If there is something that is to be dispelled immediately from the human heart, it is fear.
Fear is the absence of God, of love, of faith. Fear is born and grows in the heart of those who have become comfortable in the human condition and still have not recognized that what has to be dedicatedly taken care of is only the deepest essence of the being, the divine principles to be found there.
The one who feels fear is because they do not trust in love.
With your actions, you must strengthen the principles of faith, the certainty that one day, love will speak more loudly in the human consciousness, because the need for peace and unity will be so great that everyone will unite in seeking a One God.
The fear with which the original peoples live is the fear of losing their culture, losing their place on Earth. Because they do not have the basics they need to live, they feel the fear of disappearing as a people, just as so many other peoples disappeared.
In the mission taking place in Chaco, as well as in all the missions that will still take place with these indigenous brothers and sisters of yours, you must strengthen the fraternity and have them feel that you understand, or seek to understand, the spiritual role of the original peoples on Earth, because, besides provisions and basic care, you will find in your brothers and sisters the need to be recognized with their culture and their wisdom, as part of this human civilization.
In the depths of those hearts, more than hunger or poverty, they think of the abandonment and indifference of the majority of human beings. For this reason, we are dedicating these messages not only to instruct the missionaries, but to also spiritually awaken humanity and, above all, in this case, Argentina, to know the role of the indigenous consciousness, since its equilibrium depends on the purity, the simplicity and the wisdom that the original peoples maintain within themselves.
You must provide a small or a great service always keeping in mind the spiritual purpose much more than the physical act because physically, you will find infinite material, social, moral needs, the lack of basic things for survival, and a much greater effort than just a few days would be necessary in order to provide all of them.
Many may ask themselves: what is the reason for doing these so quick missions, in which not even a minimum part of the great need of these peoples is supplied?
And I respond that those who manage to see with their eyes what takes place in the spirit, and not just in the matter, know that spiritual needs move based on other laws, and sometimes, a situation that spiritually speaking is much more serious than a great physical lack, is resolved with a small act of true love.
It is for this reason that we will ask you to indeed take material resources, but what really gives meaning to a mission is the experience of love, the capacity to open the doors so that God may descend and act through your hands.
Seek to be true and do not want to be heroes. Just be simple of heart, open yourselves to learn, allow yourselves to be healed from your own human indifference, your pride and selfishness. It is in this way that you will be able to call yourselves missionaries, missionaries of the spirit, missionaries that serve to fulfill the Will of God.
I love you and thus teach you how to serve.
Your father and friend, server of the Most High God,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At the beginning of Creation, only Unity existed, the Divine Consciousness that dwells where there is no time or space, where there is no matter, feelings or thoughts, where there is only Spirit.
Without ceasing to be Unity, the Spirit of God is multiplied. This is Omnipresence.
Without ceasing to be Spirit, the Mind of God is born, manifested in the Archangels. This is the work of Omniscience.
Without separating from the levels of Spirit, God manifests the Light in material creations. This is the fruit of Liberation.
God, who was One, divides into three, without ceasing to be One. His Transcendence is incomprehensible to the human mind.
God the Father became the Son and, in Transfiguration, He multiplies His Only Son into all creatures. All are One with the Father, through the Son.
The primordial principles take on a life of their own and creative power. The Rays become consciousness and dwell in all the particles that exist in the cosmos.
God never lost the Unity of the beginning. His multiplication has no end, it has no limit. His Consciousness is expanded beyond the boundaries of spirit, mind, and matter. His Divinity permeates everything.
You may ask yourselves: “How can the Creator dwell in a world so full of darkness? Where is God when chaos rushes into the world?”
God is the Life that dwells within the essence, the Consciousness that animates those who are aware, the Light that gives shape and life to that which the eyes of the not blind can see.
A person may not be blind, but if there is an absence of light in their lives, they will not be able to see. It is not that the world does not exist, that colors do not exist, that life does not exist: what is happening to that person is that they are separated from the light. They are not blind, they are simply stuck in a dark and empty room and do not find a way to open the windows or do not even know that there are windows in the room of their consciousnesses.
This is what happens with the majority of humanity. Ignorance and indifference have shut the human consciousness into a dark room and all the mysteries of life are outside, ready to be revealed at the moment the window of the consciousness is opened.
As they are not blind, they think they see everything. As they do not know the light, they do not know they are imprisoned in a dark room and they think life begins and ends within the four walls of that room.
Love, service, and prayer reach the darkness of those consciousnesses like chinks of light that come through the window, revealing that the window exists and that behind it there is a great mystery.
Some can see the light through the chink and believe they already know everything; others will dare to open the window and contemplate the view before them. The consciousness will be deeply expanded, in spite of only seeing life before their small window.
Up until today, there has been almost no one willing to leave that room, pioneering in the world outside of themselves; for this reason, the mysteries continue being mysteries.
I began this message with some words that are capable of opening a small chink in the dark room of the consciousness, but I know that many will close the window with their own hands to thus remain in absolute darkness.
Reflect upon what I tell you and, in the eyes of your hearts, try for an instant to risk feeling this mysterious ray of light, this small chink that opens in the consciousness.
If you allow your consciousnesses to expand, I will be able to lead you more truly to the union with God. You will be able to be more truthful in everything and unveil mysteries, including about yourselves and about planetary life.
For the growth and maturing of the human consciousness and its adherence to the Truth,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In this time, develop neutrality as a primary principle, so that peace remains in your interior. Do not confuse this with indifference, contempt or lack of interest with what happens in the world.
Neutrality is a gift that is born in the hearts of those who seek the truth and in their quest can contemplate the hidden face of the facts that are manifested in the world.
Neutrality is an attribute that permeates the spirit of the meek and of those who have faith in the fulfillment of the Plans of God in the world and in themselves, and no matter what great disasters and disorganization that will happen on the planet, they never lose the axis and goal of their spirits.
In order to reach neutrality, you must have an interest to know and be aware of the Plan of God, you must seek to live according to the principles of the Father and instill in your interior the certainty of the perfection of His Will.
When you know the Plan of God, by observing the manifestation of that Plan, you will understand that the Lord uses several paths sometimes, never thought by us for the realization of His Works, but He always manifests them, because His Will is the Law.
With this certainty infused into the heart, the spirit attains neutrality and remains firm in fullfilling its part of the Plan, obeying and walking independently of what happens around it, because it knows that some day, on one of the curves of this path, God will manifest His Will.
The heart that lives in the neutrality does not worry so much about the means used by the Lord to reach the expected purpose, because this heart simply continues with fidelity and peace the indications of the Creator, and even so it is always aware of what the neighbor lives and is ready to help them when necessary, this heart is not shaken and does not disintegrate internally by what happens around it.
Do you understand now what God expects from His Soldiers? Helpful, loving, meek spirits and ready for donating all of themselves, but also righteous, immutable and obedient to the Divine Purpose.
Seek to find the gift of the neutrality from now on and live it in your own interior.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one who prepares you to cross in peace the times that will come
I wanted to speak to you about the unity with God and the absolute fusion with His Divine Spirit; however, before that, you must learn about the unity among one another and with the Kingdoms of Nature.
Unity is a primordial Divine Principle for human creation, which must reach its peak of evolution through it.
In the same way that the maximum expression of the human project is the perfect unity with God, the minimum expression also must be based on unity. So that you may minimally achieve your expression as Divine Creation, unity must be a goal and a reality for your consciousnesses.
So that you may experience unity, you must remove from your human consciousness that which leads you to disunion, which is competitiveness.
When there is no competition, hearts can unite under one purpose and walk as a race towards a common goal. But when you want to occupy places that do not correspond to you, when you want to stand out among the rest, when you try to draw attention to yourselves, when you want to make of your presences something irreplaceable, when you look for the defects in others and affirm them so that your own skill and abilities are raised, when you do all of these things, so well-known in current common human behavior, you distance yourselves completely from the purpose of God. With apparent good intentions of experiencing holiness, when you want to be more saintly than somebody else, you are feeding the kingdom of the one that reigns in the abysses of human pride.
You must understand, feel, and experience that each piece that is part of humanity has a primordial role, a unique mission, that must be accomplished so that the Plan of God may be manifested.
Before you judge or lessen somebody and try to stand out over them, think about how there are whole civilizations in the universe that depend on the victory of Christ within the consciousness of that somebody.
Before you overthrow your neighbor with criticisms and judgments, help them to take their steps, because the Plan of God, which everybody supposedly works for, depends on the triumph of His Heart in each of His creatures.
In these definitive times, you must struggle against everything that works towards disunion, even if this is within yourselves, because many soldiers have already been left behind because the Army of Christ itself overthrew them due to their lack of love and unity.
Walk with a single heart, and instead of allowing yourselves to be involved with the forces that reign in the world, involve the world in the Power of God that dwells within you.
Love one another always. Help each other, stand up, walk together. Live fraternity as a doorway to the unity with God.
If you work on this point, many inner paths will be opened to you for your own transformation.
Your father and instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the Supreme Consciousness of the Creator, the Ray of Will is born. This ray is a principle of creation, used by God to manifest His greatest works in the world, in the universe and in the interior of all creatures.
The Ray of Will unites the wills of creatures to the Supreme Will of God. He allows beings to transcend force and to act on the basis of Power, which – for a matter of Divine Creation – exists latent in all the essences manifested by the Father.
The Ray of the Will of God is the one that opens the door to the other Rays that unite life manifested in matter to universal life, such as, for example, the Ray of Transcendence, the Ray of the Liberation, and the Ray of Transmutation.
It is the Ray of Will that allows creatures to pierce the layers of illusion and to find the truth.
Why do I tell you this? Because, in times of spiritual inertia in humanity, so that you do not remain stuck in evolution, and even, so that you do not backtrack, you need to know the Ray of Will, which in no way resembles your personal will.
The Ray of Will is the possibility of living in your own hearts the Will of God and, thus, of being as He expects of His creatures.
Treading the spiritual path is like climbing a large spiral staircase and, on every turn you take in this climb, you find an obstacle imposed by your own consciousness.
The staircase is the representation of the being in evolution. It has, within itself, the possibility of rising. All the steps it needs to climb are present in its own constitution, as a creature of God. It just needs to figure it out to get out of illusion and open up to its true inner potential.
The beings of Earth clung to the human way of life and, in the confusion of all energies that direct the third dimension of the planet, they held on more to pleasure than to the unique learning of Christic love, which only in this world they can live.
When the consciousness awakens to the true purpose of its existence, it must overcome all the aspects acquired by life on Earth that are part of its human composition, but which have not adhered to the purpose of its consciousnesses. Then, constantly, you enter a network of conflicts with yourselves, because you want and do not want to live the spiritual life.
As the spirit strengthens and the soul confirms its aspirations, they gain influence over matter and, gradually, begin to draw divine principles from Heaven, such as the Ray of Will, to convert, transmute or transcend these aspects.
The vehicle for you to reach the Ray of Will is the material attribute that precedes it, that which is called effort and also persistence. By working on these two things, with regards to the control of thoughts, feelings and actions, you will find, almost without perceiving it, the Ray of Will.
I do not tell you not to think, feel or act in certain ways, because that would lead you to frustration and hopelessness. I ask you to strive to cut off the flow of thoughts and fantasies that lead you to the abyss, beyond the feelings that lead you to perdition and separateness, and actions that do not build reverence within your cells and your material consciousness as a whole.
Rising after each fall and remaining in the spirit of faith, you will find the Will of God and merge into it, so that you can live your own transformation in Christ.
Peace, persistence and Divine Will, to dissipate fear, hopelessness, false power and the will of the human consciousness.
Your Beloved Father, Companion, Friend and Instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be simple of heart, so that you may discover in simplicity the greatness of all things.
Be simple of heart, so that the celestial mysteries may not be inaccessible to you, for in your simplicity Divine Wisdom will be within your reach.
Be simple of heart, to learn to be humble. Through simplicity, accept Graces and adversities as a unique Gift from God directed to your life to help you and to shape your consciousness according to the Superior Will.
Be simple of heart, so that your mind may also know simplicity and may flow in the rays of the Will of God and live according to what the universal laws indicate.
Be simple of heart, so that the transition passes within you not as a punishment, but as a great opportunity to finally be what God expects for humanity.
Be simple of heart, so that life can be a gift to you and death can be the beginning of an even greater gift. Thus, there will be no fear within your consciousness.
Be simple of heart, so that comfort and suffering may be to you vehicles of God’s providence, so that you may fulfill your part in His Plan.
Be simple of heart, so that prayer may be service, so that service may be prayer and so that service and prayer may be life, just as life, in all its moments and circumstances, may be service and prayer.
Be simple of heart, so that you may find simplicity in the complex and, in the simplicity, all the riches and complexities that your mind seeks by its nature.
Be simple of heart, so that God may have you as He needs and thus, He may count on you as a complete servant who He will be able to use at any time, at any place and for any mission. You will become, thus, an instrument of God.
Be simple of heart, because in simplicity you will find the answer to all your questions. You will discover therefore, that within yourself inhabits The One who is in all things and you will see that everything is in you just as simply as these words are.
Seek within yourselves that which you seek far away.
Seek wisdom within these words because here I have deposited My Divine Simplicity.
Happy and blessed are the simple of heart because they will inherit the Wisdom of God for the emergence of the New Race.
Your Beloved Companion, simple and humble,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions,
This is a time in which you will need to be more silent. With the effort to control the word, which is the vehicle of creation with the greatest power used by humanity today, you will at the same time, control the energies that will enter into a process of purification within your consciousnesses.
When you observe the control of the word within yourselves, you can observe the lack of control that exists in all things and, in this way, you will be able to find a more secure and harmonious path for your own transformation.
On entering an intense purification, the consciousness loses control of the different bodies and many times acts, thinks, and feels in a way it normally would not do so. If you are attentive to the use of the word, you will be attentive to the act of creating and emitting information. Little by little, you will observe the silence in the mind, in the feelings, in the movements and in the emanations of the magnetism of the consciousness. In this way, on entering the process of purification, you will not lose control of yourselves and will be able to defeat the desires and the will that will speak loudly within your inner world and in your subconscious, trying to take you onto involutive paths.
What I call "involutive paths" are the ways of life that are normal for ordinary humanity, but that do not build evolution nor a maturity of spirit for a being that is aware of the planetary reality and the Plan of God.
Today I want you to understand silence as a valuable tool for the end of times, something vital and necessary for those who aspire to remain firm.
I hope that you will seek true silence, the result of understanding this inner need of persevering on the path of God. Do not seek muteness nor the rigor that makes the soul rigid and distances it from living a positive spiritual experience, for on the contrary, these feed the forces in purification within the consciousness and do not allow them to be transmuted and liberated from your own self.
I leave you My blessing and the light of a greater understanding for all.
Your beloved companion, servant of the silence,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear servants of the Most High God,
On this day I tell you that, in order that you may yet live in this world, the Superior Laws that are lived in the universe, you must find the sacred again.
The sacred is the gift of knowing the presence of God in all things. The sacred fulfills the soul and approaches the spirit to the corrupted matter, so that it can make it pure and clear.
To find the sacred is a simple way to say that the consciousness is walking the path of the Universal Laws. And the key to discover the sacred in all things is reverence.
Every day, the forces of opposition to the Plan of God try to destroy the sacred as a concept in the human life, and this begins from childhood, degenerating the family relationships.
It is for this reason that My Chaste Heart descends to the world, in order to make a special plea to the families. As well as I could live the sacred, together with the Holy Family of Nazareth, today I ask you to look after the sacred within your families.
That, from childhood, children may come to know love, reverence for God, as well as for their neighbor; reverence for ceremonies, for prayer, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for life.
The purity that the little ones bring, may it not be lost from their hearts. Beware of the influences that they receive; give preference to the contact with the Kingdoms of Nature rather than the contact with technologies. Do not seek only to distract your children, siblings, grandchildren, nephews and nieces; but instead assume these little souls and be the example for them to follow. May they find, in the life of spirit, the joy of being in life, and this will happen through your example.
A life empty of love, empty of God and of His Holy Spirit is creating the current youth of the world, those that no longer find a meaning for living, because their souls, that came to the world in this time to fulfill a specific mission, are not finding, in that which the planet offers, what God has entrusted to them.
Therefore, look after the youth and the children of the world and make yourselves responsible for those who are by your side. Show them the life of spirit, of prayer, of spiritual quest, of things that transcend life in matter.
Because those who are being born in this time have the mission of remembering their origin, in this way attracting to the world the new time, the new humanity. Therefore it is important to lead them to the right path, before the soul gets confused by all that the world offers, as superficialities and false spiritual paths.
Do this for the Plan of God and for the future of humanity, as well as for the whole Universe.
I love you and I leave you My loving impulse of salvation, above all for the youth and for the children of this world.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, eternal Servant of God
For these times of transition between the old and the new human being, the original human being, you must know a divine universal attribute: the Ray of Omnipresence.
The Ray of Omnipresence is the one that allows the Consciousness of God to be alive and present within all things. The Ray of Omnipresence is the vehicle of God Himself in His Creation.
And why must you know it?
Because when humanity is very far from God and when the Divine Messengers are no longer among humanity as now, you will need to know that the Creator is in everything, and not just know it, but you will also have to experience and live this. In this way, you will never feel alone nor helpless, because the Ray of Omnipresence will be visible and palpable to the heart.
In order to know the Omnipresence of God, you must seek it from now on, and I will tell you how.
In the concentration of the mind, of the heart, of the soul and of the spirit, silence, and only be in the present, without thinking of the past or of the future. Feel the present moment, feel the elements of nature, such as the air for example, because regardless of where you are, the air will be present. Feel the air as the bearer of the Ray of Omnipresence and perceive that the same God fosters life by means of the air and animates the universes with it, within the center of the entire Creation.
Discover the Presence of God within the life that sustains you, inside of your own body, giving movement to the elements that compose the being. The God that inhabits the perfection of matter and conducts the functioning of an organism is the same one that inhabits the Cosmos, conducting the Plan to the different galaxies.
The Omnipresence of God is discovered when the same God is perceived in the small and in the great proportions of life.
The Creator is alive in all that was created by Him. Find Him within each one of you as in the center of the Creation. Find Him within your neighbor, as in all things. In this way, you will be able to feel guided, even when alone and, if in a moment of need you listen to Him, the God that is in everything will be able to lead you to the fulfillment of His Will.
The Divine Messengers speak directly to you and with such human words so that you may learn, someday, to speak with the language of the heart and to listen to the voice that is pronounced in the silence of your own inner world.
I love you and I lead you to the times of transition.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the presence of My Holy Daughter, Teresa of Jesus, I am glad to see you liberating the world with the power of devotion and of the joy of serving God.
This is the spirit of a true life of consecration and it is what Teresa of Jesus always taught the world, through My example: that joy must never be absent in the heart of those who surrender themselves to God.
Joy must be present as an essence in everything that you do: the joy of silence, the joy of transformation, the joy of sacrifice, the joy of correction, the joy of praying, the joy of serving, the joy of being a living part of the Plan of God.
If this joy were alive in the heart of all servants, it would be like a fire that keeps love alive in the heart of all beings and transforms all rigidity and every difficulty in simplicity and lightness.
Today, beside My daughter Teresa, to whom I never failed and who never failed Me, I come to bring you an impulse for the consecration of life and that you make of the day-to-day of your beings the eternal joy of walking to God.
When the Divine purpose is clear both in the consciousness and in the heart, the soul never loses joy because – even before the current scenarios of the world – it knows the truth to which it walks and it is always seeking to elevate the sorrow and the sadness through joy.
Dear companions, both Teresa and My humble Heart have been upon the Earth and know the difficulties of reaching the true surrender, but both of us reached in life two virtues, with which we could fulfill the Plan of God for Us and which we continue to live so that we may be eternal servants of the Lord: those virtues are perseverance and joy.
Be tireless before the obstacles that the world places to you and that your own interior makes emerge, and make life become light and simple through joy.
Therefore, you might be a source of the Presence of God in the world and, in a time in which despair is the common living of the hearts, you might be a breath and a balm of love for those who suffer.
I love you and, together to Teresa of Jesus, I want to show you the simplicity of the life consecrated to the Plan of God when the heart is truly tireless and joyful.
We leave Our blessings over the whole world and may Our joy bring lightness for the afflicted hearts.
Your Father and Companion, Saint Joseph, in the presence of Saint Teresa of Jesus
Throughout the history of humanity, few were the hearts that opened themselves to discover the truth of the superior life, because humility has always been an attribute very rarely found in the human heart.
So it was that many preferred to believe that there was nothing beyond their own existence and even God was a myth for these hearts, such were their ignorance, their pride and their arrogance. And, often, the few who managed to find a ray of light of this great Sun, which is God, fell in the pride and in the ignorance of believing themselves knowledgeable of all truths. So great was the pride of these beings that they separated themselves from God, believing that they were fully living within His Heart.
It is for this reason that today the Divine Messengers come to speak to the humble, the meek and the simple ones. It is for this reason that we have approached you, talking to you as if we were talking to little children, because you should be like this in order to be before the teaching that we would bring in the end of times.
The arrogant believed that they already knew everything that we were telling them and did not realize that they could know the path, but – arriving at the doors of Heaven – they would not have the keys to open them, because humility is the master key that unites the hearts to God.
Understand that without humility you will never be able to follow the Plans of God, because only a humble heart can follow indications that it does not understand, that it does not accept and that, sometimes, go against everything that it has always believed.
Now that many have already been faithful to the celestial indications, you might start to understand some truths, and the puzzle will begin to be assembled before your eyes in order that you may strengthen, thus, your trust in God. Because larger tests of faith will come to your lives and the small tests that you have experienced until today will prepare you for the days that will come.
Never forget that you must be like children, that you can never lose the spirit of humility, because thus we will be able to reveal to you great mysteries of this Divine Creation.
I love you and I bless you always.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions and servants of Christ,
Today I want to tell you about the essence of forgiveness and the importance for you to learn to forgive in this time and in the times that will come.
Forgiveness is the door to the redemption of souls. A consciousness that is truly forgiven releases itself from the chains that prevent it from following its evolutionary journey.
When you are not capable of forgiving something in yourselves or in others, you are locking not only your own evolution but also the evolution of all humanity.
In this current planetary cycle, souls will take initiatives impelled by uncontrolled forces that will emerge from their own interior and, they will often not understand the reason for their own actions. Above all, those beings that do not know themselves and that ignore all that they generated in this and in other lives, will suffer from their own lack of mental, emotional and physical control during the stage of the most acute purification of the planet.
Many of those who accompany Our steps may suffer the consequences of these uncontrolled actions and, to impel the development of love in their own interior, they must learn to forgive.
The forgiveness about which I tell you is not mental forgiveness that the mouth proclaims but the heart does not admit. I tell you about true forgiveness, the forgiveness that, when it touches beings, transforms them and makes them realize the illusion in which the consciousness was immersed when it made a mistake. I tell you about the forgiveness that elevates beings and impels them to the discovery of true love.
You must learn to truly forgive, practicing forgiveness, from now on, at each instant of your lives. Forgive what you have never been capable of forgiving, above all, of yourselves, recognizing the ignorance and opening yourself to discover the truth of this Divine Creation that is the human consciousness.
All human beings that assume a path of transformation each day, cease to be what they were the day before. By understanding a mistake or a misconception, you must forgive yourselves; but forgive yourselves without neglecting the lesson, but understanding the reason for your mistake and consolidating the necessary learning in the consciousness.
Those who learn to forgive, My dear ones, will be closer to the liberation of themselves and from the atavisms of this material life.
Enter in the essence of forgiveness, with the recognition of a higher purpose.
I guide you and lead you to the redemption of all souls.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in the Essence of the Forgiveness of God
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more