Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"How many steps have you been able to take in these ten days of Lent?

How do you feel on the path of the inner desert now?

Can you surpass Me in Love?

Be brave and walk. Become detached and divested from yourself, so that the Lord, your God, may govern you.

Carry out a deep work: distancing yourself from all that which is superficial. Appreciate and value My Christic Impulses. I Am here."

Christ Jesus


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

Today, I come to you and your brothers and sisters, so that you may cross the door of Lent with Me.

For this reason, on the next forty days before Easter, I will come in an extraordinary way and at unexpected moments to deliver Christic impulses that will help prepare souls for the Easter of the Lord.

I might ask for unexpected things. The place where I will deliver each Message will be chosen by Me according to the need, it will be some of the areas of the Marian Center or the Light-Community of Figueira.

I ask you to be attentive to My Call. You will wait in vigil and joyfully for My arrival, which will be precise, immediate and extraordinary.

I want you to be able to live, in a similar way, what I lived during My forty days in the desert. I offer My Heart to all souls, as a favorite refuge of God.

When I tell you the moment when I will come during the next forty days, you will sound the bells of your homes, so that your brothers and sisters may know that I Am arriving and, in this way, those who like may quickly gather at the indicated place. I assure you that it will be a daily moment of spiritual renewal.

Today, I deliver to you My first Christic impulse for this Lent:

“Be patient on the path that you are going through. You are before the door of the last time; open it and enter the path that I indicate to you now.

Be brave and walk with Me in the desert. I will teach you to forgive and to  reconcile with yourself, do not lose heart.”

Christ Jesus


Vigil in prayer so that your heart is willing to embrace the mysteries of the Celestial Kingdom as never before experienced by humanity.

Vigil in prayer so that your consciousness may know how to recognize the visible signs of the Presence of God, and It may transform you inside and out.

Vigil in prayer so that, with an empty heart, you may be able to receive all the divine gifts that, as a last impulse, are being delivered to humanity. Let these gifts become life, becoming fruit within you, that which will take you to participate in a new Earth, a new time.

Vigil in prayer so that the many traps of the enemy do not confuse you and do not make you perish before you reach within yourself the renewal of the Love of God.

Just pray, child, and vigil in prayer, because the time has come for the  definition of each being, and every instant must be a moment for you to confirm your vows with God.

Vigil in prayer and do not allow it to be you who becomes taken off of the path.

Vigil in prayer to know how to ask for help in the right moment, to know how to cry out to God for His Grace. 

Vigil in prayer to see when the other needs you, even in silence.

Vigil in prayer, to understand that your life, as small as it may seem, can transform other lives, when you know how to be an instrument of God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


XXXIII - The Dialogue With God

There are as many dialogues with God as there are millionths of seconds in the time of the world. At each instant, a soul enters into dialogue with their Creator, confesses to Him, explains their needs and desires to Him, their sorrows and joys, their complaints and gratitude, their silence and their song, their anguish and their peace. And even those who say they do not believe in God enter into dialogue with the Lord, their souls go beyond any disbelief, because the dialogue with the Creator is something as natural as breathing and living.

Each dialogue that I have told you brings an impulse for you to know that God does not only hear the deepest questions of your souls, but He also responds with wisdom, compassion and Love, to each one of them. For this reason, children, you shall not only speak and speak before God, but you shall also be silent to hear Him.

To pray is to enter into dialogue with the Creator, and a dialogue is made of words but also of silence. Thus, make your hearts avalaible so that God may also find space within your souls to speak to you, so that it may be Him Who begins the dialogue, so that He may correct your lives, inspire you and guide you, show you the way and teach you how to return when you are treading along the wrong path.

Within you there is a bridge to the Heart of the Father, a bridge that must be always ready, always uniting dimensions, always creating links between the Creator and His creatures.

Thus, children, you will be able to hear God, and you will not doubt that it is Him Who speaks to your heart. God transmits peace, humility and Mercy, but He also speaks with righteousness, with justice and with the Law. In all things, feel His profound Love for life.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



XXX - Impulses to Be and Remain in God

A soul, that felt disturbed for not being able to refrain the flow of their thoughts when praying, questioned the Lord, saying: “Lord, when I stop to be before You and pray, my thoughts continue to be stirred, the words of my prayer are confused with the incessant words of my mind, and I do not find peace. God, how can I purify my thoughts to be int peace before You?"

And the Lord responded: “Little soul, your mind is a mirror of everything you receive and consume from the world. That which you have contact with throughout your day is that which will be in your thoughts when the time comes to pray. For you to achieve peace, there is no formula, but an attitude that must be transformed within you, a decision to no longer seek certain things that only pollute your mind and take up space within your heart.

If you do the opposite, and instead of nourishing your mind with the things of the world, you nourish it with the things of Heaven, you will see how prayer will be for you a moment of inner deepening, and not of eternal and constant self-transmutation. But for this, you must choose to think and feel correctly, to cut the degenerative thoughts, stop before the impulses that will lead you into darkness and always choose to be in Me and think about what leads you toward My Heart.”

May this dialogue, children, teach you how to be in God and remain in Him, building your moment of prayer at each instant of your day, through small choices.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The awake human being is like a little grain of sand in front of the sea.

While it was sleeping, it was far from the water and, in the desert of its inner drought, it could not even conceive of the existence of the ocean.

Until one day, when the Breath of the Spirit of God touched its heart, moved its life and pushed it to the edge of the sea. There, this little grain of sand began to understand the immensity of life and Creation.

It understood that not everything is desert and drought, but that an ocean exists. It sees it, feels the freshness of its waters, but it can barely imagine what life within it is like.

Until one day, the Breath of the Spirit of God moved it again, pushed and transformed its life so that it would draw closer to the water.

When God gives impulse to the sea of Creation and gives a Grace to the little grains of sand, a wave draws closer to them and, for a few instants, the little grains find themselves submerged in the waters of the ocean.

Those who see the ocean from above know that this grain only knows the soft foam of the great impulse of God and that the source of this impulse is an immense ocean full of life.

But the little grain, submerged for a few instants in the water, thinks it already knows the ocean, that it knows how life within it is, and that it understands what it is to be submerged in the waters of Creation.

But in truth, children, a grain of sand only knows the ocean when it is carried into its depths; and after experiencing life within it, this little grain dissolves, becoming the ocean itself, in the immensity. It is then that it will be able to know the truth of Creation, because it will be a part of it.

Until this moment comes, the little grain travels a long path, in which it opens to the Spirit of God, and He moves it, transforms it, changes its life and its deepest structures, deconstructs its certainties and shows it a new truth.

The truth is always the same, but it broadens, deepens and becomes enriched, until the consciousness is able to not only understand things, but also become a part of it. At that moment, there will no longer be a need for understanding, and everything will have been accomplished.

Tiny grains of sand in front of the sea: let the waves of the divine impulses carry you further into the ocean of the Heart of God and, at each new impulse, dissolve into Him, until the day comes when you will eternally merge into Him.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When a heart is nourished from the impulses of the world and enters into the spiritual life, responding to an inner call, but it does not open to transformation, children, then the path of inner decline begins.

In this time, very ancient consciousnesses come to the world to overcome the stimuli of this era and become true Christs of the times of transition.

But, bound by mundane foundations and supported by the illusions of the world, the souls that reacquire their commitment to Christ must allow themselves to be transformed by Him because part of overcoming these stimuli is the surrender of all that supports them in the things of the world: one's own aspirations, personal, spiritual and human accomplishments, inner and intellectual concepts of Truth and of the Plan of God, the need for standing out among all others, even if in virtues and in saintliness, the need to supply what is lacking into what is tangible, the need to feel oneself to be loved by what is visible and admired by the world. All this, children, must be transformed within the soul that regains their commitment to Christ. 

In these definitive times, your Lord removes the foundations of sand that support your feet and, having you cross through the desert, places you upon the rock of His Consciousness.

You must unlearn the things of the world, let yourself be defeated by Divine Will, and do not do that through looking around you but rather by looking inward and upward.

The souls that see themselves as weakened, look around in search of greater miseries that will justify their faults and make them small; but this, children, is not the way of rectifying any misery.

The true sense of justifying is to be found in love, in the Love of Christ, in the Love of God, which is capable not only of justifying, but of transforming everything.

Thus, in the face of weaknesses, do not look around, but rather, look inward. Do not support yourself with criticisms but rather through daily confession to God, because the one who yields does not need to defend themselves, they do not need to fear or run away from themselves nor from God, because they will come to know Divine Love.

Lose your fear; do not feed false miseries justified by deeper sins, but rather yield to God and confess. In Him you will find true freedom, the healing and transformation you need in order to be whole and bound to the rock of Divine Will.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Starting now, child, prepare your heart, not only to re-live the Passion of your Lord, but also to receive from Him the last and most important impulses, which will prepare your consciousness and your spirit for the time that will come.

In the same way that, in Jesus, God built the strength that allowed Him to carry the Cross of the redemption of the world, now He sends His Son to strengthen and to shape the spirits that committed to Him in the renewal of His Love and in the revelation of the deepest mysteries of His Universal Gospel.

For this reason, be aware of where you are and for what you were called for, and allow your soul to deepen into the mystery of your existence through prayer and gratitude, through the daily effort to be ready, to be before Christ.

May this Lent have for you a new and definitive meaning of truly having your heart ready, as the Heart of Christ, to bear the weight of the cross of these times and to renew His Love.

Experience the cycles with attention and humility, simple, yet vigilant at heart. Everything in your life has a spiritual meaning; human evolution is a great and constant ceremony of opening paths toward God. Participate in this ceremony with your heart.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While you travel through sacred places, hold all of humanity, all life, within your hearts.

Feel that all that you have received, as an inner impulse, reaches each being of the Earth, and beyond.

Feel the spiritual unity that is established in the hearts of those who know that everything they receive is not for themselves, but rather for the Plan of God to be fulfilled in all His children throughout this world.

Besides uniting the dimensions and reaching the Heart of the Celestial Father, human beings have the possibility of inwardly sharing all the evolutionary lessons they experience, as well as all the codes of light they receive for taking their steps toward the Love of God.

It was in this way that the Love achieved by your Lord on the Cross overflowed from His Heart and everything He achieved reached each being of this planet and well beyond it.

This is one of the gifts that He taught you with His surrender: the gift of giving not only to oneself, but through all the Graces received and achieved, the gift of feeling united with all creatures and knowing that everything you experience is for each and every being of this planet.

Look at your fellow being, even if they may be someone you do not know, and yet know that they are also a part of God and they are here to convey something, learn something, redeem something and achieve the same love that, through Grace and Mercy, you receive, every day.

The more you allow the gifts received to influence you, and the more you consciously experience the Graces as a service for humanity, the more these gifts, children, will flow toward the world.

Remember that human beings are a great mystery. A mystery that is unveiled through experiencing and living, risking to love and to serve ever more deeply.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


On this special and spiritual day, the three Sacred Hearts again unite and come together out of love and for the redemption of this humanity and planet; and each of the Sacred Hearts emit and send a special impulse for all human consciousnesses.

This is the new cycle of the Sacred Hearts, a cycle that will bring the last instruction and warnings for humanity so that, after so many years of work and of service with us, the apostles of Christ may finally be available, prepared and conscious to move forward with the sustenance and immediate support of the Islands of Salvation, which will receive the consciousnesses that will also awaken to the path of the Spirit, as well as those souls that will be rescued from various situations and causes.

Thus, this is the cycle in which the message of the Sacred Hearts is to be lived in daily practice, so that the spiritual attributes and keys that the messages of the Hierarchy hold may be activated and be at the service of the great planetary need.

This is the time to perceive that humanity is approaching its last and most acute stage of purification, and all that will be done, experienced or practiced will contribute to alleviating the Kingdoms of Nature and the most lost souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


At this moment, as Christ the Redeemer, I bless all of Brazil so that, after the important impulse that was given through the Marathon of prayer in Manaus, all the Brazilian people may cotinue awakening and protecting the sacred Amazon so that, not only Brazil, but also the whole world may continue to count on the great green lung of the planet.

Even though the projects in the Amazon may continue moving forward, do not worry. Place your consciousness in all that is spiritual and that comes from God, because the same Kingdoms of Nature will defend themselves in the face of any intent of submission and exploitation from the human being.

The preservation of all of Brazil is also fundamental, for it is the sacred land chosen to take forward an important mission of rescue, along with Argentina.

The stability of nations depends on the true prayers of the children of God. Thus, peace will be established, as well as the continuity of these nations, together with the Kingdoms of Nature.

Do not forget to place in your hearts the sacred forest of God.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Before God existed, in His Divine Essence, He had already thought of the Creation. With this, I want you to understand the infinity of His Love and His Mercy for His children of this humanity.

If He, before existing, thought of the Creation, what is it that moved Him to carry this thought forward, to feel in His profoundly spiritual Heart that a Creation should exist that was so vast and infinite that the human being of the surface still does not know of it?

And within this Creation and this infinity, there should manifest the Kingdoms, the civilizations and all of life, that the human being still does not know, even in the present, at this moment.

Do you know what this impulse was that moved God, from His divine essence, to manifest the Creation?

It was Love. An eternal Love that is inextinguishable, a Love that never dies, a Love that renews, that transmutes, and that liberates, that brings the opportunity of finding goodness and wisdom to the consciousness of the children of God.

It is this Love that has brought the Son of God here to be able to tell you these things and so that you may perceive, at this moment, the importance of taking care of and protecting the Creation; in this case, companions, this planet and this human project, which has still not concluded, and that still moves toward redemption, must be defined in order to enter into a new stage.

From the beginning, God knew, within the probabilities of the Universe and within the learning of all of His children, that this current moment in humanity could come. The Father already knows everything; it is His children that know nothing. That is why you must trust in the Eternal Father, because there is a Greater Will that not only rules you, but also guides you in the fulfilling of a purpose, of a destiny and of a mission that is still not within everyone's reach.

You must trust, companions, just as the Son of God trusted up to the last moment; on the Cross, on top of Mount Calvary, where, in the greatest suffering and agony, the Son of God did not doubt; He trusted in Divine Will, in the destiny of this purpose.

And in this way, what God so hoped for was accomplished: that His children of the Earth should learn the Love of God with God Himself incarnated in the Person of the Son, which is what in this time, companions, leads to My being here at this moment with you, speaking to all of humanity, knowing that as a race you face a crucial and definitive moment in which, with the great test of your lives, you must define what will triumph: love, or will indifference prevail? This is also for all of the Creation, not only in your human persons, but also for the Kingdoms of Nature.

The human being of the surface still has not learned to live in balance with the Creation; they have completely abused Creation and exploited it, and continue to do so. But that cannot continue to happen; there is a limit and an end also exists. I come here so that this end does not come, so that you may become aware, not only you who are here, experiencing spiritual growth and surrender, but also your brothers and sisters may become aware, those who are more asleep and hypnotized by the world.

Thus, companions, today your commitment expands, not only in the living of your spiritual mission, but also in your unconditional service to your neighbor, who must also have the opportunity and the grace that you had. Because when that end draws near, there will be no more  time.

For this reason, I am here. Not only to be before you, to keep blessing and consecrating you, to bring you into My Heart and to the center of My Being, but also to tell the world that there is still a little time to change and expand the consciousness about what this sacred project of God truly means, not only on this planet but also on others.

All of Creation is attentive to the movement and the actions of humanity. Have faith that if you change from the heart and transcend any resistance, God will always welcome you and will receive you, and it will be such a real and profound response, that it will allow you to see deeper matters than what you see today; it will allow you to understand the reality of these times, just as the Hierarchy understands and sees it.

At this moment, there is nothing more you have to do but respond to the call of God and place within the center of your beings, the situation of this planet and of this race, so that Love, Peace and Mercy can redeem and transform the consciousnesses that need it.

This is why today, beyond My Presence and My Being, I bring you the great vault of Universal Creation, where the Divine Thought that created you and the deepest feeling of Love that manifested you dwells.

In this vault of Universal Creation is to be found sacred knowledge, this knowledge that has spiritually nourished you up to this moment, this knowledge that was known not only to the patriarchs and the prophets, but also to many civilizations that passed through this planet.

You, as the current human project of humanity, must keep in mind that you are a part of a story that is being written and that this story, which must be pure and sacred for of the transformation and redemption of your lives, must be within this great universal knowledge, within the sphere of the sacred vault of God, where universal knowledge has its expression and gives impulses, both for you and for other civilizations, to not only achieve an awakening and evolution, but for the different schools of the degrees of love.

If up until today you are unable to love your neighbor, begin to love the Kingdoms of Nature. Serve them, give of yourselves, surrender to them, express your love for them and you will be able to express your love for all your brothers and sisters; then you will discover, companions, that there will be no differences or limits for expressing that love, that will first transform you and then transform everything around you.

Bring relief to the Kingdoms of Nature and each situation that you find on your path, solve it, attend to it, assist the Lower Kingdoms, bring relief to suffering, just as God gives you His Mercy, and the world will transform, the project will not end, the evolution of the race will continue and the suns on Earth will shine, just as the essence of the Kingdoms shines, which despite bearing with and suffering by the hand of humankind, give of themselves unconditionally, without ceasing to express the devotion and beauty of God.

In all seriousness, I want to tell you that today you are facing the same moment as Adam and Eve were. It is as if you were in the Genesis, in the Beginning, in the most culminating moment of making a great decision, which will not only influence your lives but also the lives of the whole planet and the life of the rest of humanity. But this decision is not individual, it is of the whole race, of the whole group soul that makes up the Human Kingdom. This decision will also influence the Lower Kingdoms so that they can continue or not on the surface of this planet, because the first thing God will protect is what He created before humankind.

Life in other universes can be regenerated, the Kingdoms in other places of the galaxy can express themselves. Many of them offered before you did to be present on this blue planet, at the end of this local universe and of one of the arms of this galaxy. From such distant and deep places of the Universe, the Lower Kingdoms, known as Kingdoms of Nature, came here at the request of the Creator, to manifest life, beauty, devotion, love, and purity to each one of you.

Thus, you are before a great decision: that ancient errors committed by humanity and still committed today, may be forgiven, and the errors may be absolved by the compassionate hand of God, through the intervention of the divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Heart.

But if this response, which must be an affirmation of each one of your hearts concerning the Project of God and the Kingdoms of Nature, is weak, the laws will come forward. I speak not only to you, I speak to the entire world, to all those who must learn to respect Nature and the Creation that God has given them.

Be aware of your actions, of your movements, in order to no longer hurt the Creation. And in this way, the planet, which suffers in profound silence, will transmute itself and will again give surface humankind a chance.

Maybe you will not succeed in having hundreds of people or governments stop cutting down the trees. But if your attitude and inner decision were true, you would provide an opportunity and merit so that those souls, so sinful and ignorant, may receive the opportunity of becoming aware of what they are doing, and of reversing it forever.

Everything that I give you is an example. The situation is deeper than what it seems and the gravity is broader than what can be seen, because it is not only something material, but also spiritual. And in the spiritual, which is non-material, surface humankind, all of humanity, must not lose contact with God, otherwise, they would lose the project. So more expansively love the Kingdoms of Nature and in this way, you will learn to love your brothers and sisters, to support and to bear with the human condition and the actions committed by many nations, through ignorance and against evolution.

At this moment, before the Celestial Father, I come to establish an amnesty that will last some hours, so that souls on the inner planes, wherever they are on Earth, may have the time necessary to make a decision that will change the direction of humanity or not.

So that this amnesty may be granted to the whole world, in the name of all those who at this moment have united, beyond their religion or their belief, for the Creation and Nature of this planet, I will offer the consecration of the elements, so that this amnesty may be granted to inner beings and in a profound reflection, in a profound introspection, the decision may be taken and everything, from what Adam and Eve did up to the present, may be absolved by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The whole Universe will be attentive to the movement of the inner planes and to the decision that souls will make during the following hours, because it is a universal decision.

We may stand up.

Before the Spiritual Church of God, through the Divine Son, we will renew our vows and affirm our faith, by means of the fulfillment of the Sacred Will in the human consciousness and on the planet. Amen.

Just as the bread and wine that will become the testimony of the Love of Christ is offered on the altar, through His Body and His Blood, we offer ourselves sincerely in this moment before the Creator, so that He may reveal His Mysteries to us, and guide us through His Will.

We make our inner offering before the portals of Heaven.

And in our inner world, we contemplate the majesty of the Love of Jesus, not only in His Words but also in His Presence, in His Spiritual Presence.

In this moment, we will relive the sacrifice and Passion of Jesus, a legacy of Love and redemption that He left for humanity through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Those who can may kneel.

At that time, our Lord was gathered together with the disciples, celebrating the institution of the Eucharist. After having washed their hands and feet, he gathered them around Him, in deep silence and love, in union with each of His own, He took the bread, elevated it so that the Father might bless it, broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying to them:

"Take and eat, this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We listen to the bell strikes.

We repeat together:

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.


We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.


He then took the Chalice into His Hands and in an expression of a deep Love for the sacrifice He would live, He elevated it so that the Father might bless it, and then gave it to His apostles, saying to them:

"Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of faults; do this always in remembrance of Me."


We praise you, Lord, and we bless you (repeated 3 times).


In union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we will repeat the prayer He taught us, to finish consummating this consecration.

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese)

Let us cover the elements.

Know, companions, that everything the human being does in this time will influence the Universe much more than it seems. That is why the Father sends His Divine Messengers, so that His Sacred Word may be heard and resound in hearts, so that souls may feel encouraged to take the necessary steps on the path of transformation, of fraternity and of peace.

This is why I leave you My Peace and I establish this Peace on this first day upon all of the sacred Amazon, in which many Kingdoms unknown to you, by means of the prayer of the heart carried out today, were profoundly alleviated and rescued, so as to have a new opportunity in the school of spiritual evolution.

May peace be in you and may peace be shared wherever you go.

May this stream of peace awaken hearts and bring wisdom to those who govern.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In My Presence and in unity with the Universal Creation, you will give one another the greeting of peace.

I thank you!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

And now, enter with Me into the Garden of Gethsemane and together with your Master re-experience what He lived in His own flesh, something yet unknown to anyone, not even revealed by Me to the world through any visionary.

But now you will all enter this garden, to the spiritual garden of My Heart, and there with Me you will experience what I live for you, what I feel about this world and everything that the good souls can do to truly relieve the Heart of the Redeemer.

Today I come to share a Face that is not known. While I speak to you, I keep My Eyes closed. And, thus, I invite you to close your eyes and enter the temple of your heart, because it will be the portal for entering the Garden of Gethsemane.

And clinging to My Cross, trusting in everything that I tell you, I will bring to your consciousnesses what many experienced with Me on the inner planes, during that time, when your Master and Lord was on Earth, not only preaching the Good News, but bringing humanity an immeasurable and infinite Love, an eternal Grace that could save and redeem it. 

Now, in this exercise of meditation and of introspection, cross the threshold of your heart and in this moment, let your souls guide you. Set aside your personality, your temperament, and your ego. Let the light of your souls be able to govern this moment, and in this profound and intimate communion, together with Me, you are able to consciously re-experience what your Master endured and lived for the world. 

I do not bring you this revelation to make you fearful or to intimidate you. I bring you this revelation to strengthen your hearts in this crucial time, so that you may experience a sacrifice similar to what I lived for you and the world; a sacrifice completely filled with the Love of God and with Grace.

Now walk through the garden, guided by the light of your souls and spirits. And in the depths of this garden, at the most plain and simple tree, see your Master and Lord kneeling, contemplating the light of the night, in spite of the darkness, the tests, of any difficulty.

What was it that caused Him to live such a great sacrifice for the world, which has still not been compensated for by humankind, which has not yet been valued by the majority of souls? What is the essence of this mystery, of this sacrifice, and of this surrender?

Ask yourselves within and feel how, from inside of you, the answer emerges and manifests.

The answer is not a form or a thought. It is a deep feeling of Love, a Love that moved the whole Universe and continues to mobilize it for the redemption of souls and hearts.

This is the garden of the suffering of your Lord. Who will resemble this sacrifice lived by Me? Who will carry the cross of the world together with Me?, have you asked yourselves that?

Your blood will not be spilled as My Blood was. Your martyrdoms will not be like My martyrdoms. But the silence of the heart and the connection with the soul will be the unbreakable fortitude to overcome the times and tests, guided by the light of perseverance, the strength of faith, and the trust in what is unknown.

In this way, a Supreme Law will govern you and you will be guided in this cosmic trajectory to re-encountering your true origin, your true reality, and the reason for being here in this time.

Thus, follow a single path, the Path of the Redeemer, the Path of the only and venerable Master, which brings you an awareness of reality to make you participants in the Truth, where at this time everything is at risk.

Revere this moment of the Garden of Gethsemane as an opportunity for the yielding of your hearts and of the total surrender of your lives to the Sacred Plan of the Redeemer. 

And just as the angels gave me to drink for relief, I will give you to drink from My Fount, My Water of Life, as many times as necessary so that you may get up, stand straight, and walk firmly, as I walked for you up to the heights of the Cross, knowing that nothing would stop nor hinder the fulfillment of the victory of your Master and Lord, overcoming death and living the Resurrection.

In this garden, your Lord experienced His deepest and most unknown suffering, the suffering that the world experiences today. And in this way, you will know, companions, that there are no distances nor limits between the ages or times, because the eternal present is the reality of your Redeemer, as should be the reality of your lives in each moment and situation.

Not only did I spill Blood from My Face and My Body because I was a man like you who was facing a great test, but at the same time I was facing a great mystery that was moved by the Love of God.

This is what should make you prevail in this time so that you may never lack the Christic Love that will give you the impulse to do all things and fulfill all the works that will be necessary in this time for the rescue and redemption of humanity, so that many more souls may have the grace and the opportunity of receiving the impulse to awaken and become aware of the reality at this time, knowing that yet from many more must fall the faces of illusion; and the veils will also fall from the consciousness to take their places of the Plan.

It is for this Plan of Love that we work every day, a non-material plan which will become material through the help and collaboration of everyone, through a faith that will move beyond the mountains and will concretize and carry out what God needs at this time, through a faith that moves you to keep on walking, the same as the Faith that dwelled and dwells in My Heart in the most acute and difficult moment of the Passion.

In this way, be representatives of Christ on Earth and keep your eyes on the Divine Purpose, for thus that Purpose will be fulfilled in your lives and beyond your consciousnesses. That Purpose will accomplish the Will of God which many souls still are not willing to live out of the blindness of illusion and the indifference of many minds.

But what you have conquered here today, through this work of prayer, you will not conquer in any other moment because the opportunities are unique in this time, and God is giving all that He has and a little more through His Divine Messengers to bring souls to experience the reality of consciousness and to be ready to face the planetary emergency situation.

It is all this work of love that you offered today, at a maximum and elevated point, that allowed you to enter into the consciousness of the Garden of Gethsemane so that you may gain the same inner strength, the same courage and valor that I experienced for you at that time, knowing that as from this moment all that will come into your lives will be a challenge, and that you will only experience what you are able to overcome; the Father will never give you a more difficult test. Remember that He is a Consciousness of infinite and unfathomable Mercy.

You generate the learnings in your life by your acts, by your examples and attitudes. And there you will learn to become aware of how necessary it still is to grow inwardly and mature spiritually at this crucial time in which everything, absolutely everything, is allowed. And this is dangerous for humanity, because it is very easy to step off the path.

Thus, do follow a single path, the path that will lead you to My merciful Heart, because there you will always be protected and safe, you will always have a direction and guidance even though you may not count on anyone next to you.

Trust in this spiritual guidance that My Heart offers you and can give you at this time.

There is no misery, obstacle, or challenge which you cannot overcome, because if I have lived it for you, I taught you how to do it.

Be alert to each moment of your life and do not miss the opportunity of consciously learning and growing. And especially, do not miss the opportunity to love, because love will always guide you, it will protect you when you definitely accept living in the eternal Love of God in order to completely transform personal love. 

It is this personal love that has led humanity into committing many mistakes and exercising a power which does not belong to it and will never belong to it.

That is why in service and in prayer you find the Source of the Love of God and even more, you will find pity, the pity that the world needs to be able to be healed and redeemed.

Lift up your hearts to God in this moment. And after having received the consciousness of the Garden of Gethsemane, let us enter now into the Glory of the Father so that He may receive your intentions and pleas.

And in the same way that yesterday you rose up to My Celestial Church, may your lives today be a part of the Supreme Church of the Father, not only witnessing the Love of God, but also the transformation of life, impelled by love and faith.

We stand up, at His request.

In this profound union with Our Lord of the Garden, with that experience of incalculable love that caused him to carry out that great task for humanity, in a similar but small way, we offer our being, our heart and life on the Hands of the Redeemer so that in this offering, so that in this moment of consecration and of transubstantiation, the human condition may be transmuted and redeemed so that the light of the soul, in the depths of each being, may at this time and moment be governing and awaken in consciousnesses the Virtues of God. Amen.

"Lord, You who created the elements for the regeneration of life, fruits of the creation of Your Consciousness, sublimate and elevate this moment so that hearts may enter into Your Celestial Church. Amen".

We bless the altar.

Prayer to the Celestial Father (repeated three times)

We invite those who are able to kneel for the consecration of the elements.

Before entering the Garden of Gethsemane, I was at the Cenacle with the apostles and many more, on the inner planes. And all, without exception, I caused to drink from the Fount, through the institution of this Priestly Ministry and through this blessed and unfathomable Sacrament.

Thus, I took the bread, I raised it to God, I broke it and gave it to My apostles and to each one of you, saying: "Take and eat. This is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins, a Body which is surrendered alive and resplendent to be taken to the slaughterhouse so that no other Lamb may be immolated or sacrificed".

It is at that moment that, through the intervention of the Most Holy Trinity and the Law of Supreme Grace, the Body of Christ is established in this consecration.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

In that ambience created during the Last Supper, which was driven and guided by the Love of God, I took the Chalice, I lifted it up and the Father blessed it through the transubstantiation of the angels. I handed it to the apostles, telling them: “Take it. This is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant between souls and God, which will be spilled by Your Lord for the remission and forgiveness of all faults. Happy and blessed will be those who always avail themselves of this Divine Sacrament.”

And on the three stroke of the bell, the wine was established and transfigured into the Divine Blood of the Lord.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We take the bread and the wine and in profound union with the Heart of Jesus and in light of His Divine Presence, united as one heart, let us repeat the prayer that He taught us.

Prayer: Our Father.

And when the bell strikes seven times, we establish a profound and essential union with the Body and Blood of Christ.

We stand up. 

And in this way, life is renewed in the most simple and humble things. And in that renewal is where souls feel encouraged to take their first steps, guided by God and flooded by His divine confidence.

Today, I want to specially thank all my companions of Argentina, for having fully trusted in their Master and Lord. And remember that, in spite of any situation, circumstance, or difficult moment in your country, never forget love, because love will always protect you from evil, and it will be that love among brothers and sisters which will move you to love one another, more each day.

And united as a single spiritual family, you will be able to mutually help one another, be it in a material, mental, or spiritual way.

May this human generosity and fraternity be able to go beyond Argentina and especially fill the whole of South America, because as part of this humanity and this planet, this region of the planet will also experience its transition and its purification.

But know that if I am here and not, for instance, in Israel or in any other place on the planet, it is because the Will of God is still unknown to you. And that Will not only moves the Universe and all consciousnesses, but is a Will which, in spite of being mysterious and silent, comes to establish a Greater Purpose in Argentina and South America.

I thank you, companions, for having responded to this sacred call of My Heart, for having demonstrated to your Master and Lord and to our Eternal Father, your most sincere and true effort.

May this effort in charity and the human good be able to be propagated beyond the borders.

And never forget that I especially have a preferred Love for Argentina and this is what will make Me come back here, when I return to the world.

So be it.

In the name of Love and of Peace, may the whole world and all those who listen to the Voice of their Master and Lord in any part of the world be blessed and filled by the Light of the Holy Spirit, and may Peace be in your hearts, in your families, and in your peoples and nations, may you continue to be bearers of Peace, and may Peace overcome evil forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In union, for peace in Argentina and in the whole world, in fraternity and gratitude, you may give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you and until next time.


Argentina is a land full of spiritual treasures to be discovered. Therefore, Argentina has been a land ill-exploited and made use of only by a minority.

But when the spiritual mysteries of Argentina come to light, no consciousness, person or terrestrial power will be able to take control of the unexpected situation that will show up.

Therefore, its spiritual treasures are in fairly inaccessible places, for them to be protected from any intention of ostentation on the part of the human being.

In Argentina, there are spiritual treasures that are not terrestrial, but cosmic, which arrived to Earth in a time past to be able to help humanity, at this time and in this cycle.

The humanity of Argentina and of the southern cone was completely asleep to the knowledge of spiritual treasures, but now, at the moment when the destiny of Argentina as a society and as a nation is at stake, these treasures will be shown so that the most simple may know that there are unknown and major powers than those human beings believe to have and that God has the real and only power, and from God comes all that exists.

The spiritual treasures of Argentina were prepared more than thirty years ago, so that in this cycle they may be revealed to the human consciousness and, through a great impulse, many uncertain situations can be transmuted and the majority of consciousnesses may have the joy of awakening and of once more putting their faith in  what is invisible.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Argentina is a homeland raised on the values of work and effort because Argentina is characterized by care and dedication, which its people put into everything they do.

The impulse that Argentina receives through the will always causes it to want to overcome itself to achieve the well-being of the family as well as its society.

This virtue of constant and true work is present in the humblest and simplest souls of Argentina. It is for this reason that Argentines still have not discovered that within themselves is the potential to awaken and take up their spiritual life and their inner contact with what is higher and divine.

This is one of the reasons for which your Redeemer returned to Argentina, so that the Argentines themselves may perceive that they are faced with the opportunity of reacquiring, as in other times, their contact with what is divine and, from that level of consciousness, draw toward the nation that which it needs to experience in this cycle, rather than that which human beings generate within it.

Argentina is still to discover that it can be a spiritually rich nation, just as it is materially rich, and that, for the Argentine people, the Universe intended that they would have the possibility of developing as a civilization through everything that they have and that someday must be equitably distributed and shared.

This will make of Argentina an evolved people.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


When a new cycle begins, look towards Heaven and thank God for the opportunities to begin again. Look inward, into your inner world, and consciously renew your commitment with the Heights, with the Plan of the Creator, with His Will.

Thank the Father for being on His path; give thanks for hearing His Voice; give thanks for being part of His Plan, for being part of His Will and a fruit of His Grace, of His Light.

Contemplate the Word of God, which echoes in the Universe. His Silence gives way to the profound sound of His Voice and, with His Word, the Creator sends impulses to all life, redesigns His Plan, renews His Intentions and His Will, renews His Presence within His children and sends new designs to all creatures.

Listen to the Voice of God that moves Universes, recreates Creation and gives His children an opportunity to begin again.

A new cycle always comes filled with new hope and Grace. Welcome these impulses with love, experience within you a synthesis of that which you walked until reaching this point. Contemplate the new goals and undertake a new path, always toward the Heights, always inward.

Walk towards God within you and in the sublime dimensions. To elevate is to know oneself.

Give thanks also, child, that among so many renewals and impulses, the Presence of your Divine Mother is also renewed in your life. Her Plans of love manifest more and more in humanity. Her Word of peace gives way to the living presence of Her Son and Her Heart becomes silent so that Christ may speak loudly and may draw closer to all beings.

Contemplate the cycles, observe the facts, learn with the movement of the stars and with the words of those who guide you. Everything has a reason, everything is part of the Divine Will.

Feel how your Most Holy Mother renews Her "yes" that same "yes" of the first Mystery of Joy. Live this Mystery of Joy in your own life and you too shall give your "yes" to God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



As days go by, the special moment draws closer in which your Redeemer will place His Feet again on the sacred ground of South America and will enter one of the regions destined to be the New Earth, Argentina.

Beyond the social, political and human decadence, Argentina is a country blessed by the beauty of the Creation of God and the most precious landscapes, from Tierra del Fuego to the peaks of Jujuy, serve as immaculate and inner sites so that the Hierarchy may always be present there.

The Celestial Father knows that the majority of His children of Argentina and of all of South America are going through the first cycle of the transition of the Earth. But beyond what is done by the leaders and those responsible in the equity of the South American nations, in beloved Argentina, there are souls with great hearts that beat and are moved by the coming of the Redeemer.

It is like an inner impulse that never ends, it is a love of the Argentines that matures as time and experiences go by.

It is My ardent desire to be received once again by the love that beats in each heart of Argentina, so that the doors of Heaven may be kept open and may all be filled by the Love of the Lord, a Love that will always renew you and give you the impulse to continue forward.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Keep in your heart that which makes you a disciple of Christ, which is obedience, humility, love and absolute faith in His Plan.

Remember, child, that your heart must be an instrument of the Lord, and wherever you go, carry that certainty and that mission with you.

Let your heart always be a bridge to the Heart of God; and for that, it must be empty of self, empty of plans, projects, expectations, empty of will and of dreams to be realized.

To be an instrument of God, your heart must be humble and obedient, always open to listen, always ready to learn, more inclined to perceive what the Universe wants to show you each day rather than contributing something to somebody or to some situation.

If you are always ready and attentive to learn, you will be able to perceive what God wants of you in each instant. If you are ready to obey, you will follow the cycles and will not cling to your will and to your plans, even though at some point they were the Will and the Plan of God itself.

Times change, cycles go by and each day will bring a different need. Thus, what is most important in this time is to know how to obey, to be attentive to the new impulses that come from God and to be ready to change the direction of the ship if it becomes necessary.

May being an instrument of God in the world be your only will; in this way, child, everything will be accomplished as it should be, be it in Africa or in any part of the world, the Plan and Divine Will shall manifest through you.

Live and remain in the void. In prayer, seek the Creator who dwells within you; hear His Voice, feel His Love, and know that within you, you will always find a refuge where you can be with your God, to renew your strengths and continue.

You have My blessing for taking a step into the void.

You have My blessing for finding a cycle of greater humility and obedience.

You have My blessing for discovering what it is to live under the Will and the Grace of the Divine Hierarchy all the time.

You have My blessing for being an instrument of God and to find peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


All the meetings of prayer of July, which will be lovingly offered to the Celestial Hierarchy, will be accepted and recognized as important moments for the preparation of the next mission in Argentina.

In this sense, the meetings of prayer will be the most special moments so that souls, as a single group consciousness, may build the bridges of light that will raise them up to accomplishing the next goal in South America.

With special gladness and joy, the Sacred Hearts are now preparing so that in August, a special month for the whole Divine Hierarchy, an inner communion is established again with all the children in Argentina, who again will be gathered together in the name of Love to receive the Light and the Mercy of the Sacred Hearts.

The meetings, which will be carried out for the first time in Argentina during the month of August, will generate a definite spiritual impulse so that the bridge of contact with the Divinity may be maintained not only in Argentina, but also in its sister nations.

And so all the inner preparation, prayerful and organizational, that from now will be carried out by each server of the Plan, will help in the deepening and in the expanding of the Work of the Divine Hierarchy in Argentina.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Christ taught you to love, not only so that you might know and experience Love, but especially so that you might multiply it and take it to all those who do not know it, do not live it and do not have any knowledge about it.

Therefore, after so many impulses, go and give testimony of the Love that has touched your heart. Give testimony of the spiritual and divine Presence of Christ, through your actions, your words, your feelings and your thoughts.

It is in the expression of a new behavior, different from all that humanity already knows; you will make those who are blind be able to see that the Return of Christ is approaching and, with it, a new life.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
