Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, My first thanks, dear children, goes to My children of the planetary Light-Network, who, united with My Immaculate Heart, throughout these two months, have supported this stream of love and planetary purification, because you have accompanied Me, step by step, through each nation that I have visited.

My second thanks, dear children, which I bring to you from Heaven, goes to all the praying souls that helped, from different parts of the world, with love, effort and dedication, so that this mission could be accomplished.

I have come here, to Orlando, to be able to rescue souls submerged in the illusion of material life, to cleanse the eyes of all those who sleep with the blessed water of My Son, so that they may be able to see the Light of the Kingdom of God and, in their lives, build a true temple of consecration to the Father, a temple where My beloved Son may be present to be able to radiate His Codes of Light and Redemption to the world. 

Today, I appear to you, dear children, to confirm My Presence in humanity for an undetermined time, to unite with each heart, with each child of Mine who accompanies this sacred mission, which goes beyond the mental human consciousness and superficial life.

In this way, I come to bring you, dear children, I come to show each one of you the Scales of Light of God's Justice, which today is lovingly balanced, especially for the United States, in correlation with the neediest nations.

I have brought these Scales of Light from the Kingdom of the Father, for they have been at the feet of the Creator, being worked upon throughout these last two months, first for the Nations of Central America, then for Mexico, and, lastly, here in the United States. These are the scales that the Mother of God transports and carries, the scales that intercede for each child that they carry within and within all its energy, the Consciousness of the Divine Mother.

It is this energy of intercession, this energy of Grace, that comes to help the world. And it is with the help and through the help of the Archangels that this Grace is possible for the world.

It is for this reason that today I show Myself to you, dear children, kneeling before humanity, showing the power of My Immaculate Heart to ask God for an opportunity for each child of the Earth.

In this sense, dear children, I want you to be able to continue accompanying Me in this planetary Work, with the ardent aspiration that you will be able to continue helping Me, dear children, so that Our Sacred Hearts may be able to reach many more places of the world, where the Mercy of the Father and Grace are also needed.

Thus, today My Heart emits this deep and eternal gratitude to all who truly made this pilgrimage possible. In this way, to each of My children, I want to transmit My maternal confidence, which is what has made it possible for all these things to happen, at this time.

My wish, dear children, is that the seeds I have sown in Central America, Mexico and the United States may be able to truly sprout in this end time so that your souls may be at the service of the Eternal Father for all the souls that will need help to experience the transition of these times.

Thus I come to leave new Codes of Light within you, through the seeds of Light that I have sown. These are the same Codes I have left in the nations that I have visited. They are the same ones that I bring you today, dear children, as the greatest Grace for your hearts and lives so that you may be prepared and ready to be able to wait for My Son with gladness and rejoicing, building within yourselves an inner fortitude capable of receiving all the spiritual impulses from Heaven.

In this way, dear children, I want you to be able to hear the voice of My Heart. The voice that comes from God, with immense gladness and rejoicing, because this whole previous stage happened according to Supreme Will and granted the simplest hearts an opportunity for healing their inner lives, of being able to be reinserted upon the evolutionary path and to be able to be a part of the Celestial Brotherhood so that more suns may be available, shining on the planet, bringing the Love and the Grace of God.

Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

With these words, children, I teach you how simple in truth it is to transform the destiny of this planet and also of each one of your lives.

With the example of these months, I teach you how, with the effort of each one and unity among the servers of the Plan, the Will of God can be accomplished and expanded more each day in those children of His who had once forgotten the commitment they have made with Christ.

From these months onward, new lights will shine on Earth; new consciousnesses have awakened and will continue to awaken, because My Light will expand beyond the continents, uniting the borders and nations with My Immaculate Heart, and the Heart of My Son.

I would like to tell you, My children, that My Divine Work does not end here, but rather begins here for those who did not know Me, who did not respond to My call. I call you to prayer, I call you to express your own soul, unity with God, without fearing the judgment of this world. I call you, beloved children, to transform into true lights that will guide those who live in the darkness when they can no longer find a way out in this world.

I call upon you to become an example for souls who are lost, thus expanding My Mantle in those places that I cannot reach, because souls have not opened their hearts to Me.

I want you to announce My call in the four corners of the world; and that all tongues and all races be able to know the possibility of finding the Kingdom of the Heavens within their own hearts through this bridge that I have built within My children, so that, wherever you are, you can find Me.

I want you to know, My children, that in your hearts I have built a perfect union with Me. That union must be strengthened every day through true prayer, through a supplication of souls that yield to God, that recognize their own smallness and the celestial greatness so that, in this way, you can be part of Divine Unity.

I come to this country, children, to transform your way of life, within your consciousnesses and in the consciousness of this nation, because you are lost through goals that do not move toward Celestial Will. I come so that you may find a true reason for your lives; that you may discover, in the Love I give you, the strength to transcend the obstacles, transcend the lack of understanding of your brothers and sisters for having chosen an evolutionary path.

On this evening, My children, I ask that you place at My feet that which causes you pain, anguish and fear because I wish to see you in profound gladness and gratitude, as My Immaculate Heart is for having concretized My Plan, this divine mission that God entrusted to Me.

At My feet, like roses of light, place all suffering there. I wish to turn your pain into a sweet surrender to God, just as My Son did when He was on the Cross.

In this way, I tell you that when We allow you to go through some test or some type of suffering, We are not punishing you, children. The Creator only offers you the opportunity to give Him a true surrender, of following the example of Christ for those  who do not want to suffer anything, and who only seek the pleasures of this world.

Offer your own difficulties, as reparation for the Heart of the One who experienced the greatest suffering of this world so that today you could know celestial joy.

Today, children, to the Heavens I lift up your prayers, the deepest cry of your hearts, and I ask that into My hands you place those petitions that you wish to make of God, because I will lift them up to Heaven so that, as from today on, your lives may no longer be the same, and you may walk renewed by Me and by the Grace of My Son so that, beginning with you, a greater time of peace may be established in this world and, above all, in this nation.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Beloved children, children of My Immaculate Heart, to end this, I want to tell you, with this eternal gratitude I have for each prayer spoken, for each song intoned, for each collaboration carried out, for each sacrifice offered to God, for each detail you have offered to My Heart, that, as from today onward, I will prepare you for a great task, the most important one of the end of the times, which will be carried out in May in Europe, where the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima, on the anniversary of My Apparitions, will carry out its expansion of consciousness at a universal level. Your hearts are called to be present and to prepare, as from these days on, for this event.

I announce this because I know that it is important for humanity. For many still do not know what Fatima is, what it was, what it is and what it will be as from that event on, in which many sleeping essences will be benefited.

Thus, I want to finalize this meeting, changing the suffering of humanity with My Graces, through the blessing of the Children of Mary who are being consecrated to My Immaculate Heart today as a perfect offering of union with the Celestial Father and to His Divine Will.

For today's consecration, I want you to sing something special for Me. Something that has rescued the essence and purity of the North American original peoples. This singing will bless the Children of Mary as a Grace.

Come here, to My feet, so that I may bless you and give you My maternal Love.

Song: "Amazing Grace" in Cherokee.

Remain united with Me, because I am still present, working with the consciousness of the United States so that, up to the last moments of My Presence, it may receive the Grace of God.

Today, I am in the presence of very different hearts, gentle hearts that please My Heart. This is why I invite you, dear children, in this blessing, to confirm your souls to healing, reconciliation and the forgiveness that My Heart brings you, through the intercession of My beloved Son, Jesus.

I do not want you to weep any longer, but rather that you open your hearts to the Mercy of God that I bring from Heaven. Receive My Light with humility and simplicity. This Light of My Heart, that comes from the Fount of God to nurture the consciousness, to illumine the soul, to glorify the spirit.

With this Grace I bring you, dear children, I bless you, by the authority that God granted Me as Mother of humanity and of all creatures, and I give you the forgiveness of the Cherokee consciousness and of all the tribes that were decimated by the white man. Just like in Mexico, I establish an inner reconciliation among the races so that they may live in the Love of God, once and for all.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for having accompanied Me on this sacred mission. Let your voice and your song pronounce peace for the world.

So be it.

Song: "Amazing Grace" in Cherokee.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, in times of no peace, may peace exist; thus, open your hearts to My call so My Voice may reverberate deep within you.

I open the Book of Heaven to you so you may know the Mysteries of God, which are the essence of Love and of Truth.

My dear children, I have come here, to Ciudad del Este, to ask for the consecration of all souls to My Immaculate Heart, because this city, Foz do Iguaçu and Asunción must be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

There must be strong prayer groups who dedicate their prayers and pleas to all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are also My children and have need of your prayers, so God may pour out His Mercy on them.

I come to ask you for simple things, because your hearts can understand Me. My hands open to caress you, bless you and consecrate you in these end times to the Will of God, which is unknown to many as they forget the Commandments, the basic laws of life which allow you, in your lives, to follow a correct path toward the Light.

For this reason, dear children, base your lives on the Holy Rosary. Seek the essence of the prayer of the Holy Rosary; in this way, you will participate in My Plans of Peace, even though you do not believe it.

Just like in Medjugorje, I come to announce a last time of peace for humanity.

You, My little beloved ones, have in your hands the key to salvation. Carry the holy rosary with you as an emblem of peace and of love, of unity and of compassion among creatures. In this way, My beloveds, you will allow Me to accompany you in each new prayer exercise.

When the sun rises every day, it is My Immaculate Heart that rises to illuminate your abysses, dispel the shadows and bring the Light of God to this suffering world. Thus, unite with Me every day in prayer; in this way, you will help Me, dear children, to have many hearts that live here today also be consistent with the Call of God.

Do not tire, dear children, of looking for the path of peace and of surrender. God promises you precious things for your lives, when your souls simply unite with Me in prayer.

Since the beginning of this world, God has given you the sacred attribute of the prayer of the heart, which not only brings peace to your hearts and lives, but also an inner and outer silence which is so lacking here. Your hearts must learn to listen to God.

I Am your Mediator, your Universal Mother. I need you to hold tight to My Mantle in these times. Many souls are lost in this current world and the majority do not perceive that this is damnation.

Day and night, My tears are spilled over this world because My children do not change, do not seek the truth, do not want to live redemption so as to be able to experience a glorifying of their lives. I need you to be firm and ready, open to listening to My Words, which are the last in this time, and which reverberate in this space and in the depths of your essences, where God and My Son Jesus Christ wish to reside.

Thus, open your eyes to My call; be builders of the New Humanity, allow your cells to awaken through My Voice and be able to change into sources of Mercy.

I will not tire of reminding you that the door for the return to God is open.

This is My last request of humanity.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, in My Purity, I open the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens so that, My children, you are able to reacquire the original purity that lives in your hearts, and which was lost over the centuries through the illusion and the modernity of the world.

Today, I want you to recall that holy Indian who one day trusted in My Presence, giving this nation and all of humanity the possibility of being consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

My dears, each of you brings in your blood and in your essence the purity of that holy Indian. Today, before the Doors of Heaven, open the eyes of your hearts so that, as in that time, you are able to feel My Presence, can see My Heart, My Immaculate Spirit which comes into your lives never to be forgotten again.

Today, My Love is held in your cells, in your souls, as long as you say 'yes' to Me. If you come to meet with Me, even if out of curiosity, do not be afraid to be before My Heart, because I called your souls one at a time so that you could find Me again; so that through you, My children, many others who are lost in the world may be able to return to the Heart of God. This is a unique opportunity for your souls as well as for humanity.

My children, the Divine Verb comes to the world to make souls in likeness to their Creator, to teach you to love, to forgive, to be merciful in this world, which so lacks Mercy.

My beloveds, on this night I invite you to truly open your heart, so that it is not only a moment with Me, but that this hour be perpetuated every day of your lives and that, through daily prayer, you are able to unite again with Me, because I am with all those who pray, I am with all those who cry out from the heart.

I hear your pleas even when you do not feel Me. I perpetually observe the world, I observe the children God entrusted to Me, so that the smallest opening of the heart could make the conversion of your beings possible, so that you could return to the Heart of the Father as to the Heart of the Universe and to that Origin from which your essences come.

My children, today I invite you to return to My Heart, which shows itself to your eyes, and those who accept My call can see and feel My Presence. Come into these arms that open to the world today and call humanity to an awakening.

I wait for you from the beginning and will eternally wait for you until one day, you are able to decide on a definite 'yes' to the Heart of the Celestial Father.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As Queen of Peace, I leave the sacred symbol of the Cross of My Son over your beings, as a sign of conversion and of rehabilitation for all.

I need you, dear children, to open the door of your hearts to God.

I am very grateful for your presence, and I call all those children who need a celestial blessing, a sublime Grace, to meet with Me here tomorrow, in this same place and time.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

As Mary said to us, She came today as the Queen of Peace. When She arrived here, behind Her we could see many beings that were singing, and I asked: "Mother, is that song of the Celestial Kingdom?", and She responded: "No, this is the song of this world, of all the pilgrims I accompany on this day," and She was showing us that, at the same time She was here, She was accompanying the devotees in Fatima, in Belén de Pará and Our Lady Aparecida.

Afterwards, She said the words we could all hear and said goodbye, leaving an invitation for each of us of offering this Grace we received today so that others of our brothers and sisters could also receive it.

So, we are going to call those who we know have need of the Presence of Our Lady and we are going to bring those brothers and sisters here, so She can also listen to their pleas and pour Her blessings over them.

We thank you all for having come, and tomorrow we will meet again in the Heart of Mary.

And to all the brothers and sisters who followed us through Misericordia María TV, we also deeply thank you.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Thank you all.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children,

While the world celebrates a night of Light, the darkness celebrates a night of shadows, but My Immaculate Heart will triumph so the Word of God may reverberate on Earth.

In this meeting today, dear children, I invite you to a true conversion. Let your hearts definitely open to My call so that I, through My hands, may untie the knots in your lives.

Convert to My Son, dear children, for in this way, you will help humanity to convert. While the Light of the Kingdom of God descends over the world on this night, My Heart proclaims the grandeur of the Celestial Kingdom.

Angels and Archangels congregate for an important mission, the Hosts of Emmanuel descend to Earth in order to liberate the earthly purgatory and all those who have condemned themselves, throughout time, to suffering and perdition, to the absence of the soul and love, to the lack of faith in God.

For this reason, the Most Holy and Powerful Mother, Who announces Herself on this night to you, brings you the great Star of Fraternity, the one which perpetually illuminated the universe and the Earth during three consecutive days in the celestial spheres of Bethlehem.

Thus, receive this symbol of confraternity so that it may be sown in your hearts and you may definitely become great suns on Earth. On this night, I have need of warriors for these definitive times. Do not waste time in conflicts, in disharmonies, in disputes; open your hearts to redemption.

The Perpetual Flame of God desires to deeply enter into your lives; thus, My Heart draws close to your hearts so you may feel the same palpitation of My maternal Light, which comes to help you, assist you and protect you in this end time.

Walk together, dear children, and carry out the proclamation of Love.

Announce to the world that I have come here, just as I have come to Medjugorje.

On these very special dates, dear children, there is a great confrontation between the Light and evil. The game is being played on the board: who will define themselves?, who will follow in My footsteps?, who will see the Light of the beyond to be able to receive God in their heart?

My Son ardently waits for the new apostles to be able to seal, in your essences, the energy of Christification, which will deeply transform you from one day to the other, overnight; so you may wake up to the new and the real, to that so perfect design which exists in the Kingdoms of God, which is unknown to many because they have disconnected from the true reality.

Thus, on this night, I come to meet you, in My Maternal Heart receiving your pleas and your intentions.

Dear children, it is truly time to awaken. The Lord wants to gather together all His flocks, for the enemy has made sure to separate you through differences and ideas that each of My children has on the Truth.

For this reason, I invite you, dear children, especially all the blessed families who are today united with Me in the depth of the heart and the spirit, to perform a true consecration, so that God may receive in His Kingdom this great offering, which all can make in this very definitive time.

Today, My Immaculate Heart shines forth. The great Star of Bethlehem reverberates in the subtle universe, sending its codes of Light to all those who may want to receive them.

Dear children, the universe and the Earth commune on this night through the Birth of My Son and the coming of My Immaculate Heart into your lives.

My Son hopes that you can really take the steps. But each one of you will know before God what you can give Me; with Grace and joy, I receive all your offerings.

Today I bring you a faithful example of My spiritual Marian task, which I have been doing throughout these years, walking by the side of My children, of the pilgrims who seek the Light of the Father in this time of darkness. But fear not, beloved children, the Light will prevail as long as you believe in it; it has an invincible power because it is an emanation of the Source of God.

Connect every day with the Highest through prayer, service and charity. God expects the best results from you on this pilgrim path, which after this life will definitely take you to Paradise.

You need to work, during this time, beloved children, for the next world that awaits you. There is nothing else to do on this Earth only pray and pray with the heart.

Open the doors to receive My Son. He waits to be truly born in you, so you can come out of yourselves and that now, at this time, redemption may reign, the infinite path to peace.

Thus, on this night, beloved children, I gather a group of My children together who have responded to My call through sacrifice and self-giving, but I expect many more to come to this meeting with My Immaculate Heart.

I am not defining merits on Earth, but rather profound Graces for your hearts; a special and spiritual state that God has granted you through this day of consecration.

For this reason, I invite you to encourage yourselves to be consecrated; each one will know how to consecrate yourself, experience this perfect communion with God because He will always wait for you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is asking us to sing the song of consecration, that song which was born in the Figueira Community, and She asks for all the Children of Mary to approach so as to bless and consecrate them.


My very dear children, by the great Star of Bethlehem sent by God to the world to illumine the whole race, the future of all generations, and by the commitment My Immaculate Heart made in God and for God, I come on this night to bless you and consecrate you to the Kingdom of My Peace.

Thus, from the beginning, I asked you to dress yourselves in a light blue color so that you would carry on your bodies the protection of My Mantle, the one that covered Me during the Way of the Cross, that went on pilgrimage together with My Son, proclaiming the Word of God in those times. 

Through this simple symbol, I pour out the Codes I have achieved through My life upon this beloved Earth. As the Mother of all, through this practice of consecration, I consecrate all of humanity; especially those who do not listen to God and who live far from God, separated from the Light of My Son and the true Love of My Heart.

I hope I have been able to build your sacred dwelling places in these years.

My purity is with you, My simplicity accompanies you, and My sacrifice of being in this world also accompanies you on this eternal pilgrimage to awaken wounded hearts and heal souls who are in agony throughout this world.

Dear children, placing My hands upon you, I bless you and forgive you. I give you My Divine Mercy, which My Son poured out when Blood and Water sprang forth from His Side; and may this precious spiritual Gift, this inexhaustible Source of redemption and peace be able to remain in your hearts and in your essences.

Remember, dear children, that after so many tests you have experienced, of the surrenders and efforts, better times will come for all. God never abandons those who fully trust in His Plan of Love. He wants to transform your lives and again awaken the commitment you have made to Me once in Nazareth.

As Mother, I gather you together again and I thank you all for your dedication to My Plan. Because behind all this non-material and invisible mystery there is My walking onward; the steps of Light which I take for you in the silence of My Heart, accompanying you at your side so that you not fall into those abysses the world has created, but rather that you are able to build new bridges over those abysses so that many souls, which have become lost through a lack of faith and love, are able to spiritually be revived.

Open your hearts and feel the Light of My Heart, the caress of My hands on your faces and the blessing that I give you through My Motherly embrace. Let My Immaculate Heart be the Guiding Star for your lives and those of your siblings.

I thank you, My very little and dear ones, for having always responded to My call. Remember: you will see the fruits in Paradise.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is asking that the bells ring again and that we sing "Queen of Peace" (in Italian) to unite with Medjugorje and receive Christ into our heart.


Until tomorrow, dear children.

Experience a night of peace; that is what is most important for your lives.

Thank you, dear families who listen to Me and unite with Me, for having manifested the Manger, responding to the Call of My Son. This is the faithful symbol of the New Humanity.

I thank you!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
