And now that all the principles, attributes and teachings of the Great Indigenous Fraternity of North America were activated in the inner world of some beings, the time has come for all these attributes, principles and teachings to be lovingly shared with the Cherokee consciousness so that this sacred people, that up to today has deviated from its purpose with the arrival of the white man, may recover the whole legacy that, in essence, is the same for all original peoples of North America.
The spiritual Hierarchy hopes to carry forward an inner task so that the Cherokee consciousness may receive a new impulse after the one that was given throughout the visit of the pilgrimage group in 2016.
Now a new opportunity has appeared for the Divine Hierarchy, and all these indigenous souls will again be contemplated by the Eternal Father so that at least their innermost and most essential parts may be assisted, and this will occur through a meeting of confraternity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
From the high mountains of the Himalayas to the high mountains of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, the Masters descend in pilgrimage to experience the sacred meeting with the essences of humanity.
Through the flutes and mantras, They attract the immaculate spirit of compassion and, for a moment, souls feel protected and consoled by the maternal womb of the Earth.
The sacred East shows itself to the distant West and, thus, an intimate communion between the peoples of Tibet and the peoples of the indigenous consciousness is experienced, because both recognize the same Origin that created them.
For this reason, today they unite in spirit and offer their schools so that the school of redemption of this current humanity may be accomplished in all beings.
From the Himalayas, the mantras resound, and the flutes of the original peoples emit the melodies that the human race needs to hear in this time so that it may see the great portal of redemption.
And so the Grand Canyon experiences its silent ceremony, and the fruits of knowledge and of experience are offered for the transfiguration of humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Like the water flowing into the Colorado River, today I pour out a spring of Grace, Mercy and Pity upon the great consciousness of the indigenous fraternity so that its remnants upon the surface, all the descendants of the great tribes of North America, may receive the spiritual help they need ignorer to be able to preserve the values of their spirituality and of their contact with nature and the Universe.
For this, the great coyote of the south, as well as the eagle, send their spirit of love, just as the bear of the forests of the west and the White Buffalo of the north of America unite to protect and safeguard the sacred roots of a legacy that was dismissed with the arrival of the white man. But this legacy is held latent in the Inner Chambers of the planet.
May the peoples of North America stand up, and again feel in their hearts the sacred energy of the Universe, which impels them and elevates their consciousnesses.
Through the Kingdoms of Nature, may the relics of indigenous knowledge someday be recognized by humanity so that it too may recover the values it has lost.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There are certain pains of the past of the indigenous consciousness that can only be healed with love and forgiveness.
Thus, these wounds, which are still open and that nobody has yet healed, begin to close when there are praying souls on the surface of the Earth willing to collaborate in the total liberation of these traumatic events which happened throughout the history of the planet. The silent, chaste and pure nature is a witness to these events that marked the evolution of the human race.
But for the planet to enter into a new dimension of consciousness, humanity and all those who were linked to these events must free themselves from these chains and errors. In this way, the wound of the indigenous and ancestral consciousness of the planet will be able to continue on pilgrimage towards the life of the spirit, and its devotion and reverence to that which is sacred will not be lost, but rather will give impulse to the ascension of them all and to those who committed brutal extermination throughout the history of this world.
Thus, Mercy will act and forgive the mistakes committed.
I thank you for keeping my worlds in the heart!
Who blesses you, your Master and Lord,
Christ Jesus
The Meeting of Mercy has finished, the spiritual Hierarchy withdraws from the Amazon, having been able, not only to transmute and free the suffering of the lower Kingdoms, but also to protect and safeguard the spiritual treasures that this sacred forest holds within itself.
In this way, the original peoples and their roots of wisdom and of brotherhood will also become more strengthened over time, so that the indigenous consciousness may continue to be the guardian of the treasures and relics of the Hierarchies.
Thus, the Amazon must now be more present than before, not only in the consciousness of Brazilians, but also in all those that, beyond what is material, understand the significance and the meaning of the Kingdoms of Nature being part of the spiritual, mental and material evolution of human beings and that, without their presence, human evolution would remain unfinished.
For this reason, all those who pray must have the practice of caring for and protecting one of the Kingdoms of Nature, be it mineral, plant or animal, so that, through such loving service, the spiritual reprieve may continue to expand the Divine Grace that will manage to compensate for the grave errors that the human being commits against all ecosystems of the Earth.
Remember and never forget that your service to the Kingdoms will be in the name of the Amazon and that it will also benefit the rest of humanity.
I thank you for moving forward with initiatives of peace!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today I bring you My Heart of gold and silver so that It may be sown in the spiritual consciousness of the Amazon, so that the native peoples may again find the path to the portal of El Dorado and, in this way, essentially reacquire the sacred value of their traditions which, with harmony and light, throughout times has allowed protection and shelter for the sacred Eden of God.
I bring you My Heart of gold and silver so that the essence of the minerals that are exploited and sold may not be lost, so that the blessed green soil of the Amazon may continue to shelter the inner treasures that it holds, and that which no human being will be able to attain.
May My Heart of gold and silver remind the indigenous consciousness of the possibility for returning to its sacred origins so that, from children to the elderly, they may enter through the golden doorway of My Heart to the spiritual and divine city, a place where nobody will any longer take away their roots or their lands.
I leave My Heart of gold and silver so that the more remote native peoples may meet with the Sun Child Who comes from the stars to bless them.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Argentina is a land full of tradition and culture. It is a people that come from important indigenous roots that originate, from Tierra del Fuego to La Quiaca, to innumerable ways of relating to and communicating with God.
Thus, Argentina is one of the peoples that maintains its culture, beyond time and tendencies. In the hearts of Argentines is the memory of the Confraternity and of the Brotherhood.
Because of being a nation with a first ray temperament, Argentina has had to learn to moderate its reactions through love so that in its consciousness and in its culture may be maintained the striving effort through daily work and a particular devotion born of that strength and love that the nation holds for the Divinity.
Over time, the traditions of Argentina deviated. One of the reasons why your Lord will return to Argentina will be to reintegrate, in the consciousness of that people, the values that made it a nation strengthened in their work and devoted in their way of uniting with God.
Through the meetings that will happen in the month of August, each one of the Argentines will be presented with the opportunity of being in God and, beyond everything, of celebrating with a special victory, the return of Divine Love to their consciousnesses.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Before His daily Apparition, the Master appeared walking in an indigenous community in Brasilia, DF, Brazil. He was helping and supporting the original peoples; after that He came to us and transmitted His message.
Dear brothers and sisters:
You know that, now and always, the entire humanity forms part of the incalculable source of My Divine Mercy.
Today My Heart wants to pour out Its Graces, not only in the entire world but also, in a special way, upon all the original peoples that have appeared since the beginning of the project of God.
With such a goal, today I give you a new exercise of devotion, which will assist in conserving and protecting the spiritual and loving culture of all your original brothers and sisters. They too, at this time, are deserving of My Divine Mercy. All the religious and devotees that will pray this devotional will be able to channel many Graces over the consciousness of all these peoples. Spiritually they are in need of recovering their identity before God, the identity and the purity that was interfered with by the modernities of today's world.
For this, I ask you that the Sacred Devotional to the Heart of Jesus for the Indigenous Consciousness be prayed fervently on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and especially on Wednesdays, together with the prayer of the Five Sacred Wounds. This will have important spiritual repercussions in Heaven and I promise to be attentive to the voice of your supplications.
This Sacred Devotional has the goal to protect, through the Sacred Heart of Jesus, all the original consciousnesses, the ones that you call the Indigenous Consciousness.
Since the origin, when I was on Earth, the Father trusted Me with the revelation about the existence of all these brothers in the Americas. After My Work in the Middle East I made the promise to bring My Mercy to the Americas with the goal that this continent be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
This devotional may be prayed as many times as the soul feels the necessity to unite herself with My Purpose of salvation of this Sacred Indigenous Consciousness. Now you shall exercise the devotional in the following manner:
Sacred Devotional to the Heart of Jesus
for the Indigenous Consciousness
Union bead
For the Invincible Force
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Beloved Father,
attend to and listen to our supplications.
First decade
For the Invincible Force
of the Heart of Jesus,
all peoples are rescued.
Second decade
For the Powerful Fire
that springs from the Heart of Jesus,
all peoples are saved.
Third decade
For the Unfathomable Light
that the Sacred Heart of Jesus emanates,
the entire Indigenous Consciousness is sheltered.
Fourth decade
For the Sublime Flame of Love
that the Sacred Heart of Jesus radiates,
all original peoples are reconciled.
Fifth decade
For the Sacred Merits achieved by Jesus Christ
during His Passion on the Cross,
Beloved Father, unite us now and always.
Have a good experience of love and of prayer for your brothers and sisters.
Under the Grace of God, be blessed.
Thank you for responding to the command of My Heart,
Christ Jesus.
At the end of the message we asked the Master “why so many tasks of prayer for all of us?”
Christ answered:
“With so many prayers transmitted, they are proportional to the necessity of light on the Planet.”
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more