On each new day, may Mercy be for you like a light that is kindled in your darkest, most hidden and deepest abysses.

May Mercy be the symbol that you always receive from God of an opportunity to begin again, and more than that, My child, that you always receive from the Father the possibility to go deeper into your healing and transformation, and cure wounds within you that you sometimes do not even know exist.

May, in each new day, crying out for Mercy be your hope, so that you may look to the miseries of the world and also to those that persist within you and that, beyond this, child, your eyes may return to the Heart of God, to His Gaze and to His Love, and that your confidence may be in His infinite Mercy.

Much beyond all the human sins and deviations, the Heart of God, by means of His Son, continues shedding Blood and Water upon the world. May this fountain not pass you by unnoticed, but may it find within your heart a new vessel, clean and empty to be filled.

Thus, with every new day, may your faith be placed upon Divine Mercy. And much beyond all the sins of yesterday, may you know today that you can begin again, repent yourself and walk to the ever-opened Arms of God.

Your Creator is patient and tireless. Therefore, child, go to His merciful encounter, and remember to carry in your heart the cry for all souls.

You have My blessing for this.

Most Chaste Saint Joseph 

Daily Messages

When a soul has a commitment with God, God patiently leads it through the path of surrender.

First, He inspires it to transform its life, to go through the path which leads towards His Heart, not toward the world. Little by little, He places upon its path opportunities, signs, encounters that inspire it to assume new steps towards the Heart of God.

As this soul knows the Love of God and trusts It, the Creator starts asking it for new things, new surrenders, new renunciations, until a definitive point arrives for this soul; when the Lord asks it for a greater renunciation, a complete life transformation.

When the soul throws itself into the unknown abyss of surrender, it discovers that it was falling into the Hands of God, into an endless Fountain of Love, which was hiding deep within the soul that learned to renounce and take the risk of living surrender. 

Still, upon this path, the soul, inspired by the Love of God, makes many offers to Him, placing everything into His Hands. However, it offers that which in truth is known, that which had already been surrendered while jumping into the abyss. The Lord then opens a door within the depths of its consciousness and points out that which must be transformed.

A new unknown abyss is then presented. The soul is faced with aspects of its consciousness that were like hidden treasures: its skills, magnetism, self-confidence, its most hidden vanities.

And however much it continues offering its life to God, its Creator always seeks, in the deepest layers of its being, the focus of surrender, that which must be emptied from its heart. Sometimes it hurts and the soul suffers but it knows that every space that is emptied within its heart and consciousness, hidden spaces of its being, are those which are given to the Heart of God, to His Love, to His Spirit, so that there He may have a sweet home, clean and ready to dwell in.

The path of surrender, children, is eternal, deep, a path to emptiness and, at the same time, a path to unity with the Whole.

So never think that you have surrendered everything, but always allow God to go deeper. And even though it sometimes causes pain, know that the pain is human and will be repaired by the Divine Presence within.

To this day and in each moment I offer the Father all that I am, all that is within Me and all that I do, live, experience, think and speak to the world, because surrender is eternal.

I invite you to follow these steps and each day deepen into your union with God.

You have my blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To overcome mistakes and to persist, children, is a way to grow humanly and spiritually. 

Many times your personalities and even the resistances of your soul lead you to fall into deep dark abysses, from where you can only come out through humility, obedience and when you embrace and welcome the desert. 

When a consciousness makes a big mistake along the spiritual path it tends to want to give up everything, because it is easier to succumb, once and for all, into the abyss rather than to rise up with effort and courage, with humiliations and obedience, going against everything that once magnified it. 

But when this consciousness repents and embraces the path of return to the Heart of God, however painful it may seem to be, and when it places its feet upon the footsteps of humility, surrender and obedience, it is then, children, that this consciousness will truly know the Love, the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God.

It is then that you will grow as a spiritual person and forge within yourselves a fortress that is not human but divine. 

It is then that you will learn that it is better to fall and rise a thousand times than to succumb to the abysses of the world, because these abysses only bring suffering and sorrow, anguish and pain, whereas rising from them brings a growth forged by fire, which imprints upon the soul the unity with God. And though beings are always tested along their paths, this soul will already know what to do when it falls and, at every fall, it will grow more, humanly and spiritually.

Learn from your mistakes. Do not yield before human weaknesses but affirm yourselves in humility and obedience and thus, you will continue in ascension to the Heart of God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My beloveds,

Today My Crown of Stars is illumined by the power and the faith of the prayers offered through the Powerful Novena to Saint Raphael the Archangel.

The Creator Father is withdrawing from the planet, having fulfilled a most important stage in the mission of rescue and liberation of souls within the chain of suffering and illness.

But still, dear children, there is much to do, there are still souls to rescue, to awaken and to place upon the path of return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

During these nine days, those who prayed were able to experience the silent work of transmutation and vibration that the Angelic Hierarchy does, and they were also able to be aware of the great need for help and prayer that the planet has.

So, during these nine days, in which the striving prayer beings carried out the novena, they were able to accompany Saint Raphael the Archangel in his planetary task of healing and reconciliation of humanity.

Opportunities will still be given to all to be able to continue praying from the heart for the end of the pandemic so that humanity may reconsider and recognize its spiritual distancing from God.

So it was, that the Eternal Father Himself sent one of His Archangels so that he could intervene for humanity.

Children, after these nine days of having been placed into contact with the sacred Law of Healing, may your prayers continue arriving to the beloved Heart of God so that more healing and more redemption may embrace the planet.

I thank you for having responded promptly to the call for the healing of humanity!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

While the spiritual practice of the powerful novena of the Saint Raphael the Archangel continues on, I invite you to reinforce your commitment every day with the Holy Rosary.

Do not forget that the Rosary is the weapon of defense of each of My children and, above all, in this time of definition.

At the same time, the powerful novena continues to work in the consciousness of the planet, and the souls that were restored are now in a safe place, in which nothing dangerous can happen to them.

The powerful novena is also reaching other spaces in humanity, where suffering, poverty and illness are creating a lot of instability and chaos.

Saint Raphael the Archangel goes to meet those souls that are not prisoners of the pandemic, but are punished by the culture of discarding and of loneliness.

So it is, that the prayers embrace and take in other situations of the planet that are also in need of healing, of love and of redemption.

I ask you not to give up and that your prayers continue to touch the Heart of God so that He may have Pity and Mercy for this suffering planet in agony.

May the healing Light of the Saint Raphael the Archangel continue to descend upon the planet so that hearts may awaken to the call to change and to forgiveness.

I once again thank all those who pray for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


After the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, the apostles and disciples of the Lord remained some days in deep silence, allowing their souls to assimilate, spiritually and humanly, all they had experienced.

This period of silence was necessary so that they could understand the Grace of the mission that God had entrusted to them.

The world remained the same, humanity seemed not to have changed, but their hearts were inflamed by an unquenchable love that lasted for centuries, until today.

History repeats itself, my children.

The spiritual cycles are like a huge spiral in ascension to the Heart of God and, in each turn, the impulses are renewed and the hearts seem to relive, in different ways, the same events. And so it is.

Today you are in a new turn of this evolutional spiral in which the Lord handed to you the same impulses of two thousand years ago. 

These impulses resonate within you, transform you, move you, break barriers, dissipate illusions, so that your beings may be molded according to the Will of God.

Be aware of what you experience and, for a moment, allow your inner world to assimilate all the impulses received. Meditate upon the Words of Christ, again feel the states in which He places you each day and, finally, perceive what you are called to experience in these times.

You have My Blessing for this.

Chaste Saint Joseph

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And although I was placed in the sepulcher, My service for humanity had not ended.

Today I continue with everyone about what really happened in those times during the sorrowful Passion of your Master and Lord.

To be able to understand it spiritually, this afternoon you will enter with Me into the Universe of God, another space of the nonmaterial and cosmic creative manifestation, where the memory was also kept of all the events that took place during the sorrowful Passion of your Lord. Let us prepare for this moment.

Place your souls at the service of the Plan so that it may be they that participate in this moment, and hold in your memory all that you will go through and experience, following the universal records of your Master and Lord.

To enter this Universe of God, it will be enough to open the door of that space with your word and your song; this will be the key that will allow the revelation of all that will happen afterward.

Now, while I show you the Universe of God behind Me and the angels that are accompanying this moment, for they are the ones in charge of revealing the universal records of your Master and Lord, you must intone the musical key that will allow you to enter this span of consciousness.

We will intone "Adonai, Holy Spirit" until the Lord give us a sign, and may Adonai resonate within us and in our consciousness so that our souls may enter into this space. We can begin.

Song: "Adonai, Holy Spirit."

Once again.

Let us return to the previous instrumental.

We are in a space that is not material, yet rather spiritual. We are in a part of the Consciousness of God that expresses itself as a great sky blue Sphere of Light, where angels write of this moment in our essences. The center of this place is a powerful Sphere of golden light that in its manifestations alternate different colors and forms, manifesting the most perfect beauty of Creation.

Our souls are in the Universe of the spirit, a place they have always aspired to reach and participate in.

Our souls participate in this place with their most subtle and elevated consciousness and are invaded by many impulses that come from the center of this Source, where within little Crystals of Light, within a golden Sphere, is held the experience of our Redeemer on Earth, the most important and emblematic portions of His spiritual and cosmic task.

And in the mental Universe, the ultra-terrestrial Universe, another part of the plane of Consciousness of Creation, another faithful copy is held of that space and place, which are other aspects of the task that Christ carried out on Earth in that time.

Feel how, at this moment, the center of our soul connects and unites with that great golden Sphere that governs the center of this space of Creation.

And outside of this blue Sphere, that envelopes us and protects us, let us see the different angelic Hierarchies accompanying Our Lord at this moment.

But let us see Christ absolutely transfigured. A deeper and more complete transfiguration than what He lived on Mount Tabor. He shows us, at this moment, His true Aspect, the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ, called the Glorified Christ.

We will contemplate this along side that golden Sphere of Light and, meanwhile, inside of that golden Sphere, let us not lose our focus and our attunement with those small Crystals of Light, of how they spin in likeness to our DNA, like the movement of our molecules and atoms. We are in front of the scientific aspect of God.

Let us contemplate Christ. How part of His Being is illuminated and glorified, and has achieved a transubstantiated and sublimated matter by the power of the Love He incarnated, because of that Love He expressed to each one of us, from His birth to His Ascension.

There, through Christ, all the stages of His life on Earth are gathered, not only the stages of His material life, but also the spiritual ones. We are in front of the revelation of the Living and Glorified Christ. All of His being is the living Eucharist itself, is the great Reliquary of God that is illuminating before our souls and consciousnesses, bringing our beings into spiritual and cosmic communion with the Laws of the nonmaterial Universe.

At this moment, we must believe in what we are experiencing and feeling, beyond distance and separation. The Glorified Consciousness of Christ unites us and gathers us together in this moment to live this experience.

Let us see Our Lord levitating in the Universe, within this great sky blue Sphere of Light and, with us within there, consciously participating with all of our being and consciousness, opening our soul so that all our being may receive, through Christ, the mysteries of the nonmaterial Laws that are to be found there at this moment and which are the Laws that gave impulse to material Laws, called universal Laws. We are under another vibration and spiritual condition, let us keep our connection and our heart open to this.

Let us allow our soul to be overrun by each one of these luminous impulses, which the transubstantiated Consciousness of Christ offers us at this moment.

And so, in an act of profound gratitude and reverence, within this space of the Consciousness of God, where His scientific aspect is present, let us feel the absolute void, in a complete divestment and in a necessary surrender so that it may be He, Christ, Who will act through our souls, rather than us.

Within that golden Sphere of Light that He presents to us and which He lights up through the palm of His right Hand, He offers that we live the Will of God.

He has us face the vision and the conscious moment of being able to recognize Divine Will, which comes from the Source as a powerful emanation of Love and Unity.

Outside of this great sky blue Sphere of Light we see Saint Michael the Archangel approach, also with a transfigured aspect, like a great warrior of light that takes care of the different Projects of Creation. In His right hand we see a lance and in His left hand we see a scale that maintains its balance, its equality and justness.

Let us contemplate all these symbols but, above all, let us merge together this reality that Our Lord offers to us today with all His humility and Love.

In the center of each of our souls He places those Crystals of Light that hold His Christic energy. Our souls yield at His Feet, not feeling worthy of this merit, but recognizing the supreme Grace that has brought them here.

And now, that great sky blue Sphere of Light dissolves into space. Hundreds of souls, from different parts of the world, are present there, yielding at the Feet of the Redeemer, within that Consciousness of God, in which the non-material Laws are active and work through the Law of Silence.

Let us contemplate the beauty that God shows us in this place and in this space, which is part of His Universal Consciousness.

Through our head, from the center of our crown chakra, a subtle thread of light rises, which connects us with that Universe where our soul is present.

The transfigured Christ does not speak through words, but rather through the actions that He performs today with all of us and with all of humanity.

But He requests something of us:

Be aware of what you are receiving and value what is being given to you, because this will be the only time until I return to the world, when many will recognize My Presence, although many others will deny it.

Through this, I am preparing you for that time. For this reason, I have brought you here in consciousness and in spirit, in soul and in essence, because it is here where God resides within each one of His children.

The one who empties themselves is redeemed. The one who yields is redeemed. The one who surrenders to Me is redeemed. The one who gives Me their life, is redeemed.

Meanwhile, the Universe, through the melodies, reveals different impulses of Creation, similar to the great nebula, stars or galaxies, that are etched in this firmament of the Consciousness of God, in the presence of the angels and of the Saint Michae the Archangel. Christ still keeps His right Hand close to the golden Sphere of Light.

At times, we are dazzled and overrun by explosions of golden Light that make our souls invisible. We are bathed by His Love-Wisdom, that Love and that Wisdom that incarnated in the world through Jesus, to bring redemption to the planet for a single purpose, the purpose of Love.

While Jesus was in the sepulcher, various aspects of His Being and of His Consciousness carried out this task that He performs today with us, helping different groups of souls and redeeming the hells, giving an opportunity and Grace to all the fallen stars.

Today, through the divine power of His Mercy, He gives us these impulses from the spiritual Source that holds the records of all His experience on Earth and of all the levels of His Being, which are revealed to our consciousnesses so that we may know and recognize that God is in all things.

With great gentleness and harmony, let us bring our consciousnesses to this material space, to the place where we are now, and let us feel how this experience is kept in the center of our being, in the deepest core of our inner being.

We still see the Glorified Christ, the transubstantiated Christ here, with all His Being like one same and only Eucharist that is offered to the world for its redemption and forgiveness.

We still see, behind Christ, that Universe and space of God beating.

The universal Plan is centered on the redemption of humanity. For this reason, God Himself offered Himself to the world through His Son, so that the humanity of that time and today's humanity could understand that they are here for a divine Purpose and not only for a material life. Your cells, atoms and the center of your beings must understand this, must affirm this so that your souls may govern and move forward with the Aspirations of God and the Will He has determined for each one of His children.

On this seventh day of the meeting, I see the majority of souls empty of self. You must recognize this all the time. You must safeguard it from yourselves. You must preserve it from the world, the chaos and the unfaithfulness. You must commit to yourselves for the Plan of God, because God is waiting to act through His children, as He has acted throughout the times and the different races.

But so that this decision that God has can manifest, after all that humanity has received throughout time, it is for the race of today to take the great and last step so that this Will may be realized and concretized. While that still does not take place, humanity will continue to suffer.

The Kingdom of the Heavens was on this planet. The Kingdom of the Heavens is reflected through the nature of this planet. The more aggression it endures, the greater the pain felt by the human being. There will be no place nor consciousness that will be able to address that pain nor calm that suffering.

You are beings that come from the Source. This is why I have taken you toward that favorite place of God. He has placed all of you in His Heart, have you perceived this? It is the Love that emerges and emanates from the Source, the renewing and untiring Love that will make of each being a new being; this is why your yielding is important.

Do not be afraid of the changes. Open to the changes that will come in the end of these times. Celestial joy is the promise that God has for each of His children, and today He fulfills His promise, taking all souls that listen to the chamber of His Sacred Heart, beyond all errors, debts or traumas that each human being may be experiencing and going through.

God is the unconditional eternal. Your Master is the unconditional eternal. The Holy Spirit that is among you today is the unconditional eternal.

When humanity learns to live within love rather than in indifference, to practice equality, tolerance, respect and faith, everything will be transformed. For this to happen, I will return to the world at the most difficult and culminating moment of the race. The days for this occurrence are drawing closer. 

Today I have asked the Father to give Me the Grace of taking each one of you into His Heart.

Now, Christ, placing His Hands in the sign of imposition, transfigures His vestments and all His Consciousness into a subtle rose color. He shows us His spiritual aspect of Love. That which upon being subject to and assaulted by humankind during His sorrowful Passion, His Love never surrendered. 

We are facing the invincible Love of Christ, the Love that He, at this moment, radiates to the whole world, bringing our planet, all of humanity and the Kingdoms of nature close to His Chest.

Today His spiritual and invincible Love gathers up the groups of souls of different animal species, such as the whales, which are being wiped out; such as the cattle, which are being killed; such as the species that are losing their habitat; and from the plant Kingdom, that is exploited, burned and destroyed on the surface of the Earth.

And even further, the invincible Love of Christ penetrates to the depths of our planet and gathers up the group soul of the mineral Kingdom, the minerals of which suffer and are destroyed and extracted with violence and vengeance. 

His Love, especially today, also reaches those who live in slavery, in Africa and in the world.

We are in the moment and in the Grace, in light of the invincible Love of Christ, of asking for forgiveness for the errors made by this humanity against the Kingdoms of Nature; of asking for forgiveness for ourselves and for our brothers and sisters who are blind and only want the advantages and benefits of Nature.

In light of the invincible Love of Christ, let us ask for forgiveness for destroying Creation and for not valuing it.

We bow down to Christ to ask for forgiveness and so that His Love may triumph in the world by the merits of His sorrowful Passion, for the descent of His unfathomable Mercy.

We may stand, breathe deeply and give thanks.

Today, at the request of Christ, we are going to offer this communion for the Kingdoms of Nature, but also for those who thirst in the world and have no water to drink and to hydrate their bodies. Let us ask for the Grace that the Kingdom of the waters, from the deepest core of the Earth and through Mother Nature, may grant the Grace of causing streams to flow from those places where there is great thirst. Amen.

Lord, God of the Universe and of Life, inexhaustible Fount of Love and Truth, infinite manifestation of providence, of abundance and of universal wisdom, we offer you this Sacrament in the name of Your most beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we ask for the Grace and the opportunity that all that we receive here, beyond what we deserve, may reach the souls that aspire and wait for this spiritual abundance that You allow to descend to Earth through Your glorious Son. Amen.

The novena of prayer of this Holy Week, the Spiritual Trilogy that I taught you many years ago, has been of vital importance to Me, because it has allowed this whole task to move forward without interruptions or obstacles.

Thank you for those who strive in their hearts! May Peace be in each one of those who pray, that support this Plan of Love.

Thus, on this Hallelujah Saturday, so that tomorrow your souls may rise in spirit, in joy and in gladness for having the Grace of hearing the Word of God, I offer you this Eucharistic Communion, fulfilling My promise of being with you every day, until the end of times.

Father, Infinite Love, Consoler and Healer, I offer You this bread so that You, by the power of Your Glory, may change it into the Body of Christ so that today, consummating this spiritual and divine task, I will offer it to each one of Your children and say to them again: "Take and eat it, for this is My Body that is given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

In the same way, I offer You the Chalice of Redemption, Beloved Father, so that You may transubstantiate It into the Blood of Christ. For this reason, I again offer it to those of Yours, saying to them: "Take and all drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, that is still poured out by your Lord up to these times for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

And now, taking each other by the hand, and those alone in their homes, place your hands in the sign of reception toward Heaven so that, together with Our Lord, we may repeat this powerful prayer that He taught us:

Our Father (in Spanish).

Our Father (in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend upon Earth and elevate all fallen stars to Heaven.

So be it.

You can place your hands on your heart, for where there is unity, no illness can prevail.

May the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens be in you and in the whole world.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for having shared this afternoon with Me. Hold in memory that which you experienced today.


Withdraw your heart, together with Christ, into the depths of the Heart of God.

Withdraw your consciousness, your life, your mind, your soul and your deepest emotions into the Heart of God.

Withdraw your plans, your aspirations, your goals, your innermost understandings, your highest victories, your lowest falls, withdraw all that you are into the Heart of God.

Withdraw humanity into the Heart of God, the inner registers of lives and lives carried out in search of the Love of God and the fulfillment of His Plan and His Will.

Also withdraw your spirit, mysterious and silent, the part of you closest to the Truth and the Time of God. Let it all be in the Heart of the Father, let it return to Him, and there let it take its time to be recreated, transformed, healed, restored and become new.

Allow everything, child, to be made new in the Heart of God. Let go of the reins of the apparent control of your life. Let your soul move beyond the stones of the deep and dark grave of the human condition, of its certainties and illusions, of its half and imperfect truths and that, in high flight, your soul may reach the Heart of God and within It, learn what it is to resurge.

Within yourself, practice this spiritual and divine science of the void, of dying to eternal life, of resurrection.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The awake human being is like a little grain of sand in front of the sea.

While it was sleeping, it was far from the water and, in the desert of its inner drought, it could not even conceive of the existence of the ocean.

Until one day, when the Breath of the Spirit of God touched its heart, moved its life and pushed it to the edge of the sea. There, this little grain of sand began to understand the immensity of life and Creation.

It understood that not everything is desert and drought, but that an ocean exists. It sees it, feels the freshness of its waters, but it can barely imagine what life within it is like.

Until one day, the Breath of the Spirit of God moved it again, pushed and transformed its life so that it would draw closer to the water.

When God gives impulse to the sea of Creation and gives a Grace to the little grains of sand, a wave draws closer to them and, for a few instants, the little grains find themselves submerged in the waters of the ocean.

Those who see the ocean from above know that this grain only knows the soft foam of the great impulse of God and that the source of this impulse is an immense ocean full of life.

But the little grain, submerged for a few instants in the water, thinks it already knows the ocean, that it knows how life within it is, and that it understands what it is to be submerged in the waters of Creation.

But in truth, children, a grain of sand only knows the ocean when it is carried into its depths; and after experiencing life within it, this little grain dissolves, becoming the ocean itself, in the immensity. It is then that it will be able to know the truth of Creation, because it will be a part of it.

Until this moment comes, the little grain travels a long path, in which it opens to the Spirit of God, and He moves it, transforms it, changes its life and its deepest structures, deconstructs its certainties and shows it a new truth.

The truth is always the same, but it broadens, deepens and becomes enriched, until the consciousness is able to not only understand things, but also become a part of it. At that moment, there will no longer be a need for understanding, and everything will have been accomplished.

Tiny grains of sand in front of the sea: let the waves of the divine impulses carry you further into the ocean of the Heart of God and, at each new impulse, dissolve into Him, until the day comes when you will eternally merge into Him.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The time has come for you to know, companions, who you truly are, the place you have come from, the Source from which you emerged, and the reason why you have come to the Earth so that, in this time as in other times, you may learn to live the Plan of God and its realization in this life.

This is the definitive incarnation for all human beings, a moment in which we are all faced with the opportunity of discerning and of becoming aware of what you really are, rather than what you appear to be.

Today I come as the Nazarene, as the Shepherd who once again summons His sheep from the four corners of the Earth, so that you may attentively hear this revelation which will make you aware of your reality and the moment that you are undergoing, of the stage you are going through and the lesson that in this cycle you are experiencing.

I come to place you in the dimension of the Sidereal Universe, where the Consciousness of God is present in infinite manifestations and Names; you come from there, you are not only human beings, you are essences, souls and spirits that came to learn something fundamental: forgiveness.

This forgiveness, which is so necessary in you and in the world, is the forgiveness that will lead you into repentance and reconciliation with yourselves, among peoples and nations.

And so, the time has come to know the truth and awaken through it, knowing that it is in this last cycle that you will have the great spiritual impulse to take the great step in your lives, recognizing that God needs it at this moment and that you also need it to rebuild your lives, not only in a spiritual way but also in a material way and, as a consequence, all of humanity will be rebuilt and will again rise up from where it is.

But there is only one requirement for this, your faith in all that I tell you, your trust in all that I do, your love for all that I preach.

You will thus give impulse to other souls so that, through their offering and surrender, they will also be able to awaken and become aware that the time has come to change.

Because the great change is coming, the end is drawing closer, time is marking this moment. You also have to be aware of this so that you may be prepared, attentive and vigilant in the face of everything that will move the planet, because of the movement that will be done by the Universe.

Today I want to place you all on this plane of consciousness, from where each one of you come, so that returning to the Origin and the beginning of your existence, you may recover the values and the attributes you need to go through these times and these very definitive moments.

Enter now into this state of consciousness and let us allow ourselves to be filled by the Presence of God, in the manifestation of the Elohim. It was this aspect of the Father that directly took charge of the manifestation of the different Sources that, being created by the angels, conceived life.

Feel yourselves in the maternal Womb of the Universe and, in this moment, awaken to its original purity which will lead you to understand the Wisdom of God, the purity that will show you the path of return to the Eternal Father.

For He has His arms wide open, like a Father that loves His children, like a Father waiting for His creatures, that they may feel the immensity of His Love and of His compassion for the world.

Before this state of consciousness, each of you must turn toward God just as you are, without hiding anything, for He knows you within, He has knowledge of your inner self, and nothing can remain hidden within your hearts.

Release your sorrows, dissolve your unhappiness, heal your hearts, fortify your souls, and enter into communion with the Father, in the Presence of the Elohim, so that He may give you His Grace in this moment and through His Son, because of the great need of humanity and for all the essences that are still lost in the abysses of illusion, ignorance and indifference, for the souls that suffer in this moment, without having a moment of relief nor peace.

By the Grace that My merciful Heart has always given you, and because of this origin from which each one comes in essence and in spirit, for the opportunity of reconciliation and of peace, so that the healing of humanity may be established, and in the company of all the Guardian Angels present on this planet and within this humanity, with the purest Source of the Father and by the power of His Sacred Names, receive what you need at this moment.

In complete inner dispossession, without expectations or personal intentions, with an openness of heart and soul, we will call upon the Names of God so that His Names, Attributes, Graces, Mercy and Wonders may descend to Earth.

You will do so until I tell you.

We can begin.

Song: "The Names of God".

At this moment, Christ is talking to His Father, in the Spiritual Source of Creation. Christ, as a loving Son, talks to the Father, kneeling before him.

Before the emanation of this powerful Light, Christ offers Himself to each one of us, for the purpose of each life, for the mission of each being, for the Plan of Love in humanity, for the redemption of all souls.

Christ untiringly offers Himself, showing the Father each one of His Wounds, revealing to the Father each one of His martyrdoms, agonies and heartaches for humanity and, most importantly, Christ again offers His Heart for each one of our hearts. Because at this moment, the Master knows the importance of the fulfillment of the spiritual path of each one of His companions.

From the Wounds of His Hands and His Side, He offers the Light of unfathomable Mercy, achieved by the Redeemer during His sorrowful Passion.

 The Father again receives each of the offerings of Christ at the center of His Spirit, where the Source manifests, as well as the offerings and sacrifices, the surrenders and tests of His disciples. He offers the Father the triumphs of adoration, the fortitude of communion and the power of prayer, of those who entrust themselves to this, day after day.

Jesus, with a loving gaze before the Source of the Father, gathers the archangels around Him, who are also in adoration to this luminous Source.

The archangels offer their consciousnesses for the human Genetic Project and each one places their tools within this Source: swords, shields, crystals of light, their own crowns and, especially, the spiritual heart of each archangel that, united as a single heart, protect and safeguard the whole Creative Mind.

Jesus, in an absolute and inward silence, looks toward each of us, although He is still within that Source of Light. With a loving gaze, but in His Heart there is a feeling of pain for the souls of the world, for those who abandoned Him and did not surrender, He asks us:

My companions, you, what will you give God for the redemption of the whole human race? What will you give the Father? What are you waiting for?

Crying, Jesus says to us:

Time is coming to an end, do not waste it, do not waste your incarnation, claim what God placed as a treasure in each of your hearts.

The gaze of Christ turns back to the Source of Light.

He approaches It, as do the archangels, Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, accompanied by more hosts of Light.

Mary offers to Christ...

In the silence of Mary is expressed the Love that She gathered from each one of the hearts that have sincerely prayed together with Her without expecting anything in return.

Mary, the Holy Virgin, places in the Hands of Her Son all the results of the prayer of the hearts, especially the Prayer for Peace in the Nations, and She also gives Him the love that Her children have placed in each of those prayers, overcoming themselves, dying to themselves, watching over, caring for and protecting this request of the Universal Mother.

It is in this way that the hosts that accompany Our Lady place at the Source hundreds of Rosaries of Light and the faith expressed by each of Her children in the Sanctuaries and the Marian Centers founded by Her Immaculate Heart.

The Father, attentive to the movement of the Mother of God, listens to Our Lady, as the archangels are listening to Our Lady.

Mary, our Mother, talks to God; and Christ, Her Son, is in ecstasy through the Love emanated by the Voice of Mary and, above all, by the offering made by Her hands for humanity. And the Grace granted to our Mother by the Father brings relief to the Heart of Christ; and a balm of Light enters into the Heart of the Redeemer, dissolving the thorns in His Spirit.

Errors are delayed. Mercy grants redemption to souls that listen to this message at this moment.

Jesus stands up from the ground and takes the hands of His Mother, looking at Her with gentleness, saying to Mary:

"Mother, I gave My companions to You, and You have taken care of them, although some of them have not reciprocated. Today I get up from the ground, once again, as I once stood up three times during Calvary, because You help Me, Mother, with the strength of Your Love, Your patience and Your trust, to renew all things. And today, together we renewed all His creatures in the Presence of God, and those that have repented from the heart are anointed with the luminous Sign of the Cross. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

And then the archangels drawback from the Source and the Mother of God withdraws into the Temple of Her Heart to continue praying for Her children.

Christ returns here, to this place, with a gentle gaze, impregnated with a profound silence and renewing His Heart within us, He again offers us the greater mystery of His Love, the Holy Communion, in which all those who listen are invited to spiritually participate in.

And in the same way today Our Lord offers us His Body and His Blood, at this moment and after this experience, in which we were filled with the Most Holy Trinity and our faults were washed by the Source of the Love of God, in this moment and for the days that will come, let us offer ourselves, so that God, through the Sacred Hearts, may always show us the path for finding Light, Love and surrender.

Let us listen to the instrumental of "And Thus Spoke the Master."

Surrendered before the altar of Our Lord, we re-experience this mystery of love and the legacy He gave us through the Eucharist, and we remain in the presence of this experience that we had together. To our awareness we bring the image of this Source of Light so that we also may place what we have and do not have, in trust to the Creator.

In a time so like this one, Jesus was gathered, together with His apostles, to give them the most important legacy of humanity, before living His sorrowful Passion.

And so He offered Himself, lifting up the bread, He gave it to the Father so that it could be blessed. And then, He gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take it and eat it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.



He then took the Chalice and performing the same action, offered it to the Father so that it could be blessed. Then He passed it to His apostles and with all the tenderness and love of His Heart, looking each one in the eye, He said to them: "Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that will be poured out for humankind, for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


The Body and the Blood of Christ.

Blessed are they who avail themselves spiritually of this Sacrament, for on this day they will also be communing with Me, in spite of where they are.

In union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, let us pray the prayer that Christ taught us.


Our Father (in Spanish).

Our Father (in English).

May the Peace of Christ descend upon Earth.

And today, seven drops of the Spiritual Blood of Christ were poured out by the Redeemer into these chalices, for the redemption of humanity. Amen.

May peace be in you, so that peace may be in the world.

And before going to the same place and spiritual space wherein consciousness I took each one of you today, I ask you to remember this experience, because you will need it as strength for your spirits and souls.

Meditate through this experience and you will be able to find many more keys on your spiritual path.

Today, for the second time, I have felt the presence of each one of your hearts; in this way, I do not feel alone.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


When God shows His Heart to humankind, a part of them dissolves into unity with the Divine. The essence wakes up and begins to remember; the soul expands and from within it, the most ancient records of love emerge and transmute what was dark in their consciousness.

When God shows His Heart to humankind, the inner world is shaken, the individuality seeks meaning and all that humanity always defended, as to the expression of each being separate from the All, begins to fall apart. The structures of deceit begin to crumble and the veils of illusion begin to tear. The Kingdom of God expands from the outside inward and, with the same power, it is revealed from the inside outward in all His creatures.

Nothing remains as it is.

Souls rejoice, minds can find no explanation, feelings lose their human foundation for they do not recognize the emotions that are caused by the whole and perfect Presence of God through His Son.

It is a moment of revelation and inner deconstruction.

It is a moment of being new clay in the Hands of the Potter.

It is a moment of being water transformed into wine.

It is a moment of being nothing in the Hands of your Lord.

Today, children, God shows His Heart to humankind. Allow this revelation to happen, the transformation to be carried out and unity to manifest.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Seek the Source of the Purity of God through prayer and defeat the innermost assaults through silence and the constant offering of your struggles to God.

The mind will always fall into sin and human feelings will always be fragile but your soul, child, must gain space in your consciousness, to calm the human frailties of your more material bodies.

Do not let your heart grieve over the assaults that you experience; do not allow the enemy to defeat you through emphasizing your feelings of weakness. Find refuge in the Heart of God, let Him with His own Blood wash away your shame and your fears so that you may feel pure and clean in the Heart of your Lord.

Do not fear to contemplate His Body in the Eucharist; do not fear to place your heart on His Cross, for it is there that your most human miseries yield, it is there that your soul seizes the weakness of your bodies, to remind you that the surrender of the Lord for you is perpetual. and in the surrender of the Lord there will always be Mercy and purity to cleanse your heart.

Do not allow yourself to be defeated, except by Him Who has already conquered your life on a Cross.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When we were praying to receive Saint Joseph, a little before His arrival, He began to show us very poor places on the planet and people in very precarious situations, of great poverty, of much suffering, of great pain.

When He reached us, He continued to show us those places and, at the same time that He was with us in the room of prayer, He was with each one of those people, who were of all kinds: women, children, men, the elderly. He was speaking with each one of them, He was traveling through those places; they could not hear Him, but He continued to speak inwardly with them, and He gave this message for those souls that suffer the most.

To the souls that suffer

Calm your heart, little soul, in the depths of the Heart of God.

In your Savior, seek encouragement and hope, Grace and peace.

Calm your heart in the fortitude that is forged through your deepest sorrows. Find relief and peace in the Cross of your Lord. Let your suffering balance many evils in this world.

Seek your assurance in the Heart of God. Seek your peace in His Presence.

Forgive the deepest roots of human evil, which generate the pain and the imbalance in this world.

Make of your suffering a blessing, because you are learning to find true recompense in God, rather than in the world.

Feel that the Heart of the Lord feels anguish with yours; you are not alone in your pain.

May the Love of the Creator calm your despair, your sadness and your lack of hope. Know that you have a perfect place in the Heart of the Father and that your suffering opens the doors of Heaven for those who would not deserve to enter.

The time will soon come in which peace will reign in the world and there will be no distance or difference between this world and the Heart of God, His Celestial Kingdom.

While that time does not come, understand that the pain in the Earth will emerge, causing this world to shudder; but this is the harbinger of a higher reality that is coming to the Earth.

I know that your pain is deep and your suffering is real, just like the suffering and the enduring of your Lord on the Cross. Offer your whole life to God, open your arms on the cross that is upon you and allow a new love to emerge from all this experience that you are today going through.

Forgive the imbalances, forgive those who have everything and are lost in their egoism, those who do not know how to look to their neighbor and they feed the deep roots of the indifference that penetrates the Earth.

Let your forgiveness be the doorway to Mercy; that your life be a source of love and, in this way, your suffering will be changed into the Grace that will transform the Earth.

I know that My words seem very far from the reality of your heart, but hear them with love, in the same way that Your Lord heard His Father in each new step taken toward Calvary and, from the first Wound up to the Cross, from His wounds poured Love.

From your inner and human wounds may the faith and the love blossom which will renew the Creation of God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the same way that the peoples of the desert, sent by God to be tested in their faith through inner contact and trust in Divine Will, were able to build the bases for the arrival of the Creator Himself to this world, may you, children, taken by the Father into the inner desert, guided by the trials of this time, be able to fortify your own faith, be able to build the bases for a new life and, even further, be able to build the bases for the return of Christ to this world.

At different levels, the history of humanity is repeating itself, because the cycles bring new opportunities for wholly fulfilling the Will of the Creator.

You are drawing closer to the return of your Lord to the world, and so that you may experience this moment, you must prepare His path. And the path for Christ, children, will be prepared not from the outside in, but rather from the inside out.

This path has its origin in your inner universe, in the very depths of human truth, called essence; and this path, which begins in you, leads to the Celestial Universe, to the Source of life, into that which is called Divine Essence.

The path of the return of Christ is the bridge between your hearts and the Heart of God, and this bridge is being built now, through faith, persistence, obedience and absolute love for your Creator.

For this reason, allow tests to be transformed into bricks in this inner construction, parts of this bridge to the Heart of God.

Do not fear anything, just simply learn with everything you experience and make yourselves strong in Christ in each new challenge.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


With love, I contemplate the Heart of God and, standing before Him, I plead for the world.

I plead for each one of His creatures so that they not only find peace but, above all,  they may awaken from the illusion and the immaturity of these times.

I plead for them to know who they are, where they are and what they are called to experience in this and in all cycles.

I plead that the suffering of so many souls may move the spirit of others so that, in love and in prayer, those who know God may cry out for peace and live it, in this way, balancing the evils of this world.

I plead for the prompt manifestation of the Kingdom of God upon Earth, for the fulfilling of the scriptures and, above all, for the fulfilling of the new and eternal universal Gospel, which you do not know, in spite of the story of your souls being written within it.

I plead for the triumph of the Heart of God in each being. I ask My Lord for His Light to illuminate the eyes of humankind and show them the truth, the way and eternal life, the path of return to His Heart.

I plead with My Lord and God, Creator of life, to have compassion for lost souls, and that they may find themselves.

My Heart, small and simple, opens to share the pain that God feels because of the indifference and ignorance of humankind in the face of so many gifts given to humanity throughout the centuries and since its origin.

In the very depths of My being, I feel the Love of God for life and, moved by that Love, I plead to the Father for all beings of all the Kingdoms and I constantly cry out for His Mercy and pity, for His compassion and love, for His peace and for His living Presence in each being.

Today, children, I plead that this same feeling of love may live within you and that you thus can unite with Me, in this perpetual crying out for Creation, because the world, the Universe and all beings need it.

May the Love of God flood you and may His Word manifest in your hearts, in your thoughts and, finally, in your mouths, as a perpetual crying out of return to the Heart of the Father.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The soul that strives in prayer opens the Doors of Heaven and gives God the permission for higher Laws to be active on Earth.

These Laws descend to the planet through their prayerful word, pierce the deepest levels of their inner world and thus, reach those places of the world most in need, guided by the purity of intention of the prayerful soul.

To pray from the heart is to enter into the Heart of God, to stand before His Sacred Books, in which His Plan has been written for this world and for all  life; in this way, in light of His Truth, the soul receives from God the gift of manifesting its designs and the Grace to do so.

To pray from the heart, even if in the void and in the desert, is to walk the path of faith which, invisible to human eyes, draws to Earth the true potential of the creatures of God.

To pray is to unite with Truth. For this reason, child, even if it is difficult for you, even if you are in the void or in an absence of all inner sensations, know that it is simply the awakening of faith that you need to experience. The faith that leads you to keep praying even in the void, the faith that places you before God, even though you may not know it, the faith that brings you closer to who you truly are.

Live this faith every day; seek to know it through the living experience of prayer done with love.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part VI

In group life, not only the spirit of the Community should govern, which is what strengthens it, but it is also necessary to watch over the unity among the members.

This unity neutralizes the differences and even the adverse feelings. The unity of the Community must be built out of love for God so that, in this movement of unity, consciousnesses may learn to recognize the best within themselves.

Without the unity of God present, it is not possible to carry forward the principal task of the Community, and, without unity, it is not possible to attract toward its members the spirit that unifies them and sees them as beings in equality and in harmony.

For this reason, the Community, through compassion, must manage to transcend the differences or the possible errors that may emerge. This does not mean to be omissive, it means to be just, equitable and neutral.

This is the great key for building a spirit of peace within the Community, just as the original peoples lived it from their origins and from their cultures.

The project of the Communities must be filled with principles that elevate all consciousnesses and build the new, everything that, from cycle to cycle, can be renewed and expanded.

The Community must practice continuous solidarity so that its members never forget the need of others, so that humility may prevail over the power or the authority that they may think they have.

In synthesis, the Community can only exist by staying always in the Heart of God, and, in His hands, constituting its principle and goal for which it was created.

The emptiness of the spiritual ego of a Community will avoid feeding expectations and solidify the power of altruistic service among members.

In this permanent exercise, the Community will be absolved of unnecessary tests and be able to be ready and encouraged to live offered to others, whatever the service may be.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


To those pure of heart, the doors of Heaven are open.

To those pure of heart, the paths to forgiveness and redemption are open, and their souls may touch the Heart of God through their simple purity.

When thinking of human evolution, children, Your Creator manifested the birth and childhood of beings, because during this period of your lives you receive new opportunities to heal the incurable and redeem that which seemed impossible.

When a soul incarnates in the fragile body of a child, it manifests the purity of its essence and spirit. In this way, the soul remembers what is necessary to touch the Heart of the Father and return to Him.

Life after life, during their childhood, souls receive an opportunity to begin again before their most ancient debts begin to act in their spiritual consciousness and chart their destiny throughout one more life.

To be a child is to have doors open to heal oneself, redeem oneself, forgive oneself and return to God. Thus, it is very important that still, within this stage of life, souls begin to recognize the Divine Presence, His Mercy and His Grace, for it is in this way that such old spirits, once so lost, can again find God.

Pray for the children, and more than this pray for souls that, in small bodies and great essences, receive another chance to return to God and renew His Love.

May the purity of childhood not be lost, but rather may it be fruitful so that the destiny of souls may be drawn based upon love and forgiveness.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray, child, for the most lost souls that, even in the illusion of their material bodies, inwardly recognize the Light and seek for help.

Pray for those who came to the world to experience an opportunity of forgiveness and redemption and who were meanwhile confused by all the stimuli of the world and became lost.

Pray, because the souls that are today confused will no longer have other chances for evolving and growing, and they will retreat into the abysses of the world and their own inner self, simply for having chosen to be in the illusion and within deceit.

Pray so that the Heart of God may touch the hearts of His children and that you may be a light on the path of those who are blind and do not recognize the pathway upon which they must walk.

Let your heart always be full of pity and compassion for those who are lost, because this is not only the end time for the old human being; this is also the last chance for many souls.

Fill your heart with God and feel with His feeling and with His Love; think with His Wisdom and live with His actions, inspired by His Spirit, so that you may be an instrument for the encounter of souls with themselves, with their inner truth and with God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


When your Lord calls you to meet with Him, go, child, and do not fear to walk without looking back.

Place, in His hands and in His heart, all that you sometimes seem to abandon; know, in the certainty of your heart, that everything will find its path, its purpose and its place in the Heart of such an immense God, who has a unique and perfect place for every creature.

Walk toward your place in the Heart of God, knowing that the purpose of your life is to follow Him and be in Him at every moment, as His instrument, His friend, His companion in this path taken and in so many others.

Strengthen your heart through each test, through each "yes" to Christ and each "no" to that which is obscure. Know that your heart belongs to the only Lord and, in Him you must always be.

Consolidate your fortitude within you, knowing that it is being constructed in the Hands of God. And have faith, My child.

Wind, rain and discouragement will pass, but the foundations of your dwelling will remain firm. For this reason, the only necessary thing now is to place yourself in the Hands of your Father and Lord and, obeying His designs, find His most pure love for you.

Through Him, you will love all things. And all renunciation will find meaning, and all offerings will be multiplied at the abundant table of the redemption of life, where many of the hungry will eat the fruits of your service.

You sometimes do not perceive these fruits because they remain in the Hands of He who gathers them to one day be offered to the world.

Have faith and seek God. These are todays keys for the encouragement of your soul.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

