In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you for being here with Me today; because this place, where you are now, spiritually represents to Me a small Holy Land. And what is most wonderful in all this is being able to see that this Holy Land is formed by souls, by the hearts that faithfully respond to the Call, just as many of your brothers and sisters in the world or even within this Work faithfully respond to the Call of God.
Today I would like to linger, companions, on the Gaze of God upon this place, which was founded and conceived for the manifestation of the Plan of God on Earth. However, this place is spiritually alive, for the souls that participate in it, for the servers that self-summon every day, regardless of their life experiences.
The Gaze of God upon this place is special, it is a tender and peaceful Gaze, because He can see His Will reflected upon this place, although His Will is perhaps a little unknown to you and your brothers and sisters; a Supreme and Divine Will that is palpable in this material life, in the experience of this Light-Nucleus; a life that reflects itself through the Will, through what each heart fulfills before God every day.
This is also wonderful for Me, in the face of the difficult planetary situation, in which brothers confront one another, in which entire nations are destroyed by impunity, by the lack of love for others, by the lack of respect for human life itself.
Do you now understand why this place, to Me, is a wonder of God, as so many other places in this Work?
Can you appreciate, companions, the value of this and of the continuity of its expression on this surface?
An expression intimately united to the Retreats of Love, an inexhaustible source that impels you to live the Plan of God every day, even if you do not know how to begin from scratch. This is part of the Greatness of God, of His inexhaustible and inextinguishable Love.
Few are the places in the world, nowadays, that can live fidelity to God; but there is not a mystery in all this, because fidelity to God is sustained by transparency and ardent love for the Divine Will, which is the one that gestates and creates the pillars of the Work of Christ on Earth, through souls.
Without fidelity, transparency and ardent love for the Will of God, it would not be possible for the Hierarchy to work on the planet. This allows, in the face of the spiritual debt of humanity, for the Divine Hierarchy to intervene in these critical times. Because there are places like this, small Holy Lands, which attract God’s Will to themselves through untiring service for those who suffer and have to endure, service for all those who are under the human condition.
I would like for you, companions and friends of Mine, to contemplate and value, from now on, this place and other places of the Work with the same Gaze of God, the Gaze of tenderness and peace-making.
Because He, who is in His Kingdom and in His Glory, takes care, together with all His Children, of each step and each detail, even the most insignificant, so that souls may grow in love and justice, so that souls may learn every day to give of themselves a little more, and to come out of themselves to attain redemption.
Behold My little Holy Land, the new Holy Land of God, among so many other lands sanctified by the Eternal Father on this planet. God ardently wishes for such a Grace to multiply, because it is a Grace for humanity, even for those who would not deserve it, due to their errors or sins.
Then see how wonderful is God’s Mercy, infinite, inexhaustible and inextinguishable, Divine Mercy that can embrace all His Children, Divine Mercy that can congregate all souls, Divine Mercy that can heal all hearts.
I pray, together with the Eternal Father, for more Holy Lands to exist, just as I hope, in the innermost depths of My Heart, that this may happen in Africa, so that the truest and most authentic values of those who suffer may be recognized. If the Heart of the Master is moved with Love for His children of Africa, especially for the smallest and most innocent, could your hearts be moved?
What is there, beyond that which is apparently miserable?
God hides in the smallest and most innocent ones. Thus, God knocks down from the throne all those who say they are powerful, because His Love is present in those who are anonymous, in those who do not seek anything for themselves, in those who distance themselves from any recognition.
Will the world place its gaze, once and for all, on Africa, so that humanity may understand, once and for all, that from Africa the New Humanity will emerge? Why is it destroyed? Why is it colonized? Why is Africa abused?
There is no longer sensitivity in many hearts that go unpunished. However, I will fulfill My promise to return to Africa, just as it is written and just as it was written that I would be here with you today.
This is why I need, companions, that in the end of these critical times, you may place in your hearts and prayers the next Projects of Christ. Because while these Projects are not manifested and concretized, many souls continue to become lost and to be abducted into the fires of hell.
Do you now understand the importance of places and spaces blessed by Me, such as this small community that you express here?
All is being given to you, all is being allowed to you, and all will be requested from you, above all a true inner response that may justify the treasures that you are receiving, because the Grace of God is abundant.
He wants that Grace to multiply and expand in the world so that, through this Work, conceived for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the servers of Christ that confirm themselves in this time, this Work may reach very distant places of the planet.
Because I have told you once, companions, there will not be many who will serve Me in this end time. But those who serve Me in this end time, although they are few, will have to be truthful. Just as this truth, which has brought you to this present time since the first day that this sacred place, this point of Light for the Hierarchy, manifested itself.
With all gratitude, I would like to announce to you, with all reverence and with all inner aspiration, that I will place here some priests, so that they may sustain, together with your brothers and sisters, this new cycle of the Light-Nucleus, through its sacred task of the House of Saint Lazarus as well as the other projects in which you will participate in the coming times. Because the spiritual channel must be quite strengthened so as to encompass and embrace as many souls as possible, on this and on other planes, who, through the House of Saint Lazarus, will seek relief from suffering.
I want you to know that here, in this house consecrated to My Most Holy Mother, your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, in the deepest and most anonymous silence, finds a place of repose and relief.
It is time, companions, for you to perceive My Spiritual Presence here, and to know that I will never abandon you, but rather I will always impel you to fly with your own wings toward the dimensions and planes of consciousness where the Will of God must materialize on this surface.
As I have asked elsewhere in this Work, I wish for the Fountain of the Healing Christ here, the Unfathomable and Sacred Heart of Christ, so that those who cross the sacred door of this house may find My Water of Life, which will purify and cleanse them, relieve and renew them for the next service.
The water of the Fountain of the Healing Christ will be blessed not only for the Holy Sacrament of Baptism, but also for those who want to drink it or want to take it with them to bless their homes and families.
See, companions, how simple yet how profound is the Love of God, which hides in what is silent and anonymous, which distances itself from every wish to play the central role and exhibition. Because God is present in the life of the pilgrims, of the seekers of peace and good, of those who will work in these critical times so that the values of human dignity and fraternity and, above all, love, may not be dissolved from consciousnesses.
You will have two more days of meeting with Me in this sacred house. On the days that we still live of Lent, and of inner emptiness through your own deserts, I ask you to offer each task and each service in the name of the Lord. Also offer the days of the Marathon of prayer to My Sacred Heart.
My Gaze will be attentive to the actions of Mercy, so that the grave errors that are committed today in the world and through wars, may be dissolved, and a longer time of peace in the world may be granted.
For this reason, My friends, peace must begin first within you, by your taking care of your words, taking care of your gestures, taking care of your actions, taking care of your thoughts and feelings, taking care of your neighbor before you take care of yourselves.
Thus, fraternal charity, inspired throughout the times by many saints and blessed ones, will not be dissolved in the world, but will rather grant peace; and this fraternal charity will be reflected on faces with a beautiful smile for serving God. Thus, your own sufferings and agonies will dissolve, because the one who serves God becomes liberated from themselves forever.
Take into account all that which I tell you, and hold My Words in your hearts.
Once again I thank you for being here today.
Bless, Lord,
those who listen to Your Call.
Bless, Lord,
those who serve You untiringly.
Embrace, with Your Love,
those who invoke Your Name,
and guide the steps of the consistent.
May the wounds and grievances of hearts be healed,
for all the offenses
that they may have received throughout the times.
Glorify, Lord,
those who serve anonymously,
silence those who speak unjustly.
Because Your Power and Your Light will be in those who
always say ‘yes’ to you and do not step back,
because by surrendering their lives into Your Hands,
by surrendering their consciousnesses into Your Heart, Lord,
the time of consummation will be fulfilled,
just as Your Most Beloved Son fulfilled it when He expired on the Cross.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Through My Wounds, you have been healed. Through My flagellation, you have been liberated. Through My agony, you have been consecrated. Through each one of My sufferings, you have been redeemed.
But today, I cannot smile at the world, because the world is suffering at this moment, because many hearts in the world cannot achieve the merits of My Passion.
This is why I contemplate a desolate scenario, which I invite My apostles to go through, although you may believe that you will not be able to do it on your own. However, I came to this world to show you the way, I came to demonstrate to you the Sacred School of Christification.
For this reason, today I carry in My Hands the Book of God, in which some names have yet to apply for the School of Christification. And this, companions, is not something exclusively spiritual; it is something concrete, because everything changed after the last August 8, and your ears cannot listen to the Hierarchy the way you did until a short while ago.
The scenario of the planet will continue to change, and this will be the hour of My apostles, who will decidedly go where I need them, regardless of time and place. Remember, My Church on Earth is sustained by a very thin thread of Light, which is so fragile that it could break at any moment.
Do you understand now why many names are still missing in this Book?
My Project will be fulfilled with those who are willing to follow Me until the end. Because it will not be the multitudes that will redeem the planet; it will be the powerful invocation of the Supplicating Network of prayerful and honest souls that will paralyze the grave events that will come to the world, although in this time you may see a scenario of not only material, but also spiritual and moral destruction, because the language in this world is changing rapidly.
The smallest and most innocent souls, the children of these times, no longer learn what you learned in other times. Do you realize that the language of humanity has been distorted?
This is why, companions, it is important, first of all, to protect from yourselves the values that God taught to the sacred people of Israel. Without these values, humanity will not be able to rebuild itself.
Values and principles are the Gifts of God that humanity needs in this end time to know where to place its feet, a safe and protected place where it spiritually is not at risk or in danger.
This means that, with the few that respond to Me and obey Me, I will try to do something in this world, before My Return to humanity.
But today in truth I tell you that there is a part that you must assume, although it does not correspond to you, just as your Master and Lord assumed it in silence and obedience, without complaints.
Because this sacred spirit of fidelity and loyalty, which each human heart can express in this time, is the guarantee that the Spiritual Hierarchy will have in order to be able to intervene in humanity in these times of emergency.
I do not come to offer you a bed of roses. I come to offer you a path of challenges, goals, the path of the Purpose that all must keep in their hearts. Because humanity has not understood the Message of God. For this reason, efforts are necessary, an imperious determination to serve, and the untiring self-giving of each server.
I do not want you to fear what I tell you, because here today an attribute is fulfilled: “Only have a resting place, rather than a dwelling place.” For the dwelling of each companion of Mine is in the Heart of God, a place where you will always know and understand the mysteries of Creation, where you will always be placed to serve wherever and whenever necessary.
Now the moment has come for the time of the apostolate to be fulfilled. May this not only be a necessity, but also a reality that each one will be able to live according to how it corresponds to them, just as it is written in the Heart of God.
Therefore, embrace Divine Will, even if it seems impossible or unattainable; because when you embrace Divine Will, there will be no fears between you and God, rather there will be the concretion of His most ardent and profound Wishes for each one of His Children.
Thus, I come to prepare you for the next time, just as I prepared My apostles before My Ascension to the Heavens. Be very mindful, companions, that we are at this important moment. Therefore, ask yourselves if you are willing to live this moment, which I am presenting to you.
Will you be capable of going where I need you, under the conditions in which I need you, not holding on to any one place or task?
Because the souls that are of God do not have properties, nor do they have desires. The souls that are of God have the aspiration to serve Him and, in this end time, have the burning aspiration to prepare the Return of Christ. First, by purifying yourselves, so that the world may be purified of cruelty, indifference and wickedness.
I must still bear testimony, before My Father, of the Love I have given you throughout the times. For this Love, which I gave you in trust, My Sacred Love, which is the Love of God for all His Creatures, is the Love that I need to use at this moment, in the face of the emergency of the planet, so that, in remote and distant places, as well as in places that are near, the uncertain doors may be closed, which are submerging nations and peoples at this moment.
I need My Light to come through My apostles. Believe that this is possible, because I will take care of the purification of whoever trusts Me. But do not be afraid, no longer be hasty, because you have Grace and are blessed before My Father, you must not forget this.
Everything I do is not in vain. Everything I do has a Purpose, and My Purpose is the souls, My Purpose is to live in the hearts of the men and women of the Earth.
Therefore, what should you fear? If I have already foreseen everything, if I know the path of your souls, I already know about the destiny of your lives.
So that humanity may not destroy itself, I come to ask you for more. It is the only chance I have at the moment, in the face of the imbalance of the Laws on the planet.
This is the reason for the importance, at this moment, for the supplicating hearts, which may have, as a premise in this time, to supplicate and just supplicate, so that a child, or even a family, may not become martyrs, because of impunity.
This is why I offer you this Christic path, because you are now in the time to assume responsibility, and no longer be assumed by anyone. Because My Graces, throughout these times, have been abundant.
Now it is time to break the inertia of the planet, before it is too late. I do not want to see again the same as it was in Rwanda, that you lamented for not listening to the Mother of God.
Our fraternal closeness with you and with all of humanity comes to help, encourage you and impel you to continue, because there is a lot to do and you now have the tools to do it.
This is why I come to ask at the right place. I come to ask at the place where you do want to listen to Me, and you know that My time is precious at this moment, in the face of the emergencies of humanity, in the face of the imperative need for the values of human fraternity, respect, tolerance and peace not to disappear from the world.
I come to ask you, in this new Marathon of Divine Mercy, for a consistent vow of responsibility. This will define what the Hierarchy will be able to do, because you will do it on behalf of humanity, in the name of the disgraces of these times, which we can all see, and above all, you will do it on behalf of My Love, so that My Love may triumph in the world and especially where it is most needed.
Thus, just as I did with the holy apostles, I come to pour out upon you the Consoling Spirit, so that you may continue to walk towards the Purpose, always seeking a spiritual solution for this planetary situation.
I come to leave My Peace to you, and to encourage you so that this new Marathon of prayer may open the doors of the Heavens, touch the Heart of the Father so that He may pour out His Mercy, rather than His Justice, so that all may be, on this special occasion, under the Rays of My Mercy, of My Blood and of My Water.
May this new Marathon of Mercy be an offering, may the temple of the heart of each of My companions be open to receive Me and console Me. Because I come to seek, under this Fig Tree of Figueira, a place to rest and breathe deeply again, to continue together with those who may want to accompany Me in this time, in which redemption must be attained. This is My aspiration.
I thank you for the responses of those who attend to My appeal and were ready to serve Me.
Now, let us build, during these coming months, that which must reach humanity: the strength of hope and faith, so that healing may be established, so that peace may be infused in the world.
I thank you for being here with Me, for responding to the Aspirations of God.
In these times of sadness, never fail to smile at life, so that all may be repaired. The smile is the mirror of My apostles.
I thank you, and in this way, I absolve you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The angelic procession has arrived here together with Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us revere the Glorified Solar Christ and allow ourselves to be invaded by the Light of His Divinity, which comes today to show itself as the center of all Creation.
It is that Light that never died and that defeated darkness, and still defeats it throughout time.
Let us participate in this moment with the joy of preparing for His Return to humanity.
Let us allow ourselves to be guided by the Consciousness of the Solar Christ which, dressed as a great Sun, shows Himself to us with the Power of the Glory of the Father around Him.
Let us contemplate this silent but powerful Light that He offers to us. Let us reflect this Light of the Divinity of Christ in our heart so that this whole period, which we have lived with Him during these eight days, may be sealed as a powerful alliance between His Heart and us. Thankful for all the Graces received and for the merits He has shared through the instruction, let us contemplate the Glory of Our Lord in His face of the Solar Christ.
Let us feel how the whole Universe stops because of His Presence, before this Universal event that the Master brings to us and all of Creation.
In His Presence, let us remember all that we have experienced in these last seven days and all the revelations He brought for a single purpose, the redemption of humanity, the awakening of consciousnesses, the fulfillment of the commitment of each one of His companions.
We are grateful for all the experiences that He had us go through and for all the moments of love that He shared with each heart, renewing the life of those who have hope in His Name and awakening what is truest and purest in each human being.
So today, this afternoon, on this eighth day of instruction with Christ Jesus, the Solar Christ comes to ask us for our divinity, the very depths of our being, the true light that we are in the eyes of the Eternal Father, so that it may be in service to His Plan of Redemption and preparation for His Return to the world.
May our divinity be placed at the Feet of Our Lord, in the same way that today our souls again place themselves at the Feet of Christ, so that we may be filled by His spiritual and cosmic Light.
Let us recognize this moment as something unique in the history of humanity. Heaven touching Earth, God summoning His children through His beloved Son.
And we see Christ cry in gratitude for the fidelity of those who are consequent, for the prayers of the persevering, for the service of the untiring, for the sacrifice of the humble, for the unconditionality of the obedient, for those who love God and their brothers and sisters as Christ loves each one of us.
In our very depths, our beings receive the Solar Christ and commune with the most non-material aspect of the Father.
Today I come to bid farewell to the world because this will be My last year of instruction with you, after the Sacred Week is accomplished in the month of August.
I will no longer come, but My Spirit will be your fortitude, because I have given you everything and, through My companions, I have been able to accomplish the work of Mercy that should continue resounding throughout the world, through the complete sacrifice of your lives, until the time comes for you to enter into Heaven so as to enter the Paradise of God.
I say goodbye now so that you do not feel My absence. I would like to spend more time with you, but My new time is approaching. A moment in which humanity will be universally judged so that it may recognize its errors and amend them by means of the results of the change and the Mercy that I have given to each one of your lives.
But do not suffer because I cannot be here anymore, because I will find you through the Sacrament of the Eucharist. And when the end of My task with you is done, everything will happen.
But do not be afraid; My Mother will be with you. Her Love will protect you and will raise you from the ground when you have no strength, because Her Love is unconditional. This is why I gave you the best that My Life has: the Mother of God.
While I do not speak with you and I am in silence, I remember the meetings we have had over the last six years. I remember the strength of the faith of each one of My companions and the fidelity of those who hold the fulfillment of My Work, through the Sacraments and each meeting of prayer.
The Light of My Glory descends to Earth to bless those who will continue My Work in the world, under the spirit of the Church and of ecumenism.
In the same way that I sent the apostles, two by two, today I send all of you to testify to My Presence in all nations of the world. Let the Word of the Glorified Christ be heard in all languages so that the heart of those most in need resound with the same strength and Grace that has resounded in your hearts during these last years.
Everything has been consummated.
In the same way that I surrendered My Spirit into the Hands of the Father, today I surrender your spirits into the Hands of God, so that you may never forget all that I have left you, so that My spiritual design may be accomplished in each one of you.
Today I leave with My Heart full of the love and the gratitude of My companions, of those who have not been afraid of transformation, of those who have not been afraid of proclaiming their faith and their fidelity to Christ.
My spiritual and celestial Church embraces you, in the same way that it embraces the whole world today, so that healing may be established in humanity and on the whole planet, because My Love will never leave you.
My last messages will be the most definitive, from now until August.
With all that you have learned from My Word and from the strength of the Love of God, you must always erect My spiritual Church on the surface of the Earth so that each soul may be the living temple that I need in order to return and fulfill the Scriptures, as the Scriptures were fulfilled during My Birth.
Christ is now standing with His arms stretched out in a Cross like the Redeeming Christ and the Light of His Heart illuminates the world and everything that is in it, to seal this alliance with the Divine Plan.
If it were urgent and necessary for the world, I could come under extraordinary circumstances to you, so that you could be guided and always led along the path of Truth.
Although My task among you is now finishing, as it finished among the apostles, I could reappear to bring and deliver the last instructions, as determined by My Eternal Father.
Carry Light to the world so that the world, through the Light, may find the love and hope of being reborn to life, every day.
Children, companions and friends of Mine, consummating this work on the eighth day of Christic instruction for the whole world, in the fullness of the thanksgiving of the heart, let us together softly say the prayer that I taught you in Aramaic.
Our Father (in Aramaic).
Blessed are those who cry, for they will always be consoled.
Blessed are those who persevere, for they will always find the Kingdom of God.
Blessed are those who serve, for they will see God.
Blessed are those who sacrifice themselves for Me, for they will be with Me in Eternal Life.
Today I will give the Easter blessing after the blessing given by the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Today I am under the ambassador of Christ on Earth, because the disciples and servers of Christ will always be able to take greater steps in love than those I took.
May the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit accompany you and bless you so that you may be in My Peace.
Let us celebrate this Eucharist of Resurrection within the Celestial Church.
Today, all those consecrated that are present here, representing all the religious orders of the world, as well as all the priests that are present here today, representing all the priests of the world, will come up here on the stage so that together we may experience the consecration of the Body and of the Blood of Christ.
"Father, You know that humanity has always been mistaken, but you also know about all those who have heard My Call and have responded to My Will. At this crucial hour of the planet, use all the surrenders and sacrifices of Your children, of those who never gave up nor desisted from fulfilling My Will."
"This is the greatest offering that My Heart makes to You on this day, so that your Grace, Your Love and your spiritual abundance may descend, and thus everything can be renewed. Amen."
Today I am with the apostles of the end times, and in the same way that I celebrated the Eucharist with My apostles after the Resurrection, today I come to celebrate this spiritual Communion with you, so that your consciousnesses may always be renewed.
Thus, I again take the bread, and offering it to God so that it may be transubstantiated, I give it to you, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which was given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
I offer the Father the Chalice of redemption and renewal, so that the wine may be transubstantiated into the precious Blood of Christ, and I again give you this Chalice, saying: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant between souls and God, the Blood that was shed for humankind for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
In union with the Most Holy Trinity, for all the Graces and merits received, as a triumph of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus and for the urgent and necessary healing of humanity, let us say the prayer that Christ taught us, to consummate this spiritual and inner alliance and consecration.
Our Father (in Spanish).
Our Father (in English).
May the Peace and the Love of Christ descend to Earth.
We thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We are in adoration before the Son of God, that today presents and shows us His Eucharistic Heart more radiant than a sun and hundreds of rays of the Universe.
The center of His Chest, the center of His Essence, is the Eucharistic Heart that brings us peace and renewal, healing and reconciliation with God.
Let us bow.
And on His Hands, Feet and Side, His five main Wounds, not of sorrow but of Light, of Mercy; Wounds of Grace, radiance and illumination in the spiritual life.
At His Feet, two reliquaries which the angels who accompany Him bear: the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as a spiritual teraphim, and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, as a paternal teraphim and a gift of humility for souls.
These Hearts join the center of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, and Heaven on Earth is established.
Let us now listen to seven strikes of a bell, at His request, in the face of this revelation.
You are part of what I am, and I would never think otherwise, because God created us equal and very similar to Him.
What you go through and experience is an eradication of your human aspects; it is dying to be born again, as many times as necessary.
Therefore, do not worry, do not be distressed, do not feel fearful or lonely, because what you are experiencing is perfect for God. He needs it this way, even though sometimes you do not comprehend it nor understand it.
Therefore, remain in My equality because you will enter into My harmony and balance, and you will never lose faith. No darkness or any storm will eradicate your faith and it will never be dissolved, when you hold yourself firm in Me.
I build unknown paths and your paths are My paths when you accept living My Will, however unknown it may seem, however unreachable it may seem. My Will, which is the Will of My Father, will always place you on the safe path.
I will never come to ask you for impossible things because I know you will not give them to Me. I come to ask you for simple things, what is born from the heart which will never be extinguished, that nothing will dissolve.
I come to ask you for your human love and faithfulness to Me, so that you may transform, learn to redeem yourself and to sublimate your consciousness day by day.
I do not need to build castles for kings in your life, nor illusions for your personality. Through My Will, I come to build what is true; and what is true comes from the simple, the simple comes from what is humble, and humility is peaceful, does not get troubled, does not feel daunted or confused.
Spiritual life is simple, as is your contact with God. But it will depend on you, My child, that you cultivate this contact day by day, with a great faith, with an unquenchable faith, with a faith that never causes you to doubt what you experience.
But be careful, because your choice could place you on another path. And which is the real path for you? Have you ever asked yourself?
I asked the same thing to My apostles: what is it to live the truth and be in it all the time?
If you walk by My side, even though you do not feel Me nor perceive Me, even if you are in the greatest solitude or crossing the greatest desert, would you believe and trust in Me?
I will always give you what you need, at the appropriate time, because all My precious pearls and treasures were greatly wasted by humankind over the course of time. Now is the time to overcome and to triumph through an absolute surrender which you will achieve step by step; through an absolute faithfulness which you will achieve step by step.
I do not come to ask you for what is impossible for you, because I would make you waste a lot of time. I come to ask you for what is true, for what God placed within your being and in your heart. Of that I avail Myself all the time to accomplish My Work on the planet and I give you the example of My Eucharistic Heart, of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, and of the Heart of Saint Joseph as true testimonies, as an example of the love for God, of a faithful love, of a constructive and sublime love that only had the intention of being experienced and shared with all.
I know that you will sometimes experience lessons that you will not understand or accept and that your inner world will shift, your consciousness will be purified, and you will once again face a test. But tests exist not to have the souls of God suffer, rather so they may learn to overcome duality. Because when many more learn to overcome duality, evil will be overcome and the light and love in the world will triumph, because the root of indifference will not be in your consciousness and you will learn to obey unconditionally, even in the smallest details, blindly following the guidelines that come from Heaven and the Hierarchy. Because you do not know the future nor do you deeply know your past. You only live the present and what is around you day after day.
Thus, I am a Source in the revelation of many mysteries of your consciousness.
I do not come seeking what strengthens your ego or your personality. I come to free you from the chains of illusion. And to be able to free you from these chains and from those illusions, you must go through what I once went through here on Earth, for in that way, you will be able to live God and understand, beyond appearances, all the mysteries.
This school of the planet that is called Earth, in which there are many souls, could be more useful and beneficial for all. But it has become a school of much suffering, due to the roots of indifference, of disobedience, and the lack of charity.
But if you believe in Me, you will never stray from My path nor My steps, because however much may happen to you or however much you may experience in difficult moments, the flame of your heart will never go out, because today I have been able to witness through the song of your voice and the praise to the Eternal Father that the Love of God exists in the heart of His children. It is that love that I come to seek in hearts, a trustworthy love and a faithful love. I do not come to seek a perfect love, but rather an imperfect love. I come to seek your poorest love so that it may be transformed, so that this love may also be redeemed, in you, and so that this love may reach the whole world in the same way I give you My Love.
In My Words is the Love of God. In My Presence is the Love of God. In My breathing is the Love of God. In My gaze is the Love of God. In My Essence is the Love of God. And where I am, the Love of the Father is, and if you are in Me, My Father will be in you and you will be in the Love of My Father.
This is the most urgent thing I need at this time so that the stars of the Universe do not fall upon the nations of the Earth and the elements of Nature do not show their rage and pain because humankind did not understand the message of Creation.
I come to intervene in all those things. I come to ask the world to awaken to love and to shut the door to indifference.
But for that to be possible, companions, you must begin living it in yourselves daily, in the lessons of life, in your families, in your work, because in this way, the world and the human consciousness will be transformed.
I no longer need the resistance of humankind, the suffering of hearts, the agony of souls.
Through the Love of God, I come to bring you the Kingdom of the Celestial Father, because I know that you will need it for these times and for all that will unexpectedly come.
While I am here, I work with other aspects of your consciousness, with those aspects that are hidden and can only be seen with the eyes of the heart.
I come to transform human misery into Mercy. I come to raise your hearts to God, to thus be able to raise the whole of humanity, those who suffer and endure, those who are alone and ill, forgotten and abandoned in many places of the world.
I come to offer you a sacrifice in the name of Love, so that Love may be present in humanity and in the hearts, so that the Love of God may stop wars and human conflicts, so that the Love of God may quench the thirst of many consciousnesses and remove many hearts from darkness.
That is why I come to offer you something you have not yet experienced. You are faced with the opportunity of crossing the Portal of the Universe so as to again confirm your life in Me, and so that My Life may be in your life and in each moment of your inner story.
As a sample of this immeasurable and divine Love, at this moment, where souls are facing God through the Hearts of Mary, of Christ, and of Saint Joseph, I will offer the transubstantiation and consecration of the elements so that the offended Heart of the Son, the First-born and Only-Begotten Son of the Celestial Father, may be relieved and consoled by the men and women of the Earth; and so that today I could not only be with you here, in Argentina, preparing you for the next stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace, but also, at this moment, in omnipresence and in omnipotence, I could reach the most distant corners of the Earth, where poverty and material misery are expressed, where disease is stronger than healing; where the fear and the terror of wars have caused faith to succumb in great deserts.
I come to make the flame of the essence and of faith emerge from hearts, so that it may reign and be established beyond the nations and the continents, so that this faith may unite you with the Universe of God.
And beyond all adversity, cruelty, or indifference, never tire of smiling at God, never tire of loving God and of carrying this love to your brothers and sisters; because if you love, even though you are imperfect, you love with the Love of My Heart and of My Life; in this way, the world will be converted, the punishment will stop, Divine Justice will not come, and the stars of the Cosmos will not move, showing their strength and power like no one has ever seen before, because you will have responded according to the request of My Heart and of My Consciousness, through this day of reparation to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus.
Thus, in the name of the Will of God, I come to ask that all souls of the world, all those who request it as well as those who do not request it, may receive the book of My Poems of the devotion of a soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, because in the most definitive hours, in which you will find yourselves before God and facing unimaginable things that will be seen throughout the world, you will withdraw into your rooms, light a candle and, in the name of your Guardian Angels, you will pray these poems so that the Divine Grace and the Mercy of the Father
may sustain this planet and mainly, all of your inner worlds.
Because when I am no longer with you, as I am with you today, your fortitude will not only be My Heart but also all the words that I have said to you.
Within the Poems lies the key of your transformation.
I will be grateful if this is delivered as soon as possible and propagated throughout the whole world, in all possible languages, as a way for the hearts of the world to repair the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus.
You are already within My Celestial Church and your essences are standing before the Celestial Father, contemplating His Altars and His powerful Throne of Light, which was seen by many patriarchs and prophets and by the very Mother of God and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, as well as by all those servers who in My name, throughout the ages, served the Work of God on the surface of the Earth, witnessing to My Presence and My Word, presenting an example of charity and of good in the whole world.
Under this spiritual and inner condition, raise your hearts to God.
We stand up.
And in the light of everything I have told you up to now, carrying out an inner confession of My Heart with each one of you, receive each one of My Words as a revelation of the Truth and of the feeling of God for these times, knowing that it will be very necessary and urgent to work every day in the reparation of the mistakes that humanity commits, so that the millions of souls, which are in the illusion of the world and in the superficiality of life, may have the grace, just as you have had, of being able to listen to God through His beloved Son, of being able to receive the Presence of God through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph, so that many more consciousnesses may be touched by the very Hand of the Eternal Father in the depths of their hearts, just as your inner places were.
Therefore, I ask you to value and give credit to My Words because you will need them when everything is unleashed.
"Just like at Your Altars, Eternal Father, where the incense emanates the holiness and service of the angels of the Universe, let this incense that is offered today at the doors of Your Celestial Church not only dissipate the darkness and evil from hearts, but let it bring the strength of faith, of renewal and hope to those who hear Your call. So be it."
"With this same water, Father, You sanctified and baptized Me in the River Jordan. You have created the element of water to demonstrate the beauty of Your Love in the oceans and in the seas of the world, so that Your children may be purified and bathe themselves in the chastity and in the purity of this same element. In the same way that I was baptized in the River Jordan, may this water today scatter Your Grace throughout the world. Amen."
Today I will wash your hands and consciousnesses in the same way I washed the hands, the feet, and the heads of My apostles; because not only Peter washed his head with the help of His Master and Lord, but also the other apostles were washed and purified as you are today. May this washing and purification renew you, and may you believe forever that for God nothing is impossible.
From these four trays which contain the elements for the consecration, today I will only represent the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit with three of them, so that the infinite and unquenchable Alliance of God with hearts may be fused.
Our Lord invites those who are able, to kneel down for the consecration.
This is the wine which represents the effort of humankind to work the land, to plant and cultivate it so it may give its fruits to all the children of God and so that all may be spiritually satiated.
This is the water that not only baptizes you but also purifies you. This is the water that flowed out from My Side, together with My Blood, when I was on the Cross, to scatter not only Mercy throughout the world, but also the justification before all the errors committed.
Lord, today I again take up the bread before Your children. By the profound Love that springs from Your Heart, we remember and affirm the sacrifice of Your Beloved Son, when He raised it up and Your Holy Spirit blessed it. I gave it to the apostles and the Flame of Your Love was ignited in their hearts, and in all those who avail themselves of this glorious Sacrament, and I said to them: "Take and all eat of It because this is My Living Body, which will be surrendered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. "
And when the angels struck three strokes of the bell, the bread was changed into the Body of Christ.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
I then took the Chalice and Your Spirit of Love blessed it, I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink of It because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the forgiveness of sins. Never forget to do this in remembrance of Me."
And upon hearing three strokes of the bell, the wine was changed into the precious Blood of Christ.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
Prayer: Our Father.
And upon hearing seven strokes of the bell, the surrender and the sacrifice of Christ was absolutely consummated through the institution of the Eucharist.
The Body and Blood of Christ, which give us Eternal Life.
May be happy, My companions, those who avail themselves of this glorious and blessed Sacrament, adored and honored in the heavens and on Earth by all consciousnesses for the fulfillment of the Plan of God in humanity and in Argentina. Amen.
To live the school of My Love, I invite you to love one another all the time. That rule, which I presented a long time ago, is still alive and I need you to use it and practice it every day.
You may stand up.
And with your hand over your heart, you will confirm yourself to God, through the Son of the Father, to love every day a little more and better, just as I love you, because the Love that comes from My Heart is an eternal Love. You will take the risk and feel encouraged every day to love as I love you and to put love first in the face of any difficulty or test, because if you trust in My Love, in My Love you will overcome all things.
May this Love expand in the world and ignite the suns on the Earth, so that the divine and universal Life may become flesh in all beings, be aware, and awaken the mission of each consciousness, so that the Love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit may triumph.
And in the name of that Love that will always lead you to peace, may peace be in you and in all places in the name of love.
For love to overcome indifference, you may give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you!
Although it does not seem so, My Light defeats evil and so My Plan on Earth triumphs, in each open heart that listens to Me and receives at this hour the powerful flow of My Love, the one that will transform you completely and bring life, the spiritual life that exists in the Universes and forms part of each being, when he awakens to his truth.
This truth and this awakening tries to be infiltrated by My enemy. But the power of My Love defeats everything and he fears My Light and My Truth. When he faces it, he becomes confused and does not know what to do, because he does not know Love; he truly turned away from Love, the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
It is this Triune Love that brings you Eternal Life, renewal and peace for these times.
In this Holy Trinity you must keep your hearts and lives, within this triangle of light that represents the Holy Trinity; there you will be protected from all evil, you will help to protect your brothers and sisters and you will also help, dear companions, to remove the illusion of those asleep at this moment.
This worldwide illusion is created by My adversary all the time.
The souls are hypnotized and many believe in another spiritual life that is not the one I offer at this time.
My adversary confuses the souls and shows himself with splendor through a false light that blinds the hearts and makes them enter into confused paths, which lead them to separate from My Law.
For it is the Law of My Love that shows them the Truth.
If I gave My Life for you and I now give My Life for you, at this time, why follow other paths, companions? My adversary only wants to tempt you, he wants to separate you from My true Heart of Light.
Therefore, today I bring you a real example of this maximum fidelity, through two consciousnesses that gave their lives for Me, obeyed My instructions and followed My Steps with profound loyalty and humility.
They are Saint Teresita of Lisieux and Saint Teresa of Jesus, two examples for your lives that I present today at My Heavenly Altar. Two Masters of prayer, of the consecration and of the spiritual path, who can guide your steps if you only consecrate your hearts.
In all the Saints of the Universe who gave their life on Earth for Me, there is also the sacred example, the reverence, the true burning devotion.
In Saint Teresita of Lisieux you can find the example of humility, of real love for Baby Jesus and His true Heavenly Mastery.
In Saint Teresa of Jesus your will find your inner renewal, the consecrated life; each one on a different level of love and on their level of commitment to Me.
Saint Teresa of Jesus offers herself as your Instructor for this time, to guide the souls of the self-summoned, of those who are awakening at this time to the real Spiritual Consciousness of the Universe.
Today I recommend to you these two great consciousnesses because they have given a loyal testimony of My Word in the world and, most of all, of My Sacred Heart.
In both you will find the path to perfection.
All the paths that are full of love lead My Paths. This is what you should try to follow at this time and not be deceived by yourselves as the world is deceived.
Today I bring you this message, companions, because it is important that you grow in Truth.
Today I invite you to be humble, within the spiritual apostleship that I offer to all souls.
I only need you to pray with Me, that you adore the Son of God, because you will be adoring the Heavenly Father. That you contemplate this legacy that I hand you to be able to open your consciousness towards this path of redemption.
All souls are called to live on My path. The only path that I offer at this time is the path of love, that can unite you to your brothers and sisters, to all those who are around you, to all those who seek the truth, the truth of the heart.
It is this truth that will make you strong to remove from the consciousness all the lies, all illusion and all mistakes that My enemy articulates in secret behind each being; but whoever lives in My Heart and lives it truly, will not be fooled by him.
His time is approaching and My armies are preparing themselves for this.
You are called to enter into this spiritual command of the end of times and Armageddon, for you to prepare yourselves to experience the battle, a battle that is not known to the world, that was written by John, in the Apocalypse.
This hour is approaching; therefore, I invite you to adoration and prayer for you to be ready, firm and secure, in each decision you take in your lives. This will determine your destinies and the goal you will reach after it all happens.
Today especially, beloved children, I come to remove the veils of blindness for you to be able to see beyond this place and its consciousnesses, for you to be able to see the Heavenly Kingdom that is approaching, with all the splendor of the Divine Mercy, for the souls who need it the most.
My Heart suffers for the ungrateful, even more for those who hurt and wound the Heart of God. Only Love can repair it and the offering of each soul before the Heavenly Son.
If you are as you are, you must not fear being imperfect. I want to see you real, transparent and clean of heart. Because as much imperfection as is in the consciousness and in spite of each test not surpassed, My comfort is infinite to the one who truly calls for it.
I repeat: truth, because it is truth that you must live. It is the truth that makes the world lose itself, the truth that makes the souls lose themselves from their real purpose.
In truth there is peace, calm, quietness, inner strength, victory in each heart. It is this truth that I taught My apostles, that today I recall once more for each one of you.
It does not matter how many fail Me, what matters is how much they let Me live. In the living experience we might have together, brotherhood is built between Heaven and Earth, between God and His creatures and among their fellow beings.
So you will be free of yourselves and the sin will disappear from the world, from the beginning of Genesis to the present, since Adam and Eve committed the original sin. This can be erased from the history of the planet when the New Christs awaken.
Today, I unite My Hands in prayer to ask the Heavenly Father for strength for the weak, love for the hard at heart, faith for those who lost hope, healing for the sick, mercy for the ungrateful ones.
Today I come here to ask the Father for you and the world, because I need you at this acute hour on Earth, in which all is about to happen, beyond the capacity of each being.
When everything happens, there will be no return because everything is being fulfilled, as it is written.
Christ asks for a Bible.
On these paths that I invite you to travel, My Word, the Teaching and the Instruction is always there, moving all spirits to perform the Work of the Plan. If anybody does not fulfill it, it is not for lack of Word, Teaching or Instruction; it will be for inertia, disobedience or indifference.
In this way there are many souls in the world and even so, I send My Mother to Earth for Her Consoling Spirit to be the main force that moves the Universe, generating all possible Graces for those who do not deserve it.
You, companions, be deserving of this Heavenly Grace for the gifts that I handed you in the past to be at the service of My Heart, of My Redemptive Work.
In each step you take I accompany you.
In each breath you take My Spirit is present when the soul is really united to Me, and wants nothing for itself, only the good for the world, for the whole planet and Creation.
I invite you to live in fraternity. This will be your next step for the following months. To transcend the judgments, the indifference, the evils, the commentaries, the blasphemies and all the insults that the souls of the world are able to do.
If you search for the spirit of fraternity, you will only find it in My Merciful Heart, because My Heart is this great universal powerhouse that many consciousnesses use in the Universes.
If My Heart had not been offered on the Cross for you, in the present none of this would be possible.
I suffered the strongest pain in humanity through human indifference, negation and pride.
I come to banish from those who want to experience Me, all the patterns of evil that lead to the decadence of humanity, to war, to the division through times.
I come to build, in the solitary hearts, a new brotherhood for you to not feel lonely anymore and to count on each brother and sister of the journey.
That way, I can be among you when I do not come back anymore, because the time is approaching in which the world will purify itself and will see a reality it never wanted to see by itself.
I pray kneeling before My Father for all to be light at this crucial moment. Therefore I give you all these Graces.
Do not miss this moment with Me.
Make use of My Presence and do not think about when this all will end. That way you will not have understood what I am saying.
Even if I do not show Myself to everybody, I make Myself present in the peaceful hearts. Thus you have been able to see in this material life.
Many believe that there is nothing in this Book and that those who wrote it were retarded.
The apostles who followed Me had no spiritual nor mental instruction, but I taught them, as I teach you now, to write the Words of God through the heart.
Even if there are faults or little understanding for those who think they are wise, the true Presence of God, companions, is in the simple hearts, who write through their examples, who give witness of My Presence in these times, where light and peace are needed.
Here there are inexplicable codes. This belongs to My spiritual legacy and not to the beings who follow Me.
Men and women must follow My Commandments and not possess My Words.
This book, which was written with so much love, from the beginning of Genesis, shows a part of the Truth that has not been discovered yet by any theologian.
First, you must feel in your heart the message for it then to become real and to be fulfilled in each one of you.
I left you the basic Instruction for the times, the parables, which many still are not able to experience, even more so those who pronounce them in My Name.
I invite you to be simple, as the scripture of the heart is.
Because God manifests Himself on three planes of consciousness: in the spirit, in the mind and in the human.
Once more I leave this present from God. Although the Sacred Bible has been changed, do not get lost in details, but in the essence of the instruction that gives the spiritual Hierarchy to all souls in the world.
In each parable there is a superior key, a portal that can be opened in your consciousnesses. You will be invited, this way, to experience the different levels of love, as I taught you in the New Testament.
I place My Hands upon the Sacred Word of God so that when all is finished, nobody will have missed not even one enunciation of it.
May the instruction be revered and valued by the simple hearts, because there will be peace, in the knowledge of the heart that loves beyond what is thought, because the Word of God, the Word of the Hierarchy, is a living witness for the world, to reach the promise of the New Humanity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Jesus will pray with us at this moment and asks us to follow Him in silence and in union with Him.
Jesus Christ:
Deposit, Lord, Your merciful Teaching for those who have fallen.
Write Your new history in the impure hearts, for each soul to be able to purify itself and to find Your Peace and the maximum consolation of Your Heart.
Lord, do not look at the faults of the world.
Glimpse at the Power of Your Word, of Your Sacred Instruction in all those who hear it, while their hearts transform themselves in potent streams of light.
Through Your Word, Lord, You created all.
I was born from the Source of Your Heart, and so Your Divine Spirit appeared.
You created the Universes in seven days and you made things in Your likeness, in the great splendor of Your Love and of Your Infinite Life.
Constitute, Adonai, Your new Teachings in the world, and may the souls awake to Your Love, which is pronounced like the Living Word in all You have created.
Transfigure, Lord, all that has strayed from Your Path.
Make Yourself alive and present in those who have not heard You yet and who negate the Power of Your Word.
Beloved Father, Holy Lord of the Highest, Unique (One) Universal Source, You have taught us to pray with the heart and to implore Your Sacred Name for us to be able to live as Your worthy children, Your beloved creatures of this existence.
Erase from each hurt heart the blasphemies committed and all words that have hurt Your Heart in the great indifference of the world.
Revive Your Sources of Instruction as a divine inspiration for the consciousnesses.
May each soul find the path that will take them towards You, to be able to vivify You forever and ever.
Make Yourself present, Lord, in all those who cry out to You. Do not look at their faults but at the kindness with which they look at You to find Your Mercy.
Unite Your Powerful Heart to each being and remove the spiritual evil from each consciousness on Earth.
Regroup Your flock, Lord.
I am Your tireless Pastor that leads the souls to Your Heart for them not to get lost nor be unable to find You.
Lord, accept My Kindness and the offering of all Your children who pray to Your compassionate Heart to ask You for an opportunity,
I promise to take Your Kingdom to those who have transformed themselves, through Your Holy Word, in sacrifice and in love for the goodness of the whole Creation.
So let it be.
My prayers are not heard in the world. Who will open their heart to listen to what I say and will not think about what each one wants for himself?
Ask every day to your Master what He needs. The Plan is near you. Recall it so as not to lose sight of it.
Now I will consecrate you again for the third time so that in the coming times all that has happened here can bear fruit.
I do not want My pearls in the stables of the pigs.
Each light that I bring is precious for the souls that know how to revere it.
I bring you the food of the spirit and the hope for all the planet.
Trust Me and never close your hearts.
I will return to the world to end this horror that the whole Universe is seeing.
Our Silence brings strength, our Prayer brings constancy and our Word, Mercy.
In these elements, companions, I hand you My Life, My Forgiveness and My Love, until I return in the Glory of My Father.
And with all My angels I will come to call My flocks and I will give all those who followed Me the Eternal Life and Grace of being with Me forever.
I hand you My Heart, as a flame of life that will never be extinguished.
Today, I raise to My Heart all the intentions that have been offered to Me during these days.
Know that I love your souls more than your errors.
Look into My eyes whenever you need it and remain in Me, in My Arms, as John remained until the last hour of My surrender. This way you will also be consoling Me and pride will distance itself in order not to confuse your hearts anymore.
So I will hand you My Peace and My eternal Grace after this life.
Today I spend more time with you for you to engrave in your cells this moment with Me, because although the world rejects Me with all the faults it has committed, My Love will never fail, because I am your King, and I am the Path.
Go in peace. And for Me, be the peace wherever you go.
By the Grace of God, be blessed.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you Father for all that You give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more