My children,

At this moment, how do you understand Life? through obstacles or through transcendence? Do you understand Life through tests or through challenges?

Life is the first Gift that God created so that His children, all His creatures, would be able to reach the highest degrees of love.

Life is a Gift, and it is also a treasure for God.

As a sample of His immeasurable Mercy, the Father sent His Son to Earth so that, through His Passion, Death and Resurrection, all of you would be witnesses, throughout times, of how great is the Love of God.

Today, I invite you, My children, to rethink your perceptions and even your understandings of what Life really is, the one that the Creator Universe gave you so that, within you, the power of love awakens through challenges and even through possible uncertainties that may arise along your paths of spiritual consecration.

By learning to perceive the essence of Life, you will learn to love; you will learn to recognize that, in this universe, everything that seems dual has the deep meaning of turning each of you into other people and other consciousnesses, under the sacred emblem of unity between creatures and the universe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


The History That Was Never a Legend

In the far and colored lands of Northern Arizona, a sacred civilization once expressed itself, which came from the union and mixture of original North-Americans and Asians from ancient places, from various islands of Asia and Oceania.

As time went by, this union of family, race and culture brought them to Northern Arizona, a region that for thousands of years had been acting as a fruitful terrain for the development of populations that benefitted from sowing and cultivation.

That which always offered itself to this sacred people was the Colorado River, which bathed with its edges all the vegetation that was present in those times.

The cause of the disappearance of this people was not destruction nor any extraordinary event. Time showed this people that it had attained such a high degree of contact with the universe that it was no longer necessary for them to live from that which was material, as they had always done.

This sacred people from Northern Arizona also lived its path of transition, as did all civilizations and cultures that passed through this planet.

The ancient past of this people came before the lost civilization of Atlantis.

This sacred people, that originated from indigenous roots, from the moment of its union with its ancestors of the far East, never again experienced an encounter with any other race.

Its experience was based upon learning about the sustenance of group life. It was this union of consciousnesses that gradually made the people an example of fraternity and reciprocal solidarity.

The scenery of the Grand Canyon of Colorado was the place that favored the development of the intuitive aspect of this sacred civilization that, upon remaining naturally separated from the world and supported by extraordinary conditions of nature, created an environment favorable for the process of contact. 

This civilization, that originated from this region of the planet, gradually underwent different states, and the knowledge it received about the science of Creation and about the Universe, by means of contact, led this people to access principles that encompassed other superior planes of consciousness, which were filled with knowledge and instruction for each one of them.

The most outstanding trait of this people was that, from the smallest child to the eldest, they lived a degree of contact that allowed them to be within a very high frequency of love.

The whole process of the people of the Colorado River, of passing from the material to the spiritual, led them to one day enter a school of a different learning, which was revealed spontaneously, without forcing anything.

That is to say, this people accessed the cosmic and universal reality, and its disappearance from the surface of the planet was due to its total entrance into other planes of consciousness, where it was no longer necessary to make use of that which is material.

As the presence of this people does not have historical records in humanity, and has just been considered a legend, this very people from the superior planes was who guided and gave impulse for other original peoples to have their experiences and learnings within the same region, from where they once came.

For the same reason, other original peoples from other parts of North-America migrated to the region of Northern Arizona in search of the same source of contact that was revealed to this first sacred people.

In this way, the indigenous civilization who, as a people, left for other spheres of consciousness, made an appeal to be able to deliver the same impulses that their successors needed, so as to give continuity to the evolution of consciousness.

When the sacred people of Northern Arizona were already within another dimension of consciousness, all of its people prepared to take a new step and, in this way, they assumed to widely collaborate with the spiritual sustenance of the planet. Thus, they began, within the Law of Hierarchy, to take care of the soul group of each one of the Kingdoms of Nature, so that each soul group could also evolve.

They did the same when they took care of and supported the inner nuclei of other souls that, having been indigenous, had not accessed the totality of their transfiguration, as the sacred people had experienced.

In the inner planes, the region of the Grand Canyon of Colorado became a very important school of service and inner love for all that is essentially true and springs up from the existence of each being.

In spite of the geological change of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, with the passing of time, this was no hindrance for this inner school to express itself and be fulfilled. It was in this level of consciousness, achieved by the sacred people of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, where the Eternal Father found a safe door to give continuity to the project of the humanity of the surface.

This legacy and experience, which continued taking place in a way parallel to the incarnation of the Son of God, were factors of events that widely collaborated in the Redeeming Work of Christ, even after His ascension into the Heavens.

With this, I want to make you understand that, from the most ancient times of the Earth, this fraternity and love had already existed and kept evolving, and this made it possible to safeguard the primordial essence of the human experience, under a potential of the group experience of service and mutual solidarity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Once upon the eternal time, there was an infinite and loving purpose of the One; He wanted to reflect His experience through a Creation formed and constituted by many types of life.

In this way, first the universes, its galaxies, suns and stars were created, then the nebulae were created and, within them, the dimensions and the planes of consciousness had already dwelt.

Later, when this first Creation had matured, in a vibratory and spiritual sense, the Father, with all of His Love, fixed His gaze in a point of the Universe, where a planet, which had shone the most, generated a greater spiritual condition that was capable of sheltering and receiving a Project.

For this, the Father asked this treasure of the Universe, which was spontaneously expressing itself, to receive one of the most special elements and fluids of the Creation: the water element, so that that which would happen later could have the necessary support to develop and evolve.

This element would bring to the human consciousness, which was the last fulfilled Project, the inner and also material capacity to remember its origin, not only since the maternal womb, but also its superior origin.

The water element is the fundamental basis for the emotional and sentimental balance of the human being. Therefore, in the creation of the planet Earth, the Father wanted to grant to His children the greatest quantity of oceans and seas so that they would not feel the spiritual disconnection from the maternal womb.

So the human Project was accompanied since the beginning and has been the most privileged genetic Project, because this very project, in order to be corrected and redeemed, received the incarnation of the Son of God, so that the human race might find a direct path along which to return to its true essence.

In this way, other human beings offered for the Project to last and achieve the greatest degree of perfection, which was possible through everything that Christ taught, which was the path of Love and Forgiveness.

For this reason, all human beings, under any condition, have the possibility, within the whole Universe, to live and experience Love in a direct way and without great efforts. A Love that comes from the spirit, a Love that transcends errors and that makes peace, that expands the consciousness and opens the inner senses to consciously live the Plan and the Will of God.

This small blue planet, within the Creation, is the favorite school, where other universal consciousnesses can learn about how the true Love for the Creator, for the Supreme Father, can move events and grant miracles of life and of redemption.

The key lies within living it and in trusting in the power of the Greater Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the beginning, God thought and felt in His merciful Heart that there should be creatures, so similar to Him, that out of love for life they could populate all the spaces of the Universe to experience the happiness of being within His Kingdom.

It was at this point that the Divine Project was born because His children, beings of the Earth and of all the Universe, were the same Project that emerged and was created, through the Archangels, within Sources of Light, which all His children hold within themselves as a divine spark, called the essence.

But when the first disobedience manifested, on the part of one of the Angels of God, evil and darkness emerged, states opposite to the Light and the illumination of the consciousness.

In that time, an intervention in the Divine Project occurred and, so that the Project did not deteriorate, the Celestial Father decided that He Himself would incarnate in different moments of the planet to demonstrate that He deeply loved and loves His creatures, His children, and that He will eternally love them because nobody but the Eternal Father knows who His children essentially are and why today they are here on the surface of the Earth.

But from this disobedience, the first universal errors emerged. An action contrary and opposite to Divine Will was created in the mental Universe and finally took shape in the material Universe through events and facts that led the children of God to step out of the Law countless times, and from this emerged what we know as duality, which is the spiritual, mental and material feeling of finding oneself divided or upset before the spiritual or inner steps that a consciousness is to give to the service of God.

So God incarnated again and, this time, the Eternal Father decided that His Second and Divine Person, the Son, would come to the Earth through a spiritual and cosmic preparation that was capable of reversing the deviation which, in that time, all of humanity was experiencing.

And so great consciousnesses that serve the Universe helped in the preparation of the incarnation of the Son of God and through the supraphysical and non-material action of higher Laws, it was granted that the Most Holy Mother be impregnated by the Holy Spirit, and in the form of a perfect and sublime design, should bring the Second Person of God to Earth.

Since the birth of Christ, all creatures of the Earth would find the perfect key to dissolve and overcome duality on their own; a duality that was generating unpayable debts and that continues to awaken contradiction and opposition to the Divine Plan.

That key, which opened and will always open the doors, is called Love. The Love of God, which is wisdom. The Love that is understanding. The Love that brings science to all that exists.

For this reason, this is the time of transcending that duality again, within each one of you, placing all of the being and all of the consciousness upon God, where you will always find meaning and answers for all that you experience.

Because if more consciousnesses that work every day to overcome that duality or that spiritual inequality exist, you will give impulse to others so that they too experience it and do it, and you can break the chain of suffering and of ancient errors, which only carry humanity into darkness and into confusion.

But if your consciousness is in Christ, nothing will be doubtful or confusing, because in Christ you will be in wisdom, you will be in discernment so that in these very complex times you may not be confused about the path of faith that you have decided to travel.

For this reason, the Sacred Hearts come to meet you as they have in other acute moments of humanity, in which the path of prayer and of service were bridges that led millions of souls into finding their own redemption.

Now is the time to carry nations, for example, Argentina, to not forget God, so that its learning process and school may be beneficial for all who integrate it into this cycle.

Argentina needs to remain protected from assaults through responsible and mature groups of prayer that, like within a spiritual war, do not cease to cry out to the Father and attract His Gifts and Attributes in order to keep peace and inner unity during times of crises, so that nobody should go against their brother or sister, so that a spirit of understanding and of Truth may exist.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

Today, in a special way, My heart illuminates Germany and its sister nations so that souls may receive the consolation and the spiritual healing that they need to carry forward a new stage, a new time that will be full of learnings and of moments of love.

As the Lady of Schoenstatt, I present Myself to you again so that, within each of My children, the spiritual filiation with your Heavenly Mother may be again confirmed.

With joy, your Mother and Queen of Schoenstatt returns to Germany, but this time your Divine Mother will open the celestial doors so that the beloved Son can spiritually work and operate within an area of Germany where the Mercy of God has not yet arrived, and that the Divine Son will bring with Him, to liberate hearts and heal the souls sick in spirit.

It is thus, My children of Germany, that the Spiritual Hierarchy, being able to work with three cities of Germany: Munich, Frankfurt and Berlin, can expand the positive effect of its purpose within the inner planes, and all this is possible through the adherence of some of My children of Germany, Switzerland and Austria, who in recent times and after My last visit, responded to My call.

For this reason, today I not only invite you to renew yourselves in the presence of the Love of your Heavenly Mother, but also to open your hearts more to all those, who from this cycle on, must come to be part of the armies of prayer.

This is a special day because, again, the Love of My maternal Heart will triumph in Germany and until next year the new fruits will manifest in order to keep deepening  in the Redeeming Work of My Son.

I deeply thank you for the response, the adherence and the welcome of each one of My children who congregates here today to be before the Mother of God, to pray and to share a moment of elevation of consciousness so that the consciousness of humanity may be elevated and sustained by the devout prayer of all.

I leave you My blessing of Mother and I declare to you My Love for your country.

May the Lady of Schoenstatt remain for you the Source of reverence, of devotion and of admiration.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Schoenstatt


To My dear children of the Planetary Light-Network


Now that you carry the spiritual symbol of the Confraternity, of the Brotherhood and of love among beings, stamped upon your chests, may your souls definitely dare to take this last and great step toward the path of the apostolate of Christ.

May this star that confirms in you the existence of the Mission and of its fulfillment on any part of the Earth be the impulse of light that will place you selflessly at the service of others and for the Kingdoms of Nature.

May the Sacred Heart of My Son, His Flame of Fire and His Holy Cross, impel you in this cycle to always say “yes” and to abandon any sign of tepidness.

Now is the time of the presentation of the apostles and of the missionaries that will build the Plan of God, first within themselves, by means of prayer, of service, of instruction, and of healing; and then to build it and share it with the rest of humanity.

Now is the time that more stars of light ignite in the firmament and begin to be part of the new Planetary Light-Network which, despite the circumstances or the events, will defend from itself any act of disobedience so that unity with the Divine Plan and the Supreme Hierarchy may finally be lived.

My children, the path of redemption is open by means of the service and the testimony that your hearts can live, in perfect union with the Hierarchy.

May this new symbol that today you carry on your chest be revered, valued and loved, in the same way that you would receive the presence of the Hierarchy in your homes.

In truth, children, it will be the spiritual Hierarchy Who, in this new cycle, will want to govern and guide you so that more and more consciousnesses may be removed from the world system and from the planetary illusion.

The Hierarchy hopes that the majority of souls can learn to live in a brotherhood that is divine, humble, powerful and unconditional in its surrender, in its service and in its constant and infinite donation. 

All those who today carry on their chest the sacred symbol of the new Light-Network will be saying to the Universe that they accept the awakening of the consciousness, the transcendence of all suffering through love and the constant confirmation of aspiring to belong, someday, to the Divine Plan of the second coming of Christ.

This is the symbol of peace; it is the impulse that invites you to readiness and the absolute surrender of self so that, from now on, the Hand of God and the Flame of His Divine Grace may be upon you, which will enlighten you in these times of darkness.

May the sacred commitment and the fiery aspiration of being worthy children of God ignite within you.

I wish you a good beginning, to all of My missionary children of the Light-Network!

May the inner light of each being reach the whole world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Listen to your heart and find the Truth. Aspire all the time to rekindle yourself through it, for you to always remember what you are essentially, and not what happens to you superficially in daily life.

Remember your origin and your filiation to the most High, and sustain yourself through this unbreakable memory that will help you to continue awakening the trust in God and in His divine Mercy.

So, renew yourself, and do not disturb yourself with the errors. The Eternal Father already knows the imperfection of the human Project and of all the experiments of life that led and still lead humanity through an obscure path.

Emerge from this world as an inner light that helps in the sublimation of your consciousness and of what is around you.

Make use of the tool of praying so it can always dissolve and remove from you any doubt or disturbance and, at last, submerge yourself in the Ocean of Mercy and allow that, time and again, all may be redeemed.

Recognize yourself, once and for always, as a worthy child of God, so you will be touched by Grace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


From where the Breath of the Spirit of God is born, comes My Immaculate Heart, from the purest emanation of the Love of the Creator for His creatures. From there comes the Divine Womb of Creation, which gives life and spirit to all beings, and which not only creates, but protects and accompanies all that has been created.

A bridge to the heart of God, My children, this is how My Immaculate Heart is expressed and manifested in your lives and in all the Creation.

More than the Mother of the Son of Man, I Am the Mother of Life, life that is born and emanates from the deepest Love of God, and for this true Life I come to guide you.

I come to place your eyes in Heaven, on the intimate mystery of Creation, but I also come to place your eyes on Earth, in the intimate mystery that is kept in the reason for the creation of this planet.

I come to reveal to you the Infinite shown through the Portals that I open to reach the world, and I also come to reveal to you the mysteries that emerge from Earth when My Feet touch the ground.

Children, this is a life of mysteries where chaos lives with the most profound Love of God, and where the greatest treasure of creation hides among human beings, as pearls in the swamps of the world.

My Immaculate Heart reaches you at this time not only to rewrite your histories and to give you a new opportunity to serve God. My Heart also comes for you to know your origin, your divine and universal history, and so that, by recognizing what you have to transform in the depth of your spirits, and at the same time knowing the potential you have to do it for yourselves, beloved children, you may know how to write the history of Redemption of this planet.

Your history does not begin in this world. The Origin of Creation is more than the clay that arises from human beings. Your beings come from a Perfect Essence and from unimaginable Sources of eternal Love and donation, which create and recreate the Universes.

If you want to find the truth about your spirits, My children, today I open for you the doors for this. Just place your eyes in Heaven, but also know how to contemplate the Earth. Know how to read the symbols of the stars, and to see these symbols in your hearts; but also know how to read the symbols of the Earth, which renews itself through Nature, which shows the human beings the path to recreate this creation.

I am also Mother nature, the Mother who donates life and surrenders Her own life for the renewal of the world and of Her creatures.

Know how to see in the entrails of Earth the story of surrender and love that this planet has lived throughout the centuries of its evolution.

Know how to see life moving for the creatures to grow and, although often Nature seems to show its fury, My children, know how to see the Grace of God and His Justice. Nature does not get angry. Nature renews itself and gives the human beings the possibility to renew themselves.

Know how to see in the cycles of Nature how this planet donates itself constantly so that there may be life on its surface, for so that there may be evolution and love.

Enter in communion with nature, My children, and you will be able to know the mysteries that are written in its silence.

Nature speaks to the human beings through its simple existence and keeps in it the history of the evolution of humanity, transmuting and transforming what does not correspond to the purpose of this world, and offering to the human beings, in its most beautiful expression, what moves them to discover the love and the unity with God.

In nature is kept the history of humanity from the beginning. The most beautiful and pure that the human being can reach and live is kept in the depths of Heavens as in the entrails of the Earth.

Stay before Nature, children, as the stars, and you will know without understanding that this life is much broader than what is kept in the Sacred Books.

And to discover your own history, it is necessary to look at heaven as to the depths of the Earth; it is necessary to look at the spirit and to let oneself be guided by the soul, but also to know that what is kept in the depths of the human condition, that there are not only capital energies and illusions.

This is the time of Truth, and the Truth is expressed in all things that come from the Heart of God. His Consciousness inhabits everything, one must only silence the heart and observe, give oneself the opportunity to deepen one’s own evolution and, so, serve this world that sleeps in the middle of chaos, that loses itself in illusion.

Today, My beloved children, I come to bring you impulses that will take you to deepen your spiritual life, to the awakening of the truth within you and to your profound union with God. You only need to listen to My Voice and follow it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Rose of Peace


Olam, the Sacred Eternity of God

Dear children,

One of the Aspects of God, Olam, leads the earthly humanity to the elevation of spirit and of the senses.

Olam represents, in this Universe, the possibility for each creature, created in His image and likeness, to discover within its inner universe the aspect of immortality, that is to say, that which is eternal, which nothing can dissolve.

Olam brings eternal life, eternal service to Creation and consecration to the supreme Life of divine existence.

Within the Universe, the spiritual aspect of Olam helps correct the path of evolution, it helps each human being to stay within the path of awakening and the evolution of consciousness.

Therefore, Olam represents in these times the time of the correction of the essences of the Universe and the time to again direct them towards the threshold of eternal Life, a place in which the spirit of each creature will hold forever the remembrance of the Love of God and His divine spiritual Science of divine Alchemy, which conceives in the essences the new patterns of eternity and ascension.

Olam brings, in these times, the readjustment of consciousnesses of the Earth to the cycle of the end of times. This sacred Aspect of God facilitates the intimate affiliation of each soul and each spirit with the Celestial Father.

Olam means this fire that, being eternal, sublime and divine, purifies the human consciousness and elevates its plane toward a spiritual and unique level.

Olam is the essence of our inner resurrection to the light of the Spiritual and Mental Universe.

Olam is the path to find the Dwelling of the Elysians.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

In the Love of Jesus everything is possible, even impossible things, because in His Love there is the master key for everything.

In His Love is the healing, and at the same time, the way out of difficulties that may arise.

Trust in this Divine Love, and every day, live through It; for in this way, you will make of this Earth a true refuge, where the Son of God will find rest and refuge through His companions.

I invite you to value the love of Jesus for you, because the whole Earth will have need of being transfigured and elevated to another state of more evolutionary consciousness.

I invite you, dear children, to have My Son make each soul an instrument for His Work on Earth. I wish you could perceive what this means at this planetary moment, in which true love between beings is at stake.

Put the Love of Jesus first and you will see, by your own means, that everything will change.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My Son ascended from the Mount of Olives to Heaven and the Universe of the Father received Him in praise, glory and rejoicing.

The Son of God returned to His Celestial Home with the mission accomplished and He promised to return to humanity in the end of times. The Celestial Home was illuminated by the Presence of the Redeemer and a golden Cross was placed on the right side of Our Lord.

From His Son, the Father received the warmest affection, which flooded each divine space, causing it to become more sublime and fraternal among the angels and archangels.

The Son of God was crowned, and at the Feet of His Father, received the blessing of the universe and of all Creation.

At that moment, everything shone and was reflected in the universes. An expansion of Love radiated to every living being and what was previously spiritually dark achieved illumination and redemption, because the beloved Son emanated divine and unfathomable Mercy from His noble Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When the souls in the world get lost I make them find the path towards God through My Love. Redemption establishes itself in the hearts that ask for My help and also in the hearts that ask for their brothers and sisters so that My Plan of Peace can be established in humanity; thus I close the door to My adversary, who corrodes the souls spiritually, places obstacles in their lives, and leads them to perdition, mainly, to the absence of love.

I have come here, dear children, to meet you under the Unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Trinity has sent Me in this cycle and in these times to prepare you for what is going to come. I need that your hearts establish My reign in this world. I need you to fulfill with Me the Plan of peace that the Lord so much awaits.

The world is still deaf and blind, but your hearts are open for Me, and you, dear children, know that it is so and that I need your hearts to fulfill My designs without caring for how you are like and how imperfect you are before the eyes of the Universe.

I do not come here to search for your indignation, your indifference or omission. I come to search in you for what really exists in the depth of your beings and that is called God; it is in this God that you must live in this time for all those who do not live it. And remember God, dear children, each new morning in which you wake up, because God is forgotten in this time by the hearts that have not understood Him nor accepted His Will that is not the inferior human will.

I need to set up here, dear children, a Kingdom that would be impossible to be established in these times, but that is possible when your hearts open themselves to hear My call each time that I announce it to the world.

I have come to Cataluña to bring you the mystery of My Love, as I have already brought it once when I previously met you in this same city to renew the vows before the Celestial Father. And I would like, dear children, that at this time you strengthened these vows, not only for yourselves but for your brothers and sisters that are on this path and also for those who are not and have forgotten God, the Father of Love and Unity. If love and unity live among you, and you work for this love and for this unity, My Plan will triumph in this humanity.

It does not matter what happens around you, because I will be among you to impel you to walk and follow the steps of Christ, steps that at this time are offered to everyone to take for humanity and for the planet.

Dear children, you still do not know My profound pain for this race, for all the souls. You still do not know what it means to sustain the gravity of these times, and a race submerged in its ignorance and blindness.

As the Mother of Goodness and of Mercy, I open the doors for all those who do not deserve it, because the Christic seed is in you and in your brothers and sisters; a seed that will never disappear and that nobody will be able remove. It is the seed of unity and love that I come to water from time to time with My prayers, My words and My supplications for you before the Celestial Father. It is the seed that can never dry nor should get out of sight. It is the Christic seed that My adversary fears even not knowing it, because when it sprouts, flourishes and bears fruits, it is invincible.

Dear children, today I come to make you recognize your filiation with the Celestial Father, a filiation that is unique for each one of you, it is precious and also mysterious for many. Consider yourselves worthy children of God and the whole of humanity will be a worthy child of God for the steps you take in this time towards My Son, towards His Sacred Heart.

I do not come to ask you, dear children, for what you cannot give Me, but rather for what you really can donate Me with the heart, with your lives in each act of the day, in each example of charity and of goodness towards your fellow being. Thus, dear children, I invite you to share the miseries of the world and to support them with Me by prayer, service and sacrifice. I know that many fear sacrifice because they think they will suffer, but I do not come to bring you suffering, but the Peace of the Celestial Kingdom perpetually lived by angels and archangels in each moment of the Divine and Spiritual Universe. I open to you the doors towards the sacred knowledge that is called Celestial Universe.

I want you to be conscious, dear children, of this very important task of merging Heaven and Earth in one sole unity. Thus the doors of the hells of life will close and little by little the hearts will lose their ignorance, because the veils will fall from their consciousnesses and they will recognize that they have forgotten God and will encourage themselves to return to the path of My Son, that is the path of love and forgiveness.

Go ahead in spite of what happens and remember that I consider you My columns of light and peace in this unfaithful world. Make My Heart triumph in your lives and live it fully, because the time has already come and it is time to fight for this Plan of peace in the world, a world that each one builds day by day with their attitude, their thought, their feeling and their prayer.

United with you and together with each one of your spirits My Plan triumphs, and My adversary loses the war that he wants to fight so much. It is already time, dear children, for you to be bearers of My Peace and that you transmit it to the world, this is My main task with you in these times.

Now place in My Merciful and Immaculate Heart your intentions. I open My Heart of Light for you to place your supplications, your invocations, your requests to the Great Universal Father who loves you profoundly and never forgets you. Deposit these intentions in the silence of your hearts.

Now extending My arms and approaching My hands towards you, dear children, I will pray for Spain shedding My Graces upon it:


Holy Father, Blow of Spirit,

Shed Your Light upon the consciousnesses,

May they never be discouraged from searching for You

May they be able to find Your Peace and Your Truth;

Strengthen each spark of Your Spirit

That has congregated around My Immaculate Heart

To revere Your Presence and Your legacy with all Creation.


Angels of Heaven, Higher Consciousnesses,

Guide the souls on the good path

And fill the emptiness of love that many feel in their hearts;

Shed the Divine Spirit of My Son

So that they can live in Your Sacred Heart

And be in this time as a star that, from the universe, lights everything.



I bless you, dear children, and I bless everything you have brought to My altar in reverence and love. I bless the union with My Son that you search for every day without forgetting Him, your Master, your true love. Bring Me here the offering of the Eucharist for My Angels to transubstantiate it into the real spiritual and divine matter that nourishes your spirits and consciousnesses.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The souls of the world are the greatest gift of God to this creation. They are the project that must be accomplished in the planetary consciousness through love and unity.

From the beginning God has given all of His children the most beautiful part of His Holy Heart, and in the Plans of the Father it was not foreseen that anybody would get lost from the path of Light.

But this happened, and it wounded the Heart of the Father when He saw His children lost and controlled by the forces of evil.

So the Father, in His deep and infinite Mercy, asked His second aspect of the Most Holy Trinity, His Beloved Son, to incarnate in humanity in order to prevent it from destroying itself overnight.

So it was that God chose a humble feminine consciousness to incarnate His feminine aspect and give birth to the Holy Spirit of salvation through the birth of Christ.

All was prepared so that humanity should become rescuable; the Son of God incarnated, grew up, preached, taught, and they crucified Him without perceiving that He was God Himself who was offering Himself to all the Universe as proof of His absolute Love.

This event caused the planet to receive a new opportunity and to direct souls onto the pathway of Christic Love.

In this way, what was established in the world was not only the triumph of the Love of Christ, but also the possibility that all lost souls could regain their filiation with the Most High.

That is why the task of protecting the filiation of each soul and of each heart was entrusted to Holy Mary, the Mother of the Savior.

Up to these times, the Divinity keeps on waiting for new Christs to awaken, precious souls that will live their redemption in order to give the Universe the example that it is possible to convert in the name of love.

When souls lose the sense of true love, they grow apart from their truth. For this reason, the Mother of Heaven comes in this time to recover in all hearts the mission that many have forgotten.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In union and love,

Your Mother, Mary Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted on the Eagle of Light bus during the journey from the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Feel within your hands the warmth of My Immaculate Heart, which transmits and radiates the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Feel within your hands the pulsation of My Heart, and contemplate it in devotion.

Feel within your hands the Light of My Immaculate Heart, a Light that is poured out over the world for each soul on Earth.

Feel within your hands the fire of My Heart, and observe how much it still shines in offering to the Celestial Father for each of His children.

Feel within your hands the Love of My Immaculate Heart, and pour it out with gratitude over your brothers and sisters of the path.

Feel within your hands the humility of My Immaculate Heart, and adore the poverty with which it has saved the world during the incarnation of the Son of God.

Feel within your hands the pain of My Heart, from which, for each word of prayer, a thorn is removed.

Feel within your hands the roses of My Immaculate Heart, which open to emanate the subtle scents of Creation.

Feel within your hands the purity of My Heart, which ignites and reflects like a universal mirror of redemption.

Feel within your hands the kindness of My Immaculate Heart, a kindness that intercedes for you all the time so that you finally wake up.

Feel the rejoicing of My Immaculate Heart, so that you may open and discover that the Plan of God is perfect.

Upon your chest, embrace the splendor of the Love of My Immaculate Heart, for in this way, I will help you to overcome the fears and manifest the apostleship of the New Christs.

In your soul feel the Grace of My Heart, so that it may transform and purify all your past, and in this way, you become a teraphim on the altars of the Creator.

Carry My Light to the world and unite with My Heart, which today is between your hands to offer you conversion.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In spiritual maternity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


From Heaven and from the whole Greater Universe, I come to awaken your souls and your consciousnesses to the infinite life of the Cosmos.  In those divine spaces and divine dwellings, your inner beings have a favorite place before the Kingdom of God.  It is in this way, children, that evolving life makes up part of a great experience of love, forgiveness and redemption throughout the entire Cosmos, where suns, stars and galaxies, unknown to humanity, rule.  

Other humanities express themselves in the Universe, just as the rays that have their own colors and shapes.  In the spaces of the Universe, evolving life is the keynote of the whole ancient experience and this transcends the history of your humanity.  You, children, come from different parts of the Universal Heaven and from there you came to Earth in order to learn about rehabilitation and love in this Earthly school in which the Sacred Hearts deigned to also live for some time.

In the celestial spheres of the universe, the attributes are applied in life and each attribute is a divine experience that allows one to awaken their consciousness even more and implements them, liberating them from any error.  Children, in the Universe, which is vast and infinite, laws are manifested as a principle of education and awareness for everything that is life; it is in this way that harmony, order and peace are expanded throughout the suns, stars and great galaxies. One lives a communion with the Consciousness of God and always seeks to learn through love.

Adonai is the principle and the reason for everything that exists in the different stellar governments.  Life is impregnated by the Consciousness of the Father and the Presence of God is the spiritual guide in all of the paths.  It is the One and Only Source of Adonai, which springs and re-springs in the galaxies and in the stars and the whole life is a participant of a divine font, which is able to restore and heal every creature.

In the Universe, children of Mine, your planet represents an initial Project of God, an experience of love that once had a purpose, and from genesis everything has changed.  For this, after humanity has experienced many lessons and mistakes, your Eternal Father sought, contemplated and meditated upon what He would do for the Earth to again be a rescuable planet.

Thus, the Archangelic Hierarchies started working so that the best project of redemption, forgiveness and liberation could be manifested and, also, to avoid deviation and the decay of humanity. It was so that in the infinite spaces of the Universe, where the Spiritual Source of Abba expresses Itself, the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, worked in order to express the principle of divine love which would provide redemption to this material world.  It was at that universal moment that God chose to become a man and a living consciousness on this Planet, through the second person of the Most Holy Trinity, through the Firstborn Son.

For this, in the Celestial Universe and in the other universes, the governments thought about manifesting this precious life through a Holy Woman.  There, at that moment, God chose the consciousness of Mary to be the Mother of the Redeemer.  The Spirit of the Sacred Hearts, which is divine and pure, gave Itself in order for this project to be carried forward.

And as Jesus was born from a womb touched by the Holy Spirit,  Mary also was born from a generation that followed the Will of God.  And My Maternal Spirit comes from the Universal Creator Source where the conception of life is the greatest present of the beauty of God.  Mary and Jesus were one before the Project, They lived the experience of salvation, and Mercy defeated Justice before the world became lost.

Today, dear children, I wish I could make you understand with the heart the true history of this Creation, which continues learning and maturing through the universal life from which the world forms a part, even as ignorant as it may be of it.  For this, I come to awaken your interest in divine life so that you may at least let go of Earthly life and believe in something greater that is waiting for you.

On this day, children, by means of prayer, reflect your true mirror of love to the world and help Me to dissipate the horrors that this blind world carries forward before the Celestial Father.

I tirelessly come to guide humanity towards the path of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to the true universal life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

Every 19th day, My Chaste Spouse opens a universal and celestial door so that lost souls may find again the way back to God, the Creator.

So that this Grace may be granted in the heart of the simple and good server; so that each one of you may be, every 19th of the month, a bridge toward the Universe of God; your Beloved Saint Joseph needs you to love to seek the essence of a humbleness of heart, so that from your minds the codes of self-destruction and illegitimate power against My Beloved Son may be banished.

Every 19th of each month, through your prayers, the altars of Saint Joseph receive lilies of light, souls redeemed and converted through the loving action of your sacred offering.

Each lily of light which is placed at the foot of the altar of the Patriarch Saint Joseph is then offered as a symbol of restoration and of peace between humanity and God; in this way, the Plan manifests again month by month in the life of each soul.

Dear children, all these redeemed souls merge into the Great Heart of God and a new Purpose descends over a world which would already be on the edge of a universal collapse.

Children, do not waste time with your inner realities; be consistent with the Grace of the Humility that Saint Joseph pours out every month. In this way, you will drink of the Source of the Humility of Saint Joseph, and as a result, your lives will achieve a good redemption.

Every 19th day, My Immaculate Heart is the most pure and most chaste portal so that millions of essences of this world may achieve the Parentage of God and a Filiation with God through the Chaste Heart.

Each novena made to the Saint of Humility and the Poor Laborer of God is received in the Kingdom of the Heavens as an opportunity to transform your lives.

Do not deceive yourselves, My children; take the Hand of simplicity and chastity that My Holy Husband reaches out to you, with the hope that one day you may reach the path of renunciation and humility.

Thus, be pure of heart, and you will not miss the infinite Grace of continuing to be instructed by Saint Joseph. He is your Father and Guardian. He is the One Who after My Assumption, from the universe, assumed your conversion to God.

Seek that which is most simple in you and give it to the Chaste Instructor of Love; in this way, you will be able to know all the humble things that allowed the glorification of the Sacred Hearts.

Today, your Heavenly Mother is here to console you and hopes you will now be able to grow into the maturity of a simple evolutionary life, yet full of the humility that will make you similar to My Beloved Son.

Greetings to all the missionaries of peace and I hope this same group of souls has the Grace of continuing to respond to the designs of the Celestial Messengers; for Our eternal aspiration is your humble sanctity, a sanctity that will awaken to the New Humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who carries you into the arms of Saint Joseph,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine,

Anywhere on Earth where a soul celebrates today, together with My Son, the Last Supper, it will receive the Grace of transformation of its being.  In this way it will avoid, in the times that are to come, to deviate itself from the path that My Son has offered you since the beginning.

For this, on this day, be witnesses of the great universal event in which you are called to participate and, in this way, to say “yes” to the Celestial Father.

It is important, children, to understand that, when every year the memory of the Last Supper of Jesus with His Apostles is celebrated, new doors of redemption, of mercy and of spiritual rehabilitation open to all those who wish from the soul and from the heart to cross them.  Behind them you will find the pathway of reintegration into the path of Christification.

For this, dear children, once a year, when the Sacred Supper of the Lord is celebrated, the Universe donates Itself entirely and all the universal laws stop so that the Mercy reached by My Son may be able to be poured over all that is very impure and that seems irreversible.

Wake up to this moment in which, all of you, as worthy Children of God, will be depositaries of the same gifts that allowed the redeeming mission of the Son of God to be fulfilled.

Today I open My arms and your Celeste Mother receives you in Her Immaculate Heart, inviting you to renew yourselves and to confirm the mission that the Eternal Father entrusted you by the means of the vivification of the Passion of My Son.

In this time you are led to understand the mysteries of the Universe through the voice of the Celeste Messengers.  For this, with spirit of joy, raise your supplications to God and receive on this day of the Secret Supper the keys that the Lord will give you so that, when the time comes, you may open the doors that will lead you to the Paradise of God.

While you are this world, much must be done in the name of the Lord so that at least one more soul may receive the opportunity to wake up to the Infinite Universe that waits for it.  This, My children, will be possible through your consecration and constant search to remain fused within this Gran Infinite which is the essence of Love of Adonai.

I thank you for answering to My Call!

Who reunites you on this day around the Sacred Table of Jesus,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May My Peace be established in the world, and may this Peace reign in the hearts of all humankind and in the essences of all Kingdoms of Nature.

My children, I invite you to a deep process of inner peace to thus defeat all adversities of these times.  Only Peace held within creatures will allow them to live the times of great tribulation in the world. 

Know, My beloveds, that you must learn to overcome your own inner conflicts through peace; to learn to let the reign of My Peace be greater than any tribulation that the purifications and assaults of these times may cause you.

I want you to know that the plans contrary to the Plans of God will always seek to destabilize My soldiers and defeat them through tension, conflict and the weariness of their hearts.

This is a time in which learning stages will still take place, in which you may fall and stand back up again and again.  Therefore, do not tire of overcoming your own tribulations to establish peace within yourselves, thus allowing it to reach the hearts of other beings of this world; because in the time that is to come, this peace must already be established within each one of you so that in this way you may experience a greater trial, which is to establish My Peace in the moments of planetary chaos.

My beloveds, do not allow confrontations to draw you out of My refuge of Peace, because the absolute power of My Love and the compelling force of My Holy Peace are greater than any confrontation that you may experience in this world.

As Rose of Peace and as Mother of Jesus, I want to teach you to be peacemakers in the face of any situation in your lives.

Remember, My children, the example that I set for you when I saw My Son being flagellated and crucified, for even knowing that assaulting the Son of God was the greatest injustice that was being committed in this universe, My Heart never lost Its peace, for It never lost Its trust in the Creator of all things who called us by name to fulfill His Plan, and who will always guarantee that each event in our lives will bring us the exact learning experience that we must have.

For these times and for the times that will come, remember that My Peace must reign within each one of My children and that, through them, this Peace must be expanded throughout the world.

Today you are under My Mantle.  I will protect you and will welcome you always; I will safeguard you from evil and will heal your spirits and your hearts when you are weary of this battle in order to establish the Reign of the Lord throughout the world.

My beloveds, do not give up, but rather proceed with confidence.  Understand the Calvary, which many are experiencing, as the only path for the re-establishment of Mercy among beings.  But for this, you must travel this path without losing sight of the Will of God and of His great Plan of Love, which must be reflected in your essences as pure love.

I love you and I bless you.

I give you My Peace; take it to the whole world.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, Queen of Peace and of the world

Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, to the visionary Sister Lucía

On this day, go on pilgrimage on the long path of your consciousnesses, an inner path on which you will find some obstacles to be surmounted, some tests to be experienced, and some memories to be forgiven and forgotten.

Seek to walk through the inner world with profound peace and joy, and even though the encounter with some situations may cause you pain, try and move beyond them with the joy of the day.

Allow yourselves, My children, to be guided by the Star of Bethlehem to the most simple and pure place of your inner world; a place that for many is unknown, but that exists and is now ready to receive the Son of God.

Today, the Lord offers you a possibility for freeing and healing ancient sorrows, fears, blame, old errors and suffering. Today, the Lord makes known to many of His children that they must transform in this time. Because to experience an effective and resounding transformation, you need to know all that is to be changed in yourselves. However, trust in the Grace that is granted you, of being guided by the Faithful Servant of God, and do not be shocked by what you may see about yourselves.

Those who allow themselves to take a step on this day will find themselves faced with a past to be redeemed and all that they have hidden from themselves for so long.

My children, make of this day a day of Glory, and of this purification, the harbinger of the glorious coming of My Son Jesus. Because for Him you will be building an empty and pure space, where He will be able to freely dwell, and will be able to reign with the totality of His perfect Consciousness.

The greatness of this day will manifest in the consciousnesses of the world, according to the openness of each one to what is being offered to them. The depth with which God will work in your consciousnesses will occur according to the openness of your hearts. Thus, be willing to experience something new, unknown, which will revolutionize your inner world.

My children, make of the pilgrimage on this day a moment similar to that experienced by Joseph and Mary on the night of the Birth of Jesus.

Much was gradually revealed to Joseph and Mary as the Birth of the Messiah drew closer. They offered Themselves to know and heal the evil that lived in the humanity of that period. As the Birth of Christ drew closer through the pilgrimage of Joseph and Mary, the energies of lust, greed, vanity and pride, which were expressed in that period with great intensity in human beings, were gradually changed and transmuted.

Mary's birth pains became more intense than that which was normally felt. They experienced the desolation and the affliction of not being able to give Christ a safe place in which to be born, and this experience of purification culminated when they understood the Will of God and gave life to Jesus in a stable, experiencing the purest humility and joy, and thus discovered that everything was to be healed through humility, purity and faith in the Will of God and in His divine guidance.

Today, for the hearts of the world, it will not be different. If you allow it, the Lord will have you live a great experience, which will culminate in the discovery of an emptiness of self and surrender to a divine humility.

My beloveds, gladden your little hearts today, and walk with Me, for I will be your Star of Bethlehem, and through prayer, I will lead you to the birth of Christ in your essences.

I thank you for allowing Me to guide your lives.

I love you always.

Your Mother, Mary of Nazareth, Star of Bethlehem

Weekly message of Mary, Queen of the Holy Spirit, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay to the visionary Sister Lucía

My children,

When My Heart approaches the Earth, it brings inside of it the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, because today I tell you that the Server of God is One with His Spirit.

The Holy Spirit lives and reigns in My Heart and I am within It eternally. This way, each time you invoke My Immaculate and Most Holy Heart know that you are invoking the Spirit of God, sanctified by His eternal Glory in Heaven and on Earth.

The Holy Spirit became One with Me when the Son of God lived in My womb. I was conceived by the Spirit of God and It was made flesh in My Son through My womb.

My Spirit was born in the very pure Consciousness of God with the mission of being eternally Holy and Immaculate. My Spirit was generated by the Heart of God, because from His Heart would be born in the Heart of the Son of Man, the firstborn Son of God.

It is time for all to glorify this mystery, because I have told you so often that the Holy Spirit would reach your lives and, when I said it, My Spirit was already before your hearts.

The Holy Spirit is omnipresent and wants to make a home in all the hearts of the world. This Holy Spirit was created to manifest the Love of God in all things, and, above all in all of His creatures It would sanctify matter and allow God to be reborn in the human being and the human being in God.

As it manifested in Me, the Holy Spirit should be manifested in all the children of God. Those who are loyal to God, as I was, will open the doors of the heart and the consciousness so that the Holy Spirit may be anchored.

It will not be gestated in the womb of a human being anymore, but in their hearts. It will not be born in the new being, but it will allow the old being to be reborn.

Open your hearts to this most sacred mystery, renew yourselves in the unknown, because this  Blessed Tree will grow in those who open themselves today for these seeds that are being handed to them.

I am the Holy Spirit, and It is within Me.

The Fire of transformation for the souls, the Spirit of God flies over the world, as an Immaculate and Luminous Bird, crowned with stars and clothed with the Sun, to perpetuate Its shelter within the hearts that know how to say "yes".

I bless you and keep you in the Heart of God.

I thank you for opening the doors of the heart to Me.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
