I am not only your Celestial Mother and Mother of Life, I am the Light that ardently gives impulse to the devotion of your soul toward our dear and glorious Creator.

I am the balm with the aroma of roses that cleans, purifies and sanctifies your being so that, in this time, you are encouraged to take steps in trust toward the Creator.

I am this mirror that incarnated on Earth to deliver the essence of love to the children of God, the essence of a love that may be able to regenerate inner life and erase suffering and pain forever.

I am that flower, unique and unrepeatable. I am that eternal flower that surrenders in the hands of Its children so that they can contemplate it and love it, so that this love, that has not yet arisen from within each child, can blossom and work miracles of love in the lives of those who suffer, and those who have nothing.

I am the Mother Who shelters you during the cold winters of life and Who protects you during the stormy nights.

I place all of you near my chest so that you may not only be in My arms, but so that you may also feel the love in My Heart, of a Heart that beats for each one of you.

This is the reason why I am here, for each one of My lost children and those who are not lost, believers or atheists, conscious or ignorant ones. I am for each one, to be able to take you toward My peace and so that, in My peace, My children, you may learn to live in God, in His Presence and in His Kingdom

I am that unconditional Mother, that Mother Who is consoling and relieving of human and moral suffering.

Come to Me, children, because in Me you will find God, and all of your experiences and tests will become small before the Love that comes from the Father, and this will make you free.

Children, I am the Mother Who understands and Who prays untiringly for today's world, for the humanity that is psychically and spiritually sick. Therefore, I come, because a mother would do anything for you. Only a mother is capable of feeling and of understanding, to the deepest levels, each one of her children.

Today, may the mothers of the world, terrestrial and spiritual mothers, unite to Me to cry out to the Father for humanity and for its great indifference, so that love and life may be respected, so that solidarity may be sown in the human hearts and so that everything may be repaired and healed in the innermost core of each being.

May mothers pray today so that the spirit of sacred maternity may not be dissolved from the women of the world, and so that this first contact that the mother makes with her newborn may be protected and supported by the Mother of God because, in spite of everything that humanity does today, the Project of God in family life has not been lost, so that souls find the meaning of being in unity and in family.

Pray with Me, pray, mothers of the world, and in this way My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


From My Heart emerges the Blood of redemption and of life, because in My Heart the Wound still exists, that which had was once opened on the Cross. A Wound which at that moment nobody knew. Only My Mother and the Holy Women, as well as John, the Apostle; they knew about the emergence of this material and spiritual Wound.

That Wound was the last and great spiritual, mental and moral surrender of your Lord.

In truth, more than the Wounds of the hands and of the feet, it was the Wound that up until these times justifies the errors of humanity and it is the Wound that allows Me to still be here, among you, to announce and proclaim the Kingdom of God within each being and in the entire Universal Creation.

This is the Wound that testified to the Love of God for humankind, although they were mistaken or were in the greatest and most absolute darkness.

This is the Wound that is still to be alleviated, which is caused by the ignorance of those who do not experience God and by the indifference of those who turn their backs on Him and leave, abandoning the Love of the Redeemer.

This is the Wound of Your Master that is still to be healed for a long while. And what will close it someday will be the love of those who are blessed and have no preconceptions of the Universal and Divine Work of Your Lord.

This Wound will be healed through those who help and surrender to a silent transmutation.

This Wound will be healed through all those who blindly trust in Me, beyond what happens to them, what they go through or purify, because if I still carry the Wound of the pain and the ignorance of the world in My Heart, be means of those who are Mine, it will be possible for that sorrowful Wound to be alleviated, as it is in each moment of adoration, of prayer and of communion with Me.

Because when everything happens and when My Wound is healed, you will only find refuge in My Heart, in My Divine Life and in My Presence.

Never cease to be generous with others, loving towards those who are in pain and suffering.

Never cease to serve and to surrender to Me, because the day will come in which, in the Glory of the Father, you will be seated at My table and I will crown each one for their efforts and inner merits.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To be in My Heart means to live great responsibilities, to assume great tests and to go through great challenges.

To live in My Heart represents an eternal commitment and not a fleeting one, a responsible and mature commitment that may lead you to live My Plan and its manifestation upon the surface of the Earth.

To be in My Heart represents something more than a feeling, something more than that which can affect emotions.

To be in My Heart means to live a spiritual, but also a material responsibility. It is to carry forward a purpose, a goal, a mission that the Father presents to you, time and again.

Therefore, to live in My Heart means many things. Something that you should discover, day by day, because to be in My Heart is to be before God. It is to hear Him, it is to know how to respond to Him and it is to know how to proceed according to what His Will presents.

To be in My Heart is a moment of constant definition. It is to learn how to overcome your own abysses. It is to learn how to dissolve the barriers of consciousness and of mind. It is to learn how to love, more each day.

Therefore, I give you My Heart as a testimony that it is possible to experience God and fulfill His ardent wish to see His children within His infinite Purpose, because to live in My Heart is also to assume a commitment with Me, within all of this Work of redemption and of peace, at this time, while everything is at stake with the advancement of things; human situations, the processes of the nations and the experiences of great conflicts, which humanity must learn to heal by itself, by means of the profession of its faith and of its trust in the Father.

To live in My Heart is to live sacrifice and then live greater sacrifices, which will lead you to experience great renunciations, moments of facing transcendence for each being in order to receive from Heaven the great treasures, the gifts of the Universe, the Wisdom and the Knowledge of God.

To live in My Heart is to die to oneself, it is to place another first so that others may also be placed first and thus, fraternity may be lived, a fundamental base of brotherhood, cooperation and of solidarity among souls.

To live in My Heart means that something greater must be fulfilled in this time, which goes beyond the limits of your consciousness, of your perception, of your interpretation and of your point of view.

To live in My Heart is to surrender to emptiness and to the void. It is to be confident in that which is unknown, that which is non-material, that which is not palpable, that which no one can control.

To live in My Heart is to surrender to the Power of God, to dissolve human power, which is small and fragile.

To live in My Heart is to learn in new schools and in new academies. It is to forge and awaken within each being its true mission, its purpose and the reason for being here, in this time.

To live in My Heart is also to renew, to rejoice, to again find, day by day, the meaning and the reason to serve God. It is to know that, beyond all or under any circumstance or difficulty, love must be first so that it can act and work within hearts, so that it can heal deep wounds of the consciousness and of the personality, so that the ego of each human being can learn to overcome itself, learn to surrender so that it can be transformed, so that it can be sublimated, so that it may be dissolved in the Light of God, which is the Light of Love and of Divine Consciousness.

To live in My Heart is to assume the end of times, it is to know where to be and what to do, it is to contribute, to collaborate, it is to serve, it is to give of self. It is to embrace the call with fervor and devotion and, in profound reverence, it is to fulfill it so that the Light of God can enter the world and the consciousness of humanity even more.

To live in My Heart is to cease to be what you are, what you believe, what you think.

To live in My Heart is to cross the threshold towards emptiness, it is to lose the sense of property and of human control, it is to submit, it is to let oneself be humiliated, it is to surrender for the existence and the experience of a Greater Love that moves the whole Universe and everything that was created.

To live in My Heart is to decide to imitate Me, to represent Me, to be My apostle, to not waver before difficulties, to assume with courage and bravery each one of the tests.         

To live in My Heart is to learn to overcome tests. It is to blindly trust that no one will lose the path because the one who is in My Heart will never lack light, will never lack peace nor discernment.

To live in My Heart is to learn to forgive oneself and to forgive others, it is to know that, in this moment, spiritual and physical healing is fundamental within humanity. 

To live in My Heart is to close the doors to evil, to adversity, to obscurity and to darkness; it is to assume to live change; it is to make an effort every day to attain a greater state and degree of love for those who do not love, for those who suffer, for those who are lost.

To live in My Heart is to assume the planet and its humanity together with Me. It is to do something for the nations of the world, for the peoples, for the cultures and for the religions.

To live in My Heart is to seek the essence of Christic Love in an untiring way, without stopping, without ceasing to walk and to row this boat that takes you to the port of My Heart.

To live in My Heart is to be in solidarity, it is to understand oneself, it is to go a little beyond the understanding of the mind and of the consciousness, it is to embrace the Universe just as the Universe embraces you. It is to truly participate in an inner communion with the Spirit of God in order to bring peace and redemption to the world.

To live in My Heart is to decide to die for Me under any circumstance, whether it be spiritually, mentally or physically.

To live in My Heart is to give testimony for Me. It is to say that I am returning and that in this time I announce Myself to the world by means of the Word of God for each one of your hearts and your lives so that you may be ready, available and attentive to this great event of the Return of Christ.

To live in My Heart, companions, is to eradicate indifference, omission and lack of brotherhood.

To live in My Heart is to dissolve lack of love, lack of hope and human disturbance.

To live in My Heart is to be able to attain Light and to give this Light to your brothers and sisters by means of the example, the conversion and the redemption of your lives.

To live in My Heart is to elevate your consciousnesses, it is to be able to embrace the cross that I give to each one of you and it is not to fear to carry it, in spite of what may happen or of what it may take.

To live in My Heart is to let yourself be driven by My Love to overcome the limits of consciousness and thus live as the whole Universe and its Hierarchies live.

To live in My Heart is to not give up, it is to say “yes” and try again, every day, until you can live it and represent Me.

It is simple to live in My Heart. For this reason, many still do not do so, because they are in their own hearts, and while you are in your hearts, in your own self, I will not be able to be within you. 

What I ask you is that you submit, that you trust and surrender. Because to live in My Heart will not make you suffer, but rather will make you expand your consciousness, your service and, above all, the expression of your love for the planet and for humanity.

In this Marathon of the Divine Mercy, may all be able to return to My Heart, and may those who are already in My Heart be able to lead those who are not, due to different circumstances or fears.

May you be able to feel in My Heart the Love of God, may you feel welcomed by His Temple and by His Wisdom. Because it is in this Love of My Heart that you will be able to live brotherly love, in the love of the souls that serve God, in the love that strengthens, that dispels darkness, that transmutes ignorance, indifference, human evil.

May living in My Heart be a triumph for each one of you so that this triumph may be in each one of your nations, which you represent at this time.

May living in My Heart be, for each one of you, the possibility of healing and  the redemption of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature.

My Heart is open, in Mercy and in Pity. Before the time of Divine Justice arrives, call the whole world to live within My Heart, because My Heart suffers for those who are still not in It.

My Heart is a portal to the Cosmos and to Divine Consciousness.

My Heart is the threshold that will lead you toward peace and toward the experience of the apostolate of these times, the apostolate of the end of times.

Live in My Heart so that the world can reconcile and humanity can reconsider.

In these days, may your prayers build the bridge for you to enter My Heart, and in My Sacred Heart know the reality of all that your Master and Lord feels, all that He lives and experiences from what He sees and observes in the world.

And once you have entered My Heart, be part of the fire of My Love so that I can illuminate the world and all consciousnesses that need it because, companions, if there is not love in this time, nothing will be possible.

The Love that comes from the Father, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit will save you, will redeem you and will reconcile you with the Heights, with the Universe. And you will find the Truth, you will find the way out and you will raise your heads to contemplate the horizon of My Return.

May your hearts unite with My Heart and may your prayers touch the Heart of the Father so that He may allow you to enter My Heart.

In this way, may we be in brotherhood and in fraternity, forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Prayer of the Sacrificed Soul

If my life, Lord, is to serve you always,
without receiving anything in return,
may Your Will be done, Jesus,
because the greatest treasure I have is to be able to find You
in the unconditional service to my dear brothers and sisters.
Lord, do not allow me to become blinded by my own miseries.
Help me, Jesus, to step out of myself, every day,
so that I can discover and confirm
that in sacrifice and the constant giving of my life
lies the victorious path to surrender.
Jesus, You are the Sun of our lives.
Dazzle the world with the rays of Your Mercy
and, in this way, I will realize that everything You did for us
is greater and more immense than all the renunciations
that I must overcome and go through, day after day;
because in the depths of each learning, my Jesus,
there lies Your silent Will,
which only aspires to make of me
a kind, loving, helpful and good consciousness.
So I ask You, my Lord, that you not have me lose
the spiritual richness of each sacrifice and each test.
That I have the grace of being able to imitate you
in compassionate love and in Mercy,
because You are the Lord, without time, without rules nor conditions.
You, my Jesus, are everything for us,
and someday I aspire to do the same for others.
May the path of fraternity 
teach me to detach from myself
and, in the face of each new challenge, find
the humble power that comes from You to
break the chains of indifference and mediocrity.
Lord, I ask You and I beg You:
just live within me.
I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Prayer of the Surrendered Soul
In spite of what condition I am in,
I will follow You, Lord.
In spite of what I experience,
I will follow You, Lord,
because I will only find rest and new strength
when I am standing before Your compassionate Presence.
In spite of what I go through,
in spite of the very difficult and cold spiritual desert,
I will follow You, Lord,
because we absolutely owe it to You,
and there is nothing that prevents us from making our confirmation
to follow Your path of Redemption and Love. 
In spite of what I feel,
what I see or believe,
I will follow You, Lord,
because I need to learn to relinquish,
just as You surrendered
for each one of us.
do not allow the illusions and mirages
of this world to confuse me.
At each moment, may I find
the luminous and inextinguishable flame 
of Your wonderful Love so that,
availing myself of Your deepest and most mysterious Gifts,
I may represent You,
as Your apostle and ambassador of peace.
Lord, do not let
my own miseries
drag me towards the abysses.
Make me brave and cheerful
so that I may always find You
upon my imperfect path.
Sustain me, Lord, 
in the moments in which I do not understand
nor manage to transcend everything that surrounds me.
Help me, Jesus,
to be immeasurably merciful.
Take from my consciousness
any sign of mediocrity
 and lack of fraternity,
because at the end of this long walk,
in the search of Your Divine Presence,
I will be able to understand, Lord,
that life is a gift of God,
and that it is full of opportunities
so that we can sincerely love,
as You have always loved us.
In spite of the weariness, the misunderstandings
and the most intimate secrets
that You know, Lord,
I will follow You.
Because the great and only merit of my life
will be to serve You and suffer with You
that which You see within the world,
so that ignorance, indifference and futility
may be alleviated from Your Heart,
through the surrender that today I make of my life for You.
Do not abandon me, Jesus.
I need You and wait for You
with the ardor of my human heart.

I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


While very important decisions are made, after the last 8th of August, unexpected situations are defined within this planetary consciousness, and the nations of the world, little by little, are placed before the Universal Judgement.

This means that, depending on what the consciousnesses choose in the coming time, is how the end of the times will be shown, and nobody will be able to stop the results coming from this election.

Thus, souls must pray so that the events do not surprise them overnight and so that everything you may see and witness not be too intense for you.

With your prayers, place the nations within My Mercy, even though some nations may have closed their doors to God through their ignorance and indifference.

May everything and everyone enter into My Mercy so that, on some level of consciousness, something may receive the chance and the grace that it so needs.

I only ask that you be strong in prayer and peaceful in service; in this way, you will also help other brothers and sisters during the time of the great and definitive events.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus



Many of My followers in South America and in the world would like to hear the word of the Hierarchy concerning that which our dear and subjected Amazon region is going through.

This is proof of the indifference of human beings and of the unconsciousness of those who take advantage of Creation and of the great regions of the planet that are exploited for the benefit of few and the poverty of the majority.

Humankind itself will realize too late all that it has transgressed and all that it has lost.

Therefore, what happens today in the Amazon region is an answer to the uncontrolled corruption and the excessive and sick exploitation of those who govern the nations, as well as a harsh consequence for those who have elected them.

In summary, all that the Amazon region is going through is not a punishment from God, it is a responsibility of the same humanity that believes to be powerful before the lower Kingdoms and the elements.

Yet, while humanity continues hurting the Amazon, the world shall know, even more, the fury and the indignation of the Kingdoms of Nature because the Law, which is stable and secure, cannot be transgressed.

Therefore, the groups of prayer must place the entire situation of the Amazon on another level of consciousness and not remain in the coordinate of judgments and of commentaries, for this strengthens the harassments of the adversary in the minds of the governors, in which he works in a hidden way.

Ask the Heavenly Father for only His Will to be fulfilled and do not hesitate even for a moment. Put your faith in the Lord and all shall pass.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


That which a soul receives when it is sick and is visited has much more value than hundreds of medicines because, if during the visit there is love and effort to help the sick one in some way, that represents an opportunity and a Grace that the consciousness will never forget for the rest of its life.

Therefore, every time you visit a sick person, remember you are visiting Me, and that I will be waiting for your affection, love and sympathy, in order to heal the heart that suffers.

Each exercise of service, whatever it may be, represents the possibility for the servers to enlarge their degrees of love and, getting out of themselves, to take steps that otherwise they would not be able to.

For this reason, I am present in each one of the situations of life so that human beings may learn to serve and to take forward the works of Mercy that help to balance their omissions or their indifferences.

Every opportunity of service is a Grace of being able to find more strength and determination in the moment of surrendering to God.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


My Divine and Cosmic Consciousness, the Solar Christ, spiritually embraces Argentina today and, in this way, the first Source of emanation of Divine Love is prepared so that, as from the second stage of the pilgrimage, it may send the impulses that consciousnesses upon the surface of the Earth will receive, to move forward with the inner changes that are necessary.

This does not mean that the rebellion of the dark ones has ceased; they will come with greater strength against all that the Divine Hierarchy will project for the following days.

But do not fear, do not cease to elevate your voice to the Universe, and do not cease to cry out for Mercy for, in this way, all adversity will be dissolved and transmuted and hearts will reacquire the strength to be able to move beyond themselves, without leaving behind the fulfillment of their responsibilities.

This is the time in which the light and the darkness meet, and the war of all against all is present as an opportunity for winning it through love or of being defeated through indifference.

Many more needs will be presented during the upcoming times. Thus, this is the time of putting into practice all the knowledge acquired during the last few years, this is the time of setting aside mediocrity and going on to assume that which until now you have not assumed, being able to carry the cross to the heights of the mountain, to announce the victory of Love within humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I find a world that suffers from indifference and lack of love, for forgetting to place its gaze upon God and in His entire Universe.

However, in spite of it being difficult times, My children, it is a time of miracles, in which God tries, in all possible ways, to be present in the hearts of His children and in all those who want to follow Him, by means of His Plan and of His divine manifestation, by means of His Word and of His Message.

But this is also the time of miracles in souls, in the hearts that want to redeem and surrender to God, completely entrusting their lives in the Hands of the Father, knowing that there is nothing else to do in this world but only be in God and within His Purpose in order to be, at least, a spark of His Light and of His Presence in the world, in this time when darkness embraces the planet, just as I said to you, My children, from indifference and from lack of love.

But the work of Christ is built in the silent hearts, in those souls that serve Him in a permanent and untiring way, that do not time nor schedule the hour to say “yes” to Him, and that are available to live the experience of His Christic Love, of this Love that renews them, of this Love that strengthens them and completely fills them.

These consciousnesses, these hearts, these souls, arrive in this time to serve God, and He Himself is summoning them, attracting them towards His Divine Light, toward His Purpose, toward His Truth.

Therefore, it corresponds to those who have awakened, My children, to support the awakening of souls that God is summoning so that, through the Path of the Father, these consciousnesses may concretize the Plan of God upon Earth and also learn to manifest the truth, the truth that is born of the heart that surrenders to God and no longer has limits, that has no conditions nor rules.

Just as yesterday, My children, when I dedicated My time and My words to My dear children of Africa, today, as a time of preparation for what will happen during the coming days, I dedicate this Message to the youngest, to those who are awakening, to those who have felt within, somehow, the call of God, which is an inner and profound call that takes place between the consciousness and the Eternal Father.

All conditions, My children, that may foster the awakening of the youngest, will also help to build the Plan of Christ on the surface of the Earth.

Therefore, it now corresponds to the more adult, the more experienced, to those who have lived the path of instruction for so many years, to be the base, to be the sacred soil, to be the fundamental support for the youngest to be able to develop and awaken, and thus show their virtues and talents to My Beloved Son; virtues and talents that are kept for this time, for this final moment, for this great planetary service which all are summoned to live, beyond being young or not.

However, this is the time, My children, to open the doors of the heart, especially to welcome and receive those who arrive, just as you, My children, the most experienced, the ones who have walked through instruction and who have been received by the Hierarchy.

The same teachings will not be lived, nor the same patterns of behavior, but the instruction of the Hierarchy, the impulses of Light and of the Divinity will be kept present. This will help to build the times and to renew them.

You must open your consciousnesses to receive those who arrive, so that those who arrive may have a place where they can show their virtues and everything they learned in other times, which is something quite unknown to all.

As I have asked you, My children, you must follow the rules of group co-existence within a community. But to live these rules, you must  open within even more for the time that is arriving, which is a time of changes, a time of opportunities, a time of opening for the youngest.

Thus, you will build what My Son needs and He will entrust His Plans even more so that they can be concretized and manifested in humanity, and especially in the places where Christ wants to act on the planet by means of His servers and collaborators, by means of those who arrive in this cycle through awakening.

I am the Mother of all youth and the Lady of those who awaken.

Just as many humanities have existed, a new humanity will exist that will have the impulse of youth to sustain this planet, to protect the Kingdoms of Nature, to support the ones who suffer most, to help those who despair, to serve those who have nothing.

Therefore, the more experienced must open their hearts and quiet their minds. You must follow the lead of the Divine Hierarchy in all that it is building for this new cycle, because what took place in the past is what is today allowing for the miracles to happen in the life of those who just have arrived.

The Hierarchy finds various paths in order to reach the hearts, those who awaken, those who self-summon to serve the Plan of Love in humanity.

They will come with different experiences. They will come with a different past. They will come with a different path that was traced by the life of the youngest. But at some point on the spiritual path, everything will unite, everything will transform, and all will enter the Light of the Hierarchy.

The Spiritual Hierarchy grants the spaces of the Light-Communities for this to happen, for this Will of God to be fulfilled, knowing that the youth of this time is most at risk in this planetary cycle, it is the most exposed to the adversities and to conflicts, to the loss of essence with God.

Just as I thank you, My children, I give My Thanks to all those more experienced and adult on the spiritual path.

Today the Mother of the Most High, the Mother of the youngest and the Lady of those who awaken is called by Her beloved Son to welcome and receive this summoning that comes directly from God, which, for this planetary cycle, will be fundamental in the construction of the bases of the new time, of the new Work, of the new Purpose.

Just as seasons change, so does time, events and cycles. Nothing is static for the consciousness of the Universe and for the Hierarchy. The patterns change, the attitudes transform and sublimate so that each consciousness of this local Universe may reach the Purpose of God and may renew, may renew time and again.

I leave you this aspiration. I deliver to you this request: make of the communities islands of renovation, be welcoming and receptive to those who arrive, supporting those who are awakening and be hope for those who seek God and do not find Him.

Thus, My children, the more experienced and adult on the spiritual path will rejoice My Heart, because I will be able to see, as your Mother, that you can understand Me and are following Me.

Otherwise, My Son will have difficulties returning to the world, because He will come for all and to all, not only for those who have followed Him for a long time. He will come for those who still do not follow Him nor listen to Him. He will come for those who, overnight, will transform their life of perdition into lives of consecration.

The signs will show the events and you must be attentive to these signs in order not to lose them, because the Plan of God is not only carried out through works but also through the conversion of hearts and the testimonies of the lives of men and women of the Earth.

Take this impulse and this request into your hearts and make it a part of you. In this way, your structures will break and what is old will transform, because you will live the new time just as you lived it while you awakened for the first time. And you will feel the impulse of the Hierarchy as you felt it when you were called the more adult and experienced on the spiritual path.

Thus, you will be able to understand the youngest, you will be able to support the youngest, because together with My Son, they are the ones who will bring an impulse to the change of consciousness of humanity, although it may not seem so.

In this way, many will not be left behind, will not lose the path nor the steps of the Hierarchy because, in absolute and unconditional adherence to the Plan, they will be attentive to receive the signs and be part of the new commandments of the Brotherhood.

Today, My children, I reveal to you and deliver to you this request, because as the Mother of the youngest and Lady of those who awaken, I had to wait for this moment to be able to say this.

Everything is perfect in the Universe of God, just as within you. Everything has its time and moment.

Now that you have grown in the impulse of expansion of the Work, what is most important, My children, is that you may grow internally in the expansion of love for the Purpose.

From here, in the Heart that emanates the Fire of Aurora, I unite as Mother and Consciousness to the youngest and to the ones that awaken, knowing that, for the Mother of God, the offering of the next Youth Festival for Peace, to be held in Salvador, will be the continuity of the awakening of new flocks, of souls that will self-summon to be before My Son, the Christ.

In unity and love, I thank you for accompanying and serving Me, so that Peace may be established in humanity.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Those who have nothing, those who want nothing, those who are poor of spirit and pure of heart will be the pillars of the redemptive work of My Mercy.

In those who aspire for nothing, in those who expect nothing, in those who are empty of themselves establish the pillars of the work of My Mercy and through them I can do more than with hundreds of workers in a vineyard.

By your fruits, you will be recognized, because all that you unite to in Heaven will be united on Earth, and all that you disunite with in Heaven will be disunited on Earth.

This is the time to recognize the virtues and gifts that I make flourish within the hearts of the simple. But it is also time to recognize My Face in the neighbor, in the one who is alone, in the one who is sick, in the thirsty and in the one in agony, because all you do for the smallest on Mine, you are doing to Me.

This is the moment to relieve the heavy cross of suffering, of indifference and of error that hundreds of souls commit, day by day, before the salvific Love of God.

It is the time that, within each one of you, you confirm your surrender to My Sacred Heart.

I bless you and thank you for keeping My Words in your heart.

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ


Dear children,

Just as the Light of God eradicates pain and suffering from the past of the nations of the world, in the same way, My Immaculate Heart prevents disaster and chaos from being installed in humanity.

For this reason, I come to the world and descend from Heaven as spokeswoman and Messenger of God to call His children to the moment of awakening of the consciousness and to the importance of the moment of protecting and taking care of the planet.

Dear children, today your Heavenly Mother accompanies the task of Her Son with love and devotion, so that the fruits of conversion and of spiritual healing may be established in those spaces of humanity where peace, good and charity have been absent.

Through the unfathomable Divine Mercy, God grants the world a time of repentance and of penance so that the change of consciousness may be truthful and not temporary. May this change remove the nations from their places so that the well-being, which certain nations experience, may be equally shared with the nations that are exploited and subdued to the world system created by humankind.

Therefore, children, your Heavenly Mother arrives in places where such awakening will enable the change in all of humanity. Thus, indifference will be dissolved from human consciousness and everyone will be able to live in fraternity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received during the journey from Frankfurt to Berlin, Germany, transmitted by the Glorified Jesus Christ to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

As the journey to Berlin continues, and before the pilgrim group arrives in that city, the foundations of My Mercy for this next stage begin to be established in the inner planes in order that the fallen soldiers may begin to feel and recognize the Christic Light which will shine again in the abysses of the Earth, so that those souls receive Pity and Mercy.

A wall, similar to the old Berlin Wall, but in the inner planes, will be destroyed so that there no longer exist two states of consciousness, that is to say, so that error and indifference may be transmuted.

Then, your Master and Lord will be able to penetrate the most obscure layers of the German consciousness,  a place where millions of innocent souls were taken during the twentieth century.

This space, spiritually obscure, will be touched by your Lord so that  the greatest possible amount of souls may reach redemption and love.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ



Indifference embraces the planet too much. May there be no trace of indifference in you, so that My Plan may not be interfered with nor hindered by anything indifferent coming from you.

To some degree, you must consciously work to banish indifference from your consciousnesses because through indifference My enemy nurtures in humankind the lack of love and of attention for others, for the brother or sister they have beside them, day by day.

A disciple of Christ works every day to banish from themselves any degree of indifference because if something indifferent is within the disciple, they will have great difficulties to go beyond themselves, in spite of being right in something.

Therefore, I invite you once again to reflect so that within yourselves you only seek the truth, which will forever free you from the chains of indifference and lack of love.

I have already taught you how to experience My Love, do not forget it.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Listen, Lord, to the voice of Your faithful Servant.

Today I come to cry out for the healing of the deepest wounds of the nations of this world, wounds that are reflected in the conscience of human beings, indifference and ignorance before Your Love and Your Heavenly Truth.

I cry out today so that Your Balm of Redemption permeates the deepest of the Earth and touches the interior of humanity. May this soil, thought by You to be sacred, be sacred again. May these lives, thought by You, be the salvation of all Life, converted into Your pure and original Divine Thought.

Receive, O God, these supplications.

Today, I see Your Light descend into the world. Let the hearts know how to receive You with love, so that nothing remains as it is. May everything return to You, in its purity, in its truth, in the depth of Your Creator Heart.


The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received in the city of Zagreb, Croatia, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Listen to the weeping of a spirit wounded by wars and by the ignorance of humankind, the heart of a nation that cries out for Mercy, even though its inhabitants have gotten lost in the indifference of their common life and do no listen to it.

Every day, the merciful Eye of God is placed upon those who clamor, who cry out, who pray for peace, but also and above all, on those who do not clamor, do not cry out and do not pray, for they do not know God and His infinite Love.

With your hearts, keep the doors of Forgiveness, of Grace and of Mercy open to this planet, each day more. Be conscious of the immense need of the world, and let serving this wounded world be your greatest aspiration.

God the Father expects to be able to reach His children every day, and for that, He needs to find the doors of human hearts always open to His Love. Be that door which constantly opens to God. Be the conscious permission for the Creator to embrace and support His creatures.

May your praying word, born from the depth of the heart, be tirelessly pronounced, for the Earth needs peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received in the Commune of Castel Volturno, Campania, Italy, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Seek the purity of your heart through silence and prayer to restore this world from so many sins and illusions.

Offer a sincere reparation to God through the small renunciations of life so that, through these offerings, the Lord can intercede for those who are ignorant and indifferent in this world, in spite of having a commitment with God and with His Love.

Each day live a true religion and love being united with God for those who deceive themselves with false spiritual lives.

Repair the Heart of the Father for those outrages, praying and adoring with the heart. Be an instrument for the miracle of God, allowing yourself to be transformed. Be a source of His Grace, allowing Him to be within you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages

I am the Lady of the Tears of Syracuse. I come on this day to tell you, My children, that no one has calmed My cry for these people of Sicily, and that I still wait for the great moment of conversion of the sinners who are on this island.

Thus, I present Myself to you today as the Lady of Tears because, through My Tears, I leave the message for this place that these people of South Italy do not yet accept redemption and that, by means of appearances, they believe everything is well and that it will continue to be so.

I call My children of Sicily to repent from the heart so that you may ask for forgiveness to the Celestial Father because thus, He will grant you His Mercy and not His divine and powerful Justice.

Thus, My children, with the prayer of everyone, the people of Sicily will attain a special grace, and this grace will also have reprecussions within the members of the Church of My Son.

I come to Sicily for the people of the South of Italy not to forget that the Lady of Tears cried and that She is still crying because Her children most in need of love do not want to hear Her.

I come to remove you from the power that you believe you have in your hands.

I come to offer you My maternal Heart as a path for your final conversion.

But I also come to the South of Italy, as the Lady of Tears, for one of the most serious crises of this twenty-first century, which is the migration of My children of Africa and of the Middle-East to Europe, through the Mediterranean Sea.

It is thus, My children, that the Lady of Tears also cries for the great indifference of all Europeans before the lack of welcome and of love for the refugees.

This is the time and the opportunity that not only Italy but also all of Europe has the grace of being able to reverse its debts through service to the refugees.

I, as the Mother of all, call you to fraternity and to step away from yourselves so that the one who suffers the most and escapes the conflicts and wars may occupy the first place within your lives. Thus, you will learn to know Divine Mercy.

Italy has always been a very blessed land by the saints and by the Eucharistic miracles because it is the nation that most needs Pity and Mercy for the end of these times.

All the praying beings, in this moment, can be important intermediaries before the Divine Justice so that, united to your Heavenly Mother, you may collaborate for all the important stages of the Pilgrimage to be fulfilled, according to the way God wishes and feels.

Let us continue, My children, allowing the unfathomable Mercy to descend upon the nations of the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

My beloved children,

Once again in My home, in Fatima, where I poured out so many codes of love, conversion and protection for My children in the world.

Once again, in Fatima, to renew your souls with My Maternity and My Universal Love.

Once again, in Fatima, so that this Celestial Kingdom, that welcomes all of My children of the world, may receive the light and the love from the Source of the Heart of God and may prepare for what is now coming.

I observe today, with gratitude and love, some hearts that have offered to sustain the end of times and who are truly decided to faithfully follow My Son and serve him beyond what they understand and what they believe they can do. 

I have these children of Mine in My Heart.

I also observe those who still need many tests to surrender to the Love of Christ, many explanations to accept the new cycle, much security to be able to trust.

I have these children of Mine in My Heart.

I also observe those who are indifferent, those who only think of themselves, those who cannot stand the faith of others and try to destroy it, those who fear so much that the world may cease to be this place that they can control.

I observe those who do not understand that transgressing the Law of the Creation is something that in an imminent way will place them before the Universal Judgment.

I have these children of Mine in My Heart.

I observe those who mock Grace and Mercy, those who raise their voice and their hand against their brothers and sisters, believing they go unpunished and are owners of the others. 

All are in My Heart.

I bring to Europe good news, the last opportunity to live forgiveness, reconciliation, expiation of errors. 

As an advocate for all creatures of this world, I will be arriving here soon; in a coming cycle and for a time, I will be travelling this European land that cries out for forgiveness and healing, traveling throughout its nations, reaching its peoples, so that the Light and Love of God may reach each corner.

The Kingdom of Fatima and the presence of the Divine Messengers will bring Grace and Renewal to this part of the world so that your hearts can receive the Christic codes that will prepare your beings to welcome the talents in which My Son will deliver to you, and that must be available within your essences to accompany Him and serve him in His Return to the world, during this coming time.

But today I also come with a warning.

Humanity will face itself and verify that it was indifferent, that it let itself be trapped by illusion and lost the wellbeing that the planet offered to it, a planet that it is losing because it was mistreated until it became agonized.

Thus, humanity will cry tears of blood for its foolishness, for its pride and for its lack of intelligence. This humanity which today is consciously disintegrating and annihilating this sacred place that gives them shelter, that feeds them, that heals them and that offers a majestic and safe place for their future generations, for the evolution of the race.

Where will your children, your grand-children and your grand-children’s children live? Have you ever wondered?

Where you call protected spaces or “bunkers”? How many can enter these illusory places?

Will you look for other planets? Which planets? How many of you will go to these illusory places?

My Heart fills with pain, with sorrow and agony upon seeing you so ignorant.

Children, awaken!

There is still time to balance the scales, but it must be now!

Awaken for this lethargy, from this dream that will only lead you to an internal and external state full of imbalance and suffering. Listen to the Voice and the Heart of your Celestial Mother that brings you this warning. There is no time any longer!

Save the planet! Protect it from yourselves, because if you do not react you will soon not have any place where you can be at peace.

Unite to My Voice and to the voice of the youth, which now makes itself felt. They are trying to defend their home in order to have a destiny.

Unite with My Heart that begs you, that supplicates to you to be responsible for this Big House, this Eden that God delivered to you so that you could live the greatest experience of universal love.

Awaken, children! For the last time, awaken!

I love you and will never abandon you, but My being suffers because one day I will only be able to observe your suffering, the fruit of your indifference and of your lack of responsibility.

Always remember that you should only look to the Heights in humility and in gratitude. Everything could reverse to the good in an instant if you have the courage to change.

I love you, protect you and firmly call you toward the last reflection.

Thank you for being with Me today.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Listen within you to the Voice of God that speaks to you, the Voice that calls you to serve Him and to pronounce His Word of Life in the whole world.

This is the Voice that resounds in the Cosmos. This is the Voice that comes from Heaven to awaken souls to the Love of God, to compassion, to healing and to redemption.

Listen to the Voice of God within you and the essential purity will re-emerge from within you.

Unite yourself with the living God Who is in Heaven.

Comply with His Promises.

Live His Commandments and apply in your life the duties to God so that you may be a participant in His Celestial Kingdom, so that you may receive in your heart His impulses of Light, which will someday make you free, a participant of the Supper of Redemption, and thus you will receive the Sacrament from the Spirit.

Your soul will receive what it needs and will thus take a new step.

I come to this kingdom, to the Kingdom of Fatima, to rekindle it, as it once was rekindled by the presence of the Divine Mother and of all of Her angels.

The time has come to celebrate this meeting and to make you participants, in a conscious way, in the Mercy of God. Thus, the doors to light will remain open and the sacrifice of the Son of God will keep being recognized by the men and the women on Earth.

All will be part of this new Supper that the King will celebrate when He returns to the world for the second time. 

But now, I come in Divinity. I come under the impulse of the Breath of the Spirit so that the Gifts of God may be poured out upon you. Such Gifts that at some moment will convert into talents. Talents that I will need, in this hour and at this time, to be able to help souls, to be able to save and rescue them from the dark abysses of the Earth.

It is from here, from the Source of the Kingdom of Fatima, that the world will be able to recover its innocence, the innocence it lost by the manifestation of wars, by the inequality among peoples, by illnesses, by madness, by hunger and error.

My Mercy will lead you to the essential Purity and in the essential Purity you will find God again, you will become aware of the meaning of your existence and you will not regress because I will be by your side strengthening and tempering your spirits, transforming your miseries, redeeming your human aspects, transfiguring them into My eternal Light.

The Glory of God descends over the Kingdom of Fatima, because Its Celestial Church approaches and descends over this place to unite with the Shrine consecrated to God.

The inner worlds balance. A period of peace touches souls and makes them aware of the truth. Perdition is deterred. The apostles take their steps toward the Lord and fulfill His commandments, His designs and their duties.

Although appearances are confusing, no one will be forgotten, and the hearts will rekindle in the fire of My Love, will feel the impulses of My Soul, will receive the blessing of My Spirit and I will liberate you from the chains, prisons and errors. And thus, the nations will be liberated, the peoples will reconcile and there will no longer be conflict.

Hunger will not be the cause of so many evils. Corruption will not be the origin of so many defects. Omission will not be the path toward the indifference of human beings because the whole world, humanity, the planet, will become aware of the truth, some time before I return to the world as a beam of light amongst the clouds, like a Sun within a sun, as a greater Star amongst so many stars.

The Universe will mobilize, the higher stars will respond and the solar system, of which they are a part of, will receive the last grand impulse that will spring directly from the Heart of the King for all souls, for all self-summoned and especially for those who were not called.

The meaning of being here on Earth will be reborn, because from the Kingdom of Fatima the impulse will arise that will lead this part of humanity to its awakening and to definitively move away from ignorance, from spiritual blindness, from indifference.

Receive then My Message with joy. May the whole world hear the Word of God through His Son so that humanity is born again under the Wisdom of God and His understanding.

May this Marathon be celebrated as the perfect union with the Celestial Father, as the confirmation of all apostles before all Principles and Wills of the Father so that His Designs may descend to the Earth and incarnate in the human beings who must asume the Plan.

May the inner worlds hear this good news. Heaven descends again over the Kingdom of Fatima so that purity may awaken in the sleeping hearts, in the souls that made a mistake by ignorance and by error.

Bring everyone to Me. Place the whole world in My merciful Heart, and you will not lack peace.

I Am your High Priest, your Governor and your Master. I Am the Shepherd of all sheep and, at this time, I unite all the flocks under the First Law, the Law of Love.

And thus, the hells will close and the doors to Light will open so that everything may be illuminated and no one lose the hope to persist, just as I persisted for you until the end, and even more, until this time, and I will persist until I return to meet you physically, to give you My Peace, My embrace, and deliver to you the glorious Love of God that vivifies you, that transforms you, that elevates you in unity.

May Europe listen to this call, just as We listen to your prayers. The Lord of the Universe returns to meet you to make souls participants in the Redeeming Communion and in the great time of Mercy.

May this Marathon be an offering of love from each prayerful heart so that God may keep pouring His Grace upon the world, in spite of the errors and all evils. Because the triumph of the Plan of the Father is in the heart that loves Him profoundly and without conditions. There lies the freedom of humanity forever.

In jubilation and hope for this reunion, under the mantle of the Kingdom of Fatima, I bless Europe and the whole world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May Peace be in all. Amen.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

