Dear children,

Today we reach the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new stage.

After these last months of retreat, My Maternal Heart has been able to contemplate, with joy, the maturity, seriousness and responsibility with which each praying heart undertook the mission of praying for peace in the nations; and I have also been able to contemplate, My children, the positive and global effect that this daily work lovingly built, in recent times.

For this reason, dear children, it is today that I can say that I love you and that I have always loved you, because I know that within you there are great possibilities of loving God and of helping to express, on the Earth, His Plan of Love and Redemption.

I want to tell the world that I have a strong praying army today, consecrated as Children of Mary, who already understand and live the importance of manifesting the Will of God.

For this reason, My children, never tire of praying and supplicating because prayer opens the doors of the Kingdom of God and the Grace, which is infinite, can be poured upon all of My children.

I invite you to continue spreading this important request.

I invite you, each day more, to open the doors of your groups of prayer so that more souls may be consecrated by the Mercy of God.

My children, keep this loyalty with Me. Let nothing make you doubt or oscillate because within this cycle we are building the triumph of My Immaculate Heart within each being.

Dear children, I encourage you to keep collaborating so that My Plans of peace may be concretized in humanity and all the conflicts may end.

My children, today I pour the power of the Light of God upon your souls so that, strengthened by faith and filled by wisdom, the Celestial Father may grant the world a longer period of peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the hour of My Mercy, I have much to give to souls, but the majority are not encouraged to drink of My prodigies, from the Fount of Living Water, because in many cases they put their attention in other places and not upon Me.

The souls of the world sometimes wonder about the reason and the motive for their suffering, and the first thing they do is blame God for the consequences they live, when in reality, they are the result of their own acts.

But in the Hour of Mercy, My prodigious Heart has the power to reverse many evils and misunderstandings, as long as souls trust in My Merciful Heart.

I encourage My true followers to spread the redemptive Work of My Mercy so that souls may learn to not make hasty decisions that affect humanity.

I invite you to seek humility within your beings so that the Truth may someday set you free.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


When I find your hearts open and without resistance, when I find your souls united with Me and without the interference of human aspects, when I find your spirits in communion with Me and without considerations, it is when in truth My Work of Mercy is fulfilled in you.

For this reason, companions, may this infinite Work of Mercy of God propagate first in you, and then victoriously propagate in the world.

Be this example for me, which I expect to see every day of life; just as on this day in which your hearts opened to Me with simplicity. Because it is in the same simplicity of the open hearts that I can carry forward the Work of Divine Mercy.

I invite you, companions, to be merciful in all details as in all acts; thus you will attract to the Earth the sacred Virtues of God that your humanity needs in order to be able to live the process of redemption and of forgiveness.

With an impetus of effort, of patience and of dedication, My companions, enter the supreme school of the Divine Mercy, so that the principles of love and of unity may not be lost in this humanity and hearts may be less forgetful that everything begins and ends in the greater expression of love from the heart.

I encourage you to renew the apostolate of these times by being disciples of the spiritual school of the Mercy of the Lord.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


The Reappearance of Christ, what all ears of the world will be able to hear

My children,

One of the greatest difficulties that the Greater Plan will live is at the moment of the Reappearance of Christ, because this will mean for humanity, its great moment to adhere to this event or of being indifferent to the Return of Christ.

The Reappearance of Christ will be possible through the unconditional and true support of His most dear servers; because the Reappearance of Christ will depend on the material collaboration of all those that are attuned to that moment.

This collaboration on the part of all for the Plan of the Reappearance of Christ, if sincere and not mediocre, will mark a before and an after in the current humanity.

This so awaited Reappearance of Christ will be possible if in all human consciousnesses exists the proper interest and the most loving willingness to prepare that world moment. 

The donation of the servers will be one of the key factors for the Reappearance of Christ to take place, as well as the cooperation of all of those who are closer to Him in the spreading of the Word of Christ through the means of communication.

Christ has already spoken to the world many times, and He, in His Presence, has prepared the consciousnesses to be faithful collaborators and managers of the moment of the Reappearance of Christ.

In this sense, the second coming of Christ to humanity will have to be under a conjuncture similar to the Birth of Jesus.

For this reason, at the moment of the Reappearance of Christ, the human race and, above all, His followers must keep in mind that it will depend on them that this important event may take place.

Why do I tell you this, My children?

Because in this current time of humanity the consciousnesses themselves, through their adhesion and collaboration with the Plan of the Return of the Lord, will be giving the correct response to the Universe that the times and the events will have to be defined in the second coming of Christ.

In order for the Reappearance of Christ to be carried out, humanity must correspond, not only with its interest for this event, but also by its collaboration in all the preparations for this to happen.

Everything that each server can donate and contribute will be part of the bases that will prepare the moment of the Reappearance of Christ.

Each contribution, effort in the spiritual life, as well as each surrender to God, from the heart, will prepare the moment of the Reappearance of Christ.

Each act of true cooperation and of sincere building of the Plan, in this time, will help in the coming of Christ.

Thus, the Master and Lord, for the moment of His Reappearance, will have on this planet and above all, among His followers, a spiritual and also material structure that will allow Him to act and proceed in order to be able to define the next humanity.

The Reappearance of Christ will demand the donation of everyone but, above all, the spontaneous collaboration without the need for the Spiritual Hierarchy to announce, from cycle to cycle, that the Reappearance of Christ will need, in greater areas, the contribution of the most conscious so that this Grace of the Return of Christ may be lived by the most unconscious and by the most separated from the Truth. 

It will be a moment of great sacrifice, but also the Reappearance of Christ will demand, for those who will truly be with Him, to leave world comfort, to spontaneously donate and surrender their lives in the hands of the Master, so that His Reappearance may fulfill all that is foreseen by the Sacred Creative Universe.

Be attentive, My children, because the Reappearance of Christ will place each one before the truth of the Plan and of how each server is before his commitment of preparing the second coming of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The sweetness of My Heart for the world is indescribable, for in It is held not only the purity of My Spirit, the Conception of My Divinity, but, mainly, the Love of God, which is not deeply known to soul, but only to those who have decided to go deeper into the greatness of My Heart, which is the refuge for pilgrims, the breath for the sick, salvation for the fallen.

Thus, today, dear children, I show you My Immaculate Heart, the same Heart that appeared in Fatima to stop the war, the destruction of humanity and its spiritual consciousness.

As Mother of all peoples, of all races and nations, time and again, I unconditionally offer My Heart, because, as a Mother, I still wish to have you all in My Heart of Love so that you may be reborn in spirit, in peace and in brotherhood, attributes very essential for today's world.

I want you to disseminate My Immaculate Heart throughout the world, just as I asked of the shepherds in Fatima. Thus, dear children, you will be preparing your consciousnesses and your lives for the centenary of My Apparitions in Fatima in which, throughout Europe and the whole world, the Mother of the Sun, the Divine Consciousness will be remembered for, at that time, having come to stop the error of humanity and, in consequence, its perdition.

My Heart still suffers because there are many of My children who, first of all, do not know Me as their Mother and have never approached My Consciousness of Light so that I could console and love them.

It is for this reason, dear children, that from the heart of Mount Shasta, the Mother of God and of the Most High pours out Her codes and attributes, the attributes of the Universal Mother, so that they may descend into the souls that most need them, and also into the Kingdoms of Nature which, in essence, were created by the Love of God, for supporting the balance of humanity and the whole planet.

Today I show you My Immaculate Heart as that sacred Temple of God that is offered to the world monthly, so that hearts may be able to enter into it and receive all they need.

In this time, I want to see that through the strength given to you by My Immaculate Heart, your lives are humble and simple in light of the errors of humanity so that, through the purity of your hearts, which emerges like a fount of love in the Sanctuary of Lys-Fatima in Portugal, this whole principle of love and energy may be able to reach those souls and consciousnesses that separate from God every day, reaching the abysses, from which nobody can any longer reach them.

Just as today you have prayed to My Immaculate Heart to contemplate the Nativity of My Son so that the inner Christ may be able to be born in many more consciousnesses, I offer you, dear children, My Immaculate Heart. A Heart that has been hurt and wounded many times by the sins of the world, by the indifference and pride that exists between the nations and the world, which also exists between families, and, especially, between the creatures of this whole humanity, who were created by the Hands of God to accomplish a divine Purpose that, since the coming of My Son up until today, has not yet been accomplished.

It is for this reason, dear children, that I need you to enter the mystery of My Heart, because there lies a universe of unknown Love, an opportunity for you to be able to commune with My Son through My Heart and also be able to receive the gifts which will strengthen your lives and consciousnesses, with the goal of the realization of the Plan of God on Earth.

It is thus, dear children, that, on this day, in which My Son has been born in the world, in the spiritual world of humanity and in all hearts that simply allowed Him to enter into the depths of your souls, I come to ask that you follow My steps of Light so that I may pour out My Graces over that which is still necessary to redeem and forgive, in light of the whole creator universe.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My Heart, exposed to your eyes, represents for humanity a time of emergency drawing closer.

With My Presence in this nation, My children, I come to avoid souls continuing to suffer from the injustices caused by humankind. I come to awaken your hearts and call your spirits to restore the Heart of God so that, in this way, you may generate merits with Me, for a greater time of peace.

The Creator, children, does not expect evil to draw close to your lives, and yet humanity sometimes opens the doors so that the darkness may enter into your homes, your families and your hearts.

Today, with the power of My holy humility, with My Heart exposed, I come to balance this evil so that it may never again approach My little children. But you must say 'yes' to Me, and open the doors of your consciousnesses and your homes to the Sacred Family through permanent, true prayer that will attract the Kingdom of God to this world.

What I ask of you, children, is very simple, but very important, because this is the only way that the planet may come to know peace, and that wars may stop within and outside of human beings.

If so many years ago three little children, who were before this Heart, stopped a war in this world, imagine, My children, if you sincerely pray and if you surrender your lives to My Immaculate Heart, how many wars and how much pain c be avoided in this world.

In truth, the destiny of humanity is not only charted by the Will of God. It is also charted, children, by the conscious will of each one of you, because you write your own story according to your actions, thoughts, according to the expression of your souls when you allow them to be mirrors of the Divine Presence.

The Sacred Family came yesterday to transform the human condition of those who opened their hearts. And, today, I am here to concretize that Divine Will in each of you. But I will ask that, as from today on, you pray fervently, every day, defeating human pride and vanity that stops you from being like children, like the shepherds of Fatima, and stops you from praying with the heart.

Today I ask, children, that you definitely allow That Son Who was once gestated in My womb to be gestated in your essences as a new human being, to transform you forever.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this day, a cycle is closing in the State of California, in which Our Spiritual Consciousnesses, beyond Their limitations, have entered the abysses of the Earth so that many souls could be restored and again find communion with the Eternal Father.

This was possible yesterday, dear children, when you were waiting for the coming of the Redeemer within your hearts, when you communed with My Son, through His Body and His Blood. Infinite doors opened for the liberation of the oppressed, for the rescue of those lost and of all those who need to again find the path of the spirit at some point in their lives.

It is for this reason that today, I show you My Heart, so that all My children, the Children of Mary, may offer a greater effort as a sacrifice to your Heavenly Mother for those who must still be rescued in this humanity, which suffers and is lost daily.

Through My Grace, I come to reestablish the consecration of your hearts and lives to My Immaculate Heart.

It is on this evening, in which the sacred mountain of Mount Shasta shines throughout this whole region of North America to ignite devotion and peace within hearts, that your Heavenly Mother, together with Her angels, again come to bless you, so as to be able to bless the world in this end time.

Let those approach who will be consecrated as Children of Mary, so that you may receive My Graces, the Grace of reparation, of Communion with Christ and of the union of your spirits with the  Primordial Source of the Father. For, in this way, dear children, many conditions that were lost, making you unable to live a Christic life, will now be able to be reintegrated into your lives and that of your loved ones, as well as in humanity, which urgently needs it.

You may kneel before Me so that I may draw closer to you. I want you to place a request within My Heart. I will listen with love, in the silence of your inner selves, because, in silence, everything is known, and Our Hearts know all things. And, in this way, you will be able to help souls again find the path, the meaning of this mission on Earth.

By the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, I radiate the Light of My Heart to you, dear children, consecrating you under the absolution of the Son and the intercession of His Divine Mercy. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the same way I heard the voice of the world crying out for peace, for awareness and for the awakening of a life of fraternity and brotherhood, I want to hear that same voice that has intoned this request for Mercy for all of North America, the song that My daughter Piedad has sung.

Today, I want to carry this song within My Heart to God, for each of you, for each of your brothers and sisters, because you are very separated from your own truth, and, above all, from God.

I want to thank you, dear children. As your Celestial Mother, I will wait during these days for your hearts to open a little more so that My Message, the Message of My beloved Son, and that of My holy spouse Saint Joseph, may be able to reach Oklahoma, Miami and Orlando, places that have waited for more than a hundred years for liberation.

For granting Me this opportunity, dear children, of reaching the hearts that have need of God, I thank you and bless you with the luminous Cross of Christ, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now I will listen to your voice, like the voice that unites Heaven and Earth, souls and God, under one purpose.

I love you and I thank you.


Dear children,

All the works within the Campaign for Peace must be spread on all media of communication used for this purpose, thus the majority of souls will have the opportunity to know this Marian mission for peace in the world.

My wish, at this moment, is that the new Campaign for Peace, which is protected by the Virgin of Guadalupe, will be known, especially the mission in Central America and Mexico.

I would like to ask all those who pray to once again allow the world to know the different campaigns that are being carried out, so that the Sacred Hearts can pour all Their Graces over Central America and Mexico.

My children, I want other souls to be motivated and enthusiastic to be part of this Marian mission.

This is why Association Mary, as the organizing body of this activity, must immediately publish the distinct campaigns which the groups of prayer are carrying out in their different nations.

I would like this Campaign of Peace to be registered and documented in the portal of the Divine Mother and that any consciousness, anywhere in the world, can know about this divine cause.

I accompany each of My children who, in their nation, will be inspired and will strive to help with the plans of their Heavenly Mother.

I am very grateful.

I thank you for collaborating with My Campaign for Peace!

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the peace in the hearts of those who follow God be the visible sign of His Sacred Presence in the world.

May the fraternity and the love among brothers and sisters united for a single evolutionary purpose be the reason of inspiration and of surrender for those who do not know in which direction to walk.

May the unity with God, reached by means of prayer and shaped in all of the instants of life, be the light that illuminates the eyes of those who walk in the darkness.

May the communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, the care and the love for these smaller brothers and sisters, be an example for the human hearts that have lost the hope of finding a new world.

May the love for the Plan of God be greater and stronger in the heart of His companions than their own plans and human tendencies.

May the aspiration for the constant transformation in Christ impel the beings so that they are no longer the same every day and so that they may come closer to God, through their own inner world and also through their conduct in the material life.

May the new humanity no longer be only a prophecy for those hearts that follow God: that it may be a goal to be reached in life with effort, prayer, love and persistence in the truth.

Dear companions of My Chaste Heart, if you believe in My words and have faith in the presence of the Sacred Hearts, then never lose the opportunity of you being different and of walking towards the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose.

More than announcing Our presence with words, I ask you to announce it with your own transformation. The beings of this world need to have an example to follow, even if you are in silence.

If you want that the Plan of God be established in the world, never be doctrinal about something that you do not live. Before you bring the Good News of the Sacred Hearts, at least try every day to live Our words. I assure you that, if you do so, your example of fraternity, charity, forgiveness and reconciliation will go further than if you were disseminating for years a word that did not find life in you.

I love you and I impel you to the experience of the Will of God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In order that you can be the ones who open the doors of the world to the existence of a new humanity, by means of the dissemination of the Divine Principles, expressed in the Words of the Messengers of God, you must be, first, disseminators of the transformation, by means of the conversion of the old human customs into universal and celestial principles.

How to do it?

By being what you aspire to find in your neighbor, because the true aspiration of the manifestation of a new humanity already exists in the hearts of all of those who are awake in this time, awake to fulfill the Will of God.

It is in this way that you can seek in your interior those purest aspirations about how the world must be and how the beings must be and to transform this aspiration into life, by means of your own experience of all this.

Do not be attached to what you were or what you are. Let yourselves be unknown and, even if sometimes you feel that you are not the ones who act, think and feel, that what you are is not something true, it does not matter.  It will seem difficult in the beginning. You will find many personas and lose others, but, in the permanent quest of transformation, the soul will be in charge to lead you to what you are in truth and which, sometimes, is so distant from what your mind can imagine.

My Heart comes here to help you, to guide you in this path which is long but simple and it may be more or less long, depending on the courage and on the determination of each one.

I want that you know that everything that you do, no matter what it is, must be done on behalf of humanity. Not even the personal transformations must be sought only for yourselves, because you will run the risk of thinking that you are being lost from yourselves, but you will be losing yourselves from God, in the illusion that you are attentive to your own evolutionary process.

Know, companions, that the essence of humanity is that you can be fraternal and simple in all and, thus, find the true love. For this, never walk for yourselves, never have your own projects, never have a personal aspiration other than not to aspire to anything, so that it may be done as God has aspired for His creatures.

I love you and I bless you in the mission that the Lord has entrusted to you.

Trust in the Power of God in your lives, because He will triumph before all of the impossibilities of the human beings, always and when you allow yourselves to love and to be transformed by Him.

Peace and compassion for all that aspire to reach the goal.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Monthly Message of Saint Joseph, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,

There is no use repeating that these are times of emergency in the world.

Our Words must reach the whole planet. There must not be even one soul that does not know the Presence of the Messengers of God in this place (1). For this reason, today I ask that you disseminate Our call without fear, without being ashamed of proclaiming your own faith, without fear of not being accepted or recognized by those you respect and love.

Just hold in your consciousness that everybody needs to wake up, that there will no longer be any time for the illusions of life because prayer will be the only way out for the planetary situation.

Do not think about what beings will feel, do not worry about what the minds of the people in the world will manifest; simply glimpse the need of souls to be reconciled with God, of praying and of uniting with the Plan of the Creator.

The immediate response of consciousnesses upon entering into contact with Our Words does not matter. What really matters is that the seed of light will be planted within the beings, and when they come to the moment of real need, they will have something to resort to: they will remember those valleys in Brazil (1) and also that refuge of peace among the orange groves (2); they will remember the mountains that hold the Holy Spirit of God (3) and also those that safeguard the future of humanity with the Codes of the Child Jesus (4), so they may be placed in the little ones of this world.

Announce to your families that your lives are no longer the same; announce to your acquaintances, announce to those unknown to you who are in need of peace. Announce to the rich, announce to the poor. Announce to the healthy and to the sick, to the young and to the old.

Let the future of the planet find the essence of peace in the hearts of the youngest, and may those who leave this planet, the eldest, carry the discovery of love wherever they go after this life.

I make this request of you because souls must not miss the opportunity of experiencing love, since this is why they came into the world.

Let the doors of the hells close before the prayerful response of all the hearts that awaken in time.

Let the Perfection of God, which exists within all creatures, not be exchanged for the innumerable capital woes that the enemy sowed in the human consciousness.

I call on you today to be true apostles of Christ, without fear or shame, even if you seem mad, let it be the holy madness expressed in your hearts.

Let your loving and fraternal actions be the testimony of Our Presence in the world. Let your capacity to forgive and to be reconciled with others be the proof to human eyes that God is among humankind, through His Messengers.

Thus, today and every day of your lives, go, serve, be reconciled with your neighbors, ask for forgiveness, serve those who hate you, love those who persecute you, pray as the priority in your lives, as if prayer were water without which you could not live.

Disseminate, announce to the world the Message of God, of peace and transformation, the call to awakening and redemption, through His Messengers. Something will resonate in the human consciousness, as long as you are sincere in all that you do.

Before proclaiming with your mouths, live with your senses, with your intentions, and with your heart all that you aspire for beings to know. Be carriers of peace and hope for this world lost in illusion.

Let us not allow a part of the Heart of God to be extinguished.

I love you and I bless you always, so this blessing may come alive in all the spaces of the human consciousness.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


1. This refers to the Marian Center of Figueira, Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

2. This refers to the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay.

3. This refers to the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Cordoba, Argentina.

4. This refers to the Marian Center of the Child King, Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Dear children,

May your words not judge the other hearts, may you lips only pray for peace and for love in the whole world.

My children, may your feeling be an emanation of the Love of My Son because through Jesus you will find the source of all love and forgiveness.

May your lives, at the end of this time, be only love and forgiveness, and may your virtues be transmitted through good works. You are My children and all My children must be bearers of peace in the heart and thus radiate it through charity and giving.

Charity and giving are what is lacking among brothers and sisters of the same world. This is why My Maternal Heart comes to you to teach you that True Love is born as a flower in the sunrise.

Dear children, may your arms and hands be always open to welcome those who are most lacking and those who need God the most.

Little children, today I invite you to imitate Me. Today I call you to be true representatives of My message for the world, because as Mother I know that your hearts can be faithful representatives of My words on the planet.

You are under My Grace when I lovingly visit you month by month. But the world, where is it now? Is it living the Mercy of God?

Dear children, as servers and souls in prayer, you are called to be participants and propagators of Divine Mercy, because, with much love, a pure and crystalline love, lives and hearts are transformed.

In your hands is the future of the world and of all humanity. In prayer, in fasting and in vigil, the strength of life for each heart is to be found.

My children, be in My Maternal Heart because the Lady of Peace wants to make you humble before God so that, together with the angels, all souls may live their salvation and conversion, and may praise God forever and ever.

Pray for the shepherds because in them My Son always wants to be.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dearest children from Córdoba and from all of My beloved Argentina,

As the Queen of Peace today I come to your encounter through a Special Apparition of My Immaculate Face.

May this day be glorious, blissful and joyful for all so that we may be together and united to the Celestial Jubilation of God and, through the prayer of the heart, we may say “yes” to the Salvation and Redemption of souls.

Dear children, God the Father has sent Me to the city of Córdoba to give My Great Maternal Blessing and for this reason My Immaculate Heart has heard the loving voice of your prayers and of your call.

When souls say “yes” to the Divine Plan, the events that are written in the book of God change through the intervention of My Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Heart of My Son. And this happens because you, as so many other souls, live the inner power of prayer.

Therefore, dear children, may your hearts continue to pray, creating new groups of prayer that respond to My requests and thus strengthen the faith in each one of you.

As the Mother of Divine Mercy today I bless you all for this path of faith and devotion that your hearts are living in honor of the Lady of the Immaculate Peace.

My children, My Message is reaching everyone throughout the world. Today I also ask you that your hearts be faithful propagators of My message and of My call, because many souls that have distanced themselves from God must begin to pray again and many souls that do not know the Love of God must feel the Celestial Father in the depths of their hearts.

Dear children, in order for this to happen, your faithful prayer must continue every day and thus open the heart to receive those who are in most need of God.

Dear children from Córdoba and from the sister provinces, today I invite you to participate in the new life of the spirit through the selfless service to the Plan of God. Therefore all the groups of prayer from Argentina are called to collaborate for love in the emerging of the New Christic Community of Brotherhood (*), extending your arms and giving yourselves through your hands. Therefore you are invited to be the work- ers of this Plan of Love.

In the Córdoba Mountain Range, from My Home of Prayer, a point of Light must finish emerging. Therefore you are all called to form yourselves in the school of prayer and to respond to the maternal requests of My Heart. All of you are part of the Home of Prayer because the world needs it in order to reach the Grace of Forgiveness.

Good fraternal service for all My children of Argentina!

I thank you for responding to My call today!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

(*) Located at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, Argentina


 My little ones,

Keep in your hearts the whole path of love and conversion that, through the Faithful Servant of God, you have lived. For this maternal reason today I invite you to remember that it has already been eleven months of encounters and of daily messages for the world.

Today I am calling you to be the living example of My Mater- nal Message through charity and giving.

Dear children, I call you to form part of My Marian army of peace and to propagate My words by means of your prayer. You are in time to live in the Mercy of My Son, you are in time to forgive with the heart.

My children, today I also call all those who hear My urgent call for Peace and for Goodness so that you may propagate My words of support and help to all the hearts in the world.

Your goal, as is Mine, must be to alleviate the tired heart, the wounded heart and the fallen heart. To ignite, through prayer, the Flame of the Holy Spirit and to trust, in the name of My Son, in all the wisdom that you will receive to grow as consciousnesses and as hearts.

My children, today there is reason to celebrate from the heart the past eleven months in which My Maternal Love, My Hope, My Grace and My Mercy have been poured from the greatest depths of My Maternal Heart for all My beloved children.

Continue united to My Spirit of Peace and through the permanent prayer of the Rosary, be united every day to Jesus, the King of Love.

That your hearts, during these last eleven months, may have been able to be a part of My Great and Divine Son Jesus. That from now on, your lives may be surrendered to the Plan of God, as a reparation of all offenses that He receives from this world.

Be merciful and love your brothers and sisters because they are also My children.

For all this time of Mercy, I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


While the world and humanity define their path towards the eternity of God, the time of Divine Justice approaches to reverse all the causes that have been generated in this humanity.

Therefore, dear children, in these times of emergency, I call you all to be peacemakers and propagators of the Purpose of God on Earth. In this way and through the prayer of the heart, there will be more time for Mercy to continue to work in the hearts of all My children.

As the Mother of Divine Justice, I ask you, dear children, that you do not waste time and that you open your hearts because, just as in Medjugorje, these are My last warnings so that the consciousnesses of all My children may reflect and awaken to the reality of this time.

Dear children, do not see Justice as a punishment. The Divine Justice will put in order that which humankind has deviated from the Will of God.

Therefore, little children, pray, pray and only pray! So that the Love of God may touch all My children. Know that your honest and sincere prayer from the heart will define, as it was in Fatima, the next path of humanity.

As Mediator, I ask that your praying voices help humanity, placing each one of your supplications at the feet of the Creator.

Dear children, My Son Jesus is a great mediator. Therefore, unite your souls to the will of My Son so that your hearts may find a true guidance. In Jesus you will resurrect to life. In Jesus you will remedy the pain of the past. In Christ you will follow the pathway of Mercy and Redemption.

Do not feel fear because today I am among you and with all the hearts of the world, calling you to pray for the peace and the conversion of all this humanity.

Redeem, through forgiveness, all the past and, in joy, together with My Son, quench your thirst for love. Be responsive to each other because for the end of this cycle in the world, the time has come to manifest the sacred teachings that My Son left you:

  • To love is to forgive
  • To give is to surrender
  • To trust is to live in faith.

I thank you for responding to My call on this day! Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

The Virgin Mary continues the transmission saying:

My children, I have seen and I have considered, within My Plan of Love, that for the times of emergency, My Voice must go on, echoing in the hearts that still do not hear Me. This is why, from today on, all the monthly apparitions will be public and open to everyone so that My message may reverberate in the consciousnesses.


Esteemed children,

Today I especially thank all the servers that are donated to My Immaculate Heart. My task for peace is propagated through the spontaneous and selfless collaboration of many of My Marian servers in the world.

The message for today, I dedicate, with love and gratitude, to the group of souls donated to the mission of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. Without the full dedication of your lives, many souls could not have been saved. Know, My dear children, that My Heart does not praise, but that it does radiate love and celestial gratitude for the task that you, as children, make possible in this part of the world, in this part of South America.

Dear children, for this reason I extend My arms to this entire dedicated group of souls so that, held by My Maternal Hands, I may be able to raise all to the Kingdom of God.

My children, remember that your dwelling must repose every day, because God needs your temple to be firm and strong so that you may be able to continue in the task I have entrusted to you.

As I am the Mother of all souls, today I ask all My children to pray, pray for this whole Marian group of souls so that the Light of the Holy Spirit may fill them, guide them and give them spiritual wisdom for each one of the steps that they will take with Me in this task of peace, in this Maternal Mission of Mine.

Fully grateful to this whole group, which is dedicated to car- rying the message of My Immaculate Heart, I ask you, My little children, that you collaborate sincerely so that this task may be able to go on for much longer. God has entrusted Me to come to you and Jesus has asked Me to be a Great Protector of your hearts.

Dear children, continue through this path, God is joyful today for the giving of all.

Welcome to My Kingdom, missionaries of Mary!

I thank you from the Heart of God.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Will you carry the banner of Peace with Me?

Will you help Me spread My Message in the world?

Dear children, you, through the prayer of the heart, may be My messengers, those who only communicate to all what My words dictate day by day to your hearts. Many are My Marian soldiers of prayer, the armies of the Father on Earth. But to follow in this service to the Creator of the Whole, you, in the groups of prayer, must always renew yourselves in the exercise of the prayer of the heart.

Today I invite you to live in the instruction of the One and Omnipotent Lord who is in the Heavens; may He be for you the wise and kind fatherhood that many children search for in the spirit.

My Immaculate Heart wants to bring you to know and feel the greatness that exists for being in the Lord and how all of you may be invaded by His prodigies and mercies. But before this My children, each of you must repaired in the Lord so that the heart lives the forgiveness that is promised by My Son Jesus.

Know dear children, that Christ, the Redeemer of the World, is attentive to the voice of all supplications. They must be true before the eyes of My Son because in this way He will indicate to you how proceed on.

And thus you may proceed in God because your souls must remain, through prayer, in the infinite ocean of Mercy, so that your mistakes and pains are freed little by little.

You, dear children, represent precious gem for the heavens, which polished and transformed by prayer, must be near the hands of God, so that He places you as light in the Universe. Many of my children are precious gems that still are not polished and that lose the intensity of their own inner sparkle.

For this, dear children, prayer for all the children will collaborate so that all souls are also repaired by My maternal hands and by the rays that spring constantly from Jesus.

Thank you for answering My call.

In divine prayer for all.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Dearest children and souls of prayer,

With joy I receive all of your hearts in the Kingdom of My Father, and today I invite you to emanate peace and love from the depths of your little hearts.

Dear children, we are now in a celestial mission of peace and conversion for each one of your lives and for all of the lives that are in the world. For this reason, little children, I invite you to constantly live prayer so that in all the beads of contempla- tion done by all with the heart, you may be able to touch the Heavens, and the Lord may be able to respond through His Graces.

I am the intercessor of all souls. I am the one who will take you towards My Glorified Son. For this, dear children, after these months that have passed and in which we have been united from Heart to heart, I announce to you, as a Special Grace, that My celestial voice will continue for some time more accompanying all of your hearts through My Love and through My Words in the Daily Messages, with the aim that My Immaculate Heart may reach all. I ask you, dear children, to propagate My call for peace and for the time of conversion and that you invite hearts to reencounter the exercise of prayer as something primordial in these times.

Now the Lord has asked Me that, through the Holy Spirit, My Immaculate Heart may reach families, so that the families of the world may recuperate the symbol of the Sacred Family of Nazareth. And this will happen when all of the hearts of the families begin the precious path of prayer. Thus they will also be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, I thank with Divine Love all of your little hearts for responding to My call. You must know that it is God that now calls the world to reconciliation and to forgiveness so that Mercy may emerge as a source of conversion for all of the hearts.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mercy for all of My children.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


A lesson in Maternal Love

Dear children, today let us celebrate with immense bliss because the Lord has sent Me to you to announce My Daily Messages. Let us commemorate today the first month of the Celestial Announcements that My Immaculate Heart delivers to your little hearts. Accompany My path of Mother and Pilgrim of souls so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the whole world.

My beloved ones, in this way begin preparing your hearts for the encounter with Me for the end of this month. Contemplate in prayer the Infinite Love that My Heart of Peace has for each one of the souls.

Therefore, My little ones, I say to you that My Immaculate Heart counts on each one of your little hearts. My feet are alighting on the world to establish the Kingdom of Peace of Our Most Revered and Merciful Father. My Mantle is over the world to protect and shelter the hearts that in trust, open themselves to My Maternal Love. I will not be able to do anything for all those children who daily distance themselves from the path of God. I will only be able to pray and to inter- cede as the Mother of Mercy.

However, My dear children, your hearts may assist Me in the relief of the great sufferings of the soul and heart that many children live in the world, and this will happen through the strength of your daily prayers. When you manage to love the power of prayer, My little ones, I will be able to say that your hearts will be doing works of humility and of giving.

Know, My little ones, that My eyes are upon the world to contemplate it and to rescue it in this decisive final hour that is coming for many souls. Lift up prayers with fervor to the Heavens; there I will be able to radiate My wonders over the afflicted hearts.

My last hour of peace wants to announce itself to all hearts. Give out My call in the dwellings that still do not seek Me. Proclaim My Good News of Peace and Redemption to My children so that the conversion of the spirit may be manifested in the hearts.

To all those who need Me, there I will be. I am the Mother of Peace. I am the Mother of Mercy. I am the Bird of the Sun that illuminates the darkness in the hearts. I give new birth to your life through the inexhaustible source of the Love of My Son.

Let us pray for that which Our Lord needs. He has thirst for good souls.

I will intercede for your hearts,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity




Project “Heavenly Little Box”

"A Little Piece of Heaven reaching new hearts"

Responding to the request of the Virgin Mary that the instructions of the Divine Messengers reach more people. It was created so that “seeking souls should feel attracted and that it should work as a shortcut that would bring them to an encounter with the Divine Messengers”, according to the explanation of its originator, Luiz Sérgio, pilgrim and coordinator of a group of prayer.

It consists of a simple and endearing little box made of sky blue wood on a pedestal of the same material, containing brochures with an image, messages, and prayers of each Divine Messenger: Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph

The Heavenly Little Box has special attributes, because besides being an instrument for free dissemination, costing little, it has an expanded outlook, which can be accepted by all Groups of Prayer.

Each group that joins the proposal must communicate with the Association Mary, which will be monitoring this manifestation and contributing to the completion of its goals.

“May Mary continue to bless this simple and evolutionary task”, adds Luis Sérgio.

Also read:



“Spread, beyond yourselves, the holy word of the Hierarchy, so that the most un-awakened and distracted can be touched by My Maternal Love”. The Virgin Mary, 19th of november of 2016

Tipo de campaña: 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
