Let My Liberating Power extract, from your being, the old vestments of the past, so that the true purpose may emerge in you, and thus the new being may be born.

Sometimes to deprive oneself of the past is more painful than crossing an entire desert, thirsty and without water. But My Liberating Rays descend upon those who are Mine so that they may surrender everything to Me and thus My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may triumph.

Dare, companions, to let My Liberating Rays divest you of the past, so that your true and only essence may be revealed, and with it, all the treasures of the Love of God enter in you.

Do not think you will die before you reach Me due to being divested. The spiritual death of the past begins by accepting the designs of the Great Master.

This is the hour in which your Lord will cause Truth to emerge within His Own people, which is to say, the truth of being able to know pain, misery, and bitterness. And all of that together will be liberated by Me, so that the grand mission, of representing Me in the world and in the most crucial moment of My Church, may be fulfilled in souls.

For this reason I divest you and I deliver you to My Father, empty of everything, so that your testimonies be the true example of your lives.

To truly be by My Side, I will need up to the last drop of your effort; in this way, My Plan will be fulfilled as it is written in Heaven.

I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Message

My Voice is heard again in the deserts of this world and My Word echoes in the hearts that recognize the Glorified Face of the Lord.

I Am the last Prophet of these times.

Just as I Am the Beginning, I Am also the End, and everything will pass through Me until the last living cell of this planet.

Because I come from an infinite mystery, from an infinite Creation, from an immaterial Source that the world cannot touch, because it only vibrates in spirit.

I come from this Great Spirit, whence comes My Voice, which is the Word of Life, which brings to the world renewal and peace; which builds in souls a reconnection with God and with His Divine Kingdom.

In this immaterial Source I was conceived in order to come to this Creation, in order to show Myself to you and to be among you, sharing the Path of God, which is the only way that will unite all religions.

Today I Am here as the Lord of Religions, to synthesize the best, the most evolutionary, the good from each one of them.

Today I come to weave with My own Hands, through religions, the last necklace of Light which will unite each one of them in a single path where someday you will be, to realize, at last, that the only religion is the Love of God, the Love of the Source, which brings infinite wisdom, understanding and comprehension.

Just as I was in the past, so long ago, announcing the Word of Life and the Gospel in deserts, today the last Prophet of God returns to deserts to proclaim His Return, which will unite all that is separated in the consciousness of the humankind of this world.

Just as the religions will unite, also will the cultures, which will proclaim the Kingdom of God and worship Its Magnificence, Its Splendor and Infinity.

This moment is drawing near, when all will become clear, when all will be revealed and there will no longer be differences, because the end of a time is approaching, and the most difficult transition is near. And those who do not seek the Religion of Love, which comes from God, will perish.

For this reason, before all happens, love without borders and without resistances.

Allow the Ray of My Heart, the Ray of Love-Wisdom, to permeate you and transform you into the model I so much await.

May religions open, spiritually and in essence, to receive the Lord of the Universe; to receive the One Who once proclaimed the Gospel in the Temples of Jerusalem and Who will now proclaim His Redeeming Word in all Temples of the Earth and in all religions of the world.

And thus, humanity will understand that the spirituality of religions was not thoroughly told and that missing to all was the link of Love, to unite with the great chain of Love-Wisdom.

I was born in the Middle-East more than two thousand years ago to unite the Far East and the West, so that all religions to be born and those which were already born, could meet at the end of the path, the only Path of God which is the path of Love, the one that unifies the essences, the Love that brings the truth and understanding above all things.

I Am not only the Lord of the East, but also the Lord of the West, the Lord of Religions; because the religions of the world must be healed, be healed of their deepest wounds in order to be able to reconcile with God and thus enter in communion with Infinity.

The Father is only One.

But He is present in Three Persons: The Creator, the Firstborn Son and the Holy Spirit.

Three branches of Light that bring this Universe to the elevation of consciousness and unity with the inner universe of each being.

I come with this message because it is a message of preparation for what will come next, when the Lord of Religions visits the Far East and unites this part of humanity, as He unites this part of the planet, this place, with the Source.

May everyone be able to drink from this sacred knowledge. May everyone be able to receive these sacred impulses that are part of the revelation of the Book of God, in which is written the last part of the history of this humanity, which transits to a new time and a new dawn; which will be born to a new consciousness, leaving behind the consciousness of the past, indifference and error.

Accompany the Lord of Religions in His Predication around the world, being ambassadors of peace and good workers of God in order that you never lack the Graces, which the Lord makes sprout from His Infinite Source, in a tireless and inexhaustible way.

Today My Words are mysterious. Today My message is symbolic because all is still to be revealed and it only corresponds to you to understand a part; because you must know that you are within My Project, which you must protect from yourselves in order to not set apart from it, nor to set apart distant from the guidance of My Hand, of the Light of My Heart, of My silent Gaze.

The religions of the world will live their final stage, their definition, and the times that are coming will call you in order that all be united in love and unity; otherwise, it will not be possible to persist.

What is written will be fulfilled.

All is part of a new time and of a new experience, you only must have your faith strengthened in order for nothing to surprise you.

Because unimaginable things will happen, and your voices must be united to the Heights through prayer, so that spiritual guidance never lacks to you; because in truth I tell you that the sheep still do not know how to walk amidst the darkness so as not to lose the path of Light.

That is why I Am the End just as I Am the Beginning.

And until what My Father has asked Me is fulfilled, I will not rest, I will not cease to come to the world to prepare it for its awakening and its great moment of redemption.

Meanwhile, follow My steps for those who no longer follow them.

Accompany Your Master, taking My Hand so that I can guide you, even though you may not understand anything and may not accept anything.

Humanity has decided to stray from its final destiny, that is why I come to put you back on the path, so that you may find the only Path of God, which will take you to Love and to the Truth.

May this Marathon be the union between all the Christic essences of religions, which, whether or not they have Me present in their traditions and ceremonies, they must be able to, through My Intercession and their prayers, reach the union to the Source and the Infinite so that everyone can be redeemed someday.

Smile in this Marathon to relieve the suffering of the world.

There are many hearts which are desperate because they can neither listen to the Word of God, nor live it in these difficult times. But the door to My Divine Mercy is still open; the Ocean of My Mercy is still being offered so that souls may be submerged in it and be washed by the healing Light of My Heart.

May the advent of the new be fulfilled and may the majority of the flocks of God, in the different religions of the world, manage to participate in the great moment of the coming of their Redeemer.

And when this moment comes, I will no longer say another word, because the very facts will be the message, the very physical events on the planet will announce My Return.


Although the pressure is great, My Grace is infinite and can save souls. Therefore, I have come from the universe today to bring you peace, the peace that is missing in the world, and that is dissipated due to the darkness. But My Kingdom can become visible in the meek and pacific hearts that carry this peace to the world as an emblem of union with the Celestial Father.

I have asked everyone to come here, to this Sacred Center, to establish a purpose in your consciousnesses that goes beyond your understanding and is experienced in the spirit.

Today I have come from a very special place on the planet where I experience a retreat and a profound silence to meditate before the next steps that humanity must take. I would like to elevate you to that place, but first, you must pray so as to be able to enter it. This place of which I am speaking to you today is the desert of Shambhala, where the true inner reality exists, where everything had its origin, at the beginning of the Creation of My Father, for this planet and humanity.

Today I put you in this place so that you may seek Shambhala and thus remember what your purpose is for these times that are coming. But I will request this only to a few because I cannot do it for the whole world. The world is very distracted and thus it will not be able to see Shambhala, but you who do know it and have known it, relive these principles. Enter into the desert with Me, way into the desert, to find the temple within you, so as to be able to hold on to these gifts during the time of tribulation that you will still experience in the world, the tribulation that has not ended and that has just started.

I am your Shepherd and I guide the flocks of My Father. This is why I call you to enter into the inner Shambhala, and not to forget your true face, that which comes from time to time to live this experience of love and forgiveness that humanity has forgotten.

If I am to be found meditating and in retreat in the desert of Shambhala, why will you not do so? After the decision that My Father has made, new things must be thought from the heart so that spirits are able to be born in the works and carry out the designs of God. Therefore, the retreat is important, your inner retreat in the face of so much demand from humanity, in the face of so much service, and of spiritual and material need. I invite you to be in an inner retreat for you to be able to perceive things from another point of view, just as I see them.

I take you all to the desert of Shambhala so that you may open your eyes and in this reality of the inner Shambhala, you can discover and understand what the Hierarchy needs. If your hearts are united to this mystery, you will be able to be in Shambhala, because Shambhala is the main source of Love that has emerged on this planet to establish in the world the spirit of confraternity and unity with the universe that today's humanity does not experience because it is separated among brothers and nations. Therefore, everything that you do, do it in the name of the Lord, each action that you perform, each work that you carry out, each word that you proclaim must be in the name of peace and not of disunity. 

Times are still difficult and many do not want to believe it. I need the self-summoned to see the convenience in which they are and how great the call from Heaven is, which summons souls to serve, surrender, and renounce everything.

I promised you that I would return, first in My Divinity so that afterwards you could see me resplendent among the clouds as the Sun of the universe, which will establish the new humanity for all worlds. This moment has arrived, companions. I am returning, although you do not see Me. If in previous months, in previous meetings of prayer I led you to know to the Law and adopt it in your lives, I made you go through the Middle East to refuge souls in your hearts, now why do you not follow me to the inner Shambhala where everything started for this planet?

I invite you to the desert so that you can be empty of everything and of any circumstance because I will not be able to place My new Principles in souls full of other things. Therefore I invite you to the inner retreat, to prayer and silence so that the world can be saved. This is the simplest thing that I ask you, companions; I do not need that you surrender to me your families, your work, your material life. I need you to elevate yourselves in consciousness, so as to be able to abandon these things, which should come in second place so that My primordial Work can be accomplished. I am not saying, companions, that your families should be abandoned nor that your jobs should not be attended. I need your consciousnesses to be in the priority that My Father needs in these final times. If I am returning it is to call you, to form you as the army of the 144 thousand that must be ready to answer the planetary need, the call of the Plan, and the Work of God in the whole universe.

Dear companions, we are speaking of great things and not of tiny things. Terror is being spread in the world and pain is becoming more acute, and someone must relieve it so that nothing is lost in this humanity. This is why I come as your Shepherd today, to lead you to discover, in Shambhala, your inner void and everything that has always filled it, time and again, time after time. But do not fear. Who is speaking to you will not abandon you, will not leave you aside, because I will share your purification with you, as I share the purification of this unredeemed humanity, which is far from God and especially far from love, the true love of the universe.

We are doing the impossible for the world not to continue deviating towards the abyss. Therefore, the efforts will be extreme and you will be aware of this. And when the time comes for each one of you to be able to give your maximum, to totally surrender to My Father, you will not be able to say that you did not know. Just as I once told My apostles that I was waiting for them to follow Me to the Calvary and in the Passion, today I tell you not to step back, for My Glorified Heart will be your sustenance at the most acute moment.

My heart can make you be reborn because My Mercy allows it. And if you are in My Mercy, you will embrace My Grace. My Grace will fulfill you and thus you will be in My Divinity, the Divinity of Christ that humanity has not yet known nor reached at any time. Therefore I demonstrate My Glory to you so that you can know My Grace, and in My Grace, you can be divinized in the name of My Father, in honor to Adonai and His Eternal Kingdom, which always awaits all His creatures to pour out upon them His Love and Peace from time to time, from epoch to epoch.

Do not be frustrated, do not be disturbed. Answer in obedience and you will know the reason why. Embrace My Call and you will feel My Divinity that always awaits you so as to guide and conduct you to the Kingdom of My Father.

Through this call to the inner retreat of Shambhala, I am inviting all souls to mature consciously and to cease doing what is no longer necessary in these times. Because when you are busy with useless things, I only observe you and wait for you to be able to awaken to feel My Voice in your hearts, the Voice that cries out, before the Celestial Father, for this Project of humanity.

May this Marathon be the deepening of the spiritual life of every being and thus the reconfirmation of your vows may be established before this definitive Project that must be fulfilled. May this Marathon not only go through Aurora but also through each one of you so that you can perceive what I am telling you.

I cannot continue giving more responsibilities to those who already respond to Me. Souls have a point of tension to bear My Designs, now the time has come for you to abandon your insignificant things so that everything is balanced and you embrace My Call and fulfill a part of the plan that is still waiting to be concretized. In this way, the 144 thousand will be born and will cease being written in the sacred book of the Bible to become a reality at this time. These 144 thousand consciousnesses are on the entire planet in different regions, nations, cultures, languages, and beliefs within the spiritual Christianity of the planet. Thus, I establish the symbol of My Divinity through My Grace, because if you love the power of My Grace experiencing My Divine Mercy, you will understand the magnitude of this proposal, and thus you will respond in time.

See your inner Shambhala, which calls you to unite to the Masters and thus reconfigure the Plan under the reign of Christ, your Beloved Lord. The doors of the desert of Shambhala are not open for making you suffer, but for you to enter into the path of the void that your hearts need to experience, and being free from all this, to carry out the Works of the Master in the simplicity of spirit and in the humility of soul through service to others.

May your hearts be re-ignited in this proposal, may your voice truly cry out for My Mercy after so many Marathons of prayer. May your souls ask for that which they need, for I will give it to you. Do not be afraid of the void, because the soul attains its freedom in the void. The soul becomes divinized in the presence of My Priestly Spirit.

I wait for you in consciousness and in love towards the Plan,

The Glorified Christ Jesus


Weekly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the city of Santo Tomé, province of Santa Fe, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Make your heart small and you will grow in Life.

Become the pious Mary Magdalene and come to Me to wash My Feet with your tears.

Come to remove from Me the dust of sin that many souls cause in My universal Being.

Come and sit at My table. I will listen to you day and night. I hear the clamor of your heart in the universe.

Unite with Me and trust; you are in the correct place, where God has placed you. You are where you should be, under the Will of the Creator.

Let Me tell you how much I long to feel you close and enfold you in My Mantle, to place you in My lap and take care of you during the long nights of storm and cold.

Do not feel discouraged, I have already given you the key to supreme joy. Allow your whole structure to move within you and the true being that comes from God to be able to be born in life.

And while you still are crossing the arid and desolate desert, I stretch out My sacred Hand to take you off the path of desolation and emptiness.

Feel now the warmth of My merciful Heart again and allow Me to erase from within you everything that no longer belongs to you.

Be the same as My apostles, accept dying for Me and being reborn in My Flame of life, the divine Flame of God.

In this time that passes, I come to call you to tell you where I want to have you in this cycle. Listen to My Voice, which resonates in the heart that opens to recognize Me.

I Am that I Am. I Am the One that was born and returned to the Source of Love. I was the One that came to give the greatest testimony of Love and Forgiveness, and I Am the One that will return to give Life to that which has already died.

I Am the Spirit of the Truth of God.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for returning to My Heart!

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Weekly message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Monastery Madre del Sol, Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón

My Heart glorifies the efforts of those who are consequent with My Sacred Heart.

My Heart glorifies those who stand by My side and, with nothing in return, wait patiently for My coming.

My Heart glorifies those who are no longer at My side, but who are drawn by the power of My Spirit which once gathered them together and saved them. To all of them I give My Healing and My Grace by comforting them overnight, pulling them out of the void into Paradise. So, I leave alive My Christic codes so that those souls may someday reconsider and surrender to Me.

In My Kingdom, I have many servers, and every one offers Me their great virtue and love with the whole strength of their heart. It is in those servers that I feel fulfilled, for through them I endure, I suffer, and I understand human lacks that generate great deserts without the Water of Life within.

But I am taking you to the great shore of My ocean of Love and Mercy so that, in these difficult times, you may trust, take hold of My Hands and climb into My saving boat of redemption and peace, for through this infinite and inexhaustible ocean, I will reflect to you your true mission of love and redemption for this era of Earth.

Thus, I give you My paddles that are as heavy as the woods I carried on My Shoulders, out of love for you, without hesitation and without thinking. I wish you to row in spite of tiredness or loneliness, there is nothing between you and Me that can separate us.

I Am of this world, I Am part of you and from you I rose up to My Father to speak to Him and plead with Him for all humanity. But know that in continuous rowing, some will become shipwrecked, others will survive great storms of overcoming and trial. But through me, my Father will make you strong and serene.

Through My Peace you will reach the awaited harbor, the harbor of My Heart.

I leave you this parable, so that you may live it and not only listen to it, but that it may be the example of the full server who lives My apostolate.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Heart!

The Glorified Christ Jesus


Special weekly Message of Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Be humble before those who, through error or fear, abandon My precious and preferred path.

Pour out the infinite Graces that I have placed in your heart upon those who have lost them through ignorance. Take a risk to the point of giving your life for your friends. There will never be something similar or different that can destroy the love that with so much effort has been built among brothers and sisters.

Happy are they who fully believe in My Truth and profess it because I promise to compensate them on the day of their celestial glory.

Look now at My wounded spiritual Side, which is a sign of the anxieties and the deserts caused by souls into which, from the beginning, I have poured out My infinite Mercy.

All want to drink of the Source, but few dare to seek it through pain, the desert and the void.

Pay attention! I have shown you the path of the desert, and in truth, I tell you that you have not even crossed the first part of the great aridity of the heart.

Sometimes, I have you spiritually experience the thirst that humanity caused Me during the Passion, on the Cross; but I know that when this unbearable and unsustainable thirst worsens, many have the impulse to abandon Me at that time.

I know that after everything you will understand the mystery that I come to reveal to you, the mystery of suffering out of love and of enduring the bitterness that would punish the world. For this reason, day and night, I avail Myself of your inner-selves, to place within states of emptiness and transmutation, necessary to avoid the sovereign Law over humanity.

When you still believe that you will never see Me, I will visit you. When you still believe that you will never feel Me, I will cause Myself to be deeply felt; but My Law is to test the degree of your love and the unalterable faithfulness of your souls.

Woe to those who have not truly invoked Me! They will soon lose all that was foreseen to be received within their dwellings.

But so great and mysterious is the power of My Divine Mercy that I come to warn you, that if you have thought of abandoning Me, you still are in time to return to the path of My Heart, to the blessed House of Adonai.

Today I open your eyes to take away the dust of blindness. Today I touch your hearts so that, now and forever, you will be able to believe that I Am Who speaks to you: Jesus of Nazareth.

Blessed are the simple, for they will always find the suitable answer.

Let your feet not tire of following Me; let every inner desert be a reason for purification and the concrete affirmation of the Plan of My Father.

Under the Love of God, be blessed and intelligent.

Thank you for persisting through My Heart!

The Merciful Christ Jesus




In the desert of life there are only summits to be crossed and hills for walking through.  There, on the horizon of your hearts, is found My Venerable Temple, full of love, of unity and faith, an unbreakable space that bears the headwinds and the tremors of others. 

Nothing greater than My Sacerdotal Love will be able to overthrow the temple of your heart.  For this be attentive because you will be on time for returning to the dwelling of the apostles and of the servers of God.

If you did not pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy the temple would have already been overthrown a long time ago.  May your conviction of wanting to be with Me be the permanent impulse to build the new dwelling for My Return.

Be carriers of the flame of My Perpetual Hope and believe in the power of the supreme trust that I deposit from on High into your lives.  Go ahead waiting for the upcoming time of peace of the heart and of all the consciousness.  Together we will construct, through merciful prayer the new trail for the hearts that fall day by day, that totally deny Me and that loose the sacred temple of the heart from great landslides.

Remember that the good Works are fulfilled when the workers build towards the High and the Divine.  In this way nothing that may not be the designs of the Father will be able to interfere in the aim of My Project.

Enter into the highest current of My Merciful Heart.  May nothing totally suffocate you, but may your consciousness always be joyful for serving the King of kings.

In Heaven they talk about the dedication of those who answer to My Call while on Earth the prayerful hearts are raised to the Temple of My Heart.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for opening to Me the door of your inner temple!

Christ Jesus, the High Priest and Guardian of the Temple of the Heart


My Merciful Heart, at three in the afternoon, generates an explosion of Light and of Graces over the hearts that await My Divine Mercy with faith and trust.

But My Powers also are poured over the hearts that are blind in spirit and that cannot see the greatness of My Humble Presence.  I need all of the flocks.  For this, in this era, My Heart will make use of the brave ones to be able to reach the essences that are most distant from the path of the spiritual redemption.

Now has arrived the moment to revert the evils that the world awakens and which humanity, asleep in its majority, embraces as if they were sheep without a shepherd.

For this My Mercy comes to restore the deep spaces of consciousness. My Heart is approaching with the intention of alleviating the great despair of many souls, those which lack peace because they lack the prayer of the heart.

My divine wish is that all may be able to glimpse that the Great Lord. He who belongs to them from the beginning is returning, but this time to give testimony to the true presence of God and to the Greater Life. 

For this the good flocks must unite themselves as only one in order to help Me, removing from the critical thoughts indifferences, opinions and judgments, because it will cost the soul that may not be willing to be empty of itself a double effort to find peace.

It is time to die to oneself and it is time to see the reality that anguishes the great number of hearts that are lonely, as in a spacious desert of loneliness and thirst. The Source of Life that represents the Sacred Heart of Jesus comes to quench your spiritual thirst and It wants for humanity to repair the Blessed Heart from the very serious offenses that hurt the Heart of the All Powerful.

If there is a true and permanent response on the part of the people who pray, humanity will receive the Grace of Forgiveness, and it will have some time more of peace if it establishes the devotion towards the Merciful Heart of Jesus.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Words with attention!

Christ Jesus.


As long as you are in this world, life will be an exercise of constant transcendence and redemption.

For this, do not detain your steps on those things that form part of your indomitable human condition.  Surrender to me, day by day, your little beings and drink from My Fountain of Mercy, which will free you from sin.

Let yourselves be brought to the Kingdom of Peace, and of absolute Love.  Do not lose sight of My pilgrim footsteps, because I am by your side to teach you the correct use of the Law of the Lord.  Affirm your life in the infinite purity of God, aspire each day to be less for yourselves and more for those who in truth need help.

The key for your constant purification is found in prayer and in faith; because through them you will strengthen the path of the living of your vows. I know with anticipation that you will fail Me, I know with anticipation that you will come to Me seeking internal strength, so that you may face your own inner battle.

I only say to you that bravery and love are needed to live in My Project, because to be blessed of spirit, you will know first the desert of you beings. But I will be in the desert to give to you drink from My Merciful Fountain of Pity.

Confess yourselves with Me, and only say to Me every day that you are with Me. Live in faith.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


When a door of evil is closed by the presence of the sublime and wise Love of God between the brothers and the sisters of humanity, the Holy Spirit of Christ again fully organizes the consciousnesses, carrying them one more time to the encounter with the true spiritual mission that My Father has entrusted to them.

For this do not fear that your vestments may fall from your beings or that they may be taken off, as they were from My Glorified Body because from you will be taken off the old so that you may be covered by the Holy Spirit.

When My Heart communicates to you the hour of changes it is so that the hearts may be prepared for the path of transcendence and of purification. Whoever drinks from the bitter chalice of the emptiness of oneself will afterwards be with Me to drink and to dine of the chalice of Reparation and of Redemption.

But it is urgent that the past be transmuted by My Merciful Rays so that your beings may receive absolution and forgiveness. I know that sometimes My Disciples feel lonely before so much dryness of the desert and, out of instinct seek to quench their thirst in other fountains that could be dry.

But I tell you that the true Christic and chaste love between beings is born when the truth is revealed between them, because there is present the wisdom of God and the love that may be able to exist between souls that will be able to be purified so that you may love each other in spirit and in fraternity.

For this I have asked you to love each other. I have asked you to love one another as you are so that you may learn to love the soul of each consciousness, because this is your inner goal.

When the love of My Heart is present between beings will be lived the pure Love of God, as My Mother Mary and the Most Chaste Joseph lived it on the Earth. Believe in this love and nourish yourselves through spiritual love, in this way your sensation of emptiness will disappear. I am returning as the renovated source of love that is absent in all of humanity.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in the Source of My Christic Love.

Christ Jesus.


My dears:

May My Shepherd Heart be present amongst you and may you be in My Heart and you be able to take, as missionaries, My Message of salvation to the world.

May your example of charity awaken the need for serving in those who do not serve. May your example of surrender activate the need for consecration in those who do not consecrate themselves to My Heart. May your example of fraternal love reflect itself in those who still do not love God so that they may learn to love the Creator above all things.

Through this path of constant surrender My Redeemer Spirit accompanies you. Remember My companions, that you are attempting day by day to become detached from yourselves and to leave behind your projects for the realization of My Greater Project. In consequence, My friends, you will encounter all that is difficult for yourselves but My purifying and liberating Fire will penetrate you whenever you open for an instant the door of the heart.

My dears, today together with the Immaculate Heart I confirm to you that My Universal Mother will continue to be your Mother of Consolation, of Relief, of Hope, your Mother of Grace and of Mercy.

If you have come to the desert of your life, I ask you, dear sheep, dear disciples, that you do not lower your arms, that you feel that with each surrender made by you to My Sacred Heart that you are repairing the great outrages that Humanity sends to Me day by day.

For this know that I Am with you, I am at your side carrying the cross of the great transformation so that in the same way as the Cyrene of Jerusalem, you may victoriously take the steps towards your conversion and redemption.

I want that today in love your eyes may glow with light and that your lips, through prayer, may pronounce devout praises to the Celestial Father.

May My Mercy always be able to accompany you, to distance you from sin and in this way you may be able to enter the Eternal Temple of My Heart.

One more time I gather you in the name of Peace and of Good, of Charity and of Service to the whole world.

Many of My followers in this last cycle will confirm the Christic path that My Steps mark for all. Tirelessly I Am with you because I know that these times will need My Omnipresent Spirit of Love.

Under the Love and the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for considering My words with the Heart!

Your Redeemer, Christ Jesus.


My dear companions:

Today I take you all towards the depths of My Heart and through this emblem of union with Me I gather you around My Presence so that you may be able to comply with the commandments of My Father.

Dear friends: I know that many of you are about to cross the great threshold of the inner desert in order to thus live the transformation that the Father needs of your lives. He sends Me today for love to you, for love to the whole humanity. My Mercy is today the balsam awaited by your hearts, the one which by means of the Grace poured by Me, will give you strength to walk, love to be able to live and faith to believe in My Powerful Redeemer Word.

Today I am not only with you but also with your brothers and sisters who in this time of infinite mercy are united to My Sacerdotal Spirit.

My dears, I also see in you an intense inner depletion. I ask you to concentrate your faith in My Eternal Faith, your despair in My Comfort, your pain in My Compassion. I love you, I love you so much that I gave the life for you so that your generations would be able to be present in life in this time. Just abandon yourselves in My Arms because My Heart has already received the precious consecration of your souls.

Know, My companions, that the true soldier of Light is formed through the effort in serving and loving God above all things. I adore those who give all for their friends because they will convert themselves into eternal servers of My Kingdom.

While My Spirit circulates throughout the world, pouring Graces and Forgiveness, I ask you that you be brave every day and that you do not lower the banner of peace and redemption.

Dears, I am returning in Omnipresent Spirit in order to let you know the eternal life for your consciousnesses. I encounter in you a luminous path full of blessings.

What else do you want for your lives if from the Cross I completely gave you My Holy Mother?

My friends: entrench your faith in My Immaculate Heart because for you It will be the path of return to My Dwellings.

I thank you for lovingly receiving Me.

Under the Eternal Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My instructions in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of the world. 


My dears:

If you live every day in My Eternal Reconciliation, among your hearts you will recognize My Sacred Heart of Love. If you aspire to be in My Spirit you will know where to walk because My Light will guide you even through paths distant from Me.

My companions today I show you that all of you can live in My Glorious Pity and Redemption because as Soul and as Heart I recognize your limitations and aspirations. For this do not lower your arms, allow that with your arms open My Heart may irradiate to your essences in order to be able to purify you and form you as the new and awaited Christs of the new time.  

The new Christs are the ones who most fail me but who in the end recognize me. The new Christs are the ones who serve me, even without transcending their limitations. The new Christs are the ones who least transform themselves but at the moment of the encounter with Me, My Heart invades them.

The new Christs are the ones who still are not prepared, they are the ones who are the most immature because those who serve me the most, those who surrender themselves the most, those who empty themselves the most and are more humble and forgetful of themselves, these are My servers, the ones who will prepare the earth so that the new harvest may arrive, the new presence of the Christs.

I ask you nothing else than to be faithful to My Cause and to My Will because this will allow you to consecrate your hearts to My Eternal Essence. If you still are in your own inner desert, walk! Walk towards Me! Even in the dusk because My Mercy will guide each of your steps.

I hope that you will surrender yourselves completely to My Heart. I await this moment to be able to love you and strengthen you in the mission that My Father entrusted you. The desert of life empties the consciousness and allows, in the reflection, to strengthen the love in the essence. Remember that you are My Christic essences; you are My disciples of the new age of redemption.

Under the Love of God be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Heart in your hearts!

Christ Jesus.


At the end of the message Christ started to say to us: “Go in Peace, go in Peace” and it was at this moment that He dictated to us the following prayer:

Go in My Peace

Go in My Peace, that the Lord strengthens you.

Go in My Peace, that the Shepherd leads you.

Go in My Peace, that the Lord accompanies you.

Go in My Peace, that My Heart safeguards you.

Go in My Peace, that My Mercy forgives you.

Go in My Peace, that the Lord takes care of your faith.

Go in My Peace, because the Lord loves you and knows you.

Go in My Peace, because you will be in the Peace of God
and you will be the fruit of Peace for your brothers and sisters.

Remember to be in My Peace,
because My Divinity will guide you for eternity.

Go in My Peace, My companions!




Partners of My Path,

I know that sometimes you fall to My right and My left. For this, today, in the name of the unfathomable and infinite mercy,  I come to meet you, because My Heart, wounded by the thorns of humanity, searches for relief in the dwellings that are still impure, because My Divine Love comes to consecrate them, searches for relief in the empty dwellings, because My Love comes to take away loneliness, searches to relieve the dwellings that are in pain, because My Love comes to fill each soul with healing.

Come toward Me and trust! I know very well about your difficulties and your talents, those which you have to give Me. Open the door so that My Sacred Mercy may free your past and your heart. Let Me find a space for Myself inside of your being.

What more do you want, My Sons and Daughters? Can I just stay close to your inner life?

I know which desert your are now walking in and I know where you have been.  Unite to My caravan, which heads to the destiny of redemption.  Trust in the great Pilgrim who walks the world looking for a place to land and rest.  The great moment for the awaited encounter with Me is at hand, and all the servants must be prepared from the heart.

Stay in Me so that I may stay in you. Just wait in patience and in vigil for the great encounter.  I Am with you to encourage you to live in My Meriful Hope.  I know that you fear to look at Me, to even find Me before your little life.  Now wait, just wait for Me, because I Am arriving to each being.

Quiet yourselves and be serene within My Heart, I want you to be born into eternal life, to the encounter with My Redeeming Love.  I forgive your falls, but I contemplate your love for Me. Today I stay inside of you in prayer.

In the Grace of God, be merciful to one another. 

Thank you for keeping My signs in your hearts!

Christ Jesus

At the end of Christ's message, I saw arise again from the Heart of Christ a blue source of light that He pours out upon us, it was the Source of His Grace and He transmitted to us the following prayer:


Prayer to ask for the Grace of the Merciful Jesus

 For the Source of Grace
that springs as a fount
from the Heart of Jesus,
Lord, have Mercy on all of us.


To download this prayer, click here


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
