual Communion, which is offered with effort and diligence, not to be just one more passage, but rather the most important moment of the day, when your hearts will be before Christ to receive His Love, the Love that will always strengthen you and save you.

Today, at My feet, I also receive all the intentions that you write for this Work, as well as the intentions of the hearts that, throughout the recent years, have adhered to the Work of the Divine Messengers, and, which, in their families and nations, experience difficult problems. Beloved children, offer these experiences as a great renunciation of your hearts, but also as a great sacrifice of love for My Son. Know that I am alongside each of those who need Me. I am walking by your side, I am your Mother and I will always help you because My Love must still be discovered by you.

Only when you love the mystery that I bring to you today, only when you love the Messages that I have revealed to you throughout the times, not only here, but also in other Apparitions throughout the world, I assure you, My beloved children, that you will know the Love of Mary, an untiring Love, a patient and renewing Love, a Love of a Mother that accepts, that does not judge, that welcomes, that heals, that cures, that understands and that accompanies. This is the Love that I expect from each one of My children, especially from the mothers of the Earth who suffer in these times the calvary of their children, the lack of understanding of hearts, the loss of souls in all that this world today offers to them.

But I invite all the mothers of the Earth to unite to My maternal Spirit, because at this moment, and in this time, My dear mothers, there are many children to welcome, there are many children to spiritually adopt. Through the heart of each mother of the Earth, I will always transform everything and I will strengthen the disciples of Christ, I am the Mother of the cross of this humanity.

On this thirteen of August, My Heart closes a cycle in this place, to begin a spiritually wider and more profound cycle in Europe; and I aspire for this to also be possible in Asia and Oceania, as after the Apparitions of Akita, all these peoples wait for My arrival and My return.

I will head to a challenging task, sustained by each one of My children through the fidelity in the prayer of the heart and, even more, through the fidelity of the Sacred Communion with My Son.

So that this cycle may be blessed, I come to extraordinarily celebrate the Eucharist, in the company of the angels of transubstantiation of the Celestial Church of Christ.

And before I proceed to this moment, I want to thank all those who remain firm and faithful to the Work of the Sacred Hearts, and to those who dare, day by day, to offer their experiences or even their purification for the triumph of My Son's  Plan. And I also want to thank that the Kingdom of Aurora has opened the doors for My arrival so that the Mother of God, in this new stage, may come with Her Message to more places of the world, to more distant places of the Earth that I will reach, with very few, but I will be faithfully accompanied by each one of you from a distance.

After this August 8, you have entered the school of inner unity, where there is no separation, limits or borders; where there is only unity and omnipresence between the hearts.

To conclude, after the exercise of the Spiritual Communion, which will now be celebrated, I want the choir to offer My maternal Heart the Ave Maria of Gómez, as a supplication that must resound throughout this universe and, mainly, in all hearts.

May this Message resound for a long time, until each one of the souls may understand and comprehend what I need for this Plan of Salvation.

Let us offer this moment to My Son, may He anoint you with His spiritual Light, and, may the spirit of apostleship and the mission strengthen itself in all those who offer to live it faithfully. And may this spirit of apostleship and mission multiply in those who must be self-summoned for this sacred task.

Let us celebrate.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Lord Jesus, in the Presence of Your Celestial Mother, we ask that You receive this Sacrament, that You accept this offering of each heart that believes in You and that lives for You.

We ask You, Jesus, to sanctify this Altar, but to also sanctify our lives so that we can be the example that You expect, in the humility of life, in the simplicity of the heart; together with Your angels of transubstantiation, we elevate this sacrifice of the Altar, not only to remember the Passion that You lived for us, but also to give honor and glory to Your legacy, to Your legacy of Love and Redemption.

We divest ourselves, we empty ourselves and surrender, Lord, at the feet of Your Celestial Church, so that You, King of the Universe, Lord of Lords, Master among Masters, may be the One who celebrates this moment together with us, through the strength and the power of Your merciful Heart. Amen.

At the request of Our Lady, we recognize our faults in the silence of the heart and we repair them by means of the gift of forgiveness that springs from the Heart of God.

And thus, we offer this moment for the sacred task, for the Sacred Purpose of Our Lady for all of Europe and Asia, as well as for Africa.

That night, when Jesus was going to be handed over, He gathered His apostles to offer them the greatest testimony of His Love, by means of the transubstantiated bread and wine. Thus, Christ took the bread in His Hands and, raising it to God, offered it in sacrifice and in surrender, asking the Eternal Father for it to be transubstantiated into His Body.

Then, Jesus broke it, and offering it to His companions, He told them, “Take it and eat of it, because this is My Body, that will be surrendered for you, for the forgiveness of sins.”


We praise You, Lord and we bless You. 
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.


We adore and recognize the Sacred Body of Christ.

Before finishing the Supper, before leaving to the Garden of Gethsemane, where He would confirm His surrender before the Eternal Father, with the sweetness of His Heart and the compassion of His gaze, Jesus took in His Hands the Chalice, raised it, and offered it to the Father so that it might be transubstantiated into His Blood.

Then, He passed it to His companions, telling them, “Take it and drink of it, all of you, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world."


We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.


We adore and recognize the precious Blood of Christ, together with the angels of transubstantiation.

Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ. Happy are those who have self-summoned to avail themselves of this Sacrament, because Christ has promised to us eternal life.

 Prayer: Our Father.


May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth and enter each heart.


Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.


At this moment, brothers and sisters, united to each brother and sister of the planet who participate in this sacred meeting with Our Lady, we offer and announce the Spiritual Communion.


Let us pray:

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.




Children, all has been consummated.

Now and always, I thank you for responding to My call.

I bless you, under the Light of Christ that strengthens you and encourages you to move ahead: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And we close this meeting, responding to the request of Our Mother, listening to “Ave Maria.”


We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You,
because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.
(3 times)


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Within My Heart weighs the reality of the world, the situation of the nations, the condition in which humanity is to be found.

Within My Heart weigh the difficulties of all Christians, the serious problems of the most indigent, the loneliness of the dying.

Within My Heart weighs the situation of this pandemic, which is the first crucial test of humanity in this time of planetary transition.

Within My Heart weighs the adversity in which many are submerged, and from that adversity, they cannot leave.

Within My Heart weigh those who are indifferent, those who omit the Call of God and, above all, those who received it once, and, up to today, have rejected it.

Within My Heart weigh many things, which I share with you today, which I reveal to you today, not for you to feel My grief, but rather for you to help Me transmute these situations of the world.

I come in search of those who still do not believe in Me and who have not allowed Me to enter their hearts.

I come for those who are still tepid and undecided.

I come for those who have not yet put their feet upon My Path and have not decided to find Me.

What relieves the sorrow of My Heart is a  the good work, the consistency of the apostles of the last times, the sacramental life, the experience of the Gospel by means of the daily examples of life, the unceasing practice of the Commandments, the faith of the Christians and of the believers, the solidarity of those who look at the one who suffers and help them.

Those who relieve the sorrow of My Heart are also those who are consecrated and do not step back, those who remain united to Me in spite of the circumstances.

Those who relieve My Heart are those who do not doubt nor are they mistrustful, those who fulfill, step by step, what I request of them.

Those who relieve My Heart are those who decide to live their purification; those who do not get submerged in their own problems; those who do not compromise the Plan of My Father; those who understand reality, beyond themselves.

Those who live My Heart are those who serve untiringly, those who are available at any time and at any moment; those who understand the truth, beyond their ideas and feelings.

Those who make My Heart suffer are those who foster war, those who incite humanitarian crises, those who foster the displacement of the refugees.

Those who make My Heart suffer are also those who are aware and do not help, those who do not want to enter this situation and reality in order to be able to solve it.

Those who make My Heart suffer are those who govern, those who rule the nations and are out of the Law, those who no longer live the Word of Life, those who desecrate the Gospel.

Those who make My Heart suffer are those who have everything and do not share anything, those who keep their riches with fear, those who make a material illusion of their lives, those who do not care for the poorest.

Those who rejoice My Heart are those who persist, those who do not always look only at themselves, those who are fraternal and try, every day, those who, in spite of their errors, continue onwards and start from scratch.

Those who rejoice My Heart are the peace-makers, not only of the word, but also through example, those who work without delay for peace.

Those who rejoice My Heart are those who take refuge in Me, those who seek My Presence in the Tabernacle, those who in the Communion seek the Sacred Alliance with the Universal King.

Those who rejoice My Heart are those who adore the Blessed Sacrament and who, beyond forms, understand the immaterial message that the Sacred Monstrance emits.

Those who rejoice My Heart are those who are in contact with Me, those who aspire, day and night, to live in Me, those who seek My Presence and My Heart, beyond their battles.

Those who rejoice My Heart are those who live in My Faith, those who seek charity anywhere, those who are open to the changes and do not fear their resistances.

Those who wound My Heart are the omissive, those who know that they can do everything and do not do so, those who justify themselves so as not to change.

Those who wound My Heart are those who have received all the treasures of Heaven and have wasted them, those who do not have gratitude, those who forget compassion.

Those who wound and hurt My Heart are the proud, those who do not invoke sister humility, those who lose their time in their own processes.

Those who wound My Heart are those who forget My Message and My Word, those who have not had enough reverence for all they have received from Heaven, those who have not yet realized the Grace that fills them abundantly.

Those who wound My Heart are those who complain all the time, those who still have not seen My Presence pass before their eyes, those who have still not yet discovered the Mystery.

Those who wound My Heart are those who hinder the Plan, those who change My ideas and My Projects, at each moment, those who forget redemption.

But My Heart feels the joy, in its very depths, for those who take steps and do not delay, for those who do not fear the unknown nor lose control, for those who surrender at My Feet the power they believe they have, for it to be transformed.

Those who bring joy to My Heart are the kind and merciful, those who not only speak, but also live My Message.

Those who bring joy to My Heart are those who commune with Me and do not forget how important this Sacrament is.

Those who bring joy to My Heart are those who rejoice in My Good News, those who wait each month for My Message, those who are thirsty for Me.

Thus, today you are getting to know the infinite mystery of My Heart, of a Heart that still feels and beats for you, of a Heart that still lives for this world and for this humanity, of a Heart that is touched by suffering because it has known it in Its own flesh, in Its own Body, of a Heart that has become divine for you and gives you Its Mercy so that you can be redeemed and so that you can forgive.

The infinite mystery of My Heart prepares you for Armageddon, to cross the doors of the Apocalypse, to continue on, in spite of what may happen.

I want you to meditate today upon everything I have told you and reflect in sincerity with yourselves, because I no longer speak to children, but rather to adults, adults in evolution and in commitment.

The Work of My Mercy must be fulfilled through the consequent and responsible souls, through those who do not fear to say ‘yes’.

May all those who truly cry out and ask for help enter My Heart so that they may be a part of this joy and bliss that touches Me, so I can be present and contemplate those who move forward, because in this way they will no longer be thorns in My Crown, but rather rays that I will scatter over the world to grant it healing and peace, to once again bring the Kingdom of God to Earth.

Be postulants to rejoice in My Heart, because, in this way, I will be able to feel that you can understand what you live with Me and the responsibility that this has before God.

I will keep walking with firm steps, marking upon the ground the Footprints of Light so that My apostles may recognize them, and, in this way, they may tread the path that the Master is showing, at the end of these times, on this planet and within this humanity.

In this way, I once again sacralize you, and, by means of My Spirit, I give you Peace, so that this Marathon of Divine Mercy may be a step further in the commitment and in the experience of this vow.

I leave you My Message as a lifeline, as a spiritual impulse to take a great leap into the void, into the void of yourselves, into the void of God, where you will find the inner unity with the Whole and, thus, with the Origin.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The Guardians and Stewards of the Divine Plan

1. Are those who obey promptly, before even thinking of obeying.

2. Are those who adhere to the Divine Will, and, from their plane, work to live it and manifest it.

3. Are those who protect, from themselves, the Sacred Mystery.

4. Are those who love the unknown spontaneously, even if they do not know it. 

5. Are those who profess and live humility through the permanent giving of self. 

6. Are those who work every day to be able to live transparency within their degree of consecration in order to one day live Truth.

7. Are those who ardently aspire towards the best spiritual results in their fellow beings.

8. Are those who learn to love through mistakes in order to one day be able to love unconditionally. 

9. Are those who do not break the rules and inner codes that they set for themselves.

10. Are those who assume to live the pain of humanity, but work every day to transcend the human condition. 

11. Are those who are not afraid of being mistaken; however, they are afraid of not being able to repair the error, but they trust in the infinite Mercy.

12. Are those who aspire to lose control of their decisions in order to one day live the divine decisions.

13. Are those who revere the Instruction and make it a part of themselves, even though they think they do not need it.

14. Are those who recognize the Power and the Glory in one God, present in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

15. Are those who do not forget others. 

16. Are those who learn to be compassionate with themselves in order to learn to be compassionate with others.

17. Are those who no longer justify themselves but always make themselves available. 

18. Are those who understand, beyond themselves, the Plan of God. 

19. Are those who live Justice, but, first, live Love.

20. Are those who stand in solidarity with everyone. 

21. Are those who, above all else, fulfill their duty without complaints. 

22. Are those who do not step back, but always advance.

23. Are those who promote and gestate brotherhood. 

24. Are those who eradicate, within themselves, indifference and lack of collaboration.


I thank you for responding to My call! 

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

May the Resurrection of Jesus illuminate you and make of your consciousnesses hearts transformed and lives transfigured by the Love of My Son so that the planet may receive the sacred spiritual atonement that it needs to be able to redeem itself.

Dear children, open yourselves, much more so that today the sacred mysteries of Christ may be revelations for the awakening and elevation of your consciousnesses, because if you transform yourselves and resurrect in spirit, becoming one with the Aspiration of God, the planet will also be transformed and all of humanity will become something sacred through the principles and attributes that will always come from the Father.

Today, I would like My children to understand that everyone is part of a transition and that this transition will have an end, just as everything in life has an end.

Therefore, My children, I give you an impulse and call upon you to abandon indifference and to attend to the needs, just as My Son attended to each one of the needs.

Under the spirit of charity, I invite you to have a merciful heart, a heart that has the ability to always respond yes to everything that needs to be attended to and rescued, because this is how the first and decisive steps will begin towards Christic Love, towards a higher Love, able to forgive everything.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



My dear and beloved children,

During this redemptive Lent, may your hearts be sensitized to the harsh planetary reality so that, in a humble act of prayer and supplication, those who suffer the most and have nothing are contemplated by those who have everything and who, in many situations, waste it.

Through your conscious prayers, may the christic spirit of human fraternity awaken in the world so that each human being may perceive that the path to rebuild humanity will be traveled together, as one great universal family.

Dear children, I ask that the feeling of fraternal charity deepen within each of your lives so that you will be able to recognize the Face of My Son through those who, at this time, are crossing the desert of consciousness and living the encounter with their own inner reality.

I call you to become sensitized so that indifference does not govern you and determine the next steps of all humanity, but that through human fraternity, you may purify your ideas and principles, for the benefit of the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call,

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In this time of Armageddon, companions, I call you to cross unknown oceans with your feet so that the limits of ignorance may be overcome, so that the voice of My Heart may resound within each one of you.

Just as the apostle Peter, step with both of your feet upon the unknown oceans that I present to you today; in this way, you will discover within you what you truly are, and what you came to fulfill in the name of My Father.

I am the Fisherman that calls his companions to the deep seas, to the profound oceans of the infinite so that you may submerge in the essence of life, so that, within the Source of Light, you may find the Truth, that Truth that the world lacks due to its indifference and ignorance, due to the lack of search for higher Truth.

I Am the Lord of the Oceans, I invite you to walk upon the waters, and in this time of Armageddon, it will be your faith that will allow you to cross the very vast oceans that I present to you. In this way, with your offering, you will also elevate the consciousness of humanity and help to remove it from the great abysses of these times, when suffering and desolation reign within hearts.

I call you to cross the unknown oceans of the infinite in trust, igniting the flame of faith at this planetary moment, because faith and trust will allow you to understand everything, to accept everything and to no longer suffer.

I invite you to cross the unknown oceans with courage, with the bravery of a server of Christ, with a soul in detachment and in selflessness for the service of others, to meet the great planetary need.

When you step upon the oceans with your own feet, do not doubt, because if you doubt you will sink, and then your faith will be weakened, it will be poor faith for not believing.

If I call you to cross the oceans, it is because you can believe in Me. I continue being the Way, the Truth and the Life. I Am the Way to reach God, I Am the Truth to find it within each one of you, I am the Life that will never die, because it is an Eternal Life, the Life of the Spirit.

Now cross the oceans, upon the waters, feeling the firmness of what I tell you. Do you know how you will be able to cross these unknown and infinite oceans? Not by looking at your feet, at your imperfections nor at your doubts, but rather by looking at the horizon, where I Am, waiting for you as the Eucharistic Sun of Adoration. In that direction, you must look.

Your eyes must penetrate the mystery to be able to cross the great oceans of consciousness and go through the thresholds of ignorance and indifference in order to find, beyond yourselves, My Spirit of Truth.

Today, I am upon the oceans of the world and I invite each one of you to also be upon them because it is in these great oceans where you will find your inner void and you will be free from the expectations of the end of these times, of all that could happen.

Although the world view is something more than a serious and painful crisis, I call you, as My apostles of the end of times, to cross the unknown oceans of the infinite with your own feet, stepping firmly upon the waters, feeling the elevation of consciousness, leaving that which is material and earthly, superficial and petty; walking upon faith and trust, spiritual dignity and prayer, until you find, upon the horizon of the oceans, My solar and cosmic Consciousness, opening its Arms to receive and welcome you into My Heart.

If souls would decide to cross the oceans that I offer you, these unknown and infinite oceans, the whole world would not be in this situation. The oceans, on which you must step with your own feet, invite you to overcome your own fears, your insecurities and your doubts.

I know that you will go through these feelings and thoughts, because walking upon the oceans not only means having a spirit of determination and trust, but also going beyond faith, what is beyond faith and what comes from that which is eternal, from the unchangeable, from the unconditional.

The unknown oceans of the Christic Consciousness open before you so that you can cross them at this critical moment of humanity, as it will be through the path of the oceans that you will be able to find the peace and emotional serenity that you need at this moment, in the face of the whole planetary situation.

However, if throughout your walk upon the oceans you come to feel doubt, uncertainty or insecurity, know that I will be there to help you. I will help you to walk upon the waters of the typical turbulence of these times.

Trust, beyond what you live and what you know.

Trust, because I will extend My hand towards you and you will hold it tightly. And if out of ignorance you fall into oceans that you do not know, I will raise you up, and I will bring you with Me to the end of the path, towards where My Father needs you, at this moment.

If many more let themselves be led and guided by Me, you would not be living this moment that humanity lives today.

Although you are on this planet and within this school, which the universe has given you in order to learn to love and serve, I have precious treasures for each one of the souls, but these treasures are in crossing the great oceans of the inner and spiritual consciousness.

If your trust is strengthened and not lukewarm, you will cross, with your own feet, the oceans that I offer you, and you will not fear what is unknown because, in the end, upon the horizon, you will find the portal, a threshold that will lead you towards something more profound that you still do not know.

Thus, when you come to this moment, you will perceive that you are losing the control and the power that you believed you have always had. For this reason, I speak to you of trust and faith at this planetary moment.

Do not fear to cross the oceans that you do not know, because they will never cause you harm.

Today, see yourselves before the oceans that I offer you, at the shore, upon the sand, listening to My Message, hearing My Words, seeing My Presence on the sidereal horizon.

I call you to cross the oceans with your own feet, without fearing that you might fail. Your history and your past will be left behind, the wind of the oceans of My Christic Consciousness will impel you to reach the goal that I propose to you today, which is an inner goal.

If you cross the oceans with your own feet, you will be able to become aware of the talents that I have deposited within your hearts, souls and spirits.

This is the time to launch into the unknown, into what you cannot control nor direct with your power, but rather launch into what you can live, in divestment and in emptiness, in humility and in surrender.

Many still find themselves at the shore, barefoot on the sand, thinking whether or not they will cross the oceans that I offer them towards the unknown and infinite. But they see Me, many see me on the horizon of the oceans. They listen to the sound of the waters, they see the movement of the waves, feel the breeze of the wind upon their faces, but they have still not taken the final step. Because there will not be a boat that will take them. Their boat will be trust and faith, which will sustain them at this moment and in this time.

And when you cross the oceans with your own feet and step upon the waters, if you trust, you will know who you are and from where you have come, what you have lived and how long you have been here, waiting for this great moment of again meeting your Lord, the Lord of the Oceans, the Lord of the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Meanwhile, I pray for you and for the world so that the ocean of ignorance no longer embraces you nor causes you shipwreck; so that the ocean of indifference does not drag you towards unknown places, without a safe harbor, without firm land.

I pray for the world and for you so that the Ocean of My Love and My Mercy may flood you. And so that someday, free from your inner and outer, bodily and spiritual prisons, your true being may again be born, that which once emerged from the Source, from the sacred Lakes of Light of the universe, to fulfill the Divine Will.

The oceans prepare the Return of Christ.

This is the time to overcome your fears. It is time to no longer fear the unknown.

It is the time to lose the control and the power you believe that you have by means of emptiness and divestment.

I call you to step with your feet upon the waters, where doubt, insecurity or lack of faith cannot make you fail.

I am here to help you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
