During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


Dear children,

I will not ask that in a short time you be different from what you are today. For the Father, your time of purification and ascension is set. 

Therefore, allow yourselves to be transformed as your Father has foreseen since the beginning.

Live in Christ and be in Christ because the only path that is left for you to traverse is the path of redemption.

If you are not united, how will you continue?

Grace has touched your lives but you must be consistent with this Grace that unifies you and renews you all the time.

Dear children, be with Me and not on the other side of the path. I need you always faithful to those who guide you out of love; this will protect you while you are on Earth.

Obedience is the gift that will fulfill you and will prevent you, all the time, from making mistakes.

Therefore, children, may you be able to observe the true path in these times, because discouragements and inner crises will be the barriers that you must overcome through love and unity.

At the doors of the human Armageddon be aware and grateful for what you receive, at least live it for those who do not receive even half of all that the Universe gives you. 

Submerge yourselves in My Heart and thus you will be free.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the doors of your heart open themselves today so that you may recognize the most valuable thing that God has kept inside of your being.

May your only principle be to find peace, so that in the culminating hour of the purification of the Earth, all of My children be the simple reflection of a life transformed by the sublime fire of prayer.

May repentance be the mission of each soul and each life, because that will be the path that will be opened for the salvation and rescue of other lost beings.

May the goal be to seek the fidelity to God, so that this deep feeling of union with the Father permits to open the last doors of Mercy for the world.

May the purpose of your prayers be to help to convert the conciseness of the world, so that in this way your Heavenly Mother may continue working through humility and the service of all of Her children.  Thus, Her Immaculate and Pure Spirit will fill even the last particle of live in your beings, and then you will feel the joy of living in the name of the Holy Spirit.

Work without delay for your conversion in order to reach the infinite path of redemption and healing.

I leave for My children the holy light of My Heart, so that encouraged by My Grace, you may be immediate collaborators of the Plan of Rescue for these times.  My Love is poured over the hearts that are receptive to prayer. 

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you and cares for you,

Your Mother May, Rose of Peace


My beloved children,

I want you to recognize My arrival to your lives and to know that you will never be alone again.

I will inhabit in each heart which opens the door of its interior to Me and in there I will reign as your Celestial Mother for all Eternity.

When each one of My children may be able to live My Love in their interior, this world will stop suffering and perishing by the deeds of the enemy.

Today I arrive to this Home of Mine, a favorite dwelling to Me.  Here I have found the love of the simple, of the dispossessed, of the imperfect ones and also of the pure of heart, of the strong of spirit, of the restless in the path of charity and of the donation to the neighbors.

Here I have sown the seed of the New Earth in the heart of My Beloved daughter Pama, so that she donated herself wholly and, through her hands and her heart, I could work and rescue the fragile souls, souls that have received the love of mother and father, which God had destined to His Creatures.

On this day I ask all that listen to My Voice to pray, so that this delicate and precious project of God be kept safe from the claws of the enemy, the one that tries to interfere in each one of the projects of My Son.

In this house, where with so much effort and love a hand is offered to the innocent who suffers, who perishes by the ignorance of others, in this sacred place, I have deposited My Light and Maternal Love.  My servers, you are the ones who must take care of and protect, with love, each consciousness that has arrived here to find a light for its soul.

I want to express to all, My gratitude, because I know how difficult it is for all of you, within this agonizing world, to create a space of true light and redemption, of love and evolution.

Today I ask you all to place into your hearts this project of love and redemption of Mine, where My Son aspires to arrive one day, so that all may know in the coming times, that once God signed with His finger of Love this hill, this place and these hearts, so that the seed of a New Earth, the seed of a new fraternal humanity, was gestated here.

Today I bless each one of these children, of these teenagers and of those warrior spirits who accompany them with so much love.  I pour My Graces over this place again and, in the name of the Creator, I leave My Banner of Peace, Love and Protection so that the enemy may not put its feet over here.

Blessed be those who with the purity of the heart build fraternity.  They will be called Children of God, the Most High, for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be those who truly endeavor, day after day, to transcend the evils of this world and offer to the universe a safe door through which the light of the stars may descend.  They will be called guardians of the universe, for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be those who persist, who have placed, with determination, their souls in the end of the path and build with their fidelity to the Plan of God, the opportunity to others.  Those will be called by the Creator the eternal faithfuls for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be you, Children of the Most High, for opening to Me the door of the heart day after day.

Pray, pray, day and night, for I have you always under My Mantle.

I love you and keep you in My Maternal Heart.

Thank you for waiting for Me with so much love and for being today with Me.

Your Little Mother of Heaven, Mary, Mother and Protector of all the creatures of the world


Dear soul of Mine:

I Am the Luminous Bird inside of your heart.

I Am the Bird that flies together with you when you elevate yourself to enter in the Heart of God.

I Am the Mother that rocks your being in order to give you peace, relief, and quiet when your heart is afflicted, annoyed, and tired of too much crying and suffering.

I Am the refuge for your warrior soul; your persistent and loyal soul.

I Am to you the Light that you give to the world; the strength of the great mountains that live in your consciousness, and that strengthens other brothers and sisters.

I Am the bread; the maternal food that nourishes you and that then will feed other children.

I am this space of total peace that guides your steps and those of the others.

I Am in you and you are in Me; mother; Mary; guide, counselor and guardian of peace and of the path of the apostle of Christ.

Wherever you are with the eye of your heart, it is My eye that observes and sees, that safe keeps the salvation of the Children of God.

I Am in you the mirror of the cosmos, the Redeeming Light of the King of the Universe, that reflects the Heart of God for humanity.

I Am the Immaculate Heart that pulsates inside of you, and that covers that one who is cold; feeds the one who is thirsty for God; and heals the one who is sick in soul and flesh.

I Am in you the guardian of evolution, the One that reigns in your heart, and that keeps you united to the Heart of Christ Jesus.

I Am in you the splendor of the universe; the loyal and eternal servant of the Father; the One that will proceed until the end, for the Glory of God.

I Am in you and you are in Me, beloved creature of God.

All this and much more I may be in each one of you, children of Mine, who today are in My presence.

Only permit that My Heart may live in you hearts; only permit that My word of love may speak through you, to bring peace and light to this word that agonizes without finding the path to redemption.

I am here together with to you; I extend My hands to you because there is not much time.  I Am calling you for the last time, and I am calling you to come to Me in order to embrace salvation.

And to those who one day promised to Me their loyalty, but who today walk their own paths, I say repent before an angel that does not serve the Light passes close to your beings, and carries your souls away forever.

Engrave in your consciousnesses My words; receive the love that I bring to you, which is the Love of My Son; the Love of God.  Help yourselves with this Love that I offer you to heal all of your wounds; to fill your hearts with peace, and to protect your walking.

I offer you My shelter for your families, so that reconciliation and joy will reign in your homes.

What else do you need, My beloved children?

I love you, I keep you in My Maternal Heart, and I protect you from all evil.

Today and always I bless you and I cover you with My mantle of peace.

Thank you for listening to My voice in your hearts, and for being today with Me.

Your Mother Mary, Light and Love for this world


In this time, I come to the world as the Greater Priest to prepare the paths of those who will return, on their own, to commune with Me in My next advent to the world. In this way, I fulfill the Designs of My Father and embrace all souls so they may feel My Sacred Heart.

In the Light that I radiate is the Truth, the main reason for My Coming to this world, as the Spirit of Truth and Life. In this way, I gather together all My new disciples so that, through Me, they live the Truth that I lived in past times. I gather the self-called and the forgotten who have been left behind, missing the opportunity for Christification.

My Heart prevails throughout time, while I send permanent impulses to all the spirits that live on the face of the Earth, but not all respond to Me as I would wish. Many times, I must build up the maturity of the wheat, for My Father needs it to make use of it and thus accomplish the Divine Purpose of pouring out His Mercy in this wounded world.

While everything is about to happen, I immediately gather you together around My Holy Eucharistic Table, so that the greatest number of essences may receive the Gifts I achieved during the Death, Resurrection and Glory out of infinite love for all My flocks.

In this time, I ask you for faithfulness to My Most Sacred Heart. Thus, I will be able to know and see with how many talents I will be able to carry out My Works of Peace in the world in this time. Thus, the training of the new apostles is urgent.

I come directly from the Celestial and Spiritual Universe to give the last warnings to everybody. Help those who sleep in the illusion of this human dream to wake up; you can always count on My Sacred Divine Intervention. I need you ready to be able to give your best at any moment.

Believe! Your cells are redeemable, and through Me, they will be sanctified by the Law of My Mercy. Be patient and do not rest within yourselves, but rather open the door of your hearts to Me, so your souls are able to listen to Me as the One Greater Voice.

Feel the power of My Trust, the Peace that never ends and the true Love of My Heart that tightly embraces you and supports you until you fall back again at My side. My Hands, together with yours, are the preferred safety and fortitude that I can bring to you. 

For this reason, be as clear as water in all the ways of life; thus, I assure you, My beloveds, that you will achieve purity and in a short while, will be My saints of the end days.

Under the Love of God, be blessed and peaceful.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart!

The Glorified Christ Jesus, Priest of Peace



My children,

May the celestial armies open today the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens before your eyes so that you may in this way get to know and recognize the Dwelling to which you must return in this time.

May your hearts be willing to receive the blessings and the Graces that the Lord sends to the world in this time because it is necessary that each consciousness give the consent and send to the Universe a strong and determined yes so that the Light of God may descend upon your lives.

I come to the world in this time to remove from ignorance all of the humanity that lives in the false belief that the world and life are limited to matter, to that which they can see and touch.

My beloved ones, I come today to show you that you know nothing about life on the surface of the Earth and even less about the celestial life.  Until today your souls have lived in this world as children that do not truly know the value of life and many permanently refuse to grow up.  It is time for humanity to mature and to live no longer as a race of youth and adolescents that acts without perceiving the consequences of their own actions.

The time in which the Lord will let humanity known the product of its life and all the fruits of the trees planted throughout human existence must emerge now.

I do not tell you to fear because it is not fear that I bring to your lives.  I only tell you to wake up because maturity will bring pain to many but to others it will bring the joy of knowing a Universe that had been hidden during all the history of humanity.

My beloved ones, as Mother of the World and Universal Mother I must warn you that that the moment has arrived of discovering before you a universal life that has always been here and that you could never find.

My beloved ones, be open to take a great leap as a consciousness and as humanity, but walk with joy, with the same joy of a child that enters a new school, in a new level of learning because it is like this that you are today, entering into a new level of your evolution that for many is greater than that which they would be able to achieve by themselves.  But for this I Am here, to help you to take this leap, to indicate to you the path and to sustain you during all the learning that is the first of many that you will live in Paradise.

My children, understand the importance of these times because the yes that you give on the day of today will represent the answer of all the human consciousness and it will determine the course of evolution of your souls.

As the Mother of each one of you I Am willing to guide your steps and to support them under any circumstances.  I only ask you, if you accept to follow with Me, to be faithful to My instructions because nothing more will be asked to you then a pure and truly open heart to the living of the Sacred and of the Superior, through prayer, service and love for all of the kingdoms of nature.

I thank you for accepting to enter with Me in this path of Redemption.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


My beloveds,

In this time of conflict and chaos in which evil wants to carry the souls towards uncertain and infernal places, the unity among the apostles of My Son will be the key to sustain this end of times.

We have journeyed through long paths, we have traversed mountains and valleys, pathways of light that together you and I have marked on this Earth and in the heart of many souls that have turned themselves to God, and that today wait anxiously for the return of the Savior.

We still have many paths to traverse together, building this Marian map upon the face of this planet so that one day the peoples, the races, the religions and all of the nations, when looking towards the Heights to receive the Divine Mercy and Justice, will be only one movement of a new order for all the creatures.

Today I come to My children to relieve them from the weight of the path so that they may know that in the face of the tests that are to come I will be more than ever with all of you.

In spite of what seems to be happening in this world and at times among My soldiers, we are building within the consciousnesses a fortress that you still do not know. 

When you encourage one another to carry on walking in the faith that My Son teaches you, when you understand and forgive the faults of your brothers and sisters of path, when you elevate each other in spite of the tiredness and the inner loneliness, you are forming in your consciousnesses great towers that watch over your spirit so that the enemy may not be able to approach.

Do not forget that when you definitively surrender yourselves to the Will of the Divine, evil will no longer pursue you internally, because in your dwellings shall live the One and Only and True King, Christ, the Great Shepherd.

On this day My little ones, fear will be converted into an unknown love, into a greater strength that will give you an impulse directly towards God.  On this day, dear children, there will no longer exist doubts, inner sorrow, the absolute peace will reign in your lives and you will be blessed in life, as loyal examples of the Love of God upon the Earth.

My little beloveds who today are kneeling before Me as My children, know that these brief moments in which I Am able to caress your souls are precious moments for Me because in this time these instants are unique in the universe.  In these moments of union of your hearts with Mine in which I Am able to approach Myself to cover you with My mantle of light, My Heart of Mother overflows with love and joy.

Perceive, My beloved ones, how My Immaculate Heart fills you with light, with this light that God has permitted Me to bring to the world.  Feel, little ones, how My Love of Mother, the love of your little Mother enters each one of you.

I will always take care of you, I will caress you with My holy hands as I have done with Jesus so that you may never be discouraged. 

Know, dear children, that the path that remains will be intense and difficult for some, but if all raise their swords and their voices to pledge fidelity to the Redeemer, the Light of God will descend upon you and it will cover you with divine protection.   

Always bear in mind that His Beloved and Little Children are the ones who He chose to accompany His Firstborn Son, the Savior.

I Am with you, within your hearts.  I Am your Mother, the Queen of the Heaven and of the Earth.

Thank you for being today with Me.

I love you,

Mary, your Mother


May your little hearts no longer be afflicted by all that is still to be built within. The Lord of the Universe, the Great Architect of Infinity, has already designed the perfect structure for the Earth, which must be erected within each being, and if you say 'yes' the Universal Builders, who are the angels and archangels, they will come into your lives to transform the old and rebuild that which must be renewed.

Today, with joy, I come to this home of Mine, New Earth, so that here I may allow the growth of the archetype of the new life.

My children, today I want to tell you that the new life is not built based on the development of the mind nor on material riches. The new life is not to be found in the amount of knowledge that consciousnesses demonstrate, because there is nothing new in that.

Do not seek to unveil the celestial mysteries before building within yourselves the primary and only foundation that will lead you towards infinity, because the mysteries of God do not settle in the mind, but rather in the heart.

The new life that is born at New Earth is nothing but the possibility of loving others just as they are. The new life is the power to live with one other, each at their degree of evolution, without this being a reason for separateness but rather of union and of the growth of the soul and the spirit.

The Love you have come to learn about on Earth will not be found in books, but rather in life, in daily life, in the maturing of coexistence.

It is for this reason, dear children, that God asks for the Communities so that all those who aspire to grow may have the possibility of doing so and can count on the support of one other to achieve this growth, this unveiling of Love.

I want you to learn from New Earth in the way you learned from My Son Jesus; and for this reason, I return to this place. Christ was among those who were most needy. His apostles were simple and poor of heart, of knowledge, of life and of spirit; and in those simple souls, the Lord caused faithfulness and absolute love to grow in those who followed Him to the end, living sacrifice and surrender, under any circumstance.

With this, I tell you that the path of those who love one other, regardless of differences, is that together they experience a constant service and absolute fidelity to God. And in them God places His Spirit so that they may be an example of Mercy and a source of awakening; in them, the Lord places His trust.

Believe in what I tell you today, because when they heard the first Words of Christ, the apostles were men full of impurities and imperfections, but they responded to the call of the Lord, and today they are the guardians of the Doors of Heaven.

Follow that path with bravery, for just as I accompanied those My Son chose in that time, I am here to guide those who My Son chose in the end time, and those are all of you.

The twelve of yesteryear must be the 144 thousand of today.

I thank you for responding to My call and for accepting to follow this path of eternal transformation.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Unexpectedly, before the presence of the Virgin Mary, descended in Glory from the Heavens the presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who visited us to transmit His daily message together with the message of Our Lady for the Vigil of Prayer.

The Blessed Virgin Mary tells us:

Dear children, now My Blessed and Beloved Son Jesus will proceed, communicating to you the celestial words:

My Beloved ones,

On this day of Maternal Graces, as My Mother has said, the Lord sends to you, as a result of all of the spiritual goods that have been received by you during the Meeting of Prayer, an impulse of materialization of His Will for your lives.

For this My companions, it will be necessary that through the daily prayer of the heart you recognize the call that Heaven proclaims in face of the absolute necessity for the faithful Marian and Christic servers for this planetary cycle.

In face of all that happens in the world Heaven has given you all that It guards, waiting thus for an immediate answer for you to decide to live a constant life of prayer.

This is how it was,  and for this purpose the universe has prepared, it has been six years, this sacred space of the Marian Center of Aurora so that the souls of the world, especially all of the hearts of the Americas, would have a place of reference where they could  be able to realize the spiritual path.

Such as it has been in your history as humanity, Heaven chooses the immature and simple consciousnesses and It also chooses the forgotten and distant places so that the Father may be able to pour through the Celestial Messengers all of His gifts of love, of healing and of reparation.

For those people who pray and that follow My daily Messages I tell you that you are being participants in a unique moment for your souls, it is something that will remain guarded in the highest spirit of each being for, it after all, to follow the steps to Heaven.

For this I ask you that in prayer you be attentive to the moment in which you live as souls and as brothers and sisters in the various groups of prayer because if you are attentive you will know how to take the steps correctly and you will avoid mistakes.

In this time Heaven is opening its doors upon the Earth in order to redeem those who have distanced themselves from God. For this Heaven chooses places where ecumenism may be able to be expressed and the human power does not interfere in the Divine Purpose. In this way, all of the souls are free to participate and to feel if this call is for them.

Now the inner reading for each being is singular and Heaven sends you a worldly message for all because the moment has come for the definitive unity and for the fraternal integration with the superior laws of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I only want to tell My ones that the last path of return to the Greater Life is being indicated in your path. God in His Glory has given you the art of deciding and of choosing. We wait for all of the people who pray and for the pilgrims.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening with attention to My message!

Christ Jesus


My children,

Once again, I invite you to live simplicity and humility within your hearts. I have called you to this place to show you that My Presence is among the crowds, but it is also in the homes, among the simplest and most open-hearted families. I have brought you here to place within your beings the spirit of humility and simplicity so that you may learn from this example that you have before your hearts.

My beloveds, the world needs more humble hearts willing to respond to the call that comes from Heaven; it needs simple hearts that are able to live obedience without it being a martyrdom in their lives.

My dear ones, on this day, I want to leave in your hearts this call to humility through faith, reverence and fidelity. I want to invite you to live simplicity through obedience, an obedience that flows from the heart by the simple act of obeying the Will of God in all things and listening to His Call with the heart.

Today you may not understand what I ask of you, but if you follow My Words you will, without much difficulty, find this path through which I am guiding you.

My dear ones, a time will come when your hearts must be fully faithful to the voice of the heart, which is an echo of the Voice of God within His creatures.

To reach Eternity, without entering other paths that do not lead you towards My Kingdom, you must be silent and listen attentively to the Voice of the Lord who guides you. This echo does not bring doubts, it brings confidence and, through this confidence, you must respond to the Call of God without the need for it to be repeated.

Today, My children, My Voice brings the echo of God, repeating His Will to you countless times, but the day will come when this call will no longer be repeated, and those who can listen to it must obey faithfully and without delay.

My dear ones, I hope from My Immaculate Heart that you may understand what I ask of you today; may humility and simplicity in the little things lead you to trace the great events of your lives.

I come as a Mother and helper to guide your hearts and your spirits. Listen to My Words with love, study what I have told you over the years, and at least try to practice what I tell you. My intercession will reach those who say yes to Me and take the first steps to respond to My call.

I thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Weekly Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Dear children,

Let your hearts rejoice, for the time of the Apostleship of Christ begins. The Lord waits with Love to know which of His children will raise their arms and announce their name for this Holy Apostleship.

To be an apostle of Christ, My children, is to fully trust in His Heart, to strive with all of your being to live His teachings, and through example more than through word, disseminate His Message.

Heaven has waited a long time for this moment, in which the Good News of the Lord will be announced on Earth again; in which hearts will again be able to burn in love for Christ, and devotion be the strength of those who walk.

Beloved children, to the Glory of God, the time has come to definitely live your faith, to consecrate your hearts to the Plan of the Lord and live to fully accomplish His Will.

My children, today in your hearts I sow the virtue of faith and of ardent devotion, so that in this way, you may be ready to take the first step toward the Most Holy Heart of Christ.

I wish to find in My children the living example of fidelity to God, so that once again, the world may have before its eyes and its heart an impulse of those who surrendered in holiness to the Words of the Lord and fulfill, in love, His Commandments.

I invite you today to be brave soldiers of Mercy, so that God may establish His Mercy within your hearts, and these be sources of Divine Mercy for the world.

I invite you today to follow the example of those who were crazy in the eyes of the world and truly lived the Gospel with absolute fidelity to Christ.

I invite you to surrender your fear, which many times permeates your hearts, in order to experience something new, a celestial freedom that will transform your hearts into a bridge to the Universe of God, where My Kingdom is a reality.

I wait for you to joyfully respond to this call. I will take you by your hands and together with Me, you will discover a new world that awaits in your hearts.

Allow Me, little children, to light the flame of devotion in your hearts, a devotion that you still do not know and that, many times, will cause you to surrender your life out of love for God.

Do not fear the intensity of My Words nor the greatness of My call. It is time for great spiritual works out of love for the Lord, and I will be guiding your hearts always. Simply open up to discover My call and to live it with your heart.

I love you always and I am by your side.

Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace


My children,

The key to conversion is the true sacrifice you can live within your hearts; sacrifice made with love, with the effort driven by the soul and manifested in life.

Dear children, in Heaven, we measure the degree of faithfulness by the degree of sincerity. Each action must be true. Even if your hearts do not feel the joy of sacrifice, if it is carried out with sincerity and love, it is accepted in the Heavens as a source of conversion for souls.

I see a soul that accompanies Me when I see a heart willing to abandon itself before Christ.

In the joy of the brave hearts, My children, I find a refuge of peace. In the steps taken from the heart, I find the impulse to be before God, day by day, to intervene for the world. I only seek to find, within your hearts, a breath to give to the souls that permanently suffer. Each time that you are able to overcome the difficulties of life, a small light is generated and driven to My Heart.

I do not come seeking perfection, but rather the constant effort, the sincere will, nourished by the love for the Plans of God.

Dear children, many have told you about the time in which you live; now, My Words must become life, action, and peace in each of your beings. They must be true laborers of Mercy. And this is achieved with the will of the heart.

I see many of My children with lowered arms before the battle even begins. I see many of My soldiers dropping the shield of persistence, allowing the enemy to strike them. 

Resist, My children, resist. Nourish the heart and the spirit with the peace of My Presence and reignite the joy of living in self-giving to the Most Holy God.

My Heart comes to take each one of My children by the hands, to tell you, as a Mother and Companion, that here I am, whenever you want to see Me.

I am your Mother. I am the one who brings the Spirit of God engraved on the chest to give it to humanity. I am the one who constantly prays for your awakening and definitive conversion. I am the one who sustains those who have already said yes so that they can rise after each fall. I am the one who is always here, together with your hearts, so that I can help you grow and mature under the guidance of God the Father and towards His Son.

Do not be afraid to listen to Me, nor to respond to My call. I only ask you to not lose the love and joy that I once deposited within your hearts. Do not distance yourselves from God.

I come to guide and lead you always.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Special message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Today My call is respect to your loyalty to God, the Most High.

On this special day, My Heart is proclaimed to confirm that My immaculate and spiritual Presence is true to the eyes of all creatures.

For this special reason, today I am with you sharing My Pilgrim and faithful Servant path so that you are able to understand that My maternal Heart chooses those children who need Me in these times.

Today, come all, to My Kingdom, because God will receive you.

In My immense joy and bliss, I call you once more to conversion. Your path towards the Father is already being fulfilled, but when you walk, many souls that need peace and conversion also walk.

Dear children, today My call is about your fidelity to God. The Father expects that, through your sacred daily consecration, you will be able, in works and in good examples such as prayer, save this humanity.

My Heart of a Mother follows the great decisions of the end of this time.

The new Pope will need your fervent prayers so that he will be able to help the world and its definite conversion. His sincere support to the Church of My Son will allow many of the faithful to renew themselves in faith and in the prayer of the heart.

Continue praying the Holy Rosary, every day, God is attentive to the voice of the appeals of all His children.

Dear children, once more, and through this clinical study of faith and devotion, I thank you for responding to My call.

Thank you for responding to My loyal plans of peace and redemption!

Mary, Queen of Peace


At the end of the Message, the Virgin transmits a small Message for the doctors who are present:

I bless in the love of My Immaculate Heart the scientists because, in this way, they will strengthen their faith in the Only God who loves them and who wants them, above all things.

I thank you, My children!

Blessed be Jesus!



While humanity is still looking for satisfaction in life, My Maternal Heart calls all souls to the new and last flock of Christ.

As mediator before the souls that have found the spiritual path towards God, I want them to be able to help other souls that quickly deviate from the path of faith and from the Love of God.

Therefore, My children, I ask all praying beings today not to waste time and to pray with much aspiration towards the Heights, waiting for the Infinite Mercy of My Son.

I expect from My soldiers the awakening of their consciousnesses and that they offer themselves to collaborate so that the greater part of humanity be able to live some more time of peace. And as time goes by fast, I ask that you pray with the heart, attentively, so that something may be able to change in humanity.

Dear children, pray, pray, pray and pray! Pray with the voice of your hearts so that the Pity and Compassion of God may touch the hearts that have separated themselves from the Law of the Lord.

Remembering the teachings of the Commandments of Moses, today I ask you that you have them present in your lives as the first basic rules for a good child of God.

Dear children, throughout time humanity has been called to change from the heart; therefore may you open your eyes and see the Merciful Light that My Immaculate Heart is radiating to all.

I remind you of the importance of living in fidelity to My Son so that your hearts may be guided and may be protected in these final times.

I thank you for responding to the voice of My call in these times!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As Lady of the Mystical Rose, today I want to invite you to contemplate God from the Heart, because it is in the heart that Peace is found and it is through the heart that the door to suffering and evil is shut.

Dear children of My Father, it is with the prayer of the heart that all souls on the face of the Earth may relieve all pain and suffering. But still there are souls that united to the Living God have no strength to consecrate life, because they are immersed in the current world.

So that all souls may be touched by the same Virginal Grace that you have been touched by, today I invite you so that in prayer are placed all of the hearts inside the Kingdom of God who, confused, need the light of My Immaculate Heart.

For these days of the Prayer Meeting with Me in Lujan (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina), I invite you to remain as guardians of prayer so that in this way your little hearts became as custodian angels who follow the purposes of Peace of My Immaculate Heart.

Today I also tell you My dear children, that My Merciful Face is working for the salvation of all the souls that, with serious faults, will receive the ministry of My devotion so that all of them may be re-lit again by the immediate assistance of the Divine Holy Spirit.

To you who already have walked a little through the path of the prayer of the heart, I call you so that, through yours, all the hearts learn to pray fervently and to be in My Maternal Heart, so that My Celestial Light protects you.

Dear children, I leave an inner mission for each one of you and for all the souls that at the end of this time answer My call. My request is that you live in the faith that prayer irradiates you with, so that fidelity may be manifested in each of your hearts, the fidelity to My Son, the Redeeming Love.

I thank you!

May you today only be with Me in the Kingdom of My Eternal Peace.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Daily Messages

So that your hearts are strengthened through My Son, as Redeemer and Savior of souls, fidelity is one of the paths that today I invite to walk on for love of God’s plans.

Still the enemy is not resting and it still has the aim of making My plans of Peace break down. While you are in My Immaculate Heart this will not touch you because you will be under My protective mantle. When the souls must mature as a consciousness, they are tempted a lot by the enemy, but in each of the trials is the confirmation to the consecration and to the Divine Purpose to each one of My children.

As a Mother Guardian of the souls I know that for this time of great changes in a sick and asleep humanity My rays of Peace, Salvation and Mercy try to come to the greatest number of lives so that all of them may be protected by the prayer of the heart, from the assaults that the enemy plans when one of My children reaches consecration.

The victory of the Heavens on Earth will go on through the immense and loving supplications that My children proclaim for love of God and so that His Forgiveness descends.

Dear children, for this do not fear for how much is still left for you to change in life or how heavy is the burden that each of you carry so that this may be freed and redeemed.

For the present time allow the Light of My Virginal Shield to support you and for this, My children, call for the presence of My loving maternal protection.

Know that I guard you all, but now it is time for each of you to grow as a consciousness and as a heart.

Forward, little children!

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
