I once said to My apostles that they should give their lives for Me and I knew that at that moment they did not understand Me, and they ran away when I most needed them.
At that point, I knew that I should be alone among My enemies to be able to become christified.
Now, at this time, the situation is repeated, but with different events.
In a similar way, many, who should give their lives for Me, ran away with their own ideas and lack of understanding and left Me alone.
This test of loyalty to the Master is repeated, because it is the learning process for those who said that they were with Me, and that with different self-justifications, are not.
Before, I returned to My apostles and showed them that I was risen and that I was alive, as it had been promised; but now I will not be able to return to Mine to tell them that I am alive and that I am returning to bring them the Good News.
Each one of those who said that they would be with Me until the end, but who were overcome by a test that was stronger than their very love, they must testify before Divine Justice about their failures, their lies and their lack of repentance.
But who will save them?
All that was once given must be returned. Nobody will be able to turn their back and leave with their hands full, as if nothing had happened.
Therefore, I am preparing Myself for witnessing what will shortly come to those who abandoned Me and submerged themselves in their pride and arrogance.
Let us simply pray.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
The time will come when your faith and trust in My Son will be tested.
The time will come when your lives and consciousnesses must truly confirm how far you will give your life for Christ.
The time will come when it must be known if you will truly hold to faithfulness to the Lord, beyond yourselves and all circumstances.
That time is already coming, and you must unmask those characters of the ego that put your destiny and evolution into play.
For that reason, prepare, pray, and never again try to place responsibility on something external.
Take on your purification with transparency and no longer wish to hide the power you want to exercise on others; because once again I will tell you that stone will not remain upon stone, and it will first begin in humanity.
No longer will anything be gained by your justifying yourselves, that you run to another place or even that you blame your fellow beings with your thoughts or your words.
Assume that you need to change something, if you truly say you are with Christ.
Be humble, considerate, and above all, have great gratitude for each correction and lesson learned. If not, if you try to change your destiny, in a short while you will see the result of your choices.
It is no longer the time to tempt God, because manipulation will be the first stone that God Himself will break.
Be grateful and lovingly receive what your eyes cannot see.
No longer convince yourselves of what you believe you are.
To surrender your life to Christ signifies yielding.
I thank you for obeying Me, because I do not want you to suffer anymore because of yourselves.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Carry in your heart the Love of God; and for that Love to be perpetual you must sow it through charity and the good.
It will be the Love of God that will bring you awareness of different realities.
For this reason, in order for God's love to endure and be part of the planetary life, it is necessary to be in communion with It, because in this communion everything can be renewed.
This renewal will consist of the fidelity that you may profess to the Love of God, thus you will be in His plenitude and the Father's blessing will grant merits to those who need it.
To be in God's Love is to remain in His Will and thus everything will be protected, because the Love of God intervenes and acts in all aspects of life.
The Love of God attracts for the human being the possibility of remaking their life every day, following the Principles of Creation, which are based on unity, obedience and brotherhood.
These currents of Love will lead the consciousness to remain on the correct path, even though in many cases the Divine Will, which is infinite and intangible, may not be fully understood. The Love of God will always bring you wisdom and clarity in all forms.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
After everything defines, some will think that I was never here nor will they believe that in these last years I have been talking to you directly so, in spite of your miseries and imperfections, you should let the world know that I am already returning.
For this reason, stay firm without hesitating and trust in Me, because from My Heart will come the correct words when you and some of your companions may have to testify because of My cause. But in that moment, and in that hour, everything will already have been said and the world will be at the apex of its great and last purification.
Thus, as from now, do not feel regret or distress. All who serve Me for some reason, must be tested in their faithfulness, obedience and love, so that, in My servers, in those whom I have chosen, the transformation that My Word brings about and the miracle that My Message produces, may be represented.
Keep on as you have been until now, close to Me, in simplicity and love, and tell your companions to do the same, because the time to protect the Work from the enemies will come.
Those who oppose will come to know the greater heat of My Fire.
Those who unconditionally adhere will come to know the celestial marvel of My Love.
Thus, continue forward for Me and for no one else; the world is full of personalities, and to all of them the moment to disappear for being full of fantasies and illusions will come.
But you, who are with Me and that, for My Mercy, I have taught you to be so, never cease to make Me known.
Imitate Me, even though you may not manage to do so; seek Me, even though I may not call you, because, from that spiritual communion with Me, you will receive the strength you need in order to defend My Word and My Message from those who will try to deny them.
Accept the cycles that are coming and never, not for a second, stop surpassing Me in love. Thus, for your service, you will allow Me to win over the obedience that I expect from many more hearts that are disobedient to Me.
Today I do not make you shine like gold nor diamonds; you are the most imperfect stone that has been molded by Me. Let Me continue to penetrate in the depths of your spirit, for that is where the Supreme Will will be done.
Be an example of constancy, just like some of Mine are.
Believe, above all things, in what My Love can do, in this way everything will be transformed.
I will be your breath in the times of trial. I will be your hope on the days of great planetary darkness.
I Am what I Am.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I come to the world for a spiritual and universal reason.
I come to open the consciousness of My children even further, so that you may feel the Truth in your heart, the Truth that I profess through My presence.
I come for a world that agonizes and despairs.
I come during a time of intense purification.
I come to bring you what you truly need, that which will grant you freedom, the opportunity of living what God has thought and what He has planned for your lives.
In the meantime, stay within My Heart, relive every moment of prayer as an opportunity for renewal so that the divine codes come into your lives and you receive the wisdom you need in order to make the right decisions.
This is why I come here, again and again, until what God needs is fulfilled, until what God has thought is accomplished.
In spite of it being a time of chaos, if He decides that everything is to be carried forward, it will be.
This is why your trust is essential, and especially the adhesion of all, so that what is written can be fulfilled.
Perhaps you feel that you have heard this many times, but if you are hearing it again, it is because it has not been fulfilled.
It is necessary to place your feet on one path.
It is necessary to bow your head in order to enter through the door of humility, just as We did when We were here on Earth as the Holy Family.
The attributes that are necessary in humanity cannot be lost.
You must be keepers of these attributes, you must be guardians of God's Rules so that everything remains on course, despite the events that are now happening within humanity and also the events that will happen.
When everything is very intense, there will be nowhere to run. Only in My Heart you will find the refuge you need, the breath you are waiting for so long, the relief you are so much looking for.
But I invite you at this time to follow this path of faithfulness, as We follow it up to the present and for all eternity.
This path of faithfulness that I invite you to live will lead you to transparency because, despite the miseries, your hearts will be transparent and pure and one day you will be able to live the Truth, even though the world is in its great transition.
I wish you could drink from the Light of My words, listen and keep memory of everything that I tell you, because then there will be no one to remind you of what I am telling you today and what I have already told you in other times.
The Instruction that comes from Heaven is like the spring that emerges from a mountain, it is inexhaustible and endless. But for this spring to last it must be taken care of and protected, because it could unexpectedly end.
You must take advantage of the Words of the Hierarchy.
You must build within yourselves this path to the true reality that in the near future will free you from yourself.
Many thought they understood everything I needed and everything I said, but they did not understand, because whoever lives the Word of the Hierarchy transforms, even though they must try, again and again.
Therefore, I pray for those who are no longer here, because they did not understand that they had not sincerely opened their hearts to God.
The Truth is one, there are no two different truths; this is why it is so difficult for human beings to live Truth when they must face it to recognize and accept it.
We are in a time of great internal movements.
We are in a time in which hidden things are coming to light so that everyone can see them.
There will no longer be deceivers or liars.
There will no longer be manipulators or consciousnesses that can take advantage of everything, because the Law is already descending even if it does not seem so and My Motherly love comes to help you, to tell you: "Children, do not remain there, nor be like that."
You cannot go against Divine Will. You cannot oppose it, because the Divine Will is invincible.
The Love of God never lacked.
The Grace of God, in many cases, was abundant and few realized that.
I do not need you to be sad, nor to be offended.
I wish you could feel how My Heart feels and that you could live as My consciousness lives.
I am not saying that you will be illuminated or elevated beings. Humility, obedience and surrender will transform you, but you should always take the step towards that constant search for the Truth that is in the Heart of the Father, just as it is in the heart of His children.
The world agonizes, by itself, having come out of Truth and obedience. The Laws of Grace are no longer able to touch the Earth as before, only when the heart surrenders and cries out in sincerity.
God created you to always be happy and to be in His Celestial Wholeness.
God did not create you to suffer or endure.
Therefore, many errors are stored in the Universe and on the planet. Many stories are still indelible and no one has managed to fade them from the inner consciousness of beings.
But the time will come when this will happen, when My Son returns to put an end to human captivity and the destruction of souls, to finish transmuting humanity and redeeming it, and thus creating a new civilization, with a few Christs.
Humanity is not perceiving that it is losing the opportunity to love and find God, and that He expects His children to be consistent with Him even in the smallest details.
The Work is sustained by faith, prayer and service of all.
There is still time to reverse many situations, before the Universal clock marks the end of time and everything is triggered.
Souls do not believe that they can lose evolution and many of them laugh at this, because they do not know it, because of their ignorance, because of their lack of knowledge of the Truth.
The Spiritual Plane is a commitment of all; before, during and after this life.
The Spiritual Plane does not end here, nor does it end later.
On the Spiritual Plane is the divine decision, the Decree of God and His Affirmation.
If the souls of the world do not live the Spiritual Plane, they will die out on their own, they will be erased, just as the sun disappears in the horizon, without warning.
The current time determines a severe decision on the part of souls, being aware of commitment and responsibility, knowing that there is no longer room for mediocrity.
It is time to grow and forge the inner Christ to rule, to act and participate in God's Plan.
Do not let your inner child disappear. Do what you must do and everything will pass.
God deeply loves workers of His Plan, but don't forget that it is necessary to pray and help the planet.
The Prayer for the Nations has been the refuge for My Heart and also My consolation, but that commitment must be sustained and not weakened by comfort, fatigue or for other reasons.
It is no longer the time to justify your lives, it is time to remedy the sins and grave insults that nations commit, day after day.
A bit of the Love of God must still reign on Earth through the hearts that profess their faith and communion with Christ.
We are not in times of rest or little work.
We are not in the time of thinking about whether the Plan is to be fulfilled or not, or if it is to be left for tomorrow or for next month.
Children, awaken, awaken and get out of your fanciful convalescence!
Look at the sky, the Universe waits to intercede and thus carry out the Plan of Rescue.
No one promised you glorious times; you were called to experience the Apocalypse and you committed to that.
You cannot waste the pearls of Creation, nor the treasures of Heaven. Everything, absolutely everything, will have its final account, it is part of the great calculation of the Universe and the universal balance.
I must announce this to you so that you awaken, so that drowsiness does not embrace you, does not make you indifferent nor mediocre.
The need of the planet will be assumed by very few, just as My Son assumed it with very few.
There are souls that will immerse themselves in their own regrets and their own desires, but there will be no time to wait.
The warrior is forged with the experience of the Plan and its fulfillment.
The soldier is sustained in the confidence of the Purpose and its goal so that the fire of transformation will never be lacking and they will be able to free themselves from their chains, to be reborn as a bird of fire that decrees the realization of the Plan.
Let the door of your consciousnesses open.
Let your hearts feel moved and not shaken.
May your spirits recognize the task and fulfill it with the best possible will and with the greatest love that you can express for these times.
In this way, the new race will manifest and will cease to be a promise.
The new Christs will inhabit the Earth and fight together with the Master to overcome evil and to establish the thousand years of peace.
I wish for you to remember this message, every day of your lives, because you will need it.
Blessed are they who believe without having seen and without understanding, because the Holy Spirit will not abandon them.
I rejoice, My children, with those who are consistent with the Law and comply with it.
My fullness reaches those who are most confused and need guidance because My Love will always be for everyone, so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled.
I thank you for welcoming My words and for not losing them, for recognizing them and humbly accepting them, for the Glory of God.
Do not lose faith and the conviction of living in Christ; He awaits you.
In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Second Message
It is the love of My friends that makes Me come to the world many times and I do not tire of doing it, because in them I will be able to find the reason to accomplish My Work in humanity, and in all nations.
While I was in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Lord revealed to Me the wonders that would happen after My Ascension, until this moment, in which we find ourselves today.
He revealed to Me the prodigies and the works that My followers would carry out, and although it would be difficult to accomplish, and to carry forward, they would never be lacking the impetus of the Divine Spirit in order to concretize them.
After so many sufferings lived during the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night of Holy Thursday, after Our Father showed Me all that would happen, not only with My Consciousness, but also with humanity and its generations, an angel of the Lord presented itself to give Me encouragement and joy, to give Me strength and motivation to keep drinking the Chalice, that the Father was offering to Me, for the redemption of all sinners, for the salvation of humanity and for the conversion of the whole Earth and of all of its races.
The angel of the Lord showed Me what would happen after I had been on Earth and ascended to the Heavens.
No one could imagine how many prodigies God can accomplish through the souls that follow Me and live Me.
I am not here for the ungrateful, I am here for those who are consistent with Me and make an effort to be so in each stage of life, at each moment of living a greater sacrifice for My Heart and for My Consciousness, in each opportunity of just saying “yes” to Me.
This “yes” of all of My servers and followers, I use it in order to come to the world and announce the Word of God, which will resonate in the faithful hearts, which will arise as a wellspring in the humble hearts, which will transform those who have not been redeemed yet, nor imagined they could be redeemed by My Presence.
Today I bring you this reality and this revelation.
In that time, the angel of the Lord came to console Me, just as I come today to console you, and all who listen to Me.
Because love is the great key that dissolves all evil.
Love is this powerful current that transforms all, and that vivifies the souls.
The Spirit of the Love of God is invincible and eternal, just as your love for My Heart and for My Consciousness can be eternal. This is what will allow Me to come to the world; it is your faithfulness that will allow Me, through you, to fulfill the Plan that the Father gave Me for this cycle, such an acute and suffering cycle in humanity.
Thus, I invite you in this afternoon to see the positive side of things, to see the fulfillment of the Plan by means of the difficulties and tests. Because what I most hope for is that you can grow internally, that you can give testimony of My Presence and of My arrival in the world in these critical times.
Those who do not respond to Me, or have ceased to respond to Me, I will take care of; because what God has delivered as purpose for these souls cannot be interfered with, nor altered. Thus, everything will have a judgment, not only within humankind, but also in the whole Earth.
I come to pour on you My Mercy, and My Grace, so that everything may purify and sublimate.
There is still time to save and redeem yourselves, but the first rule I ask of you is your rendition.
Who does not surrender will not be able to follow Me, and in this moment you are already seeing examples.
Rendition breaks and tears resistance.
Rendition breaks the hardest rock of consciousness and the most impossible obstacle of the being.
Love will win together with the rendition of the souls who surrender in faithfulness to My Heart, so that I can build the new in each one of them.
My testimony is to tell you the Truth, because the Truth is love and it is transparency.
Transparency must be the stamp engraved in your hearts, so that you can endure the times that will come without deceptions, nor interferences.
I still need you to work on this, even if it costs you, even if you do not know how to live it, even if you have not incarnated it in yourselves yet.
Live in My inner Transparency and you will always find the Truth, and the heart of your beings will not be lonely, it will be filled by My Spirit and My Grace, in order to be renewed, from time to time.
In this afternoon I encourage you to contemplate the greatness that the angel of the Lord revealed to Me, through the last witnesses that would pronounce My Name to the world and would say that I am already returning, to definitely change this humanity.
Thus, be brave and follow the Star of the Confraternity of My Heart, which will be the emblem that will guide you when I am no longer present, and only My Words will be the testimony of My Love for you and for humanity, so you can remember that in each message delivered, I left you an important key, in order to change.
My Heart feels bliss for those who correspond to Me.
My Heart feels plenitude for those who participate in My Work and make it theirs in their lives, at each moment of prayer, at each moment of service for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature, at each moment in which you say “yes” to the Lord.
Thus, let your hearts not be mistaken, because if I am still here it is because I need something from you, and you have to give it to Me for the Plan to be fulfilled.
There is nothing more important, companions, than the Kingdom of God being fulfilled on Earth, and the souls being participants in My Celestial Church, in the confines of the world and in each inner being.
Yesterday I gave you the revelation of My pain for those who offend Me; today I give you the revelation of My joy, the joy that the angel of the Lord gave Me for those who accept Me in an unconditional and true way.
I do not need you to be perfect, I need you to be transparent and very crystalline, as the water that runs in the rivers and which encompasses great oceans.
Submerge in this potency of My living and resplendent Heart, and evil will not find you or confound you there.
Because who is true to My Heart, will be able to be true with their brother or sister, will be able to say “yes” to Me and to their neighbor. Even when you believe you will not manage, even when you think you will not be able to donate yourselves, you will be able to do it, when you confirm your “yes” to My Heart.
The pain may be deep in the Heart of the Master, but the joy that is given to Me, from those who serve Me, is eternal and invincible.
Cling to the living Attributes of My Heart, so that I can keep working in the world, and you will see in a short time, and what I tell you is not symbolic, you will see in a short time, many more who will come, in an unthinkable way, to the Work of your Master and Lord.
May unity be established in the heart of those who want to follow My Path.
I will not stop Myself for those who deny Me.
I will not move away from those who follow Me.
I will not detain My steps for those who turn their back on Me, because My Heart will triumph, just as the Living Heart of God triumphed on the Cross, in His Son.
But now, I will not shed My Blood to demonstrate to you that God died on the Cross for you, to forgive you for your offenses and ingratitude.
Now I will demonstrate the current of My Grace and My Mercy, which will illuminate the hearts of the world, forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
First Message
My Silence speaks about the truth of these times.
My Silence reminds you of the moment of My passage in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the most hard hour of the Agony; a moment in which God revealed the truth to Me and made me know it deeply, so that not only My Heart could be prepared, but also so that My Spirit could be prepared for the times that would come after My Ascension to the Heavens.
We are in the hour of this great truth.
We are before the revelation of this crucial moment that comes to the world in order to show its reality, and thus step out of blindness.
Today, your Master and Lord carries the ingratitude of the world and all offenses that the hearts commit in these times, in their profound ignorance.
It is an inexplicable feeling, it is an inextinguishable sensation, it is a very great pain to bare and, above all, to carry within My Heart.
Thus, I come to ask the world, and those who believe in Me, for the reparative adoration for five minutes, so that the Heart of the Lord may be consoled of the offenses it received and the ingratitude it felt from all those who once were by My side, but that the deceiver of the world separated from Me, for different reasons.
This is not the message I would bring you today, for your knowledge and instruction, but the Savior of humankind must reach the end, the last soul, the last corner of the world, to give help to those who need it the most, especially those who live in their ignorance or in their indifference.
In the reparative adoration of five minutes you will be able to console your Master and Lord of so many feelings and offensive attitudes that the souls of the Earth send to Me, along different paths and through different actions.
Here is the Heart, that still suffers for the world and for those who turn their backs to the Redeemer of the Universe, ceasing to correspond to Him how He needs, how He has thought and how the Celestial Father has proposed.
But let those who continue with Me not fear; repair the sorrowful Heart of the Most Beloved Lord, so that the seven main feelings that offend God may be transmuted and repaired by the merciful power of My Heart and by the adoration that souls offer to Me, for just five minutes.
Thus, you will repair the Heart of the Son and, as a result, you will repair the Heart of the Father.
You will repair the Heart of Christ for the feelings of indifference, for the feelings of ingratitude, for the feeling of denial, for the feeling of cowardice, for the feeling of negligence, for the lack of faith and, especially, for the feeling of lack of love for the Works of God, and to their fulfillment on the Earth.
For these seven feelings, you will adore the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord of the Universe and you will offer reparation, so that the souls do not keep confusing themselves.
And although the flock is agitated and the fierce wolf is stalking, the Shepherd of the Universe will not retrocede. He will not retrocede because He will come to save you, He will come to show you the path and the Light before darkness.
Companions, the time has come for definition.
The cross of this time is very heavy and who in truth is not with Me will not be able to carry it, even if they try to, even if they want to do it.
Whoever is not with Me, is not in love and might not know it.
Thus, implore to God with repentance of the heart, so that humility may be conceded to you, and your hearts may purify before the vengeance that the adversary will emit against the followers of Christ, in the end of these times.
If there is not love, nothing can be solved.
Words will not be enough. Comments and judgements of value will not be enough.
I need you to be My living example on the Earth, even if you never manage to.
You must mirror My Presence so that My Heart may be glorified in the confines of the Earth.
The moment has come to no longer deceive yourselves, and not to allow yourselves to be deceived, because many will come in My name and will affirm that others are the path, and many will believe it.
Thus, submerge in My sorrowful Heart, so that the flame of your love may console and repair it, through the adoration to My Eucharistic Heart.
The signs of the time announce great events, within and without men, within and without women of the Earth.
And there will be nothing and nobody that can detain their definition in this time, a definition that will mark the destiny of the next stage and, I might say, of the whole of your existence, until after the return of your Master and Lord to the world for the second time.
Thus, I do not talk to you of little facts or of insignificant misunderstandings, of poor adhesions or of lack of immediate unity with your brothers and sisters and fellow beings.
You are before the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity.
You are before a revelation that is being announced since the origins of the Earth, to the present.
Thus, I would like to know, who will drink with Me from the New Chalice that God will deliver to Me?
What will be transmuted in these times will be very different from what was transmuted in the times past, during the Presence of the Son of God on Earth.
I invite you to open the heart, even more, to hear My Words, and for them not to become transitory, neither forgotten; because My time is ending among you.
Those who cannot donate themselves totally to Me will always be in freedom, because God made you free so that you could learn to love just as He loves you, infinitely.
I am delivering the planet in your hands and in trust.
I deliver humanity to this Work; because what will come to happen in the near future will be very great and will demand responsibility and correspondence.
I do not want you to feel fear from all of this, or from all that I have told you.
I bring you the revelation of the same feeling that God placed in My Heart during My passage through the Garden of Gethsemane; a feeling and revelation that is being fulfilled at this moment, through the responses that My followers give Me, above all, those who give up on Me and let themselves be defeated.
Be intelligent and use the power of My Heart to transform everything.
Be something more than human beings, that live and breathe on this planet, that hear or speak, that feel or think.
Be, in truth, what you have come to be and do not justify yourselves, because in this way you will never change.
My Heart can no longer receive ingratitude, because the world gives it to Me daily.
My Heart only wants to receive your love and your truth.
I come to Austria for you to understand what we are working on together and the importance that this has for God in the Universe, as on Earth.
Are your feelings and restlessness not small before the true reality of humanity, and of its self-destruction?
Grow up and you will understand the Plan; you will live it, just as I live it and you will accomplish much more than I accomplish; because I told you that you would do greater things than I did a long time ago.
May My Words remain, and not fade away, because My Words, when I am no longer here, will be your remembrance to live redemption.
May the Lord bless you and illuminate you.
May the Lord give you His Temperance and His Meekness.
May you correspond and work in the Lord, so that the fragility of these times may be defeated by means of the strength of the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Beloved Children of the Most High,
During the Passion of My Lord, your Redeemer, the Archangel Gabriel showed Me, from the inner planes of My Consciousness, that at the end of time, in distant places of this world, communities of followers of My Son would meet to pray, receive Me in spirit and they would be instructed by Me.
They would prepare the second coming of the Lamb of God to the world.
Right after this vision, My Beloved Son, while He was agonizing on the Cross, announced that He was handing over humanity to Me to take care of it until His return.
Today I see manifested on the surface of this world, in lands distant from the Holy Land, in another land that is also holy, those communities, which today are Christian, prepare the second coming of Christ.
Today I see before Me those consciousnesses that the Great Announcer Gabriel showed Me and I hear His words again: these will be the faithful, those who will open the door to hundreds, thousands, millions and who will be the new companions of the Redeemer.
In that moment of so much pain, this vision and these words calmed My Heart and I was filled with hope.
Today, when you are standing before Me striving to fulfill each one of My requests, facing difficult tests, often without fully understanding the Designs of the Father, I want to thank you for the fidelity and commitment that you give us and I want to announce to you that I will be with you until the last day of your lives, accompanying and guiding you from the inner worlds.
A day will come when I will no longer appear publicly, I will not speak to you through your brothers and sisters; but within your souls, a loving place has been built for your Heavenly Mother, in which I live and I will always dwell.
In that place we will meet until God calls you to His side.
Today, which is a special day for this world, a day that God chose to give you one of His daughters, who would perform a hard and demanding work, I want to give all of My children the Gift of Fidelity, an essential gift for these times, which will be a column of light over which My Son is building His Celestial Church within your spirits.
Today, on the ground of this grand Kingdom of Aurora, I bless you and lift your souls up to the Feet of the Creator.
The promise of Archangel Gabriel has been fulfilled so far. Strive and reach the end, because that will be when Heaven will definitely descend to Earth.
I love you, bless you and revere your spirits in the name of My Son, Jesus Christ.
Thank you for being with Me today,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Child, write with attention what I will dictate to you today, this is a divine exhortation of love.
Dear companions and My followers:
Given the material results for the supporting of the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers and the lack of conscious collaboration with resources after all the impulses received during the last Sacred Week, your Master and Lord of the Universe today announces the possible cancellation and the absolute retreat of all the meetings scheduled for the month of May at the Marian Center of Aurora and at the Marian Center of Figueira.
You know that in order to be able to express the Work of God on the surface and above all in this current humanity, it is necessary to have faithful and permanent collaborators so that they can be on Earth the bridge of light or the torchlight that illuminates the times and allows the spiritual Graces to descend to the Earth.
To take care of the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers is not only to attune with it and participate; it also means to collaborate, to support, to donate, to sustain and lovingly contribute with all material that is necessary to supply and furnish, such as, for example, all the life of the Marian Centers and especially of the Communities-of-Light.
In this last cycle of transition, in which My companions are going through various problems and all kind of tests, it has been removed the essential attention of collaboration and of the donation necessary to sustain the Work.
If current humanity, the nations, the continents and above all your hearts reach the point of being without divine assistance in this acute cycle, the world would suffer serious consequences because of the great quantity of accumulated faults.
With this I do not want to generate sensationalism, but it is urgent that you perceive that, through your own acts, ways of thinking or of deciding not to collaborate, you are closing the door to Divine Mercy.
I believe, companions, that after the last Sacred Week you have been faithful witnesses of all material and spiritual effort made for the manifestation of this important meeting and how little help it received from all.
To you, putting the hand on the heart, I ask you to reconsider and put your attention on what is truly essential and what this Work of Love needs to achieve with the loving and sincere help of all My companions.
If this assistance, which today I directly ask you by means of this message, does not come to happen before the end of April, I declare, as of now, that the sacred meetings of May will be cancelled, since to carry forward a work faithful donators are necessary.
I know, since more than two thousand years ago, that it would be very difficult for the souls of this planet to be available to collaborate for love with the Divine Work.
But I ask you, for love, to break this chain of indifference, because on the Day of Judgment, which is approaching, everything will be placed on the table to be judged under the Higher Light.
I thank you for being considerate and responsible!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Just as your inner worlds, your Heavenly Mother prepares Herself on this day, as it was more than two thousand years ago, to enter the sacred spirit of the Passion of the Lord.
In this way, My children, your Heavenly Mother opens celestial doors so that the holy angels of the Universe can again infuse the sacred codes of the Passion of Christ in all hearts, open to recognize, in their inner universe, that important Christic union.
For this reason, I will be sending the holy angels from Heaven so that they may submerge in the inner planes and may carry on the new sowing of the Christic codes in the souls that in these days, will revive the events of the Passion and Death of Christ.
Each devout heart that, in truth and in praying atunement, joins the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be receiving special divine impulses that will help the strenghening of their soul in the coming times, and above all, the strengthening of their faithfulness to the Lord.
It will be important to be in atunement and union to all that My Beloved Son will be realizing during the next days through His Heavenly Presence.
Keep your hearts open to the call, to the close union with Christ and with His Redemptive Purpose.
Thus humanity will be helped in this stage of great definitions.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
Loving the Will of God and following it is only for hearts determined to follow His divine Precepts, even if they do not understand them.
Loving the Will of God means taking steps towards Him, even if at some moment there is no clear light along the way.
My children, allow the Divine Will to teach you, every day, to care for and protect the Plan of God, so that more consciousnesses may awaken to this call, to respond to a Will that they have never before applied in their lives.
Therefore, I ask you again, to love the unknown Will of God so that, in each new phase, there may be the support that will allow you to move forward in your lives.
It is within the emptiness of self that the courageous heart will come to know the mystery of the Divine Will, to understand where the Divine Will wants to lead it, until the promised goal is reached.
The Divine Will will allow each being to fulfill that which they truly came to fulfill in this world.
Following the Will of God, which may not be understood, will not let you fall into the same static state of things; on the contrary, by following the Light that the Greater Will indicates, you will be guided on the path of truth and transparency.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Grace and the Joy of being Faithful
Dear children,
I want to tell you a story today so that, inspired by My example, you are able to take new steps in the times that are approaching. In this way, I come to wake up the Grace and the joy of faithfulness in your hearts.
God called on Me to accomplish His Will long before the birth of Jesus, even before I came to this world, just as He called each of you.
While still little, I recognized the Call and the Will of God, and throughout My Life on Earth, again and again, I had to confirm My faithfulness to the Creator. My Heart belonged to the Lord from the beginning, but this did not make it free of difficulties and suffering.
Your Heavenly Mother had to overcome many spiritual, material, mental and emotional tests as a part of humanity. My Son and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph also had to experience this.
Humanity of that period, children, was weak, and the love in their hearts was scant. That is why God was sending such a great impulse of Love and of Truth to the world through the Sacred Family. But for that impulse to come alive, We as part of the human consciousness, had to transcend that condition of limitation and break the layers of lack of love and of ignorance, so as to fulfill what was asked of Us.
For each test the Creator granted Me to experience, He also allowed a Gift to emerge in My Immaculate Heart. Each time I confirmed Myself to God, I saw the Fortitude of the Father and His Grace emerge, and it was in Him that I found the power to continue.
That is how it was when the Holy Spirit gestated the Messiah in My womb. That is how it was when we reached Bethlehem and there was no place in the lodgings. That is how it was when the command was issued to kill the Child, and in spite of fleeing with Him, in My bosom I felt the pain of each mother who was unjustly losing their child. That is how it was when we lost Him in Jerusalem. That is how it was when He was denied in Galilee and when He listened to the insults being hurled at the Son of God, because of human ignorance and blindness. My eyes, which saw the Truth beyond any understanding, had to move beyond the injustices caused by the blindness of humankind, and I experienced it all in silence.
The Grace and the Gift of God also emerged within Me when Jesus was condemned, scourged and climbed Calvary, only with the power of His Love. I felt each of His Wounds in My bosom, and each 'yes' He spoke to the Father, I repeated within Me.
In the same way, I persevered in faithfulness to God when I saw Him die. And I held the same certainty when He rose and ascended to the Heavens, leaving Me the mission of continuing with His apostles and companions, strengthening them until the end.
I held the same faithfulness when the Lord lifted Me up to His Kingdom, and there gave Me not only the Scepter of Peace, but also the motherhood of all of Creation, so that just as I was faithful on Earth, I would be so in Heaven and, just as I accompanied the Passion of My Son, that today I would accompany the passion of this planet and of each of My children.
I see you suffer and feel your pain in My Heart. In the same way I felt each Wound of Jesus, today I feel each wound of each of My children of humanity; and at no time, My children, did I wish it were different.
I only want to help you to grow, as I saw the little Jesus grow. I come to teach you to be faithful, and to not be discouraged by the small or large difficulties in this life.
The calvary of this world is just beginning, and you still lack much to fully experience the love that is hidden in your hearts.
God will test you in your faithfulness and perseverance, as He tested each of those He most loves. And I will be at your side, helping you to be renewed, as long as you embrace the cross and take your first steps.
Discover that the faithfulness to God, beloved children, transcends life on Earth, transcends your small understanding. Learn to love His Plan above all things and strengthen your link with Him, so the Heavens and Earth pass away, and you remain faithful and firm in the Purpose that He gave you.
I love you and today I leave you the Grace and the joy of faithfulness so that, in spite of everything, you let it blossom and multiply it with examples and with love, in the hearts of your brothers and sisters of this world.
I bless you today and always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Holy Mary, Pure and Faithful Mother
Dear children,
In these times of great challenges and tests, may you learn to live through the example of your Pure and Faithful Mother.
May a healthy and true intention that faithfulness reign exist in you, just as the faithfulness of My beloved Son and of His Heavenly Mother reached the foot of the Cross, only aspiring to fulfill the Sacred Will of the Father.
In these extremely harsh times of transition, may sacred faithfulness motivate you to guard the Plan of God and all the souls of which it is composed, obeying each spiritual and inner decision that is made by the spiritual and planetary Hierarchy.
In this way, in humility, you will learn, as the Sacred Family did, to follow in adherence and union all the steps that are indicated for the fulfillment of this Work, which is worldwide.
Dear children, I wish the sincere aspiration to awaken in you of respecting and following to the limits of consciousness and matter all the decisions that are made, because behind something apparently incomprehensible to the human mind, a divine and sacred Purpose exists.
In order that each one of you in this time fulfills the aspiration of your Heavenly Mother, I invite you to lovingly respect the Law of the Hierarchy and to not step outside of that precious Law through your actions, thoughts, and assignments.
I invite you to lean upon the faithful example of Christ and of His Universal Mother, which leads all of humanity into finding salvation and the Mercy of God.
For that reason, My children, may your consciousnesses and especially your hearts be awake and more attentive so that the doors to betrayal and to indifference among beings of the good not be opened.
I only ask that you have enough maturity and love to behave in an evolutionary manner, as souls that are within the path of brotherhood and of unity.
I do not wish to see any other Judas in this time with My eyes of a Mother.
Learn to forgive injustice and you will be able to be wise in spirit rather than in expertise.
Know that each one of the servants and of the consecrated of Christ, our Lord, is spiritually responsible for this Work, which is a miracle of infinite love of the Hierarchy, being able to gain results and thus be fulfilled.
Dear children, today I speak to you through My Aspect of faithfulness and of purity so that you believe that, in truth, it is necessary to protect the Work from yourselves.
Seek in each new decision the purpose of Higher Love and do not remain in the superficiality of things.
You were born to reach faithfulness in the end of times. This causes this Work to be purely true and transparent before humanity.
I wish that in this cycle of changes and of renovation, you may take steps towards a deeper unity, because this way, you will be protected in the desert, along with your Heavenly Mother, escaping from the claws of My adversary.
Evil does not know love and fears christic love. Evil does not know unity and fears the unity among souls which congregate in Christ.
Lastly, be merciful, and you will not lose discernment.
Love the divine and human decisions that are made, because if you accept without understanding, judging, or betraying the Work, you will have the same discernment that My beloved Son had during His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Do not challenge the adversary, be meek in all things and you will always achieve peace.
With My Spirit of Faithfulness, I ask you to unite with it so that you are not so unprotected.
The divine Work has not yet ended, and you are a part of a new story that is being written.
Meditate in humility, and My maternal words will resound in the depths.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
So that the human indifference towards higher life not cause humanity to lose the possibility of coming to know and experience this life, those who are awake must redouble their efforts, multiply their tasks and overcome their own limits, every day, so as to respond on behalf of those who ignore the celestial call.
In addition to their own purification and their own weight that they must endure in these times, the new apostles and disciples of Christ must withstand the purification of the planet and carry on their backs those burdens that others who had committed themselves to Christ do not want to bear.
In the Universe, the responsibility of the manifestation of the Plan of God was equally shared among those who committed themselves to render this service. But when they arrived on the planet, with veils over their eyes, their souls became confused, they forgot and remained asleep or imprisoned in their personal likings and in their ways of understanding this Plan.
Children, when a soul that had to fulfill a certain mission changes this mission to adjust it to their own will and their opinion, this, for the Plan, is considered an indifference towards the Truth of the Creator, even if they believe they are serving God.
There are many souls that had committed themselves to the Lord and that, throughout their experiences on Earth, fulfilled in part what God had asked them; but now, in the culminating moment of the Divine Plan, they have become lost in the strong influences of chaos and have cast aside fidelity, exchanging it for superficiality.
I tell you these things first for you to be attentive and always be guardians of the Divine Plan, and also for you to know that the Creator will count on you to fulfill that part of His Plan that was left behind due to human indifference.
May the love to the Plan in your hearts be greater than your self-love so that you can imitate the example of Christ and not only carry your own cross, but let God place upon it the weight of the indifference and ignorance of His Children so that they not become lost but rather have an opportunity to awaken.
The Creator counts on you, children, for a response and a greater responsibility. It is time to serve, to love, and to surrender to the Divine Plan.
Your father and companion on the Evolutionary Path,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Although it does not seem so, My Light defeats evil and so My Plan on Earth triumphs, in each open heart that listens to Me and receives at this hour the powerful flow of My Love, the one that will transform you completely and bring life, the spiritual life that exists in the Universes and forms part of each being, when he awakens to his truth.
This truth and this awakening tries to be infiltrated by My enemy. But the power of My Love defeats everything and he fears My Light and My Truth. When he faces it, he becomes confused and does not know what to do, because he does not know Love; he truly turned away from Love, the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
It is this Triune Love that brings you Eternal Life, renewal and peace for these times.
In this Holy Trinity you must keep your hearts and lives, within this triangle of light that represents the Holy Trinity; there you will be protected from all evil, you will help to protect your brothers and sisters and you will also help, dear companions, to remove the illusion of those asleep at this moment.
This worldwide illusion is created by My adversary all the time.
The souls are hypnotized and many believe in another spiritual life that is not the one I offer at this time.
My adversary confuses the souls and shows himself with splendor through a false light that blinds the hearts and makes them enter into confused paths, which lead them to separate from My Law.
For it is the Law of My Love that shows them the Truth.
If I gave My Life for you and I now give My Life for you, at this time, why follow other paths, companions? My adversary only wants to tempt you, he wants to separate you from My true Heart of Light.
Therefore, today I bring you a real example of this maximum fidelity, through two consciousnesses that gave their lives for Me, obeyed My instructions and followed My Steps with profound loyalty and humility.
They are Saint Teresita of Lisieux and Saint Teresa of Jesus, two examples for your lives that I present today at My Heavenly Altar. Two Masters of prayer, of the consecration and of the spiritual path, who can guide your steps if you only consecrate your hearts.
In all the Saints of the Universe who gave their life on Earth for Me, there is also the sacred example, the reverence, the true burning devotion.
In Saint Teresita of Lisieux you can find the example of humility, of real love for Baby Jesus and His true Heavenly Mastery.
In Saint Teresa of Jesus your will find your inner renewal, the consecrated life; each one on a different level of love and on their level of commitment to Me.
Saint Teresa of Jesus offers herself as your Instructor for this time, to guide the souls of the self-summoned, of those who are awakening at this time to the real Spiritual Consciousness of the Universe.
Today I recommend to you these two great consciousnesses because they have given a loyal testimony of My Word in the world and, most of all, of My Sacred Heart.
In both you will find the path to perfection.
All the paths that are full of love lead My Paths. This is what you should try to follow at this time and not be deceived by yourselves as the world is deceived.
Today I bring you this message, companions, because it is important that you grow in Truth.
Today I invite you to be humble, within the spiritual apostleship that I offer to all souls.
I only need you to pray with Me, that you adore the Son of God, because you will be adoring the Heavenly Father. That you contemplate this legacy that I hand you to be able to open your consciousness towards this path of redemption.
All souls are called to live on My path. The only path that I offer at this time is the path of love, that can unite you to your brothers and sisters, to all those who are around you, to all those who seek the truth, the truth of the heart.
It is this truth that will make you strong to remove from the consciousness all the lies, all illusion and all mistakes that My enemy articulates in secret behind each being; but whoever lives in My Heart and lives it truly, will not be fooled by him.
His time is approaching and My armies are preparing themselves for this.
You are called to enter into this spiritual command of the end of times and Armageddon, for you to prepare yourselves to experience the battle, a battle that is not known to the world, that was written by John, in the Apocalypse.
This hour is approaching; therefore, I invite you to adoration and prayer for you to be ready, firm and secure, in each decision you take in your lives. This will determine your destinies and the goal you will reach after it all happens.
Today especially, beloved children, I come to remove the veils of blindness for you to be able to see beyond this place and its consciousnesses, for you to be able to see the Heavenly Kingdom that is approaching, with all the splendor of the Divine Mercy, for the souls who need it the most.
My Heart suffers for the ungrateful, even more for those who hurt and wound the Heart of God. Only Love can repair it and the offering of each soul before the Heavenly Son.
If you are as you are, you must not fear being imperfect. I want to see you real, transparent and clean of heart. Because as much imperfection as is in the consciousness and in spite of each test not surpassed, My comfort is infinite to the one who truly calls for it.
I repeat: truth, because it is truth that you must live. It is the truth that makes the world lose itself, the truth that makes the souls lose themselves from their real purpose.
In truth there is peace, calm, quietness, inner strength, victory in each heart. It is this truth that I taught My apostles, that today I recall once more for each one of you.
It does not matter how many fail Me, what matters is how much they let Me live. In the living experience we might have together, brotherhood is built between Heaven and Earth, between God and His creatures and among their fellow beings.
So you will be free of yourselves and the sin will disappear from the world, from the beginning of Genesis to the present, since Adam and Eve committed the original sin. This can be erased from the history of the planet when the New Christs awaken.
Today, I unite My Hands in prayer to ask the Heavenly Father for strength for the weak, love for the hard at heart, faith for those who lost hope, healing for the sick, mercy for the ungrateful ones.
Today I come here to ask the Father for you and the world, because I need you at this acute hour on Earth, in which all is about to happen, beyond the capacity of each being.
When everything happens, there will be no return because everything is being fulfilled, as it is written.
Christ asks for a Bible.
On these paths that I invite you to travel, My Word, the Teaching and the Instruction is always there, moving all spirits to perform the Work of the Plan. If anybody does not fulfill it, it is not for lack of Word, Teaching or Instruction; it will be for inertia, disobedience or indifference.
In this way there are many souls in the world and even so, I send My Mother to Earth for Her Consoling Spirit to be the main force that moves the Universe, generating all possible Graces for those who do not deserve it.
You, companions, be deserving of this Heavenly Grace for the gifts that I handed you in the past to be at the service of My Heart, of My Redemptive Work.
In each step you take I accompany you.
In each breath you take My Spirit is present when the soul is really united to Me, and wants nothing for itself, only the good for the world, for the whole planet and Creation.
I invite you to live in fraternity. This will be your next step for the following months. To transcend the judgments, the indifference, the evils, the commentaries, the blasphemies and all the insults that the souls of the world are able to do.
If you search for the spirit of fraternity, you will only find it in My Merciful Heart, because My Heart is this great universal powerhouse that many consciousnesses use in the Universes.
If My Heart had not been offered on the Cross for you, in the present none of this would be possible.
I suffered the strongest pain in humanity through human indifference, negation and pride.
I come to banish from those who want to experience Me, all the patterns of evil that lead to the decadence of humanity, to war, to the division through times.
I come to build, in the solitary hearts, a new brotherhood for you to not feel lonely anymore and to count on each brother and sister of the journey.
That way, I can be among you when I do not come back anymore, because the time is approaching in which the world will purify itself and will see a reality it never wanted to see by itself.
I pray kneeling before My Father for all to be light at this crucial moment. Therefore I give you all these Graces.
Do not miss this moment with Me.
Make use of My Presence and do not think about when this all will end. That way you will not have understood what I am saying.
Even if I do not show Myself to everybody, I make Myself present in the peaceful hearts. Thus you have been able to see in this material life.
Many believe that there is nothing in this Book and that those who wrote it were retarded.
The apostles who followed Me had no spiritual nor mental instruction, but I taught them, as I teach you now, to write the Words of God through the heart.
Even if there are faults or little understanding for those who think they are wise, the true Presence of God, companions, is in the simple hearts, who write through their examples, who give witness of My Presence in these times, where light and peace are needed.
Here there are inexplicable codes. This belongs to My spiritual legacy and not to the beings who follow Me.
Men and women must follow My Commandments and not possess My Words.
This book, which was written with so much love, from the beginning of Genesis, shows a part of the Truth that has not been discovered yet by any theologian.
First, you must feel in your heart the message for it then to become real and to be fulfilled in each one of you.
I left you the basic Instruction for the times, the parables, which many still are not able to experience, even more so those who pronounce them in My Name.
I invite you to be simple, as the scripture of the heart is.
Because God manifests Himself on three planes of consciousness: in the spirit, in the mind and in the human.
Once more I leave this present from God. Although the Sacred Bible has been changed, do not get lost in details, but in the essence of the instruction that gives the spiritual Hierarchy to all souls in the world.
In each parable there is a superior key, a portal that can be opened in your consciousnesses. You will be invited, this way, to experience the different levels of love, as I taught you in the New Testament.
I place My Hands upon the Sacred Word of God so that when all is finished, nobody will have missed not even one enunciation of it.
May the instruction be revered and valued by the simple hearts, because there will be peace, in the knowledge of the heart that loves beyond what is thought, because the Word of God, the Word of the Hierarchy, is a living witness for the world, to reach the promise of the New Humanity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Jesus will pray with us at this moment and asks us to follow Him in silence and in union with Him.
Jesus Christ:
Deposit, Lord, Your merciful Teaching for those who have fallen.
Write Your new history in the impure hearts, for each soul to be able to purify itself and to find Your Peace and the maximum consolation of Your Heart.
Lord, do not look at the faults of the world.
Glimpse at the Power of Your Word, of Your Sacred Instruction in all those who hear it, while their hearts transform themselves in potent streams of light.
Through Your Word, Lord, You created all.
I was born from the Source of Your Heart, and so Your Divine Spirit appeared.
You created the Universes in seven days and you made things in Your likeness, in the great splendor of Your Love and of Your Infinite Life.
Constitute, Adonai, Your new Teachings in the world, and may the souls awake to Your Love, which is pronounced like the Living Word in all You have created.
Transfigure, Lord, all that has strayed from Your Path.
Make Yourself alive and present in those who have not heard You yet and who negate the Power of Your Word.
Beloved Father, Holy Lord of the Highest, Unique (One) Universal Source, You have taught us to pray with the heart and to implore Your Sacred Name for us to be able to live as Your worthy children, Your beloved creatures of this existence.
Erase from each hurt heart the blasphemies committed and all words that have hurt Your Heart in the great indifference of the world.
Revive Your Sources of Instruction as a divine inspiration for the consciousnesses.
May each soul find the path that will take them towards You, to be able to vivify You forever and ever.
Make Yourself present, Lord, in all those who cry out to You. Do not look at their faults but at the kindness with which they look at You to find Your Mercy.
Unite Your Powerful Heart to each being and remove the spiritual evil from each consciousness on Earth.
Regroup Your flock, Lord.
I am Your tireless Pastor that leads the souls to Your Heart for them not to get lost nor be unable to find You.
Lord, accept My Kindness and the offering of all Your children who pray to Your compassionate Heart to ask You for an opportunity,
I promise to take Your Kingdom to those who have transformed themselves, through Your Holy Word, in sacrifice and in love for the goodness of the whole Creation.
So let it be.
My prayers are not heard in the world. Who will open their heart to listen to what I say and will not think about what each one wants for himself?
Ask every day to your Master what He needs. The Plan is near you. Recall it so as not to lose sight of it.
Now I will consecrate you again for the third time so that in the coming times all that has happened here can bear fruit.
I do not want My pearls in the stables of the pigs.
Each light that I bring is precious for the souls that know how to revere it.
I bring you the food of the spirit and the hope for all the planet.
Trust Me and never close your hearts.
I will return to the world to end this horror that the whole Universe is seeing.
Our Silence brings strength, our Prayer brings constancy and our Word, Mercy.
In these elements, companions, I hand you My Life, My Forgiveness and My Love, until I return in the Glory of My Father.
And with all My angels I will come to call My flocks and I will give all those who followed Me the Eternal Life and Grace of being with Me forever.
I hand you My Heart, as a flame of life that will never be extinguished.
Today, I raise to My Heart all the intentions that have been offered to Me during these days.
Know that I love your souls more than your errors.
Look into My eyes whenever you need it and remain in Me, in My Arms, as John remained until the last hour of My surrender. This way you will also be consoling Me and pride will distance itself in order not to confuse your hearts anymore.
So I will hand you My Peace and My eternal Grace after this life.
Today I spend more time with you for you to engrave in your cells this moment with Me, because although the world rejects Me with all the faults it has committed, My Love will never fail, because I am your King, and I am the Path.
Go in peace. And for Me, be the peace wherever you go.
By the Grace of God, be blessed.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you Father for all that You give us!
In the name of My beloved Son, I bless you and give you the Grace of belonging, in these times, to the Plan of the Creator.
I open My arms and extend my Hands to you, so that My Rays of Forgiveness and Love fill your souls with the Spirit that sanctifies all forms and thus the colony of the new apostles of Christ may be established. It is they, just like the missionaries of peace in the Middle-East, that will see around them the human misery incarnated in the lives of the innocents and of those who suffer from the grievance of the wars.
It is through the silent apostles of Christ that it will be possible for a longer time of peace to be granted, when they devote themselves to the Plan of God, every day of their lives.
Dear children, while you walk towards transformation and sacrifice for the world, you will never be empty-handed, because you will always have the Spirit of Providence to give it, through works, to those who truly need spiritual help.
In these difficult days, you must reflect your sacred fidelity and your trust in everything you live, in gratitude to God for having allowed you to grow in consciousness and simplicity.
You will be able to help and serve the whole world, which suffers, when your hearts revere, day by day, the designs that descend upon you as a transforming Grace.
My support and My Light will always accompany you. I am the Universal Mother who understands and loves all, as My only purpose is that you imitate My Son, and that one day you may resemble the Christ of the poor, loving everything just as He did.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In the living Peace that emerges from the Heart of God, He blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, Mother of the Refugees
The art of loving and guarding the Plan of God
My dear children,
Today I come to you in love and reverence for your souls that try every day to remain faithful to My requests and united to My intentions.
Today I shelter you under My mantle of Light just as I protected the apostles of My Son after He rose to the Heavens. Just as in that time, today I want to instruct you on how those children of Mine learned the art of loving and guarding the Plan of God for this humanity.
First lesson.
Be always in gratitude for having received the Grace of participating consciously in the instructions of the Divine Messengers. This gratitude will keep you always united to Our Hearts.
Second lesson.
Be always attentive so that the minds with their thoughts manifest within evolutionary energies, sacred and reverent toward God, toward His whole Creation, and toward their own consciousnesses. Strive to reject dissonant thoughts and contrary to the Law of God, to other people, and to yourselves.
Third lesson.
Take note that your emotions and sensations are guided toward and intended for pleasing God, our Lord, full of devotion for His Work and of healthy happiness for His designs. Do not allow sadness and hopelessness to embrace your hearts. See in everything you experience the purpose of forging in you the true children of the Most High, strong and brave for facing any situation.
Fourth Lesson
Keep your souls in the full prayer of the heart. Keep the verb, the thought, and the feeling that emanate from spirit in every word, in every spoken sentence, with concentration, love for God, and joy for belonging to His Plan and for having been summoned to perform a sacred task.
Fifth lesson.
Place spiritual strength, the one that has brought you here and that keeps you always available in faith, in each moment, in each prayer, in each service, to concretize the Will of the Father. Always attentive to serve His Purpose in each moment.
Sixth lesson.
Keep always in the heart the intention of pleasing God and keep watch so that your feeling, that deep one, be genuine and does not claim benefits for the self. Have everything be because of and for the Lord and His Work.
Seventh lesson.
Remain faithful and be authentic. Do not deceive yourselves and become involved in appearances; give always the best you have in each action, in each service, and in each prayer.
If all of you are clear on these lessons in your inner beings, and they guide profound actions, thoughts, and feelings, you will be guardians and custodians of the Will of God for this race.
And when you pray and keep vigil with the Divine Messengers, in complete spiritual joy for living in the obedience that the Angels of Heaven live, you will be free of spirit, apostles of love, peacemakers and servers of the Son of the Creator, the Redeemer.
Children of Mine from Venezuela and of the whole world, I invite you to be guardians and custodians of the Plan of God for the Earth, guardians of evolution, faithful servers of the Creator and His Divine Work.
Keep vigil with Me during all the times that will come, and you will see the plans of Peace in this world materialize.
I love you and I summon you to concretize the evolutionary step of this race.
Thank you for being with Me today.
Mary, your Mother, Universal Feminine Consciousness
Today I have come to the world for the second time in Glory so that you may know it, so that you may come to know the power of My Grace.
Before your hearts is the Throne of God, happy are those who enter It with humility in their heart.
Now listen to My Words.
Two years ago, in this simple place, I asked you to gather in My Holy Name, to pray the Chaplet of My Divine Mercy for two days.
The souls that followed Me and the ones that did not follow Me gradually gathered together as My new flock to respond thus to My Requests.
Over the course of these months, your lives have come to know the powers of prayer, have found the real meaning of life in faith, and transmitted this spiritual invitation of brotherhood to those who did not know Jesus or His unfathomable Mercy.
Then, you were called to participate in a perfect and repairing union through My Blood. You prayed each of the beads of the Chaplet by My side and placed your hope in the merciful ocean of My Heart.
Later, companions, you opened the doors of your hearts and your homes to make Me known, but perhaps you did not find great results nor deep changes. But know, My prayerful ones, that because of your faithfulness, I was among your own, and so My Heart began to shine in the consciousness of everybody. You came to know the true life of the spirit and, later on, became aware of each one of your debts.
In these moments, My Heart was among you to help you walk in the sacred confirmation of My Christic Path.
You fell and you stood up, abandoned Me and sought Me, again and again. You died many times through My redemption and rose from the tomb of this unfaithful world.
You became My disciples, became consecrated, and took Me to your families, to your work and friends; you called everybody so that they would return to My Heart. And in this way, through your merciful prayer, you humbly glorified Me.
Now that today you are again before your Guide and Shepherd of Love, have you seen the sacred results of this eternal fusion with My Love? Yes, many have seen them and will continue to see them. In this way, you will set aside your roots and will get out of this eternal captivity that physical life represents.
And so, children of My Father, now more awake, you are invited to meditate on your lives, you are called by Me to turn your hearts into temples worthy of the Lord, because the sign of My Return, for tomorrow, August 5 of this definitive year, will be present before your eyes.
I Am the risen Christ. I Am the ascended Christ. I Am the merciful Christ, and now I Am your glorified King, Who comes before everything happens, to remind you that you must not forget God in these times nor His Plans, which each one must accomplish in light of the Divine Universe.
Dear companions, extend your arms toward Me and take in My meek and peace-bringing Heart.
I come through this Marathon of prayer to reveal the power of My Glory to you, which is the next step after My Divine Mercy.
I leave you My Peace and I give you Peace.
I will not look at your debts, but rather at all you will be able to offer me during these next days.
Happy are those who will enter the Kingdom of God, for He will be open to all over this holy place.
Take up your missions and you will thus always please Me.
I summon you to joy and peace.
Be in Me during these days.
Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.
I thank you for having come here, to the meeting with My unfathomable Heart.
The Glorified Christ Jesus, before you and the whole world.
Dear children,
The greatest expression of love is the acceptance and then the understanding of the Sacred Will of God, which manifests in a definite adherence to that Sacred Purpose, for which you were created in the image and likeness of the Father.
For this reason, children, in these times, to recognize the true Will and to experience it, will always place you on the right path, and, in this way, you will avoid suffering through your errors. But to recognize that Will and not experience it would be to allow yourself to be subjected to the models of life humanity built, distancing your lives from God, again and again.
Dear children, this is why I want you every day to copy the experience of My life, that which I lived in this world through obedience and fidelity, something that humanity has not yet firmly learned.
If you love obedience, the doors will open to lead you through new experiences and help you resolve that which through inertia you have not yet solved. Each indication the universe shows is unique. God expects you to experience His Will in a natural way, and that you not just go through His Will, but that you may understand there is a greater goal for each life.
The Father hopes to reflect His Divine Will in the life of all His creatures, but the freedom that characterizes everybody has fully demonstrated the abandonment and the choice that humanity has made for itself.
Thus, My children, be like your Heavenly Mother; let each one of you experience, understand and apply Divine Will as best as you can. Now, this will not be enough, because the urgency is great in this world, a world that goes through collapse after collapse because of its own wills, which lead to the loss of many souls.
Dear children, the coming times will be more demanding for everybody, regardless of the school you may be attending in this end cycle. Your sincere union with the great Purpose, without clauses or middle terms, will determine the world being able to receive the Infinite Grace it is so much in need of so as to not succumb.
Children, each of your hearts knows, in front of the universe, what it came to accomplish and does not want to escape from such an important mission, which you were lovingly called upon to live in this time.
Until the day comes when you, My children, become aware of what you are doing and by whom you are being guided, amongst so many millions of souls, up until that day, your Most Holy Mother will be praying and hoping for a specific position from you about the Plan of the whole universe.
This will allow you to mature, and if you do not awaken, it will make you come to a standstill in time. Heaven hopes to place its treasures in open hearts; if this has still not happened, it is because the Divinity is waiting for everyone to give a little more to this Plan and to this Divine Project, and that you set aside less space for your own plans.
The true server of God is one that lives based on the instruction and applies it regardless of the school you are attending.
The universe hopes to make you worthy of receiving the keys that will open the doors for the emergence of the new consciousness of humanity.
My children, the decision rests with you. We, your Messengers, are here to guide you and show you the best inner path.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who lifts you up to a true Awareness of the Thought of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Keep My Heart in your little heart. May this be a deep aspiration in your life.
Nourish yourself through My Love. May this be a permanent goal in order for you to find the Kingdom of God.
Seek the Light of My Heart so that it may be radiated in your life, renew your paths and overcome the actions of evil.
Let Me enter into your heart so that you may feel the true things that will make you understand what you have never understood before, and that will cause you to know what you have never known before.
For this, I need nothing from you, only your absolute fidelity in knowing that you are where you ought to be and that you experience what you ought to experience, just as the Father has thought of.
In order to recognize what I say to you, it is important to live and to listen with humility. Thus, the universes of wisdom and faith will fill your life and it will no longer be you who lives, but Christ who will simply works through you.
On this day, leave the spirit of work for the inner void. Those who are not empty of self will little understand the Will of God, because in truth they will not come to know it.
The armies form themselves in obedience to the commands and this is what builds the bases of the manifestation of the spiritual and Christic life.
Risk yourselves to be nothing and, in a short time, you will realize that you lost time in superficial matters, simply by controlling something that did not fulfill you.
Life and your lives belong to God and, in them, He can design new paths.
Be attentive to cultivate humility, thus you will also save yourselves from your mistakes and you will be true columns of the Plan.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who educates you in the spiritual science of the heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more