The expansion of the consciousness in these times will come from service, renunciation, emptiness, and surrender.

The expansion of the consciousness in these times will come from silence, prayer, humility, and non-judgement.

The expansion of the consciousness in these times will come from the capacity of each being to look at themselves and transform a little more each day, based on the Christic principles of meekness, love, and sacrifice.

For this reason, child, in order to give yourself the opportunity to expand the consciousness and enter into a new level of service for humanity, look inward rather than outward. Look at what you hold within yourself and that which little by little you must empty.

Look inward and not outward. Look at what you still fear to confront within yourself, so that still unknown virtues and blessings may take root in your being.

Look inward and not outward. And do not do it through blame or fear, with apprehension or self-flagellation; do it with simplicity, because this is the time, and there has been no other, for you to open the doors of your subconscious and let the light enter into the dark spaces of your being.

This is the time, and there has been no other, for you to take the lamp of your love for Christ and enter into the deep abysses of your consciousness with eyes of compassion, but also with a posture of decision and inner definition.

Do not hold anything back, do not hold on to anything. Let the darkness be dispelled by the light of your lamp, and in silence, see how your inner self becomes empty. You will see, then, that your deepest fears will become small, your most entrenched miseries will lose their strength, your most frightening weaknesses will give way to the simplicity of emptiness and the freedom of surrender.

Want nothing for yourself: neither the pains nor the joys, neither the sufferings nor the spiritual likes. Want nothing for yourself: neither the martyrdom nor the virtues, simply surrender.

The time and the hour have come for looking inward rather than outward and experience the expansion of consciousness. Your consciousness will expand when you remove from it what occupies the space of inner emptiness.

For this reason, look inward rather than outward, and from the center of your being, light your lamp so the light will dispel your inner darkness. And there will no longer be misunderstandings, ignorance, or uncertainties; the void will bring you clarity and surrender will show the way.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the soul faces its own darkness, its eyes can see nothing. There is no comprehensive clarity to it. The darkness of the soul leads to the darkness of the senses, of the thoughts, of the heart.

I do not tell you about the spiritual darkness that precedes the encounter with God. I talk about the darkness of these times, in which the soul enters when it is submerged in the abysses of its own consciousness. As that darkness comes from itself, there is no light that makes it see, or a Grace that withdraws it from obscurity. It is the soul itself that must turn its eyes to the heights and discover, beyond itself, the light that shelters it.

The soul transits through its own abysses many times without perceiving, but when this soul has already known and experienced the presence of light, it will cost it a lot to face darkness bravely, and also to accept that such pitch darkness comes from itself.

For the soul that enters in its own abysses after having defined its adherence to light, the time has come for taking one more step and allowing the light - which before illuminated and caused everything that was superficial and visible to shine- to now reach the dark abysses and make luminous that which the eyes do not want to see.

After bringing into light that which used to be in darkness, it will be up to each soul to love its dark aspects, just as it once loved its virtues and skills because in the same way as everything that was already positive in the soul was transformed, consolidated and ennobled in the presence of the light, so must the dark aspects receive in themselves part of this healing fluid that comes from the source of Love-Wisdom, in order to be transformed.

In order to love, you must be brave. In these times, learn to love like a maternal heart, which in spite of seeing the deepest and most unexplainable miseries in her children, never stops loving them. A mother loves, not for her child to continue being miserable; she loves because she knows that, in order for her child to be worthy and find the truth, they need to be loved, especially by her. 

When the consciousness is transforming itself, the awaken soul must act like a mother because, so that their aspects do not generate resistance and allow themselves to be shaped and corrected, they not only need serenity, but the love of their own soul above all.     

When the soul is immersed in darkness, it needs the silent and patient love of the fellowbeing, like a mother when she sees her child entangled in themselves and blind.

Feel what I tell you in your hearts and keep this in mind. If you do not comprehend what I tell you today, you will comprehend it tomorrow.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph




Dear child,

Every day, strengthen in your interior the certainty of the existence of a superior life and of a purpose that transcends matter and the superficialities impregnated in it.

In these times, many will strengthen illusions, the disproportioned pleasures and the absolute usufruct. The big companies that dominate the ordinary mind of humanity with their influences inspired by the forces of chaos – in the same way that the false governments of this world – will encourage humanity to seek pleasure above life itself.

When the change of the planetary cycle becomes visible even to the blind of heart, Light will call Its children to Itself, and darkness will also want to strengthen its reign. You, as a child of Light, must be a beacon which illuminates the path of the lost ones and indicates them the goal.

Do not let yourself be carried out by the despair of humanity or even by the anxiety of “gratifying yourself while there is time”, because this will be the motto of the dark ones in the end of all.

Seek to be lucid amongst all and, much as those who you love follow other paths, remain yourself firmly in the purpose of reaching God.

Child, never think it is not worthy to keep spiritual principles and try to find God in a world that has drifted away so much from Him. Much as the world around you seems to be ending, the principle of all, the seed that will impregnate the New Earth will be inside of you and, while you still remain steady despite yourself, it will never die.

God is alive in the interior of all His Creatures, but He only acts by means of those who believe in this truth and remain in it, even if they seem to be the only ones with this certainty.

The things I tell you, child, you may find today in the world around you or tomorrow beside you. For this reason, assimilate what I tell you and consolidate inside of you the absolute conviction of the triumph of God on Earth.

Much as this war may not be visible to your eyes in this moment because of your spiritual immaturity, just trust and grow. Mature your spirit with foundations sanctified by the impulses of the Divine Messengers and you will be, yourself, the Living Principle of a perfect Creation in this world.

Like you, there will be others; and from you all will raise the New Humanity. For this reason, be brave and persevere. Do not stop working, we are counting on you in this army of love, peace and renovation for the Earth.

Your Father and Friend, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
