Let the weight or the anguish that your heart may feel not precipitate into your consciousness. It is at the moments of greater tests when the great spirit of temperance must be born and emerge. As a Mother, I comprehend and understand what it means to go through a culminating and crucial moment.

Beyond what might seem painful or difficult, you must learn, children, to see the omnipotent Will of God acting, which comes to safeguard you and protect you from yourselves. A Greater Will that has tried from the beginning of this planet to place the human consciousness on the true path of its evolution.

Encourage yourself to say "yes" to the pain, to the test, or even to the suffering that God sends you, because all of this will make your hearts stronger, and the human illusion of believing that life begins or ends here will dissolve.

I come as Mother of the pain lived by My Son, to give you the spirit of valor, the impetus to live with courage and determination this end of times, which most human beings do not accept living or facing and only try to escape from the true reality.

May this moment and this transition place each one of My children before the true reality of how the Plan of God should be carried forward in trust, in love, and feeling in the depths of the heart, just as I felt it when His Mother said "yes" to God through the Archangel Gabriel.

To accept, in this time, realities, truths, and revelations that vibrate and that are far from human control, power, or a personal inquiry into things, will be the keynote that will lead the human consciousness into defining if it loves the Plan of Our Creator more than itself, because that will demarcate the next step of the human race and its future destiny.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Santa Fe to Córdoba, Argentina to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May you feel My Peace today, because you are in the place and at the time which you are supposed to be.

May an unchangeable faith be built within you, so that the unity between your consciousness and God can reign.

May you be calm, because everything that happens is for the good of the universe and your evolution.

May you not fear anything, because if I am here, nothing or no one can harm you.

May you live at this time the joy of serving God, the rejoicing of fulfilling the Will of the Most High.

May you not get tired of walking, because in spite of the stones on the path or the difficulties that may arise, if you are truly united to My Heart, all will tremble, but the inner fortitude will be unbreakable.

At this hour, may you offer yourself for the planet, for its Kingdoms and for all that exists and lives here, so that you can allow the Plan of Christ to triumph on Earth with your minimum effort.

May nothing or no one oppose My children, because I will tread on their head as I did on the serpent.

May no one tempt the Will of God, for he will not know its outcome.

May the wolves dressed in sheep's clothing be set aside.

Let nothing opposed, apparent or contrary to the Light of the Plan prevail.

So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While some souls risk their lives and their evolution for this planet, My Heart comes to protect and shelter them in this cycle of Armageddon.

Everything that you live at this moment will be part of the battle, and at the same time, of the inner preparation for what must come later to this world.

In the meantime, do not allow that your aspirations to fully serve Christ fade, do not allow that the aspiration of achieving redemption also fade.

Keep rowing together with Me until we are able to find a good port within this spiritual shipwreck that the planet is facing.

Continue to live the purification of the heart, the transcendence of the feelings that form part of the human degeneration of these times.

Whatever happens, never lose the great capacity of loving and of serving, because I assure you that someday you will be free from the ties and the chains that for centuries have imprisoned many souls.

I am with you, in the joy as well as in the tests. I am maternally inseparable from the new apostles of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Monte Gargano, Foggia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

If nature were more loved and respected, perhaps the world would not be purified nor would humanity. This would avoid Creation being constantly altered by the hand of humanity.

If nature were more loved and cared for by humanity, peace would reign and there would be more time for gladness, joy and jubilation.

If nature were more loved and not destroyed, there would be no cause or reason for there being ideas about war or for carrying them out, because it would not be necessary to suffer or endure.

If nature and the lower Kingdoms were loved and contemplated, perhaps it would not be necessary to experience a transition of the Earth and it would not make sense to begin a new humanity.

If this current humanity truly did not sacrifice the Kingdoms so much, if nature were more loved and the Kingdoms more protected, it would not be necessary to experience a definition, for everything would be in harmony and unity with created life.

If nature and the Kingdoms were truly loved, there would be no need to suffer, to learn or to die, because everything would be in balance with the universe.

If nature and the Kingdoms were considered as part of the Divine Consciousness, evil would not be in the world nor would it be active in the human mind, because any creature could be united with the Source of the Creator.

But humanity has already chosen the opposite and has decided to continue on the path of pain rather than the path of love. For this reason, the change in humanity will be as similar and as great as the unpayable debt that the race has generated with the Kingdoms of Nature. It will be in this way that universal movement will unleash the chain of spiritual evolution of the end times.

I thank you for lovingly regarding the Kingdoms of Creation!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My beloved children,

Contemplating the world, I see the numbness of nations and hearts before all the suffering and pain that many are living in these times.

The human consciousness has not yet learned to leave aside their own needs and comfort in in favor of the evolution of the whole planet and, more than that, children, in favor of the salvation and redemption of all of humanity that is marking out its path into the abysm.

Even those who are listening to Me and who try to respond to My Call, for not living everyday situations of extreme chaos that others live, cannot definitely awake and offer their lives to the universe in order to be true instruments of God.

Children, in spite of what I have been telling you for more than eight years, few are the ones who truly understand My Call. I am preparing you to be sustainers of the planet.  I am training you to leave, in your hands, the evolution of the Earth. The time will soon come when I will not be able to intercede for you, I will only follow you and silently cry out to God for you to stand firm and not forget the time when I was at your side.

In theses times, I am trying to unite the hearts of the same nation, through the prayer with the visionaries, so that, thus united, you create a fortress that may sustain theses nations and open the path for the return of My Son.

I am trying to unite the Americas, so that, together, you may build the foundations of a new race that starts from the principle of unity that will awake in your hearts.

And now, children, I want to reach Europe, to unite all of My soldiers and create an epicenter of light that prevents the expansion of chaos and evil in the world. Through My children in Europe, I will try to extirpate the seeds and fruits of evil that try to impregnate in the consciousness of the planet.

I want you today to understand the importance of responding to My call and building the spirit of unity among the different groups of prayers and among the nations of this world.

Live, My children, as one only praying army and help Me to reach Europe with the same endeavor that you would have to help Me reaching your own cities. This spirit of unity and fraternity is what will sow the principles of a new life in the human consciousness.

I count on you, My children, for the materialization of the Plans of God. I count on your conscious prayers, a symbol that you understand the urgency of the times.

I thank you always for responding to My Call.

In the eternal hope of consecrating the world to My Immaculate Heart, I bless you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Universal Mother


Human life is like a hard stone. It must be broken little by little until it becomes dust and until all aspects represented in it are dissolved.

The human stone is the hardest to break because within it has a strength that resists being transformed or to be ground like the grain.

There is still a harder stone in the human being, that is the stone of the heart, the one that cannot be broken at once because it would lose all the meaning of its existence. The stone of the heart is harder because it gets stronger through the feelings it generates, which does not allow it to find the path of peace.

There are few stones that break by themselves at once. What disintegrates the pride of these stones is humiliation or sometimes feeling the Fear of God.

There are stones that are so hard and strong that they do not break easily. If this action of breaking inside does not work in the consciousness, sometimes not even with the instruction received, it then cannot change, because it strengthens itself and, in truth, misses the Grace of finding a lighter path of transformation.

Now My Son has His great tool of Light in His Hands, about to break many stones of hardened hearts. If He gave only one blow, the effect could be intense. If He gave a medium blow, the impact would have little effect. Therefore, Christ needs some stones to be well destroyed so that pride may soon die and the soul may find the meaning of its true mission.

There is no hard stone that can resist the blow of Christ. For Him to be able to reign in a superfluous consciousness the Master must expel with one blow the resistances and extract all of its roots.

The universe knows that resistance is an energy that condemns or that makes the soul suffer continuously. I tell you, My children, prepare yourselves because the hardest and most resistant stones will surprisingly be broken.

The Lord tries so that the aspects of life will not drown the evolution of the soul. This way, in certain cases, the Law of heavenly power avoids more things from being triggered.

Dear children, the effect of a precise blow of Christ upon your hard stones can generate several consequences and inner movements. The Master knows that a blow of His Hand breaks everything because it is not a blow of punishment or fear, but it is the energy that will remove the inner and outer things from their place.

Nobody can oppose this. Therefore, the hardest stones, more resistant and with pride, prepare themselves to experience a total breakdown of their structures. There is no time for superficial things.

Those hearts that know they are resistant and do not manage to change, should know that they will be helped to unblock human vices. The time for patience is gone, humanity has entered into a hard and acute cycle of purification.

The Universe of Christ will do all that is possible for His sheep not to be lost, but there will be no space to accumulate hard stones in the stable of the Heart of the Lord. Everything will be ground, thus embrace prayer and implore so that you may always be guided.

We thank the repentance of those who do not manage to do so and are humble in asking for help. Soon they will be free of their own pride.

The scale of the Law has My Immacultate Heart upon one of the scales, My Consciousness generates the weight of love and purity to save souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to consecration,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




While the world suffers the consequences of its own actions, I come to bring Mercy for those who open their hearts.

While many are blind, My children, I come to open the eyes of those who can still receive a new opportunity and who accept it.

My Heart comes to announce the last time for salvation to the world. There are still possibilities for those who do not know God, but it is very little, dear children, that humanity generates as merits for the rescue of this world.

The reality has still not touched your lives, just your minds. Many know about the times that have come, but almost none of you truly understand what is happening with humanity, with the Kingdoms of Nature, and with the planet.

One who knows, in truth, and understands My Words and My intentions, makes all necessary efforts to be with Me; they do not stop to think before setting everything aside to enter into prayer when the time announces that the hour for prayer has come.

I no longer know what to say to you, My beloveds, or how to make you feel what My Heart feels on coming to this world.

I seek souls that are in true prayer rather than just verbal, souls that pray with the spirit and with the heart, to balance the indifference of this world to God.

False gods permanently emerge in this world. Modernity and mundane pleasures are becoming the goal for worship of humankind. All that will perish at the first breath of Divine Justice; there will be nothing consolidated left in the consciousness of a large part of humanity.

I have announced this in all ways, I have warned you throughout the centuries, but who heard My voice? Who definitely changed the goal of their life? Who renounced the illusions of this world to give real importance to what they would find in the next?

My beloveds, this is the world to which souls come to define their evolution. Many have not perceived they are faced with the last call and that the trumpets are sounding, announcing the end time. The Voice of the Creator resounds through His angels and archangels, that shout to a sleeping humanity: Wake up! Wake up!

What a deep sleep has overwhelmed humanity! Where are the armies of the Lord?

To those who listen to Me, I cry out: go into prayer! Go into perpetual prayer, because the whole world has need of it. Teach your children to pray, teach them the real values they must cultivate in their little souls. Do not let the children and youths become lost. This is their last opportunity for redemption; they will no longer come once again to the world. This school is at the end of its cycle; a new time is announced.

Those who do not listen to the last call will miss the boat and will get lost in the sea of illusions of the world.

Listen to My voice cry out.

To those who respond to My call, I ask that you never tire, that you persist in prayer, service, the giving of self, and in love. Be fraternal, be pure of heart. Generate merits for the balance of this world.

I thank you for listening to My call and for coming to meet with My Immaculate Heart.

It is time to disseminate peace in the world.

I bless you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Monthly Messages

My children,

When the Father contemplates the love in the heart of His children His Plans multiply themselves within His Consciousness, reflecting the infinite love that He has for His Creatures.

In this time, My beloved children, each instant that passes in your time, in each human inner movement, the Divinity observes the steps that each heart takes towards evolution.

Each time that a sincere plea is made with the heart, it is elevated towards the Celestial Doors, a treacherous event is reversed, and the beings, the peoples, and the nations change their destinies. 

I have arrived to this corner of the world in order to bring My Peace so that these nations may remember that Universal Consciousness that guided them in the beginning.  Today My Love of Mother and of Instructor calls you so that in this cycle My Consciousness of guardian of souls and of your evolution may come closer to you and orient you for this time that is to come.

It will be necessary that through you, other consciousnesses may be able to discover this Grace that the Creator has for these peoples.  By means of My presence amongst you, your God the Father wants that a great bridge of light be built between your hearts and His Powerful Heart.  An inner and, at the same time, universal space, that will express itself within each one of you and in all that exists.

Since the origin of this planet, there have been held in this region of the world, great energetic and spiritual resources that, sustained by the Hierarchies that conduct and shelter the Kingdoms of Nature, had been patiently waiting to be activated.  They have been here in inactivity and from now on they must be available for all of humanity.

The Creator has not only built here an Earthly Paradise, full of beauty, but He locked in it a spiritual treasure based on power, strength and harmony that the Supreme Consciousness of Nature, as Mother of all that sustains the children of God, was able to express in a planet designed to live a great spiritual project.

There must be born here, in this time, a new spirit, a spark of light that begins to ignite heart by heart, where the superior aspects of each being begin to awaken and to find this path towards the Creator, a path that has not been traversed by many souls.  You will traverse this path holding My hand, a steady hand that will conduct you in this new phase.

And when you have felt in your heart and in your consciousness this new vibration of love, not yet experienced by the majority of you, other revelations will come.  Through Me you will get to know the Universal Love – this which Christ lives in the universe.  You will get to know what represents the Redemption and you will live in your beings this Redeeming Love that My Son brings for all of the human beings in this time.

I shall announce through your souls, the advent of a new spiritual stage for this Nation that, by means of the experience of a few, will live in a coming future a new expression that will form the foundations of the new civilization. 

And then part of the Plan of God will be fulfilled in this world.  As it was in the beginning of all, this human race will be a full manifestation of the cosmic consciousness of this planet that, by means of the true, loving and harmonious integration of the human being with the Kingdoms, will praise the Creator and will express gratitude for His Creation.

And so the Cross of the New Humanity will be the emblem that will reign from the north to the south and from the east to the west.  Its consciousness of silver will shine and it will manifest the unity between all that is created by God.  In this future humanity will be happy, with a spiritual and evolutionary happiness, which will lead it to unite itself to the Universe in Fraternity.

People from Norway and from the sister countries, My children:

Your Supreme Universal Mother is here to protect you and to shelter you from all evil.  Only permit Me to enter into your heart.  Be blessed, always defend peace between all of the peoples and wait for the coming of the Great Universal Redeemer who will bring with Him other Laws and who expects to find you prepared to live them.

Remain in the peace of God, that today gathers up your prayers so that with them may be able to be drawn a new future for humanity. 

Thank you for being with Me.

Your Supreme Universal Mother, Mother of the Vikings, people of God


My children,

May the celestial armies open today the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens before your eyes so that you may in this way get to know and recognize the Dwelling to which you must return in this time.

May your hearts be willing to receive the blessings and the Graces that the Lord sends to the world in this time because it is necessary that each consciousness give the consent and send to the Universe a strong and determined yes so that the Light of God may descend upon your lives.

I come to the world in this time to remove from ignorance all of the humanity that lives in the false belief that the world and life are limited to matter, to that which they can see and touch.

My beloved ones, I come today to show you that you know nothing about life on the surface of the Earth and even less about the celestial life.  Until today your souls have lived in this world as children that do not truly know the value of life and many permanently refuse to grow up.  It is time for humanity to mature and to live no longer as a race of youth and adolescents that acts without perceiving the consequences of their own actions.

The time in which the Lord will let humanity known the product of its life and all the fruits of the trees planted throughout human existence must emerge now.

I do not tell you to fear because it is not fear that I bring to your lives.  I only tell you to wake up because maturity will bring pain to many but to others it will bring the joy of knowing a Universe that had been hidden during all the history of humanity.

My beloved ones, as Mother of the World and Universal Mother I must warn you that that the moment has arrived of discovering before you a universal life that has always been here and that you could never find.

My beloved ones, be open to take a great leap as a consciousness and as humanity, but walk with joy, with the same joy of a child that enters a new school, in a new level of learning because it is like this that you are today, entering into a new level of your evolution that for many is greater than that which they would be able to achieve by themselves.  But for this I Am here, to help you to take this leap, to indicate to you the path and to sustain you during all the learning that is the first of many that you will live in Paradise.

My children, understand the importance of these times because the yes that you give on the day of today will represent the answer of all the human consciousness and it will determine the course of evolution of your souls.

As the Mother of each one of you I Am willing to guide your steps and to support them under any circumstances.  I only ask you, if you accept to follow with Me, to be faithful to My instructions because nothing more will be asked to you then a pure and truly open heart to the living of the Sacred and of the Superior, through prayer, service and love for all of the kingdoms of nature.

I thank you for accepting to enter with Me in this path of Redemption.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
