Dear children,
After the Words pronounced yesterday by My Son, Spain, as a nation, is before the door of its last opportunity. An opportunity that might place this whole nation on the definitive path to fulfill the promising Plan of God.
For this reason, I invite you now, dear children, to be aware of this, so that your lives may be a faithful reflection of a concretized redemption.
I will be praying, as I have been doing for this nation for a long time.
My Heart of a Mother has a favorite Love for this nation and all its people because, in other times, Spain received Me, when your Mother went on pilgrimage in these lands of beautiful prairies, deep valleys and crystalline waters.
Spain is also My aspiration, just as it is the aspiration of My Beloved Son.
I thank you in advance for continuing to pray with Me, for the unity of Spain so that, someday, this dear country may celebrate the Return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
As Mother and Lady of Garabandal, I prepare to return and help, through you, the entire people of Spain, who have been struck by the pandemic, hit by the lack of faith and devotion, due to so many difficult events.
Once I said in Garabandal that the glass was almost full, now the glass is already overflowing.
Dear children, My return to Europe is to try, once again, to withdraw many of My children from the indifference and discrimination that they experience in this time.
I pray, day and night, and, while in vigil, your Celestial Mother prepares to begin a new stage and a new cycle with all Her children of Europe, and from Europe to the entire world, including Asia and Oceania.
Therefore, beloved children, I ask you to continue to pray with fervor for each of My intentions so that, one day, they may be converted into a reality of abundance and Mercy, for all My children.
I also ask you to pray for My Plans of salvation and peace, which the Virgin of Garabandal, the Lady of Fatima, will need to carry forward in Africa and the Middle East, through the support and the loving and fraternal collaboration of all.
The time that I will remain in Europe, sending My Messages to the world, will be long, because the northern hemisphere, including Africa, needs a lot of Mercy.
Hence, I will be grateful to you.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today I want to announce, as requested by My Son, that your Heavenly Mother will close this miraculous Pilgrimage that has happened during these last two months in Europe.
Europe, as a whole, was liberated again of many errors, not only from the past, but also from the future.
This Pilgrimage has launched new seeds that many hearts of different nations knew how to sow, and cultivate within themselves.
The impulse given through the Pilgrimage attracted important liberations and redemptions to the European nations, that were happening cyclically, as the Pilgrimage was developed.
Although, during these last two months, My pilgrim servants went through difficult and culminating moments, I would like to tell you, children, that the enemy and his powers were defeated many times and they were returned to their deepest abysses, where My Son, for the second time, will go to judge them and redeem them.
Today I take the time to transmit this message, and these informations, so that more each day, the Work as a whole, may know how far a simple pilgrimage can go, or even a humanitarian mission.
Everything that is done for love has a transcendental effect and can cover great plans of consciousness.
Even though the Pilgrimage for Peace has not ended in Spain, it does not mean that My children from this country do not receive the spiritual help they need.
In Spain there are valuable and precious servant souls, in which the Mother of God can found the basis of Her trust, because I know that they will always comprehend Me.
Now that so many nations and peoples of Europe have been spiritually helped, I want to tell you, My children, that the Iberian Peninsula is already prepared to go meet other European peoples and nations, in order to carry My message of peace and of redemption.
The next July 21st, which is a special day for Heaven, for its universal and cosmic conjuncture, the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of Humanity and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, will appear in the Community-of-Light Flor de Lys, to close the Pilgrimage for Peace, together with Her dear children, giving testimony once again of the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
There, I will wait for you to share, along with all of your fellow beings of the world, this important moment of synthesis.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Whoever has lost their faith or has been wounded by some human cause, will always doubt the action or the mystery of God.
This form of faith must be healed by a greater Grace, able to restore and to dissolve this wound.
In these times, the action of the adversary tries to alter the faith of the souls, through situations or unpleasant experiences that modify in the soul all that it believed.
For this reason, prayer and regular confession with Christ allows that certain events and experiences, that debilitate the faith of a consciousness, can be healed.
In this way, experiencing the profound healing of the faith of humanity, the charism of prayer, for example, will solve the deficiencies that the souls may have after having gone through certain events.
In this sense, if there is this possibility of healing the faith that was wounded or damaged by human beings, the soul, that has gone through this experience, will be freed from placing obstacles and objections where there are none or in other places that resemble reality.
In these times it is necessary that the souls place their living faith in the sublime space of Heaven.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
And now, your Heavenly Mother is going to Lourdes, taking firm steps on this mission of redemption of the planet.
Her children also follow Her with firm steps until She arrives and places Her feet on the heights of the Pyrenees, where once again, as in 1858, She will give the needed blessing for a very asleep French nation, hypnotized by the worldwide reality.
Once again, your Heavenly Mother will arrive in Lourdes, Her special home, so that from there, the French people may receive a little more Mercy, and that all they experience today may be more balanced and fair.
That is why your Heavenly Mother will only use the great mirror of prayer to radiate new things from Her simple hands that will allow this moment to be an opportunity for a greater awakening.
The time has come for My children of France to have the Grace of receiving the same impulses as Portugal, Italy, and Spain.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Spiritual and inner treasures were pricelessly given to hearts that opened to receive them during these last two days of merciful prayer. Uncountable fruits were given into the hands of those who were consistent in the task of merciful prayer.
Now the time has come to be vigilant and make of these spiritual gifts true jewels that come from the Spiritual Universe for the most needy. All this is the work of the Divine Source, because of the Purpose and, at the same time, because of Justice.
Who has ears to hear must hear for the Lord has invisibly given an inner legacy to the souls that said 'yes' to Him from the beginning and responded to Him. This is cause for joy because something so spiritual and important that would never have been received by souls was today perfectly placed in the essences that once again opened to the Love of the Creator.
A new phase begins; souls will no longer be the same as yesterday nor as in the past; they are now different, as of today.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
From the just and the meek peace will be born.
From the good and the peacemakers fraternity will emerge.
From the humble and the deprived, divine Providence will awaken.
From the empty of self and from the persevering will be built the inner temple of the Church of My Son.
From the simple and loving, Divine Purity will arise.
From those who give of themselves and the selfless, the Work of God will be carried out.
From the silent and the still, all mysteries will be shown.
From those who pray and the consistent the energy of Healing will appear.
And those who always flaunted everything will have nothing more; because God will take away the kingdom from those who call themselves powerful; with His Justice, He will destroy the idolatrous and will give all the treasures to the most unprotected.
That which was misused for decades will be corrected, all assets will reach the hands of the poorest, and God will take away the satisfaction of the rich.
He will show Himself in the simplest and will preach His Sacred Words through humble hearts, for He has recognized the plea of His beloved Servant for all Her sinful children of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Work of God manifests on Earth through instruments awakened by the Will of God.
Each instrument that works for the Divine Will receives the learning it needs to pursue, so that finally it may learn something within the school that is was supposed to experience.
In this sense, to work for the Plan of God requires an absolute giving of self, an absolute surrender of life, and an absolute sacrifice for others.
When the instrument of God is protected under certain spiritual and monastic conditions, it is very evident that the results of Divine Will for this consciousness will be something different.
When the instrument of God is involved in unstable conditions and does not have the necessary spiritual protection around it, the repercussions of Divine Will in this consciousness will be few.
With this, I want to tell you, dear children, that all souls hold the potential for consecration.
For this reason, throughout time and throughout My various Apparitions, the majority of the visionaries had to choose which path of learning they would tread: that of consecration, or that of the world. Neither is better than the other, it is just that the souls of Earth are responsible for taking certain steps, so that the Divinity may maintain Its Work on the surface.
While at a place where the Most Holy Mary has appeared for many years, if this vision is not kept clear, it is necessary to protect the Work from humanity itself, for the hands of humankind, because of temptation, manipulate and take advantage of the divine events that the Celestial Universe carries forward in some places upon the planet.
This profit that many extract from the essence and the energy of spirituality, for example, from the Marian Centers in the world, sooner or later becomes an unpayable debt, because the human being is using an Energy and a divine Principle for their mental and spiritual benefit. This is what your Heavenly Mother struggles with because, in the end, those who took advantage of this spiritual Energy will come to an unhappy ending.
Let us pray then for all the hearts that dirty themselves every day with those manipulations, and that make the Marian Centers of the world commercial places of money and business, for Justice will consciously fall upon them.
As a Mother, I pray to the Father to have the greatest Pity, and I invite you to do the same along with Me.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Today your Heavenly Mother finally accomplishes Her divine expectations, on being able to gather in love, in faith and in brotherhood the representative members of My Work of Peace in the world, of Medjugorje and of South America.
In this way, today, especially, the Mother of the Most High is jubilant, for having present here, in Santiago de Compostela, one of the ambassadors of peace, a daughter of Mary and servant of the Sacred Heart.
Your Celestial Mother, through this special internal meeting, gathers Her self-summoned to deliver into their hands and above all into their hearts, new projects of brotherhood and of unity that will be based on love and the experience of peace.
In these times of planetary crisis, the Mother of God will be extraordinarily gathering the apostles and servants of Christ so that, as souls, regardless of where they are, they may carry forward the Redemptive Work of Christ.
Today, your Celestial Mother expands the universe of Her Work in the world, strengthening the foundations of devotion through faith and love, built over many years in Medjugorje and in South America.
It is not by chance that before the ten years of My Presence among you are completed, the Mother of Jesus takes you spiritually by the hand to Medjugorje, so that there, humanity may also see that I am the same in South America and in Europe.
I would like that on this day you are able to reflect upon this event, and that from the bottom of your hearts, you are grateful for participating in the concretization of My victory in this Work of Peace and of Love.
May many more souls be able to awaken at this time to this call so that more hearts unite with this stream of love and of brotherhood.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the soul is purified, it consecrates itself more and more to God, and His divine and infinite Plan is carried out on the surface.
When the soul is purified, it gains more spiritual strength to face the new changes.
When the soul is purified, it disconnects from everything that ties it to the past and to its ancient story.
When the soul is purified, it frees itself from everything that binds it to its conscious and unconscious plane.
When the soul is purified, it finds the path towards the light, and especially towards its divine essence.
When the soul is purified, it is much more able to resist the planetary transition.
When the soul is purified, it can experience more peace.
To go through purification is a school and a state that helps to place the consciousness on a higher level.
Purification, supported by prayer, opens doors to the new, to the sacred.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the light that St. James the Apostle left imprinted on these paths serve for souls that have long searched for the Path of the Lord.
Walking the Path of St. James is to accept the path of redemption and apostleship that My Son offered all His followers.
To experience the Path of St. James is to offer oneself, as an apostle of the Lord, so as to find the paths of purification, redemption and rehabilitation.
St. James the Apostle walked this path to carry the word of the Good News to souls and to make that moment an opportunity for souls to, at some moment, find the Love of the Lord.
To follow this path is to accept the experience of the personal cross and to learn, through the experiences, to carry it with courage and resolve.
The Path of St. James opened doors for the evangelization of the West and for the redemption of this part of the planet.
St. James the Apostle was spiritually accompanied by the Mother of the Apostles so that he could accomplish the mission that My Son had entrusted to each of His Own.
The Path marked by St. James was later traveled by the feet of the simple Mother, the Mother of Jesus, carrying in Her hands the great symbol of the Grail, and thus awakening the life of ministry in all.
The Path of St. James was later the path of the Most Holy Mary.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you, now and always in love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of all the children of the world and from Heaven I bring you the peace that is possible to live in these times. This is why I am here, dear children, so that you may believe in this; because in spite of what happens in humanity and in all hearts, My task continues to be completed. I open the Heavens so that your hearts are able to rise up toward Me and thus enter the Heart of God, Who with ardent love awaits you to give you shelter in His Spirit and in His Divinity
Dear children, I come to Madrid with the same mission as two years ago. The Guadalupana must now travel through each province of Spain and must reach the hearts that are unknown to you. Because if you go on this pilgrimage with Me, carrying the holy image, hearts will seek it because they have lost faith in God and they need to regain it. This is why I am here, dear children, to make this request of you, because from the heart of Spain it is possible that this task may begin.
And thus you will find souls that will need to live through prayer, will need to learn how to pray and know how to connect with God. You who already live within My School of Prayer will know how to do it and how to teach it, because I will inspire you in the Power of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. In this way, dear children, you will gradually come to know the Gifts of God that are waiting to descend upon humanity and upon the simple hearts that open to find the path of consecration to the Plan of the Most High.
Today I come here to unite what is separate between consciousnesses, just as the song says. I come to establish in your essences the new humanity, something that today you will not be able to understand, dear children, but which you will build little by little inside of yourselves, taking the steps in the Plan of the Lord and in the redemption that My Son offers you in this time. Thus, dear children, you will never be alone; no matter how much you feel you are losing your inner strength, My Heart will always support you. I am that sacred hand that reaches out to you so that you can take hold of it firmly and feel safe on this path of conversion, of complete transfiguration of your lives.
Spain must be the Reign of My Immaculate Heart, because united with Portugal, it will be able to radiate peace to the whole European continent and beyond. You know, dear children, that you can count on the Sanctuary of Lis and also on the Sanctuary of Medjugorje. But it is still not enough; there are still hearts that have not repented and that do not find the path to My Son.
I come to show you the pathway that takes you to the Heart of the Celestial Father and this will cease to be a theory or something that is so invisible for you. Dear children, I need you to form as My columns, as I have told you once before, and to keep strengthening your spiritual life so that I may be near you and guide you along this path of end of times amidst the darkness and obscurity that the world lives.
I want this image to be a portal of peace, because for this I have consecrated it for each one of you and for your brothers and sisters on the path. As Guadalupe, I fulfill an important task in the United States, and I also fulfill it here, because from here I left to manifest in the Americas and come to be known as the Mother of the Americas and Mother of all the peoples.
I inspired the apostles of Christ when they evangelized and preached throughout this region, so that they might make My Gospel known, which is the deepest story of the Mother of God with Jesus Christ, Your Lord; so that they might make My silent work known and so that it might be witnessed by each one that heard it. This story reached Guadalupe, in a corner of this great Spain, and from there I was known to the world when My sacred face of the Mother of all the races showed itself to the Americas; thus reminding the white man of the union with all the peoples through unity and love, which at that time in Guadalupe I came to institute by order of God so that the peoples of Europe might have an opportunity in this final time, in this time of purification, in this time of transition.
Your hearts have been self-summoned for this and have not ceased to fulfill what I have requested in this work of expanding the light of My Heart throughout the world and especially in Europe. My mission with you, dear children, must go beyond frontiers and nations. You must reach those closed hearts that do not want to know Jesus nor draw closer to God. There is no method for doing it, nor one rule; transmit the love of your hearts, the love you feel for Me, and thus I will work. And when you gather together to pray with your brothers and sisters, with those who are unknown to you, they will be able to be converted by My Love and will find the peace that they seek so much. Dear children, I expect this of you in this time. This is why I have come here to Madrid, so that you may effect a renewal of your vows with the Celestial Father and with the Plan of redemption of My Beloved Son and of My Immaculate Heart.
The next step for Europe is to disseminate the love of Saint Joseph and the transformation that this holy man lived while being human, being a simple and true man. Thus I want, dear children, to create in you and in these peoples of Europe a new human being, and leave behind the old human being who has closed themselves off from transformation and from renunciation. Saint Joseph will be the Mediator that will guide you along this path.
If you disseminate Our Lady of Guadalupe, you will know how to disseminate the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, because in truth I tell you, dear children, that here in Spain there are still simple souls that feel God in their hearts but do not know how to connect with Him. The souls that are closed are My preferred souls; they are the ones I aspire to find through your hands and your services in union with My Son, with His Sacred Heart.
There is still much to be done here and it is time for your hearts to grow in this task and not be afraid of taking the steps, just as your brothers and sisters have done so in other parts of the world, definitely surrendering to live the Plan of God and to cooperate in the salvation of this humanity and of all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are so assaulted.
Dear children, I am in communion with you all the sainted days of life. And in each moment that you pray to My Heart, I can strengthen you so that you can live this Project that is so unknown to the world, which is the Project of love and of redemption.
Today I hover over you, dear children, because I love you; I love you in the eternal joy of My Immaculate Heart that pours Its Graces over My children so that they can stand firm and sure on the path that I invite them to follow. I am Your Mother of Peace, I am Your Mother of Love, Mother of Confidence, Mother of Consecration and of Hope, I am the one who lifts you up when you fall, I am the one who cheers you up when your hearts are sad or when you are confused by My adversary.
Unite with Me through the Holy Rosary and contemplate, as you have done today, each divine mystery of My Son. Thus your hearts will be custodians of the codes of the Celestial Universe, which will be indispensible in these times and for all of humanity. As I know, dear children, that not all will receive these codes that will help transform the world, the very few that will received them will have the great responsibility of being consistent with them and of expanding them in love and in joy throughout the world.
Your guardian angels are confident that you will be able to do it; count on them in this work of co-redemption that you live with Me and in union with My Son. It is because of this that I come to prepare you for the end time and so that you never forget this moment in which Heaven touches your hearts and lives to renew them and provides the impulse to give a little more in honor to God, Who contemplates you in this hour with gentleness and full attention through My Immaculate Heart.
Feel, dear children, how alive My Peace is, and beyond being non-material, it is felt and pulses in the heart that opens to receive it. Seek the gifts of charity and of the good and you will be on the right path. Do not seek personal realization, but rather the completion of the works in humanity through the Sacred Hearts. Thus, dear children, as Your Patron of Guadalupe and of all of Spain, in the silence we will be able to achieve the redemption of millions of souls that are submerged in the chaos of this world and in the superficiality of material life. My adversary has undertaken closing these hearts, but today I am giving you the master key, which is the key of your hearts, the key of love and of trust in God, because the heart that is patient, dear children, gains everything.
Let us pray now, dear children, for humanity.
And here, dear children, before the Altars of God, today you offer Me the greatest testimony of Truth and of redemption for the hearts of the world, through the precious Blood and the divine Body of Your Lord, Who having poured out all the codes of rehabilitation for hearts and spirits, through this bread and this wine will today become present through transubstantiation. The angels of the Universe united to My Heart and in adoration, will convert these elements in glory to the Celestial Father. When you drink of the Blood of Christ, drink for those who do not drink the precious blood of Our Lord, and when you commune, dear children, commune for those who offend Him and deny Him in this time.
You will sing to Our Lady of Guadalupe just as you have done, so that My Face may unify all the races and all the peoples in the spirituality of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call and I love you!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the souls in the world get lost I make them find the path towards God through My Love. Redemption establishes itself in the hearts that ask for My help and also in the hearts that ask for their brothers and sisters so that My Plan of Peace can be established in humanity; thus I close the door to My adversary, who corrodes the souls spiritually, places obstacles in their lives, and leads them to perdition, mainly, to the absence of love.
I have come here, dear children, to meet you under the Unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Trinity has sent Me in this cycle and in these times to prepare you for what is going to come. I need that your hearts establish My reign in this world. I need you to fulfill with Me the Plan of peace that the Lord so much awaits.
The world is still deaf and blind, but your hearts are open for Me, and you, dear children, know that it is so and that I need your hearts to fulfill My designs without caring for how you are like and how imperfect you are before the eyes of the Universe.
I do not come here to search for your indignation, your indifference or omission. I come to search in you for what really exists in the depth of your beings and that is called God; it is in this God that you must live in this time for all those who do not live it. And remember God, dear children, each new morning in which you wake up, because God is forgotten in this time by the hearts that have not understood Him nor accepted His Will that is not the inferior human will.
I need to set up here, dear children, a Kingdom that would be impossible to be established in these times, but that is possible when your hearts open themselves to hear My call each time that I announce it to the world.
I have come to Cataluña to bring you the mystery of My Love, as I have already brought it once when I previously met you in this same city to renew the vows before the Celestial Father. And I would like, dear children, that at this time you strengthened these vows, not only for yourselves but for your brothers and sisters that are on this path and also for those who are not and have forgotten God, the Father of Love and Unity. If love and unity live among you, and you work for this love and for this unity, My Plan will triumph in this humanity.
It does not matter what happens around you, because I will be among you to impel you to walk and follow the steps of Christ, steps that at this time are offered to everyone to take for humanity and for the planet.
Dear children, you still do not know My profound pain for this race, for all the souls. You still do not know what it means to sustain the gravity of these times, and a race submerged in its ignorance and blindness.
As the Mother of Goodness and of Mercy, I open the doors for all those who do not deserve it, because the Christic seed is in you and in your brothers and sisters; a seed that will never disappear and that nobody will be able remove. It is the seed of unity and love that I come to water from time to time with My prayers, My words and My supplications for you before the Celestial Father. It is the seed that can never dry nor should get out of sight. It is the Christic seed that My adversary fears even not knowing it, because when it sprouts, flourishes and bears fruits, it is invincible.
Dear children, today I come to make you recognize your filiation with the Celestial Father, a filiation that is unique for each one of you, it is precious and also mysterious for many. Consider yourselves worthy children of God and the whole of humanity will be a worthy child of God for the steps you take in this time towards My Son, towards His Sacred Heart.
I do not come to ask you, dear children, for what you cannot give Me, but rather for what you really can donate Me with the heart, with your lives in each act of the day, in each example of charity and of goodness towards your fellow being. Thus, dear children, I invite you to share the miseries of the world and to support them with Me by prayer, service and sacrifice. I know that many fear sacrifice because they think they will suffer, but I do not come to bring you suffering, but the Peace of the Celestial Kingdom perpetually lived by angels and archangels in each moment of the Divine and Spiritual Universe. I open to you the doors towards the sacred knowledge that is called Celestial Universe.
I want you to be conscious, dear children, of this very important task of merging Heaven and Earth in one sole unity. Thus the doors of the hells of life will close and little by little the hearts will lose their ignorance, because the veils will fall from their consciousnesses and they will recognize that they have forgotten God and will encourage themselves to return to the path of My Son, that is the path of love and forgiveness.
Go ahead in spite of what happens and remember that I consider you My columns of light and peace in this unfaithful world. Make My Heart triumph in your lives and live it fully, because the time has already come and it is time to fight for this Plan of peace in the world, a world that each one builds day by day with their attitude, their thought, their feeling and their prayer.
United with you and together with each one of your spirits My Plan triumphs, and My adversary loses the war that he wants to fight so much. It is already time, dear children, for you to be bearers of My Peace and that you transmit it to the world, this is My main task with you in these times.
Now place in My Merciful and Immaculate Heart your intentions. I open My Heart of Light for you to place your supplications, your invocations, your requests to the Great Universal Father who loves you profoundly and never forgets you. Deposit these intentions in the silence of your hearts.
Now extending My arms and approaching My hands towards you, dear children, I will pray for Spain shedding My Graces upon it:
Holy Father, Blow of Spirit,
Shed Your Light upon the consciousnesses,
May they never be discouraged from searching for You
May they be able to find Your Peace and Your Truth;
Strengthen each spark of Your Spirit
That has congregated around My Immaculate Heart
To revere Your Presence and Your legacy with all Creation.
Angels of Heaven, Higher Consciousnesses,
Guide the souls on the good path
And fill the emptiness of love that many feel in their hearts;
Shed the Divine Spirit of My Son
So that they can live in Your Sacred Heart
And be in this time as a star that, from the universe, lights everything.
I bless you, dear children, and I bless everything you have brought to My altar in reverence and love. I bless the union with My Son that you search for every day without forgetting Him, your Master, your true love. Bring Me here the offering of the Eucharist for My Angels to transubstantiate it into the real spiritual and divine matter that nourishes your spirits and consciousnesses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more