When you need to return to the beginning of the Whole, to your origin, contemplate the starry sky at night and ask: Father, where am I from? Thus, you will be opening your heart to awaken to the knowledge of your existence.
Open yourself without fear, so that one day you may know where you come from and why you are here on this planet, because you must recognize that true life is not material, but immaterial.
But if you ask where your inner origin comes from, you should know, My child, that knowing this will commit you to being responsible and mature, for your evolution and awakening.
Therefore, I invite you to risk knowing who you really are, and allow your soul to be released from the material prison, which does not allow it to be what it has come to be here on Earth.
I am not talking about looking for achievements, but rather about knowing, in order to grow and better serve the Plan of God; because the Celestial Father needs His children to be awake and to abandon the illusion and pleasures of material life.
Thus, knowing who you are and placing yourself to serve, you will not fear death, because you will know that the spirit does not die but reintegrates into the dynamic universal life.
Be patient, but also be humble. Persevere every day in the ardent aspiration that your consciousness may rise to expand, only so that you become more aware, responsible and surrendered to Higher Life.
You have My support and blessing to begin this sacred path towards the return to Higher Existence.
Go ahead!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Love is in an arduous battle with indifference. While only a few hearts are sensitized, the majority become indifferent, and ignorance embraces them.
Love tries to rescue the consciousnesses of those who omit the truth in order to lead them into an awakening of consciousness. On the other hand, indifference is like an imperceptible poison that permeates the human mind and separates it from reality.
It is a struggle without end, but everything will depend on the state of consciousness in which the human being will decide to remain.
In this subtle battle, everything is allowed and, even further, hearts will have to make an inner effort to be sensitized and not become trapped by the indifference that blinds the human consciousness.
This struggle will define the next cycle, whether humanity will evolve or stagnate. All the tools and warnings have been given.
Many thought that Divine Grace would continue nourishing people without them making the slightest effort. But the time and the response are now. Thus, what My Son once said will be fulfilled again: "by their fruits, you will know them."
Let arrogance, pride and the lack of humility be dissolved within your consciousnesses so that, when the great day comes, nothing will surprise you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
Since the beginning of your lives, during the manifestation of your essences in the Universe, the Purpose of God and His perfect Thought have been drawn for each one of you.
Each being of this Earth, and even beyond it, has a unique mission designed by God so that through their fulfillments not only the Plan of their Creator may be fulfilled, but His vast Creation, from cycle to cycle, can be recreated and renewed, based upon new and greater degrees of Love.
Each essence bears within itself a unique gift of the Spirit of God, a virtue that makes it unique in Creation and special for God, with its place kept in His Sacred Heart.
This virtue is like a musical note within a great celestial melody. Without it, the melody would not be complete. This note is in the chord that corresponds to it, with other notes that complement it; this note is in the perfect melody, in the perfect tempo so that, upon sounding its tone, a new door may open to Life.
I say this to you, My children, so that you may understand that nothing ends. Cycles do not mean an end, but a new step of an infinite evolutionary scale, which has been manifesting in your lives since the beginning of your creation, from the beginning of the creation of Life itself.
The evolution of beings is built, step by step, since the creation of their consciousnesses and, although their mission is the same, it deepens and is perfected so that through it something greater may be constructed.
Each consciousness, as it is created, receives a lineage to express and, life after life, on Earth or beyond it, this lineage is fulfilled and manifests more or less intensely, according to the awakening of the consciousness.
The beings that you know as visionaries manifest this lineage since the beginning of their existence, because their mission is to see beyond the dimensions and to communicate the perceived Will of God to all creatures.
There are different expressions of this spiritual lineage, which does not mean that they are better or worse than one another, but just that they are in different degrees of development, according to the Will of God and the mission of each consciousness.
From their universal and cosmic life, to their experience on Earth, a visionary has been deepening not only into their capability to perceive the dimensions, but above all to love them, to love what they perceive, to love what they transmit and to whom they transmit, and to do it each day more deeply and truly.
Each stage of the evolution of a visionary invites them to deepen not only into their perception, but also into their degrees of love and humility. And oftentimes a cycle that closes means a new and deeper cycle begins.
When the Divine Messengers begin a stage of retreat, this not only means, My children, that the visionary must begin to deepen into their mission and enter subtler and more unknown spheres, which are revealed in the solitude of their hearts. It also means that all those who share what is transmitted by God must begin a cycle of deepening and inner synthesis.
A note by itself cannot contain an entire melody within a song. The whole song collects the notes and deepens into its silence so that the note can then intensify during a later moment of this great melody.
In this way, I explain to you that this is a cycle of revelations, which must not only be heard, but also deepened into.
After this cycle, while we begin to retreat, a great silence will come, a moment when Our Voices must echo within each one of you.
This echo must enter into your consciousnesses, into your cells and atoms, echoing, within each one, the experience of superior Laws, the experience and living all that We have said throughout the years. Because it is through the depths of this silence that the fortitude will be built in you, which will make you worthy, not only of sustaining this planet, but also of re-building it from the Sacred Enclaves that, little by little, are revealed to you.
Live each cycle with your spirit filled with gratitude, with your heart ready for an even greater new step. Thus, My children, Our silence will not be a reason for you to weaken, but rather to elevate.
I take this time for you to understand that evolution is an eternal ascension, and that this Law is fulfilled beyond the appearances and the small human understanding.
Live each stage always looking toward the Heights, and there the Purpose of God will be, guiding your lives.
I love you and I am with you at each instant.
My Heart, from the birth of Christ to the Cross, My children, always remained silent, and I nonetheless did not cease to feel and live each instant of the life of Christ. I shared with Him each experience, each learning, each leap into the unknown, each challenge that was overcome, and this is what I am doing today, with each one of you.
Therefore, trust in My word of Love and, even more, trust in My mysterious and consoling silence, because it is there that I sustain your cross.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call with love!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Upon the planet, there has always existed the presence of the Hierarchy. This presence came to this civilization to guide it and accompany its learning of the expansion of consciousness.
In this way, countless beings were summoned, in the inner planes of consciousness, so that these Hierarchies could offer to participate in the evolutionary and redeeming process of the whole human race.
In turn, this call and summoning allowed for the expansion of the field of service and self-giving of the souls, so that they could also live the advancement of their state of consciousness towards a higher and unconditional consciousness.
The lineage or virtue of the master was something that was applied since earlier times because true guidance and instruction were necessary for humanity, to prevent it from constantly straying.
So, these great summoned consciousnesses would act and help the human project in an imperceptible and silent way, bringing to the planet all the impulses needed in order for humanity to be able to perceive the continuous need for ascension.
For this, the summoned Masters were assigned to intervene spiritually and internally in certain cultures, races and peoples who could understand them and, above all, understand the message and instruction received.
With this purpose, the Masters concentrated in important and solitary spaces, such as the mountains of the Himalayas, the Alps, the Pyrenees, and even in the grand mountainous chain of the American Andes. From there, within the Sacred Enclaves of retreat, silence and contemplation, they began to work spiritually for the various needs that humanity had.
All this work of the Hierarchy was internal, but, in many cases, the process of materialization took place, which means bringing an inner level toward a physical and concrete level, without losing the acquired principles and teachings.
This movement, in accordance with the necessity or emergency of the inner nuclei, collaborated with the quick awakening of consciousnesses toward a reality that is not of matter. That is to say, of becoming aware of the life of the spirit and of the divine essence of each being.
These apparitions of the Masters fostered, both in the East and in the West, the necessary balance to encompass the expansion of consciousness and, above all, the responsibility for the evolutionary and cosmic path.
Today, I reveal this history and reality to you because it is important to understand the inner meaning of the existence of various religions that, in ancient times, were impelled by the intention of the Divinity through the Hierarchy.
This is the moment to carry out a vaster synthesis, to understand the reason for the existence of so many religions that in the time to come must walk together towards a definite union with the Divine, leaving behind that which each one represents or teaches, and allowing for the matrix of all of them to merge with the Love of God.
Therefore, you must pray so that your Divine Mother, who has this mission for the religions of humanity, may carry forward that which God needs, with the help and collaboration of all My children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children:
The time of the purification of each soul, of each consciousness, refers to the moment of being consciously able to be freed from many past spiritual experiences that compromised the walk and the evolution in degrees of love.
For that reason, to get rid of that past history means to open up without fear and leave behind any resistance that may interfere.
This is the time to make a synthesis of your life in order to close many inner doors that only lead to states of consciousness of suffering and pain.
The time of purification is to be able to move towards a new stage that will place each consciousness on another step of awakening and redemption.
However, the moment for coming to know the reality of each being is like facing something that would have no solution. But through Grace and Mercy, consciousnesses can heal the past, daring to take more steps in love and in compassion.
By following in the steps of the Hierarchy, souls will achieve the peace of knowing that they are already in another school.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
All the revelations of the Universe and all the knowledge of God are filled with extremely high vibrational impulses, those which penetrate the essence of the body, its cells and atoms.
These revelations, charged with very powerful impulses, remove ancient information from the earthly consciousness, and this purification process may generate positive effects and also physical sensations.
This is so, because the vibrations from the Source and all Its impulses are neutral. They are strengthened by emanating from the Supreme Source and they begin to travel at an extremely high velocity within space-time.
Therefore, whoever receives these impulses lives a transfiguration acceleration that has repercussions within the entire consciousness.
In this sense, to receive luminous impulses from the Source is to place the consciousness in another echelon of evolution in a very fast way, as it would take years to take a spiritual step.
All this movement of the Supreme Source will try to accelerate the spiritual and physical advancement of humanity so that it at least happens within as many as possible.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Before the existence of this Solar System and the group known as the Nine Galaxies, which make up the grouping of a universe of lives, God, as Creator and grand expression of Love-Wisdom, deeply wished that some of His Children, the Creators of the Material Universe, also called Archangels, the great Co-Creators of this life system, would offer each of the Nine Galaxies the opportunity to experience evolution by means of “self-knowledge” and the so-called “degrees of love”.
It was in this way that these great Co-Creator beings carried forward all the universal projects received by them as subtle spiritual impulses of light, and then offered to the created systems, known as “Milky Way”, the opportunity of deepening in “spiritual knowledge” and in the “degrees of love”.
All this happened before the fall of the adversary.
In this time, in all the Universes, the first one thousand years of peace were lived, a period in which the development of life, the inner schools of learnings and, above all, the awakening of the different "degrees of love", granted this Local Universe, in which this Solar System exists, including Earth, the opportunity that on a planet of very high spiritual characteristics, like the Earth, one of the twelve most important Projects of God's Love could be carried forward.
For this reason, the planet Earth went through different cycles. The seas, which used to be acidic, became alkaline so that they later might become containers of mineral and crystalline components, living as a high degree of oxygenation.
The continents, which used to be desert and cold, experienced a biological re-adaptation to later become seedbeds of new species.
In this way, planet Earth, and all of its atmosphere, converted into a great womb of light, to finally gestate the consciousness of humanity, which was later known as Adam and Eve.
In this first experience of love, the Heavenly Father internally aspired that this Project, so yearned for by His Heart, would allow to correct and recreate Creation so that increasingly higher degrees of love may be lived.
Some time later the Universe began to live the first failures in evolution due to the very intense fall of the disobedient angel.
From there, the whole Universe, a place where peace, good and harmony were lived, became the sudden scenario of the first steps of duality, a current contrary to the principle of the Maximum Will; a duality that would begin to place at stake the freedom that had been granted to all creatures, with the aim that they might learn to love, just as the Heavenly Father loves them.
The planet Earth was one of the last places in which this spiritual current of duality descended to test, through Adam and Eve, the Project of a humanity essentially united to the Kingdom of God.
For various inexplicable temptations, the Project was being altered and changed, as the contrary spiritual currents gradually broke the scenery of the so-called “Eden”.
Why did the Heavenly Father allow this?
In a mysterious sense, Adam would have had the opportunity of taking his first step in the evolution of the degrees of love and of the awakening of consciousness, if he had been unconditionally obedient to God.
As for her, Eve, would have had the possibility of being the promising consciousness that would experience the Feminine Aspect of God by means of the spirit of Motherhood, a state that would concede the pure birth of the following creatures that would come after her.
At that moment, the Earth, as the first human experience, underwent its first and great test, which, had it been victoriously faced by Adam and Eve, as representatives of humanity of that time, would have allowed this race to attain a degree of love similar to that of Jesus.
This is the reason why God Himself, present in the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, that is, in the Son, decided to incarnate on Earth, after so much time, to give Himself to His Children in Love and Wisdom and to teach all about Truth.
It was during the preparatory time for the incarnation of Jesus that the Father extracted, from one of His purest Founts of the Spiritual Universe, one of His most elevated and pure Aspects, which was the spiritual basis for the Divine Conception of whom later would be known on Earth as Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Thus, the Archangels, at the request of God, were the ones who prepared this scenery for the coming of the Messiah, That One Who, having given testimony of love and of life, would demonstrate, in his maximum humility, how duality could be overcome so that every living being on Earth may finally learn to fulfill the Will that brought it to the world and to transit the school of forgiveness and redemption, inner paths that will one day again place the human consciousness where it once had been before making the mistakes.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Since you emerged in the Heart of God, until you reached Planet Earth to live an experience of love, a long story has been written in the Universe.
Marked in the Mirrors of the Cosmos, as the record of the learning experience of the creatures of God, your evolution will forever remain stored so that you can learn from the triumphs, as well as from the errors, and not fall again into the same difficulties that have led you into decadence, as beings and as humanity.
Just as the Mirrors of the Cosmos turn to Earth to radiate light and peace, they also place over the human consciousness, My children, the records kept in the Universe about the history and the evolution of each being. It is in this way because the time has come to remember, so that, with the degrees of love and awakening that you live today, you may heal and forgive what you lived in the past.
In the same way, all the positive and evolutionary learning experiences that you have lived as consciousnesses, spirits in evolution, will also be radiated to Earth, because you will need them in this time in order to know how to act before the difficulties that will present themselves.
Nothing that you live on Earth has its roots on the planet. You came here to consolidate a learning experience of love and to heal the records and experiences that need healing, because, although it may not seem like it, children, in this world you have everything you need for this.
As the Time of God draws closer to the time of the Earth, higher realities also gradually become visible, and what was in dimensions that were not accessible to the human consciousness before, in its current condition, begin to be revealed.
This happens, My children, because you have already experienced much in this world, and before you destroy your own lives and life on Earth, due to ignorance and human sleep, your Creator Father begins to awaken you.
The spiritual life and the life of true prayer are the keys to live these times with peace.
Understand that everything will get out of your control so that you may learn that the only true power is the one which comes from God, and the way to participate in Divine Power and Wisdom is surrendering one’s own arrogance and human control, recognizing that, without the Love of the Father, you are merely nothing.
Do not fear these times; just awaken to the truth that emerges and, before difficulties, just like before grace, keep yourselves in true prayer. Thus, you will not lose peace.
Do not resist the records that emerge from within you, which, radiated by the Mirrors of the Cosmos, reach the Earth; because knowing the truth about yourselves will turn you humble and will draw you closer to God.
If you do not recognize what you must heal and transform, you will always remain in the illusion of human vanity. But if instead, beloved children, you open your hearts to surrender, to forgiveness, to healing, you will know that the only perfection is to be found in God, and you will draw closer to it to find peace.
My blessing and My graces will always be upon your lives, you only need to let yourselves be transformed in prayer and in peace, live the impulses that come to the world in this time.
The moment has come to enter the Time of God; do not fear, just pray. And the greater the intensity of the vibrations that descend from the Universe to transform you, the closer you must be to the Heart of the Father, in prayer.
I bless you and thank you for opening from your hearts to the Celestial Instructions.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Sacred Oceans – Part I
In the deep seas of the planet, and in places close to the continents of the Earth, spiritual life projects itself as a counterpart of material life.
Thus, a communication among different states of consciousnesses is established so that the greatest possible amount of attributes may descend to the world from the nonmaterial Source.
The sacred oceans of the planet that today, that are neither respected nor loved, fulfill a very important task in the inner and emotional balance of humanity.
At the same time, the sacred oceans of the Earth save and protect, through ocean currents, all the material and especially spiritual life that is to be found in them.
The sacred oceans, within the creation of the Material Universe, constitute one of the fundamental material and spiritual resources for human evolution as the oceans act not only as axises of inner balance but also, due to the diversity of their waters, they act as one of the greatest natural mirrors within the local Universe.
These natural mirrors serve as physical receptacles to protect and save the intelligent activity of the non-material Mirrors, called great power plants of spiritual light, which radiate and emanate, towards humanity, all the divine attributes of Creation.
This specific network of Mirrors, which is to be found in the great oceans, receive the impulses of light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which, being intermediaries between Heaven and Earth, contributes to the expansion of consciousness and the awakening of inner senses, that today are asleep within humanity.
The sacred oceans help in the concentration of a very high spiritual energy, which, descending from the Spiritual Universe, acts through the Mirrors of the oceans, contributing with harmony, balance and peace, within the consciousness of humanity.
The restrictions that these potent Mirrors of the oceans have today are due to the invasion, destruction and manipulation that the human being produces in all sea life and to the uncontrolled contamination of seas, as well as to the exploitation of the marine corals, which fulfill the mission of keeping the balance of the Earth's axis.
For this reason, and for this time of purification, the approximation of nonmaterial Mirrors to the oceans allows the counteraction of imbalances that the human race generates, but it does not solve them.
This is how the sacred oceans, receptacles of the Mirrors, serve as support for the intelligent and silent task of the nonmaterial Mirrors so that humanity may awaken and recover the interest in the care and protection of a biodiversity that is also spiritual.
If more human beings assumed the care and respect for the oceans, the great mirrors of water would cease to act promoting natural disasters and great purifications of the human race.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
For these times of definitions, in which everything will be permitted, an extraordinary Grace will be granted for the liberation of all past mistakes that a soul or a group of souls have generated throughout times.
That Grace of liberation refers to everything that binds or imprisons the consciousnesses with habits and past customs that prevent souls from taking a leap in evolution.
Through the Sacred Centers, united to the Marian Centers, this liberation can be fulfilled, as well as through the union of a group of serving souls who support the liberation of a suffering consciousness.
Therefore, it is important to know that if this spiritual and inner liberation occurs, this will allow the doors of healing and rehabilitation to open for the soul that has been self-imprisoned for a long time.
The fusion of the Sacred Centers with the Marian Centers generates a very potent vortex of liberation, which acts each time that a group of consciousnesses cry out for that liberation.
The effects of this request or appeal reach very profound levels of the essence that needs to be liberated.
In this cycle of rescue, the Spiritual Hierarchy will grant to the imprisoned souls the extraordinary Grace of liberation in order for them to achieve redemption and intimate union with God and thus, again be free in spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Never blame your consciousness when it finds the truth about your reality and your condition, including the reality or the situation of a fellow being.
Everything that is revealed and comes to light is part of the liberation of beings from all the ancient chains that imprison the consciousness.
To know oneself and others is part of the learning of Love-Wisdom and of the application of that Law.
To know about oneself, who one truly is, liberating oneself from fantasies, illusions, and deceits, is like looking at a mirror to know that the moment of redemption has come.
For this reason, nobody can feel guilty or daunted when they come to know unknown realities about themselves. It is the way of living the path of evolution transparently, rather than the path of condemnation.
Love-Wisdom is a great mystery. Who manages to access that mystery will not only learn, but will also be free of themselves, because it is through loving that peace is achieved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The time will come when your faith and trust in My Son will be tested.
The time will come when your lives and consciousnesses must truly confirm how far you will give your life for Christ.
The time will come when it must be known if you will truly hold to faithfulness to the Lord, beyond yourselves and all circumstances.
That time is already coming, and you must unmask those characters of the ego that put your destiny and evolution into play.
For that reason, prepare, pray, and never again try to place responsibility on something external.
Take on your purification with transparency and no longer wish to hide the power you want to exercise on others; because once again I will tell you that stone will not remain upon stone, and it will first begin in humanity.
No longer will anything be gained by your justifying yourselves, that you run to another place or even that you blame your fellow beings with your thoughts or your words.
Assume that you need to change something, if you truly say you are with Christ.
Be humble, considerate, and above all, have great gratitude for each correction and lesson learned. If not, if you try to change your destiny, in a short while you will see the result of your choices.
It is no longer the time to tempt God, because manipulation will be the first stone that God Himself will break.
Be grateful and lovingly receive what your eyes cannot see.
No longer convince yourselves of what you believe you are.
To surrender your life to Christ signifies yielding.
I thank you for obeying Me, because I do not want you to suffer anymore because of yourselves.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The enemy of love: the Apostasy
My dear children,
While today My Divine Consciousness approaches the planet and humanity in a special way, My Voice directs itself to each one of you so that you may continue assuming the prayers for the nations with the seriousness and responsibility that they have, because, for these last times, the great enemy of love will be the apostasy.
This state of consciousness, contrary to the awakening and to evolution, is begining to gain place and space in the hearts of the people through My adversary.
To become apostate means, for the spirit, to consciously dissociate itself from the Love of God and give permission so that the consciousness begins to be ruled by suffering, something that will lead it, gravely, not to have a spiritual opportunity to receive some grace.
This is the urgent reason why the Divine Messengers will go to the encounter of this and other spiritual situations that, in this case, is compromising Argentina.
If the Southern Cone assumes, in a conscious way, lifestyles which are against the Law of Creation, incredible experiences will develop overnight in this region of the planet, and South America will cease to be the promised New Earth and become converted into the Earth condemned, by itself and by humanity.
This will lead to the minority of humanity, less than five percent, being participants of the new race.
Do you understand, children, what this means?
Therefore, on this day I come to ask My children of Argentina, and of the whole world, to unite efforts and hearts so that, from the coming month of September until the days of the first meetings, the propagation of the next prayer meetings in Argentina may be massive, in order to reach as many essences as possible.
I wish and aspire to be able to deliver My Graces to many more hearts, this will strengthen the consciousness of Argentina, in order to prevent it from becoming a scenario of horrors at the end of these times.
For this important mission of propagation you must count on the great help from the angels of Heaven.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
There are certain tests that, although they cause occasional pain or discomfort, help to place consciousnesses in a different point of their evolution and awakening.
These tests lead souls to be able to define themselves and thus find meaning for the purpose of their existence upon this planet.
These experiences that lead consciousnesses into maturing to some degree make them define themselves, and also awaken them with the intention that, through the tests, hearts learn to choose the paths they will tread in order to someday reach full holiness.
Souls experience tests daily, but what each soul must perceive is the meaning that each test holds, in spite of it being intense or painful.
Behind each test lies the possibility of detaching from self and of no longer accepting this human condition that used to lead you to make mistakes.
Every test can be overcome with love, knowing that each circumstance of life is presented to elevate the consciousness even further, stepping out of daily routine and entering into the true reality of these times.
Tests cause us to deeply change.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May My Heart of Peace be the guide that leads you to Christ
My Children,
I come in a time of chaos, ignorance and indifference toward God, toward His Plan and His Truth, to open the eyes of a generation that is getting lost in the wounds and memories of the past.
I come to reveal to you a Divine Purpose, which forever erases from your consciousnesses the obstacles that separate you from God.
And this same Purpose reveals to you, not only what the Heart of the Father offers you, but mainly, children, it brings you closer to the Truth of the Heart of God; Truth which has been hidden throughout human evolution, and now must be revealed.
I come as the Mother of the World, as your Universal Mother, so you may understand that not only eternity after this life is full of mysteries, but life itself holds secrets that have not yet been revealed, holds truths that are beginning to emerge at this time, as a last opportunity for souls to awaken.
My Heart offers you nothing more than awakening to the path of prayer, surrender, service and sacrifice.
But it is this very path that will open, in your lives, the doors to the new, and will finally bring the meaning which your souls expected to know about the existence of life on Earth.
You can already feel and perceive your own ignorance, not only before the Universe and Creation, but also before yourselves.
And what I come to do in these times, My children, is to open your eyes through the power of prayer, so that, transformed under the spirit of humility, you can enter into the truth that dwells within you, a universe as vast and as broad as the one you see in a starry night in the sky of the Earth.
As the immensity of the sky, as the infinity of the stars, so it is within each of My children, because He who created you, in His image and likeness, is infinite and unknown.
The likeness to God is not limited to the appearance of humankind. The likeness with God is kept in a deep mystery that dwells in your hearts, and that keeps in itself the true reason for which God created this humanity.
Each being of this Earth, My children, is a renewing potential of the Divine Consciousness.
From your most profound and sincere experiences of love, the Creator derives His renewal, the re-creation of His Divine Creation.
I know that this is a mystery, almost incomprehensible for the creatures of the Earth, but this is due to the great blindness, and ignorance of humanity.
To enter into the celestial Mysteries, you must have a humble and simple heart, and your Heavenly Mother grants you this heart through prayer that transforms you inside and out, that transforms your lives and, therefore, life on Earth.
I come as your Divine Mother to lead you, by the hand, to a higher Purpose.
I want, My children, that in this last time of awakening, you may not only know Christ, but you may be in Christ, what God has thought for your lives and for this world.
You are still in time to transform this planet into a sacred planet, to build and inhabit the islands of salvation, which will serve as the beginning of the new when the time comes.
But this, beloved children, begins in the small and in the true. It begins with the Rosary in your hands and the Heart in God; it begins with sincere service and the true interest that your brothers and sisters also receive the best; it begins by listening to the Words of God through His Messengers, and by following and living these Words, because when you least expect, they will be alive and consolidated in your inner world.
And it is there that all eyes that look at you will find an example, and all hearts that feel you will feel God, because you will be called His instruments, His companions.
Today I reveal to you a path, and I extend My Hands to you, so that you may allow Me to lead you to the new; to the eternal and unfathomable Heart of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call, and following My steps as Mother and Pilgrim.
The souls that are awakening are in jubilation and the planet feels relief in its heart.
All this is due to the effort of each one of My children.
I bless you,
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Within the Greater Universes of God is to be found the spiritual explanation of our existence, that which we were born for and what we truly came to do, which we can understand as the Divine Purpose of each being.
Through the experiences of life, through the actions, feelings and thoughts, we alter that existence within us. It means that we distance ourselves from the reality of life or our surroundings when we resist, because of different circumstances.
In this sense, the existence of our being allows us to carry out the purpose that was entrusted to us since the origin.
When something opposed to this happens, the path of spiritual realization is altered because of various factors, and the soul delays in being able to take its steps toward the final goal.
The answer that we seek to understand, which is if we are carrying forward the purpose of our existence or not, first lies within us, recognizing if we are in attunement or not with what is High and with all that is positive that must occur around us.
In this way, for instace, we will know if we are within the spirit of the realization of our existence. Otherwise, we would be losing steps in the evolution of consciousness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The physical-spiritual contamination of the planet compromises the inner evolution of the human race because it creates disharmony in Creation and, at the same time, leaves the correct rhythm of the universal Laws.
In the great oceans, for example, the contamination not only shows a lack of spiritual consciousness, but also a high level of indifference for the Kingdoms of Nature.
All the known and unknown waste that is thrown into the great seas of the world, besides drawing toward humanity a series of spiritual and physical diseases, which within this twenty-first century have been considered inexplicable, there is also generated the manifestation of certain spiritual forces, created by the contamination and by the chemical experiments made in the oceans.
This situation has an effect not taken into consideration by the human being and triggers the colonization of certain regions of the planet and of the human race, compromising the process of evolution.
At this time, prayer will not be sufficient to diminish the effects caused by the modern human being to the Kingdoms of Nature, but rather it is urgent to be aware of and to have an interest in protecting and supporting the Plan of evolution of the human race.
Great angelic Hierarchies work in these affected regions to generate an effect of transmutation capable of compensating for all the imbalances caused.
It is time to wake up!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The inner sun within each being is capable of illuminating the spiritual path and redemption, from beginning to end.
The inner sun can shine, more or less, according to the inner attitude of the human being and according to their thoughts.
The inner sun can connect us with our essences, and our essences can connect us with the Creator Universe.
The inner sun is capable of opening doors to the universes and of closing doors to the hells.
Who lives based on the manifestation of their inner sun will one day know how to ignite it, safeguard it and awaken it to radiate inner love and healing to the world.
The inner sun is related to our lineage, and the lineage of each being can become conscious according to the intensity with which the inner sun shines.
If the inner sun has the habit of praying, it will know how to distinguish with premeditation when it is dimming and it will know what to do in order to repair this.
The inner sun is what relates us to the universe and it is what spiritually registers the history of our evolution.
The inner sun is the means for us to be in communion with universal life.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
This is the key that I give you today: if only all the beings on this planet offered one day of fasting, in truth I tell you that wars would cease, conflicts would disappear, diseases would be healed and there would not be any interior or exterior cause left unsolved.
If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain spiritual forces would be dismissed from their earthly powers and more than a thousand swords would be defeated.
If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain unexplainable situations would not be manifested and no one would lose their awakening and evolution.
If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain earthly forces would not act because they would not have a place nor way to proceed.
Imprisoned souls would be liberated, more sinners would be forgiven and the planet would be relieved of the serious outrages it receives every day.
If in truth a day of fasting was offered, the innocent souls that were aborted would be taken to limbo and, above all, the soldiers of Christ who became lost by their own will would not go to purgatory to pay for their debts.
Fasting is the second spiritual weapon against the enemy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To the Brave Ones
Dear children,
Today your Heavenly Mother dedicates this message of peace and of consolation to those who disappeared, almost one month ago, in the Atlantic Ocean.
I would like all My children, especially those from Argentina, to know that the 44 brave ones are in My Bosom of Mother, as well as their families, who have been spiritually consoled by My Immaculate Heart.
In these definitive times, in which the whole planetary life is at stake, certain groups of souls in this world offer themselves to the Creator so that many more souls may learn to perceive that the times and the events change unexpectedly.
The souls that offer their lives and their families so that millions more may learn that it is urgent to step out of the hypnotism and awaken to the life of the spirit, do so in inner sacrifice in order to generate a very great change in humanity.
The 44 brave ones came to this world to teach humanity about the imperious need to seek the superior Life in these times and to unite in the Trust of God.
They left for everyone the memory that life does not end here on this material plane, but that it continues forward through the soul of each being.
With their surrender, they taught that God has the Truth, and that in the critical moments and in extreme situations, it will be enough to go within to be able to find God and unify in His Divine Will.
In this time, in which unknown situations present themselves in the life of people, it is important, dear children, to perceive that if in truth you are not united in obedience to all that comes from on High and which is true Law, you will not be able to be in justice and in equity with your fellow beings.
Today I ask you to remember the message that the brave ones left, the message of a profound and mysterious silence at the bottom of the sea.
This message represents, despite the events, the opportunity to become silent and to seek a true response within, so that, from there, everything may be clarified with Wisdom and Greater Love.
The Universe closes an inner cycle with this event, which will always call and convene consciousnesses about the need that every day you reformulate your lives and that you know, above all things, that you have to be in the Sacred Hands of God to live and move through what in many cases is inexplicable and is not within the reach of humanity itself.
With all of this, dear children, on this day I invite you to love the unknown, that which has no concrete answer and that some souls offer themselves to live for many more, so that the majority of hearts may someday recognize that existence and life is not only material, that everything parts from what is infinite, immaterial, what comes from the Creative Source, and that for the majority of beings is a great mystery.
Loving what you do not know, living what the Universe presents to you day by day, children, you will learn to live Redemption, the path toward inner unity and communion with the Divine Existence, thus approaching true reality and abandoning what is materialistic and satisfies the ego.
I invite you, like the 44 brave ones, to penetrate the mystery of the unknown, which since the Beginning exists in this Creation and comes from God.
I invite you to experience union with Universal Life.
I thank all those present for being here today, for having responded to My call and for having prayed from the heart for the famiillies of the 44 brave ones.
Who loves you and blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more