My Son comes to bring the spiritual relief that hearts need so that a positive hope may be reborn within them.

Your Heavenly Mother accompanies you, to motivate you to continue forward with joy and rejoicing, because this will help hearts to be able to spiritually heal themselves.

It is in this way, dear children, that on this day, a ray of Grace descends over this region of the United States to consolidate within the spirits an opportunity for redemption and the elevation of consciousness.

The planetary reality makes of this humanity a race much in need of spiritual and moral balance. 

For this reason, the Divine Messengers arrive in the United States to call hearts to the truth, to the recognition of the human condition, in which many are to be found today.

For this, the Hierarchy carries out a work of miracles with the goal of preparing all consciousnesses ahead of time, for the expected return of Christ.

At this moment, each effort will be important, because this will build the alliance of sleeping consciousnesses with the Creator.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you on this day of mercy,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Believe in tomorrow, and you will be born into a new life. Have hope, and you will be reborn as an essence. It is time to heal and not to resist. It is time that life detaches from its bonds through love.  Without love, nothing is worthwhile, nor is anything achieved.

Feel the peace that I once gave you within, take refuge in it and you will fear nothing. Do not give power to what does not exist. Help Me to dismantle the plans of My adversary with intelligence.

Believe once and for all that you will be delivered from evil, because where I am present, nothing opposed to Me can exist. I am the Mother of Light, and, where there is Light, there is God. Because the Father is Eternal Light, Infinite Love in constant expansion. And if you unite with this Love, who will separate you from It? Do you believe in Christ? He is your trust and He is your whole life, He knows who you are and whom you have come to serve.

Nothing is separate; only the human mind separates. Overcome obstacles with peacefulness, and may that peace be stronger than all storms. Place your senses, feelings and ways of being into the Hands of the Lord. He will know perfectly well what to do with each one of them. And, thus, purity will arise, and the treasuries will open so that virtues may emanate from the greatest depths of the consciousness. Darkness will dissipate and all will be renewed. To God, nothing remains inconclusive.

The Universe will show the true face of life. Believe in that Divine Face which is the Universe in its infinity of forms and expressions. You come from there and some day you will return with the baggage of a lived experience, of a concretized redemption and of a love communed with Christ. Your promise will be to transcend the challenges, day by day, without wanting any immediate result.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who gives you the impulse,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Holy Grail: Instrument of Divinity and of a Legendary Brotherhood

From the moment in which Christ took the Holy Grail into His Hands, so that it could be the repository of all the Christic codes of redemption, from that moment, the Archangelic Consciousness of Michael established a spiritual union between souls and God in a definitive way,  capable of sustaining itself inwardly throughout the ages, unbreakable to any opposing force.

This spiritual alliance, this celestial communion, which was celebrated by the Archangel Michael Himself with all souls, through the Most Powerful Firstborn Son, closed a decaying and involutionary cycle of humanity.

It was in this way that, through the Holy Grail, seven new principles were established in the Last Supper that all souls in redemption, and mostly all those who would seek this communion with Christ, could live consciously.

The first principle that the Archangel Saint Michael established was the principle of Reparation, which is the grace of being able to restore the alliance of souls with God through communion.

Second, the principle of Redemption. The opportunity of sending out all sin through a sincere confession with Christ.

Third, the principle of Liberation. An opportunity for detaching forever from all the chains that bind souls to the abysses of the Earth, and to all hells.

Fourth, the principle of Healing. The culminating moment to spiritually restore oneself through love and unity with God.

Fifth, the principle of Ascension. The opportunity of elevating the consciousness in dimension and in vibration through the inner fusion with the Body and the Divine  Blood of Christ.

Sixth, the principle of Forgiveness. The possibility of closing past cycles and of remaining in the eternal present to live the reconciliation of one’s consciousness with the Celestial Universe.

Seventh, the principle of Rehabilitation. The ability for completely accepting the service to the Divine Plan and the fulfillment, throughout all phases of Higher Purpose.

Through these seven principles, through the Holy Grail that was transfigured with the Precious Blood of Christ, Blood that was shed in that moment, the Archangel Michael wanted to show humanity the incalculable value that the Passion of Jesus would have, and all the spiritual benefits that the same event would provide throughout time.

It is thus that the Holy Grail is a universal instrument, a cosmic and divine symbol, capable of awakening within us the Christic codes, those emanations of love-wisdom that arose from the Source, from which all creatures of the Universe originate.

It is to this powerful Source that the Holy Grail, this powerful instrument, leads us and essentially communicates to us that in this moment the holy angels and the elevated consciousnesses of the Spiritual Universe are reverently carrying it throughout each one of the nations of the Americas until it reaches the United States, to draw toward humanity the memory of returning to the principles of Christianity and peacemaking in the face of the planetary events that the human race is experiencing.

The Holy Grail, which is divine and spiritual, is lovingly transferred by an Angelic Brotherhood,  the same that in the culminating moment of the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles, witnessed the hidden and positive task that the Archangel Saint Michael carried out within Jesus Himself.

From that moment onward, this has given the world  the opportunity of recovering communion with all the saints and angels so that a greater balance may be established in the consciousness of humanity.

The Holy Grail brings these types of celestial currents to a humanity that in these times will awaken in an intense way because of what they will have to experience.

The Holy Grail reminds us that we must be like Mirrors, able to reflect  the principles that the Divine Source provides for humanity upon the planet and throughout the whole human race.

For a few days the Holy Grail has been in movement, in a sacred spiritual pilgrimage throughout the Americas, so that some events may not be triggered, and all can be balanced.

This event, which is not only universal but also divine, will allow the doors to open so that the corrupted states of consciousness may be liberated, healed and redeemed, and, in this way the planetary consciousness may recover certain values that were lost.

In its totality, this purely spiritual and inner event is supported by the Archangel Saint Michael.

And now that the Celestial Messengers await the arrival of the Holy Grail in the United States, the hearts of this nation prepare to receive this last and great impulse of Light and Redemption.

Your Most Holy Mother thanks you for the communion that souls have had in these last days with this holy instrument of the Brotherhood.

In Unity and Love, who thanks you for responding to the final call,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To all the choirs present in the Meeting of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity:

My dear children present at the Marian Center of Figueira,

Today, with all the light and love that flows out from your hearts from the singing, I wish to ask that, under a spirit of humility and simplicity, you offer this meeting for the divine cause of making the Love of God triumph in humanity.

For this, My children, your Heavenly Mother will today accompany you from Mexico through the sacred face of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and, with all My angels, from this side of the planet, I will wait for that moment in which your voices will start to sing and to proclaim peace for the world and the healing of hearts.

In this offering of today, dear singers of My Heart, I want you to lovingly dedicate this meeting to the whole serious situation that your planet is facing, especially for what My children of Central America are suffering, who are going through the climatic effects and the intense movement of the elements of nature.

For this sacred mission that you Heavenly Mother has been carrying out, I ask you, dear singers of God, that you keep yourselves united to the great angels of the different regions of the planet, especially the angels of Central America, so that through the supplications of your voices, they may calm the furor of nature.

It is in this way, dear children, that the whole of humanity and the part of it most asleep are facing the first and acute steps of the purification of the planet.

Through your artistic offering to God, beloved children, we will be able to open the doors to Grace, so that it may be poured out again through My Immaculate Heart in all the spaces and in the consciousnesses of the planet that are not yet prepared to live the last cycle of the transition.

From the Sanctuary of Guadalupe in Mexico, at the top of mount Tepeyac, your Heavenly Mother will wait for the musical and instrumental pieces that will be offered today in a heartfelt way by each one of you, so that in this way, a little more peace is established in the consciousness of humanity that has never experienced a final transition.

As from now, I thank all those who pray for accompanying your Divine Mother on this mission through Central America and Mexico.

It is thus that I still invite you to keep collaborating with the work that the Divine Messengers will continue to expand through other places of the world.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who sings with the voice of the Heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

As the Mother of all the people and all the races I will still continue in pilgrimage in Mexico to be able to heal most of the pain possible that My children live at this time.

It is so that from Heaven I light the Mirrors of prayer for them to radiate very potent streams of love, healing and liberation.

In this way, children, your Heavenly Mother will be able to penetrate with Her Divine Consciousness the spaces with most suffering in Mexico and in the world, and with the inner strength of all Her praying children She can carry out the co-redemptive work with Her Beloved Son.

Therefore, beloved children, humanity will see itself liberated from millennial mistakes by means of the Mirrors of prayer that each soul lights in the moment of simply offering Me the prayer of heart.

It is in this last cycle that the Divinity of the Son of God will allow many consciousnesses to enter the inner planes, the spaces of love, where the angels of Heaven can spiritually take care of them; this is in truth a state of Grace generated by the “yes” of all of the servers.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unites you to God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

My intention is to bring peace and light to the world directly from the Celestial Kingdom through your simple and profound prayers. Each time that you say the prayer of the Hail Mary, you allow for My Rays, the Rays of My Divine Consciousness, to penetrate the suffering Earth, and to awaken deep healing within hearts.

Therefore, dear children, I ask you to never get tired of praying with fervor and heart because an important spiritual chemistry is established between your sincere prayers and My intercession for the world. It is as if the door of the Kingdom of God never closed, through which every day I can send to Heaven the lost souls for them to receive an opportunity.

Dear children, it pleases Me to listen, to feel and to hear you through the word of prayer. It is like a clamor, a supplication of the hearts that is permanently heard from Earth and for all of humanity in need.

It is so that from cycle to cycle, with faith and hope, I invite you to renew yourselves and to start losing the fears, the feeling that you might fail and go backwards. Dear children, do not think about your captivity anymore. Remember that I took each one of you out from this state of consciousness. I placed you in My arms for you to be able to feel until the end of days My Immaculate Love.

I invite you to keep faith. The tests can be great, but the love will always be infinite and invincible.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who always accompanies you without delay,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


An important Humanitarian Mission for Venezuela…

My most appreciated prayerful children of the world,

With the Voice of the Consciousness of God, I come on this day to ask for collaboration in an important humanitarian mission for Venezuela.

Once again, love must heal all pain…

I expect, dear children, that in the month of November My missionaries of Fraternidade will carry out this humanitarian mission together with the collaborators of the north of Brazil; this mission will have the purpose of receiving many brothers and sisters and of relieving the suffering that is generated in the nation of Venezuela.  

Once again, love must heal all pain…

With all your readiness and with the service to those in need, this humanitarian mission for Venezuela will be carried out in the State of Roraima, specifically with the refugees from Venezuela that are in the city of Boa Vista.

From this city, your Heavenly Mother is indicating to Brazil as a nation that it must open its doors to receive the refugees.

The souls of Venezuela will need the humanitarian mission at least during the whole month of November.

It is thus, dear children, that a first group of missionaries will participate together with those who feel they are to cooperate, in the relieving of suffering during the first fifteen days of the month of November. Then the second part of the mission will arrive with another group of servers in the last fifteen days of the month.

The initial base of preparation for this humanitarian mission will be the Community of Light of Figueira, in the houses of the missionaries of Fraternidade.

Once again, love must heal all pain…

Dear children, it is in this way that two great missions will be taking place during the month of November: the humanitarian mission for Venezuela, and the mission of the Divine Messengers to Central America and Mexico.

Once again, love must heal all pain…

So you will be able to understand, My beloved ones, that the Sacred Hearts are wanting to avoid an imbalance in the Americas, most especially in the nations of Central America and in Venezuela, which are already facing the first stages of the Armageddon.

Once again, love must heal all pain…

With your hearts full of joy and of mercy, I expect that in this humanitarian mission for Venezuela, My children of Colombia, Argentina, and Uruguay will also participate. Embracing this divine task, as humanity, through this mission you will draw forward the opportunity of reversing the evil that Venezuela is facing today.

Once again, love must heal all pain…

Dear children, under the support and protection of all the angels, the city of Boa Vista, in the State of Roraima, will become a refugee camp; refugees that will, each time, come in greater numbers, expecting to relieve suffering and to cover basic human needs.

Fraternidade - International Humanitarian Federation will have the Grace of gathering servers from the different nations of the Americas that will participate in this sacred mission for the relieving of suffering of the brothers and sisters of Venezuela.

Once again, love must heal all pain…

I am grateful for the servers and missionaries who will support this plan of assistance and help for the nation of Venezuela.

Brazil must open the doors of its heart to receive such great human suffering.

Who accompanies you to serve for peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose and Missionary of Peace 

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come to this immaculate house to bring relief from the inner suffering which the world and the voices of some of My children have generated.

I come to renew hope, and above all, to strengthen the filiation with God, so that My apostles in redemption feel that the Love of God is in all servers.

I come to teach you to experience what it is to be denied, just as My Son experienced it after having given so many Graces.

I come to remedy and to heal, in the depths of your spirits, what has already taken place and has generated discomfort.

As the Mother of relief and consolation, I come to testify to the Love of Christ in your hearts and to fulfill within you the part of the Purpose that is still to be accomplished.

I come to teach you to love the error of others and not to judge it, as the majority of humanity does, both religious and non-religious, which offends the Heart of the Father.

I come, dear children, to help you go through the Calvary of the end of times and that you learn of unknown things you have still not experienced.

I come to give you the strength of My Heart and the Love of My Divine Spirit, because united with My Consciousness, we will transcend the abysses of the Earth and the Greater Plan will be fulfilled.

On this sacred day, I come to give you My Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who fills you with the Spirit of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I will send all My angels so that, after each battle, the Healers of Heaven may radiate their healing states over the servant humanity.

This is how your Heavenly Mother sends all Her Hosts of Light so that they may rebuild all that has been damaged after a hard confrontation.

Know, dear children, that the angels of healing dedicate their divine service to restore and balance that which My adversary tries to destroy.

Thus, the Love of God within them allows the doors of evil to be sealed, and, all that is involutive becomes expelled because, at that moment, My beloved ones, the Light of God, the Light of the Creator, triumphs over any adversity.

It is in this school that all the servers are entering in order to learn to love what the Father sends them as instruction and for inner growth.

As your Mother, I will not cease to accompany you on this trajectory that will lead you to serve for the liberation of many souls that are trapped in ignorance and in the temptation of My enemy.

When liberation and a global awakening happens within the consciousnesses, it is a sign, dear children, that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is getting closer, every day; this will be inevitable in these times that will come for humanity. 

Know, My beloved warriors, that I will be near you, sustaining the scepter of My maternal government.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who protects you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


From Heaven I am able to hear the cry of My children of Belo Horizonte and from the world, and the Universal Father rejoices because His beloved children inwardly recognize the Mercy of the Redeemer.

In this way, the doors to spiritual Grace open with each prayer that is pronounced in the deep sincerity of the heart.

The entire Spiritual Universe contemplates, in this moment, the precious event of seeing souls thirsty for the Love of Christ and invoking His powerful name as savior.

The soul of each of those who pray rejoices, and deep healing is established in them and in the planetary consciousness.

After the last 8th of August, the times have definitely changed, and what before seemed to be in danger in this entire race, through definition, through surrender, through prayer, and through union with the Evolutionary Plan, everything becomes possible to be fulfilled in the consciousness of many.

The perseverance of the brave souls encourages My Son so that He, in His Blessed Glory, may return to this world.

The suns that were before going out because of planetary inertia or because of chaos, have lighted up again, and have finally found the path to My Son.

All of this activates the Heart of the Father that before, being in silence, was teaching the Universe His mysterious Will.

The invocation of hearts for the powerful flame of the Mercy of My Son has caused the angels of the Universe to again descend to gather up the supplications of sincere hearts.

A flaming and mysterious fire is lighting the evolutionary spirit of nations and changing the catastrophic destinies that entire populations would experience because of their own actions; this converts all of America into a new Eden.

In this way, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph send souls the last preparatory impulses for the new times, which will be different from the times of yore.

A new path is established in the human consciousness; the veils of blindness and of ignorance are removed from the majority, and a hope that was dead before, is reborn like the bird of fire.

My Graces illuminate all these opportunities and today the soldiers of Christ alleviate My suffering Heart.

Because of this and for all that is yet to come,

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united with each prayerful heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Divine dialogue between the Most Holy Mary and the Angel of Portugal

Angel of Portugal: “Sweet Queen of the Stars, Spiritual Ruler of all souls, lost and not lost; consent, Celestial Majesty, to raise each one of Your children into the arms of the Celestial Father.

At least, Adorable and Holy Virgin, shine with Your Divine Love upon each essence so that it may at last find God, the Supreme Lord”.

Most Holy Mary: “Welcoming Angel of Portugal, legionnaire and server of Archangel Saint Raphael, I send You and all of Your blessed armies, in honor of the Archangel Saint Michael to free all the consciousnesses that are chained by My adversary.

With Your Peace, Angel of Portugal, dissipate all illusion of the consciousness, and I ask, servant angel of God, that you pray for all My children, especially for those that believe they are living their spirituality and do not have God because of their great pride.

Angel of Peace, untiringly protect My beloved Portugal, and also have it inwardly know that all these peoples must still settle their errors committed against My indigenous peoples”.

Angel of Portugal: “Yes, My Lady, Most Pious Mother Who consoles the afflicted, Who brings hope and renewal to those who are spiritually hungry.

Yes, Mother, this is My humble reply before Your precious request for mercy. Remember, Holy Celestial Mother, those who blaspheme the Heart of Your Beloved Son; implore, Holy Virgin, for each consciousness of this world, so that nobody lose the peace of the Lord”.

Most Holy Mary: “Servant of My Father, who serves the Higher Universes, valued Angel of Portugal, I will respond to your holy petitions; I will ask My Beloved Son to placate the justice of God and that His Sacred Heart help to dissolve human indifference, the action that commits all the errors of the world.

O Holy Angel of Peace!, help the angels of all the nations, give impulse to each regent angel of each nation, so that it may show itself to the world. Holy Angel of Portugal, Consciousness that adores the Holy Body of My Son in the Eucharist, radiate the codes of light that spring from the untiring Heart of Christ and cause each soul to discover the sweetness of the Love of My Son.

Have it come to known through the perfect communion with His Body and His Blood, have it come to love first and in the life of each being, so that in this way, My children abandon the abyss of their great ignorance.”

Angel of Portugal: “Beloved Mother and Queen of the Jubilation of Christ, we will make known the most pious majesty of Your Son, so that hearts may find Christ and never again separate from Him.

I will send the armies of the Archangel Saint Raphael, so that they may work on healing all souls, and especially the disregarding hearts, that still deny the power of Your Son.

Do not cry, Holy Star of Peace! From your tears springs the appeal for a merciful salvation for each one of Your children. Let me, Mother of the Sun, dry each tear from Your most pure countenance with My linens of light, to offer them to the Beloved Father as petals of the eternal flowers of Your Heart.”

Most Holy Mary: “If souls knew, Beloved Angel of Peace, what My generous Heart feels, they would not fail to be in My arms, just as Jesus was.

I will not cease for one instant to stretch out My arms to the world and to offer My consoling hands, as healing and a remedy for any pain.

It gives Me pleasure, Holy Angel of Portugal, to hear from Your mouth the offering of Your Angelic Consciousness. Thus We will alleviate the Father, experiencing for all the pain of the world. In this way, wronged hearts will be able to find the path of hope.”

Angel of Portugal: “You know, Pious Mother and Queen of Peace, that we are at Your eternal service, for Your name, which is holy, resounds in our hearts like a melody of love and of redemption.

We will hear Your call and will respond immediately; all the guardian angels of Your children will help You so that the men and women of Earth respond to the voice of Your supplications”.

Most Holy Mary: “Then, Angel of Peace, emit this Gift of Grace from Your heart, so that Peace embrace not only Portugal, that it one day may redeem itself, but may the Peace of God, of the Most High, reach all who need it.

I shall invoke Your name, and You, Holy Angel, shall make known to the world the lack of its innocence. Take refuge in the prayer of all My children, and in this way, together with Your legions, You will redeem the Earth, preparing it for the return of Christ.”

Angel of Portugal: Yes, Merciful Mother, we shall comply with Your most sweet petitions; may Your Holy and Immaculate Heart be the refuge for each angel. Together with You, Adorable Mother, we lift up all supplications so that this blind humanity may awaken from its deep sleep.

We thank You and praise You, Universal Mother.

Most Holy Mary: It is thus, Angel of Peace, that on this day I shall make known to the whole world our divine dialogue, so that souls may be moved and feel the truth and the cry of My blessed words. This is why today I reveal them to all My children”.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In union with the Angel of Portugal,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


An Invocation of the Soul

My Lord, purify my soul and every part of my consciousness so that being transformed by You, I may find the fortress and the healing for life.

Pour, Lord, Your Holy Spirit and illuminate each atom and particle of this consciousness, so that in Your Grace, I may vivify Your Love and Your Peace in me. 

Help me, Lord, to correspond to Your Holy Will and soon, empty me completely to the point that I will not want anything for myself.

Show me, Lord, Your holy Humility and teach me to resign myself before Your universal Majesty, that is present in each one of my fellow beings and companions on the path. 

May Your paternal gaze not cease to observe me, but when I am about to fall in the abyss of my poor ignorance, send me, Lord, Your Holy Angels to help and assist me in all adversity.

Teach me to live in the poverty of Your Spirit, in the Love of Your words, in the Mercy of Your Heart.

Unveil Yourself, Lord, and show me Your merciful Face in each soul on Earth and reveal Yourself in compassion for each brother and sister on the path.

Allow me, Lord, to know Your profound Love and pull out with Your hands the pride of my person. Naked before You of all property, pride and error, make me, Lord, Your instrument of peace on Earth.

Show me the values of Your Sacred Sovereignty of humility and leave me empty so that nothing of my own will dwell in me, but only You, Lord, who gives strength to the weak ones, and surrenders Your Peace to the disturbed ones and who sheds Your Mercy to those who are blind and lost.

Teach me, Lord, the science of Your Divine Love and establish the Gift of Your Grace in this consciousness.

Remove one by one the human aspects that condemn me and make me free and pure like the birds in the sky.

I wish with all my heart not to be lost from Your blessed Path, keep me in Your Arms until Your holy Will sends me out as one of Your disciples.

No longer allow, Lord, my blindness to dazzle me, but may the light and love of Your Holy Spirit resurrect me forever.

Make me the smallest among my brothers and sisters, make me the most donated and sacrificed in the absolute silence.

Do not allow, Lord, anything that comes from me to show itself, hide me in Your Heart, so that in the nothingness I will be the receptacle of Your silent work and of Your repairing Grace.

Forgive me, Lord, for what I have not done well; deliver me Your Divine Piety because I need it. 

Pour Your Love so that I may strengthen myself until the end of days, when after this life we will be one in Your Divine Eternity.

Let it be so.


Dear children, I leave this invocation for all the souls that may feel encouraged to live their sacred transformation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals and redeems you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children:

I thank you for the prompt response of all to My maternal call. You already know that, as the Mother of humanity, I long for the best for each of My children, because My ardent wish is that nobody misses the opportunity to meet with God and to know His true Love.

In the next six months of prayer you will be able, if you assume it in your consciousness, to find the path that I will make you know, the path to be in Christ permanently and not to leave it.

Dear children, this cycle of continuous prayer that I am calling you to live is to banish the planetary inertia and everything that leads constantly to the perdition of the souls.

I would like, My children, that your hearts find in this cycle the flame of faith that will help you to live the tests and deal with the challenges for the Plan of God.

My children, in the following six months I will be with you praying daily in each place where you may be, without ceasing any moment to bring you to My Heart for you to feel peace. If the world would respond promptly as you have responded to My call, many planetary and human situations would be avoided by the angels of the Universe.

Dear children, when a heart or more responds to My summoning I can work through it, not only in prayer but also in charity, humility and in Divine Mercy.

Awaken at this time those who are still asleep and tell them that there is a grandiose Celestial Mother who loves them and hopes to have them in Her arms to shed over them all the love of the Universe.

Tell them to have determination and valor to abandon sin, the human indifference and omission.

Tell those who sleep to encourage themselves to listen to Christ in their interior and to allow prayer to heal and to redeem them.

Tell them, My children, that the Divine Mercy is still available for all those who want to look for it and to discover it in the source of the Heart of Jesus.

I thank you for responding to My call for the world peace!

Who loves you and always follows you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children:

In My arms, as the Mother of Mercy, I sustain those who have become lost from the path of Christ, and just as once I had Jesus in My arms, He Who died for you, today I supplicate to the Celestial Father for His Divine Piety.

The Father concedes to Me again the Grace of liberating and of forgiving those who fell into error, into pride and into deep ingratitude.

As the Mother of Mercy I intercede for these souls because they are My children, those which I want to bring towards the true peace, towards the redemption of life and of the heart.

As the Mother of Mercy I gather from the Calvary of each being the miseries that fell when walking with their own cross, and with My maternal Light I transform darkness into light, incomprehension into wisdom, and sadness into sheer joy.

As the Mother of Mercy I convert that which is impossible for this world and I heal the wounds that no one is able to spiritually heal, because the Father has given Me the Grace by which as the Mother of Goodness I may assist My children, all those that open their hearts as to find My Love.

Dear children, the defeat of pride in a heart is the greatest gift that a soul may receive in this time when pettiness, blindness and corruption hypnotize the path of the souls.

When this pride is broken by the staff of God, Divine Justice is established and the soul does not receive that which in truth it would have deserved, because when the mask of pride is broken the purity of the heart is born.

Have pure hearts and love; love much because in love My adversary does not have his reign except in the hardened hearts and minds.

Give permission so that the love of the heart will spring like a flame through prayer, and let the old structures fall to the ground so that in this way the flower of the heart be able to open.

Recite every day the infinite gratitude to the Creator and you will be in the correct path. As the Mother of Mercy I am here to assist you and to conduct you to the Celestial Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

For the mercy of the entire planet,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sacred Litany to the Mother of God and Mother of the Universe
To implore for Her intercession during the moments of test and of purification

Most Holy Virgin,
Powerful Virgin,
Most Chaste Virgin,
Our Advocate Virgin,
Prodigious Virgin,
have mercy on us,
help us.

Mother of Hope,
Mother of Mercy,
Blessed Mother,
Co-redeeming Mother,
Mother of the Divine Faith,
Protective Mother,
Mother of Holy Justice,
Mediating Mother,
Mother of Perpetual Help,
Saving Mother,
Mother of Victory,
Most Pure Mother,
Most Complete Mother,
Miraculous Mother,
have mercy on us,
come to our aid.

Queen of Peace,
Universal Queen,
Queen of the Stars,
Queen of Love,
Queen of all Angels,
Celestial Queen,
Liberating Queen,
Most Beloved Queen,
Most Sweet Queen,
Venerable Queen,
Adorable Queen,
Queen of the Doors of Heaven,
have mercy on us,
intercede, now and always.

Lady of the Rosary,
Lady of humanity,
Lady of the poor,
Lady of the innocent,
Lady of the Holy Cross,
Lady of the sick,
Lady of the pure of heart,
Lady of Pity,
Lady of Brotherhood,
Lady of Confraternity,
Lady of Light,
Lady of Majesty,
have mercy on us,
rescue us.

Mirror of all Universes,
Mirror of Healing,
Mirror of Wisdom,
Mirror of Discernment,
Mirror of Joy,
Mirror of the Cosmos,
Mirror of Liberation,
Mirror of the Assumption,
Mirror of Mercy,
Mirror of Redemption,
Mirror of Union,
Mirror of Salvation,
Mirror of Rehabilitation,
have mercy on us,
heal us, now and always.

Within Your sacred faces, may I may find the pathway out.
In Your walk, may I see the steps to be taken.
In your gaze, may my soul be strengthened.

Holy Mother of God,
banish from my being all arrogance,
possessions, pride and indifference,
because my whole life belongs to You
so that Your Beloved Son
may realize His Work of Redemption and Fraternity.

I surrender into Your arms,
humiliated and divested,
because Your full Grace
has granted me redemption.




Dear children,

When the Grace of God, which is My Grace, touches the hearts of humankind, everything may revert and all may happen. It is only enough that such a Grace, which redeems and saves all things, be accepted with the greatest humility and gratitude of the heart.

Sincere prayer will always bring you closer to this perfect state of gratitude and of love for all that has been received. Hearts that pray must not get used to receiving Graces as if They were bread delivered into their hands.

The Grace of God is something greater, which goes beyond human understanding and reason.

The Grace of God is an extremely powerful balm of reparation and of healing of impossible causes.

That is why the Father consecrated Me as the Lady and Dispenser of all Graces, so that My children in all eras of the Earth and in all the stages of humanity do not forget that there is a greater Grace above all adversity, a Grace that My enemy does not know and fears.

My children, may your hearts be searchers for the Grace of God, not only for yourselves, but also for the world, which greatly needs It at this moment.

As the Mother of Grace, I give you knowledge of the power of this flow of the Grace of God, which is not well understood by all human beings; but if It were properly loved, miracles would keep on happening like rain falling from the sky.

Dear children, the Grace of God, just as the Grace that comes from the Most Holy Son, can vindicate souls and save them from their constant errors.

Grace is a Fount that synthesizes the powers of mercy, piety, and compassion, expressed in this case through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

May the Grace of God always shelter and fulfill you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who dispenses upon the world all possible Graces,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

Dear child,

Trust in everything you have accomplished through service to God and hold on to that Purpose. Look with attention at the treasures the Father has given you, and contemplate them in union and gratitude.

Rise up from where you have always fallen and look for the light of My Heart. Today come into in My arms and remain, just as Jesus remained, so that I might bring you to sleep in the peace of My lap. Have patience in learning to tolerate what the heart of humankind does not wish to transform.

Feel the caress of My hands of light, those which erase the memory of suffering and of the tests that My children of today experience. Remain motionless in My arms and surrender with confidence to what I hope to do in your life.

Ask for forgiveness, and in true repentance, feel how the Love of the infinite reopens the doors for you. It no longer matters how many times you have fallen to the ground of the human condition; now what matters is that you look towards Heaven and say: ¨Help me, Lord”, and help will be given you.

God loves you from the moment in which He thought of creating you, and He also loves beyond the miseries of humankind, because what will triumph in this mortal life is the soul, which will become eternal, pure, and free of all error.

The path of transformation is painful when the soul walks towards detachment from its acts, habits, and customs. When the terrestrial life passes through the spiritual storm, aid, assistance, and Grace will reach the heart that repents and asks for intercession. How do you think those who were more holy freed themselves of themselves forever?

The school of love in this world is for the brave and for those determined to know the Love of God, cost what it may. Because of that, to reach the beginning of true love requires knowing oneself as one really is, and to work every day to surmount to the sanctity of the spirit.

My Heart is the offertory for sacrifice and tests. Through My Heart everything is healed, is redeemed, and is elevated to the Celestial Kingdom.

My Heart, which gives of Itself all the time, understands and loves all souls; those who struggle to transform into a spiritual model of conversion for the world will know My Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who motivates you to sanctity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Eagle of Light bus during the journey from the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, to the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am that green Light of healing called Aurora, which is born from within the Earth.

I am the Source of restoring Love that is born of the universe for all of humanity.

I am that liberating Ray of Aurora that breaks the chains of inertia and breaks all the ties of evil.

I am that Sun that is born at the dawn of each being.

I am the Shield against all adversity.

I am the one who steps with Her feet on that which causes pain and suffering.

I am that incandescent Flame of Aurora that liberates consciousnesses from the abysses and raises them toward the House of the Father. From Me arises  healing and  liberation for souls, when the errors of the past are burned by the green fire of Aurora.

May hearts open the doors of their inner self so that the codes of the past may be changed by the powerful Light of Aurora.

May the fearful yield, let the unjust be redeemed, let all the Light of Aurora shine upon those who have been redeemed. In truth I tell you, you do not know the power of Aurora, but it is close to being revealed; meanwhile, invoke its powerful redeeming flow.

May souls fly like birds to the abodes of the pure so that, in the Presence of the Solar Angel, Jesus Christ, the Plan may be re-established in those that lost the Grace of awakening.

May the consistent see Aurora shining above the darkness of these times.

May the sailors and disciples continue to row in the infinite sea of love so that all humanity may achieve eternal peace.

I am that green and fleeting Aurora that encircles the universe, leaving the sign of the new time for those who wait for the New Humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Under the Light of the new and awaited Aurora,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


The Youth Campaign for Peace, which should be born in Florianópolis and later extend to the whole world, will give all My children the opportunity to rediscover the meaning of elevated spiritual life no longer through drugs, but rather in a life of altruistic service and prayer, safe sources that they will find for the elevation of their souls.

This Youth Campaign for Peace hopes to meet the needs of the young ones through Instruction about the true values of a worthy and spiritual life in this time.

This will be possible, dear children, because the Youth Campaign for Peace will attend to the request of the young ones about the understanding of spiritual life and of the Universe in its totality: of the macro cosmos.

The Youth Campaign for Peace intends to have as a base the source of expression through music that radiates peace, harmony, balance, and in some cases, states of union with Christ and with the Celestial Divinity.

For this, creativity through instruments will cause the young ones to feel motivated to create music that helps in the harmonization of the planet, just like some groups of young people will encourage themselves to express their union with Christ.

The art of the young ones within this Campaign for Peace will be expressed through images that appeal to the need of peace in the world, as well as in the expression of elevated messages of love, brotherhood and hope, searching to dissipate ideas of violence, mistreatment to the fellow beings and war.

It is for this reason that this Campaign supported by the Association Mary will allow to help the young ones to transmit to their fellow beings these values that they will learn, and in this way all the youth will one day perceive that it is not necessary “to search for God” through the influences that the adversary imparts.

A life of prayer will be born in a part of the youth, this will be the fundamental base for principles of redemption and healing to take place in humanity.

We will continue working on this project.

I thank you for responding to My call!

For the Campaign for Peace in the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Let us be today at the foot of the Tomb in the internal silence of the holy women, contemplating the corporal and spiritual restoration of Our Lord and, consequently, of all of humanity.

Let us be in vigil and prayer, waiting for the great moment of the Resurrection of Christ in the hearts of the world.

Let us remember and honor My Beloved Son, together with the angels of Christ, so that once more His infinite Mercy and Piety will save the lost ones.

Let us live the mystery of Redemption not only through the Cross, but also through the Tomb and internal union with Jesus.

Open your arms in donation and receive in your hearts the restorative healing of Christ on this Holy Saturday, in which the hosts of the Father gather in adoration and glory to bless the Beloved Son.

In this act of piety and of mercy, those who want to know nothing about Christ will come to know Him in some moment of their lives and will recognize in Him the great universe of love that His meek Heart of Love holds.

I thank you for responding My call!

In adoration at the foot of the tomb,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary


I am the Sacred Tree

I am the Mother and Lady provider of all Graces.

I am the sacred Tree of the Universe, I am who bears fruit, and from the fruit are born all the seeds which are sown and germinated in all My children.

I am the sacred Tree of Figueira(1), I am the trunk that supports and transmutes My children.

I am the treetop that blossoms from era to era, reflecting the great beauty of God.

I am the great root that sustains all life and gives regenerative strength to all spirits.

I am the great Figueira; you are My favorite fruits that I cause to ripen with the rays of the solar Heart of My Son so that you may give the new seeds that will be sown in the new humanity.

I am the sacred Figueira Tree; you are also part of My leaves, expressing life, healing and renewal.

Oh sacred seeds of My beloved Figueira! may new fruits sprout in other fields that will be offered to the Celestial Father.

You are also My branches, and I am the great sacred Tree that unifies you and makes you participants in the perfect union with the Creator.

You are part of My entire sacred Tree, you are the result of the continuous work of the sacred Tree. Be the branches, be the leaves, be the fruit and seeds of My beloved Figueira; express the love of knowledge and practice it, the hour has come, the time is now.

The sacred Tree of Figueira has already planted its foundations of instruction in all hearts, it is time to experience it, to adore it, and to love it.

Oh sacred seeds of redemption!, sprout in those fields where there is loneliness in the consciousnesses; sprout in service and in charity, as do all the Kingdoms of Nature. Be the seeds that bear My Light and My Mercy, be the living mirrors of the divine message.

I am the sacred Figueira, let no one forget. I am the sacred Tree of renewal and peace. I wish, beloved children, for you to someday stop being seeds and to become trees grown in love and in sacred knowledge.

Revere all the fruits that My sacred Figueira has given you, it is the cradle of the new fruits, it is the seed nursery of the new humanity.

Oh, little figueiras! (fig trees) May your growth be as elevated as prayer, may your fruit be as beautiful as the flowers of My immaculate garden.

In the coming time, you will see all the little figueiras (fig trees) in the sacred forest live by the Light of God and are as expressive as eternal devotion.

Embrace My sacred Tree of Figueira with love so that in this internal union your feet may walk barefoot and liberated from everything toward the eternal garden of the Heart of God.

Children, allow to sprout within you that which is the purest and holiest, that God has poured out through love.

Let us be united in spirit as one, around the beloved Figueira of light.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who congregates you in prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


(1) Figueira in Portuguese means fig tree, and is the name of the Marian Center where this Message
         of Mary was transmitted.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
