In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Even when the crust of the Earth seems to be dark, the Light of the Star of Bethlehem shines in humanity, bringing the cosmic impulse of God to Creation and the planet.
It is to this that I want to take you today, where your spirits need to elevate to unite to the Essence of Creation and the Universe; remembering in this time and at this hour that God has a Project for this humanity and the planet, just as He has written His Will for each human heart.
Remember that living the Will of God is not impossible. Behold the Slave of the Lord, Who heard the call of God within Herself, through the presence of Archangel Gabriel.
Today I want you to remember and keep very much in mind that this Call of God continues to resound in this universe and, above all, in the inner worlds that are open to hear it.
This call resounds through your guardian angel, an invisible and unfathomable Eternal Presence of the Father, unconditional and anonymous service that accompanies all apostles of Christ in their walk upon Earth.
I want you today not only to contemplate the Birth of Christ within your inner worlds but also to be aware, in this important hour of the planet, about what Christ needs to build through this Work, formed of souls that were self-summoned from times past.
Thus, My Son will be able to intercede and intervene in humanity, especially in the causes that seem impossible or difficult to resolve; and thus also, through His Grace and Love, My Son will be able to intercede in the aspects of your consciousnesses that still do not want to be transformed.
Even so, follow the path that I indicate to you today, the path toward inner purity and innocence, which each one of your souls and each one of the souls of your brothers and sisters have been able to conceive from the womb of your mothers, during your gestation.
Imagine how wonderful God’s Creation is; because just as Jesus, still a child, reflected the incarnated Purity and Innocence of God, each one of you and your brothers and sisters in this world, who come from the same Creative Source, from the same spaces of this Greater Universe, hold this small molecule of Light that reminds you of your inner purity and innocence.
Today I am not speaking to you about childishness but rather about a mature purity and innocence that are united to the Source of Creation and the Will of the Father. This is what humanity needs to recover so that wars may end, so that conflicts may dissolve, so that your own resistances may be transformed.
Beloved children, there is no other way but love, the mature love that My Son taught you and continues to teach you, the love that accepts and includes, the love that surrenders and resigns, the mature love that humbles itself before the Celestial Father to see itself as insignificant and small within this great universe, just as your Heavenly Mother saw Herself before Archangel Gabriel.
For this reason, I place the Mirror of My Heart at your disposal today, and by means of this sacred meeting and this moment, through My Immaculate Heart, I reflect this principle of the Innocence and Purity of God so that you yourselves and your brothers and sisters may recover it; and you may think, “how can we do it?”
Dear children, everything begins with your intentions and thoughts, and this will end up by reflecting on your decisions.
For this reason, God is attentive to this moment and to this special spiritual conjuncture of the Birth of Christ; because today we are not celebrating a historic date but rather the remembrance of the incarnated Living God’s sacrifice through His Son, Who offered Himself out of love for you to grant you your salvation through Christ.
And this must not be something transitory. Make good use of this moment and this conjuncture before the presence of the Spiritual Hierarchy itself, before the Kingdom of Mirna Jad, which shines today in a special way within your inner worlds so that you may be able to drink again from the source and its healing principles.
What is it that you still have not been able to heal?
What is it that you still have not been able to forgive?
What is it that you still have not been able to accept and recognize?
What is the barrier that places itself between you and God preventing you from accepting His Will in absolute surrender?
Beloved children, avail yourselves of this spiritual conjuncture of the Birth of Christ.
Turn to your own beings to again find your inner child; not to remember your traumas and wounds but rather to remember and resume your innocence and purity.
Your guardian angels open this door so that many more inner children may be healed, and hearts may no longer remain hardened, indifferent to the Call of God, indifferent to the change and to this moment that the Hierarchy blesses and consecrates for you to resume the essence of your group and evolutionary life.
How many times did the apostles have to resume the path that Christ was indicating to them, dear children? How many times did they have to realize they were mistaken, that they should be humble and simple, to fulfill the Law of the Lord with righteousness?
Without humility nothing can be done, My beloved children. God could not be God if He were not humble. Accept the school of His humility, and you will be free of yourselves.
My silence also contemplates the needs and prayers of the world on this day, when everyone has the Grace of being reconsecrated to the Child King so that the foundations of His Work may be strengthened, so that His spiritual principles may be fulfilled, so that the flame of the Divine Purpose of God may continue to illuminate the path of all disciples of Christ on this dark night that each one is learning to live and go through.
However, I ask you, My dear children, not stop in your own darkness but rather look to the depth of the path, to the end of the spiritual path, and see how the Light of God begins to emerge; because Christ incarnated to let the world know that He is the Light of the world, the Lord of the world, the King of the Universe.
His Light cannot blind you because His Light comes to guide you, to take you to the Kingdom of God, where God hopes to have you close, in consciousness and wisdom.
Today Christ, My Son, contemplates in His Hands the Plan that God gave Him for this Work and for so many kind works in the world. And this project will be fulfilled only through souls, through those who imitate the resignation of Mary and the yes of the Mother of God to God through Archangel Gabriel.
Contemplate and live this spiritual moment, the yes of Mary. For this reason, today the redemption of the world is possible, the liberation from evil, the transformation and conversion of hearts, the consecration of families, healing of the inner worlds and all Graces granted and those that can be granted to the hearts that are faithful to the Lord.
Disciples of Israel, the preparatory time has come for the Return of Christ. Will you accompany Him?
By the Light and Grace that bless this moment, I thank you for responding to My call and for opening the hearing of the heart to listen to the Sacred Word of God through His Slave, the Mother of the World.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Whenever you cry out for peace, I will be there. My Heart is attentive to each plea, to each cry, to each sincere heart that ignites the light of its essence, even in the deepest abysses of the planetary consciousness.
When you pray from the heart, your voices are like melodies that resound between the dimensions and reach the Celestial Altars, moving the Heart of God, that responds to the plea of His children with pity, healing and Mercy, with the Truth that awakens you from the sleep of the world and allows you to return to His Heart.
Whenever you pray, remember to do so truthfully, placing attention upon each word, with life within everything that you pronounce, sing or offer, because the miracle of prayer is still a mystery to the human heart. But today, I tell you, children, that it is this mystery, held within your hearts, that reveals the true potential of human beings.
It is when you pray with sincerity, overcoming all shame, fear and the human condition, that you can experience what you are and discover your most pure and spiritual potentials.
I do not speak of universal life, I do not speak of material realities, but about your essences, of that which makes you in likeness to God, that which many think they know, feel and live, under the guidance of the essence, yet it is not so.
The more you pray, the more you will be able to ascend toward that deep space of consciousness. When you set aside your fears and all that you think about yourselves, when you place yourselves in the Presence of God, and only in Him, to enter into a profound dialogue with the Creator, this is when you can begin to come to know yourselves.
Self-knowledge begins with confession, when you allow yourselves to be transparent, without layers, without veils, and you allow yourselves to not only be exposed to God, but also allow that God be Who touches you with His Hands and shows you this about yourselves, that which you still do not know.
Why do I tell you these things today?
Because in these last years, this is the synthesis of all that I have to tell you; pray, in truth, in confession, before God, disengaging from everything that you believe about yourselves. Lose the fear and the shame of not being what you built for so long on Earth and beyond it, and let the Hand of God cleanse you and show you something wonderful about yourselves, you who are nothing, except a pure, divine essence, part of the Creator, capable of recreating and renewing all of His Creation.
Each time you pray, let it be in truth and, little by little, your lives will be a constant confession, in which you will not need to be alone to be transparent, but rather you will find yourselves in the Presence of God at all times, and all that you do will be real, in everything that your essence will express.
On this day of renewal and of Graces, I come to tell you something that you think you already know but, in truth, you still need to risk discovering. Pray and continue to pray, until you are nothing, and then find everything, until the mysteries cease to be mysteries.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXIII - Surrender: the Key to a New Stage
An awake and serving soul, that sought to fulfill its mission and express the Will of God through many ways, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, in spite of praying, seeking an evolutionary life, always making my heart available to You, aspiring to permanently serve, I still feel that I am not able to completely manifest my mission. Tell me then, how do I do this."
And the Lord responded: "Up until now, little soul, each of your efforts have been valuable, each transformation experienced has been like a gift at the foot of My Altar, but at this stage of your evolution, you must begin to understand and live the deepest meaning of surrender, of the giving of self and evolutionary life.
The moment has come to place within My Hands that which you most appreciate: your self-love, your way of seeing evolution, everything that you believe you know, everything that you consider good and that makes you a good soul before others. The time has come for you to place within My Hands not only your miseries but also your virtues, your need to show everyone how you live them, and even if you think you are setting an example for your neighbor, this is no longer what I need of you. Your greatest example will be hidden, but will resound throughout the planetary consciousness, throughout Creation.
Give Me your way of living and of expressing yourself, your way of serving and loving, your way of praying and knowing the universe, because I aspire to make all things new within you so that you may achieve a higher knowledge about existence, and so that you may experience a higher degree of love. You must leave behind all that you have lived up until now, giving thanks for and revering everything that has learned; surrendering it at My Feet, like a ladder that allowed you to reach Me but that you must now leave behind as to climb a different stairway, which leads to a deeper union with Me.
This begins, beloved soul, by being aware of the need of becoming new and leaving the past behind. When I then feel that your heart is ready and divested of all that you previously lived, I will show you a new path, I will have you come to know new sciences, I will reveal a higher Love to you, the fruit of your surrender and renunciations, the fruit of your emptiness."
May this dialogue, children, teach you how to perceive that this is the moment to be renewed in God, to give thanksl for what you have learned and to surrender so that a new stage may emerge for you and for all humanity.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When hearts unite in a sincere clamor, they unite Heaven and Earth and, like a fountain of light, Grace and Divine Mercy descend, washing and purifying all that was dark, lost, separated from God and His Laws.
When humanity unites to manifest a Celestial Purpose and their hearts are truly in unity and love for God, all Creation contemplates the Earth because the Light of the Infinite, of the deepest Love of the Creator for life, emerges from His Sacred Heart and crosses the dimensions, reaching the Earth.
This is how not only sick bodies are healed but sick hearts, souls and spirits also receive healing.
Those who had their essences lost in the abysses of the world also receive help. Those who cried because they had no hope are relieved. Those who suffered from the injustices and imbalances of the world receive a ray of peace in the depths of their hearts.
Every time humanity prays more deeply, the deeper is the reach of the Grace and Mercy of the Creator; the deeper are the levels of the planetary consciousness where His Love can reach, because His children have opened the doors to Him, they have said yes to Him.
Prayer is the great door towards the redemption of the world, it is the path through which Divine Laws come to help this corrupt planet and make it return to the Thought of God.
The hearts of humanity do not know the power of prayer, but today I tell you, children: pray, and do not stop praying with sincerity and truth because this is how you will unite the times, heal the essences and walk along the path of return to God.
You have My blessing for this
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children,
While the spiritual practice of the powerful novena of the Saint Raphael the Archangel continues on, I invite you to reinforce your commitment every day with the Holy Rosary.
Do not forget that the Rosary is the weapon of defense of each of My children and, above all, in this time of definition.
At the same time, the powerful novena continues to work in the consciousness of the planet, and the souls that were restored are now in a safe place, in which nothing dangerous can happen to them.
The powerful novena is also reaching other spaces in humanity, where suffering, poverty and illness are creating a lot of instability and chaos.
Saint Raphael the Archangel goes to meet those souls that are not prisoners of the pandemic, but are punished by the culture of discarding and of loneliness.
So it is, that the prayers embrace and take in other situations of the planet that are also in need of healing, of love and of redemption.
I ask you not to give up and that your prayers continue to touch the Heart of God so that He may have Pity and Mercy for this suffering planet in agony.
May the healing Light of the Saint Raphael the Archangel continue to descend upon the planet so that hearts may awaken to the call to change and to forgiveness.
I once again thank all those who pray for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Let your most sincere prayers not be for you, but rather for the world.
Let the clamor that emerges from your core not be for you, but rather for the souls that endure, for those who live in wars, for those who die in suffering and injustice, for assaulted children, for the mutilated Kingdoms, for the lonely and sick, for the abandoned elderly, for those who live without love.
Let your most sincere prayers not be for you, but rather for the world, for the deep consciousness of the planet in constant suffering, for those who experience abuse and violence, for those who do not know peace, for those lost in their own ignorance, for those who are blinded by their own illusion, for those who silence their souls so that the pleasures of the world may speak louder, for those who become lost in vices and cannot find the way out, for those who live without purpose and without meaning, for those who take their own life.
Let your most sincere prayers not be for you, but rather for the world, so that it may be healed and restored, so that it may return to God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
For the planetary task that Our Lord is carrying out at this moment, at His request we will intone "Adon Olam."
We invite those who are listening to stand up so as to accompany Our Lord in this planetary task.
Song: "Adon Olam."
You knew a fragile man as Jesus, who carried the heavy wood of the Cross and that, as a human being in spite of His divine and cosmic powers, gave Himself for each one of you so that you would not have to endure and suffer. If more than two thousand years later humanity continues to endure and suffer, it is a consequence of its actions and roles.
The Almighty incarnated on Earth through His Son so that humanity would not have to endure ever again.
The Almighty incarnated as a man and as a consciousness as you did, and reduced His grand vibrations of Light in order to be able to be among the human beings of this Earth.
The incarnation of the Son of God and the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant important times for humanity. Through the incarnation of the Son, humanity was able to recover the path toward its original purity, the original purity that was thought of at the genesis of the Human Genetic Project. But that incarnation of the Son of God also brought an end to an unending chain of errors.
The Eternal Father Himself knew that no matter if He incarnated on Earth and brought an awareness of Love-Wisdom, that victory would not be completed, because there would be human beings that would have doubt about His Presence and Power, and even after the Passion of Christ, this happened in many human beings.
The incarnation of the Son of God through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity brought an end to many errors from the past that up until then, in the history of humanity, would have caused the Human Genetic Project to succumb forever, even with having had the presence of the Patriarchs and the Prophets.
But not all civilizations and races made a mistake; the adversary took charge of being able to distort some of those races that were present in humanity.
From the Adams and Eves up until Atlantis, humanity had to learn, as they have done until today, to remedy the errors committed in order to be able to again achieve the power of Grace and Mercy.
That was the main reason for the incarnation of the Son of God, which generated and made space for His second and important task, the Passion of Christ, which took place on many levels and planes of consciousness, from the cosmic spiritual to the most material and concrete plane.
The whole consciousness of God participated in all these mysteries and events, as well as different groups of souls and consciousnesses that, even though they were not incarnated in that time, participated in these events because they needed them in order to be present in future times such as this.
For this reason, Christ not only endured on the physical plane, but also on the plane of the soul and on the spiritual plane. The powerful Passion of Christ, which for many was a defeat, changed into a victory on the inner planes since, through the power of the prayer of the Mother of God, as well as the prayer of the holy women and some of the apostles, this allowed the gathering of the greatest number of consciousnesses possible, that on different planes of consciousnesses needed the energy of redemption.
Each suffering experienced by your Master and Lord, from the evening of Holy Thursday in the Garden of Gethsemane up until the death on Friday, on the heights of Mount Calvary, were unique and unforgettable offerings for all of humanity and the planet.
Through that sorrowful and profound Passion of your Master and Lord, many future planetary situations were contained, many future generations were protected in order to not experience a deviation from the Original Project.
And even though today this has been completely distorted by indifference and omission, many more were present over the course of time and returned many times to this world as servers, servants, disciples and apostles to be present in collaboration and in service to humanity.
Certain groups of souls, which achieved the experience of Christic Love, offered themselves in a way like their Master to be immersed in this humanity and in different peoples and nations of the world, to bring a continuity to the Genetic Project of God which, at this time and at this hour, are experiencing its great opportunity for correction.
Considering the entire history of the errors that occurred, from the death of the Son of God up until the present, to be amended by the power of the devotion of all My companions, by the power of those who adore the Eucharistic Body of Christ and by those who support the life of service and charity, we are in the time and at the hour for fulfilling the promises and the aspirations of the One, which have been present through the archangels and angels since Genesis.
And so, the sorrowful Passion of Christ was not only an event and a story that humanity may know about. Many planes of consciousness participated in this event; for this reason, I had to withdraw for forty days into the desert, since My most material aspect needed to prepare for that moment, even during the three years of preaching, in which humanity needed to learn to recognize the truth and identify it in order not to be lost on the way toward the Light and the Good.
For this reason, the Passion of Christ is an occurrence that will never be erased from the consciousness of the planet; it is an occurrence that can always be re-experienced and remembered as many times as you need in order to move forward in your process of purification and redemption. This way, in these events are the codes of light that you need to achieve your spiritual, cosmic and inner liberation.
With all of this I want to tell you, companions, that you must focus your awareness on the extent of that which the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant, and how many consciousnesses on the inner plans participated in the redemption of more consciousnesses that were condemned to complete damnation.
Thus, the Passion was so sorrowful because it was to overcome all the planes of consciousness. And that Passion, lived by your Lord and Master, was to reach the physical plane and the cosmic spiritual plane with His experience, where everything that happened was to remain recorded so that humanity could learn to not commit the same errors because of it having given up the Son of Man on the Cross.
The time of the sorrowful Passion of Christ today unites with this material time and this present time, in which the whole human race is faced with the opportunity of availing itself of this occurrence, which remained recorded in the deepest core of the Earth through the Blood that was poured out by your Master and Lord.
It is now when the Armageddon is present in the world that consciousnesses must be awakened for their preparation in order to be updated on the events and to participate in the preparations for the Return of Christ.
The Cross of the Redeemer will always protect you, save you and bring you the inner strength to be able to renew all things.
This is why the Holy Cross has not been erased from the memory of the planet; because it was the tree of God that was surrendering its fruits to humanity through the sacrifice of the Son of Man.
This is the time to be affirmed in this legacy that I gave you, because more intense times will come and your consciousnesses must not hesitate. You must be firm and decided to be able to follow Me until completing that which I expect from each one of you. This is also the reason for which I am here today.
Today you are experiencing communion with My Spirit through the recognition of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, from which your souls can gather the fruits and the merits that the precious poured Blood of Jesus achieved for humanity.
Now humanity must cease its self-destruction, and instead it must rebuild in a spiritual, mental and material way, to recover its filiation with Creation through these divine merits that I give the world, merits that will always give you the freedom to be in communion with the Father.
Today I will anoint you to be able to anoint humanity, in the same way that the holy women anointed all of My Body, preparing It for My burial, which after three days would show the world the power of the Resurrection.
Through this anointing that I will offer to you today, I will also anoint the whole world. I will give you the power of the spiritual Resurrection for the definitive times that will come, and through this anointing, which My holy women will do today in you, you will remember that you can always feel yourselves to be anointed by the glorious Presence of your Master and Lord.
This anointing comes to close the spiritual wounds of humanity, mental and material wounds, so that all may be regenerated and the awaited preparation may begin for the emergence of a new humanity, free of indifference and affirmed in Love, in the Love of God.
We will bring four jars of anointing oil here so that the Lord may consecrate them, in the same way that He will consecrate all the crosses that we have brought here to affirm our commitment to Him and His eternal union with each soul.
For this reason, from where we are, we will offer our cross, so that our cross may be alleviated and the cross of humanity may be alleviated of sickness, wars, persecution, political and humanitarian crises, indifference, the lack of love, the lawlessness and the evil that many souls practice because they are ignorant of the Love of God.
For this reason and motive, we will offer our crosses so that the world may achieve healing and peace. Amen.
Bless, o Lord, the cross that You have given each of Your children, so that it not be a weight or an agony but rather a constant perseverance of the triumph of Your Love through transformation and redemption.
"Through Your Grace and Mercy, place on these crosses the merits that Your Son achieved from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the heights of Mount Calvary, so that souls may feel fortitude in these times, so that any fear may be dissolved, and Your creatures be filled by the abundant trust of Your merciful Heart. And in this way, just as today you bless and anoint these crosses with Your Spirit, bless and anoint, beloved Father, each one of their families and loved ones, so that the great network of Your Mercy and Your Peace may be united and alive in the hearts of those who believe in My Return to humanity. Amen."
Let us lift up our crosses so that the Lord may bless them through the powerful Light of His Wounds. We can bring our crosses to our hearts.
Now we will move on to the blessing of the oil, of the four oils that Our Lord requested and that represent the four principal races of the planet: the race of the Americas, the race of Africa, the race of Europe, and the race of Asia and Oceania.
We open ourselves to this spiritual anointment and for this material anointment, which we will receive through the Mothers of Christ, in the name of humanity and of this Genetic Project, which must be accomplished through all the self-summoned.
Through the anointing which each of us will receive at this moment, it will also be permitted that all those who are behind us on the spiritual path and are waiting to enter this stream and Work of Love of the Christ, may have the opportunity of being participants in the Presence of the Divine Hierarchy.
So while we are anointed at this time, let us keep in mind all those who are behind each of us and are waiting for their awakening and redemption, in the same way that throughout time we are redeemed and anointed by the spiritual Love of Christ.
Mother María Shimani and Friar Joaquín.
Mother María del Salvador and Friar Luciano.
Mother María Getsemaní and Friar Ariel.
Mother Zorobabel and Friar Gabriel Pío.
And before beginning this anointing, which will attempt to bring a spiritual healing to humanity through the four races represented on our planet, each one of us, even though not present here in this place or in this Marian Center, will make our inner offering through a minute of silence, so that peace and healing may be reached in humanity.
We make our offering in silence; and we make this offering, at the request of Christ, for all those who have died because of the current pandemic. We ask for healing, Mercy and forgiveness. We make our offering for these souls.
I lift up your intentions to Heaven so that the Celestial Father may contemplate them within His Source. May this spiritual and inner anointing bring all the results that humanity needs at this time.
For those who have unjustly endured, may the Father have Mercy.
For those who are unjustly suffering, may the Father have Mercy.
For those who are enduring illness, desolation or death while alone, may the Father have Mercy.
For the small and most innocent, for those who are trafficked, exploited and sold, may the Father have Mercy.
For all the unborn children, which are millions in the world, may the Father have Mercy.
May peace, renewal and faith awaken in all hearts.
So be it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And so we say goodbye to Our Lord. And for His request for this Sacrament of Anointing, we will repeat the song that we heard at the beginning of this work: "The Power of the Blood of Jesus."
In your prayers, cry out for the planet, for the deepest essence of the Earth, for its Kingdoms and elements, for its spirit.
Cry out for the gift of life that the Creator placed in this world; a life capable of renewing and recreating all existence; a life coming from the Holy Spirit of God and which holds His Divine Breath within it.
Cry out that this gift may express, grow and be revealed to the world, to the consciousness and the hearts of humankind.
Cry out, child, so that this planet may find relief and all the spiritual life hidden within it, supporting existence on Earth, may it find hope and motivation for continuing this sacred and unknown labor for humankind.
Cry out for the very consciousness of the planet. Do not forget to dedicate some time to this feminine and maternal spirit that protects the Project and Divine Will since the beginning.
Be grateful for the life that manifests on Earth, be grateful for its Kingdoms, be a part of this Creation, which expresses unity and harmony with the All.
The time has come for being aware of the participation of humanity in the support of the planet, and this is material, inner and spiritual. On all levels, the human consciousness must take action, because the men and women of this planet are the link between the dimensions, they are the bridge to the Heart of God.
For this reason, be a bridge through love, prayer and gratitude. Be a bridge with the Infinite through a simple and eternal union with God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While you cry out for Mercy, in your heart contemplate those who do not know God.
In your heart contemplate the ignorant of soul and spirit, who do not believe in a higher reality and who suffer for not seeking in God the encouragement and the purpose of their lives.
While you cry out for Mercy, contemplate the seas and the oceans, the violated Kingdoms of Nature and, with your consciousness, travel through each needy space of this planet. In this way, find the meaning of your prayer, of your song, of your cry, of your life.
Contemplate the consciousness of this planet, the Infinity and the Time of God. In this way, child, while you pray, aspire for this Higher Life so that it may come to the world as a healing of all the ills and deceits, as the doorway toward redemption for all souls.
Give meaning and depth to your prayer, each day enter deeper into your heart and, in this way, you will enter more deeply into the Heart of God. Like a mirror, you will be in God and He, in you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the sacred places of the planet, collect the deepest and most hidden history of humanity. Let this history awaken in your hearts like an ancient memory that remained silent in the depths of your souls.
May this record, revealed today, be an impulse for you so that your hearts may return to purity, to the sacred and to the aspiration to be a living part of the Plan of God.
There is still much about this world that remains merely a memory in the souls of those who experienced it and in the consciousness of the planet and its Kingdoms.
It is time to remember, not to stay in the past, but so that all that you have already experienced as humanity may propel you today into taking new steps. Humanity needs to know what it has already done and what it has already experienced in order to understand what it still awaits.
In very ancient times, purity carried you into transfiguration, and surrender led you into participating in Laws that transcended matter so that you could participate in what is invisible and seemingly unachievable to you.
May purity emerge again within you today so that you may discover other Laws and, through surrender, not only be participants in subtle worlds, but also allow these worlds, in the material dimension of the Earth, to find their space, the sacred place to manifest what was promised from the beginning.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While very important decisions are made, after the last 8th of August, unexpected situations are defined within this planetary consciousness, and the nations of the world, little by little, are placed before the Universal Judgement.
This means that, depending on what the consciousnesses choose in the coming time, is how the end of the times will be shown, and nobody will be able to stop the results coming from this election.
Thus, souls must pray so that the events do not surprise them overnight and so that everything you may see and witness not be too intense for you.
With your prayers, place the nations within My Mercy, even though some nations may have closed their doors to God through their ignorance and indifference.
May everything and everyone enter into My Mercy so that, on some level of consciousness, something may receive the chance and the grace that it so needs.
I only ask that you be strong in prayer and peaceful in service; in this way, you will also help other brothers and sisters during the time of the great and definitive events.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
God the Father establishes His Sacred Geometries by means of pilgrimages to the different nations and cultures of the world.
In this human diversity, the Father tries, by means of His Sacred Geometry, to have His Children of the Earth resume the essence of what they were in the beginning and before committing errors.
It is in this way that the Divine Messengers gradually draw, in the inner planes, the principles of these geometries, and thus important spiritual matrixes are established by means of the word, instruction, the Sacraments, Mercy and Grace.
The Sacred Geometries of God try, at this time, to have souls remember their origins so that in this Origin they can recover what they lost, that which is spiritual and divine, in these times, when modernity and influences deviate hearts from the path of fulfillment of their mission.
For this reason, the Sacred Hearts, while they go on pilgrimage in the world, take souls to the path of awakening so that the spirit of each being can recognize the Love of God within, and unite to the Eternal Father.
There, in this union, in this divine alliance, the soul comes into contact with the Sacred Geometries which are, in essence, the Virtues of God and His Greater Purpose for humanity.
For this reason, when a pilgrimage is fulfilled, as was this one that has just concluded in Europe, the Divine Hierarchy manages to finish establishing, in the inner planes, these Sacred Geometries that bring with them impulses of renewal for the nations, of awakening to a life of disinterested service and especially, these Sacred Geometries establish peace among peoples for greater periods of time.
In this sense, the Sacred Geometries always manifest, from the beginning to the end of a pilgrimage, and they can continue working for a longer time, although the pilgrimage has ended.
In this way, a mystery is projected upon the consciousnesses of nations and this mystery is unveiled when the consciousness adheres to the Divine Purpose, often without understanding or knowing it.
But every purpose is based on love, and it is this love that approaches the suffering souls so that they may experience it in the joy of finding God again, and of being able to live forgiveness and Mercy.
For this reason, in each new pilgrimage, new Sacred Geometries are delivered by the Divine Messengers to be sown in the consciousness of nations and, in consequence, in humanity.
All this spiritual and divine movement deactivates points of world conflict, as the hidden bases of exploitation, corruption and trafficking of persons, and also the Kingdoms of Nature are benefitted by the Sacred Geometries of God.
Thus, the planet, as a consciousness that lives and feels, breathes again.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When a nation cries out, listen to its clamor and pray for peace.
Sometimes, children, it is not only the souls of a nation that cry out for help, for liberation and for peace. Each nation has a spiritual life, a divine principle which was given to it, to guide its expression and the mission of its people.
The spirit of the nation is the consciousness that includes all life inhabited there, on different levels. It is the spiritual space that holds the purpose of God for all different peoples that inhabit the Earth. It is a living state of consciousness which keeps, protects and supports the evolution of nations.
The spirit of a nation assists its growth and influences the inner steps of the people who live there. Yet, in the same way, it is also influenced by the life of beings and by all that happens in that nation.
When peoples experience conflicts and, little by little, beings destroy their own essences by means of hatred and of the fear generated in wars, the spirit of this nation also gradually dies and distances from its purpose.
When a people chooses the path of darkness through its customs, habits and ways of living, the spirit of that nation is also influenced. For this reason, when the Creator can intervene in the planet through the prayers of His children, His Eyes also lie on the spirits of nations. When a people cries out through the souls who ask for help, the spirit of that nation cries out even louder.
The spirits of nations are parts of the spirit of the planet, they are bodies of that spiritual consciousness of the Earth, and all this is part of the science of Divine Creation. All this is part of the Plan of God for the evolution of His children.
In the beginning, when the Father created lands and seas, He also created the spirits of those lands and the spirit of seas. Everything within the Divine Creation is life. Therefore, children, learn to listen with your inner ears to the clamor that arises from the depths of nations, and unite to that request of peace and of redemption of the planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Hear My words, Oh God. I pray for the beings of this world, that they may awaken to Your Love; that they may find Your Peace.
I pray that the indifferent hearts open to the truth about themselves, that they may have the Grace of seeking the path of forgiveness and of redemption.
I pray that those who are awake, awaken even more, so that each day they may draw ever closer to the Divine Will and the return to the celestial origin.
I pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, that they may be relieved of their pain and may find peace and the path for their evolution, in love and in brotherhood with human beings.
I pray for the consciousness of the Earth, that it may no longer suffer and may find the hope of being in God, under Your Laws, under Your Will, fulfilling Your Plan.
I pray, Oh Father, for the life You created, that it may return to Your Heart.
Today, I look at the world and simply unite My Heart with Yours, Oh God, to thus create a path of union between the consciousness of humankind and Your Sacred and Infinite Heart.
Hear, Oh God, this prayer for peace and grant peace to the world.
So be it.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In your prayers, learn to listen to the voice of the planet and its Kingdoms. Listen to their clamor, which becomes calmer and quieter just by being heard.
The Earth cries out for unity among beings, for communion among the life that inhabits it and evolves upon it. Allow that your prayer also be for the consciousness of the planet and for its Kingdoms. Let your silence be a prayer for hearing the cry of the world and thus, for repairing it.
Listen, because nature itself also prays in the sound of the wind, of the trees, of the birds, of the animals, in the silence of life.
The expression of nature is a prayer that, when beings become silent, they can understand and participate in it. Place your words in this prayer for unity and become a part of the prayer for life.
God also speaks to you, child, through the silence of nature. Learn to listen to it.
When beings learn to live in prayer and in communion with life, then they will know peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions,
Everything is now prepared for the glorious descent of your Master and Lord.
Everything was prepared with love by the hands and hearts of My followers.
The victorious door of merits and the legacy of the Passion and of the Resurrection of your Lord will open again.
All the spiritual Universe is awaiting the great moment in which the Shepherd and King of kings will return to celebrate the redeeming Communion with His friends.
While the doors of the Universe are opening, as time goes by, the pressure and oppression of the hells are becoming unbearable, since the powerful Codes of Christ are descending over the consciousness of the planet and of humanity.
Thus, the seven angels of the trumpets are positioning themselves in the proper places, while the Arc of the Holy Covenant, that carries the Holy Chalice with it, is placed near the dimension of the Earth.
All that is contrary will become paralyzed during the eight days, when the Son of God descends in spirit to Earth, and the end will begin within humanity.
I thank you for truly accompanying me during this Sacred Week!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Each day that the commemoration of the Passion of your Lord approaches, prepare your heart.
Prepare it with songs and prayer, prepare it with silence and with awareness knowing that Christ, with His Presence, will bring a new cycle to the Earth.
Let your heart inspire others, as well as the consciousness of the Earth itself, so that all may be prepared to face the Lord.
Today He comes in Spirit; tomorrow He will come in Glory. And soon the time will come to know His true Face, for one day the prophecies will be fulfilled, one day you will see the Lord and His mysteries, face to face.
It will be in the Presence of Christ that you will truly understand His Words, kept in the Gospels. With a simple look and with the movement of His Hands, He will reveal everything that was hidden in His teaching and, at that moment, humankind will recognize its limitations and its ignorance and will humbly open to the new life.
The Presence of Christ will speak for itself. His Gaze will remove evil from within humanity and His Heart will multiply in the hearts of those who with love have waited for Him.
Prepare your hearts to experience what I tell you and do not fear.
After all the hardships of humanity, the celestial prophecies will be fulfilled and all will be as was said.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I come with the Sun, with the Child Jesus in My arms, to bless the world and ask you to pray.
Pray for the souls that agonize for not comprehending the tests of these times, and pray for those who committed themselves to the planetary rescue and do not fulfill their missions.
Pray for those who are sick in spirit, submitting others to suffering, and pray for those who suffer due to living the injustices imposed by humanity at this time.
Pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, more and more outraged and forgotten every day, as if they were not part of the Divine Consciousness. The humanity that mistreats them does not know that it is God Himself that they offend and kill, every day.
Pray for the planetary consciousness that, despite sustaining the Earth, lives the constant indifference of humanity who, blinded by their ignorance, do not know their spirits or even give thanks for the life that is given to them.
Pray, children, because the world needs repair, the souls need salvation and the moment has come for the Earth to enter other Laws, another time, another cycle of its evolution, in which the suffering and ignorance that lead humanity toward a lack of love will no longer take place.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May prayer be your first thought before beginning each new day. Think of God, of His Plan, of His Will and, in a simple dialogue with the Creator, thank the Father for another opportunity to learn about love.
Therefore, child, pray for this world and for its Kingdoms; pray for the souls and for all the life that inhabits it.
Pray for the consciousness of the planet and for those that silently sustain this world, within levels still invisible to your eyes.
Pray for the purpose of each being, for the purpose of this planet and of the whole Universe, even though it is unknown to you.
Pray for the Plan of God, not only for your life but for all life, beyond the Earth.
Understand that, just like this world, all other worlds were created with a Divine Purpose and pray that all may find this Higher Will.
Pray for the return of Christ to the Earth, so that all beings may be ready to look into the Eyes of the Lord and recognize Him, and thus repent their faults and achieve Redemption.
Pray for those who must accompany Christ in His second coming to this world, so that all may be awake and their commitment to the Lord may be alive.
Pray for the new life and pray for the new humanity, so that all beings may allow themselves to be defeated and surrender before God, and a new life may emerge from them.
The most important thing in your life, child, is prayer.
Pray sincerely and pray truthfully. Deepen in your spiritual life. Thus, difficulties will not weaken you, nor will the Truth haunt you; but within you, all will be revealed and your inner world will be ready for all cycles, willing to face everything that will come.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When men assault life and imbalance the Laws, the Laws themselves, sooner or later, return as a consequence of human actions.
After so many centuries of outrages and of indifference towards life on Earth, now the time has come when the Laws of Equilibrium and of Return begin to show the consequences of human actions.
The same seriousness of the actions caused by men in the consciousness of the planet will return in the expressions of the imbalance of Nature and in the disasters caused by the own works of humanity.
Throughout the four corners of the Earth, the return of the Laws will be seen and there will be nothing able to stop them because this was the learning humanity chose when building its life on Earth.
Those who are consistent with the Divine Laws, that comply with them, obey them and love them, will be worthy of gathering the fruits of a higher life, those fruits that, perhaps, will not be known in this world but in others.
The only thing the Creator asks of you is that you may work untiringly to balance the imbalances of this world and that you may not continue to feeding the currents of chaos, anger, discord, but be aware that you must attract to the world the evolutionary vibrations that will make it worthy of a new life.
Before the negative consequences of human actions, it is time to bring balance with service, prayer, fraternity, hope and, above all, love.
Meditate upon what I tell you and make your lives the weight that positively balances the scales of the Justice of God for this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more